45 resultados para Northern Quoll
Understanding and anticipating biological invasions can focus either on traits that favour species invasiveness or on features of the receiving communities, habitats or landscapes that promote their invasibility. Here, we address invasibility at the regional scale, testing whether some habitats and landscapes are more invasible than others by fitting models that relate alien plant species richness to various environmental predictors. We use a multi-model information-theoretic approach to assess invasibility by modelling spatial and ecological patterns of alien invasion in landscape mosaics and testing competing hypotheses of environmental factors that may control invasibility. Because invasibility may be mediated by particular characteristics of invasiveness, we classified alien species according to their C-S-R plant strategies. We illustrate this approach with a set of 86 alien species in Northern Portugal. We first focus on predictors influencing species richness and expressing invasibility and then evaluate whether distinct plant strategies respond to the same or different groups of environmental predictors. We confirmed climate as a primary determinant of alien invasions and as a primary environmental gradient determining landscape invasibility. The effects of secondary gradients were detected only when the area was sub-sampled according to predictions based on the primary gradient. Then, multiple predictor types influenced patterns of alien species richness, with some types (landscape composition, topography and fire regime) prevailing over others. Alien species richness responded most strongly to extreme land management regimes, suggesting that intermediate disturbance induces biotic resistance by favouring native species richness. Land-use intensification facilitated alien invasion, whereas conservation areas hosted few invaders, highlighting the importance of ecosystem stability in preventing invasions. Plants with different strategies exhibited different responses to environmental gradients, particularly when the variations of the primary gradient were narrowed by sub-sampling. Such differential responses of plant strategies suggest using distinct control and eradication approaches for different areas and alien plant groups.
Results of a field and microstructural study between the northern and the central bodies of the Lanzo plagioclase peridotite massif (NW Italy) indicate that the spatial distribution of deformation is asymmetric across kilometre-scale mantle shear zones. The southwestern part of the shear zone (footwall) shows a gradually increasing degree of deformation from porphyroclastic peridotites to mylonite, whereas the northeastern part (hanging wall) quickly grades into weakly deformed peridotites. Discordant gabbroic and basaltic dykes are asymmetrically distributed and far more abundant in the footwall of the shear zone. The porphyroclastic peridotite displays porphyroclastic zones and domains of igneous crystallization whereas mylonites are characterized by elongated porphyroclasts, embedded between fine-grained, polycrystalline bands of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, spinel, rare titanian pargasite, and domains of recrystallized olivine. Two types of melt impregnation textures have been found: (1) clinopyroxene porphyroclasts incongruently reacted with migrating melt to form orthopyroxene plagioclase; (2) olivine porphyroclasts are partially replaced by interstitial orthopyroxene. The meltrock reaction textures tend to disappear in the mylonites, indicating that deformation in the mylonite continued under subsolidus conditions. The pyroxene chemistry is correlated with grain size. High-Al pyroxene cores indicate high temperatures (11001030C), whereas low-Al neoblasts display lower final equilibration temperatures (860C). The spinel Cr-number [molar Cr/(Cr Al)] and TiO2 concentrations show extreme variability covering almost the entire range known from abyssal peridotites. The spinel compositions of porphyroclastic peridotites from the central body are more variable than spinel from mylonite, mylonite with ultra-mylonite bands, and porphyroclastic rocks of the northern body. The spinel compositions probably indicate disequilibrium and would favour rapid cooling, and a faster exhumation of the central peridotite body, relative to the northern one. Our results indicate that melt migration and high-temperature deformation are juxtaposed both in time and space. Meltrock reaction may have caused grain-size reduction, which in turn led to localization of deformation. It is likely that melt-lubricated, actively deforming peridotites acted as melt focusing zones, with permeabilities higher than the surrounding, less deformed peridotites. Later, under subsolidus conditions, pinning in polycrystalline bands in the mylonites inhibited substantial grain growth and led to permanent weak zones in the upper mantle peridotite, with a permeability that is lower than in the weakly deformed peridotites. Such an inversion in permeability might explain why actively deforming, fine-grained peridotite mylonite acted as a permeability barrier and why ascending mafic melts might terminate and crystallize as gabbros along actively deforming shear zones. Melt-lubricated mantle shear zones provide a mechanism for explaining the discontinuous distribution of gabbros in oceancontinent transition zones, oceanic core complexes and ultraslow-spreading ridges.
A new genus (Triassiphaeodina gen. nov.) and two new species (Medusetta japonica sp. nov. and Triassiphaeodina niyodoensis sp. nov.) of Late Triassic (Rhaetian) phaeodarian Radiolaria are described from a phosphatic nodule found in melange rocks of the Northern Chichibu Belt, Shikoku, Japan. The Rhaetian age of the nodule and of the phaeodarian new taxa is based on co-occurring Polycystina Radiolaria, including Bipedis acrostylus Bragin, Livarella densiporata Kozur and Mostler, Fontinella primitiva Carter, and Ferresium sp. A of Carter (1993). This finding shows that phaeodarian Radiolaria were already represented in Late Triassic oceans, with morphologies similar to those known in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, from which they have previously been reported. The new taxa described herein represent the oldest known phaeodarian fossils.
An old erg covers the northern part of the Lake Chad basin. This dune landform allowed the formation of many inter- dune ponds of various sizes. Still present in certain zones where the groundwater level is high (e.g. Kanem, southern Manga), these ponds formed in the past a vast network of lacustrine microsystems, as shown by the nature and the dis- tribution of their deposits. In the Manga, these interdune deposits represent the main sedimentary records of the Holo- cene environmental succession. Their paleobiological (pollens, diatoms, ostracods) and geochemical (δ18O, δ13C, Sr/ Ca) contents are often the basis for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. On the other hand, their sedimentological char- acters are rarely exploited. This study of palustro-lacustrine deposits of the Holocene N'Guigmi lake (northern bank of the Lake Chad; Niger) is based on the relationships between the sedimentological features and the climato-hydrological fluctuations. The mineralogical parameters (e.g. calcium carbonate content, clay mineralogy) and the nature of autoch- thonous mineralization (i.e. amorphous silica, clays, calcium carbonates) can be interpreted using a straightforward hy- dro-sedimentary model. Established to explain the geochemical dynamics of Lake Chad, this model is based on a bio- geochemical cycle of the main elements (i.e. silicium, calcium) directly controlled by the local hydrological balance (i.e. rainfall/evaporation ratio). All these results show that a detailed study of sedimentological features can provide impor- tant paleohydrological informations about the regional aridification since ca 6500 14C BP.
The study area. located north of Konva (Central Turkey), is composed of Silurian to Cretaceous metamorphosed rocks. The lower unit of the oldest formation (Silurian-Early Permian) is mostly made up of Silurian-Early Carboniferous metacarbonates. These rocks pass laterally and vertically to Devonian-Early Permian series having continental margin, shallow water and pelagic characteristics. They are intruded or juxtaposed to different kinds of metamagmatic rocks. which show MORB. continental arc and within plate characteristics. The Palaeozoic units are covered unconformably by Triassic-Cretaceous metasedimentary units. All these rocks are overthrusted by Mesozoic ophiolites. The Palaeozoic sequence can be seen as a northern Palaeotethys passive, then active margin. The northward subduction of the Palaeotethys ocean during the Carboniferous-Triassic times, induced the development of a magmatic arc and fore-arc sequence (Carboniferous-Permian). Before the Early Triassic (?Late Permian) time. the fore-arc sequence was uplifted above sea level and eroded. The Triassic sequences are regarded as marking the onset of back-arc opening and detachment of the Anatolian Konya block from the active Eurasian margin. Finally. a suture zone formed during the Carman between the Konya region and the Menderes-Tauride Cimmerian block due to the closing of Palaeotethvs. This geodynamic evolution can be correlated with the evolution of the Karaburun sequence in western Turkey.
The paper deals with the stratigraphic and structural setting of the sedimentary sequence cropping out in southeastern Zanskar and adjacent Lahul areas. The Tibetan Zone succession of southeastern Zanskar consists of about 6000 m of sediments, Late Precambrian~ ?Eocene in age, arranged in two superposed slabs (Pugh tal Unit, below, and Zangla Unit, above) tectonically resting upon the High Himalayan Crystalline. The Pughtal sequence, mostly terrigenous with carbonate units in the Cambrian, Silurian and Carboniferous, is about 2500 m thick. It was deposited from ?Late Precambrian to Carboniferous or ?Early Permian. The Permian Panjal Traps constitute the "sole" of the Zangla Unit, whose sedimentary sequence, about 3000 m thick, mainly carbonatic, spans from Late Permian (Kuling Formation) to Middle Jurassic (Kioto Limestone) in eastern Zanskar. In the Zangla area Late Jurassic/Cretaceous formations (Spiti Shales, Giumal Sandstone, Chikkim Limestone) are also present. Towards northwest, the sequence ranges up to Paleocene (Spanboth Formation) and ?Eocene (Chulung La Slates). Au nord de la Haute Chaine, dans la partie septentrionale de I'Himalaya, la marge continentale indienne a vu plus de 6000 m de sediments se deposer depuis I'Infracambrien jusqu'a I'Eocene. Lors de l'orogenese himalayenne, ces sediments ont ete decolles de leur substratum originel, dMormes et metamorphises de maniere differenciee suivant leur position. Ils reposent en contact tectonique sur la nappe cristalline du Haut-Himalaya. L'unite inferieure ou unite de Pughtal consiste, la ou elle est complete, en plus de 2500 m de sediments en partie detritiques terrigenes mais marque par l'edification de plates-formes carbonatees au Cambrien, Silurien et Carbonifere. Dans cette unite on releve deux grandes sequences sedimentaires separees par l'evenement epirogenique et magmatique tardi-Cambrien (500 rna), contrecoup de l'orogenese pan-africaine. Un niveau massif de vo1canites basaltiques permiennes ~ les Panjal Traps ~ forme la base ou sole de I'unite superieure (nappe de Zangla). Cette unite, plissee de maniere disharmonique, recouvre progressivement vers l'ouest des niveaux de plus en plus anciens de l'unite inferieure, niveaux eux-memes replisses en grands plis couches kilometriques a vergence nord. Dans la partie occidentale (Ringdom) l'unite superieure repose directement sur la nappe cristalline. Cette unite montre une serie sedimentaire avec des carbonates de plate-forme bien developpes au Trias superieur et au Lias puis des sediments surtout pelagiques et en partie detritiques terrigenes au Jurassique superieur et au Cretace. Des la fin du Cretace et jusqu'au Paleocene superieur s'edifie a nouveau une plate-forme peu profonde. La serie se termine par des couches continentales attribuees a l'Eocene. L'evolution geodynamique durant Ie Paleozoique et Ie Mesozoique est analysee. II en ressort que la sedimentation, a partir de I'Ordovicien, est regJee plus par des grands cycles eustatiques que par des mouvements tectoniques ou epirogeniques regionaux (les orogeneses caledoniennes, hercyniennes et cretacees des auteurs).
Background: The divergent glacial histories of southern and northern Europe affect present-day species diversity at coarse-grained scales in these two regions, but do these effects also penetrate to the more fine-grained scales of local communities?Methodology/Principal Findings: We carried out a cross-scale analysis to address this question for vascular plants in two mountain regions, the Alps in southern Europe and the Scandes in northern Europe, using environmentally paired vegetation plots in the two regions (n = 403 in each region) to quantify four diversity components: (i) total number of species occurring in a region (total gamma-diversity), (ii) number of species that could occur in a target plot after environmental filtering (habitat-specific gamma-diversity), (iii) pair-wise species compositional turnover between plots (plot-to-plot beta-diversity) and (iv) number of species present per plot (plot gamma-diversity). We found strong region effects on total gamma-diversity, habitat-specific gamma-diversity and plot-to-plot beta-diversity, with a greater diversity in the Alps even towards distances smaller than 50 m between plots. In contrast, there was a slightly greater plot alpha-diversity in the Scandes, but with a tendency towards contrasting region effects on high and low soil-acidity plots.Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that there are strong regional differences between coarse-grained (landscape- to regional-scale) diversity components of the flora in the Alps and the Scandes mountain ranges,but that these differences do not necessarily penetrate to the finest-grained (plot-scale) diversity component, at least not on acidic soils. Because different processes can lead to a similar pattern, we discuss the consistency of our results with Quaternary history and other divergent features between the two regions such as habitat connectivity, selection for vagility and environmental differences not accounted for in our analyses
The Jalta and Jebel Ghozlane ore deposits are located in the extreme North of Tunisia, within the Nappe zone. The mineralization of Jalta, hosted in Triassic dolostones and the overlying Mio-Pliocene conglomerates, consists of abundant galena, barite, and cerussite with accessory sphalerite, pyrite, and jordanite. At Jebel Ghozlane, large Pb-Zn concentrations occur in the Triassic dolostones and Eocene limestones. The mineral association consists of galena, sphalerite, barite, and celestite and their oxidation products (cerussite, smithsonite, and anglesite). Lead isotope ratios in galena from both districts are relatively homogeneous ((206)Pb/(204)Pb = 18.702-18.823, (207)Pb/(204)Pb = 15.665-15.677, (208)Pb/(204)Pb = 38.725-38.875). The delta(34)S values for sulfates from both areas (+12.2 to +16.2 parts per thousand at Jalta and + 14.3 to + 19.4 parts per thousand at Jebel Ghozlane) are compatible with a derivation of sulfur from marine sulfates, possibly sourced from the Triassic evaporites. The delta(34)S values of the sulfides have a range between -10 and +12.5 parts per thousand at Jalta, and between -9.1 and +22.1 parts per thousand at Jebel Ghozlane. The large range of values suggests reduction of the sulfate by bacterial and/or thermochemical reduction of sulfate to sulfur. The high delta(34)S values of sulfides require closed-system reduction processes. The isotopically light carbon in late calcites (-6.3 to -2.5 parts per thousand) and authigenic dolomite (-17.6 parts per thousand) suggests an organic source of at least some of the carbon in these samples, whereas the similarity of the delta(18)O values between calcite (+24.8 parts per thousand) and the authigenic dolomite (+24.7 parts per thousand) of Jalta and their respective host rocks reflects oxygen isotope buffering of the mineralizing fluids by the host rock carbonates. The secondary calcite isotope compositions of Jalta are compatible with a hydrothermal fluid circulation at approximately 100 to 200 degrees C, but temperatures as low as 50 degrees C may be indicated by the late calcite of Jebel Ghozlane (delta(18)O of +35.9 parts per thousand). Given the geological events related to the Alpine orogeny in the Nappe zone (nappe emplacement, bimodal volcanism, and reactivation of major faults, such as Ghardimaou-Cap Serrat) and the Neogene age of the host rocks in several localities, a Late-Miocene age is proposed for the Pb-Zn ore deposits considered in this study. Remobilization of deep-seated primary deposits in the Paleozoic sequence is the most probable source for metals in both localities considered in this study and probably in the Nappe zone as a whole. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to evaluate the relationship between the apparent complexity of hillslope soil moisture and the emergent patterns of catchment hydrological behaviour and water quality, we need fine-resolution catchment-wide data on soil moisture characteristics. This study proposes a methodology whereby vegetation patterns obtained from high-resolution orthorectified aerial photographs are used as an indicator of soil moisture characteristics. This enables us to examine a set of hypotheses regarding what drives the spatial patterns of soil moisture at the catchment scale (material properties or topography). We find that the pattern of Juncus effusus vegetation is controlled largely by topography and mediated by the catchment's material properties. Characterizing topography using the topographic index adds value to the soil moisture predictions relative to slope or upslope contributing area (UCA). However, these predictions depart from the observed soil moisture patterns at very steep slopes or low UCAs. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.