194 resultados para INTERVAL METHOD


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One of the main problems in combating tuberculosis is caused by a poor penetration of drugs into the mycobacterial cells. A prodrug approach via activation inside mycobacterial cells is a possible strategy to overcome this hurdle and achieve efficient drug uptake. Esters are attractive candidates for such a strategy and we and others communicated previously the activity of esters of weak organic acids against mycobacteria. However very little is known about ester hydrolysis by mycobacteria and no biological model is available to study the activation of prodrugs by these microorganisms. To begin filling this gap, we have embarked in a project to develop an in vitro method to study prodrug activation by mycobacteria using Mycobacterium smegmatis homogenates. Model ester substrates were ethyl nicotinate and ethyl benzoate whose hydrolysis was monitored and characterized kinetically. Our studies showed that in M. smegmatis most esterase activity is associated with the soluble fraction (cytosol) and is preserved by storage at 5°C or at room temperature for one hour, or by storage at -80°C up to one year. In the range of homogenate concentrations studied (5-80% in buffer), k(obs) varied linearly with homogenate concentration for both substrates. We also found that the homogenates showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics behavior with both prodrugs. Since ethyl benzoate is a good substrate for the mycobacterial esterases, this compound can be used to standardize the esterasic activity of homogenates, allowing results of incubations of prodrugs with homogenates from different batches to be readily compared.


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PURPOSE: Postmortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) was introduced into forensic investigations a few years ago. It provides reliable images that can be consulted at any time. Conventional autopsy remains the reference standard for defining the cause of death, but provides only limited possibility of a second examination. This study compares these two procedures and discusses findings that can be detected exclusively using each method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study compared radiological reports from PMCTA to reports from conventional autopsy for 50 forensic autopsy cases. Reported findings from autopsy and PMCTA were extracted and compared to each other. PMCTA was performed using a modified heart-lung machine and the oily contrast agent Angiofil® (Fumedica AG, Muri, Switzerland). RESULTS: PMCTA and conventional autopsy would have drawn similar conclusions regarding causes of death. Nearly 60 % of all findings were visualized with both techniques. PMCTA demonstrates a higher sensitivity for identifying skeletal and vascular lesions. However, vascular occlusions due to postmortem blood clots could be falsely assumed to be vascular lesions. In contrast, conventional autopsy does not detect all bone fractures or the exact source of bleeding. Conventional autopsy provides important information about organ morphology and remains the only way to diagnose a vital vascular occlusion with certitude. CONCLUSION: Overall, PMCTA and conventional autopsy provide comparable findings. However, each technique presents advantages and disadvantages for detecting specific findings. To correctly interpret findings and clearly define the indications for PMCTA, these differences must be understood.


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Abstract Purpose: New treatments against long-lasting uveitis need to be tested. Our aim was to develop a six-week model of uveitis in rabbits. Methods: Rabbits were presensitized with an s.c. injection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RA emulsified with TiterMax® Gold adjuvant. Uveitis was induced at day 28 and 50, by intravitreal challenges of antigen suspension. Ocular inflammation was assessed till euthanasia at day 71 after s.c. injection of M. tuberculosis H37RA by: (a) the number of inflammatory cells in aqueous humor (AH); (b) the protein concentration in AH; (c) the clinical score (mean of conjunctival hyperaemia, conjunctival chemosis, oedema and secretion); (d) the microscopical score (mean presence of fibrin and synechiae, aqueous cell density and aqueous flare grade, as scored by slit lamp). Results: At the sites of presensitization injection, rabbits presented flat nodules which progressively vanished. The first challenge induced a significant increase in the four parameters (p < 0.05 the Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis test). The AH contained 764 ± 82 cells/µl and 32 ± 0.77 mg protein/ml. During the following days, inflammatory parameters decreased slightly. The second intravitreal challenge increased inflammation (3564 ± 228 cells/µl AH and 31 ± 1 mg protein/ml), which remained at a high level for a longer period of time. Conclusion: We developed a model of long-term uveitis, which could be maintained in rabbits for at least six weeks. Such a model could be used to test the efficacy of either new drugs or various drug delivery systems intended to deliver active agents during a few months.


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Diagnostic information on children is typically elicited from both children and their parents. The aims of the present paper were to: (1) compare prevalence estimates according to maternal reports, paternal reports and direct interviews of children [major depressive disorder (MDD), anxiety and attention-deficit and disruptive behavioural disorders]; (2) assess mother-child, father-child and inter-parental agreement for these disorders; (3) determine the association between several child, parent and familial characteristics and the degree of diagnostic agreement or the likelihood of parental reporting; (4) determine the predictive validity of diagnostic information provided by parents and children. Analyses were based on 235 mother-offspring, 189 father-offspring and 128 mother-father pairs. Diagnostic assessment included the Kiddie-schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) (offspring) and the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) (parents and offspring at follow-up) interviews. Parental reports were collected using the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC). Analyses revealed: (1) prevalence estimates for internalizing disorders were generally lower according to parental information than according to the K-SADS; (2) mother-child and father-child agreement was poor and within similar ranges; (3) parents with a history of MDD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reported these disorders in their children more frequently; (4) in a sub-sample followed-up into adulthood, diagnoses of MDD, separation anxiety and conduct disorder at baseline concurred with the corresponding lifetime diagnosis at age 19 according to the child rather than according to the parents. In conclusion, our findings support large discrepancies of diagnostic information provided by parents and children with generally lower reporting of internalizing disorders by parents, and differential reporting of depression and ADHD by parental disease status. Follow-up data also supports the validity of information provided by adolescent offspring.


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ABSTRACT : During my SNSF-funded Ph.D. thesis project, I studied the evolution of redox conditions and organic-carbon preservation in the western Tethyan realm during three major positive excursions in the Cretaceous δ13C record, corresponding to the Valanginian, Early Aptian and Late Cenomanian. These periods were characterized by important global environmental and climate change, which was associated with perturbations in the carbon cycle. For the period of the Valanginian δ13C excursion, total organic carbon (TOC) contents and the quality of preserved organic matter are typical of oxic pelagic settings in the western Tethys. This is confirmed by the absence of major excursions in the stratigraphic distribution of RSTE during the δ13C shift. Published TOC data from other parts of the Valanginian oceans indicate that dys- to anaerobic zones were restricted to marginal seas within the Atlantic and Southern Ocean, and to the Pacific. Phosphorus (P) and mineralogical contents suggest a stepwise climatic evolution during the Valanginian, with a humid and warm climate prior to the δ13C shift leading to an increase in continental runoff. During the δ13C shift, a decrease in detrital input and P contents suggests a change in the climate towards more and conditions. During the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a), a general increase followed by a rapid decrease in P contents suggests enhanced nutrient input at the beginning of OAE 1a. The return to lower values during OAE 1 a, associated with an increase in RSTE contents, may have been related to the weakened capacity to retain P in the sedimentary reservoir due to bottom-water oxygen depletion. In basinal settings, the RSTE distribution indicates well-developed anoxic conditions during OAE la, whereas in the shallower-water environments, conditions were oxic to suboxic, rather than anoxic. Furthermore, in the deeper part of the Tethys, two distinct enrichments have been observed, indicating fluctuations in the intensity of water column anoxia during the δ73C excursion. We also studied the effect of the end-Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 2) on an expanded section in the Chrummflueschlucht (E of Euthal, Ct Switzerland). The goal here was to identify paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental conditions during OAE 2 in this part of the northern Tethyan margin. The results show that this section is one of the most complete sections for the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval known from the Helvetic realm, despite a small hiatus between sediments corresponding to peaks 1 and 2 in the δ13C record. The evolution of P contents points to an increase in the input of this nutrient at the onset of OAE 2. The trends in RSTE contents show, however, that this part of the Helvetic realm was not affected by a strong depletion in oxygen conditions during OAE 2, despite its hemipelagic position. A further goal of this project was to submit the samples to a total extraction method (a combined HF/HNO3/HCI acid digestion) and compare the results obtained by the partial HNO3 acid extraction in order to standardize the analytical prócedures in the extraction of RSTE. The obtained results for samples of OAE 1 a suggest that RSTE trends using the partial HNO3 digestion are very comparable to those obtained by the total digestion method and subsequently normalized with regards to AI contents. RÉSUMÉ : Durant ce projet de thèse, financé par le Swiss National Science Funding (SNSF), j'ai étudié l'évolution des conditions redox et de la préservation de carbone organique dans le domnaine ouesttéthysien pendant trois excursions majeures du δ13C au Crétacé correspondant au Valanginien, à l'Aptien inférieur et à la limite Cénomanien-Turonien. Ces périodes sont caractérisées par des changements climatiques et environnementaux globaux associés à des perturbations dans le cylce du carbone. Pour L'excursion positive en δ13C du Valanginien, les analyses du carbone organique total (COT) et les observations palynologiques du domaine téthysien ont présenté des indications d'environnement pélagique relativementbienoxygéné. L'absence d'enrichissements en éléments traces sensibles aux conditions redox (TE) pendant l'excursion positive en δ13C confirme ces interprétations. Les données publiées de COT dans d'autres partie du globe indiquent cependant l'existence de conditions dys- à anaérobiques dans certains bassins restreints de l'Atlantique, l'Océan Austral et du Pacifique. L'évolution du phosphore (P) et la composition minéralogique des sédiments semblent indiquer un climat relativement chaud et humide avant l'excursion en δ13C entraînant une augmentation de l'altération continentale. Pendant le shift isotopique, une diminution des apports détritiques et du P suggèrent une transition vers des conditions plus arides. À l'Aptien Inférieur, le début de l'événement anoxique (OAE 1a) est marqué par une augmentation générale du P dans les sédiments indiquant une augmentation du niveau trophique à la base de l'excursion isotopique. Durant l'événement anoxique, les sédiments sont relativement appauvris en P. Cette diminution rapide associée à des enrichissements en TE est probablement liée à une remobilisation plus importante du P lors de la mise en place de conditions anoxiques dans les eaux de fond. Dans les environnements de bassin, le comportement des TE (enrichissements bien marqués) attestent de conditions réductrices bien marquées alors que dans les environnements moins profonds, les conditions semblent plutôt oxiques à dysoxiques. De plus, deux niveaux d'enrichissement en TE ont été observés dans la partie plus profonde de la Téthys, indiquant des fluctuations assez rapides dans l'intensité de l'anoxie de la colonne d'eau. Nous avons ensuite étudié les effets de l'événement anoxique de la fin du Cenomanien (OAE 2) dans un basin marginal de la marge nord de la Téthys avec la coupe de Chrummflueschlucht (à l'est de Euthal, Ct Schwyz). Les résultats ont montré que cette coupe présente un des enregistrements sédimentaires des plus complets de l'OAE 2 dans le domaine helvétique malgré un hiatus entre le pic 1 et 2 de l'excursion en δ13C. L'évolution du P montre une augmentation au début de l'OAE 2. Cependant, la distribution des TE indique que cette région n'a pas été affectée par des conditions réductrices trop importantes. Un second aspect de ce travail a été l'étude des différentes méthodes sur l'analyse de la distribution des TE. Des échantillons de l'OAE 1a ont été soumis à deux types d'extractions, l'une dite «totale » (attaque combinée d'acides HF/HNO3/HCI) et l'autre dite partielle » (HNO3). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les courbes de tendances des TE acquises par extraction partielle sont semblables à celle obtenues par extraction totale et normalisées par l'AI.


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A new electrical method is proposed for determining the apparent resistivity of multi-earth layers located underwater. The method is based on direct current geoelectric sounding principles. A layered earth model is used to simulate the stratigraphic target. The measurement array is of pole-pole type; it is located underwater and is orientated vertically. This particular electrode configuration is very useful when conventional electrical methods cannot be used, especially if the water depth becomes very important. The calculated apparent resistivity shows a substantial quality increase in the measured signal caused by the underwater targets, from which little or no response is measured using conventional surface electrode methods. In practice, however, different factors such as water stratification, underwater streams or meteorological conditions complicate the interpretation of the field results. A case study is presented, where field surveys carried out on Lake Geneva were interpreted using the calculated apparent resistivity master-curves.


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Among the various determinants of treatment response, the achievement of sufficient blood levels is essential for curing malaria. For helping us at improving our current understanding of antimalarial drugs pharmacokinetics, efficacy and toxicity, we have developed a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method (LC-MS/MS) requiring 200mul of plasma for the simultaneous determination of 14 antimalarial drugs and their metabolites which are the components of the current first-line combination treatments for malaria (artemether, artesunate, dihydroartemisinin, amodiaquine, N-desethyl-amodiaquine, lumefantrine, desbutyl-lumefantrine, piperaquine, pyronaridine, mefloquine, chloroquine, quinine, pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine). Plasma is purified by a combination of protein precipitation, evaporation and reconstitution in methanol/ammonium formate 20mM (pH 4.0) 1:1. Reverse-phase chromatographic separation of antimalarial drugs is obtained using a gradient elution of 20mM ammonium formate and acetonitrile both containing 0.5% formic acid, followed by rinsing and re-equilibration to the initial solvent composition up to 21min. Analyte quantification, using matrix-matched calibration samples, is performed by electro-spray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by selected reaction monitoring detection in the positive mode. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations, including assessment of extraction yield, matrix effect variability, overall process efficiency, standard addition experiments as well as antimalarials short- and long-term stability in plasma. The reactivity of endoperoxide-containing antimalarials in the presence of hemolysis was tested both in vitro and on malaria patients samples. With this method, signal intensity of artemisinin decreased by about 20% in the presence of 0.2% hemolysed red-blood cells in plasma, whereas its derivatives were essentially not affected. The method is precise (inter-day CV%: 3.1-12.6%) and sensitive (lower limits of quantification 0.15-3.0 and 0.75-5ng/ml for basic/neutral antimalarials and artemisinin derivatives, respectively). This is the first broad-range LC-MS/MS assay covering the currently in-use antimalarials. It is an improvement over previous methods in terms of convenience (a single extraction procedure for 14 major antimalarials and metabolites reducing significantly the analytical time), sensitivity, selectivity and throughput. While its main limitation is investment costs for the equipment, plasma samples can be collected in the field and kept at 4 degrees C for up to 48h before storage at -80 degrees C. It is suited to detecting the presence of drug in subjects for screening purposes and quantifying drug exposure after treatment. It may contribute to filling the current knowledge gaps in the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics relationships of antimalarials and better define the therapeutic dose ranges in different patient populations.


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Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is quantified based on a computed tomography (CT) scan image. A calcified region is identified. Modified expectation maximization (MEM) of a statistical model for the calcified and background material is used to estimate the partial calcium content of the voxels. The algorithm limits the region over which MEM is performed. By using MEM, the statistical properties of the model are iteratively updated based on the calculated resultant calcium distribution from the previous iteration. The estimated statistical properties are used to generate a map of the partial calcium content in the calcified region. The volume of calcium in the calcified region is determined based on the map. The experimental results on a cardiac phantom, scanned 90 times using 15 different protocols, demonstrate that the proposed method is less sensitive to partial volume effect and noise, with average error of 9.5% (standard deviation (SD) of 5-7mm(3)) compared with 67% (SD of 3-20mm(3)) for conventional techniques. The high reproducibility of the proposed method for 35 patients, scanned twice using the same protocol at a minimum interval of 10 min, shows that the method provides 2-3 times lower interscan variation than conventional techniques.


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In legal medicine, the post mortem interval (PMI) of interest covers the last 50 years. When only human skeletal remains are found, determining the PMI currently relies mostly on the experience of the forensic anthropologist, with few techniques available to help. Recently, several radiometric methods have been proposed to reveal PMI. For instance, (14)C and (90)Sr bomb pulse dating covers the last 60 years and give reliable PMI when teeth or bones are available. (232)Th series dating has also been proposed but requires a large amount of bones. In addition, (210)Pb dating is promising but is submitted to diagenesis and individual habits like smoking that must be handled carefully. Here we determine PMI on 29 cases of forensic interest using (90)Sr bomb pulse. In 12 cases, (210)Pb dating was added to narrow the PMI interval. In addition, anthropological investigations were carried out on 15 cases to confront anthropological expertise to the radiometric method. Results show that 10 of the 29 cases can be discarded as having no forensic interest (PMI>50 years) based only on the (90)Sr bomb pulse dating. For 10 other cases, the additional (210)Pb dating restricts the PMI uncertainty to a few years. In 15 cases, anthropological investigations corroborate the radiometric PMI. This study also shows that diagenesis and inter-individual difference in radionuclide uptake represent the main sources of uncertainty in the PMI determination using radiometric methods.


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Estimating the time since the last discharge of firearms and/or spent cartridges may be a useful piece of information in forensic firearm-related cases. The current approach consists of studying the diffusion of selected volatile organic compounds (such as naphthalene) released during the shooting using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME). However, this technique works poorly on handgun car-tridges because the extracted quantities quickly fall below the limit of detection. In order to find more effective solutions and further investigate the aging of organic gunshot residue after the discharge of handgun cartridges, an extensive study was carried out in this work using a novel approach based on high capacity headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE). By adopting this technique, for the first time 51 gunshot residue (GSR) volatile organic compounds could be simultaneously detected from fired handgun cartridge cases. Application to aged specimens showed that many of those compounds presented significant and complementary aging profiles. Compound-to-compound ratios were also tested and proved to be beneficial both in reducing the variability of the aging curves and in enlarging the time window useful in a forensic casework perspective. The obtained results were thus particularly promising for the development of a new complete forensic dating methodology.


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We present a novel hybrid (or multiphysics) algorithm, which couples pore-scale and Darcy descriptions of two-phase flow in porous media. The flow at the pore-scale is described by the Navier?Stokes equations, and the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method is used to model the evolution of the fluid?fluid interface. An extension of the Multiscale Finite Volume (MsFV) method is employed to construct the Darcy-scale problem. First, a set of local interpolators for pressure and velocity is constructed by solving the Navier?Stokes equations; then, a coarse mass-conservation problem is constructed by averaging the pore-scale velocity over the cells of a coarse grid, which act as control volumes; finally, a conservative pore-scale velocity field is reconstructed and used to advect the fluid?fluid interface. The method relies on the localization assumptions used to compute the interpolators (which are quite straightforward extensions of the standard MsFV) and on the postulate that the coarse-scale fluxes are proportional to the coarse-pressure differences. By numerical simulations of two-phase problems, we demonstrate that these assumptions provide hybrid solutions that are in good agreement with reference pore-scale solutions and are able to model the transition from stable to unstable flow regimes. Our hybrid method can naturally take advantage of several adaptive strategies and allows considering pore-scale fluxes only in some regions, while Darcy fluxes are used in the rest of the domain. Moreover, since the method relies on the assumption that the relationship between coarse-scale fluxes and pressure differences is local, it can be used as a numerical tool to investigate the limits of validity of Darcy's law and to understand the link between pore-scale quantities and their corresponding Darcy-scale variables.


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Methadone is administered as a chiral mixture of (R,S)-methadone. The opioid effect is mainly mediated by (R)-methadone, whereas (S)-methadone blocks the human ether-à-go-go-related gene (hERG) voltage-gated potassium channel more potently, which can cause drug-induced long QT syndrome, leading to potentially lethal ventricular tachyarrhythmias. To investigate whether substitution of (R,S)-methadone by (R)-methadone could reduce the corrected QT (QTc) interval, (R,S)-methadone was replaced by (R)-methadone (half-dose) in 39 opioid-dependent patients receiving maintenance treatment for 14 days. (R)-methadone was then replaced by the initial dose of (R,S)-methadone for 14 days (n = 29). Trough (R)-methadone and (S)-methadone plasma levels and electrocardiogram measurements were taken. The Fridericia-corrected QT (QTcF) interval decreased when (R,S)-methadone was replaced by a half-dose of (R)-methadone; the median (interquartile range [IQR]) values were 423 (398-440) milliseconds (ms) and 412 (395-431) ms (P = .06) at days 0 and 14, respectively. Using a univariate mixed-effect linear model, the QTcF value decreased by a mean of -3.9 ms (95% confidence interval [CI], -7.7 to -0.2) per week (P = .04). The QTcF value increased when (R)-methadone was replaced by the initial dose of (R,S)-methadone for 14 days; median (IQR) values were 424 (398-436) ms and 424 (412-443) ms (P = .01) at days 14 and 28, respectively. The univariate model showed that the QTcF value increased by a mean of 4.7 ms (95% CI, 1.3-8.1) per week (P = .006). Substitution of (R,S)-methadone by (R)-methadone reduces the QTc interval value. A safer cardiac profile of (R)-methadone is in agreement with previous in vitro and pharmacogenetic studies. If the present results are confirmed by larger studies, (R)-methadone should be prescribed instead of (R,S)-methadone to reduce the risk of cardiac toxic effects and sudden death.


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BACKGROUND: The provision of sufficient basal insulin to normalize fasting plasma glucose levels may reduce cardiovascular events, but such a possibility has not been formally tested. METHODS: We randomly assigned 12,537 people (mean age, 63.5 years) with cardiovascular risk factors plus impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or type 2 diabetes to receive insulin glargine (with a target fasting blood glucose level of ≤95 mg per deciliter [5.3 mmol per liter]) or standard care and to receive n-3 fatty acids or placebo with the use of a 2-by-2 factorial design. The results of the comparison between insulin glargine and standard care are reported here. The coprimary outcomes were nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes and these events plus revascularization or hospitalization for heart failure. Microvascular outcomes, incident diabetes, hypoglycemia, weight, and cancers were also compared between groups. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 6.2 years (interquartile range, 5.8 to 6.7). Rates of incident cardiovascular outcomes were similar in the insulin-glargine and standard-care groups: 2.94 and 2.85 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the first coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94 to 1.11; P=0.63) and 5.52 and 5.28 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the second coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.97 to 1.11; P=0.27). New diabetes was diagnosed approximately 3 months after therapy was stopped among 30% versus 35% of 1456 participants without baseline diabetes (odds ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.64 to 1.00; P=0.05). Rates of severe hypoglycemia were 1.00 versus 0.31 per 100 person-years. Median weight increased by 1.6 kg in the insulin-glargine group and fell by 0.5 kg in the standard-care group. There was no significant difference in cancers (hazard ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.88 to 1.13; P=0.97). CONCLUSIONS: When used to target normal fasting plasma glucose levels for more than 6 years, insulin glargine had a neutral effect on cardiovascular outcomes and cancers. Although it reduced new-onset diabetes, insulin glargine also increased hypoglycemia and modestly increased weight. (Funded by Sanofi; ORIGIN ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00069784.).


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Whole-body (WB) planar imaging has long been one of the staple methods of dosimetry, and its quantification has been formalized by the MIRD Committee in pamphlet no 16. One of the issues not specifically addressed in the formalism occurs when the count rates reaching the detector are sufficiently high to result in camera count saturation. Camera dead-time effects have been extensively studied, but all of the developed correction methods assume static acquisitions. However, during WB planar (sweep) imaging, a variable amount of imaged activity exists in the detector's field of view as a function of time and therefore the camera saturation is time dependent. A new time-dependent algorithm was developed to correct for dead-time effects during WB planar acquisitions that accounts for relative motion between detector heads and imaged object. Static camera dead-time parameters were acquired by imaging decaying activity in a phantom and obtaining a saturation curve. Using these parameters, an iterative algorithm akin to Newton's method was developed, which takes into account the variable count rate seen by the detector as a function of time. The algorithm was tested on simulated data as well as on a whole-body scan of high activity Samarium-153 in an ellipsoid phantom. A complete set of parameters from unsaturated phantom data necessary for count rate to activity conversion was also obtained, including build-up and attenuation coefficients, in order to convert corrected count rate values to activity. The algorithm proved successful in accounting for motion- and time-dependent saturation effects in both the simulated and measured data and converged to any desired degree of precision. The clearance half-life calculated from the ellipsoid phantom data was calculated to be 45.1 h after dead-time correction and 51.4 h with no correction; the physical decay half-life of Samarium-153 is 46.3 h. Accurate WB planar dosimetry of high activities relies on successfully compensating for camera saturation which takes into account the variable activity in the field of view, i.e. time-dependent dead-time effects. The algorithm presented here accomplishes this task.