41 resultados para Oja signed ranks


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Background: The combined serum creatinine (SCreat) and cystatin C (CysC) CKD-EPI formula constitutes a new advance for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation in adults. Using inulin clearances (iGFRs), the revised SCreat and the combined Schwartz formulas, this study aims to evaluate the applicability of the combined CKD-EPI formula in children. Method: 201 iGFRs for 201 children were analyzed and divided by chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages (iGFRs ≥90 ml/min/1.73 m(2), 90 > iGFRs > 60, and iGFRs ≤59), and by age groups (<10, 10-15, and >15 years). Medians with 95% confidence intervals of bias, precision, and accuracies within 30% of the iGFRs, for all three formulas, were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: For the entire cohort and for all CKD and age groups, medians of bias for the CKD-EPI formula were significantly higher (p < 0.001) and precision was significantly lower than the solely SCreat and the combined SCreat and CysC Schwartz formulas. We also found that using the CKD-EPI formula, bias decreased and accuracy increased while the child age group increased, with a better formula performance above 15 years of age. However, the CKD-EPI formula accuracy is 58% compared to 93 and 92% for the SCreat and combined Schwartz formulas in this adolescent group. Conclusions: The performance of the combined CKD-EPI formula improves in adolescence compared with younger ages. Nevertheless, the CKD-EPI formula performs more poorly than the SCreat and the combined Schwartz formula in pediatric population. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Problématique¦L'évaluation fonctionnelle du tubule proximal du rein est intéressante pour la compréhension de la physiopathologie des anomalies du transport du sodium à ce niveau du néphron. Ces anomalies participent au développement de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) et de la sensibilité au sel. Environ 60% à 80% du sodium est réabsorbé proximalement dans le néphron. Chez l'animal, la fonction du tube proximal peut être estimée directement par microponction. Une telle approche directe n'étant pas possible chez l'homme, seul des approches indirectes permettent de recueillir des informations sur la physiologie de ce segment du néphron, comme par exemple par la mesure de la clairance du lithium (endogène ou exogène) ou de l'acide urique. La fraction d'excrétion du lithium (FELi) et la fraction d'excrétion de l'acide urique (FEAU) permettent d'estimer la réabsorption proximale de sodium chez l'homme. Plusieurs études expérimentales et cliniques ont montré l'existence d'une relation linéaire entre la FELi et la fraction excrétée du sodium (FENa) chez l'animal et l'homme.¦Objectif¦Décrire la distribution de la FELi et de la FEAU et analyser les associations de ces deux variables avec l'âge, le sexe, la consommation d'alcool, le tabagisme, la pression artérielle et l'IMC dans l'étude de population Hercules.¦Méthodes¦Sélection au hasard d'un sous-groupe de participants de l'étude CoLaus (N=6188). Nombre de participants à l'étude Hercules: 437, dont 229 femmes et 208 hommes. Les participants ont effectué une récolte d'urine sur 24 heures afin de déterminer la fonction rénale et les FELi et FEAU. Le TFG a été mesuré à l'aide de la clairance de la créatinine. Le test des rangs signés de Wilcoxon pour données appariées ( Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test) et le test de comparaison des médianes ont été utilisés pour la comparaison entre groupes. Le coefficient de corrélation de Spearman a été utilisé pour évaluer la relation entre les variables continues. Les box-plots ont été utilisés pour la description de la distribution du lithium et de l'acide urique selon l'âge, le sexe et la période de la journée. Le logiciel Stata 11.0 a été utilisé pour les analyses statistiques.¦Résultats¦La prévalence de l'HTA dans la population de l'étude Hercules était 33%, la prévalence du diabète était 8%, la prévalence de l'obésité était 15.3%, la prévalence du tabagisme était 23%. La FELi reste stable avec l'âge et est similaire dans les deux sexes. Chez les hommes, la FELi est plus grande la nuit que le jour, c'est-à-dire qu'ils résorbent plus de sodium proximalement le jour que la nuit. Un IMC plus grand est associé à une FELi plus basse dans les deux sexes. Il y a une corrélation négative entre la FEAU et l'IMC (significative) et la consommation d'alcool.¦Conclusion¦Les résultats obtenus avec les données de l'étude Hercules sont similaires à ceux qu'on retrouve dans la littérature sur la FELi et la FEAU , ce qui rassure sur la qualité des données. La FELi varie peu avec l'âge et le sexe, contrairement à la FEAU, qui varie fortement avec l'âge et le sexe. L'HTA, le diabète, l'obésité, le tabagisme et la consommation d'alcool sont associées à une FELi et FEAU plus basses. Les sujets qui présentent ces caractéristiques réabsorbent donc plus de sodium au niveau proximal.


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Résumé :Introduction : La mitoxantrone est un anthracénédione cytostatique aux ef¬fets immunosuppresseurs et -modulateurs qui est administré entre autre dans les évolutions graves de la sclérose en plaques (SEP). Peu d'études concernant l'efficacité et la tolérance de la mitoxantrone ont été publiées. Un travail de re¬cherche statistique s'imposait en raison du nombre de patients souffrant de SEP traités par ce médicament dans le service de neurologie de l'hôpital cantonal d'Aarau.Méthode : Au total, 66 patients souffrant de SEP ont été traités par la mi¬toxantrone dans la période 07/2000-06/2007. 48 d'entre eux avaient reçu préa¬lablement une autre substance modifiant l'évolution de la maladie (« prétrai¬tement » : interféron bêta-la/b, glatirameracétate, azathioprine). Dans cette étude rétrospective, nous avons comparé l'effet de la mitoxantrone par rapport au prétraitement mentionné ci-dessus. Les paramètres appliqués concernaient l'évolution de l'expanded disability status scale (EDSS) et le nombre annuel de poussées pendant la durée du traitement. Une influence du type de SEP, de l'âge au début du traitement par la mitoxantrone, du sexe, de la durée de la théra¬pie et de la maladie ainsi que de la dose cumulative de la mitoxantrone a été recherchée. Nous avons également discuté des éventuels effets indésirables surve¬nus. Nous n'avons pas différencié les substances du prétraitement, étant donné qu'elles avaient été appliquées dans des combinaisons multiples. L'évaluation sta¬tistique a été effectuée en respectant les indications du test de Mann-Whitney ainsi que du Wilcoxon signed-rank test.Résultats : En moyenne, l'EDSS s'est stabilisée (-0,05/année chez tous les 66 patients) tandis que la maladie avait progressé de 0,32/année sous le pré¬traitement (la différence est significative avec p=0,0004 au Wilcoxon signed- rank test bilatéral). Sous le prétraitement, les patients avaient subi en moyenne 1,72 poussées par année, sous la mitoxantrone 0,26 (différence significative avec p<0,0001). La thérapie a dû être arrêtée à cause d'effets indésirables chez quatre patients sous la mitoxantrone (deux avec une granulocytopénie, deux avec une diminution de la fraction d'éjection cardiaque).Discussion : La mitoxantrone s'est avéré une substance particulièrement ef¬ficace même dans les situations dans lesquelles le décours de la maladie n'a pas pu être influencé par d'autres médicaments. Ses effets indésirables doivent être pondérés par rapport à la progression de la maladie et aux effets indési¬rables des autres substances. Les schémas d'application varient beaucoup dans la littérature et doivent être mieux définis.Zusammenfassung :Einleitung: Mitoxantron ist ein zytostatisches Anthracenedion mit immunsup- pressiven und -modulatorischen Eigenschaften, das unter anderem bei schwe¬ren Verläufen der Multiplen Sklerose eingesetzt wird. Bisher befassten sich nur wenige randomisierte und plazebokontrollierte Studien mit Wirksamkeit und Tolerabilität des Medikamentes.Methoden: 66 MS-Patienten der neurologischen Klinik des Kantonsspitals Aar- au wurden zwischen Juli 2000 und Juni 2007 mit Mitoxantron behandelt. 48 davon erhielten zuvor eine MS-spezifische Behandlung mit Interferon ß-1 a oder b, Glatirameracetat oder Azathioprin. Anhand der Veränderung der Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) und der jährlichen Schubrate und mit Hilfe von MRI-Aufnahmen zeichneten wir retrospektiv die Wirksamkeit der Behandlung nach und stellten sie in Beziehung zu einer eventuell erfolgten Vorbehandlung. Des weiteren wurde die Effektivität in Verhältnis zu den Faktoren Verlaufsform, Alter bei Behandlungsbeginn, Behandlungszeit sowie weiteren Parametern ge¬bracht. Wir verglichen die Wirkung von Mitoxantron bei den noch laufenden Behandlungen mit der bei den bereits abgeschlossenen und wir diskutierten die Veränderung von MRI-Aufnahmen des ZNS unter der Therapie mit Mitoxan¬tron. Nebenwirkungen wurden erwähnt.Resultate: Im Durchschnitt wurde der EDSS-Wert stabilisiert (-0, 05/Jahr bei allen 66 Patienten), während die Krankheit unter der verlaufsmodifizierenden Vorbehandlung um durchschnittlich 0,32/Jahr fortschritt (Unterschied signifi¬kant mit p=0,0004 im zweiseitigen Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Die Schubrate betrug 0,26 unter Mitoxantron gegenüber 1,72/Jahr unter Vorbehandlung (Un¬terschied signifikant mit p<0,0001). Bei vier Patienten musste die Therapie auf¬grund von Nebenwirkungen abgebrochen werden (zweimal Granulozytopenie, zweimal verminderte kardiale Auswurffraktion).Diskussion: Mitoxantron ist offensichtlich selbst dann eine äusserst effektive verlaufsmodifizierende Substanz, wenn die Krankheit durch andere Medikamen¬te nicht zu beeinflussen ist. Die Risiken des Medikamentes müssen gegen das Krankheitsfortschreiten und die Nachteile anderer verlaufsmodifizierender Sub¬stanzen abgewogen werden. Die Anwendungsalgorithmen für Mitoxantron vari¬ieren in der Literatur sehr und müssen besser definiert werden.


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PURPOSE: To study prospectively the success rate and complications of deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (DSCI). SETTING: Glaucoma Unit, Department of Ophthalmology, Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. METHODS: This nonrandomized prospective trial comprised 105 eyes of 105 patients with medically uncontrolled primary and secondary open-angle glaucoma. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and slitlamp examinations were performed before surgery and after surgery at 1 and 7 days, and 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, and 96 months. Visual field examinations were repeated every 6 months. RESULTS: Mean follow-up period was 64 months +/- 26.6 (SD). Mean preoperative IOP was 26.8 +/- 7.7 mm Hg, and mean postoperative IOP was 5.2 +/- 3.35 mm Hg at day 1 and 12 +/- 3 mm Hg at month 78. At 96 months, the qualified success rate (ie, patients who achieved IOP <21 mm Hg with and without medication) was 91%, and the complete success rate (ie, IOP <21 mm Hg without medication) was 57%. At 96 months, 34% of patients had an IOP <21 mm Hg with medication. Fifty-one patients (49%) achieved an IOP < or =15 mm Hg without medication. Neodymium:YAG goniopuncture was performed in 54 patients (51%); mean time of goniopuncture performance was 21 months, and mean IOP before goniopuncture was 20 mm Hg, dropping to 11 mm Hg after goniopuncture. No shallow or flat anterior chamber, endophthalmitis, or surgery-induced cataract was observed. However, 26 patients (25%) showed a progression of preexisting senile cataract (mean time 26 months; range 18 to 37 months). Injections of 5-fluorouracil were administered to 25 patients (23%) who underwent DSCI to salvage encysted blebs. Mean number of medications per patient was reduced from 2.3 +/- 0.7 to 0.5 +/- 0.7 (signed rank P<.0001). CONCLUSION: Deep sclerectomy with collagen implant appears to provide stable and reasonable control of IOP at long-term follow-up with few immediate postoperative complications.


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BACKGROUND: Intensification of pharmacotherapy in persons with poorly controlled chronic conditions has been proposed as a clinically meaningful process measure of quality. OBJECTIVE: To validate measures of treatment intensification by evaluating their associations with subsequent control in hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus across 35 medical facility populations in Kaiser Permanente, Northern California. DESIGN: Hierarchical analyses of associations of improvements in facility-level treatment intensification rates from 2001 to 2003 with patient-level risk factor levels at the end of 2003. PATIENTS: Members (515,072 and 626,130; age >20 years) with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and/or diabetes mellitus in 2001 and 2003, respectively. MEASUREMENTS: Treatment intensification for each risk factor defined as an increase in number of drug classes prescribed, of dosage for at least 1 drug, or switching to a drug from another class within 3 months of observed poor risk factor control. RESULTS: Facility-level improvements in treatment intensification rates between 2001 and 2003 were strongly associated with greater likelihood of being in control at the end of 2003 (P < or = 0.05 for each risk factor) after adjustment for patient- and facility-level covariates. Compared with facility rankings based solely on control, addition of percentages of poorly controlled patients who received treatment intensification changed 2003 rankings substantially: 14%, 51%, and 29% of the facilities changed ranks by 5 or more positions for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment intensification is tightly linked to improved control. Thus, it deserves consideration as a process measure for motivating quality improvement and possibly for measuring clinical performance.


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The neural response to a violation of sequences of identical sounds is a typical example of the brain's sensitivity to auditory regularities. Previous literature interprets this effect as a pre-attentive and unconscious processing of sensory stimuli. By contrast, a violation to auditory global regularities, i.e. based on repeating groups of sounds, is typically detectable when subjects can consciously perceive them. Here, we challenge the notion that global detection implies consciousness by testing the neural response to global violations in a group of 24 patients with post-anoxic coma (three females, age range 45-87 years), treated with mild therapeutic hypothermia and sedation. By applying a decoding analysis to electroencephalographic responses to standard versus deviant sound sequences, we found above-chance decoding performance in 10 of 24 patients (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P < 0.001), despite five of them being mildly hypothermic, sedated and unarousable. Furthermore, consistently with previous findings based on the mismatch negativity the progression of this decoding performance was informative of patients' chances of awakening (78% predictive of awakening). Our results show for the first time that detection of global regularities at neural level exists despite a deeply unconscious state.


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This research examines the impacts of the Swiss reform of the allocation of tasks which was accepted in 2004 and implemented in 2008 to "re-assign" the responsibilities between the federal government and the cantons. The public tasks were redistributed, according to the leading and fundamental principle of subsidiarity. Seven tasks came under exclusive federal responsibility; ten came under the control of the cantons; and twenty-two "common tasks" were allocated to both the Confederation and the cantons. For these common tasks it wasn't possible to separate the management and the implementation. In order to deal with nineteen of them, the reform introduced the conventions-programs (CPs), which are public law contracts signed by the Confederation with each canton. These CPs are generally valid for periods of four years (2008-11, 2012-15 and 2016-19, respectively). The third period is currently being prepared. By using the principal-agent theory I examine how contracts can improve political relations between a principal (Confederation) and an agent (canton). I also provide a first qualitative analysis by examining the impacts of these contracts on the vertical cooperation and on the implication of different actors by focusing my study on five CPs - protection of cultural heritage and conservation of historic monuments, encouragement of the integration of foreigners, economic development, protection against noise and protection of the nature and landscape - applied in five cantons, which represents twenty-five cases studies.


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BACKGROUND: Port-wine stains (PWS) are malformations of capillaries in 0.3% of newborn children. The treatment of choice is by pulsed dye LASER (PDL), and requires several sessions. The efficacy of this treatment is at present evaluated on the basis of clinical inspection and of digital photographs taken throughout the treatment. LASER-Doppler imaging (LDI) is a noninvasive method of imaging the perfusion of the tissues by the microcirculatory system (capillaries). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that LDI allows a quantitative, numerical evaluation of the efficacy of the PDL treatment of PWS. METHOD: The PDL sessions were organized according to the usual scheme, every other month, from September 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013. LDI imaging was performed at the start and at the conclusion of the PDL treatment, and simultaneously on healthy skin in order to obtain reference values. The results evidenced by LDI were analyzed according to the "Wilcoxon signed-rank" test before and after each session, and in the intervals between the three PDL treatment sessions. RESULTS: Our prospective study is based on 20 new children. On average, the vascularization of the PWS was reduced by 56% after three laser sessions. Compared with healthy skin, initial vascularization of PWS was 62% higher than that of healthy skin at the start of treatment, and 6% higher after three sessions. During the 2 months between two sessions, vascularization of the capillary network increased by 27%. CONCLUSION: This study shows that LDI can demonstrate and measure the efficacy of PDL treatment of PWS in children. The figures obtained when measuring the results by LDI corroborate the clinical assessments and may allow us to refine, and perhaps even modify, our present use of PDL and thus improve the efficacy of the treatment.


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BACKGROUND: Solar ultraviolet has been recognized as the main causative factor for skin cancer and is currently classified as a carcinogenic agent by International Agency for Research on Cancer. METHOD: Results from a previous phone survey conducted in 2012 in France were used to assess exposure conditions to sun among outdoor workers. Satellite data were used in combination with an exposure model to assess anatomical exposure. RESULT: The yearly median exposure of the outdoor worker population is 77  kJ/m2 to 116  kJ/m2. Road workers, building workers, and gardeners are the more exposed. About 70% of the yearly dose estimate is due to the cumulative summer and spring exposures. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the role of individual factors in anatomical exposure and ranks the most exposed body parts and outdoor occupations. Prevention messages should put emphasis on spring exposure, which is an important contributor to the yearly dose.


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The underrepresentation of women in top corporate ranks is a topic of ongoing discussion. Manager prototypes are proposed to be more male-typed than female-typed because historically men more often than women have held leadership roles. Why then is the maleness of manager prototypes even more pronounced among men than among women? Given that most personnel decision makers in organizations are men this phenomenon is problematic for women's advancement to top management positions. We address this question by investigating peoples' use of ingroup projection and their endorsement of evaluative attributes in constructing gender and leader prototypes.


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Gram-negative bacteria represent a major group of pathogens that infect all eukaryotes from plants to mammals. Gram-negative microbe-associated molecular patterns include lipopolysaccharides and peptidoglycans, major immunostimulatory determinants across phyla. Recent advances have furthered our understanding of Gram-negative detection beyond the well-defined pattern recognition receptors such as TLR4. A B-type lectin receptor for LPS and Lysine-motif containing receptors for peptidoglycans were recently added to the plant arsenal. Caspases join the ranks of mammalian cytosolic immune detectors by binding LPS, and make TLR4 redundant for septic shock. Fascinating bacterial evasion mechanisms lure the host into tolerance or promote inter-bacterial competition. Our review aims to cover recent advances on bacterial messages and host decoding systems across phyla, and highlight evolutionarily recurrent strategies.