105 resultados para Heterogeneous regression
In this paper we present a Linguistic Meta-Model (LMM) allowing a semiotic-cognitive representation of knowledge. LMM is freely available and integrates the schemata of linguistic knowledge resources, such as WordNet and FrameNet, as well as foundational ontologies, such as DOLCE and its extensions. In addition, LMM is able to deal with multilinguality and to represent individuals and facts in an open domain perspective.
Cervical cancer is a public health concern as it represents the second cause of cancer death in women worldwide. High-risk human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the etiologic agents, and HPV E6 and/or E7 oncogene-specific therapeutic vaccines are under development to treat HPV-related lesions in women. Whether the use of mucosal routes of immunization may be preferable for inducing cell-mediated immune responses able to eradicate genital tumors is still debated because of the uniqueness of the female genital mucosa (GM) and the limited experimentation. Here, we compared the protective activity resulting from immunization of mice via intranasal (i.n.), intravaginal (IVAG) or subcutaneous (s.c.) routes with an adjuvanted HPV type 16 E7 polypeptide vaccine. Our data show that s.c. and i.n. immunizations elicited similar frequencies and avidity of TetE71CD81 and E7-specific Interferon-gamma-secreting cells in the GM, whereas slightly lower immune responses were induced by IVAG immunization. In a novel orthotopic murine model, both s.c. and i.n. immunizations allowed for complete long-term protection against genital E7-expressing tumor challenge. However, only s.c. immunization induced complete regression of already established genital tumors. This suggests that the higher E7-specific systemic response observed after s.c. immunization may contribute to the regression of growing genital tumors, whereas local immune responses may be sufficient to impede genital challenges. Thus, our data show that for an efficiently adjuvanted protein-based vaccine, parenteral vaccination route is superior to mucosal vaccination route for inducing regression of established genital tumors in a murine model of HPV-associated genital cancer.
C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet (HFD) for 9 mo. Approximately 50% of the mice became obese and diabetic (ObD), approximately 10% lean and diabetic (LD), approximately 10% lean and nondiabetic (LnD), and approximately 30% displayed intermediate phenotype. All of the HFD mice were insulin resistant. In the fasted state, whole body glucose clearance was reduced in ObD mice, unchanged in the LD mice, and increased in the LnD mice compared with the normal-chow mice. Because fasted ObD mice were hyperinsulinemic and the lean mice slightly insulinopenic, there was no correlation between insulin levels and increased glucose utilization. In vivo, tissue glucose uptake assessed by 2-[(14)C]deoxyglucose accumulation was reduced in most muscles in the ObD mice but increased in the LnD mice compared with the values of the control mice. In the LD mice, the glucose uptake rates were reduced in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and total hindlimb but increased in soleus, diaphragm, and heart. When assessed in vitro, glucose utilization rates in the absence and presence of insulin were similar in diaphragm, soleus, and EDL muscles isolated from all groups of mice. Thus, in genetically homogenous mice, HFD feeding lead to different metabolic adaptations. Whereas all of the mice became insulin resistant, this was associated, in obese mice, with decreased glucose clearance and hyperinsulinemia and, in lean mice, with increased glucose clearance in the presence of mild insulinopenia. Therefore, increased glucose clearance in lean mice could not be explained by increased insulin level, indicating that other in vivo mechanisms are triggered to control muscle glucose utilization. These adaptive mechanisms could participate in the protection against development of obesity.
Monoclonal IgG are commonly observed in various B cell disorders, of which multiple myeloma is the most clinically relevant. In a series of serum samples, we identified by immunofixation 73 monoclonal IgG, including 63 IgG(1), 4 IgG(2), 5 IgG(3), and 1 IgG(4). The light chains were of kappa type in 45 cases, and of lambda type in 28 cases. These monoclonal IgG were further characterized by high resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) in various isoelectric focusing conditions, as well as by 3-DE (2-DE of the proteins extracted from agarose after serum protein agarose electrophoresis). After 2-DE, 38 out of 73 monoclonal gamma chains (52%) were visualized using immobilized pH 3-10 gradients for isoelectric focusing. In 6 cases (8%), gamma chains were only detected using alkaline immobilized pH 6-11 gradients. In 3 cases (4%), 3-DE revealed monoclonal gamma chains hidden by polyclonal gamma chains. Finally, in 26 cases (36%), no monoclonal gamma chains were clearly visualized. Sixty-one monoclonal light chains (84%) were detected using immobilized pH 3-10 gradients, whereas 12 (16%) were not. Monoclonal gamma chains and light chains were highly heterogeneous in terms of pI and M(r). However, a statistically significant correlation (P<0.05) was observed between the position of the monoclonal IgG in agarose gel and the pI of their heavy and light chains (R=0.733, multiple linear regression). Because of the extreme diversity of their heavy and light chains, it appears that a classification of monoclonal IgG based only on their electrophoretic properties is not possible.
Using a numerical approach, we explore wave-induced fluid flow effects in partially saturated porous rocks in which the gas-water saturation patterns are governed by mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties. The link between the dry frame properties and the gas saturation is defined by the assumption of capillary pressure equilibrium, which in the presence of heterogeneity implies that neighbouring regions can exhibit different levels of saturation. To determine the equivalent attenuation and phase velocity of the synthetic rock samples considered in this study, we apply a numerical upscaling procedure, which permits to take into account mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties as well as spatially continuous variations of the pore fluid properties. The multiscale nature of the fluid saturation is taken into account by locally computing the physical properties of an effective fluid, which are then used for the larger-scale simulations. We consider two sets of numerical experiments to analyse such effects in heterogeneous partially saturated porous media, where the saturation field is determined by variations in porosity and clay content, respectively. In both cases we also evaluate the seismic responses of corresponding binary, patchy-type saturation patterns. Our results indicate that significant attenuation and modest velocity dispersion effects take place in this kind of media for both binary patchy-type and spatially continuous gas saturation patterns and in particular in the presence of relatively small amounts of gas. The numerical experiments also show that the nature of the gas distribution patterns is a critical parameter controlling the seismic responses of these environments, since attenuation and velocity dispersion effects are much more significant and occur over a broader saturation range for binary patchy-type gas-water distributions. This analysis therefore suggests that the physical mechanisms governing partial saturation should be accounted for when analysing seismic data in a poroelastic framework. In this context, heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties, which do not play important roles in wave-induced fluid flow processes per se, should be taken into account since they may determine the kind of gas distribution pattern taking place in the porous rock.
Gene expression patterns are a key feature in understanding gene function, notably in development. Comparing gene expression patterns between animals is a major step in the study of gene function as well as of animal evolution. It also provides a link between genes and phenotypes. Thus we have developed Bgee, a database designed to compare expression patterns between animals, by implementing ontologies describing anatomies and developmental stages of species, and then designing homology relationships between anatomies and comparison criteria between developmental stages. To define homology relationships between anatomical features we have developed the software Homolonto, which uses a modified ontology alignment approach to propose homology relationships between ontologies. Bgee then uses these aligned ontologies, onto which heterogeneous expression data types are mapped. These already include microarrays and ESTs.
PURPOSE: Vaccines targeting tumor associated antigens are in development for bladder cancer. Most of these cancers are nonmuscle invasive at diagnosis and confined in the mucosa and submucosa. However, to our knowledge how vaccination may induce the regression of tumors at such mucosal sites has not been examined previously. We compared different immunization routes for the ability to induce vaccine specific antitumor CD8 T cells in the bladder and bladder tumor regression in mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the absence of a murine bladder tumor model expressing a tumor antigen relevant for human use we established an orthotopic model expressing the HPV-16 tumor antigen E7 as a model. We used an adjuvant E7 polypeptide to induce CD8 T cell mediated tumor regression. RESULTS: Subcutaneous and intravaginal but not intranasal vaccination induced a high number of TetE7(+)CD8(+) T cells in the bladder as well as bladder tumor regression. The entry of vaccine specific T cells in the bladder was not the only key since persistent regression of established bladder tumors by intravaginal or subcutaneous immunization was associated with tumor infiltration of total CD4 and CD8 T cells. This resulted in an increase in TetE7(+)CD8(+) T cells and a decrease in T regulatory cells, leading to an increased number of effector interferon-γ secreting vaccine specific CD8 T cells in the regressing bladder tumor. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that immunization routes should be tailored to each mucosal tumor site. Subcutaneous or intravaginal vaccination may be of additional value to treat patients with bladder cancer.
Glioblastoma (GBM) is a morphologically heterogeneous tumor type with a median survival of only 15 months in clinical trial populations. However, survival varies greatly among patients. As part of a central pathology review, we addressed the question if patients with GBM displaying distinct morphologic features respond differently to combined chemo-radiotherapy with temozolomide. Morphologic features were systematically recorded for 360 cases with particular focus on the presence of an oligodendroglioma-like component and respective correlations with outcome and relevant molecular markers. GBM with an oligodendroglioma-like component (GBM-O) represented 15% of all confirmed GBM (52/339) and was not associated with a more favorable outcome. GBM-O encompassed a pathogenetically heterogeneous group, significantly enriched for IDH1 mutations (19 vs. 3%, p = 0.003) and EGFR amplifications (71 vs. 48%, p = 0.04) compared with other GBM, while co-deletion of 1p/19q was found in only one case and the MGMT methylation frequency was alike (47 vs. 46%). Expression profiles classified most of the GBM-O into two subtypes, 36% (5/14 evaluable) as proneural and 43% as classical GBM. The detection of pseudo-palisading necrosis (PPN) was associated with benefit from chemotherapy (p = 0.0002), while no such effect was present in the absence of PPN (p = 0.86). In the adjusted interaction model including clinical prognostic factors and MGMT status, PPN was borderline nonsignificant (p = 0.063). Taken together, recognition of an oligodendroglioma-like component in an otherwise classic GBM identifies a pathogenetically mixed group without prognostic significance. However, the presence of PPN may indicate biological features of clinical relevance for further improvement of therapy.
Human papillomaviruses (HPV)-related cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Despite active development, HPV E6/E7 oncogene-specific therapeutic vaccines have had limited clinical efficacy to date. Here, we report that intravaginal (IVAG) instillation of CpG-ODN (TLR9 agonist) or poly-(I:C) (TLR3 agonist) after subcutaneous E7 vaccination increased ∼fivefold the number of vaccine-specific interferon-γ-secreting CD8 T cells in the genital mucosa (GM) of mice, without affecting the E7-specific systemic response. The IVAG treatment locally increased both E7-specific and total CD8 T cells, but not CD4 T cells. This previously unreported selective recruitment of CD8 T cells from the periphery by IVAG CpG-ODN or poly-(I:C) was mediated by TLR9 and TLR3/melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 signaling pathways, respectively. For CpG, this recruitment was associated with a higher proportion of GM-localized CD8 T cells expressing both CCR5 and CXCR3 chemokine receptors and E-selectin ligands. Most interestingly, IVAG CpG-ODN following vaccination led to complete regression of large genital HPV tumors in 75% of mice, instead of 20% with vaccination alone. These findings suggest that mucosal application of immunostimulatory molecules might substantially increase the effectiveness of parenterally administered vaccines.Mucosal Immunology advance online publication 12 September 2012; doi:10.1038/mi.2012.83.
Mathematical methods combined with measurements of single-cell dynamics provide a means to reconstruct intracellular processes that are only partly or indirectly accessible experimentally. To obtain reliable reconstructions, the pooling of measurements from several cells of a clonal population is mandatory. However, cell-to-cell variability originating from diverse sources poses computational challenges for such process reconstruction. We introduce a scalable Bayesian inference framework that properly accounts for population heterogeneity. The method allows inference of inaccessible molecular states and kinetic parameters; computation of Bayes factors for model selection; and dissection of intrinsic, extrinsic and technical noise. We show how additional single-cell readouts such as morphological features can be included in the analysis. We use the method to reconstruct the expression dynamics of a gene under an inducible promoter in yeast from time-lapse microscopy data.
We report a boy, referred at 25 months following a dramatic isolated language regression antedating autistic-like symptomatology. His sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) showed persistent focal epileptiform activity over the left parietal and vertex areas never associated with clinical seizures. He was started on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) with a significant improvement in language, behavior, and in EEG discharges in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Later course was characterized by fluctuations/regressions in language and behavior abilities, in phase with recrudescence of EEG abnormalities prompting additional ACTH courses that led to remarkable decrease in EEG abnormalities, improvement in language, and to a lesser degree, in autistic behavior. The timely documentation of regression episodes suggesting an "atypical" autistic regression, striking therapy-induced improvement, fluctuation of symptomatology over time could be ascribed to recurrent and persisting EEG abnormalities.
We implemented Biot-type porous wave equations in a pseudo-spectral numerical modeling algorithm for the simulation of Stoneley waves in porous media. Fourier and Chebyshev methods are used to compute the spatial derivatives along the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. To prevent from overly short time steps due to the small grid spacing at the top and bottom of the model as a consequence of the Chebyshev operator, the mesh is stretched in the vertical direction. As a large benefit, the Chebyshev operator allows for an explicit treatment of interfaces. Boundary conditions can be implemented with a characteristics approach. The characteristic variables are evaluated at zero viscosity. We use this approach to model seismic wave propagation at the interface between a fluid and a porous medium. Each medium is represented by a different mesh and the two meshes are connected through the above described characteristics domain-decomposition method. We show an experiment for sealed pore boundary conditions, where we first compare the numerical solution to an analytical solution. We then show the influence of heterogeneity and viscosity of the pore fluid on the propagation of the Stoneley wave and surface waves in general.
Purpose: To present the long-term outcome (LTO) of 10 adolescents and young adults with documented cognitive and behavioral regression as children due to non-lesional focal, mainly frontal epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during slow wave sleep (CSWS). Method: Past medical and EEG data of all patients were reviewed and neuropsychological tests exploring main cognitive functions were administered. Result: After a mean duration of follow-up of 15.6 years (range 8-23 years), none of the 10 patients had recovered fully, but four regained borderline to normal intelligence and were almost independent. Patients with prolonged global intellectual regression had the worst outcome, whereas those with more specific and short-lived deficits recovered best. The marked behavioral disorders that were so disturbing during the active period (AP) resolved in all but one patient. Executive functions were neither severely nor homogenously affected. Three patients with a frontal syndrome during the AP disclosed only mild residual executive and social cognition deficits. The main cognitive gains occurred shortly after the AP, but qualitative improvements continued to occur. LTO correlated best with duration of CSWS. Conclusion: Our findings emphasize that cognitive recovery after cessation of CSWS depends on the severity and duration of the initial regression. None of our patients had major executive and social cognition deficits with preserved intelligence as reported in adults with destructive lesions of the frontal lobes during childhood. Early recognition of epilepsy with CSWS and rapid introduction of effective therapy are crucial for a best possible outcome.
We study wave-induced fluid flow effects in porous rocks partially saturated with gas and water, where the saturation patterns are governed by mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties. The link between the dry frame properties and the gas saturation is defined by the assumption of capillary pressure equilibrium, which in the presence of heterogeneity implies that neighboring regions can exhibit different levels of saturation. In order to determine the equivalent attenuation and phase velocity of the synthetic rock samples considered in this study, we apply a numerical upscaling procedure, which permits to take into account mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties as well as spatially continuous variations of the pore fluid properties. We consider numerical experiments to analyze such effects in heterogeneous partially saturated porous media, where the saturation field is determined by realistic variations in porosity. Our results indicate that the spatially continuous nature of gas saturation inherent to this study is a critical parameter controlling the seismic response of these environments, which in turn suggests that the physical mechanisms governing partial saturation should be accounted for when analyzing seismic data in a poro-elastic context.