55 resultados para MEDIAL NUCLEUS


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Résumé : La microautophagie du noyau est un processus découvert chez la levure S. cerevisiae qui vise la dégradation de portions nucléaires dans la lumière vacuolaire. Ce processus appelé PMN (de l'anglais Piecemeal Microautophagy of the Nucleus) est induit dans des conditions de stress cellulaire comme la privation de nutriments, mais également par l'utilisation d'une drogue : la rapamycine. La PMN est due à l'interaction directe d'une protéine de la membrane externe de l'enveloppe nucléaire Nvj1p, et d'une protéine de la membrane vacuolaire Vac8p. L'interaction de ces deux protéines forme la jonction noyau-vacuole. Cette jonction guide la formation d'une invagination, qui englobe et étire vers la lumière vacuolaire une partie du noyau sous la forme d'un sac. Il s'en suit la libération d'une vésicule dégradée par les hydrolases. Les mécanismes moléculaires intervenant à différentes étapes de ce processus sont inconnus. Le but de ma thèse est de mettre en évidence de nouveaux acteurs qui interviennent dans la PMN. Dans la première partie de cette étude, nous présentons une procédure de sélection à la recherche de candidats jouant un rôle dans la PMN. Cette sélection a été effectuée dans la collection de mutants commercialisée chez Euroscarf. La procédure reposait sur l'observation que le nucléole (représenté par Nop1p) est le substrat préférentiel de la PMN dans des expériences de microscopie faites après induction de la PMN avec la rapamycine. Nous avons ainsi transformé la collection de mutants avec un plasmide portant le marqueur du nucléole Noplp. Par la suite, nous avons cherché par microscopie les mutants incapables de transférer Nop1p du noyau à la vacuole. Nous avons trouvé 318 gènes présentant un défaut de transfert de Nop1p par PMN. Ces gènes ont été classés par grandes familles fonctionnelles et aussi par leur degré de défaut de PMN. Egalement dans cette partie de l'étude, nous avons décrit des mutants impliqués dans le processus, à des étapes différentes. Dans la seconde partie de l'étude, nous avons regardé l'implication et le rôle de la V-ATPase, (une pompe à protons de la membrane vacuolaire}, sélectionnée parmi les candidats, dans le processus de PMN. Les inhibiteurs de ce complexe, comme la concanamycineA, bloquent l'activité PMN et semblent affecter le processus à deux étapes différentes. D'un autre côté, les jonctions «noyau-vacuole »forment une barrière de diffusion au niveau de la membrane vacuolaire, de laquelle Vphlp, une protéine de la V-ATPase, est exclue.


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Neuropathic pain is a major health issue and is frequently accompanied by allodynia (painful sensations in response to normally non-painful stimulations), and unpleasant paresthesia/dysesthesia, pointing to alterations in sensory pathways normally dedicated to the processing of non-nociceptive information. Interestingly, mounting evidence indicate that central glial cells are key players in allodynia, partly due to changes in the astrocytic capacity to scavenge extracellular glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), through changes in their respective transporters (EAAT and GAT). In the present study, we investigated the glial changes occurring in the dorsal column nuclei, the major target of normally innocuous sensory information, in the rat spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain. We report that together with a robust microglial and astrocytic reaction in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus, the GABA transporter GAT-1 is upregulated with no change in GAT-3 or glutamate transporters. Furthermore, [(3)H] GABA reuptake on crude synaptosome preparation shows that transporter activity is functionally increased ipsilaterally in SNI rats. This GAT-1 upregulation appears evenly distributed in the gracile nucleus and colocalizes with astrocytic activation. Neither glial activation nor GAT-1 modulation was detected in the cuneate nucleus. Together, the present results point to GABA transport in the gracile nucleus as a putative therapeutic target against abnormal sensory perceptions related to neuropathic pain.


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Multisensory and sensorimotor integrations are usually considered to occur in superior colliculus and cerebral cortex, but few studies proposed the thalamus as being involved in these integrative processes. We investigated whether the organization of the thalamocortical (TC) systems for different modalities partly overlap, representing an anatomical support for multisensory and sensorimotor interplay in thalamus. In 2 macaque monkeys, 6 neuroanatomical tracers were injected in the rostral and caudal auditory cortex, posterior parietal cortex (PE/PEa in area 5), and dorsal and ventral premotor cortical areas (PMd, PMv), demonstrating the existence of overlapping territories of thalamic projections to areas of different modalities (sensory and motor). TC projections, distinct from the ones arising from specific unimodal sensory nuclei, were observed from motor thalamus to PE/PEa or auditory cortex and from sensory thalamus to PMd/PMv. The central lateral nucleus and the mediodorsal nucleus project to all injected areas, but the most significant overlap across modalities was found in the medial pulvinar nucleus. The present results demonstrate the presence of thalamic territories integrating different sensory modalities with motor attributes. Based on the divergent/convergent pattern of TC and corticothalamic projections, 4 distinct mechanisms of multisensory and sensorimotor interplay are proposed.


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This paper presents a new non parametric atlas registration framework, derived from the optical flow model and the active contour theory, applied to automatic subthalamic nucleus (STN) targeting in deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. In a previous work, we demonstrated that the STN position can be predicted based on the position of surrounding visible structures, namely the lateral and third ventricles. A STN targeting process can thus be obtained by registering these structures of interest between a brain atlas and the patient image. Here we aim to improve the results of the state of the art targeting methods and at the same time to reduce the computational time. Our simultaneous segmentation and registration model shows mean STN localization errors statistically similar to the most performing registration algorithms tested so far and to the targeting expert's variability. Moreover, the computational time of our registration method is much lower, which is a worthwhile improvement from a clinical point of view.


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Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is an evolutionary conserved DNA repair system that is essential for the removal of UV-induced DNA damage. In this study we investigated how NER is compartmentalized in the interphase nucleus of human cells at the ultrastructural level by using electron microscopy in combination with immunogold labeling. We analyzed the role of two nuclear compartments: condensed chromatin domains and the perichromatin region. The latter contains transcriptionally active and partly decondensed chromatin at the surface of condensed chromatin domains. We studied the distribution of the damage-recognition protein XPC and of XPA, which is a central component of the chromatin-associated NER complex. Both XPC and XPA rapidly accumulate in the perichromatin region after UV irradiation, whereas only XPC is also moderately enriched in condensed chromatin domains. These observations suggest that DNA damage is detected by XPC throughout condensed chromatin domains, whereas DNA-repair complexes seem preferentially assembled in the perichromatin region. We propose that UV-damaged DNA inside condensed chromatin domains is relocated to the perichromatin region, similar to what has been shown for DNA replication. In support of this, we provide evidence that UV-damaged chromatin domains undergo expansion, which might facilitate the translocation process. Our results offer novel insight into the dynamic spatial organization of DNA repair in the human cell nucleus.


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The voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.2 belongs to the shaker-related family and has recently been implicated in the control of sleep profile on the basis of clinical and experimental evidence in rodents. To further investigate whether increasing Kv1.2 activity would promote sleep occurrence in rats, we developed an adeno-associated viral vector that induces overexpression of rat Kv1.2 protein. The viral vector was first evaluated in vitro for its ability to overexpress rat Kv1.2 protein and to produce functional currents in infected U2OS cells. Next, the adeno-associated Kv1.2 vector was injected stereotaxically into the central medial thalamic area of rats and overexpression of Kv1.2 was showed by in situ hybridization, ex vivo electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. Finally, the functional effect of Kv1.2 overexpression on sleep facilitation was investigated using telemetry system under normal conditions and following administration of the arousing agent caffeine, during the light phase. While no differences in sleep profile were observed between the control and the treated animals under normal conditions, a decrease in the pro-arousal effect of caffeine was seen only in the animals injected with the adeno-associated virus-Kv1.2 vector. Overall, our data further support a role of the Kv1.2 channel in the control of sleep profile, particularly under conditions of sleep disturbance.


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INTRODUCTION: Hidradenitis suppurativa of the groin is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Radical surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Often split-skin grafting or wound healing by secondary intention are used for defect closure, sometimes with disfiguring results. We describe our experience with radical excision of localised inguinal hidradenitis suppurativa and immediate defect closure with a medial thigh lift. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Our hospital database was searched for all patients presenting to our institution for surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa between 2001 and 2006. Only patients with hidradenitis confined to the groin were included. Exclusion criteria were simple abscess incisions, recurrence after previous grafting or flap surgery and extension of the disease outside the groin and presence of clinical signs of infection at the time of surgery. We documented patient demographics, sizes of defects, complications, time of follow-up, recurrences and patient satisfaction. RESULTS: A total of 8 patients with localised inguinal hidradenitis suppurativa were identified and 15 thigh lifts were performed. Defect size assessed on pathologic examination of the excised specimens averaged 15.9 cm x 4.3 cm x 1.3 cm (length x width x depth). All wounds but one healed primarily. Functional and aesthetic results were satisfactory. No major complications and no irritations of the genital area were observed. No recurrences were observed either. CONCLUSION: We propose the medial thigh lift to be considered for immediate defect closure after radical excision of localised inguinal hidradenitis suppurativa provided that no perifocal signs of infection are present after debridement.


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Abstract The amygdala is a group of nuclei in the temporal lobe of the brain that plays a crucial role in anxiety and fear behavior. Sensory information converges in the basolateral and lateral nuclei of the amygdala, which have been the first regions in the brain where the acquisition of new (fear) memories has been associated with long term changes in synaptic transmission. These nuclei, in turn, project to the central nucleus of the amygdala. The central amygdala, through its extensive projections to numerous nuclei in the midbrain and brainstem, plays a pivotal role in the orchestration of the rapid autonomic and endocrine fear responses. In the central amygdala a large number of neuropeptides and receptors is expressed, among which high levels of vasopressin and oxytocin receptors. Local injections of these peptides into the amygdala modulate several aspects of the autonomic fear reaction. Interestingly, their effects are opposing: vasopressin tends to enhance the fear reactions, whereas oxytocin has anxiolytic effects. In order to investigate the neurophysiological mechanisms that could underlie this opposing modulation of the fear behavior, we studied the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on the neuronal activity in an acute brain slice preparation of the rat central amygdala. We first assessed the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on the spontaneous activity of central amygdala neurons. Extracellular single unit recordings revealed two major populations of neurons: a majority of neurons was excited by vasopressin and inhibited by oxytocin, whereas other neurons were only excited by oxytocin receptor activation. The inhibitory effect of oxytocin could be reduced by the block of GABAergic transmission, whereas the excitatory effects of vasopressin and oxytocin were not affected. In a second step we identified the cellular mechanisms for the excitatory effects of both peptides as well as the morphological and biochemical mechanisms underlying the opposing effects, by using sharp electrode recordings together with intracellular labelings. We revealed that oxytocin-excited neurons are localized in the lateral part (CeL) whereas vasopressin excited cells are found in the medial part of the central amygdala (CeM). The tracing of the neuronal morphology showed that the axon collaterals of the oxytocin-excited neurons project from the CeL, far into the CeM. Combined immunohistochemical stainings indicated that these projections are GABAergic. In the third set of experiments we investigated the synaptic interactions between the two identified cell populations. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in the CeM revealed that the inhibitory effect of oxytocin was caused by the massive increase of inhibitory GABAergic currents, which was induced by the activation of CeL neurons. Finally, the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on evoked activity were investigated. We found on the one hand, that the probability of evoking action potentials in the CeM by stimulating the basolateral amygdala afferents was enhanced under vasopressin, whereas it decreased under oxytocin. On the other hand, the impact of cortical afferents stimulation on the CeL neurons was enhanced by oxytocin application. Taken together, these findings have allowed us to develop a model, in which the opposing behavioral effects of vasopressin and oxytocin are caused by a selective activation of two distinct populations of neurons in the GABAergic network of the central amygdala. Our model could help to develop new anxiolytic treatments, which modulate simultaneously both receptor systems. By acting on a GABAergic network, such treatments can further be tuned by combinations with classical benzodiazepines. Résumé: L'amygdale est un groupe de noyaux cérébraux localisés dans le lobe temporal. Elle joue un rôle essentiel dans les comportements liés à la peur et l'anxiété. L'information issue des aires sensorielles converge vers les noyaux amygdaliens latéraux et basolatéraux, qui sont les projections vers différents noyaux du tronc cérébral et de l'hypothalamus, joue un rôle clef premières régions dans lesquelles il a été démontré que l'acquisition d'une nouvelle mémoire (de peur) était associée à des changements à long terme de la transmission synaptique. Ces noyaux envoient leurs projections sur l'amygdale centrale, qui à travers ses propres dans l'orchestration des réponses autonomes et endocrines de peur. Le contrôle de l'activité neuronale dans l'amygdale centrale module fortement la réaction de peur. Ainsi, un grand nombre de neuropeptides sont spécifiquement exprimés dans l'amygdale centrale et un bon nombre d'entre eux interfère dans la réaction de peur et d'anxiété. Chez les rats, une forte concentration de récepteurs à l'ocytocine et à la vasopressine est exprimée dans le noyau central, et l'injection de ces peptides dans l'amygdale influence différents aspects de la réaction viscérale associée à la peur. Il est intéressant de constater que ces peptides exercent des effets opposés. Ainsi, la vasopressine augmente la réaction de peur alors que l'ocytocine a un effet anxiolytique. Afin d'investiguer les mécanismes neurophysiologiques responsables de ces effets opposés, nous avons étudié l'effet de la vasopressine et de l'ocytocine sur l'activité neuronale de préparations de tranches de cerveau de rats contenant entre autres de l'amygdale centrale. Tout d'abord, notre intérêt s'est porté sur les effets de ces deux neuropeptides sur l'activité spontanée dans l'amygdale centrale. Des enregistrements extracellulaires ont révélé différentes populations de neurones ; une majorité était excitée par la vasopressine et inhibée par l'ocytocine ; d'autres étaient seulement excités par l'activation du récepteur à l'ocytocine. L'effet inhibiteur de l'ocytocine a pu être réduit par l'inhibition de la transmission GABAergique, alors que ses effets excitateurs n'étaient pas affectés. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons identifié les mécanismes cellulaires responsables de l'effet excitateur de ces deux peptides et analysé les caractéristiques morphologiques et biochimiques des neurones affectés. Des enregistrements intracellulaires ont permis de localiser les neurones excités par l'ocytocine dans la partie latérale de l'amygdale centrale (CeL), et ceux excités par la vasopressine dans sa partie médiale (CeM). Le traçage morphologique des neurones a révélé que les collatérales axonales des cellules excitées par l'ocytocine projetaient du CeL loin dans le CeM. De plus, des colorations immuno-histochimiques ont révélé que ces projections étaient GABAergiques. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons étudié les interactions synaptiques entre ces deux populations de cellules. Les enregistrements en whole-cell patch-clamp dans le CeM ont démontré que les effets inhibiteurs de l'ocytocine résultaient de l'augmentation massive des courants GABAergique résultant de l'activation des neurones dans le CeL. Finalement, les effets de l'ocytocine et de la vasopressine sur l'activité évoquée ont été étudiés. Nous avons pu montrer que la probabilité d'évoquer un potentiel d'action dans le CeM, par stimulation de l'amygdale basolatérale, était augmentée sous l'effet de la vasopressine et diminuée sous l'action de l'ocytocine. Par contre, l'impact de la stimulation des afférences corticales sur les neurones du CeL était augmenté par l'application de l'ocytocine. L'ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de développer un modèle dans lequel les effets comportementaux opposés de la vasopressine et de l'ocytocine sont causés par une activation sélective des deux différentes populations de neurones dans un réseau GABAergique. Un tel modèle pourrait mener au développement de nouveaux traitements anxiolytiques en modulant l'activité des deux récepteurs simultanément. En agissant sur un réseau GABAergique, les effets d'un tel traitement pourraient être rendus encore plus sélectifs en association avec des benzodiazépines classiques.


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AbstractPlants continuously grow during their complete life span and understanding the mechanisms that qualitatively regulate their traits remains a challenging topic in biology. The hormone auxin has been identified as a crucial molecule for shaping plant growth, as it has a role in most developmental processes. In the root, the directional, so-called polar transport of auxin generates a peak of concentration that specifies and maintains the stem cell niche and a subsequent gradient of decreasing concentration that also regulates cell proliferation and differentiation. For these reasons, auxin is considered the main morphogen of the root, as it is fundamental for its organization and maintenance. Recently, in Arabidopsis thaliana, a natural variation screen allowed the discovery of BREVIS RADIX (BRX) gene as a limiting factor for auxin responsive gene expression and thus for root growth.In this study, we discovered that BRX is a direct target of auxin that positively feeds back on auxin signaling, as a transcriptional co-regulator, through interaction with the Auxin Response Factor (ARF) MONOPTEROS (MP), modulating the auxin gene response magnitude during the transition between division and differentiation in the root meristem. Moreover, we provide evidence that BRX is activated at the plasma membrane level as an associated protein before moving into the nucleus to modulate cellular growth.To investigate the discrepancy between the auxin concentration and the expression pattern of its downstream targets, we combined experimental and computational approaches. Expression profiles deviating from the auxin gradient could only be modeled after intersection of auxin activity with the observed differential endocytosis pattern and with positive auto- regulatory feedback through plasma- membrane-to-nucleus transfer of BRX. Because BRX is required for expression of certain auxin response factor targets, our data suggest a cell-type-specific endocytosis-dependent input into transcriptional auxin perception. This input sustains expression of a subset of auxin-responsive genes across the root meristem's division and transition zones and is essential for meristem growth. Thus, the endocytosis pattern provides specific positional information to modulate auxin response. RésuméLes plantes croissent continuellement tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Comprendre et expliquer les mécanismes impliqués dans ce phénomène reste à l'heure actuelle, un défi. L'hormone auxine a été identifiée comme une molécule essentielle à la régulation de la croissance des plantes, car impliquée dans la plupart des processus développementaux. Dans la racine, le transport polaire de l'auxine, par la génération d'un pic de concentration, spécifie et maintient la niche de cellules souches, et par la génération d'un gradient de concentration, contrôle la prolifération et la différentiation cellulaire. Puisque l'auxine est essentielle pour l'organisation et la maintenance du système racinaire, il est considéré comme son principal morphogène. Récemment, dans la plante modèle, Arabidopsis thalinana, un criblage des variations génétique a permis d'identifier le gène Brevis radix (BRX) comme facteur limitant l'expression des gènes de réponse à l'auxine et par là même, la croissance de la racine.Dans ce travail, nous avons découvert que BRX est une cible direct de l'auxine qui rétroactive positivement le signalement de l'hormone, agissant ainsi comme un régulateur transcriptionnel à travers l'interaction avec la protéine Monopteros (MP) de la famille des facteurs de réponse à l'auxine (Auxin Responsive Factor, ARF), et modulant ainsi la magnitude de la réponse des gènes reliés à l'auxine durant la division et la différentiation cellulaire dans le méristème de la racine. De plus, nous fournissons des preuves que BRX est activées au niveau de la membrane plasmique, tel une protéine associée se déplaçant à l'intérieur du noyau et modulant la croissance cellulaire.Pour mener à bien l'investigation des divergences entre la concentration de l'auxine et les schémas d'expression de ses propres gènes cibles, nous avons combiné les approches expérimentales et computationnelles. Les profiles d'expressions déviant du gradient d'auxine pourraient seulement être modéliser après intersection de l'activité de l'auxine avec les schémas différentiels d'endocytose observés et les boucles de rétroaction positives et autorégulatrices par le transfert de BRX de la membrane plasmique au noyau. Puisque BRX est requis pour l'expression de certains gènes cibles des facteurs de réponse à l'auxine, nos données suggèrent une contribution dépendante d'une endocytose spécifique au type de cellule dans la perception transcriptionnelle à l'auxine Cette contribution soutient l'expression d'un sous-set de gène de réponse à l'auxine dans la division du méristème racinaire et la zone de transition, et par conséquent, est essentielle pour la croissance méristematique. Ainsi, le schéma d'endocytose fournit des informations positionnelles spécifiques à la modulation de la réponse à l'auxine.


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To control many physiological responses, phytochromes directly modulate gene expression. A key regulatory event in this signal transduction pathway is the light-controlled translocation of the photoreceptor from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. Recent publications are beginning to shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying this central control point. Interestingly, there is a specific mechanism for phytochrome A (phyA) nuclear accumulation. The dedicated phyA nuclear import pathway might be important for the distinct photosensory specificity of this atypical phytochrome. Recent studies in the field also provide a starting point for investigating how the different subcellular pools of phytochrome can control distinct responses to light.


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Allodynia (pain in response to normally non painful stimulation) and paresthesia (erroneous sensory experience) are two debilitating symptoms of neuropathic pain. These stem, at least partly, from profound changes in the non-nociceptive sensory pathway that comprises large myelinated neuronal afferents terminating in the gracile and cuneate nuclei. Further than neuronal changes, well admitted evidence indicates that glial cells (especially in the spinal cord) are key actors in neuropathic pain, in particular the possible alteration in astrocytic capacity to reuptake neurotransmitters (glutamate and GABA). Yet, the possibility of such a changed astrocytic scavenging capacity remains unexplored in the dorsal column pathway. The present study was therefore undertaken to assess whether peripheral nerve injury (spared nerve injury model, SNI) could trigger a glial reaction, and especially changes in glutamate and GABA transporters, in the gracile nucleus. SNI surgery was performed on male Sprague-Dawley rats. Seven days after surgery, rats were used for immunofluorescence (fixation and brain slicing), western-blot (fresh brain freezing and protein extraction) or GABA reuptake on synaptosomes. We found that SNI results in a profound glial reaction in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus. This reaction was characterized by an enhanced immunolabelling for microglial marker Iba1 as well as astrocytic protein GFAP (further confirmed by western-blot, p <0.05, n = 7). These changes were not observed in sham animals. Immunofluorescence and western-blot analysis shows that the GABA transporter GAT-1 is upregulated in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus (p <0.001; n = 7), with no detectable change in GAT-3 or glutamate transporters EAAT-1 and EAAT-2. Double immunoflurescence shows that GAT-1 and GFAP colocalize within the same cells. Furthermore, the upregulation of GFAP and GAT-1 were shown to occur all along the rostrocaudal axis of the gracile nucleus. Finally, synaptosomes from ipsilateral gracile nucleus show an increased capacity to reuptake GABA. Together, the data presented herein show that glial cells in the gracile nucleus react to neuropathic lesion, in particular through an upregulation of the GABA transporter GAT-1. Hence, this study points to role of an increased GABA transport in the dorsal column nuclei in neuropathic pain, calling attention to GAT-1 as a putative future pharmacological target to treat allodynia and paresthesia.


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Fractures of the proximal femur are common in the elderly population. Intramedullary nailing has become the standard treatment for intertrochanteric fractures although several extramedullary implants (e.g. dynamic hip screw (DHS), blade plate, locking compression plate (LCP), etc.) exist. However, despite this being a very common operation in traumatology, there are numerous associated complications. We report the rare complication of the migration of the medial lag screw into the pelvis at five and a half weeks postoperatively. The implant was removed and replaced by a total hip arthroplasty with simultaneous grafting of the acetabular defect and strapping of the greater trochanter. The evolution was favourable. We also present a review of the literature and analyze our case.


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Recently in this journal, Alkemade and Forstmann again challenged the evidence for a tripartite organisation to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) (Alkemade & Forstmann 2014). Additionally, they raised specific issues with the earlier published results using 3T MRI to perform in vivo diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) based segmentation of the STN (Lambert et al. 2012). Their comments reveal a common misconception related to the underlying methodologies used, which we clarify in this reply, in addition to highlighting how their current conclusions are synonymous with our original paper. The ongoing debate, instigated by the controversies surrounding STN parcellation, raises important implications for the assumptions and methodologies employed in mapping functional brain anatomy, both in vivo and ex vivo, and reveals a fundamental emergent problem with the current techniques. These issues are reviewed, and potential strategies that could be developed to manage them in the future are discussed further.