107 resultados para Indianapolis Speedway Race.


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BACKGROUND: Optimal management of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) requires medical expertise, diagnostic testing, and therapies that may not be available consistently throughout the entire week. We sought to assess whether associations exist between weekday or weekend admission and mortality and length of hospital stay for patients hospitalized with PE. METHODS AND RESULTS: We evaluated patients discharged with a primary diagnosis of PE from 186 acute care hospitals in Pennsylvania (January 2000 to November 2002). We used random-effect logistic models to study the association between weekend admission and 30-day mortality and used discrete survival models to study the association between weekend admission and time to hospital discharge, adjusting for hospital (region, size, and teaching status) and patient factors (race, insurance, severity of illness, and use of thrombolytic therapy). Among 15 531 patient discharges with PE, 3286 patients (21.2%) had been admitted on a weekend. Patients admitted on weekends had a higher unadjusted 30-day mortality rate (11.1% versus 8.8%) than patients admitted on weekdays, with no difference in length of stay. Patients admitted on weekends had significantly greater adjusted odds of dying (odds ratio 1.17, 95% confidence interval 1.03 to 1.34) than patients admitted on weekdays. The higher mortality among patients hospitalized on weekends was driven by the increased mortality rate among the most severely ill patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PE who are admitted on weekends have a significantly higher short-term mortality than patients admitted on weekdays. Quality-improvement efforts should aim to ensure a consistent approach to the management of PE 7 days a week.


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Background: Inflammation is associated with heart failure (HF) risk factors and also directly affects myocardial function. However, the association between inflammation and HF risk in older adults has not been adequately evaluated. Methods: The association of baseline serum concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF- ), and C-reactive protein (CRP) with incident HF was assessed with Cox proportional hazards models among 2610 older persons without prevalent HF enrolled in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study (age, 73.6±2.9 years; 48.3% men; 59.6% white). Results: Median (interquartile range) baseline concentrations of IL-6, TNF- , and CRP were 1.80 (1.23, 2.76) pg/mL, 3.14 (2.41, 4.06) pg/mL, and 1.64 (0.99, 3.04) µg/mL, respectively. On follow-up (median, 9.4 years), 311 participants (11.9%) developed HF. In models controlling for clinical predictors of HF and incident coronary heart disease, doubling of IL-6, TNF- , and CRP concentrations was associated with 34% (95% CI, 18 -52%; P<.001), 33% (95% CI, 9 - 63%; P=.006), and 13% (95% CI, 3-24%; P=.01) increase in HF risk, respectively. In models including all 3 markers, IL-6 and TNF- , but not CRP, remained significant. Findings were similar across sex and race. Post-HF ejection fraction (EF) was available in 239 (76.8%) cases. When only cases with preserved EF were considered (n=105), IL-6 (HR per doubling, 1.57; 95% CI, 1.28 -1.94; P<.001), TNF- (HR per doubling, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.12-2.26; P=.01), and CRP (HR per doubling, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.05-1.44; P=.01) were all associated with HF risk in adjusted models. In contrast, when only cases with reduced EF (n=134) were considered, only IL-6 attained marginal significance in adjusted models (HR per doubling, 1.20; 95% CI, 0.99 -1.46; P=.06). Participants with 2 or 3 markers above median had pronounced HF risk in adjusted models (HR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.12-2.46; P=.01; and HR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.16 -2.65; P=.007, respectively). Addition of IL-6 to the clinical Health ABC HF model improved discrimination (C index from 0.717 to 0.734; P=.001) and fit (decreased Bayes information criterion by 17.8; P<.001). Conclusions: Inflammatory markers are associated with HF risk among older adults and may improve HF risk stratification.


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PURPOSE: All kinds of blood manipulations aim to increase the total hemoglobin mass (tHb-mass). To establish tHb-mass as an effective screening parameter for detecting blood doping, the knowledge of its normal variation over time is necessary. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to determine the intraindividual variance of tHb-mass in elite athletes during a training year emphasizing off, training, and race seasons at sea level. METHODS: tHb-mass and hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) were determined in 24 endurance athletes five times during a year and were compared with a control group (n = 6). An analysis of covariance was used to test the effects of training phases, age, gender, competition level, body mass, and training volume. Three error models, based on 1) a total percentage error of measurement, 2) the combination of a typical percentage error (TE) of analytical origin with an absolute SD of biological origin, and 3) between-subject and within-subject variance components as obtained by an analysis of variance, were tested. RESULTS: In addition to the expected influence of performance status, the main results were that the effects of training volume (P = 0.20) and training phases (P = 0.81) on tHb-mass were not significant. We found that within-subject variations mainly have an analytical origin (TE approximately 1.4%) and a very small SD (7.5 g) of biological origin. CONCLUSION: tHb-mass shows very low individual oscillations during a training year (<6%), and these oscillations are below the expected changes in tHb-mass due to Herythropoetin (EPO) application or blood infusion (approximately 10%). The high stability of tHb-mass over a period of 1 year suggests that it should be included in an athlete's biological passport and analyzed by recently developed probabilistic inference techniques that define subject-based reference ranges.


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Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass, micro architectural impairment of bone tissue, and a subsequent in crease in fracture risk. Fractures or the vertebrae and distal forearm, as well as the proximal femur, or hip fracture, are included. Hip fracture is associated with high mortality, morbidity and medical expenses. There is a dramatic increase in the incidence of hip fracture with age. Hip fracture incidence is 350 times higher in women aged 85 years and over comparatively to women between 35 and 44 years of age. In recent studies in Switzerland, it was observed that the annual age adjusted incidence rate of hip fracture was comparable with similar rates for white population in industrialized countries, although in men the rates were relatively high. Among the major risk factors for osteoporosis are age, female gender, white and Asian race, and menopause. Postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy reduces bone resorption. Family history of osteoporosis, frail constitution, as well as excessive alcohol intake, cigarette smoking, chronic insufficient nutritional calcium intake and physical inactivity are other risk factors. A cardinal element is the peak bone mass reached in the third or fourth decade of life. Independently of osteoporosis, falls are a key agent in fractures; several medical conditions and drugs increase the risk of falling. There is an enormous social and financial cost of osteoporosis; the annual cost of medical treatment only for hip fracture is close to Fr. 200 million in Switzerland. The burden of osteoporosis is likely to increase in the future because of the demographic aging of the population unless large scale preventive interventions are undertaken.


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Pathogens represent a threat to all organisms, which generates a coevolutionary arms race. Social insects provide an interesting system to study host-pathogen interactions, because their defences depend on both the individual and collective responses, and involve genetic, physiological, behavioral and organizational mechanisms. In this thesis, I studied the evolutionary ecology of the resistance of ant queens and workers to natural fungal pathogens. Mechanisms that increase within-colony genetic diversity, like polyandry and polygyny, decrease relatedness among colony mates, which reduces the strength of selection for the evolution and maintenance of altruistic behavior. A leading hypothesis posits that intracolonial genetic diversity is adaptive because it reduces the risk of pathogen transmission. In chapter 1, I examine individual resistance in ant workers of Formica selysi, a species that shows natural variation in colony queen number. I discuss how this variation might be beneficial to resist natural fungal pathogens in groups. Overall my results indicate that there is genetic variation for fungal resistance in workers, a requirement for the 'genetic diversity for pathogen resistance' hypothesis. However I was not able to detect direct evidence that group diversity improves the survival of focal ants or reduces pathogen transmission. Thus, although the coexistence of multiple queens increases the within-colony variance in worker resistance, it remains unclear whether it protects ant colonies from pathogens and whether it is comparable to polyandry in other social insects. Traditionally, it was thought that the immune system of invertebrates lacked memory and specificity. In chapter 2, I investigate individual immunity in ant queens and show that they may be able to adjust their pathogen defences in response to their current environment by means of immune priming, which bears similarities with the adaptive immunity of vertebrates. However, my results indicate that the expression of immune priming in ant queens may be influenced by factors like mating status, mating conditions or host species. In addition, I showed that mating increases pathogen resistance in çhe two ant species that I studied (F. selysi and Lasius niger). This raises the question of how ant queens invest heavily in both maintenance and reproduction, which I discuss in the context of the evolution of social organization. In chapter 3,1 investigate if transgenerational priming against a fungal pathogen protects the queen progeny. I failed to detect this effect, and discuss why the detection of transgenerational immune priming in ants is a difficult task. Overall, this thesis illustrates some of the individual and collective mechanisms that likely played a role in allowing ants to become one of the most diverse and ecologically successful groups of organisms. -- Les pathogènes représentent une menace pour tous les organismes, ce qui a engendré l'évolution d'une course aux armements. Les insectes sociaux sont un système intéressant permettant d'étudier les interactions hôtes-pathogènes, car leurs défenses dépendent de réponses aussi bien individuelles que collectives, et impliquent des mécanismes génétiques, physiologiques, comportementaux et organisationnels. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié l'écologie évolutive de la résistance des reines et des ouvrières de fourmis exposées à des champignons pathogènes. Les facteurs augmentant la diversité génétique à l'intérieur de la colonie, comme la polyandrie et la polygynie, diminuent la parenté, ce qui réduit la pression de sélection pour l'évolution et la maintenance des comportements altruistes. Une hypothèse dominante stipule que la diversité génétique à l'intérieur de la colonie est adaptative car elle réduit le risque de transmission des pathogènes. Dans le chapitre 1, nous examinons la résistance individuelle à des pathogènes fongiques chez les ouvrières de Formica selysi, une espèce présentant une variation naturelle dans le nombre de reines par colonie. Nous discutons aussi de la possibilité que ces variations individuelles augmentent la capacité du groupe à résister à des champignons pathogènes. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats indiquent une variation génétique dans la résistance aux champignons chez les ouvrières, un prérequis à l'hypothèse que la diversité génétique du groupe augmente la résistance aux pathogènes. Cependant, nous n'avons pas pu détecter une preuve directe que la diversité du groupe augmente la survie de fourmis focales ou réduise la transmission des pathogènes. Ainsi, bien que la coexistence de plusieurs reines augmente la variance dans la résistance des ouvrières à l'intérieur de la colonie, la question de savoir si cela protège les colonies de fourmis contre les pathogènes et si cela est comparable à la polyandrie chez d'autres insectes sociaux reste ouverte. Traditionnellement, il était admis que le système immunitaire des invertébrés ne possédait pas de mémoire et était non-spécifique. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l'immunité individuelle chez des reines de fourmis. Nous avons montré que les reines pourraient être capables d'ajuster leurs défenses contre les pathogènes en réponse à leur environnement, grâce à une pré-activation du système immunitaire (« immune priming ») ressemblant à l'immunité adaptative des vertébrés. Cependant, nos résultats indiquent que cette pré-activation du système immunitaire chez les reines dépend du fait d'être accouplée ou non, des conditions d'accouplement, ou de l'espèce. De plus, nous avons montré que l'accouplement augmente la résistance aux pathogènes chez les deux espèces que nous avons étudié (F. selysi et Lasius niger). Ceci pose la question de la capacité des reines à investir fortement aussi bien dans la maintenance que dans la reproduction, ce que nous discutons dans le contexte de l'évolution de l'organisation sociale. Dans le chapitre 3, nous étudions si la pré-activation trans-générationelle du système immunitaire [« trans-generational immune priming ») protège la progéniture de la reine contre un champignon pathogène. Nous n'avons par réussi à détecter cet effet, et discutons des raisons pour lesquelles la détection de la pré-activation trans-générationelle du système immunitaire chez les fourmis est une tâche difficile. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse illustre quelques-uns des mécanismes individuels et collectifs qui ont probablement contribué à la diversité et à l'important succès écologique des fourmis.


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Background: Integrative and conjugative elements (ICE) form a diverse group of DNA elements that are integrated in the chromosome of the bacterial host, but can occasionally excise and horizontally transfer to a new host cell. ICE come in different families, typically with a conserved core for functions controlling the element's behavior and a variable region providing auxiliary functions to the host. The ICEclc element of Pseudomonas knackmussii strain B13 is representative for a large family of chromosomal islands detected by genome sequencing approaches. It provides the host with the capacity to degrade chloroaromatics and 2-aminophenol. Results: Here we study the transcriptional organization of the ICEclc core region. By northern hybridizations, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (5'-RACE) fifteen transcripts were mapped in the core region. The occurrence and location of those transcripts were further confirmed by hybridizing labeled cDNA to a semi-tiling micro-array probing both strands of the ICEclc core region. Dot blot and semi-tiling array hybridizations demonstrated most of the core transcripts to be upregulated during stationary phase on 3-chlorobenzoate, but not on succinate or glucose. Conclusions: The transcription analysis of the ICEclc core region provides detailed insights in the mode of regulatory organization and will help to further understand the complex mode of behavior of this class of mobile elements. We conclude that ICEclc core transcription is concerted at a global level, more reminiscent of a phage program than of plasmid conjugation.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate delayed HIV diagnosis and late initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: Two sub-populations were included: 1915 patients with HIV diagnosis from 1998 to 2007 and within 3 months of cohort registration (group A), and 1730 treatment-naïve patients with CD4>or=200 cells/microL before their second cohort visit (group B). In group A, predictors for low initial CD4 cell counts were examined with a median regression. In group B, we studied predictors for CD4<200 cells/microL without ART despite cohort follow-up. RESULTS: Median initial CD4 cell count in group A was 331 cells/microL; 31% and 10% were <200 and <50 cells/microL, respectively. Risk factors for low CD4 count were age and non-White race. Homosexual transmission, intravenous drug use and living alone were protective. In group B, 30% initiated ART with CD4>or=200 cells/microL; 18% and 2% dropped to CD4 <200 and <50 cells/microL without ART, respectively. Sub-Saharan origin was associated with lower probability of CD4 <200 cells/microL without ART during follow-up. Median CD4 count at ART initiation was 207 and 253 cells/microL in groups A and B, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: CD4<200 cells/microL and, particularly, CD4<50 cells/microL before starting ART are predominantly caused by late presentation. Earlier HIV diagnosis is paramount.


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Microsatellites are used to unravel the fine-scale genetic structure of a hybrid zone between chromosome races Valais and Cordon of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) located in the French Alps. A total of 269 individuals collected between 1992 and 1995 was typed for seven microsatellite loci. A modified version of the classical multiple correspondence analysis is carried out. This analysis clearly shows the dichotomy between the two races. Several approaches are used to study genetic structuring. Gene flow is clearly reduced between these chromosome races and is estimated at one migrant every two generations using X-statistics and one migrant per generation using F-statistics. Hierarchical F- and R-statistics are compared and their efficiency to detect inter- and intraracial patterns of divergence is discussed. Within-race genetic structuring is significant, but remains weak. F-ST displays similar values on both sides of the hybrid zone, although no environmental barriers are found on the Cordon side, whereas the Valais side is divided by several mountain rivers. We introduce the exact G-test to microsatellite data which proved to be a powerful test to detect genetic differentiation within as well as among races. The genetic background of karyotypic hybrids was compared with the genetic background of pure parental forms using a CRT-MCA. Our results indicate that, without knowledge of the karyotypes, we would not have been able to distinguish these hybrids from karyotypically pure samples.


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ABSTRACT: Ultramarathons comprise any sporting event involving running longer than the traditional marathon length of 42.195 km (26.2 miles). Studies on ultramarathon participants can investigate the acute consequences of ultra-endurance exercise on inflammation and cardiovascular or renal consequences, as well as endocrine/energetic aspects, and examine the tissue recovery process over several days of extreme physical load. In a study published in BMC Medicine, Schütz et al. followed 44 ultramarathon runners over 4,487 km from South Italy to North Cape, Norway (the Trans Europe Foot Race 2009) and recorded daily sets of data from magnetic resonance imaging, psychometric, body composition and biological measurements. The findings will allow us to better understand the timecourse of degeneration/regeneration of some lower leg tissues such as knee joint cartilage, to differentiate running-induced from age-induced pathologies (for example, retropatelar arthritis) and finally to assess the interindividual susceptibility to injuries. Moreover, it will also provide new information about the complex interplay between cerebral adaptations/alterations and hormonal influences resulting from endurance exercise and provide data on the dose-response relationship between exercise and brain structure/function. Overall, this study represents a unique attempt to investigate the limits of the adaptive response of human bodies.Please see related article: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/10/78.


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Controlled interbreedings were performed between distinct chromosomal races or forms of Sorex araneus coming from populations of Swiss and French Alps. Four mating pairs including homozygous individuals of the Vaud race, the Valais race, the Intermediate Vaud-Acrocentric form and the Acrocentric form have led to several heterozygous hybrid litters. The karyotypes of the parents were determined from cultures of cartilaginous cells. The karyotypes of the offsprings were determined with a classical method. The production of hybrids between different races suggests the absence of postmating barrier between the Vaud race and the Intermediate form, the Acrocentric form and the Intermediate form, the Acrocentric form and the Valais race.


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One evolutionary explanation for the success of sexual reproduction assumes that sex is an advantage in the coevolutionary arms race between pathogens and hosts. Accordingly, an important criterion in mate choice and maternal selection thereafter could be the allelic specificity at polymorphic loci involved in parasite-host interactions, e.g. the MHC (major histocompatibility complex). The MHC has been found to influence mate choice and selective abortions in mice and humans. However, it could also influence the fertilization process itself, i.e. (i) the oocyte's choice for the fertilizing sperm, and (ii) the outcome of the second meiotic division after the sperm has entered the egg. We tested both hypotheses in an in vitro fertilization experiment with two inbred mouse strains congenic for their MHC. The genotypes of the resulting blastocysts were determined by polymerase chain reaction. We found nonrandom MHC combinations in the blastocysts which may result from both possible choice mechanisms. The outcome changed significantly over time, indicating that a choice for MHC combinations during fertilization may be influenced by one or several external factors.


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BACKGROUND: The race- and sex-specific epidemiology of incident heart failure (HF) among a contemporary elderly cohort are not well described. METHODS: We studied 2934 participants without HF enrolled in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study (mean [SD] age, 73.6 [2.9] years; 47.9% men; 58.6% white; and 41.4% black) and assessed the incidence of HF, population-attributable risk (PAR) of independent risk factors for HF, and outcomes of incident HF. RESULTS: During a median follow-up of 7.1 years, 258 participants (8.8%) developed HF (13.6 cases per 1000 person-years; 95% confidence interval, 12.1-15.4). Men and black participants were more likely to develop HF. No significant sex-based differences were observed in risk factors. Coronary heart disease (PAR, 23.9% for white participants and 29.5% for black participants) and uncontrolled blood pressure (PAR, 21.3% for white participants and 30.1% for black participants) carried the highest PAR in both races. Among black participants, 6 of 8 risk factors assessed (smoking, increased heart rate, coronary heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, uncontrolled blood pressure, and reduced glomerular filtration rate) had more than 5% higher PAR compared with that among white participants, leading to a higher overall proportion of HF attributable to modifiable risk factors in black participants vs white participants (67.8% vs 48.9%). Participants who developed HF had higher annual mortality (18.0% vs 2.7%). No racial difference in survival after HF was noted; however, rehospitalization rates were higher among black participants (62.1 vs 30.3 hospitalizations per 100 person-years, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Incident HF is common in older persons; a large proportion of HF risk is attributed to modifiable risk factors. Racial differences in risk factors for HF and in hospitalization rates after HF need to be considered in prevention and treatment efforts.


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AIMS: To estimate physical activity trajectories for people who quit smoking, and compare them to what would have been expected had smoking continued. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 5115 participants in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study (CARDIA) study, a population-based study of African American and European American people recruited at age 18-30 years in 1985/6 and followed over 25 years. MEASUREMENTS: Physical activity was self-reported during clinical examinations at baseline (1985/6) and at years 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 and 25 (2010/11); smoking status was reported each year (at examinations or by telephone, and imputed where missing). We used mixed linear models to estimate trajectories of physical activity under varying smoking conditions, with adjustment for participant characteristics and secular trends. FINDINGS: We found significant interactions by race/sex (P = 0.02 for the interaction with cumulative years of smoking), hence we investigated the subgroups separately. Increasing years of smoking were associated with a decline in physical activity in black and white women and black men [e.g. coefficient for 10 years of smoking: -0.14; 95% confidence interval (CI) = -0.20 to -0.07, P < 0.001 for white women]. An increase in physical activity was associated with years since smoking cessation in white men (coefficient 0.06; 95% CI = 0 to 0.13, P = 0.05). The physical activity trajectory for people who quit diverged progressively towards higher physical activity from the expected trajectory had smoking continued. For example, physical activity was 34% higher (95% CI = 18 to 52%; P < 0.001) for white women 10 years after stopping compared with continuing smoking for those 10 years (P = 0.21 for race/sex differences). CONCLUSIONS: Smokers who quit have progressively higher levels of physical activity in the years after quitting compared with continuing smokers.


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Osteoporosis is a serious worldwide epidemic. FRAX® is a web-based tool developed by the Sheffield WHO Collaborating Center team, that integrates clinical risk factors and femoral neck BMD and calculates the 10 year fracture probability in order to help health care professionals identify patients who need treatment. However, only 31 countries have a FRAX® calculator. In the absence of a FRAX® model for a particular country, it has been suggested to use a surrogate country for which the epidemiology of osteoporosis most closely approximates the index country. More specific recommendations for clinicians in these countries are not available. In North America, concerns have also been raised regarding the assumptions used to construct the US ethnic specific FRAX® calculators with respect to the correction factors applied to derive fracture probabilities in Blacks, Asians and Hispanics in comparison to Whites. In addition, questions were raised about calculating fracture risk in other ethnic groups e.g., Native Americans and First Canadians. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) in conjunction with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) assembled an international panel of experts that ultimately developed joint Official Positions of the ISCD and IOF advising clinicians regarding FRAX® usage. As part of the process, the charge of the FRAX® International Task Force was to review and synthesize data regarding geographic and race/ethnic variability in hip fractures, non-hip osteoporotic fractures, and make recommendations about the use of FRAX® in ethnic groups and countries without a FRAX® calculator. This synthesis was presented to the expert panel and constitutes the data on which the subsequent Official Positions are predicated. A summary of the International Task Force composition and charge is presented here.