96 resultados para Grain orientation
La nouvelle organisation sociale du travail du début du 21e siècle pose une série de questions et lance de nombreux défis aux spécialistes de l'accompagnement en orientation professionnelle. Compte tenu de la mondialisation du conseil en orientation, c'est dans un cadre international que nous avons décidé d'aborder ces questions, puis de formuler des réponses potentiellement innovantes. Cette approche permet d'éviter les difficultés que soulève la création de modèles et de méthodes dans un pays donné en tentant ensuite de les exporter dans d'autres, où ils doivent être adaptés pour être utilisés. Cet article présente le premier résultat tangible de cette collaboration : un modèle et des méthodes d'accompagnement des personnes. Le modèle « Construire sa vie », destiné à des interventions d'accompagnement en orientation se fonde sur cinq présupposés concernant les personnes et leur vie professionnelle : des possibilités liées aux contextes, des processus dynamiques, une progression non linéaire, des perspectives multiples et des configurations individuelles. En partant de ces présupposés, nous avons bâti un modèle en contexte, se réclamant de l'épistémologie du constructionnisme social, reconnaissant en particulier que les connaissances et l'identité d'un individu sont le produit d'interactions sociales et que le sens est co-construit, via la médiation du discours. Le cadre général « construire sa vie » s'appuie sur les théories de la construction de soi (Guichard, 2005) et de la construction des parcours professionnels (Savickas, 2005), qui décrivent les conduites d'orientation et leurs développements. Ce cadre concerne toute la vie, il est holiste, tient compte des contextes et est préventif.
Dealing at patient's home with an acute abdominal pain may be particularly challenging for the primary care physician. In such a clinical situation, the part of laboratory and radiological investigations is increasing in the diagnostic process. The decision to keep the patient at home based on a clinical evaluation alone may represent a great medical responsibility for the physician. Emergency departments (ED) are of course in charge of investigating such patients with a wide panel of investigation techniques. But these structures are chronically overcrowded resulting frequently in long and difficult periods of waiting. Based on a literature review, a description of useful clinical symptoms and signs is summarized and should help the decision process for the orientation of the patient.
Ce texte est consacré à la transmission à court terme de l'orientation idéologique gauche- droite entre parents et enfants; il utilise les données du Panel suisse de ménages (www.swisspanel.ch), qui permet de mener des analyses dans les ménages à plusieurs générations. Les résultats confirment qu'il existe bien une transmission de l'orientation idéologique gauche-droite entre parents et enfants, qui se fait différemment selon le sexe des parents et des enfants. A court terme, cette transmission se fait plus facilement dans les milieux éduqués, aisés et politisés, ce qui signifie paradoxalement que parmi les jeunes électeurs, ce sont ceux issus de milieux défavorisés ou non intéressés à la politique qui ont la probabilité la plus élevée de changer l'équilibre des forces politiques en présence.
Carbonate mylonites with varying proportions of second-phase minerals were collected at positions of increasing metamorphic grade along the basal thrust of the Morcles nappe (Helvetic nappes, Switzerland). Variations of temperature, stress, and strain rate, changes in chemistry of solid and fluid phases, and differing degrees of strain localization and annealing were tracked by measuring the shapes, mean sizes, and size distributions of both matrix and second-phase grains, as well as crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of the matrix. Field structures suggest that strain rate was constant along the fault. The mean and distribution of the calcite grain sizes were affected most profoundly by temperature: Increased temperature, presumably accompanied by decreased stress, correlated with larger mean sizes and wider size distributions. At a given location, the matrix grains in mylonites with more second-phase particles are, on average, smaller, have narrower size distributions, and have more elongate shapes. For example, mylonites with 50 vol.% of second phases have matrix grain sizes half that of pure mylonites. Changes in calcite chemistry and the presence of synkinematic fluids seemed to influence microfabric only weakly. Temporal variations in conditions, such as exhumation-induced cooling, apparently provoke changes in temperature, stress, and strain rate along the nappe. These changes result in further strain localization during retrograde conditions and cause the grain size to be reduced by an additional 50%. The matrix CPO strengthens with increasing temperature or strain, but weakens and rotates with increasing second-phase content, These fabric changes suggest differing rates of grain growth, grain size reduction, and development of CPO owing to variations in the deformation conditions and, perhaps, mechanisms. To interpret natural mylonite structures or to extrapolate mechanical data to natural situations requires careful characterization of the microfabric, and, in particular, second-phase minerals. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V, All rights reserved.
Lucille Bédard a fait un exposé sur l'orientation scolaire et professionnelle et le conseil en carrière québécois à l'Université de Lausanne. Il s'avère que leurs structures leur permettent un champ d'activités nettement plus vaste que celui que nous connaissons en Suisse. La formation des conseillers et conseillères est en conséquence elle aussi plus étendue, et avec un cursus spécifique.
We review methods to estimate the average crystal (grain) size and the crystal (grain) size distribution in solid rocks. Average grain sizes often provide the base for stress estimates or rheological calculations requiring the quantification of grain sizes in a rock's microstructure. The primary data for grain size data are either 1D (i.e. line intercept methods), 2D (area analysis) or 3D (e.g., computed tomography, serial sectioning). These data have been used for different data treatments over the years, whereas several studies assume a certain probability function (e.g., logarithm, square root) to calculate statistical parameters as the mean, median, mode or the skewness of a crystal size distribution. The finally calculated average grain sizes have to be compatible between the different grain size estimation approaches in order to be properly applied, for example, in paleo-piezometers or grain size sensitive flow laws. Such compatibility is tested for different data treatments using one- and two-dimensional measurements. We propose an empirical conversion matrix for different datasets. These conversion factors provide the option to make different datasets compatible with each other, although the primary calculations were obtained in different ways. In order to present an average grain size, we propose to use the area-weighted and volume-weighted mean in the case of unimodal grain size distributions, respectively, for 2D and 3D measurements. The shape of the crystal size distribution is important for studies of nucleation and growth of minerals. The shape of the crystal size distribution of garnet populations is compared between different 2D and 3D measurements, which are serial sectioning and computed tomography. The comparison of different direct measured 3D data; stereological data and direct presented 20 data show the problems of the quality of the smallest grain sizes and the overestimation of small grain sizes in stereological tools, depending on the type of CSD. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Introduction: Bioaerosols such as grain dust, via biologically active agents, elicit local inflammation and direct immunological reactions within the human respiratory system. Workplace-dependent exposure to grain dust (GD) may thus induce asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The aim of this study is to assess the clinical impact of occupational exposure to GD and to determine quantitative biological markers of bioaerosol exposure in grain workers. Methods: This longitudinal study has been conducted from summer 2012, to summer 2013, comprising 6 groups of 30 active workers with different GD exposure patterns (4 groups of grain workers, 2 control groups). After obtaining informed consent, two evaluations at high- and low-exposing seasons take place, during which an occupational history and a detailed medical history are questionnaire-assessed, lung function is evaluated by spirometry, airway inflammation is measured by exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), and specific blood IgG and IgE are titrated. The preliminary results presented hereafter are those of two of the four exposed groups, namely harvesters and mill workers, compared to the control groups, at first assessment (n=100). Results: Mean age is 38.4 [years]; 98% are male. Exposed groups differ from controls (p<0.05) in daily contact with animals (57% vs. 40%) and active smoking (39% vs. 11%). Grain workers have more respiratory (50%), nasal (57%), ocular (45%), dermatologic (36%) and systemic (20%) occupational symptoms than controls (6.4%, 19%, 16%, 6.4%, 1.6% respectively, p<0.05). Lower mean peak-expiratory-flow (PEF) values (96.1 ± 18.9 vs. 108.2 ± 17.4 [% of predicted], p<0.05) and eNO values (13.9 ± 9.6 vs. 20.5 ± 14.7 [ppm], p<0.05) are observed in the exposed groups. Conclusion: Preliminary results show a higher prevalence of clinical symptoms and a lower mean PEF value in the exposed groups. Detailed supplementary analyses are pending.
Modélisation d'un domaine de connaissance et orientation conceptuelle dans un hypertexte pédagogique