46 resultados para I ANTIBODIES
BACKGROUND: Fully efficient vaccines against malaria pre-erythrocytic stage are still lacking. The objective of this dose/adjuvant-finding study was to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a vaccine candidate based on a peptide spanning the C-terminal region of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (PfCS102) in malaria naive adults. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Thirty-six healthy malaria-naive adults were randomly distributed into three dose blocks (10, 30 and 100 microg) and vaccinated with PfCS102 in combination with either Montanide ISA 720 or GSK proprietary Adjuvant System AS02A at days 0, 60, and 180. Primary end-point (safety and reactogenicity) was based on the frequency of adverse events (AE) and of abnormal biological safety tests; secondary-end point (immunogenicity) on P. falciparum specific cell-mediated immunity and antibody response before and after immunization. The two adjuvant formulations were well tolerated and their safety profile was good. Most AEs were local and, when systemic, involved mainly fatigue and headache. Half the volunteers in AS02A groups experienced severe AEs (mainly erythema). After the third injection, 34 of 35 volunteers developed anti-PfCS102 and anti-sporozoite antibodies, and 28 of 35 demonstrated T-cell proliferative responses and IFN-gamma production. Five of 22 HLA-A2 and HLA-A3 volunteers displayed PfCS102 specific IFN-gamma secreting CD8(+) T cell responses. Responses were only marginally boosted after the 3(rd) vaccination and remained stable for 6 months. For both adjuvants, the dose of 10 microg was less immunogenic in comparison to 30 and 100 microg that induced similar responses. AS02A formulations with 30 microg or 100 microg PfCS102 induced about 10-folds higher antibody and IFN-gamma responses than Montanide formulations. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: PfCS102 peptide was safe and highly immunogenic, allowing the design of more advanced trials to test its potential for protection. Two or three immunizations with a dose of 30 microg formulated with AS02A appeared the most appropriate choice for such studies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Swissmedic.ch 2002 DR 1227.
The hybridoma cell line ZAC3 expresses Vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific mouse IgA molecules as a heterogeneous population of monomeric (IgAm), dimeric (IgAd), and polymeric (IgAp) forms. We describe a gentle method combining ultrafiltration, ion-exchange chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography for the simultaneous and qualitative separation of the three molecular forms. Milligram quantities of purified IgA molecules were recovered allowing for direct comparison of the biological properties of the three forms. LPS binding specificity was tested after purification; IgAd and IgAp were found to bind strongly to LPS whereas IgAm did not. Secretory IgA (sIgA) could be reconstituted in vitro by combining recombinant secretory component (rSC) and purified IgAd or IgAp, but not IgAm. Surface plasmon resonance-based binding experiments using LPS monolayers indicated that purified reconstituted sIgA and IgA molecules recognize LPS with identical affinity (KA 1.0 x 10(8)M-1). Thus, this very sensitive assay provides the first evidence that the function of SC in sIgA complex is not to modify the affinity for the antigen. KA falls to 6.6 x 10(5) M-1 when measured by calorimetry using detergent-solubilized LPS and IgA, suggesting that the LPS environment is critical for recognition by the antibody.
We have developed a technetium labeling technology based on a new organometallic chemistry, which involves simple mixing of the novel reagent, a 99m Tc(I)-carbonyl compound, with a His-tagged recombinant protein. This method obviates the labeling of unpaired engineered cysteines, which frequently create problems in large-scale expression and storage of disulfide-containing proteins. In this study, we labeled antibody single-chain Fv fragments to high specific activities (90 mCi/mg), and the label was very stable to serum and all other challenges tested. The pharmacokinetic characteristics were indistinguishable from iodinated scFv fragments, and thus scFV fragments labeled by the new method will be suitable for biodistribution studies. This novel labeling method should be applicable not only to diagnostic imaging with 99mTc, but also to radioimmunotherapy approaches with 186/188 Re, and its use can be easily extended to almost any recombinant protein or synthetic peptide.
Adenovirus is a nonenveloped dsDNA virus that activates intracellular innate immune pathways. In vivo, adenovirus-immunized mice displayed an enhanced innate immune response and diminished virus-mediated gene delivery following challenge with the adenovirus vector AdLacZ suggesting that antiviral Abs modulate viral interactions with innate immune cells. Under naive serum conditions in vitro, adenovirus binding and internalization in macrophages and the subsequent activation of innate immune mechanisms were inefficient. In contrast to the neutralizing effect observed in nonhematopoietic cells, adenovirus infection in the presence of antiviral Abs significantly increased FcR-dependent viral internalization in macrophages. In direct correlation with the increased viral internalization, antiviral Abs amplified the innate immune response to adenovirus as determined by the expression of NF-kappaB-dependent genes, type I IFNs, and caspase-dependent IL-1beta maturation. Immune serum amplified TLR9-independent type I IFN expression and enhanced NLRP3-dependent IL-1beta maturation in response to adenovirus, confirming that antiviral Abs specifically amplify intracellular innate pathways. In the presence of Abs, confocal microscopy demonstrated increased targeting of adenovirus to LAMP1-positive phagolysosomes in macrophages but not epithelial cells. These data show that antiviral Abs subvert natural viral tropism and target the adenovirus to phagolysosomes and the intracellular innate immune system in macrophages. Furthermore, these results illustrate a cross-talk where the adaptive immune system positively regulates the innate immune system and the antiviral state.
Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I receptors utilize different G protein signaling components.
We examined the role of heterotrimeric G protein signaling components in insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) action. In HIRcB cells and in 3T3L1 adipocytes, treatment with the Galpha(i) inhibitor (pertussis toxin) or microinjection of the Gbetagamma inhibitor (glutathione S-transferase-betaARK) inhibited IGF-I and lysophosphatidic acid-stimulated mitogenesis but had no effect on epidermal growth factor (EGF) or insulin action. In basal state, Galpha(i) and Gbeta were associated with the IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR), and after ligand stimulation the association of IGF-IR with Galpha(i) increased concomitantly with a decrease in Gbeta association. No association of Galpha(i) was found with either the insulin or EGF receptor. Microinjection of anti-beta-arrestin-1 antibody specifically inhibited IGF-I mitogenic action but had no effect on EGF or insulin action. beta-Arrestin-1 was associated with the receptors for IGF-I, insulin, and EGF in a ligand-dependent manner. We demonstrated that Galpha(i), betagamma subunits, and beta-arrestin-1 all play a critical role in IGF-I mitogenic signaling. In contrast, neither metabolic, such as GLUT4 translocation, nor mitogenic signaling by insulin is dependent on these protein components. These results suggest that insulin receptors and IGF-IRs can function as G protein-coupled receptors and engage different G protein partners for downstream signaling.
Peptide Ags presented by class I MHC molecules on human melanomas and that are recognized by CD8(+) T cells are the subjects of many studies of antitumor immunity and represent attractive candidates for therapeutic approaches. However, no direct quantitative measurements exist to reveal their expression hierarchy on the cell surface. Using novel recombinant Abs which bind these Ags with a peptide-specific, MHC-restricted manner, we demonstrate a defined pattern of expression hierarchy of peptide-HLA-A2 complexes derived from three major differentiation Ags: gp100, Melan-A/Mart-1, and tyrosinase. Studying melanoma cell lines derived from multiple patients, we reveal a surprisingly high level of presentation of tyrosinase-derived complexes and moderate to very low expression of complexes derived from other Ags. No correlation between Ag presentation and mRNA expression was found; however, protein stability may play a major role. These results provide new insights into the characteristics of Ag presentation and are particularly important when such targets are being considered for immunotherapy. These results may shed new light on relationships between Ag presentation and immune response to cancer Ags.
The aim of this Phase I/IIa double-blind controlled trial was to test the efficacy of the sporozoite-based malaria vaccine PfCS 282-383 (PfCS102) to protect against Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia. 16 volunteers were randomized to receive twice 30 μg of PfCS102 formulated in Montanide ISA 720 or ISA 720 alone (control). Two weeks after 2nd immunization, volunteers were challenged using 5 infected mosquitoes. All vaccinees developed antibodies against PfCS102 versus none control. 8/8 vaccinees and 6/6 controls challenged developed malaria parasitaemia. The duration from infection to onset of patent parasitaemia was similar in both groups (214 h in vaccinees and 216 in controls). PfCS102 is safe and immunogenic but provides no protection against artificial challenge in its current formulation.
A novel melanoma-associated differentiation Ag whose surface expression can be enhanced or induced by IFN-gamma was identified by mAb Me14/D12. Testing of numerous tumor cell lines and tumor tissue sections showed that Me14/D12-defined Ag was present not only on melanoma but also on other tumor lines of neuroectodermal origin such as gliomas and neuroblastomas and on some lymphoblastic B cell lines, on monocytes and macrophages. Immunoprecipitation by mAb Me14/D12 of lysates from [35S]methionine-labeled melanoma cells analyzed by SDS-PAGE revealed two polypeptide chains of 33 and 38 KDa, both under reducing and nonreducing conditions. Cross-linking experiments indicated that the two chains were present at the cell surface as a dimeric structure. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the two chains of 33 and 38 KDa had isoelectric points of 6.2 and 5.7, respectively. Treatment of the melanoma cells with tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation, resulted in a reduction of the Mr from 33 to 24 KDa and from 38 to 26 KDa. Peptide maps obtained after Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digestion showed no shared peptides between the two chains. Although biochemical data indicate that Me14/D12 molecules do not correspond to any known MHC class II Ag, their dimeric structure, tissue distribution, and regulation of IFN-gamma suggest that they could represent a new member of the MHC class II family.
In this study, the mature domains of type I (CPB) and type II (CPA) cysteine proteinases (CPs) of Leishmania infantum were expressed and their immunogenic properties defined using sera from active and recovered cases of human visceral leishmaniasis and sera from infected dogs. Immunoblotting and ELISA analysis indicated that a freeze/thaw extract of parasite antigens showed similar and intensive recognition in both active cases of human and dog sera but lower recognition in recovered human individuals. The total IgG of actively infected human sera was higher than in recovered cases when rCPs were used as antigen. In contrast to dog sera, both active and recovered human cases have higher recognition toward rCPB than rCPA. Furthermore, the asymptomatic dogs in contrast to the symptomatic cases exhibited specific lymphocyte proliferation to both crude antigens and rCPs.
Background: The pathogenic role of anti-HLA antibodies (AHA) after kidney transplantation is well established. However, its significance after liver transplantation remains unclear. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence and significance of AHA after liver transplantation. Methods: Between January 2007 and November 2007, all liver transplant recipients who were greater than 6 months posttransplantation and followed regularly at our transplant outpatient clinic (n = 95) were screened for AHA. All clinical and electronic records were reviewed. Serum samples were tested using multiplex technology (Luminex). A liver biopsy had been performed in 55 out of the 95 patients based on clinical grounds but no routine protocol biopsies were performed. Immunosuppression was calcineurin inhibitor-based in 90 patients, sirolimus-based in 4 patients and one patient had no anti-rejection therapy (operationally tolerant recipient). Results: The mean time from transplantation to study was 85 months (range 6-248 months). Overall, AHA were found in 23/95 (24.2%) of patients (5 had anti-class I alone, 13 anti-class II alone, and 4 had both anti-class I and II). However, only 4/95 patients (4.2%) had donor-specific antibodies (DSA) (one anti-class I and 3 anti-class II). Twenty-one out of 95 patients (22.1%) had a history of past or current biopsy-proven or radiological biliary complications (chronic rejection, ischemic cholangitis, ischemic type biliary lesions or biliary anastomosis stricture). Among patients with AHA, 4/23 (17,4%) had biliary complications, while it was 17/72 (23.6%) in patients without AHA (NS). Among patients with DSA, 3/4 (75%) had biliary complications (two with biopsy-proven chronic rejection in association with biliary strictures and one with ischemic cholangitis following hepatic artery thrombosis), versus 1/19 (5.3%) patients with AHA but no DSA (p = 0.009), versus 16/72 (22.2%) patients without AHA (p = 0.046). In patients with DSA, immunosuppression was not different than in patients without DSA. Conclusions: We found a 24% AHA prevalence. The presence of DSA, but not of AHA, was significantly associated with an increased incidence of biliary complications including chronic liver allograft rejection. The exact mechanisms and possible causal relationship linking DSA to biliary complications remain to be studied. Larger prospective trials are thus needed to further define the role of AHA and in particular of DSA after liver transplantation.
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is the causative agent of an outbreak that began in La Réunion in 2005 and remains a major public health concern in India, Southeast Asia, and southern Europe. CHIKV is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes and the associated disease is characterized by fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and rash. As viral load in infected patients declines before the appearance of neutralizing antibodies, we studied the role of type I interferon (IFN) in CHIKV pathogenesis. Based on human studies and mouse experimentation, we show that CHIKV does not directly stimulate type I IFN production in immune cells. Instead, infected nonhematopoietic cells sense viral RNA in a Cardif-dependent manner and participate in the control of infection through their production of type I IFNs. Although the Cardif signaling pathway contributes to the immune response, we also find evidence for a MyD88-dependent sensor that is critical for preventing viral dissemination. Moreover, we demonstrate that IFN-alpha/beta receptor (IFNAR) expression is required in the periphery but not on immune cells, as IFNAR(-/-)-->WT bone marrow chimeras are capable of clearing the infection, whereas WT-->IFNAR(-/-) chimeras succumb. This study defines an essential role for type I IFN, produced via cooperation between multiple host sensors and acting directly on nonhematopoietic cells, in the control of CHIKV.
PURPOSE: To localize collagen types I, III, and IV, laminin and fibronectin in the anterior human lens capsule. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one anterior capsules were sampled by capsulorhexis during extracapsular cataract extraction (mean age 71.5). All capsules were labelled by an immunostaining specific for each antibodies. Immunostaining of four capsules was revealed with immunoperoxydase and seventeen using indirect immunofluorescence. RESULTS: Labelling of collagen types I and III was observed throughout the entire thickness of the capsule for each technique, the strongest labelling was found in the base of the epithelial cells with immunofluorescence. Collagen type IV was observed at the base of the epithelial cells whichever technique was used. Laminin could be detected in the inner layer of the capsule, using immunoperoxydase or immunofluorescence. No specific labelling was found for fibronectin using the two techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Different kinds of collagens have been found in capsules, more particularly the type III. The latter does not appear on other ocular basement membrane. Because of this uneven distribution in the capsule's thickness, each collagen might have a specific function.
UNLABELLED: NYVAC, a highly attenuated, replication-restricted poxvirus, is a safe and immunogenic vaccine vector. Deletion of immune evasion genes from the poxvirus genome is an attractive strategy for improving the immunogenic properties of poxviruses. Using systems biology approaches, we describe herein the enhanced immunological profile of NYVAC vectors expressing the HIV-1 clade C env, gag, pol, and nef genes (NYVAC-C) with single or double deletions of genes encoding type I (ΔB19R) or type II (ΔB8R) interferon (IFN)-binding proteins. Transcriptomic analyses of human monocytes infected with NYVAC-C, NYVAC-C with the B19R deletion (NYVAC-C-ΔB19R), or NYVAC-C with B8R and B19R deletions (NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R) revealed a concerted upregulation of innate immune pathways (IFN-stimulated genes [ISGs]) of increasing magnitude with NYVAC-C-ΔB19R and NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R than with NYVAC-C. Deletion of B8R and B19R resulted in an enhanced activation of IRF3, IRF7, and STAT1 and the robust production of type I IFNs and of ISGs, whose expression was inhibited by anti-type I IFN antibodies. Interestingly, NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R induced the production of much higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor [TNF], interleukin-6 [IL-6], and IL-8) than NYVAC-C or NYVAC-C-ΔB19R as well as a strong inflammasome response (caspase-1 and IL-1β) in infected monocytes. Top network analyses showed that this broad response mediated by the deletion of B8R and B19R was organized around two upregulated gene expression nodes (TNF and IRF7). Consistent with these findings, monocytes infected with NYVAC-C-ΔB8RB19R induced a stronger type I IFN-dependent and IL-1-dependent allogeneic CD4(+) T cell response than monocytes infected with NYVAC-C or NYVAC-C-ΔB19R. Dual deletion of type I and type II IFN immune evasion genes in NYVAC markedly enhanced its immunogenic properties via its induction of the increased expression of type I IFNs and IL-1β and make it an attractive candidate HIV vaccine vector. IMPORTANCE: NYVAC is a replication-deficient poxvirus developed as a vaccine vector against HIV. NYVAC expresses several genes known to impair the host immune defenses by interfering with innate immune receptors, cytokines, or interferons. Given the crucial role played by interferons against viruses, we postulated that targeting the type I and type II decoy receptors used by poxvirus to subvert the host innate immune response would be an attractive approach to improve the immunogenicity of NYVAC vectors. Using systems biology approaches, we report that deletion of type I and type II IFN immune evasion genes in NYVAC poxvirus resulted in the robust expression of type I IFNs and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), a strong activation of the inflammasome, and upregulated expression of IL-1β and proinflammatory cytokines. Dual deletion of type I and type II IFN immune evasion genes in NYVAC poxvirus improves its immunogenic profile and makes it an attractive candidate HIV vaccine vector.
Abs bind to unprocessed Ags, whereas cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells recognize peptides derived from endogenously processed Ags presented in the context of class I MHC complexes. We screened, by ELISA, human sera for Abs reacting specifically with the influenza matrix protein (IMP)-derived peptide58-66 displayed by HLA-A*0201 complexes. Among 653 healthy volunteers, blood donors, and women on delivery, high-titered HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66 complex-specific IgG Abs were detected in 11 females with a history of pregnancies and in 1 male, all HLA-A*0201(-). These Abs had the same specificity as HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66-specific cytotoxic T cells and bound neither to HLA-A*0201 nor the peptide alone. No such Abs were detected in HLA-A*0201(+) volunteers. These Abs were not cross-reactive to other self-MHC class I alleles displaying IMP58-66, but bound to MHC class I complexes of an HLA nonidentical offspring. HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66 Abs were also detected in the cord blood of newborns, indicating that HLA-A*0201/IMP58-66 Abs are produced in HLA-A*0201(-) mothers and enter the fetal blood system. That Abs can bind to peptides derived from endogenous Ags presented by MHC complexes opens new perspectives on interactions between the cellular and humoral immune system.
Antibodies play an important role in therapy and investigative biomedical research. The TNF-family member Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK) is known for its role in bone homeostasis and is increasingly recognized as a central player in immune regulation and epithelial cell activation. However, the study of RANK biology has been hampered by missing or insufficient characterization of high affinity tools that recognize RANK. Here, we present a careful description and comparison of two antibodies, RANK-02 obtained by phage display (Newa, 2014 [1]) and R12-31 generated by immunization (Kamijo, 2006 [2]). We found that both antibodies recognized mouse RANK with high affinity, while RANK-02 and R12-31 recognized human RANK with high and lower affinities, respectively. Using a cell apoptosis assay based on stimulation of a RANK:Fas fusion protein, and a cellular NF-κB signaling assay, we showed that R12-31 was agonist for both species. R12-31 interfered little or not at all with the binding of RANKL to RANK, in contrast to RANK-02 that efficiently prevented this interaction. Depending on the assay and species, RANK-02 was either a weak agonist or a partial antagonist of RANK. Both antibodies recognized human Langerhans cells, previously shown to express RANK, while dermal dendritic cells were poorly labeled. In vivo R12-31 agonist activity was demonstrated by its ability to induce the formation of intestinal villous microfold cells in mice. This characterization of two monoclonal antibodies should now allow better evaluation of their application as therapeutic reagents and investigative tools.