156 resultados para Internal Dialogue
Doctors must regularly adjust their patients' care according to recent relevant publications. The chief residents from the Department of Internal Medicine of a university hospital present some major themes of internal medicine treated during the year 2008, such as heart failure, diabetes, COPD, and thromboembolic disease. Emphasis will be placed primarily on changes in the daily hospital practice induced by these recent studies. This variety of topics illustrates both the broad spectrum of the current internal medicine, and the many uncertainties associated with modem medical practice based on evidence.
Post-prescription review of hospital antibiotic therapy may contribute to more appropriate use. We estimated the impact of a standardised review of intravenous antibiotic therapy three days after prescription in two internal medicine wards of a university hospital. In one ward, we assessed the charts of patients under intravenous antibiotic therapy using a standardised review process and provided feedback to the prescriber. There was no intervention in the other ward. After six months we crossed the allocation between the two wards. In all, 204 courses of antibiotic therapy were included in the intervention periods and 226 in the control periods. Post-prescription review led to proposals for modification in 46% of antibiotic courses. Time to treatment modification was 22% shorter in the intervention periods compared with the control periods (3.9+/-5.2 days vs 5.0+/-6.0 days, P=0.007). Patients included in the intervention group had lower antibiotic consumption than patients in the control group, but the intervention had no significant impact on the overall antibiotic consumption of the two wards.
Monitoring of internal exposure for nuclear medicine workers requires frequent measurements due to the short physical half-lives of most radionuclides used in this field. The aim of this study was to develop screening measurements performed at the workplace by local staff using standard laboratory instrumentation, to detect whether potential intake has occurred. Such measurements do not enable to determine the committed effective dose, but are adequate to verify that a given threshold is not exceeded. For radioiodine, i.e. (123)I, (124)I, (125)I and (131)I, a calibrated surface contamination monitor is placed in front of the thyroid to detect whether the activity threshold has been exceeded. For radionuclides with very short physical half-lives (≤6 h), such as (99m)Tc and those used in positron emission tomography imaging, i.e. (11)C, (15)O, (18)F and (68)Ga, screening procedures consist in performing daily measurements of the ambient dose rate in front of the abdomen. Other gamma emitters used for imaging, i.e. (67)Ga, (111)In and (201)Tl, are measured with a scintillation detector located in front of the thorax. For pure beta emitters, i.e. (90)Y and (169)Er, as well as beta emitters with low-intensity gamma rays, i.e. (153)Sm, (177)Lu, (186)Re and (188)Re, the procedure consists in measuring hand contamination immediately after use. In Switzerland, screening procedures have been adopted by most nuclear medicine services since such measurements enable an acceptable monitoring while taking into account practical and economic considerations.
L'année 2007 a été marquée par la publication de plusieurs études internationales concernant directement le quotidien de l'interniste hospitalier. Un résumé de ces travaux ne saurait être qu'un extrait condensé et forcément subjectif d'une croissante et dynamique diversité. Au gré de leurs lectures, de leurs intérêts et de leurs interrogations, les chefs de clinique du Service de médecine interne vous proposent ainsi un parcours original revisitant les thèmes de l'insuffisance cardiaque, du diabète, de l'endocardite, de la BPCO ou de la qualité des soins. Cette variété de sujets illustre à la fois le vaste champ couvert par la médecine interne actuelle, ainsi que les nombreuses incertitudes liées à la pratique médicale moderne basée sur les preuves. In 2007, several international studies brought useful information for the daily work of internists in hospital settings. This summary is of course subjective but reflects the interests and questions of the chief residents of the Department of internal medicine who wrote this article like an original trip in medical literature. This trip will allow you to review some aspects of important fields such as heart failure, diabetes, endocarditis, COPD, and quality of care. Besides the growing diversity of the fields covered by internal medicine, these various topics underline also the uncertainty internists have to face in a practice directed towards evidence.
Peut-on débattre sur cet arrière-plan topique universel que sont les Droits de l'Homme ? Si tout le monde est d'accord avec ces principes, est-il encore possible d'assister à d'irrémédiables coupures argumentatives entre deux camps pratiquant le dialogue de sourds (Angenot 2008) ? L'analyse d'un corpus tout à fait particulier qui représente toute une production textuelle servant aux citoyens suisses pour se forger une opinion avant un référendum tend à montrer que oui. Ce corpus journalistique et politique se fonde sur un cas assez aigu de débat autour de la liberté d'expression. Ces textes commentent un projet émanant de citoyens suisses qui visait à interdire à l'exécutif fédéral de se prononcer sur un sujet de vote pendant la campagne précédant la votation, le but étant de ne pas influencer par leur autorité le choix des citoyens. Restreindre ainsi la liberté d'expression au profit supposé d'une liberté de choix et de discernement conduit à une bataille entre deux camps. La rhétorique éristique qui en résulte confirme l'hypothèse du dialogue de sourds en se fondant sur une stigmatisation du camp adverse, un combat autour de définitions clés et un désaccord sur le relevé des problèmes. Moins que des arguments, les adversaires se renvoient des questions de frontières, de lexique et de légitimité.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments are widely used to determine, within entire genomes, the occupancy sites of any protein of interest, including, for example, transcription factors, RNA polymerases, or histones with or without various modifications. In addition to allowing the determination of occupancy sites within one cell type and under one condition, this method allows, in principle, the establishment and comparison of occupancy maps in various cell types, tissues, and conditions. Such comparisons require, however, that samples be normalized. Widely used normalization methods that include a quantile normalization step perform well when factor occupancy varies at a subset of sites, but may miss uniform genome-wide increases or decreases in site occupancy. We describe a spike adjustment procedure (SAP) that, unlike commonly used normalization methods intervening at the analysis stage, entails an experimental step prior to immunoprecipitation. A constant, low amount from a single batch of chromatin of a foreign genome is added to the experimental chromatin. This "spike" chromatin then serves as an internal control to which the experimental signals can be adjusted. We show that the method improves similarity between replicates and reveals biological differences including global and largely uniform changes.