199 resultados para Modalities
Optimum management of non-acquired neuromuscular disorders requires a multidisciplinary approach in order to prevent secondary complications related to the progression of the disease and to maintain the patient's independency in daily activities. For treatments, the physiotherapists and occupational therapists must have precise and measurable goals to quantify muscle strength and functions in conjunction with a specialist in neurorehabilitation. Examples of simple motor scores or scales are given in order to transmit precise information to the GP and the multidisciplinary team, and type of orthosis and physiotherapy programmes are given as pieces of advice to assume the follow-up of patients.
INTRODUCTION: Spectral frequencies of the surface electromyogram (sEMG) increase with contraction force, but debate still exists on whether this increase is affected by various methodological and anatomical factors. This study aimed to investigate the influence of inter-electrode distance (IED) and contraction modality (step-wise vs. ramp) on the changes in spectral frequencies with increasing contraction strength for the vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) muscles. METHODS: Twenty healthy male volunteers were assessed for isometric sEMG activity of the VM and VL, with the knee at 90° flexion. Subjects performed isometric ramp contractions in knee extension (6-s duration) with the force gradually increasing from 0 to 80 % MVC. Also, subjects performed 4-s step-wise isometric contractions at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 % MVC. Interference sEMG signals were recorded simultaneously at different IEDs: 10, 20, 30, and 50 mm. The mean (F mean) and median (F median) frequencies and root mean square (RMS) of sEMG signals were calculated. RESULTS: For all IEDs, contraction modalities, and muscles tested, spectral frequencies increased significantly with increasing level of force up to 50-60 % MVC force. Spectral indexes increased systematically as IED was decreased. The sensitivity of spectral frequencies to changes in contraction force was independent of IED. The behaviour of spectral indexes with increasing contraction force was similar for step-wise and ramp contractions. CONCLUSIONS: In the VL and VM muscles, it is highly unlikely that a particular inter-electrode distance or contraction modality could have prevented the observation of the full extent of the increase in spectral frequencies with increasing force level.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this review was to summarize available data on uveal melanoma biology and treatment in order to provide the medical community with a basic reference that would help to make further progress in this rare disease, which remains difficult to treat.¦RECENT FINDINGS: The most relevant recent findings driving current clinical developments are in the elucidation of uveal melanoma genetics and genomics. The key driving mutations - that differ completely from cutaneous melanoma - have been identified. Based on the novel insights into key signaling pathways, the first clinical trials with targeted treatments have been implemented. However, systemic and regional chemotherapy approaches as well as other regional treatment modalities for liver metastases are also a major part of the current treatment armamentarium and are prospectively being evaluated.¦SUMMARY: In summary, the recent biological findings and the creation of a series of clinical trials underscore how the international community is able to perform relevant advances in an extremely rare disease.
2013 has been the year of publications of large multicentric studies defining the modalities of different anti-VEGF and corticoid implants for the treatment of retinal diseases. The real innovation has been the growing use of iPS cells in the field of ophthalmology opening new hopes for the treatment of incurable blinding diseases.
OBJECTIVES: To describe disease characteristics and treatment modalities in a multidisciplinary cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients in Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of 255 patients included in the Swiss SLE Cohort and coming from centres specialised in Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Rheumatology. Clinical data were collected with a standardised form. Disease activity was assessed using the Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment-SLE Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI), an integer physician's global assessment score (PGA) ranging from 0 (inactive) to 3 (very active disease) and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The relationship between SLE treatment and activity was assessed by propensity score methods using a mixed-effect logistic regression with a random effect on the contributing centre. RESULTS: Of the 255 patients, 82% were women and 82% were of European ancestry. The mean age at enrolment was 44.8 years and the median SLE duration was 5.2 years. Patients from Rheumatology had a significantly later disease onset. Renal disease was reported in 44% of patients. PGA showed active disease in 49% of patients, median SLEDAI was 4 and median ESR was 14 millimetre/first hour. Prescription rates of anti-malarial drugs ranged from 3% by nephrologists to 76% by rheumatologists. Patients regularly using anti-malarial drugs had significantly lower SELENA-SLEDAI scores and ESR values. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, patients in Rheumatology had a significantly later SLE onset than those in Nephrology. Anti-malarial drugs were mostly prescribed by rheumatologists and internists and less frequently by nephrologists, and appeared to be associated with less active SLE.
Cardiac arrhythmias are very frequent in fetuses and newborns. The prognosis depends on the nature of the arrhythmias but is most often either spontaneously benign or following short-term medication administration. A correct diagnosis is essential for both management and prognosis. It is based on echocardiography during the fetal period and mainly on history, physical exam, and electrocardiogram after birth, but other modalities are available to record transient arrhythmic events. Irregular rhythms are mostly benign and rarely require therapy. In most fetuses and infants, tachyarrhythmias resolve spontaneously or require short-term administration of antiarrhythmics. Approximately one third of these may recur later on, especially during adolescence. Persistent bradyarrhythmias might require pacemaker implantation when associated with failure to thrive or with risk of sudden death. CONCLUSION: Arrhythmias in fetuses and infants are very common and mostly benign. History, physical exam, and recording of the arrhythmia are essential to make a correct diagnosis and establish an appropriate management for the rare potentially harmful arrhythmias.
Colorectal cancer is among the three most common and lethal neoplasms in Switzerland (about 4,000 new cases and 1,600 deaths per year, respectively). Several screening modalities are available. The effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening on mortality is established. The implementation of a successful screening intervention shall follow specified phases and conditions, and abide with global principles: pooling and coordinating efforts from all partners, setting goals and priorities, and identifying action plans. A feasibility (pilot) study is needed to verify requirements for quality, effectiveness, efficiency and innocuousness. Endeavours towards implementing a pilot programme for colorectal cancer screening in the Vaud canton (Switzerland) are presented and discussed.
In population surveys of the exposure to medical X-rays both the frequency of examinations and the effective dose per examination are required. The use of the Swiss medical tariffication system (TARMED) for establishing the frequency of X-ray medical examinations was explored. The method was tested for radiography examinations performed in 2008 at the Lausanne University Hospital. The annual numbers of radiographies determined from the "TARMED" database are in good agreement with the figures extracted from the local RIS (Radiology Information System). The "TARMED" is a reliable and fast method for establishing the frequency of radiography examination, if we respect the context in which the "TARMED" code is used. In addition, this billing context provides most valuable information on the average number of radiographs per examination as well as the age and sex distributions. Radiographies represent the major part of X-ray examinations and are performed by about 4,000 practices and hospitals in Switzerland. Therefore this method has the potential to drastically simplify the organisation of nationwide surveys. There are still some difficulties to overcome if the method is to be used to assess the frequency of computed tomography or fluoroscopy examinations; procedures that deliver most of the radiation dose to the population. This is due to the poor specificity of "TARMED" codes concerning these modalities. However, the use of CT and fluoroscopy installations is easier to monitor using conventional survey methods since there are fewer centres. Ways to overcome the "TARMED" limitations for these two modalities are still being explored.
Since the era of Gaupp who introduced the concept of atheroscletic depressive disorder, the concept of late-life depression has been correlated with cerebrovascular comorbidities, microvascular lesions, frontal cortical and subcortical gray and white matter hyperintensities. The predominant neuropsychological deficits concern the domains of planning, organization and abstraction, with executive dysfunction being the predominant finding. MRI studies reveal a higher prevalence of white matter lesions in elderly patients with depression. Molecular mechanisms underlying the disease still remain unclear. Hyperhomocysteinemia has been associated with depression through its toxicity to neurons and blood vessels. Endothelial dysfunction is another possible mechanism referring to the loss of vasodilatation capacity. Inflammatory phenomena, such as increased peripheral leucocytes, elevated CRP and cytokine levels, could play a role in endothelial dysfunction. In this review we will briefly combine findings from neurobiological, epidemiological, structural and post-mortem data. A more complex model in late-life depression combining different modalities could be an elucidating approach to the disease's etiopathogeny in the future.
Objective. Mandibular osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is a serious complication of radiotherapy (RT) in head and neck cancer patients. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of and risk factors for mandibular ORN in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and oropharynx.Study Design. Case series with chart review.Setting. University tertiary care center for head and neck oncology.Subjects and Methods. Seventy-three patients treated for stage I to IV SCC of the oral cavity and oropharynx between 2000 and 2007, with a minimum follow-up of 2 years, were included in the study. Treatment modalities included both RT with curative intent and adjuvant RT following tumor surgery. The log-rank test and Cox model were used for univariate and multivariate analyses.Results. The incidence of mandibular ORN was 40% at 5 years. Using univariate analysis, the following risk factors were identified: oral cavity tumors (P < .01), bone invasion (P < .02), any surgery prior to RT (P < .04), and bone surgery (P < .0001). By multivariate analysis, mandibular surgery proved to be the most important risk factor and the only one reaching statistical significance (P < .0002).Conclusion. Mandibular ORN is a frequent long-term complication of RT for oral cavity and oropharynx cancers. Mandibular surgery before irradiation is the only independent risk factor. These aspects must be considered when planning treatment for these tumors.
Résumé: Chez les mammifères, les intestins sont les organes ayant le plus haut taux de renouvellement cellulaire dans l'organisme. L'épithélium intestinal se renouvelle complètement en moins d'une semaine. Il se compose de projections (villosités) et d'invaginations (cryptes) qui ont toutes deux des fonctions bien distinctes. Les cellules de l'intestin sont constamment produites à partir de cellules souches, situées dans la crypte, qui se différencient en cellules proliférantes transitoires, puis en cellules caliciformes, de Paneth, entéroendocrine ou en entérocytes. Ces cellules migrent dans leurs lieux spécifiques pour accomplir leur fonction physiologique pour finalement mourir. A cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle de la voie de signalisation de Notch dans le renouvellement cellulaire et dans le processus de l'homéostase des cellules de l'intestin marin en utilisant le système Cre-loxP pour induire la délétion des gènes Notch1, Notch2, Jaggedl et RBP-Jk. Bien que l'inactivation de Notch1 avec ou sans Jagged1, ou celle de Notch2, n'aboutissent à aucun phénotype, une déficience pour RBP-Jk, ou pour Notch1 et Notch2 simultanément, conduit au développement d'un impressionnant phénotype. Au niveau de la crypte, une rapide et importante modification des cellules apparaît: les cellules proliférantes sont devenues des cellules caliciformes qui ont perdu la capacité de se renouveler. Ces résultats impliquent la voie Notch en tant que nouvelle clé de voûte dans le maintien des cellules qui s'auto-renouvellent dans l'épithélium intestinal. Un rôle similaire a été proposé pour la voie Wnt, laquelle n'est cependant, pas affectée dans nos souris. C'est pourquoi ces deux voies sont essentielles dans le maintien de la prolifération dans les cryptes intestinales. Ce travail a aussi proposé un mécanisme par lequel la voie Notch contrôlerait l'intégrité du cycle cellulaire dans les cellules de la crypte intestinale, ceci en inhibant la transcription d'un inhibiteur du cycle cellulaire, la protéine p27KIP1. De plus, l'inactivation de RBP-Jk dans les adénomes développés par les souris APCmin induisent la différenciation de cellules tumorales en cellules caliciformes. Comme autre effet, la localisation histologique des cellules de Paneth est également affectée par la délétion de RBP-Jk ou de Notch1/Notch2, suggérant un rôle pour la voie Notch dans le compartiment des cellules de Paneth. Finalement, ce travail démontre que les cellules progénitrices de l'intestin ont besoin d'une convergence fonctionnelle des voie Wnt et Notch. Ces résultats préliminaires peuvent être considérés comme un concept pour l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs de secrétase-γ (inhibiteurs de Notch) à des fins thérapeutiques pour les cancers colorectaux. Summary The mammalian intestine has one of the highest cellular turnover rates in the body. The complete intestinal epithelium is renewed in less than a week. It is divided into spatially distinct compartments in the form of finger-like projections (villi) and flask-shaped invaginations (crypts) that are dedicated to specific functions. Intestinal cells are constantly produced from a stem cell reservoir that gives rise to proliferating transient amplifying cells, which subsequently differentiate and home to their specific compartments before dying after having fulfilled their physiological function. In this thesis project, the physiological role of the Notch signalling cascade in the marine intestine was studied. Inducible tissue specific inactivation of Notch1, Notch2, Jagged1 and RBP-Jk genes was applied to assess their role in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis and cell fate determination. The analysis unequivocally revealed that Notch1, Notch1 and Jagged1 combined as well as Notch2 are dispensable for intestinal homeostasis and lineage differentiation. However, deficiency of RBP-Jk as well as the simultaneous inactivation of both Notch1 and Notch2 receptors unveiled a striking phenotype. In these mice, a rapid and massive conversion of proliferative crypt cells into post-mitotic goblet cells was observed. These results identify the Notch pathway as a key player for the maintenance of the proliferative crypt compartment. A similar role was implicated for the Wnt cascade, which, however, was not affected in the different tissue specific Notch signalling deficient mice. Thus, the Wnt and Notch signalling pathways are essential for the self-renewal capacity of the intestinal epithelium. Furthermore, our results suggest a molecular mechanism for Notch signalling mediated control of cell cycle regulation within the crypt. The Notch cascade inhibits expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27KIP1 and thereby maintains proliferation of the intestinal progenitor cells. In addition, the inactivation of RBP-Jk in adenomas developed by APCmin mice resulted in the differentiation of tumour cells into goblet cells. Finally, Notch deficiency affected differentiated Paneth cells, suggesting that Notch may play a role in the Paneth cell compartment. In summary, this work clearly demonstrates that undifferentiated, proliferative cells in intestinal crypts require the concerted activation of the RBP-Jk-mediated Notch signalling and the Wnt cascade. In addition, our preliminary results can be considered as a "proof-of-principle" for the use of γ-secretase inhibitors for therapeutic modalities for colorectal cancer.
20 patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma undergoing laparotomy received 15-60 mg intravenously, either intact or fragments of, anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (anti-CEA) monoclonal antibodies labelled with 0.55-1.48 GBq (15-40 mCi) of 131I, 3-8 days prior to operation. The uptake measured per gram of metastases ranged from 0.33 to 6.6 x 10(-3%) of injected dose. Tumour to liver uptake ratios ranged from 2 to 33. The radiation dose, estimated in 6 patients (3 of each group), for an extrapolated dose of 3.7 GBq (100 mCi) of 131I ranged from 0.3 to 0.8 Gy in normal liver or spleen (an acceptable estimate for bone marrow radiation dose) and from 3.4 to 8.2 Gy to the hepatic metastases, indicating that probably other therapeutic modalities should be associated with radioimmunotherapy.
SUMMARY Regional drug delivery is an approach designed to improve the selectivity of anticancer chemotherapy. The advantage of regional treatments lies in increasing the drug concentration in the affected organ, while the rest of the organism is spared, thus improving efficacy and limiting treatment toxicity. The goal of this thesis was to assess the distribution throughout the body and the disposition (pharmacokinetics) of two anticancer agents, doxorubicin and gemcitabine, administered by two different regional administration modalities: isolated lung perfusion (ILP) for pulmonary metastases from soft tissue sarcomas and abdominal stop-flow hypoxic perfusion for advanced pancreatic cancers, respectively. For this purpose, two high-performance liquid chromatography methods were developed and validated. The first enabled the determination of doxorubicin in four different biological matrices: serum, reconstituted effluent, tissues with low levels of doxorubicin and tissues with high levels of doxorubicin. The second allows the analysis of gemcitabine and its principal metabolite dFdU in plasma. The administration of doxorubicin by ILP was studied in three preclinical studies (one on pigs and two on rats). It was first shown that, regardless of the administration mode, doxorubicin was not homogeneously distributed throughout the lung and that some regions remained out of reach. Secondly, it was demonstrated that doxorubicin did not adequately reach the tumours despite very high levels found in the lung. Finally, an attempt to enhance the doxorubicin tumoural uptake by pharmacologic modulation using two P-glycoprotein inhibitors, cyclosporin and valspodar, was unsuccessful. The last part of this work involves the administration of gemcitabine by abdominal stop-flow as a part of a phase I clinical trial in patients with advanced pancreatic disease or resistant malignant ascites. The study has demonstrated that the regional exposure to gemcitabine was increased while the exposure of the entire organism was similar to standard intravenous administrations. From a toxicological perspective, the procedure was rather well tolerated. However, even if no clinical response is expected from a phase I study, no hints of clinical responses were unfortunately observed. In conclusion, even if loco-regional therapies may afford the pharmacological advantage of increasing anticancer drug levels at the tumour site, further studies of these investigational treatment modalities are warranted to ascertain whether they can provide a significant improvement of the cancer therapy for patients, in terms of treatment tolerability, improved responses and survival rates. RÉSUMÉ L'administration locorégionale d'agents anticancéreux est une approche destinée à augmenter la sélectivité du traitement. L'avantage des traitements régionaux repose sur le fait que la concentration du médicament cytostatique est augmentée dans l'organe où est localisée la tumeur, alors que le reste de l'organisme est épargné, améliorant ainsi en théorie l'efficacité du traitement et en limitant sa toxicité. Le but de ce travail de thèse avait pour objectif de préciser, la pharmacocinétique au sein de l'organisme de deux agents anticancéreux, la doxorubicine et la gemcitabine, administrés par deux types de perfusions loco-régionales: la perfusion isolée du poumon (ILP) pour les métastases pulmonaires de sarcomes des tissus mous, et la perfusion hypoxique (stop-flow) abdominale pour les cancers avancés du pancréas. Dans cette optique, deux méthodes de chromatographie liquide à haute performance ont été développées et validées. La première permet le dosage de la doxorubicine dans quatre milieux biologiques: le sérum, l'effluent reconstitué, ainsi que des tissus contenant des concentrations faibles et élevées en doxorubicine. La seconde méthode permet le dosage dans le plasma de la gemcitabine et de son principal métabolite, le dFdU. L'administration de doxorubicine par ILP a été étudiée dans trois études précliniques (une chez le porc et deux chez le rat). Il a été montré, dans un premier temps, que la doxorubicine n'était pas distribuée de façon homogène au sein du poumon, quel que soit son mode d'administration. Dans un deuxième temps, il a été démontré que le médicament n'atteignait pas les tumeurs de façon adéquate, malgré des concentrations très élevées au sein du tissu pulmonaire. Finalement, une tentative d'augmenter la pénétration tumorale de la doxorubicine par une modulation pharmacologique de la P-glycoprotéine en utilisant la cyclosporine et le valspodar n'a pas abouti. La dernière partie de ce travail concernait l'administration de gemcitabine par stop-flow abdominal dans le cadre d'une étude clinique de phase I menée auprès de patients atteints de cancers avancés du pancréas ou d'ascites malignes réfractaires. Cette étude a démontré que l'exposition régionale à la gemcitabine était augmentée, alors que l'exposition de l'organisme était similaire à une administration de dose standard par voie intraveineuse. D'un point de vue toxicologique la procédure fut relativement bien tolérée. Cependant, même s'il n'est pas attendu de réponses cliniques dans une étude de phase I, aucun signe de réponse au traitement n'a pu être malheureusement observé. En conclusion, même si les thérapies loco-régionales présentent -en théorie- l'avantage pharmacologique d'augmenter les taux du médicaments anticancéreux sur le site de la tumeur, d'autres études précliniques et cliniques sont nécessaires pour démontrer que ces nouvelles modalités de traitement, de nature investigationelle à présent, apportent une réelle amélioration pour la prise en charge des patients cancéreux, en terme de tolérance au traitement et de l'augmentation des taux de réponses et de survie.
An object's motion relative to an observer can confer ethologically meaningful information. Approaching or looming stimuli can signal threats/collisions to be avoided or prey to be confronted, whereas receding stimuli can signal successful escape or failed pursuit. Using movement detection and subjective ratings, we investigated the multisensory integration of looming and receding auditory and visual information by humans. While prior research has demonstrated a perceptual bias for unisensory and more recently multisensory looming stimuli, none has investigated whether there is integration of looming signals between modalities. Our findings reveal selective integration of multisensory looming stimuli. Performance was significantly enhanced for looming stimuli over all other multisensory conditions. Contrasts with static multisensory conditions indicate that only multisensory looming stimuli resulted in facilitation beyond that induced by the sheer presence of auditory-visual stimuli. Controlling for variation in physical energy replicated the advantage for multisensory looming stimuli. Finally, only looming stimuli exhibited a negative linear relationship between enhancement indices for detection speed and for subjective ratings. Maximal detection speed was attained when motion perception was already robust under unisensory conditions. The preferential integration of multisensory looming stimuli highlights that complex ethologically salient stimuli likely require synergistic cooperation between existing principles of multisensory integration. A new conceptualization of the neurophysiologic mechanisms mediating real-world multisensory perceptions and action is therefore supported.