34 resultados para Local wind flow
Objective: Local shockwave-application (SW) has shown to improve healing of various tissues and decrease necrosis of flaps. Though, there is no data about the optimal time-point of SW-application with regard to induction of ischemia (i.e. flap elevation) and subsequent effect on flap survival. Therefore we compared 2 shock-wave protocols in a model of persistent ischemia and investigated underlying mechanisms. Methods: 18 C57BL/6-mice equipped with a skinfold chamber containing a musculocutaneous flap were assigned to 3 experimental groups: 1. One session of 500 SWimpulses at 0·15 mJ/mm2 applied 24 hrs before (preconditioning) or 2. Applied 30 min after flap elevation (treatment). 3. Untreated flaps (control). Tissue necrosis,microhemodynamics, inflammation, apoptosis and angiogenesis were assessed by intravital epi-fluorescence microscopy over 10 days. Results: SW significantly reduced flap necrosis independent from the application time-point (preconditioning: 29 ± 7%; treatment: 25 ± 7% vs. control: 47 ± 2%; d10, p<0·05). This was associated with an early increase of functional capillary density (preconditioning: 236 ± 39 cm/cm2; treatment: 211 ± 33 cm/cm2 vs. control: 141 ± 7 cm/cm2; day1, p<0·05). Arteriolar diameter, red blood cell velocity and blood flow were comparable between the 3 experimental groups. SW-application significantly decreased the ischemiainduced inflammatory response (apoptotic cell death and leukocyte-endothelial interaction: (p<0·05)). Sprouts indicating angiogenesis were observed from day 7 only after SW-application. Conclusions: SW protects ischemically challenged musculocutaneous tissue. Interestingly, postoperative SW-application is as efficient as preoperative SWapplication. The protective effect induced by mechanical stress might be based on an early recruitment of ''sleeping capillaries'' maintaining nutritive perfusion and an anti-inflammatory effect within the ischemically jeopardized tissue. SWapplication provides a non-invasive alternative to local thermic and systemic pre-treatment of endangered tissues.
Background and Aims Male-biased sex allocation commonly occurs in wind-pollinated hermaphroditic plants, and is often positively associated with size, notably in terms of height. Currently, it is not well established whether a corresponding pattern holds for dioecious plants: do males of wind-pollinated species exhibit greater reproductive allocation than females? Here, sexual dimorphism is investigated in terms of life history trade-offs in a dioecious population of the wind-pollinated ruderal herb Mercurialis annua.Methods The allocation strategies of males and females grown under different soil nutrient availability and competitive (i.e. no, male or female competitor) regimes were compared.Key Results Male reproductive allocation increased disproportionately with biomass, and was greater than that of females when grown in rich soils. Sexual morphs differentially adjusted their reproductive allocation in response to local environmental conditions. In particular, males reduced their reproductive allocation in poor soils, whereas females increased theirs, especially when competing with another female rather than growing alone. Finally, males displayed smaller above-ground vegetative sizes than females, but neither nutrient availability nor competition had a strong independent effect on relative size disparities between the sexes.Conclusions Selection appears to favour plasticity in reproductive allocation in dioecious M. annua, thereby maintaining a relatively constant size hierarchy between sexual morphs. In common with other dioecious species, there seems to be little divergence in the niches occupied by males and females of M. annua.
BACKGROUND: The mechanism behind early graft failure after right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) reconstruction is not fully understood. Our aim was to establish a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of RVOT to investigate the hemodynamic conditions that may trigger the development of intimal hyperplasia and arteriosclerosis. METHODS: Pressure, flow, and diameter at the RVOT, pulmonary artery (PA), bifurcation of the PA, and left and right PAs were measured in 10 normal pigs with a mean weight of 24.8 ± 0.78 kg. Data obtained from the experimental scenario were used for CFD simulation of pressure, flow, and shear stress profile from the RVOT to the left and right PAs. RESULTS: Using experimental data, a CFD model was obtained for 2.0 and 2.5-L/min pulsatile inflow profiles. In both velocity profiles, time and space averaged in the low-shear stress profile range from 0-6.0 Pa at the pulmonary trunk, its bifurcation, and at the openings of both PAs. These low-shear stress areas were accompanied to high-pressure regions 14.0-20.0 mm Hg (1866.2-2666 Pa). Flow analysis revealed a turbulent flow at the PA bifurcation and ostia of both PAs. CONCLUSIONS: Identified local low-shear stress, high pressure, and turbulent flow correspond to a well-defined trigger pattern for the development of intimal hyperplasia and arteriosclerosis. As such, this real-time three-dimensional CFD model may in the future serve as a tool for the planning of RVOT reconstruction, its analysis, and prediction of outcome.
Understanding the factors that shape adaptive genetic variation across species niches has become of paramount importance in evolutionary ecology, especially to understand how adaptation to changing climate affects the geographic range of species. The distribution of adaptive alleles in the ecological niche is determined by the emergence of novel mutations, their fitness consequences and gene flow that connects populations across species niches. Striking demographical differences and source sink dynamics of populations between the centre and the margin of the niche can play a major role in the emergence and spread of adaptive alleles. Although some theoretical predictions have long been proposed, the origin and distribution of adaptive alleles within species niches remain untested. In this paper, we propose and discuss a novel empirical approach that combines landscape genetics with species niche modelling, to test whether alleles that confer local adaptation are more likely to occur in either marginal or central populations of species niches. We illustrate this new approach by using a published data set of 21 alpine plant species genotyped with a total of 2483 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), distributed over more than 1733 sampling sites across the Alps. Based on the assumption that alleles that were statistically associated with environmental variables were adaptive, we found that adaptive alleles in the margin of a species niche were also present in the niche centre, which suggests that adaptation originates in the niche centre. These findings corroborate models of species range evolution, in which the centre of the niche contributes to the emergence of novel adaptive alleles, which diffuse towards niche margins and facilitate niche and range expansion through subsequent local adaptation. Although these results need to be confirmed via fitness measurements in natural populations and functionally characterised genetic sequences, this study provides a first step towards understanding how adaptive genetic variation emerges and shapes species niches and geographic ranges along environmental gradients.