177 resultados para HbsAg carriers
OBJECTIVES: Tissue engineering methods can be applied to regenerate diseased, or congenitally missing, urinary tract tissues. Urinary tract tissue cell cultures must be established in vitro and adequate matrices, acting as cell carriers, must be developed. Although degradable and nondegradable polymer matrices offer adequate mechanical stability, they are not optimal for cell adherence and growth. To overcome this problem, extracellular matrix proteins, permitting cell adhesion and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, can be adsorbed to the surface-modified polymer. METHODS: In this study, nondegradable polymer films, poly(ethylene terephthalate), were used as an experimental model. Films were modified by graft polymerization of acrylic acid to subsequently allow collagen type I and III immobilization. The following adhesion, proliferation of human urothelial cells, and induction of their stratification were analyzed. RESULTS: Collagen adsorption on 0.2 microg/cm2 poly(acrylic acid)-grafted polymer films rendered the matrix apt for human urothelial cell adhesion and proliferation. Furthermore, stratification of urothelial cells was demonstrated on these surface-modified matrices. CONCLUSIONS: These results have shown that surface-modified polymer matrices can be used to act as cell carriers for cultured human urothelial cells. Such a cell-matrix construct could be applied in reparative surgery of the urinary tract.
RÉSUMÉ : Chez l'homme, le manque de sélectivité des agents thérapeutiques représente souvent une limitation pour le traitement des maladies. Le ciblage de ces agents pour un tissu défini pourrait augmenter leur sélectivité et ainsi diminuer les effets secondaires en comparaison d'agents qui s'accumuleraient dans tout le corps. Cela pourrait aussi améliorer l'efficacité des traitements en permettant d'avoir une concentration localisée plus importante. Le ciblage d'agents thérapeutiques est un champ de recherche très actif. Les stratégies sont généralement basées sur les différences entre cellules normales et malades. Ces différences peuvent porter soit sur l'expression des molécules à leurs surfaces comme des récepteurs ou des transporteurs, soit sur les activités enzymatiques exprimées. Le traitement thérapeutique choisi ici est la thérapie photodynamique et est déjà utilisé pour le traitement de certains cancers. Cette thérapie repose sur l'utilisation de molécules qui réagissent à la lumière, les photosensibilisants. Elles absorbent l'énergie lumineuse et réagissent avec l'oxygène pour former des radicaux toxiques pour les cellules. Les photosensibilisants utilisés ici sont de deux natures : (i) soit ils sont tétrapyroliques (comme les porphyrines et chlorines), c'est à dire qu'ils sont directement activables par la lumière ; (ii) soit ce sont des prodrogues de photosensibilisants comme l'acide 5aminolévulinique (ALA) qui est transformé dans la cellule en protoporphyrine IX photosensibilisante. Dans le but d'augmenter la sélectivité des photosensibilisants, nous avons utilisé deux stratégies différentes : (i) le photosensibilisant est modifié par le greffage d'un agent de ciblage ; (ii) le photosensibilisant est incorporé dans des structures moléculaires de quelques centaines de nanomètres. Les sucres et l'acide folique sont des agents de ciblage largement établis et ont été utilisés ici car leurs récepteurs sont surexprimés à la surface de nombreuses cellules malades. Ainsi, des dérivés sucres ou acide folique de l'ALA ont été synthétisés et évalués in vitro sur de nombreuses lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. La stratégie utilisant l'acide folique est apparue incompatible avec l'utilisation de l'ALA puisque aucune photosensibilité n'a été induite par le composé. La stratégie utilisant les sucres a, par ailleurs, provoquée de bonnes photosensibilités mais pas d'augmentation de sélectivité. En parallèle, la combinaison entre les propriétés anticancéreuses des complexes métalliques au ruthénium avec les propriétés photosensibilisantes des porphyrines, a été évaluée. En effet, les thérapies combinées ont émergé il y a une dizaine d'années et représentent aujourd'hui de bonnes alternatives aux monothérapies classiques. Des ruthenium(I1)-arènes complexés avec la tetrapyridylporphyrine ont ainsi présenté de bonnes cytotoxicités et de bonnes phototoxicités pour des cellules de mélanomes. Des porphyrines ont aussi été compléxées avec des noyaux de diruthénium et ce type de dérivé a présenté de bonnes phototoxicités et une bonne sélectivité pour les cellules cancéreuses de l'appareil reproducteur féminin. L'incorporation de photosensibilisants tétrapyroliques a finalement été effectuée en utilisant des nanoparticules (NP) biocompatibles composées de chitosan et de hyaluronate. L'effet de ces NP a été évalué pour le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR). Les NP ont d'abord été testées in vitro avec des macrophages de souris et les résultats ont mis en évidence de bonnes sélectivités et photosensibilités pour ces cellules. In vivo chez un modèle marin de la PR, l'utilisation de ces NP a révélé un plus grand temps de résidence des NP dans le genou de la souris en comparaison du temps obtenu avec le photosensibilisant seul. Le traitement par PDT a aussi démontré une bonne efficacité par ailleurs égale à celle obtenue avec les corticoïdes utilisés en clinique. Pour finir, les NP ont aussi démontré une bonne efficacité sur les myelomonocytes phagocytaires humains et sur les cellules contenues dans le liquide synovial de patients présentant une PR. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que les deux stratégies de ciblage peuvent être efficaces pour les agents thérapeutiques. Afm d'obtenir de bons résultats, il est toutefois nécessaire de réaliser une analyse minutieuse de la cible et du mode d'action de l'agent thérapeutique. Concernant les perspectives, la combinaison des deux stratégies c'est à dire incorporer des agents thérapeutiques dans des nanostructures porteuses d'agents de ciblage, représente probablement une solution très prometteuse. SUMMARY : In humans, the lack of selectivity of drugs and their high effective concentrations often represent limitations for the treatment of diseases. Targeting the therapeutical agents to a defined tissue could enhance their selectivity and then diminish their side effects when compared to drugs that accumulate in the entire body and could also improve treatment efûciency by allowing a localized high concentration of the agents. Targeting therapeutics to defined cells in human pathologies is a main challenge and a very active field of research. Strategies are generally based on the different behaviors and patterns of expression of diseased cells compared to normal cells such as receptors, proteases or trans-membrane carriers. The therapeutic treatment chosen here is the photodynamic therapy and is already used in the treatment of many cancers. This therapy relies on the administration of a photosensitizer (PS) which will under light, react with oxygen and induce formation of reactive oxygen species which are toxic for cells. The PSs used here are either tetrapyrolic (i. e. porphyries and chlorins) or prodrugs of PS (5-aminolevulinic acid precursor of the endogenous protoporphyrin Imo. In order to improve PS internalization and selectivity, we have used two different strategies: the modification of the PSs with diseased cell-targeting agents as well as their encapsulation into nanostructures. Sugars and folic acid are well established as targeting entities for diseased cells and were used here since their transporters are overexpressed on the surface of many cancer cells. Therefore sugar- and folic acid-derivatives of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) were synthesized and evaluated in vitro in several cancer cell lines. The folic acid strategy appeared to be incompatible with ALA since no photosensitivity was induced while the strategy with sugars induced good photosensitivites but no increase of selectivity. Alternatively, the feasibility of combining the antineoplastic properties of ruthenium complexes with the porphyrin's photosensitizing properties, was evaluated since combined therapies have emerged as good alternatives to classical treatments. Tetrapyridylporphyrins complexed to ruthenium (I17 arenes presented good cytotoxicities and good phototoxicities toward melanoma cells. Porphyries were also complexed to diruthenium cores and this type of compound presented good phototoxicities and good selectivity for female reproductive cancer cells. The encapsulation of tetrapyrolic PSs was finally investigated using biocompatible nanogels composed of chitosan and hyaluronate. The behavior of these nanoparticles was evaluated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They were first tested in vitro in mouse macrophages and results revealed good selectivities and phototoxicities toward these cells. In vivo in mice model of RA, the use of such nanoparticles instead of free PS showed longer time of residence in mice knees. Photodynamic protocols also demonstrated good efficiency of the treatment comparable to the corticoid injection used in the clinic. Finally our system was also efficient in human cells using phagocytic myelomonocytes or using cells of synovial fluids taken from patients with RA. Altogether, these results revealed that both strategies of modification or encapsulation of drugs can be successful in the targeting of diseased cells. However, a careful analysis of the target and of the mode of action of the drug, are needed in order to obtain good results. Looking ahead to the future, the combination of the two strategies (i.e. drugs loaded into nanostructures bearing the targeting agents) would represent probably the best solution.
IMPORTANCE There is a high prevalence of obesity in psychiatric patients, possibly leading to metabolic complications and reducing life expectancy. The CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1) gene is involved in energy balance and obesity in animal models, but its role in human obesity is unknown. OBJECTIVE To determine whether polymorphisms within the CRTC1 gene are associated with adiposity markers in psychiatric patients and the general population. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Retrospective and prospective data analysis and population-based samples at Lausanne and Geneva university hospitals in Switzerland and a private clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland. The effect of 3 CRTC1 polymorphisms on body mass index (BMI) and/or fat mass was investigated in a discovery cohort of psychiatric outpatients taking weight gain-inducing psychotropic drugs (sample 1, n = 152). The CRTC1 variant that was significantly associated with BMI and survived Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparison was then replicated in 2 independent psychiatric samples (sample 2, n = 174 and sample 3, n = 118) and 2 white population-based samples (sample 4, n = 5338 and sample 5, n = 123 865). INTERVENTION Noninterventional studies. MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURE Difference in BMI and/or fat mass between CRTC1 genotype groups. RESULTS Among the CRTC1 variants tested in the first psychiatric sample, only rs3746266A>G was associated with BMI (Padjusted = .003). In the 3 psychiatric samples, carriers of the rs3746266 G allele had a lower BMI than noncarriers (AA genotype) (sample 1, P = .001; sample 2, P = .05; and sample 3, P = .0003). In the combined analysis, excluding patients taking other weight gain-inducing drugs, G allele carriers (n = 98) had a 1.81-kg/m2 lower BMI than noncarriers (n = 226; P < .0001). The strongest association was observed in women younger than 45 years, with a 3.87-kg/m2 lower BMI in G allele carriers (n = 25) compared with noncarriers (n = 48; P < .0001), explaining 9% of BMI variance. In the population-based samples, the T allele of rs6510997C>T (a proxy of the rs3746266 G allele; r2 = 0.7) was associated with lower BMI (sample 5, n = 123 865; P = .01) and fat mass (sample 4, n = 5338; P = .03). The strongest association with fat mass was observed in premenopausal women (n = 1192; P = .02). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE These findings suggest that CRTC1 contributes to the genetics of human obesity in psychiatric patients and the general population. Identification of high-risk subjects could contribute to a better individualization of the pharmacological treatment in psychiatry.
ABSTRACT : The retina is one of the most important human sensory tissues since it detects and transmits all visual information from the outside world to the brain. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is the name given to a group of inherited diseases that affect specifically the photoreceptors present in the retina and in many instances lead to blindness. Dominant mutations in PRPF31, a gene that encodes for a pre-mRNA splicing factor, cause retinitis pigmentosa with reduced penetrance. We functionally investigated a novel mutation, identified in a large family with autosomal dominant RP, and 7 other mutations, substitutions and microdeletions, in 12 patients from 7 families with PRPF31-linked RP. Seven mutations lead to PRPF31 mRNA with premature stop codons and one to mRNA lacking the exon containing the initiation codon. Quantification of PRPF31 mRNA and protein levels revealed a significant reduction in cell lines derived from patients, compared to non carriers of mutations in PRPF31. Allelic quantification of PRPF31 mRNA indicated that the level of mutated mRNA is very low compared to wild-type mRNA. No mutant protein was detected and the subnuclear localization of wild-type PRPF31 remains the same in cell lines from patients and controls. Blocking nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in cell lines derived from patients partially restored PRPF31 mutated mRNA but derived proteins were still undetectable, even when protein degradation pathways were inhibited. Our results demonstrated that the vast majority of PRPF31 mutations result in null alleles, since they are subject to surveillance mechanisms that degrade mutated mRNA and possibly block its translation. Altogether, these data indicate that the likely cause of PRPF31-linked RP is haploinsufficiency, rather than a dominant negative effect. Penetrance of PRPF31 mutations has been previously demonstrated to be inversely correlated with the level of PRPF31 mRNA, since high expression of wild-type PRPF31 mRNA protects from the disease. Consequently, we have investigated the genetic modifiers that control the expression of PRPF31 by quantifying PRPF31 mRNA levels in cell lines derived from 200 individuals from 15 families representative of the general population. By linkage analyses we identified a 8.2Mb-region on chromosome 14q21-23 that contains a gene involved in the modulation of PRPF31 expression. We also assessed apreviously-mapped penetrance factor invariably located on the wild-type allele and linked to the PRPF31 locus in asymptomatic patients from different families with RP. We demonstrated that this modifier increases the expression of both PRPF31 alleles already at the pre-mRNA level. Finally, our data suggest that PRPF31 mRNA expression and consequently the penetrance of PRPF31 mutations is modulated by at least 2 diffusible compounds, which act on both PRPF31 alleles during their transcription.
Cataract surgery is often performed in patients suffering from associated pathologies. Our goal is to develop a biodegradable drug delivery system (DDS) combined with the artificial intraocular lens (IOL). DDS were manufactured using poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide), or PLGA, and were loaded with triamcinolone acetonide (TA). The loading capacity was approximately 1050 microg of TA per DDS. The higher the molecular weight of PLGA (34,000, 48,000 and 80,000Da), the slower was the release of TA in vitro. Cataract surgery was performed on the right eye of rabbits. IOL was inserted with (i) no DDS, (ii) unloaded DDS PLGA48000, (iii) one loaded DDS PLGA48000, (iv) two loaded DDS. The number of inflammatory cells and the protein concentration were measured in the aqueous humor (AH). Unloaded DDS showed good ocular biocompatibility. One DDS PLGA48000 loaded with TA significantly reduced postoperative ocular inflammation. Two loaded DDS PLGA48000 was even more effective in inhibiting such inflammation. On long-term observation (days 63 and 84), reduction of inflammation could be obtained by insertion of one DDS PLGA48000 and a second DDS PLGA80000. Therefore, our "all in one" system is very promising since it could replace oral treatment and reduce the number of intraocular injections
Purpose: To assess the phenotype of patients in a large 3 generation Swiss family with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) due to a novel nonsense mutation Glu20stop in RP2 gene and to correlate with the genotype. Methods: 6 affected patients (1 male, 5 females, age range: 23 - 73 years) were assessed with a complete ophthalmologic examination. All had fundus autofluorescence images, standardised electroretinography, Goldmann visual fields and Optical Coherence Tomography. In addition, medical records of 2 affected male patients were reviewed. Blood sample was taken for molecular analysis. Results: The male patients were severely affected at a young age with early macular involvement. The youngest 23 y old male had also high myopia and vision of less than 0.05 according to Snellen EDTRS chart bilaterally. All 5 female carriers had some degree of rod-cone dystrophy, but no macular involvement. The visual acuity was 1.0 in the younger carriers, while the 73 years old had VA of 0.5. Two females had mild myopia (range -0.75 to -2) and one had anisometropia of 3.5D, with the more severely affected eye being myopic. Three out of 5 female carriers had optic nerve drusen. Conclusions: We report a novel Glu20stop mutation in RP2 gene, which is a rare cause of XLRP. Our description of severe phenotype in male patients with high myopia and early macular atrophy confirms previous reports. Unlike previous reports, all our female carriers had RP, but not macular involvement or high myopia. The identifiable phenotype for RP2-XLRP aids in clinical diagnosis and targeted genetic screening.
BACKGROUND: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetically heterogeneous disease. One specific mutation in the MYBPC3 gene is highly prevalent in center east of France giving an opportunity to define the clinical profile of this specific mutation. METHODS: HCM probands were screened for mutation in the MYH7, MYBPC3, TNNT2 and TNNI3 genes. Carriers of the MYBPC3 IVS20-2A>G mutation were genotyped with 8 microsatellites flanking this gene. The age of this MYBPC3 mutation was inferred with the software ESTIAGE. The age at first symptom, diagnosis, first complication, first severe complication and the rate of sudden death were compared between carriers of the IVS20-2 mutation (group A) and carriers of all other mutations (group B) using time to event curves and log rank test. RESULTS: Out of 107 HCM probands, 45 had a single heterozygous mutation in one of the 4 tested sarcomeric genes including 9 patients with the MYBPC3 IVS20-2A>G mutation. The IVS20-2 mutation in these 9 patients and their 25 mutation carrier relatives was embedded in a common haplotype defined after genotyping 4 polymorphic markers on each side of the MYBPC3 gene. This result supports the hypothesis of a common ancestor. Furthermore, we evaluated that the mutation occurred about 47 generations ago, approximately at the 10th century.We then compared the clinical profile of the IVS20-2 mutation carriers (group A) and the carriers of all other mutations (group B). Age at onset of symptoms was similar in the 34 group A cases and the 73 group B cases but group A cases were diagnosed on average 15 years later (log rank test p = 0.022). Age of first complication and first severe complication was delayed in group A vs group B cases but the prevalence of sudden death and age at death was similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: A founder mutation arising at about the 10th century in the MYBPC3 gene accounts for 8.4% of all HCM in center east France and results in a cardiomyopathy starting late and evolving slowly but with an apparent risk of sudden death similar to other sarcomeric mutations.
OBJECTIVE: Renal cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) activity has been associated with blood pressure and salt sensitivity in humans. We determined whether CYP3A5 polymorphisms are associated with ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) and with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in African families. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional design, 375 individuals from 72 families, each with at least two hypertensive siblings, were recruited through a hypertension register in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean). We analyzed the association between the CYP3A5 alleles (*1, *3, *6 and *7) and ABP, GFR and renal sodium handling (fractional excretion of lithium), from pedigree data, allowing for other covariates and familial correlations. RESULTS: CYP3A5*1 carriers increased their daytime systolic and diastolic ABP with age (0.55 and 0.23 mmHg/year) more than non-carriers (0.21 and 0.04 mmHg/year). CYP3A5*1 had a significant main effect on daytime systolic/diastolic ABP [regression coefficient (SE): -29.6 (10.0)/-8.2 (4.1) mmHg, P = 0.003/0.045, respectively] and this effect was modified by age (CYP3A5*1 x age interactions, P = 0.017/0.018). For night-time ABP, the effect of CYP3A5*1 was modified by urinary sodium excretion, not by age. For renal function, CYP3A5*1 carriers had a 7.6(3.8) ml/min lower GFR (P = 0.045) than non-carriers. Proximal sodium reabsorption decreased with age in non-carriers, but not in CYP3A5*1 carriers (P for interaction = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that CYP3A5 polymorphisms are associated with ambulatory BP, CYP3A5*1 carriers showing a higher age- and sodium- related increase in ABP than non-carriers. The age effect may be due, in part, to the action of CYP3A5 on renal sodium handling.
Cationic liposomes, 1:1 (mol/mol) 1,2-dioleoyldimethylammonium chloride-1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine, were used to transfect primary cultures of distal rat fetal lung epithelial cells with pCMV4-based plasmids. A DNA-to-lipid ratio of 1:10 to 1:15 (wt/wt) optimized DNA uptake over a 24-h exposure. At a fixed DNA-to-lipid ratio of 1:15, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene expression declined at lipid concentrations > 2.5 nmol/cm2 cell surface area, whereas DNA uptake remained concentration dependent. CAT expression peaked 48 h after removal of the liposome-DNA complex, declining thereafter. Reporter gene expression was increased, and supercoiled cDNA degradation was reduced by the addition of 0.2 mM nicotinamide and 10 microM chloroquine. Rat fetal lung epithelial cells transfected with two different expression cassettes had an increased susceptibility to superoxide-mediated cytotoxicity. This could be attributed to a nonspecific delivery of exogenous DNA or some other copurified factor. The DNA-dependent increase in superoxide-mediated cytotoxicity, but not basal levels of cytotoxicity, was inhibited by the addition of 0.2 mM nicotinamide and 10 microM chloroquine.
Since the beginning of population screening for CF carriers, it has become apparent that complex CFTR alleles are not uncommon. Deciphering their impact in disease pathogenesis remains a challenge for both clinicians and researchers. We report the observation of a new complex allele p.[R74W+R1070W+D1270N] found in trans with a type 1 mutation and associated with clinical diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in a one year-old Moroccan patient. This case underlines the difficulties in counseling patients with uncommon mutations and the necessity of functional studies to evaluate the structure-function relationships, since the association of several variations in cis can dramatically alter CFTR function.
BACKGROUND: The recurrent ~600 kb 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 deletion is among the most frequent known genetic aetiologies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders. OBJECTIVE: To define the medical, neuropsychological, and behavioural phenotypes in carriers of this deletion. METHODS: We collected clinical data on 285 deletion carriers and performed detailed evaluations on 72 carriers and 68 intrafamilial non-carrier controls. RESULTS: When compared to intrafamilial controls, full scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ) is two standard deviations lower in carriers, and there is no difference between carriers referred for neurodevelopmental disorders and carriers identified through cascade family testing. Verbal IQ (mean 74) is lower than non-verbal IQ (mean 83) and a majority of carriers require speech therapy. Over 80% of individuals exhibit psychiatric disorders including ASD, which is present in 15% of the paediatric carriers. Increase in head circumference (HC) during infancy is similar to the HC and brain growth patterns observed in idiopathic ASD. Obesity, a major comorbidity present in 50% of the carriers by the age of 7 years, does not correlate with FSIQ or any behavioural trait. Seizures are present in 24% of carriers and occur independently of other symptoms. Malformations are infrequently found, confirming only a few of the previously reported associations. CONCLUSIONS: The 16p11.2 deletion impacts in a quantitative and independent manner FSIQ, behaviour and body mass index, possibly through direct influences on neural circuitry. Although non-specific, these features are clinically significant and reproducible. Lastly, this study demonstrates the necessity of studying large patient cohorts ascertained through multiple methods to characterise the clinical consequences of rare variants involved in common diseases.
The Staphylococcus aureus cell wall stress stimulon (CWSS) is activated by cell envelope-targeting antibiotics or depletion of essential cell wall biosynthesis enzymes. The functionally uncharacterized S. aureus LytR-CpsA-Psr (LCP) proteins, MsrR, SA0908 and SA2103, all belong to the CWSS. Although not essential, deletion of all three LCP proteins severely impairs cell division. We show here that VraSR-dependent CWSS expression was up to 250-fold higher in single, double and triple LCP mutants than in wild type S. aureus in the absence of external stress. The LCP triple mutant was virtually depleted of wall teichoic acids (WTA), which could be restored to different degrees by any of the single LCP proteins. Subinhibitory concentrations of tunicamycin, which inhibits the first WTA synthesis enzyme TarO (TagO), could partially complement the severe growth defect of the LCP triple mutant. Both of the latter findings support a role for S. aureus LCP proteins in late WTA synthesis, as in Bacillus subtilis where LCP proteins were recently proposed to transfer WTA from lipid carriers to the cell wall peptidoglycan. Intrinsic activation of the CWSS upon LCP deletion and the fact that LCP proteins were essential for WTA-loading of the cell wall, highlight their important role(s) in S. aureus cell envelope biogenesis.
Human genetic variation contributes to differences in susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. To search for novel host resistance factors, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in hemophilia patients highly exposed to potentially contaminated factor VIII infusions. Individuals with hemophilia A and a documented history of factor VIII infusions before the introduction of viral inactivation procedures (1979-1984) were recruited from 36 hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs), and their genome-wide genetic variants were compared with those from matched HIV-infected individuals. Homozygous carriers of known CCR5 resistance mutations were excluded. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and inferred copy number variants (CNVs) were tested using logistic regression. In addition, we performed a pathway enrichment analysis, a heritability analysis, and a search for epistatic interactions with CCR5 Δ32 heterozygosity. A total of 560 HIV-uninfected cases were recruited: 36 (6.4%) were homozygous for CCR5 Δ32 or m303. After quality control and SNP imputation, we tested 1 081 435 SNPs and 3686 CNVs for association with HIV-1 serostatus in 431 cases and 765 HIV-infected controls. No SNP or CNV reached genome-wide significance. The additional analyses did not reveal any strong genetic effect. Highly exposed, yet uninfected hemophiliacs form an ideal study group to investigate host resistance factors. Using a genome-wide approach, we did not detect any significant associations between SNPs and HIV-1 susceptibility, indicating that common genetic variants of major effect are unlikely to explain the observed resistance phenotype in this population.
Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is a subviral agent which depends on the envelope proteins (HBsAg) of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Therefore, hepatitis D is observed only in patients infected with HBV. Chronic hepatitis D is the least frequent albeit most severe form of chronic viral hepatitis. A resurgence of chronic hepatitis D has been observed in Northern and Central Europe, mainly due to immigration of patients from regions with high prevalence. Every HBsAg-positive patient should be screened for concurrent HDV infection. Standard treatment consists of pegylated interferon-alpha for at least one year. Sustained virological response rates are approximately 20%. Liver transplantation should be considered in patients with advanced cirrhosis or limited hepatocellular carcinoma. Preventive measures for hepatitis D are the same as for hepatitis B.
The use of liposomes as carriers for the delivery of biologically active molecules into the eye is of major interest. Indeed, encapsulation of biologically active molecules in liposomes may increase their bioavailability and may induce a sustained release, thus avoiding repeated intraocular injections and reducing side effects. We describe here the fate of rhodamine-conjugated liposomes (Rh-Lip) injected into the vitreous of normal Lewis rats. Twenty-four hours after intravitreal injection fluorescent liposomes were detected in the vitreous, the inner layer of the retina and to a lesser extent in the anterior segment of the eye. In addition, numerous Rh-Lip were also observed in the episclera and conjunctival stroma, in conjunctival lymphatic vessels and cervical lymph nodes (LN) draining the conjunctiva and the eye. In the LN, Rh-Lip were taken up by resident macrophages adjacent to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Thus, intravitreal injection of anti-inflammatory drugs loaded in liposomes could modulate the ocular immune microenvironment. In addition the passage of drugs into the cervical LN could alter the immune status of these LN and contribute to the regulation of intraocular inflammation. Our results suggest that this phenomenon should be taken into account to design new therapies based on intraocular drug administration.