120 resultados para ILLITERATE SUBJECTS
OBJECTIVE: The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of YM087, (4'-[(2-methyl-1,4,5,6- tetrahydroimidazo[4,5-d][1]benzazepin-6-yl)-carbonyl]-2-p henylbenzanilide monohydrochloride), a new orally active, dual V1/V2 receptor antagonist were characterised in healthy normotensive subjects. METHODS: Six subjects were randomly allocated to receive, at 1-week intervals, a single oral dose of 60 mg YM087 and a single i.v. dose of 50 mg YM087 in an open-label, crossover study. RESULTS: YM087 had an oral bioavailability of 44% and a short half-life. Upon oral and i.v. administration of YM087, a significant sevenfold increase in urine flow rate and a fall in urinary osmolality (from 600 mosmol/l to less than 100-mosmol/l) were observed with a peak effect 2 h after drug intake suggesting effective vasopressin V2 receptor blockade. Simultaneously, significant increases in plasma osmolality (from 283 +/- 1.3 mosmol/l to 288 +/- 1.0 mosmol/l after i.v. and from 283 +/- 2.1 mosmol/l to 289 +/- 1.7-mosmol/l after oral administration) and vasopressin levels (from 1.5 +/- 0.3 pg/ml to 3.7 +/- 0.6 pg/ml after i.v. and from 0.9 +/- 0.1 pg/ml to 3.9 +/- 0.7 pg/ml after oral administration) were found. When administered i.v., YM087 inhibited the vasopressin-induced skin vasoconstriction, suggesting a blockade of V1 receptors. However, the YM087-induced antagonism of V1 receptors was less pronounced than V2 receptor blockade. CONCLUSION: These data show that YM087 is an effective dual V1/V2 receptor antagonist in man.
Rapport de synthèseEnjeux et contexteL'épidémie d'obésité est un enjeu majeur de santé publique, et l'augmentation parallèle du nombre de patients obèses admis aux soins intensifs appelle à une meilleure connaissance des spécificités de la physiopathologie de cette population. De nombreuses anomalies physiologiques associées à l'obésité sont connues, notamment une inflammation sub-clinique chronique. Cependant, les connaissances concernant la réponse inflammatoire lors d'une agression des sujets obèses sont pour l'heure assez limitées. Bien que les réponses inflammatoires in vitro du tissu adipeux soient augmentées, les données in vivo sont pour l'instant non-conclusives.L'injection intraveineuse d'endotoxine est un test hautement reproductible provoquant une inflammation de durée limitée. Il s'agit d'un test validé pour l'étude in vivo lors des réponses inflammatoires. L'endotoxine est un lipopolysaccharide contenu dans les membranes externes des bactéries gram- négatives, notamment de E.Coli. Notre équipe possède une expérience de ces tests avec endotoxine acquise lors d'une série de recherches sur les propriétés modulatrices de l'inflammation des acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3.Lors de l'élaboration de ce projet, la réponse du sujet obèse à l'endotoxine restait méconnue. L'objectif de l'essai est d'étudier les spécificités des réponses à l'endotoxine, notre hypothèse étant que les réponses physiologiques, métaboliques et endocrines sont amplifiées chez cette catégorie de sujets.Présentation de l'étudeAfin de tester notre hypothèse, nous avons conçu une étude prospective randomisée, avec 2 procédures (injection d'endotoxine vs de placebo) en cross-over: le protocole d'investigation durait chaque fois 8h. Huit volontaires obèses grade I (BMI médian de 33.8 kg/m2) sans morbidité ont été enrôlés. Les variables étudiées étaient: les fréquences cardiaque et respiratoire, la température, la tension artérielle, le débit cardiaque et la saturation veineuse en oxygène, ainsi qu'une calorimétrie indirecte en continu. Les symptômes tels que myalgie, céphalée et nausée ont également été consignés. Des marqueurs hormonaux et inflammatoires (Cortisol, ACTH, catécholamines, insuline, glucose, glucagon, leptine, TNF-alpha, IL-6 et CRP) ont été dosés de manière répétée.Statistiques : Pour limiter les effets de la variabilité inter-individuelle et permettre une comparaison des réponses, le calcul des aires sous la courbe (AUC) selon la méthode trapézoïdale a été utilisé. Le groupe étudié étant de « petite taille », bien ceci soit habituel pour les études de physiologie, et les réponses n'étant pas normalement distribuées, des tests non-paramétriques ont été appliqués : nous savons que la puissance statistique de notre étude est limitée. Considérant les désagréments majeurs (bien que rapidement réversibles) vécus par les volontaires soumis à des infections d'endotoxine, leurs réponses ont été comparées de manières qualitative à celles des non-obèse mesurés lors de précédentes études pour éviter de répliquer ces expériences désagréables et parfaitement prévisibles.Les résultats de cette étude sont parfaitement superposables à celles trouvées chez les sujets de BMI normal, invalidant notre hypothèse de départ d'une éventuelle réponse exacerbée.Conclusions et perspectivesCette étude est la première publication concernant la réponse du patient obèse à un test d'endotoxine. La similitude des résultats chez les patients obèses et non-obèses montre que l'obésité n'est pas en soi un facteur augmentant les réponses inflammatoires.Ces résultats concernent des sujets obèses sains et ne peuvent pas être extrapolés aux sujets obèses avec comorbidités, appelant à de futures investigations chez cette catégorie de patients.
Allergy is an immunological disorder of the upper airways, lung, skin, and the gut with a growing prevalence over the last decades in Western countries. Atopy, the genetic predisposition for allergy, is strongly dependent on familial inheritance and environmental factors. These observations call for predictive markers of progression from atopy to allergy, a prerequisite to any active intervention in neonates and children (prophylactic interventions/primary prevention) or in adults (immunomodulatory interventions/secondary prevention). In an attempt to identify early biomarkers of the "atopic march" using minimally invasive sampling, CD4+ T cells from 20 adult volunteers (10 healthy and 10 with respiratory allergies) were isolated and quantitatively analyzed and their proteomes were compared in and out of pollen season (± antigen exposure). The proteome study based on high-resolution 2D gel electrophoresis revealed three candidate protein markers that distinguish the CD4+ T cell proteomes of normal from allergic individuals when sampled out of pollen season, namely Talin 1, Nipsnap homologue 3A, and Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory protein. Three proteins were found differentially expressed between the CD4+ T cell proteomes of normal and allergic subjects when sampled during pollen season: carbonyl reductase, glutathione S-transferase ω 1, and 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase. The results were partly validated by Western blotting.
The aim of this study was to propose a methodology allowing a detailed characterization of body sit-to-stand/stand-to-sit postural transition. Parameters characterizing the kinematics of the trunk movement during sit-to-stand (Si-St) postural transition were calculated using one initial sensor system fixed on the trunk and a data logger. Dynamic complexity of these postural transitions was estimated by fractal dimension of acceleration-angular velocity plot. We concluded that this method provides a simple and accurate tool for monitoring frail elderly and to objectively evaluate the efficacy of a rehabilitation program.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and myelin oligodendrocyte basic protein (MOBP) were both shown to be highly encephalitogenic in animal models of MS. In contrast, the association of MOG- and MOBP-specific humoral or cellular immune responses and MS in humans is far less established. In this study, we sought to analyse MOG- and MOBP-specific T-cell responses in a large cohort of patients with various stages of the disease. Patients with other neurological diseases and healthy subjects were enrolled to serve as control study subjects. We determined the proliferation and the secretion of IFN-γ secretion in our cohort. We found that MOG-specific T-cell responses were higher and more frequent as compared to MOBP-specific ones. However, both MS patients and control study subjects had similar myelin-specific T-cell responses at the periphery, thus calling for more precise studies at CNS level.
The change in energy expenditure consecutive to the infusion of glucose/insulin was examined in 17 non-obese (ten young, seven middle-aged) and 27 diabetic and non-diabetic obese subjects by employing the euglycemic insulin clamp technique in conjunction with continuous indirect calorimetry. The obese subjects were divided into four groups according to their response to a 100-g oral glucose test: group A, normal glucose tolerance; group B, impaired glucose tolerance; group C, diabetes with increased insulin response; group D, diabetes with reduced insulin response. The glucose/insulin infusion provoked an increase in energy expenditure in both young and middle-aged controls (+8.2 +/- 1.3 percent and +5.9 +/- 0.5 percent over the preinfusion baseline respectively), but a lower increase in the non-diabetic obese groups A and B (+4.0 +/- 0.7 percent and +2.0 +/- 1.0 percent over the preinfusion baseline respectively, P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01 vs young controls). However, in the diabetic obese groups C and D, energy expenditure failed to increase in response to the glucose/insulin infusion (mean change: +0.1 +/- 1.0 percent and -2.0 +/- 1.9 percent (P less than 0.01, vs middle-aged) over the preinfusion baseline respectively). When the glucose-induced thermogenesis (GIT) was related to the glucose uptake--taking into account the hepatic glucose production--the GIT was found to be similarly reduced in the diabetics groups (C and D). The net change in the rate of energy expenditure was found to be significantly correlated with the rate of glucose uptake (r = +0.647, n = 44, P less than 0.001) when all the individuals were pooled. In conclusion, this study shows that the low glucose-induced thermogenesis in obese diabetics during glucose insulin infusion is mainly related to a reduced rate of glucose uptake; in addition, inhibition of gluconeogenesis by the glucose/insulin infusion may also contribute to decrease the thermogenic response.
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) has been shown to be a central immunomodulator used by leishmaniae to escape effective mechanisms of protection in human and murine infections with these parasites. However, all the information is derived from studies of established infection, while little is known about TGF-beta production in response to Leishmania stimulation in healthy subjects. In this study, TGF-beta1 production was demonstrated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy subjects never exposed to leishmaniae in response to live Leishmania guyanensis, and the TGF-beta1-producing cells were described as a distinct subpopulation of CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T cells. The suppressive properties of CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells were demonstrated in vitro by their inhibition of production of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and IL-10 by CD4(+) CD25(-) T cells in the presence of either anti-CD3 or L. guyanensis. Although neutralization of TGF-beta1 did not reverse the suppressive activity of CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells activated by anti-CD3, it reversed the suppressive activity of CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells activated by L. guyanensis. Altogether our data demonstrated that TGF-beta1 is involved in the suppressive activity of L. guyanensis-stimulated CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells from healthy controls.
Atherogenic dyslipidemia, manifest by low HDL-cholesterol and high TG levels, is an important component of ATP-III defined metabolic syndrome. Here, we dissected the phenotypic and genetic architecture of these traits by assessing their relationships with other metabolically relevant measures, including plasma adipo-cytokines, highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and LDL particle size, in a large family data set (n=2800) and in an independent set of dyslipidemic cases (n=716) and normolipidemic controls (n=1073). We explored the relationships among these phenotypes using variable clustering and then estimated their genetic heritabilities and cross-trait correlations. In families, four clusters explained 61% of the total variance, with one adiposity-related cluster (including hsCRP), one BP-related cluster, and two lipid-related clusters (HDL-C, TG, adiponectin and LDL particle size; apoB and non-HDL-C). A similar structure was observed in dyslipidemic cases and normolipidemic controls. The genetic correlations in the families largely paralleled the phenotype clustering results, suggesting that common genes having pleiotropic effects contributed to the correlations observed. In summary, our analyses support a model of metabolic syndrome with two major components, body fat and lipids, each with two subcomponents, and quantifies their degree of overlap with each other and with metabolic-syndrome related measures (adipokines, LDL particle size and hsCRP).
Bone ultrasound measures (QUSs) can assess fracture risk in the elderly. We compared three QUSs and their association with nonvertebral fracture history in 7562 Swiss women 70-80 years of age. The association between nonvertebral fracture was higher for heel than phalangeal QUS. INTRODUCTION: Because of the high morbidity and mortality associated with osteoporotic fractures, it is essential to detect subjects at risk for such fractures with screening methods. Because quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS) discriminated subjects with osteoporotic fractures from controls in several cross-sectional studies and predicted fractures in prospective studies, QUS could be more practical than DXA for screening. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This cross-sectional and retrospective multicenter (10 centers) study was performed to compare three QUSs (two heel ultrasounds: Achilles+ [GE-Lunar] and Sahara [Hologic]; the phalanges: ultrasound DBM sonic 1200 [IGEA]) for determining by logistic regression nonvertebral fracture odds ratio (OR) in a sample of 7562 Swiss women, 75.3 +/- 3.1 years of age. The two heel QUSs measured the broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and the speed of sound (SOS). In addition, Achilles+ calculated the stiffness index (SI) and the Sahara calculated the quantitative ultrasound index (QUI) from BUA and SOS. The DBM sonic 1200 measured the amplitude-dependent SOS (AD-SOS). RESULTS: Eighty-six women had a history of a traumatic hip fracture after the age of 50, 1594 had a history of forearm fracture, and 2016 had other nonvertebral fractures. No fracture history was reported by 3866 women. Discrimination for hip fracture was higher than for the other nonvertebral fractures. The two heel QUSs had a significantly higher discrimination power than the QUSs of the phalanges, with standardized ORs, adjusted for age and body mass index, ranging from 2.1 to 2.7 (95% CI = 1.6, 3.5) compared with 1.4 (95% CI = 1.1, 1.7) for the AD-SOS of DBM sonic 1200. CONCLUSION: This study showed a high association between heel QUS and hip fracture history in elderly Swiss women. This could justify integration of QUS among screening strategies for identifying elderly women at risk for osteoporotic fractures.
Neuroimaging studies analyzing neurophysiological signals are typically based on comparing averages of peri-stimulus epochs across experimental conditions. This approach can however be problematic in the case of high-level cognitive tasks, where response variability across trials is expected to be high and in cases where subjects cannot be considered part of a group. The main goal of this thesis has been to address this issue by developing a novel approach for analyzing electroencephalography (EEG) responses at the single-trial level. This approach takes advantage of the spatial distribution of the electric field on the scalp (topography) and exploits repetitions across trials for quantifying the degree of discrimination between experimental conditions through a classification scheme. In the first part of this thesis, I developed and validated this new method (Tzovara et al., 2012a,b). Its general applicability was demonstrated with three separate datasets, two in the visual modality and one in the auditory. This development allowed then to target two new lines of research, one in basic and one in clinical neuroscience, which represent the second and third part of this thesis respectively. For the second part of this thesis (Tzovara et al., 2012c), I employed the developed method for assessing the timing of exploratory decision-making. Using single-trial topographic EEG activity during presentation of a choice's payoff, I could predict the subjects' subsequent decisions. This prediction was due to a topographic difference which appeared on average at ~516ms after the presentation of payoff and was subject-specific. These results exploit for the first time the temporal correlates of individual subjects' decisions and additionally show that the underlying neural generators start differentiating their responses already ~880ms before the button press. Finally, in the third part of this project, I focused on a clinical study with the goal of assessing the degree of intact neural functions in comatose patients. Auditory EEG responses were assessed through a classical mismatch negativity paradigm, during the very early phase of coma, which is currently under-investigated. By taking advantage of the decoding method developed in the first part of the thesis, I could quantify the degree of auditory discrimination at the single patient level (Tzovara et al., in press). Our results showed for the first time that even patients who do not survive the coma can discriminate sounds at the neural level, during the first hours after coma onset. Importantly, an improvement in auditory discrimination during the first 48hours of coma was predictive of awakening and survival, with 100% positive predictive value. - L'analyse des signaux électrophysiologiques en neuroimagerie se base typiquement sur la comparaison des réponses neurophysiologiques à différentes conditions expérimentales qui sont moyennées après plusieurs répétitions d'une tâche. Pourtant, cette approche peut être problématique dans le cas des fonctions cognitives de haut niveau, où la variabilité des réponses entre les essais peut être très élevéeou dans le cas où des sujets individuels ne peuvent pas être considérés comme partie d'un groupe. Le but principal de cette thèse est d'investiguer cette problématique en développant une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des réponses d'électroencephalographie (EEG) au niveau de chaque essai. Cette approche se base sur la modélisation de la distribution du champ électrique sur le crâne (topographie) et profite des répétitions parmi les essais afin de quantifier, à l'aide d'un schéma de classification, le degré de discrimination entre des conditions expérimentales. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, j'ai développé et validé cette nouvelle méthode (Tzovara et al., 2012a,b). Son applicabilité générale a été démontrée avec trois ensembles de données, deux dans le domaine visuel et un dans l'auditif. Ce développement a permis de cibler deux nouvelles lignes de recherche, la première dans le domaine des neurosciences cognitives et l'autre dans le domaine des neurosciences cliniques, représentant respectivement la deuxième et troisième partie de ce projet. En particulier, pour la partie cognitive, j'ai appliqué cette méthode pour évaluer l'information temporelle de la prise des décisions (Tzovara et al., 2012c). En se basant sur l'activité topographique de l'EEG au niveau de chaque essai pendant la présentation de la récompense liée à un choix, on a pu prédire les décisions suivantes des sujets (en termes d'exploration/exploitation). Cette prédiction s'appuie sur une différence topographique qui apparaît en moyenne ~516ms après la présentation de la récompense. Ces résultats exploitent pour la première fois, les corrélés temporels des décisions au niveau de chaque sujet séparément et montrent que les générateurs neuronaux de ces décisions commencent à différentier leurs réponses déjà depuis ~880ms avant que les sujets appuient sur le bouton. Finalement, pour la dernière partie de ce projet, je me suis focalisée sur une étude Clinique afin d'évaluer le degré des fonctions neuronales intactes chez les patients comateux. Des réponses EEG auditives ont été examinées avec un paradigme classique de mismatch negativity, pendant la phase précoce du coma qui est actuellement sous-investiguée. En utilisant la méthode de décodage développée dans la première partie de la thèse, j'ai pu quantifier le degré de discrimination auditive au niveau de chaque patient (Tzovara et al., in press). Nos résultats montrent pour la première fois que même des patients comateux qui ne vont pas survivre peuvent discriminer des sons au niveau neuronal, lors de la phase aigue du coma. De plus, une amélioration dans la discrimination auditive pendant les premières 48heures du coma a été observée seulement chez des patients qui se sont réveillés par la suite (100% de valeur prédictive pour un réveil).
METHODS: 20 inactive (10 male, 10 female) underwent a single typical WBV session, with a total of 27 minutes of exercise on an oscillating platform at 26 Hz, involving upper and lower body muscles. Each exercise lasted 90 seconds, with 40 seconds pauses inbetween. Muscle enzymes (CK, transaminase, LDH, troponin I) were measured before, at 24, 48 and 96 hours post exercise. Lactate was measured immediately after the session. Muscle aches were assessed during 4 days post-exercise.RESULTS: Subjects' mean age was 23.0 ± 3.5 (male), 22.4 ± 1.4 (female), BMI 22.8 ± 2.3 and 22.1 ± 1.9, and all had been inactive for at least 12 months. Post exercise lactatemia was 10.0 ± 2.4 and 6.9 ± 2.4. CK elevation was significant (at least doubling of baseline values) in 1 male and 4 female subjects, while they remained at baseline values for the remaining 15 subjects. One female subject peaked at 3520 U/l at 96 hours post exercise, and all but one peaked at the same late time. Troponin and CK-MB never increased. No correlation was found between muscle soreness and CK levels.CONCLUSIONS: WBV can elicit important anaerobic processes reflected by the high lactacidemia, and CK elevation was significant in 25 % of subjects, peaking at the fourth day after exercise for 80 % of those. Such exercises should not be regarded as trivial and "easy" as they are advertised, since they can provoke important anaerobia and CK elevation. Many fragile patients or patients treated for cardiovascular disease could benefit from WBV but it is important to recognise these potential effects, especially in those treated with statins, known to cause a myopathy and CK elevation. Before considering a side effect of an important therapeutic agent, doctors should be aware of the possible interaction with not-so-harmless exercising machines.
In the scientific literature, the term of addiction is currently used to describe a whole range of phenomena characterized by an irresistible urge to engage in a series of behaviors carried out in a repetitive and persistent manner despite accruing adverse somatic, psychological and social consequences for the individual. It has been suggested that subjects presenting such behaviors would share specific features of personality which support the appearance or are associated with these addictive behaviors. Dimensions such as alexithymia and depression have been particularly well investigated. The aim of this study was to explore the hypothesis of a specific psychopathological model relating alexithymia and depression in different addictive disorders such as alcoholism, drug addiction or eating disorders. Alexithymic and depressive dimensions were explored and analyzed through the statistical tool of path analysis in a large clinical sample of addicted patients and controls. The results of this statistical method, which tests unidirectional causal relationships between a certain number of observed variables, showed a good adjustment between the observed data and the ideal model, and support the hypothesis that a depressive dimension can facilitate the development of dependence in vulnerable alexithymic subjects. These results can have clinical implications in the treatment of addictive disorders.