40 resultados para Ostergren, Robert C.: The Europeans: a geography of people, culture and environment
BACKGROUND: The mean age of acute dengue has undergone a shift towards older ages. This fact points towards the relevance of assessing the influence of age-related comorbidities, such as diabetes, on the clinical presentation of dengue episodes. Identification of factors associated with a severe presentation is of high relevance, because timely treatment is the most important intervention to avert complications and death. This review summarizes and evaluates the published evidence on the association between diabetes and the risk of a severe clinical presentation of dengue. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: A systematic literature review was conducted using the MEDLINE database to access any relevant association between dengue and diabetes. Five case-control studies (4 hospital-based, 1 population-based) compared the prevalence of diabetes (self-reported or abstracted from medical records) of persons with dengue (acute or past; controls) and patients with severe clinical manifestations. All except one study were conducted before 2009 and all studies collected information towards WHO 1997 classification system. The reported odds ratios were formally summarized by random-effects meta-analyses. A diagnosis of diabetes was associated with an increased risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue (OR 1.75; 95% CI: 1.08-2.84, p = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Large prospective studies that systematically and objectively obtain relevant signs and symptoms of dengue fever episodes as well as of hyperglycemia in the past, and at the time of dengue diagnosis, are needed to properly address the effect of diabetes on the clinical presentation of an acute dengue fever episode. The currently available epidemiological evidence is very limited and only suggestive. The increasing global prevalence of both dengue and diabetes justifies further studies. At this point, confirmation of dengue infection as early as possible in diabetes patients with fever if living in dengue endemic regions seems justified. The presence of this co-morbidity may warrant closer observation for glycemic control and adapted fluid management to diminish the risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue.
UNLABELLED: NYVAC, a highly attenuated, replication-restricted poxvirus, is a safe and immunogenic vaccine vector. Deletion of immune evasion genes from the poxvirus genome is an attractive strategy for improving the immunogenic properties of poxviruses. Using systems biology approaches, we describe herein the enhanced immunological profile of NYVAC vectors expressing the HIV-1 clade C env, gag, pol, and nef genes (NYVAC-C) with single or double deletions of genes encoding type I (ΔB19R) or type II (ΔB8R) interferon (IFN)-binding proteins. Transcriptomic analyses of human monocytes infected with NYVAC-C, NYVAC-C with the B19R deletion (NYVAC-C-ΔB19R), or NYVAC-C with B8R and B19R deletions (NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R) revealed a concerted upregulation of innate immune pathways (IFN-stimulated genes [ISGs]) of increasing magnitude with NYVAC-C-ΔB19R and NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R than with NYVAC-C. Deletion of B8R and B19R resulted in an enhanced activation of IRF3, IRF7, and STAT1 and the robust production of type I IFNs and of ISGs, whose expression was inhibited by anti-type I IFN antibodies. Interestingly, NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R induced the production of much higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor [TNF], interleukin-6 [IL-6], and IL-8) than NYVAC-C or NYVAC-C-ΔB19R as well as a strong inflammasome response (caspase-1 and IL-1β) in infected monocytes. Top network analyses showed that this broad response mediated by the deletion of B8R and B19R was organized around two upregulated gene expression nodes (TNF and IRF7). Consistent with these findings, monocytes infected with NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R induced a stronger type I IFN-dependent and IL-1-dependent allogeneic CD4(+) T cell response than monocytes infected with NYVAC-C or NYVAC-C-ΔB19R. Dual deletion of type I and type II IFN immune evasion genes in NYVAC markedly enhanced its immunogenic properties via its induction of the increased expression of type I IFNs and IL-1β and make it an attractive candidate HIV vaccine vector. IMPORTANCE: NYVAC is a replication-deficient poxvirus developed as a vaccine vector against HIV. NYVAC expresses several genes known to impair the host immune defenses by interfering with innate immune receptors, cytokines, or interferons. Given the crucial role played by interferons against viruses, we postulated that targeting the type I and type II decoy receptors used by poxvirus to subvert the host innate immune response would be an attractive approach to improve the immunogenicity of NYVAC vectors. Using systems biology approaches, we report that deletion of type I and type II IFN immune evasion genes in NYVAC poxvirus resulted in the robust expression of type I IFNs and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), a strong activation of the inflammasome, and upregulated expression of IL-1β and proinflammatory cytokines. Dual deletion of type I and type II IFN immune evasion genes in NYVAC poxvirus improves its immunogenic profile and makes it an attractive candidate HIV vaccine vector.
Plusieurs études populationnelles ont montré l'existence d'une association entre des taux sanguins élevés de transferrine et le syndrome métabolique (SM). Bien que cette association soit bien établie, restent encore à être décrites les associations entre le SM et les autres marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer, tels que le fer, la transferrine (Tsf), la capacité totale de fixation de la transferrine (CTF) ou la saturation de la transferrine (SaTsf) sanguins. Le but de notre étude a été d'identifier les associations entre les différents marqueurs du métabolisme du fer (fer, ferritine, Tsf, CTF et SaTsf) et le SM. Les données de l'étude CoLaus, récoltées entre 2003 et 2006, ont été utilisées. Le SM était défini selon les critères du National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Panel III. L'analyse statistique a été faite en stratifiant selon le genre ainsi que le status ménopausal chez les femmes. Des 6733 participants, 1235 (18%) ont été exclus de fait d'absence de données concernant les variables qui nous intéressaient, ou chez qui nous avons soupçonné une possible hémochromatose non diagnostiquée (SaTsf> 50%). Des 5498 participants restant (âge moyen ± écart-type: 53 ± 11 ans), 2596 étaient des hommes, 1285 des femmes pré- et 1617 des femmes postménopausées. La prévalence du SM était de 29,4% chez les hommes, 8,3% et 25,5% chez les femmes pré- et postménopausées, respectivement. Dans les trois groupes, la prévalence du SM était la plus haute dans les quartiles les plus élevés de ferritine, Tsf et CTF, ainsi que dans le quartile le plus bas de SaTsf. Après ajustement sur l'âge, l'indice de masse corporelle, la protéine C réactive, la consommation de tabac et/ou d'alcool, la prise de suppléments en fer et les marqueurs hépatiques, l'appartenance au quartile le plus élevé de ferritine, Tsf ou CTF était associée à un risque plus important de SM chez les hommes et les femmes postménopausées : Odds ratio (OR) et [intervalle de confiance à 95%] pour la ferritine 1.44 [1.07-1.94] et 1.47 [0.99-2.17]; pour la Tsf et la CTF, OR=1.43 [1.06-1.91] et 2.13 [1.44-3.15] pour les hommes et les femmes postménopausées, respectivement. Au contraire, l'appartenance au quartile le plus élevé de la SaTsf était associé à un risque moins important de SM: OR=0.77 [0.57-1.05] et 0.59 [0.39-0.90] pour les hommes et les femmes postménopausées, respectivement. Il n'y avait aucune association entre les marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer et le SM chez les femmes préménopausées, ni entre le fer sanguin et le SM chez les trois groupes. En conclusion, la majorité des marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer, mais pas le fer lui-même, sont associés de manière indépendante au SM chez les hommes et les femmes postménopausées. -- Context: Excessive iron storage has been associated with metabolic syndrome (MS). Objective: To assess the association between markers of iron metabolism and MS in a healthy population. Design: Cross-sectional study conducted between 2003 and 2006. Setting: Population-based study in Lausanne, Switzerland. Patients: 5,498 participants aged 35-75 years, stratified by sex and menopausal status. Participants with transferrin saturation (TSAT) >50% were excluded. Intervention: None. Main Outcome Measures: serum iron, ferritin, transferrin, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and TSAT. MS was defined according to ATP-III criteria. Results: Prevalence of MS was 29.4% in men, 8.3% in premenopausal and 25.5% in postmenopausal women. On bivariate analysis, the highest prevalence of MS occurred in the highest quartiles of serum ferritin, transferrin and TIBC, and in the lowest quartile of TSAT. After multivariate adjustment for age, body mass index, C-reactive protein, smoking, alcohol, liver markers and iron supplementation, men and postmenopausal women in the highest quartile of serum ferritin, transferrin and TIBC had a higher risk of presenting with MS: for ferritin, Odds ratio and [95% CI]=1.44 [1.07-1.94] for men and 1.47 [0.99-2.17] for postmenopausal women; for transferrin and TIBC, OR=1.43 [1.06-1.91] and 2.13 [1.44-3.15], Participants in the highest quartile of TSAT had a lower risk of MS: OR=0.77 [0.57-1.05] for men and 0.59 [0.39-0.90] for postmenopausal women. No association was found between iron and MS and between markers of iron metabolism and MS in premenopausal women. Conclusion: Ferritin, transferrin, TIBC are positively and TSAT is negatively associated with MS in men and postmenopausal women.
A growing number of studies have been addressing the relationship between theory of mind (TOM) and executive functions (EF) in patients with acquired neurological pathology. In order to provide a global overview on the main findings, we conducted a systematic review on group studies where we aimed to (1) evaluate the patterns of impaired and preserved abilities of both TOM and EF in groups of patients with acquired neurological pathology and (2) investigate the existence of particular relations between different EF domains and TOM tasks. The search was conducted in Pubmed/Medline. A total of 24 articles met the inclusion criteria. We considered for analysis classical clinically accepted TOM tasks (first- and second-order false belief stories, the Faux Pas test, Happe's stories, the Mind in the Eyes task, and Cartoon's tasks) and EF domains (updating, shifting, inhibition, and access). The review suggests that (1) EF and TOM appear tightly associated. However, the few dissociations observed suggest they cannot be reduced to a single function; (2) no executive subprocess could be specifically associated with TOM performances; (3) the first-order false belief task and the Happe's story task seem to be less sensitive to neurological pathologies and less associated to EF. Even though the analysis of the reviewed studies demonstrates a close relationship between TOM and EF in patients with acquired neurological pathology, the nature of this relationship must be further investigated. Studies investigating ecological consequences of TOM and EF deficits, and intervention researches may bring further contributions to this question.
Summary For the nutritional management of bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis it is important to identify nutrients that positively influence the bone remodeling process at the cellular level. Soy isoflavones show promising osteoprotective effects in animals and humans but their mechanism of action in bone cells is yet poorly understood. Firstly, soy tissue cultures were characterized as a new and optimized source of isoflavones. A large variability in the isoflavone content was observed and high-producing strains (46.3 mg/g dry wt isoflavones) were identified. In the Ishikawa cells bioassay, the estrogenicity of isoflavones was confirmed to be 1000 to 10000 less than 17Mestradiol and that of the malonyl forms was shown for the first time (EC50 of 350 nM and 1880 nM for malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin, respectively). The estrogenic activity of soya tissue culture extracts correlated to their isoflavone content. Secondly, the effects of phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway, as key mediators of bone formation, were investigated. Dietary achievable concentrations of genistein and daidzein (10vM), and statins (4xM) but not 17M estradiol (10nM), induced BMP-2 gene expression (by up to 3-fold) and inhibited the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway (by up to 50%) in the human osteoblastic cell line hP0B¬tert. In addition, several plant extracts (Cyperus rotundus, Lindera benzoin and Cnidium monnieri) induced BMP-2 gene expression but this induction was not restricted to the inhibition of the cholesterol synthesis pathway neither to the estrogenicity. Finally, the gene expression profiles during hP0B-tert differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone were analyzed with the Affymetrix human GeneChip. 1665 different genes and 98 ESTs were significantly regulated. The expression profiles of bone-related genes was largely in agreement with previously documented patterns, supporting the physiological relevance of the genomic results and the hP0B-tert cell line as a valid model of human osteoblast differentiation. The expression of alternative differentiation markers during the osteogenic treatment of hP0B-tert cells indicated that the adipocyte and myoblast differentiation pathways were repressed, confirming that these culture conditions allowed only osteoblast differentiation. The gene ontology analysis identified further sub-groups of genes that may be involved in the bone formation process. Aims of the thesis In order to define new strategies for the nutritional management of bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis the major goal of the present work was to investigate the potential of phytonutrients to positively modulate the bone formation process at the cellular level and, in particular: 1.To select and optimise alternative plant sources containing high levels of isoflavones with estrogenic activity (Chapter 3). 2.To compare the effects of statins and phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway and to select new plant extracts with a bone anabolic potential (Chapter 4). 3.To further characterize the new human periosteal cell line, hP0B-tert, as a bone- formation model, by elucidating its gene expression profile during differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone (Chapter 5).
Purpose: to assess the trends of self-reported prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CV RFs: hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes) and their management for period 1992 to 2007 in the Swiss population. Methods: four National health interview surveys conducted between 1992 and 2007 in representative samples of the Swiss population (63,782 subjects overall). Self-reported CV RFs prevalence, treatment and controllevels were computed after weighting. Weights were calculated by raking ratio such that the marginal distribution of the weighted totals conforms to the marginal distribution of the targeted population. Multivariate analysis adjusted on age, sex, education, nationality and SMI was conducted using logistic regression. Results: prevalence of ail CV RFs increased between 1992 and 2007, see table. Although the self-reported prevalence of treatment among subjects with CV RFs increased, and this was confirmed by multivariate analysis: OR for hypocholesterolaemic treatment relative to 1992: 0.64 [0.52-0.78]; 1.39 [1.18-1.65] and 2.00 [1.69-2.36] for 1997, 2002 and 2007, respectively. Still, in 2007, circa 40% of hypertensive, 60% of dyslipidaemic and 50% of diabetic subjects weren't treated. Conversely, an adequate control of CV RFs was reported by treated subjects, with an increase during the study period. This increase was confirmed by multivariate analysis (not shown). Conclusion: the self-reported prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes increased between 1992 and 2007 in the Swiss population. Despite a good control of treated subjects, still a significant percentage of subjects with CV RFs are not treated.
Originally invented for topographic imaging, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has evolved into a multifunctional biological toolkit, enabling to measure structural and functional details of cells and molecules. Its versatility and the large scope of information it can yield make it an invaluable tool in any biologically oriented laboratory, where researchers need to perform characterizations of living samples as well as single molecules in quasi-physiological conditions and with nanoscale resolution. In the last 20 years, AFM has revolutionized the characterization of microbial cells by allowing a better understanding of their cell wall and of the mechanism of action of drugs and by becoming itself a powerful diagnostic tool to study bacteria. Indeed, AFM is much more than a high-resolution microscopy technique. It can reconstruct force maps that can be used to explore the nanomechanical properties of microorganisms and probe at the same time the morphological and mechanical modifications induced by external stimuli. Furthermore it can be used to map chemical species or specific receptors with nanometric resolution directly on the membranes of living organisms. In summary, AFM offers new capabilities and a more in-depth insight in the structure and mechanics of biological specimens with an unrivaled spatial and force resolution. Its application to the study of bacteria is extremely significant since it has already delivered important information on the metabolism of these small microorganisms and, through new and exciting technical developments, will shed more light on the real-time interaction of antimicrobial agents and bacteria.
284 million people worldwide suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in 2010, which will, in approximately half of them, lead to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Although DPN is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus and the leading cause of non-traumatic amputations its pathophysiology is still poorly understood. To get more insight into the molecular mechanism underlying DPN in T2DM, I used a rodent model of T2DM, the db/db mice.¦ln vivo electrophysiological recordings of diabetic animals indicated that in addition to reduced nerve conduction velocity db/db mice also present increased nerve excitability. Further ex vivo evaluation of the electrophysiological properties of db/db nerves clearly established a presence of the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) phenotype in diabetic animals. Using pharmacological inhibitors we demonstrated that PNH is mostly mediated by the decreased activity of Kv1 channels. ln agreement with these data 1 observed that the diabetic condition led to a reduced presence of the Kv1.2 subunits in juxtaparanodal regions of db/db peripheral nerves whereas its mANA and protein expression levels were not affected. Lmportantly, I confirmed a loss of juxtaparanodal Kv1.2 subunits in nerve biopsies from type 2 diabetic patients. Together these observations indicate that the type 2 diabetic condition leads to potassium-channel mediated changes of nerve excitability thus identifying them as potential drug targets to treat sorne of the DPN related symptoms.¦Schwann cells ensheath and isolate peripheral axons by the production of myelin, which consists of lipids and proteins in a ratio of 2:1. Peripheral myelin protein 2 (= P2, Pmp2 or FABP8) was originally described as one of the most abundant myelin proteins in the peripheral nervous system. P2, which is a member of the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) family, is a 14.8 kDa cytosolic protein expressed on the cytoplasmic side of compact myelin membranes. As indicated by their name, the principal role of FABPs is thought to be the binding and transport of fatty acids.¦To study its role in myelinating glial cells I have recently generated a complete P2 knockout mouse model (P2-/-). I confirmed the loss of P2 in the sciatic nerve of P2-/- mice at the mRNA and protein level. Electrophysiological analysis of the adult (P56) mutant mice revealed a mild but significant reduction in the motor nerve conduction velocity. lnterestingly, this functional change was not accompanied by any detectable alterations in general myelin structure. However, I have observed significant alterations in the mRNA expression level of other FABPs, predominantly FABP9, in the PNS of P2-/- mice as compared to age-matched P2+/+ mice indicating a role of P2 in the glial myelin lipid metabolism.¦Le diabète de type 2 touche 284 million de personnes dans le monde en 2010 et son évolution conduit dans la moitié des cas à une neuropathie périphérique diabétique. Bien que la neuropathie périphérique soit la complication la plus courante du diabète pouvant conduire jusqu'à l'amputation, sa physiopathologie est aujourd'hui encore mal comprise. Dans le but d'améliorer les connaissances moléculaires expliquant les mécanismes de la neuropathie liée au diabète de type 2, j'ai utilisé un modèle murin du diabète de type 2, les souris db/db.¦ln vivo, les enregistrements éléctrophysiologiques des animaux diabétiques montrent qu'en plus d'une diminution de la vitesse de conduction nerveuse, les souris db/db présentent également une augmentation de l'excitabilité nerveuse. Des mesures menées Ex vivo ont montré l'existence d'un phénotype d'hyperexcitabilité sur les nerfs périphériques isolés d'animaux diabétiques. Grâce à l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, nous avons pu démontrer que l'hyperexcitabilité démontrée était due à une réduction d'activité des canaux Kv1. En accord avec ces données, j'ai observé qu'une situation de diabète conduisait à une diminution des canaux Kv1.2 aux régions juxta-paranodales des nerfs périphériques db/db, alors que l'expression du transcrit et de la protéine restait stable. J'ai également confirmé l'absence de canaux Kv1.2 aux juxta-paranoeuds de biopsies de nerfs de patients diabétiques. L'ensemble de ces observations montrent que les nerfs périphériques chez les patients atteints de diabète de type 2 est due à une diminution des canaux potassiques rapides juxtaparanodaux les identifiant ainsi comme des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles.¦Les cellules de Schwann enveloppent et isolent les axones périphériques d'une membrane spécialisée, la myéline, composée de deux fois plus de lipides que de protéines. La protéine P2 (Pmp2 "peripheral myelin protein 2" ou FABP8 "fatty acid binding protein") est l'une des protéines les plus abondantes au système nerveux périphérique. P2 appartient à la famille de protéines FABP liant et transportant les acides gras et est une protéine cytosolique de 14,8 kDa exprimée du côté cytoplasmique de la myéline compacte.¦Afin d'étudier le rôle de P2 dans les cellules de Schwann myélinisantes, j'ai généré une souris knockout (P2-/-). Après avoir validé l'absence de transcrit et de protéine P2 dans les nerfs sciatiques P2-/-, des mesures électrophysiologiques ont montré une réduction modérée mais significative de la vitesse de conduction du nerf moteur périphérique. Il est important de noter que ces changements fonctionnels n'ont pas pu être associés à quelconque changement dans la structure de la myéline. Cependant, j'ai observé dans les nerfs périphériques P2-/-, une altération significative du niveau d'expression d'ARNm d'autres FABPs et en particulier FABP9. Ce dernier résultat démontre l'importance du rôle de la protéine P2 dans le métabolisme lipidique de la myéline.
Understanding and quantifying seismic energy dissipation, which manifests itself in terms of velocity dispersion and attenuation, in fluid-saturated porous rocks is of considerable interest, since it offers the perspective of extracting information with regard to the elastic and hydraulic rock properties. There is increasing evidence to suggest that wave-induced fluid flow, or simply WIFF, is the dominant underlying physical mechanism governing these phenomena throughout the seismic, sonic, and ultrasonic frequency ranges. This mechanism, which can prevail at the microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic scale ranges, operates through viscous energy dissipation in response to fluid pressure gradients and inertial effects induced by the passing wavefield. In the first part of this thesis, we present an analysis of broad-band multi-frequency sonic log data from a borehole penetrating water-saturated unconsolidated glacio-fluvial sediments. An inherent complication arising in the interpretation of the observed P-wave attenuation and velocity dispersion is, however, that the relative importance of WIFF at the various scales is unknown and difficult to unravel. An important generic result of our work is that the levels of attenuation and velocity dispersion due to the presence of mesoscopic heterogeneities in water-saturated unconsolidated clastic sediments are expected to be largely negligible. Conversely, WIFF at the macroscopic scale allows for explaining most of the considered data while refinements provided by including WIFF at the microscopic scale in the analysis are locally meaningful. Using a Monte-Carlo-type inversion approach, we compare the capability of the different models describing WIFF at the macroscopic and microscopic scales with regard to their ability to constrain the dry frame elastic moduli and the permeability as well as their local probability distribution. In the second part of this thesis, we explore the issue of determining the size of a representative elementary volume (REV) arising in the numerical upscaling procedures of effective seismic velocity dispersion and attenuation of heterogeneous media. To this end, we focus on a set of idealized synthetic rock samples characterized by the presence of layers, fractures or patchy saturation in the mesocopic scale range. These scenarios are highly pertinent because they tend to be associated with very high levels of velocity dispersion and attenuation caused by WIFF in the mesoscopic scale range. The problem of determining the REV size for generic heterogeneous rocks is extremely complex and entirely unexplored in the given context. In this pilot study, we have therefore focused on periodic media, which assures the inherent self- similarity of the considered samples regardless of their size and thus simplifies the problem to a systematic analysis of the dependence of the REV size on the applied boundary conditions in the numerical simulations. Our results demonstrate that boundary condition effects are absent for layered media and negligible in the presence of patchy saturation, thus resulting in minimum REV sizes. Conversely, strong boundary condition effects arise in the presence of a periodic distribution of finite-length fractures, thus leading to large REV sizes. In the third part of the thesis, we propose a novel effective poroelastic model for periodic media characterized by mesoscopic layering, which accounts for WIFF at both the macroscopic and mesoscopic scales as well as for the anisotropy associated with the layering. Correspondingly, this model correctly predicts the existence of the fast and slow P-waves as well as quasi and pure S-waves for any direction of wave propagation as long as the corresponding wavelengths are much larger than the layer thicknesses. The primary motivation for this work is that, for formations of intermediate to high permeability, such as, for example, unconsolidated sediments, clean sandstones, or fractured rocks, these two WIFF mechanisms may prevail at similar frequencies. This scenario, which can be expected rather common, cannot be accounted for by existing models for layered porous media. Comparisons of analytical solutions of the P- and S-wave phase velocities and inverse quality factors for wave propagation perpendicular to the layering with those obtained from numerical simulations based on a ID finite-element solution of the poroelastic equations of motion show very good agreement as long as the assumption of long wavelengths remains valid. A limitation of the proposed model is its inability to account for inertial effects in mesoscopic WIFF when both WIFF mechanisms prevail at similar frequencies. Our results do, however, also indicate that the associated error is likely to be relatively small, as, even at frequencies at which both inertial and scattering effects are expected to be at play, the proposed model provides a solution that is remarkably close to its numerical benchmark. -- Comprendre et pouvoir quantifier la dissipation d'énergie sismique qui se traduit par la dispersion et l'atténuation des vitesses dans les roches poreuses et saturées en fluide est un intérêt primordial pour obtenir des informations à propos des propriétés élastique et hydraulique des roches en question. De plus en plus d'études montrent que le déplacement relatif du fluide par rapport au solide induit par le passage de l'onde (wave induced fluid flow en anglais, dont on gardera ici l'abréviation largement utilisée, WIFF), représente le principal mécanisme physique qui régit ces phénomènes, pour la gamme des fréquences sismiques, sonique et jusqu'à l'ultrasonique. Ce mécanisme, qui prédomine aux échelles microscopique, mésoscopique et macroscopique, est lié à la dissipation d'énergie visqueuse résultant des gradients de pression de fluide et des effets inertiels induits par le passage du champ d'onde. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons une analyse de données de diagraphie acoustique à large bande et multifréquences, issues d'un forage réalisé dans des sédiments glaciaux-fluviaux, non-consolidés et saturés en eau. La difficulté inhérente à l'interprétation de l'atténuation et de la dispersion des vitesses des ondes P observées, est que l'importance des WIFF aux différentes échelles est inconnue et difficile à quantifier. Notre étude montre que l'on peut négliger le taux d'atténuation et de dispersion des vitesses dû à la présence d'hétérogénéités à l'échelle mésoscopique dans des sédiments clastiques, non- consolidés et saturés en eau. A l'inverse, les WIFF à l'échelle macroscopique expliquent la plupart des données, tandis que les précisions apportées par les WIFF à l'échelle microscopique sont localement significatives. En utilisant une méthode d'inversion du type Monte-Carlo, nous avons comparé, pour les deux modèles WIFF aux échelles macroscopique et microscopique, leur capacité à contraindre les modules élastiques de la matrice sèche et la perméabilité ainsi que leur distribution de probabilité locale. Dans une seconde partie de cette thèse, nous cherchons une solution pour déterminer la dimension d'un volume élémentaire représentatif (noté VER). Cette problématique se pose dans les procédures numériques de changement d'échelle pour déterminer l'atténuation effective et la dispersion effective de la vitesse sismique dans un milieu hétérogène. Pour ce faire, nous nous concentrons sur un ensemble d'échantillons de roches synthétiques idéalisés incluant des strates, des fissures, ou une saturation partielle à l'échelle mésoscopique. Ces scénarios sont hautement pertinents, car ils sont associés à un taux très élevé d'atténuation et de dispersion des vitesses causé par les WIFF à l'échelle mésoscopique. L'enjeu de déterminer la dimension d'un VER pour une roche hétérogène est très complexe et encore inexploré dans le contexte actuel. Dans cette étude-pilote, nous nous focalisons sur des milieux périodiques, qui assurent l'autosimilarité des échantillons considérés indépendamment de leur taille. Ainsi, nous simplifions le problème à une analyse systématique de la dépendance de la dimension des VER aux conditions aux limites appliquées. Nos résultats indiquent que les effets des conditions aux limites sont absents pour un milieu stratifié, et négligeables pour un milieu à saturation partielle : cela résultant à des dimensions petites des VER. Au contraire, de forts effets des conditions aux limites apparaissent dans les milieux présentant une distribution périodique de fissures de taille finie : cela conduisant à de grandes dimensions des VER. Dans la troisième partie de cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle poro- élastique effectif, pour les milieux périodiques caractérisés par une stratification mésoscopique, qui prendra en compte les WIFF à la fois aux échelles mésoscopique et macroscopique, ainsi que l'anisotropie associée à ces strates. Ce modèle prédit alors avec exactitude l'existence des ondes P rapides et lentes ainsi que les quasis et pures ondes S, pour toutes les directions de propagation de l'onde, tant que la longueur d'onde correspondante est bien plus grande que l'épaisseur de la strate. L'intérêt principal de ce travail est que, pour les formations à perméabilité moyenne à élevée, comme, par exemple, les sédiments non- consolidés, les grès ou encore les roches fissurées, ces deux mécanismes d'WIFF peuvent avoir lieu à des fréquences similaires. Or, ce scénario, qui est assez commun, n'est pas décrit par les modèles existants pour les milieux poreux stratifiés. Les comparaisons des solutions analytiques des vitesses des ondes P et S et de l'atténuation de la propagation des ondes perpendiculaires à la stratification, avec les solutions obtenues à partir de simulations numériques en éléments finis, fondées sur une solution obtenue en 1D des équations poro- élastiques, montrent un très bon accord, tant que l'hypothèse des grandes longueurs d'onde reste valable. Il y a cependant une limitation de ce modèle qui est liée à son incapacité à prendre en compte les effets inertiels dans les WIFF mésoscopiques quand les deux mécanismes d'WIFF prédominent à des fréquences similaires. Néanmoins, nos résultats montrent aussi que l'erreur associée est relativement faible, même à des fréquences à laquelle sont attendus les deux effets d'inertie et de diffusion, indiquant que le modèle proposé fournit une solution qui est remarquablement proche de sa référence numérique.