62 resultados para Obstetrical emergencies.
Les menaces pour la santé des voyageurs proviennent souvent de l'émergence ou de la réémergence d'anciennes et de nouvelles maladies infectieuses. En Amérique du Sud c'est une augmentation des cas de fièvre jaune qui a fait du bruit. A Bornéo, une nouvelle espèce de Plasmodium pathogène pour l'humain a été mise en évidence. Après l'épidémie sur les îles de l'océan Indien, le virus du Chikungunya a causé de nouveaux foyers et ceci même en Europe. La première journée mondiale de la rage a rappelé que cette maladie continue à tuer un nombre important de personnes dans les pays aux ressources limitées. La rage affecte également des personnes de nos pays comme l'illustre deux situations récentes. Finalement, le nouveau Règlement sanitaire international permettra à l'OMS de mieux répondre aux urgences de santé publique de portée internationale. The threats for the health of travellers come often from the emergence or the re-emergence of old and new infectious diseases. In South America an important increase of the number of cases of yellow fever was reported. On the island of Borneo a new species of Plasmodium pathogenic for humans has been identified. After the Chikungunya epidemic that affected the islands of the Indian Ocean, the virus has caused new epidemic foci and this even in Europe. The first World Rabies Day reminded us that this disease still kills a large number of persons in countries with limited resources. Rabies can also affect persons from our countries, as it was illustrated by two recent situations. Finally the new International Health Regulation will allow the WHO to better respond to public health emergencies of international concern
Résumé : Malgré les immenses progrès réalisés depuis plusieurs années en médecine obstétricale ainsi qu'en réanimation néonatale et en recherche expérimentale, l'asphyxie périnatale, une situation de manque d'oxygène autour du moment de la naissance, reste une cause majeure de mortalité et de morbidité neurologique à long terme chez l'enfant (retard mental, paralysie cérébrale, épilepsie, problèmes d'apprentissages) sans toutefois de traitement pharmacologique réel. La nécessité de développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour les complications de l'asphyxie périnatale est donc aujourd'hui encore essentielle. Le but général de ce travail est l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques impliquées dans des mécanismes moléculaires pathologiques induits par l'hypoxie-ischémie (HI) dans le cerveau immature. Pour cela, le modèle d'asphyxie périnatale (proche du terme) le plus reconnu chez le rongeur a été développé (modèle de Rice et Vannucci). Il consiste en la ligature permanente d'une artère carotide commune (ischémie) chez le raton de 7 jours combinée à une période d'hypoxie à 8% d'oxygène. Il permet ainsi d'étudier les lésions de type hypoxique-ischémique dans différentes régions cérébrales dont le cortex, l'hippocampe, le striatum et le thalamus. La première partie de ce travail a abordé le rôle de deux voies de MAPK, JNK et p38, après HI néonatale chez le raton à l'aide de peptides inhibiteurs. Tout d'abord, nous avons démontré que D-JNKI1, un peptide inhibiteur de la voie de JNK présentant de fortes propriétés neuroprotectrices dans des modèles d'ischémie cérébrale adulte ainsi que chez le jeune raton, peut intervenir sur différentes voies de mort dont l'activation des calpaïnes (marqueur de la nécrose précoce), l'activation de la caspase-3 (marqueur de l'apoptose) et l'expression de LC3-II (marqueur de macroautophagie). Malgré ces effets positifs le traitement au D-JNKI1 ne modifie pas l'étendue de la lésion cérébrale. L'action limitée de D-JNKI1 peut s'expliquer par une implication modérée des JNKs (faiblement activées et principalement l'isotype JNK3) après HI néonatale sévère. Au contraire, l'inhibition de la voie de nNOS/p38 par le peptide DTAT-GESV permet une augmentation de 20% du volume du tissu sain à court et long terme. Le second projet a étudié les effets de l'HI néonatale sur l'autophagie neuronale. En effet, l'autophagie est un processus catabolique essentiel au bien-être de la cellule. Le type principal d'autophagie (« macroautophagie » , que nous appellerons par la suite « autophagie ») consiste en la séquestration d'éléments à dégrader (protéines ou organelles déficients) dans un compartiment spécialisé, l'autophagosome, qui fusionne avec un lysosome pour former un autolysosome où le contenu est dégradé par les hydrolases lysosomales. Depuis peu, l'excès ou la dérégulation de l'autoptiagie a pu être impliqué dans la mort cellulaire en certaines conditions de stress. Ce travail démontre que l'HI néonatale chez le raton active fortement le flux autophagique, c'est-à-dire augmente la formation des autophagosomes et des autolysosomes, dans les neurones en souffrance. De plus, la relation entre l'autophagie et l'apoptose varie selon la région cérébrale. En effet, alors que dans le cortex les neurones en voie de mort présentent des caractéristiques mixtes apoptotiques et autophagiques, ceux du CA3 sont essentiellement autophagiques et ceux du CA1 sont principalement apoptotiques. L'induction de l'autophagie après HI néonatale semble donc participer à la mort neuronale soit par l'enclenchement de l'apoptose soit comme mécanisme de mort en soi. Afin de comprendre la relation pouvant exister entre autophagie et apoptase un troisième projet a été réalisé sur des cultures primaires de neurones corticaux exposés à un stimulus apoptotique classique, la staurosporine (STS). Nous avons démontré que l'apoptose induite par la STS était précédée et accompagnée par une forte activation du flux autophagique neuronal. L'inhibition de l'autophagie de manière pharmacologique (3-MA) ou plus spécifiquement par ARNs d'interférence dirigés contre deux protéines autophagiques importantes (Atg7 et Atg5) a permis de mettre en évidence des rôles multiples de l'autophagie dans la mort neuronale. En effet, l'autophagie prend non seulement part à une voie de mort parallèle à l'apoptose pouvant être impliquée dans l'activation des calpaïnes, mais est également partiellement responsable de l'induction des voies apoptotiques (activation de la caspase-3 et translocation nucléaire d'AIF). En conclusion, ce travail a montré que l'inhibition de JNK par D-JNKI1 n'est pas un outil neuroprotecteur efficace pour diminuer la mort neuronale provoquée par l'asphyxie périnatalé sévère, et met en lumière deux autres voies thérapeutiques beaucoup plus prometteuses, l'inhibition de nNOS/p38 ou de l'autophagie. ABSTRACT : Despite enormous progress over the last«decades in obstetrical and neonatal medicine and experimental research, perinatal asphyxia, a situation of lack of oxygen around the time of the birth, remains a major cause of mortality and long term neurological morbidity in children (mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, learning difficulties) without any effective treatment. It is therefore essential to develop new therapeutic strategies for the complications of perinatal asphyxia. The overall aim of this work was to identify new therapeutic targets involved in pathological molecular mechanisms induced by hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the immature brain. For this purpose, the most relevant model of perinatal asphyxia (near term) in rodents has been developed (model of Rice and Vannucci). It consists in the permanent ligation of one common carotid artery (ischemia) in the 7-day-old rat combined with a period of hypoxia at 8% oxygen. This model allows the study of the hypoxic-ischemic lesion in different brain regions including the cortex, hippocampus, striatum and thalamus. The first part of this work addressed the role of two MAPK pathways (JNK and p38) after rat neonatal HI using inhibitory peptides. First, we demonstrated that D-JNKI1, a JNK peptide inhibitor presenting strong neuroprotective properties in models of cerebral ischemia in adult and young rats, could affect different cell death mechanisms including the activation of calpain (a marker of necrosis) and caspase-3 (a marker of apoptosis), and the expression of LC3-II (a marker of macroautophagy). Despite these positive effects, D-JNKI1 did not modify the extent of brain damage. The limited action of D-JNKI1 can be explained by the fact that JNKs were only moderately involved (weakly activated and principally the JNK3 isotype) after severe neonatal HI. In contrast, inhibition of nNOS/p38 by the peptide D-TAT-GESV increased the surviving tissue volume by around 20% at short and long term. The second project investigated the effects of neonatal HI on neuronal autophagy. Indeed, autophagy is a catabolic process essential to the well-being of the cell. The principal type of autophagy ("macroautophagy", that we shall henceforth call "autophagy") involves the sequestration of elements to be degraded (deficient proteins or organelles) in a specialized compartment, the autophagosome, which fuses with a lysosome to form an autolysosome where the content is degraded by lysosomal hydrolases. Recently, an excess or deregulation of autophagy has been implicated in cell death in some stress conditions. The present study demonstrated that rat neonatal HI highly enhanced autophagic flux, i.e. increased autophagosome and autolysosome formation, in stressed neurons. Moreover, the relationship between autophagy and apoptosis varies according to the brain region. Indeed, whereas dying neurons in the cortex exhibited mixed features of apoptosis and autophagy, those in CA3 were primarily autophagíc and those in CA1 were mainly apoptotic. The induction of autophagy after neonatal HI seems to participate in neuronal death either by triggering apoptosis or as a death mechanism per se. To understand the relationships that may exist between autophagy and apoptosis, a third project has been conducted using primary cortical neuronal cultures exposed to a classical apoptotic stimulus, staurosporine (STS). We demonstrated that STS-induced apoptosis was preceded and accompanied by a strong activation of neuronal autophagic flux. Inhibition of autophagy pharmacologically (3-MA) or more specifically by RNA interference directed against two important autophagic proteins (Atg7 and AtgS) showed multiple roles of autophagy in neuronal death. Indeed, autophagy was not only involved in a death pathway parallel to apoptosis possibly involved in the activation of calpains, but was also partially responsible for the induction of apoptotic pathways (caspase-3 activation and AIF nuclear translocation). In conclusion, this study showed that JNK inhibition by D-JNKI1 is not an effective neuroprotective tool for decreasing neuronal death following severe perinatal asphyxia, but highlighted two more promising therapeutic approaches, inhibition of the nNOSlp38 pathway or of autophagy.
The state of Vaud model of the pre-hospital chain of survival is an example of an efficient way to deal with pre-hospital emergencies. It revolves around a centrally located dispatch center managing emergencies according to specific key words, allowing dispatchers to send out resources among which we find general practitioners, ambulances, physician staffed fast response cars or physician staffed helicopters and specific equipment. The Vaud pre-hospital chain of survival has been tailored according to geographical, demographical and political necessities. It undergoes constant reassessment and needs continuous adaptations to the ever changing demographics and epidemiology of pre-hospital medicine.
Emergency medicine physicians aim to stabilize or restore vital functions, establish diagnosis, initiate specific treatments and adequately orientate patients. This year, new evidences have improved our knowledge about diagnostic strategy for patients with acute non traumatic headache, treatment of acute atrial fibrillation and outpatient management of acute pulmonary embolism. Reducing injection pain of local anesthetics, reducing irradiation by using alternative diagnostic tools in appendicitis suspicion, and identification of trauma patients who benefit from tranexamic acid administration are other illustrations of the efforts to improve efficacy, safety and comfort in the management of emergency patients.
Evidence of altered antioxidant systems and signs of elevated oxidative stress are reported in peripheral tissue and brain of schizophrenic patients, including low levels of glutathione (GSH), a major thiol antioxidant and redox buffer. Functional and genetic data indicate that an impaired regulation of GSH synthesis is a vulnerability factor for the disease. Impaired GSH synthesis from a genetic origin combined with environmental risk factors generating oxidative stress (e.g., malnutrition, exposure to toxins, maternai infection and diabetes, obstetrical complications, and psychological stress) could lead to redox dysregulation. This could subsequently perturb normal brain development and maturation with delayed functional consequences emerging in early adulthood. Depending on the nature and the time of occurrence of the environmental insults, the structural and functional delayed consequences could vary, giving rise to various endophenotypes. The use of animal models of GSH deficit represents a valuable approach to investigate how interactions between genetic and environmental factors lead to the emergence of pathologies found in the disease. Moreover, these models of GSH can be useful to investigate links between schizophrenia and comorbid somatic disorders, as dysregulation of the GSH system and elevated oxidative stress are also found in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. This chapter reviews pharmacological and genetic rodent models of GSH synthesis dysregulation used to address some of the aforementioned issues. Up to date, these models revealed that GSH deficits lead to morphological, physiological, and behavioral alterations that are quite analogous to pathologies observed in patients. This includes hypofunction of NMDA receptors, alteration of dopamine neurotransmission, anomalies in parvalbumin-immunoreactive fast-spiking interneurons, and reduced myelination. In addition, a GSH deficit affects the brain in a region-specific manner, the anterior cingulate cortex and the ventral hippocampus being the most vulnerable regions investigated. Interestingly, a GSH deficit during a limited period of postnatal development is sufficient to have long-lasting consequences on the integrity of PV-IR interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex and impairs cognitive functions in adulthood. Finally, these animal models of GSH deficit display behavioral impairments that could be related to schizophrenia. Altogether, current data strongly support a contributing role of a redox dysregulation on the development of pathologies associated with the illness and demonstrate the usefulness of these models to better understand the biological mechanisms leading to schizophrenia.
Nine children surviving severe adult respiratory distress syndrome were studied 0.9 to 4.2 years after the acute illness. They had received artificial ventilation for a mean of 9.4 days, with an Fio2 greater than 0.5 during a mean time of 34 hours and maximal positive end expiratory pressure levels in the range of 8 to 20 cm H2O. Three children had recurrent respiratory symptoms (moderate exertional dyspnea and cough), and two had evidence of fibrosis on chest radiographs. All patients had abnormal lung function; the most prominent findings were ventilation inequalities, as judged by real-time moment ratio analysis of multibreath nitrogen washout curves (abnormal in eight of nine patients) and hypoxemia (seven of nine). Lung volumes were less abnormal; one patient had restrictive and two had obstructive disease. A significant correlation between intensive care measures (Fio2 greater than 0.5 in hours and peak inspiratory plateau pressure) and lung function abnormalities (moment ratio analysis and hypoxemia) was found. A possibly increased susceptibility of the pediatric age group to the primary insult or respiratory therapy of adult respiratory distress syndrome is suggested.
PURPOSE: Factors associated with maternal satisfaction of anesthetic management during labour and delivery are poorly known. The purpose of this study was to assess these factors. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study on parturients admitted between January 2004 and December 2008. Data on patients' demographics, comorbidities, procedures performed and various aspects of their anesthetic experience were retrieved from the anesthetic records. Maternal satisfaction was measured using a numerical scale from 0 to 10 (0 = not satisfied at all, 10 = very satisfied). A cutoff of ≤ 6 was taken as poor satisfaction. We performed a multivariate analysis to identify the different predictors of maternal satisfaction and more specifically those related to pain, overall experience with the technique, delays, and presence of anesthetic, obstetrical and neonatal complications. RESULTS: There were 15,386 parturients admitted during the study period. Of these, 10,034 had complete information in the chart and 761 (7.6%) parturients were dissatisfied with their anesthetic care. Factors decreasing patient satisfaction were high risk pregnancy [odds ratio (OR) 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59 (0.34-1.02)] and difficult delivery [OR (95% CI) 0.62 (0.52-0.74)]. Pain, a negative experience of the procedure, delays, poor coordination in management, and the presence of complications decreased patient satisfaction [OR (95% CI) 0.07 to 0.71]; P < 0.001. CONCLUSION: Maternal satisfaction with anesthesia care is largely determined by the effectiveness and correct performance of the procedure carried from the technical and human point of view. However, other factors such as a good coordination in patient management and the absence of complications also influence maternal satisfaction.
Introduction: Following a disaster, up to 50% of mass casualties are children. The number of disaster increases worldwide, including in Switzerland. Following national order, the mapping of the various risks of disaster in Switzerland will be completed by the end of 2012. Pre-hospital disaster drills and plans are well established and regularly tested. In-hospital disaster plans are much less frequently tested, if only available. Pediatric in-hospital full scale disaster exercises have never been reported in Switzerland. Based on our local constraints, we set up and evaluated a disaster plan during two full scale exercises. Methods: In a university hospital treating more than 35 000 pediatric emergencies per year, two exercises involving mock victims of a disaster aged 9 to 14 years old were successively set up over a period of 3 years. The exercises were planned during the day, without modification of the normal emergency room activities. The hospital staff was informed and trained in advance. Variables such as the alarm timing and transmission, triage set-up and function, special disaster medical records utilization, communication and victims' identification were assessed. Family members participated in the second exercise. An evaluation team observed and record exercises activities, identifying strength and weaknesses. Results: On two separate occasions, a total of 44 mock patients participated, were triaged, admitted and treated in the hospital according to usual standards of care. Alarm transmission was not appropriate during the first exercise. Triage overload occurred on one occasion. In-hospital communication needed readjustment. Identification and in-hospital tracking of the children remained problematic. Hospital employees showed great enthusiasm and stressed the positive effect of full scale exercises on their knowledge of the hospital disaster plan. Conclusions: Performing real life disaster exercises in a pediatric hospital was very beneficial. The disaster plan was adapted to local needs and updated accordingly. An alarm transmission protocol was elaborated and tested. Triage set-up was adapted and tested. A hospital identification plan for injured children was created and tested. Full scale hospital exercises evaluating disaster plans revealed several weaknesses in the system. Practice readjustments based on local experience were made. A tested pediatric disaster plan adapted to local constraints could minimize chaos, optimize care and support in the event of a real disaster. Children's identification and family reunification following a disaster remains a challenge.
Early admission to hospital with minimum delay is a prerequisite for successful management of acute stroke. We sought to determine our local pre- and in-hospital factors influencing this delay. Time from onset of symptoms to admission (admission time) was prospectively documented during a 6-month period (December 2004 to May 2005) in patients consecutively admitted for an acute focal neurological deficit presented at arrival and of presumed vascular origin. Mode of transportation, patient's knowledge and correct recognition of stroke symptoms were assessed. Physicians contacted by the patients or their relatives were interviewed. The influence of referral patterns on in-hospital delays was further evaluated. Overall, 331 patients were included, 249 had an ischaemic and 37 a haemorrhagic stroke. Forty-five patients had a TIA with neurological symptoms subsiding within the first hours after admission. Median admission time was 3 hours 20 minutes. Transportation by ambulance significantly shortened admission delays in comparison with the patient's own means (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.6-3.7). The only other factor associated with reduced delays was awareness of stroke (HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3-2.9). Early in-hospital delays, specifically time to request CT-scan and time to call the neurologist, were shorter when the patient was referred by his family or to a lesser extent by an emergency physician than by the family physician (p < 0.04 and p < 0.01, respectively) and were shorter when he was transported by ambulance than by his own means (p < 0.01). Transportation by ambulance and referral by the patient or family significantly improved admission delays and early in-hospital management. Correct recognition of stroke symptoms further contributed to significant shortening of admission time. Educational programmes should take these findings into account.
OBJECTIVE: Clinical indicators are increasingly used to assess safety of patient care. In obstetrics, only a few indicators have been validated to date and none is used across specialties. The purpose of this study was to identify and assess for face and content validity a group of safety indicators that could be used by anaesthetists, obstetricians and neonatologists involved in labour and delivery units. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We first conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify potential measures. Indicators were then validated by a panel of 30 experts representing all specialties working in labour and delivery units. We used the Delphi method, an iterative questionnaire-based consensus seeking technique. Experts determined on a 7-point Likert scale (1=most representative/7=less representative) the soundness of each indicator as a measure of safety and their possible association with errors and complications caused by medical management. RESULTS: We identified 44 potential clinical indicators from the literature. Following the Delphi process, 13 indicators were considered as highly representative of safety during obstetrical care (mean score</=2.3). Experts ranked 6 of these indicators as being strongly associated to potential errors and complications. CONCLUSIONS: We identified and validated for face and content, a group of six clinical indicators to measure potentially preventable iatrogenic complications in labour and delivery units.
Difficulties in the doctor-patient relationship may arise because of differences in socio-cultural background. The aim of this study was to evaluate the doctors' satisfaction in an ambulatory care setting when confronted with 3 different cultural groups (Swiss, foreign residents, refugees) and to review some preconceived ideas. Actually, the foreign population did not consult more often in emergencies than the Swiss population, nor did it present more frequently with somatizations in first interview. However, the doctors felt globally less satisfied with the refugees than with the other patients, mainly because of communication difficulties and therefore a less satisfying doctor-patient relationship. Nevertheless, the doctors felt they had the same diagnostic accuracy in the 3 groups. Studies on the satisfaction of primary care doctors are important, because the quality of the doctor-patient relationship directly influences the quality of medical care.
Several epidemiological studies have reported an association between complications of pregnancy and delivery and schizophrenia, but none have had sufficient power to examine specific complications that, individually, are of low prevalence. We, therefore, performed an individual patient meta-analysis using the raw data from case control studies that used the Lewis-Murray scale. Data were obtained from 12 studies on 700 schizophrenia subjects and 835 controls. There were significant associations between schizophrenia and premature rupture of membranes, gestational age shorter than 37 weeks, and use of resuscitation or incubator. There were associations of borderline significance between schizophrenia and birthweight lower than 2,500 g and forceps delivery. There was no significant interaction between these complications and sex. We conclude that some abnormalities of pregnancy and delivery may be associated with development of schizophrenia. The pathophysiology may involve hypoxia and so future studies should focus on the accurate measurement of this exposure.