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BACKGROUND: Fatalities following contrast medium exposure are extremely rare in clinical routine, though they may occur as an exception. Some may fall under the purview of the inquiring authorities and forensic pathologists due to their in-hospital occurrence. The purpose of this study was to assess the risk factors for anaphylaxis due to contrast medium administration that can be identified in fatal cases. METHODS: Fatalities occurred during the course of clinical investigations with contrast media described in the literature and fatal reactions to contrast agents that had undergone forensic investigations in our medicolegal center were reviewed with respect to patient characteristics, administered contrast medium, performed biochemical investigations and potential risk factors identified based on clinical history and medical records. RESULTS: Biochemical investigations into the fatal cases examined in our facility revealed increased mast cell tryptase, total IgE and activated mast cells in all subjects. Data obtained from the literature and our own investigations indicated that in only a minority of the fatal cases had there been previous exposure to contrast compounds, while most cases of severe anaphylaxis involved patients who apparently reacted on initial exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Most fatal cases failed to present any identifiable predisposing conditions out of those traditionally considered as risk factors for an anaphylactic reaction to contrast compounds in the medical histories of the patients. Comprehensive clinical histories and thorough reviews of medical data, along with exhaustive forensic investigations, provide information that is relevant in order to better appreciate the interwoven relationships linking all factors potentially involved in the pathogenesis of fatal anaphylaxis to contrast media. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
This thesis has been conducted in the context of a lifestyle intervention in 40 Swiss kindergarten classes in the cantons St. Gallen and Vaud, in areas with a high migrant prevalence (Ballabeina study). The main objective of this work was to fill certain gaps of the literature and to bring a better understanding of the risk factors of overweight and obesity and their determinants in preschool children. Our data show that parental migrant status and educational level influence independently of each other adiposity and/or eating habits in these children. In addition, sports club participation at this young age seems to be a better indicator of healthy lifestyle characteristics in terms of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and eating habits than weight status. Finally, we found that in this population higher scores of hyperactivity/inattention are associated with lower adiposity and with both healthy (more physical activity and less sedentary activity) and unhealthy (more television viewing and more unhealthy eating habits) lifestyle characteristics. Thus, our findings can be used by different actors of health and education system to better target their preventive actions and can serve as a basis for future complementary researches. - Cette thèse a été réalisée dans le cadre d'un projet de promotion de la santé mené dans 40 classes enfantines suisses issues de régions à forte prévalence migrante des cantons de St. Gall et de Vaud (étude Ballabeina). L'objectif principal de ce travail était de combler certaines lacunes de la littérature et d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les facteurs de risque du surpoids et de l'obésité et de leurs déterminants chez les enfants d'âge préscolaire. Nos analyses montrent que le statut de migrant des parents et leur niveau d'éducation influencent indépendamment l'un de l'autres l'adiposité et les habitudes alimentaires chez ces enfants. De plus, à ce jeune âge la participation dans un club de sport semble être un meilleur indicateur de style de vie sain en termes d'activité physique, de comportements sédentaires et d'habitudes alimentaires que le statut pondéral. Nous avons également trouvé que dans cette population, un score plus élevé d'hyperactivité/inattention est associé aussi bien à des caractéristiques de style de vie saines (plus d'activité physique, moins d'activité sédentaire) que malsaines (plus de consommation de télévision et moins bonnes habitudes alimentaire. Ainsi, nos résultats peuvent aider les différents acteurs de la santé et de l'éducation à mieux cibler leurs actions de prévention et servir de base à de futures recherches complémentaires.
Predicting which species will occur together in the future, and where, remains one of the greatest challenges in ecology, and requires a sound understanding of how the abiotic and biotic environments interact with dispersal processes and history across scales. Biotic interactions and their dynamics influence species' relationships to climate, and this also has important implications for predicting future distributions of species. It is already well accepted that biotic interactions shape species' spatial distributions at local spatial extents, but the role of these interactions beyond local extents (e.g. 10 km(2) to global extents) are usually dismissed as unimportant. In this review we consolidate evidence for how biotic interactions shape species distributions beyond local extents and review methods for integrating biotic interactions into species distribution modelling tools. Drawing upon evidence from contemporary and palaeoecological studies of individual species ranges, functional groups, and species richness patterns, we show that biotic interactions have clearly left their mark on species distributions and realised assemblages of species across all spatial extents. We demonstrate this with examples from within and across trophic groups. A range of species distribution modelling tools is available to quantify species environmental relationships and predict species occurrence, such as: (i) integrating pairwise dependencies, (ii) using integrative predictors, and (iii) hybridising species distribution models (SDMs) with dynamic models. These methods have typically only been applied to interacting pairs of species at a single time, require a priori ecological knowledge about which species interact, and due to data paucity must assume that biotic interactions are constant in space and time. To better inform the future development of these models across spatial scales, we call for accelerated collection of spatially and temporally explicit species data. Ideally, these data should be sampled to reflect variation in the underlying environment across large spatial extents, and at fine spatial resolution. Simplified ecosystems where there are relatively few interacting species and sometimes a wealth of existing ecosystem monitoring data (e.g. arctic, alpine or island habitats) offer settings where the development of modelling tools that account for biotic interactions may be less difficult than elsewhere.
Introduction: High-grade evidence is lacking for most therapeutic decisions in Crohn's disease. Appropriateness criteria were developed for upper gastro-intestinal, extra-intestinal manifestations and drug safety during conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding in patients with Crohn's disease, to assist the physician in clinical decision making. Methods: The European Panel on the Appropriateness of Crohn's Disease Therapy (EPACT II), a multidisciplinary international European expert panel, rated clinical scenarios based on evidence from the published literature and panelists' own clinical expertise. Median ratings (on a 9-point scale) were stratified into three categories: appropriate (7-9), uncertain (4-6 with or without disagreement) and inappropriate (1-3). Experts were also asked to rank appropriate medications by priority. Results: Proton pump inhibitors, steroids, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine and infliximab are appropriate for upper gastro-duodenal Crohn's disease; for stenosis, endoscopic balloon dilation is the first-tine therapy, although surgery is also appropriate. Ursodeoxycholic acid is the only appropriate treatment for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Infliximab is appropriate for Pyoderma gangrenosum, ankylosing spondylitis and uveitis, steroids for Pyoderma gangrenosum and ankylosing spondylitis, adalimumab for Pyoderma gangrenosum and ankylosing spondylitis, cyclosporine-A/tacrolimus for Pyoderma gangrenosum. Mesalamine, sulfasalazine, prednisone, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine, ciprofloxacin, and probiotics, may be administered safety during pregnancy or for patients wishing to conceive, with the exception that mate patients considering conception should avoid sulfasalazine. Metronidazol is considered safe in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters whereas infliximab is rated safe in the 1st trimester but uncertain in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Methotrexate is always contraindicated at conception, during pregnancy or during breastfeeding, due to its known teratogenicity. Mesalamine, prednisone, probiotics and infliximab are considered safe during breastfeeding. Conclusion: EPACT II recommendations are freely available online (www.epact.ch). The validity of these criteria should now be tested by prospective evaluation. (C) 2009 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Executive SummaryIn Nepal, landslides are one of the major natural hazards after epidemics, killing over 100 persons per year. However, this figure is an underreported reflection of the actual impact that landslides have on livelihoods and food security in rural Nepal. With predictions of more intense rainfall patterns, landslide occurrence in the Himalayas is likely to increase and continue to be one of the major impediments to development. Due to the remoteness of many localities and lack of resources, responsibilities for disaster preparedness and response in mountain areas usually lie with the communities themselves. Everyday life is full of risk in mountains of Nepal. This is why mountain populations, as well as other populations living in harsh conditions have developed a number of coping strategies for dealing with adverse situations. Perhaps due to the dispersed and remote nature of landslides in Nepal, there have been few studies on vulnerability, coping- and mitigation strategies of landslide affected populations. There are also few recommendations available to guide authorities and populations how to reduce losses due to landslides in Nepal, and even less so, how to operationalize resilience and vulnerability.Many policy makers, international donors, NGOs and national authorities are currently asking what investments are needed to increase the so-called 'resilience' of mountain populations to deal with climate risks. However, mountain populations are already quite resilient to seasonal fluctuations, temperature variations, rainfall patterns and market prices. In spite of their resilience, they continue to live in places at risk due to high vulnerability caused by structural inequalities: access to land, resources, markets, education. This interdisciplinary thesis examines the concept of resilience by questioning its usefulness and validity as the current goal of international development and disaster risk reduction policies, its conceptual limitations and its possible scope of action. The goal of this study is two-fold: to better define and distinguish factors and relationships between resilience, vulnerability, capacities and risk; and to test and improve a participatory methodology for evaluating landslide risk that can serve as a guidance tool for improving community-based disaster risk reduction. The objective is to develop a simple methodology that can be used by NGOs, local authorities and communities to reduce losses from landslides.Through its six case studies in Central-Eastern Nepal, this study explores the relation between resilience, vulnerability and landslide risk based on interdisciplinary methods, including geological assessments of landslides, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and participatory risk mapping. For comparison, the study sites were chosen in Tehrathum, Sunsari and Dolakha Districts of Central/Eastern Nepal, to reflect a variety of landslide types, from chronic to acute, and a variety of communities, from very marginalized to very high status. The study uses the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach as its conceptual basis, which is based on the notion that access and rights to resources (natural, human/institutional, economic, environmental, physical) are the basis for coping with adversity, such as landslides. The study is also intended as a contribution to the growing literature and practices on Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction specifically adapted to landslide- prone areas.In addition to the six case studies, results include an indicator based methodology for assessing and measuring vulnerability and resilience, a composite risk assessment methodology, a typology of coping strategies and risk perceptions and a thorough analysis of the relation between risk, vulnerability and resilience. The methodology forassessing vulnerability, resilience and risk is relatively cost-effective and replicable in a low-data environment. Perhaps the major finding is that resilience is a process that defines a community's (or system's) capacity to rebound following adversity but it does not necessarily reduce vulnerability or risk, which requires addressing more structural issues related to poverty. Therefore, conclusions include a critical view of resilience as a main goal of international development and disaster risk reduction policies. It is a useful concept in the context of recovery after a disaster but it needs to be addressed in parallel with vulnerability and risk.This research was funded by an interdisciplinary grant (#26083591) from the Swiss National Science Foundation for the period 2009-2011 and a seed grant from the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment at the University of Lausanne in 2008.Résumé en françaisAu Népal, les glissements de terrain sont un des aléas les plus dévastateurs après les épidémies, causant 100 morts par an. Pourtant, ce chiffre est une sous-estimation de l'impact réel de l'effet des glissements sur les moyens de subsistance et la sécurité alimentaire au Népal. Avec des prévisions de pluies plus intenses, l'occurrence des glissements dans les Himalayas augmente et présente un obstacle au développement. Du fait de l'éloignement et du manque de ressources dans les montagnes au Népal, la responsabilité de la préparation et la réponse aux catastrophes se trouve chez les communautés elles-mêmes. Le risque fait partie de la vie quotidienne dans les montagnes du Népal. C'est pourquoi les populations montagnardes, comme d'autres populations vivant dans des milieux contraignants, ont développé des stratégies pour faire face aux situations défavorables. Peu d'études existent sur la vulnérabilité, ceci étant probablement dû à l'éloignement et pourtant, les stratégies d'adaptation et de mitigation des populations touchées par des glissements au Népal existent.Beaucoup de décideurs politiques, bailleurs de fonds, ONG et autorités nationales se demandent quels investissements sont nécessaires afin d'augmenter la 'resilience' des populations de montagne pour faire face aux changements climatiques. Pourtant, ces populations sont déjà résilientes aux fluctuations des saisons, des variations de température, des pluies et des prix des marchés. En dépit de leur résilience, ils continuent de vivre dans des endroits à fort risque à cause des vulnérabilités créées par les inégalités structurelles : l'accès à la terre, aux ressources, aux marchés et à l'éducation. Cette thèse interdisciplinaire examine le concept de la résilience en mettant en cause son utilité et sa validité en tant que but actuel des politiques internationales de développement et de réduction des risques, ainsi que ses limitations conceptuelles et ses possibles champs d'action. Le but de cette étude est double : mieux définir et distinguer les facteurs et relations entre la résilience, la vulnérabilité, les capacités et le risque ; Et tester et améliorer une méthode participative pour évaluer le risque des glissements qui peut servir en tant qu'outil indicatif pour améliorer la réduction des risques des communautés. Le but est de développer une méthodologie simple qui peut être utilisée par des ONG, autorités locales et communautés pour réduire les pertes dues aux glissements.A travers les études de cas au centre-est du Népal, cette étude explore le rapport entre la résilience, la vulnérabilité et les glissements basée sur des méthodes interdisciplinaires ; Y sont inclus des évaluations géologiques des glissements, des entretiens semi-dirigés, des discussions de groupes et des cartes de risques participatives. Pour la comparaison, les zones d'études ont été sélectionnées dans les districts de Tehrathum, Sunsari et Dolakha dans le centre-est du Népal, afin de refléter différents types de glissements, de chroniques à urgents, ainsi que différentes communautés, variant de très marginalisées à très haut statut. Pour son cadre conceptuel, cette étude s'appuie sur l'approche de moyens de subsistance durable, qui est basée sur les notions d'accès et de droit aux ressources (naturelles, humaines/institutionnelles, économiques, environnementales, physiques) et qui sont le minimum pour faire face à des situations difficiles, comme des glissements. Cette étude se veut aussi une contribution à la littérature et aux pratiques en croissantes sur la réduction des risques communautaires, spécifiquement adaptées aux zones affectées par des glissements.En plus des six études de cas, les résultats incluent une méthodologie basée sur des indicateurs pour évaluer et mesurer la vulnérabilité et la résilience, une méthodologie sur le risque composé, une typologie de stratégies d'adaptation et perceptions des risques ainsi qu'une analyse fondamentale de la relation entre risque, vulnérabilité et résilience. Les méthodologies pour l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité, de la résilience et du risque sont relativement peu coûteuses et reproductibles dans des endroits avec peu de données disponibles. Le résultat probablement le plus pertinent est que la résilience est un processus qui définit la capacité d'une communauté (ou d'un système) à rebondir suite à une situation défavorable, mais qui ne réduit pas forcement la vulnérabilité ou le risque, et qui requiert une approche plus fondamentale s'adressant aux questions de pauvreté. Les conclusions incluent une vue critique de la résilience comme but principal des politiques internationales de développement et de réduction des risques. C'est un concept utile dans le contexte de la récupération après une catastrophe mais il doit être pris en compte au même titre que la vulnérabilité et le risque.Cette recherche a été financée par un fonds interdisciplinaire (#26083591) du Fonds National Suisse pour la période 2009-2011 et un fonds de préparation de recherches par la Faculté des Géosciences et Environnement à l'Université de Lausanne en 2008.
INTRODUCTION: Current literature suggesting a higher bleeding risk during combination therapy compared to oral anticoagulation alone is primarily based on retrospective studies or specific populations. We aimed to prospectively evaluate whether unselected medical patients on oral anticoagulation have an increased risk of bleeding when on concomitant antiplatelet therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We prospectively studied consecutive adult medical patients who were discharged on oral anticoagulants between 01/2008 and 03/2009 from a Swiss university hospital. The primary outcome was the time to a first major bleed on oral anticoagulation within 12months, adjusted for age, international normalized ratio target, number of medications, and history of myocardial infarction and major bleeding. RESULTS: Among the 515 included anticoagulated patients, the incidence rate of a first major bleed was 8.2 per 100 patient-years. Overall, 161 patients (31.3%) were on both anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy, and these patients had a similar incidence rate of major bleeding compared to patients on oral anticoagulation alone (7.6 vs. 8.4 per 100 patient-years, P=0.81). In a multivariate analysis, the association of concomitant antiplatelet therapy with the risk of major bleeding was not statistically significant (hazard ratio 0.89, 95% confidence interval, 0.37-2.10). CONCLUSIONS: The risk of bleeding in patients receiving oral anticoagulants combined with antiplatelet therapy was similar to patients receiving oral anticoagulants alone, suggesting that the incremental bleeding risk of combination therapy might not be clinically significant.
This volume is the result of a collective desire to pay homage to Neil Forsyth, whose work has significantly contributed to scholarship on Satan. This volume is "after" Satan in more ways than one, tracing the afterlife of both the satanic figure in literature and of Neil Forsyth's contribution to the field, particularly in his major books The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton University Press, 1987, revised 1990) and The Satanic Epic (Princeton University Press, 2003). The essays in this volume draw on Forsyth's work as a focus for their analyses of literary encounters with evil or with the Devil himself, reflecting the richness and variety of contemporary approaches to the age-old question of how to represent evil. All the contributors acknowledge Neil Forsyth's influence in the study of both the Satan-figure and Milton's Paradise Lost. But beyond simply paying homage to Neil Forsyth, the articles collected here trace the lineage of the Satan figure through literary history, showing how evil can function as a necessary other against which a community may define itself. They chart the demonised other through biblical history and medieval chronicle, Shakespeare and Milton, to nineteenth-century fiction and the contemporary novel. Many of the contributors find that literary evil is mediated through the lens of the Satan of Paradise Lost, and their articles address the notion, raised by Neil Forsyth in The Satanic Epic, that the literary Devil-figures under consideration are particularly interested in linguistic ambivalence and the twisted texture of literary works themselves. The multiple responses to evil and the continuous reinvention of the devil figure through the centuries all reaffirm the textual presence of the Devil, his changing forms necessarily inscribed in the shifting history of western literary culture. These essays are a tribute to the work of Neil Forsyth, whose scholarship has illuminated and guided the study of the Devil in English and other literatures.
BACKGROUND: Chronic daily headache (CDH) in children has been documented in general and clinical populations. Comorbid psychological conditions, risk factors and functional outcomes of CDH in children are not well understood. OBJECTIVES: To examine anxiety and depression, associated risk factors and school outcomes in a clinical population of youth with CDH compared with youth with episodic headache (EH). METHODS: Data regarding headache characteristics, anxiety, depression and missed school days were collected from 368 consecutive patients eight to 17 years of age, who presented with primary headache at a specialized pediatric headache centre. RESULTS: A total of 297 patients (81%) were diagnosed with EH and 71 were diagnosed with CDH. Among those with CDH, 78.9% presented with chronic tension-type headache and 21.1% with chronic migraine (CM). Children with CDH had a higher depression score than the standardized reference population. No difference was observed for anxiety or depression scores between children with CDH and those with EH. However, children with CM were more anxious and more depressed than those with chronic tension-type headache. Youth experiencing migraine with aura were three times as likely to have clinically significant anxiety scores. Headache frequency and history were not associated with psychopathological symptoms. Children with CDH missed school more often and for longer periods of time. CONCLUSIONS: These findings document the prevalence of anxiety, depression and school absenteeism in youth with CDH or EH. The present research also extends recent studies examining the impact of aura on psychiatric comorbidity and the debate on CM criteria.
Besides its emotional, hormonal and physical components, sexuality has also an important social function. Analyzing these interactions in immigrant adolescents who are challenged at the same time by developmental changes and modified cultural and social rules--especially if they differ from the rules assimilated during childhood--might help professionals to access better comprehension. Personal experience, individual and external resources, whether they are family oriented or professional, are prone to influence on behavior, perception and outcome related to sexual health. The subject is discussed on the base of scientific literature and medical practice.
Chaotic deposits are frequently reported in the geological literature and are commonly interpreted as olistostromes or tectonic melanges. A chaotic complex in the Cenozoic succession of Monferrato (NW Italy) consists of interbedded mud breccia and burrowed silty clays that are pierced by sheared mud breccias and embed carbonate-cemented blocks. These may be represented by microcrystalline limestones or strongly cemented matrix-supported breccias locally containing remains of chemosymbiotic organisms (lucinid bivalves). Moreover, cylindrical concretions, up to 15 cm in diameter and 1 m long, occur in the chaotic complex and crosscut bedding planes at high angles. The cement of all these lithified portions is mainly dolomite characterized by low delta(13)C values (from -10.3 to -23parts per thousand PDB) and delta(18)O values up to + 7parts per thousand PDB. The delta(13)C values testify to precipitation of carbonates induced by microbial oxidation of methane, whereas the markedly positive delta(18)C signature, ubiquitous in the cylindrical concretions, is the evidence for the presence and destabilization of gas hydrates. The studied section provides a well-exposed example of the geological record of the birth, life, and death of a mud volcano. Unsheared, soft mud breccias represent mud flows along the flanks of the volcano, whereas sheared mud breccias are the result of the injection of unconsolidated overpressured fine-grained sediments, both taking place during ``eruptive'' phases. They were followed by more quiet stages of hemipelagic sedimentation, burrowing, and CH4 seeping. The cylindrical concretions represent the first described ancient example of the chimneys observed in present-day mud-volcano settings. They are the remnants of a cold-seep plumbing network that crosscut the mud volcano edifice. The chimneys were the pathway for the expulsion toward the sea floor of gas- and sediment-charged fluids likely originated from destabilization of methane gas hydrates. The association of mud breccias and methane-derived carbonates may not be due to mass gravity flows but can be primary and, therefore, is a diagnostic criterion for recognizing chaotic deposits due to mud volcano activity in the geological record.
Introduction: Anti-TNFs have significantly improved the management of Crohn's disease (CD), but not all patients will benefit from this therapy. We used data from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study (SIBDCS) and preset appropriateness criteria to examine the appropriateness of use of infliximab (IFX) in CD patients. aims & methods: EPACT II (European Panel on the Appropriateness of Crohn's disease Therapy) appropriateness criteria (www.epact.ch) have been developed by a formal panel process combining evidence from the published literature and expert opinion (end 2007), yielding 3 categories of indications: appropriate, uncertain, and inappropriate. Enrolment and follow-up of all SIBDCS patients were achieved with questionnaires relating to EPACT II criteria. Patients could correspond to several clinical categories; pregnant patients or those with stenosing disease could not be assessed using EPACT II criteria. A step-by-step analysis based on frequency allowed identification of the most appropriate indication for IFX in a given patient. results: 822 CD patients were included between November 2006 and March 2009. 146 patients (18%) were on IFX at inclusion (130 maintenance of remission, 16 new treatments). At inclusion, and in comparison with non-IFX treated patients, patients on infliximab were more frequently female (56% vs 51%), younger at diagnosis (27.4 years old vs 30.4) and had a slightly shorter disease duration (10.3 years vs 11.7). Disease extension was greater in these patients, who were mainly treated in university centres (83% vs 72%). IFX therapy was considered appropriate in 47%, uncertain in 36% and inappropriate in 18 % of patients (6% of situations could not be assessed). conclusion: In this cohort, most indications (47%) for IFX therapy were appropriate. Uncertain or inappropriate indications were mostly due to complex patient characteristics (e.g. complex fistulas, history of multiple drug-failures), which reflect the broad use of IFX in clinical practice. Cohort studies are well suited to evaluating the implementation of new scientific evidence in clinical practice.
INTRODUCTION: The International Neuromodulation Society (INS) has determined that there is a need for guidance regarding safety and risk reduction for implantable neurostimulation devices. The INS convened an international committee of experts in the field to explore the evidence and clinical experience regarding safety, risks, and steps to risk reduction to improve outcomes. METHODS: The Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) reviewed the world literature in English by searching MEDLINE, PubMed, and Google Scholar to evaluate the evidence for ways to reduce risks of neurostimulation therapies. This evidence, obtained from the relevant literature, and clinical experience obtained from the convened consensus panel were used to make final recommendations on improving safety and reducing risks. RESULTS: The NACC determined that the ability to reduce risk associated with the use of neurostimulation devices is a valuable goal and possible with best practice. The NACC has recommended several practice modifications that will lead to improved care. The NACC also sets out the minimum training standards necessary to become an implanting physician. CONCLUSIONS: The NACC has identified the possibility of improving patient care and safety through practice modification. We recommend that all implanting physicians review this guidance and consider adapting their practice accordingly.
Risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) is more common in late adolescence and early adulthood (approximately between the ages of 16 and 30) than in any other period in life. This is also the age when young people in Switzerland and many other European countries are legally allowed to buy and drink alcohol, but they usually do not yet have adult responsibilities. This paper reviews evidence from the international literature and provides examples of studies conducted in Switzerland demonstrating that (a) RSOD is by far most prevalent on Saturday evenings followed by Friday evenings, usually because young people go out and do not have any work or study responsibilities the next day; (b) RSOD results from drinking in private before going out ("predrinking") and accelerating the pace of drinking (i.e. increasing the number of drinks consumed per hour); (c) RSOD is often not accidental but purposeful,. to seek excitement, to have fun and to feel the effects of alcohol; (d) RSOD occurs predominantly outside the home, mostly in bars, pubs, discos or at special events and festivals; (e) RSOD often results in intended and unintended injuries and other acute consequences, which are leading risk factors for mortality and morbidity in this age group. Effective prevention strategies should include attempts to reduce opportunities to engage in heavy drinking as well as strategies to reduce its harmful consequences.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) The volume is presented to Professor C.H.W. Brekelmans in celebration of his 75th birthday. The editors were of the opinion that there could be no better way to honour Chris Brekelmans than with a collection of articles treating the "Deuteronomic" traditions found in the Book of Deuteronomy as well as in the so-called Tertrateuch, and Deuteronomistic History. In the past years, a renewed impetus has been given to the development of Deuteronomic Studies. The present Festschrift aims at contributing to the current debate which has a special interest in methodological questions regarding the identification and characterization of "Deuteronomistic" texts in the aforementioned complexes of Old Testament writings. The volume is divided into four sections. The first section offers a collection of articles which focus on the Book of Deuteronomy itself. The second section contains contributions dealing with Deuteronomic History. The third section is devoted to the relationship between the Deuteronomic - in the largest sense of the word - traditions and the Tetrateuch. The fourth and final section presents a collection of articles on a number of important issues, each of which offers its own direct or indirect contribution to the study of the Deuteronomi(sti)c literature and its relationship to the remaining texts of the Old Testament.
PURPOSE: To assess how different diagnostic decision aids perform in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and harm. METHODS: Four diagnostic decision aids were compared, as applied to a simulated patient population: a findings-based algorithm following a linear or branched pathway, a serial threshold-based strategy, and a parallel threshold-based strategy. Headache in immune-compromised HIV patients in a developing country was used as an example. Diagnoses included cryptococcal meningitis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, tuberculous meningitis, bacterial meningitis, and malaria. Data were derived from literature and expert opinion. Diagnostic strategies' validity was assessed in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and harm related to mortality and morbidity. Sensitivity analyses and Monte Carlo simulation were performed. RESULTS: The parallel threshold-based approach led to a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 65%. Sensitivities of the serial threshold-based approach and the branched and linear algorithms were 47%, 47%, and 74%, respectively, and the specificities were 85%, 95%, and 96%. The parallel threshold-based approach resulted in the least harm, with the serial threshold-based approach, the branched algorithm, and the linear algorithm being associated with 1.56-, 1.44-, and 1.17-times higher harm, respectively. Findings were corroborated by sensitivity and Monte Carlo analyses. CONCLUSION: A threshold-based diagnostic approach is designed to find the optimal trade-off that minimizes expected harm, enhancing sensitivity and lowering specificity when appropriate, as in the given example of a symptom pointing to several life-threatening diseases. Findings-based algorithms, in contrast, solely consider clinical observations. A parallel workup, as opposed to a serial workup, additionally allows for all potential diseases to be reviewed, further reducing false negatives. The parallel threshold-based approach might, however, not be as good in other disease settings.