380 resultados para Fusion Proteins
We have prepared transgenic mice whose T cells constitutively express a chimeric receptor combining extracellular human IL-4R and intracellular IL-2Rbeta segments. This receptor can transmit IL-2/IL-15-like signals in response to human, but not mouse, IL-4. We used these animals to explore to what extent functional IL-2R/IL-15R expression controls the capacity of T cells to proliferate in response to IL-2/IL-15-like signals. After activation with Con A, naive transgenic CD8+ and CD4+ T cells respond to human IL-4 as well as to IL-2. Without prior activation, they failed to proliferate in response to human IL-4, although human IL-4 did prolong their survival. Thus, IL-2-induced proliferation of activated T cells requires at least one other Ag-induced change apart from the induction of a functional IL-2R. However, a fraction of CD8+CD44high T cells proliferate in human IL-4 without antigenic stimulation or syngeneic feeder cells. In contrast, CD4+CD44high T cells are not constitutively responsive to human IL-4. We conclude that although all transgenic T cells express a functional chimeric receptor, only some CD8+CD44high T cells contain all molecules required for entry into the cell cycle in response to human IL-4 or IL-15.
NK cell function is regulated by a dual receptor system, which integrates signals from triggering receptors and MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors. We show here that the src family kinase Fyn is required for efficient, NK cell-mediated lysis of target cells, which lack both self-MHC class I molecules and ligands for NKG2D, an activating NK cell receptor. In contrast, NK cell inhibition by the MHC class I-specific receptor Ly49A was independent of Fyn, suggesting that Fyn is specifically required for NK cell activation via non-MHC receptor(s). Compared to wild type, significantly fewer Fyn-deficient NK cells expressed the inhibitory Ly49A receptor. The presence of a transgenic Ly49A receptor together with its H-2(d) ligand strongly reduced the usage of endogenous Ly49 receptors in Fyn-deficient mice. These data suggest a model in which the repertoire of inhibitory Ly49 receptors is formed under the influenced of Fyn-dependent NK cell activation as well as the respective MHC class I environment. NK cells may acquire Ly49 receptors until they generate sufficient inhibitory signals to balance their activation levels. Such a process would ensure the induction of NK cell self-tolerance.
Low efficiency of transfection is often the limiting factor for acquiring conclusive data in reporter assays. It is especially difficult to efficiently transfect and characterize promoters in primary human cells. To overcome this problem we have developed a system in which reporter gene expression is quantified by flow cytometry. In this system, green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter constructs are co-transfected with a reference plasmid that codes for the mouse cell surface antigen Thy-1.1 and serves to determine transfection efficiency. Comparison of mean GFP expression of the total transfected cell population with the activity of an analogous luciferase reporter showed that the sensitivity of the two reporter systems is similar. However, because GFP expression can be analyzed at the single-cell level and in the same cells the expression of the reference plasmid can be monitored by two-color fluorescence, the GFP reporter system is in fact more sensitive, particularly in cells which can only be transfected with a low efficiency.
Chromatin insulators are defined as transcriptionally neutral elements that prevent negative or positive influence from extending across chromatin to a promoter. Here we show that yeast subtelomeric anti-silencing regions behave as boundaries to telomere-driven silencing and also allow discontinuous propagation of silent chromatin. These two facets of insulator activity, boundary and silencing discontinuity, can be recapitulated by tethering various transcription activation domains to tandem sites on DNA. Importantly, we show that these insulator activities do not involve direct transcriptional activation of the reporter promoter. These findings predict that certain promoters behave as insulators and partition genomes in functionally independent domains.
Plant membrane compartments and trafficking pathways are highly complex, and are often distinct from those of animals and fungi. Progress has been made in defining trafficking in plants using transient expression systems. However, many processes require a precise understanding of plant membrane trafficking in a developmental context, and in diverse, specialized cell types. These include defense responses to pathogens, regulation of transporter accumulation in plant nutrition or polar auxin transport in development. In all of these cases a central role is played by the endosomal membrane system, which, however, is the most divergent and ill-defined aspect of plant cell compartmentation. We have designed a new vector series, and have generated a large number of stably transformed plants expressing membrane protein fusions to spectrally distinct, fluorescent tags. We selected lines with distinct subcellular localization patterns, and stable, non-toxic expression. We demonstrate the power of this multicolor 'Wave' marker set for rapid, combinatorial analysis of plant cell membrane compartments, both in live-imaging and immunoelectron microscopy. Among other findings, our systematic co-localization analysis revealed that a class of plant Rab1-homologs has a much more extended localization than was previously assumed, and also localizes to trans-Golgi/endosomal compartments. Constructs that can be transformed into any genetic background or species, as well as seeds from transgenic Arabidopsis plants, will be freely available, and will promote rapid progress in diverse areas of plant cell biology.
Background and aim: Neuropathic pain (NP) is a frequent and disabling disorder occurring as a consequence of a direct lesion of the nervous system and recurrently associated with a positive shift toward nervous system excitability. Peripheral nerve activity is mainly carried by voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC), with Nav1.7 isoform being an important candidate since loss of function mutations of its gene is associated with congenital inability to experience pain. Interestingly, ubiquitin ligases from the Nedd4 family are well known proteins that regulate the turnover of many membrane proteins such as VGSC and we showed Nedd2-2 is downregualted in experimental models of chronic pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of Nedd4-2 in the modulation of Nav1.7 at the membrane. Methods: In vitro: whole cell patch clamp on HEK293 cell line stably expressing Nav1.7 was used to record sodium currents (INa), where the peak current of INa reflects the quantity of functional Nav1.7 expressed at the membrane. The possibility that Nedd4-2 modulates the currents was assessed by investigating the effect of its cotransfection on INa. Biotinylation of cell surface was used to isolate membrane-targeted Nav1.7. Furthermore, as the interaction between Nedd4-2 and Nav isoforms was previously reported to rely on an xPPxYx sequence (PY-motif), we mutated this latter to study its impact in the specific interaction between Nav1.7 and Nedd4-2. GST-fusion proteins composed of the Nav1.7 c terminal 66 amino acids (wild-type or PY mutated) and GST were used to pull-down Nedd4-2 from lysates. Results: Co-transfection of Nav1.7 with Nedd4-2 reduced the Nav1.7 current amplitude by ~80% (n = 36, p <0.001), without modifying the biophysical properties of INa. In addition, we show that the quantity of Nav1.7 at the membrane was decreased when Nedd4-2 was present. This effect was dependent on the PY-motif since mutations in this sequence abolished the down-regulatory effect of Nedd4-2. The importance of this motif was further confirmed by pull down experiments since the PY mutant completely eliminate the interaction with Nedd4-2. Perspectives: Altogether, these results point to the importance of Nedd4-2 as a Nav1.7 regulator through cell surface modulation of this sodium channel. Further experiments in freshly dissociated neurons from wild type and Scn1bflox/Nedd4-2Cre mice are needed to confirm in vivo these preliminary data.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa has an anabolic (ArgF) and a catabolic (ArcB) ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase). Despite extensive sequence similarities, these enzymes function unidirectionally in vivo. In the dodecameric catabolic OTCase, homotropic cooperativity for carbamoylphosphate strongly depresses the anabolic reaction; the residue Glu1O5 and the C-terminus are known to be essential for this cooperativity. When Glu1O5 and nine C-terminal amino acids of the catabolic OTCase were introduced, by in vitro genetic manipulation, into the closely related, trimeric, anabolic (ArgF) OTCase of Escherichia coli, the enzyme displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and no cooperativity was observed. This indicates that additional amino acid residues are required to produce homotropic cooperativity and a dodecameric assembly. To localize these residues, we constructed several hybrid enzymes by fusing, in vivo or in vitro, the E. coli argF gene to the P. aeruginosa arcB gene. A hybrid enzyme consisting of 101 N-terminal ArgF amino acids fused to 233 C-terminal ArcB residues and the reciprocal ArcB-ArgF hybrid were both trimers with little or no cooperativity. Replacing the seven N-terminal residues of the ArcB enzyme by the corresponding six residues of E. coli ArgF enzyme produced a dodecameric enzyme which showed a reduced affinity for carbamoylphosphate and an increase in homotropic cooperativity. Thus, the N-terminal amino acids of catabolic OTCase are important for interaction with carbamoylphosphate, but do not alone determine dodecameric assembly. Hybrid enzymes consisting of either 26 or 42 N-terminal ArgF amino acids and the corresponding C-terminal ArcB residues were both trimeric, yet they retained some homotropic cooperativity. Within the N-terminal ArcB region, a replacement of motif 28-33 by the corresponding ArgF segment destabilized the dodecameric structure and the enzyme existed in trimeric and dodecameric states, indicating that this region is important for dodecameric assembly. These findings were interpreted in the light of the three-dimensional structure of catabolic OTCase, which allows predictions about trimer-trimer interactions. Dodecameric assembly appears to require at least three regions: the N- and C-termini (which are close to each other in a monomer), residues 28-33 and residues 147-154. Dodecameric structure correlates with high carbamoylphosphate cooperativity and thermal stability, but some trimeric hybrid enzymes retain cooperativity, and the dodecameric Glu1O5-->Ala mutant gives hyperbolic carbamoylphosphate saturation, indicating that dodecameric structure is neither necessary nor sufficient to ensure cooperativity.
Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerase (ECI) is an enzyme that participates in the degradation of unsaturated fatty acids through the beta-oxidation cycle. Three genes encoding Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerases and named AtECI1, AtECI2 and AtECI3 have been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. When expressed heterologously in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, all three ECI proteins were targeted to the peroxisomes and enabled the yeast Deltaeci1 mutant to degrade 10Z-heptadecenoic acid, demonstrating Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerase activity in vivo. Fusion proteins between yellow fluorescent protein and AtECI1 or AtECI2 were targeted to the peroxisomes in onion epidermal cells and Arabidopsis root cells, but a similar fusion protein with AtECI3 remained in the cytosol for both tissues. AtECI3 targeting to peroxisomes in S. cerevisiae was dependent on yeast PEX5, while expression of Arabidopsis PEX5 in yeast failed to target AtECI3 to peroxisomes. AtECI2 and AtECI3 are tandem duplicated genes and show a high level of amino acid conservation, except at the C-terminus; AtECI2 ends with the well conserved peroxisome targeting signal 1 (PTS1) terminal tripeptide PKL, while AtECI3 possesses a divergent HNL terminal tripeptide. Evolutionary analysis of ECI genes in plants revealed several independent duplication events, with duplications occurring in rice and Medicago truncatula, generating homologues with divergent C-termini and no recognizable PTS1. All plant ECI genes analyzed, including AtECI3, are under negative purifying selection, implying functionality of the cytosolic AtECI3. Analysis of the mammalian and fungal genomes failed to identify cytosolic variants of the Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerase, indicating that evolution of cytosolic Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerases is restricted to the plant kingdom
We employed two independent approaches to inactivate the angiogenic protein VEGF in newborn mice: inducible, Cre-loxP- mediated gene targeting, or administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG, a soluble VEGF receptor chimeric protein. Partial inhibition of VEGF achieved by inducible gene targeting resulted in increased mortality, stunted body growth and impaired organ development, most notably of the liver. Administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG, which achieves a higher degree of VEGF inhibition, resulted in nearly complete growth arrest and lethality. Ultrastructural analysis documented alterations in endothelial and other cell types. Histological and biochemical changes consistent with liver and renal failure were observed. Endothelial cells isolated from the liver of mFlt(1-3)-IgG-treated neonates demonstrated an increased apoptotic index, indicating that VEGF is required not only for proliferation but also for survival of endothelial cells. However, such treatment resulted in less significant alterations as the animal matured, and the dependence on VEGF was eventually lost some time after the fourth postnatal week. Administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG to juvenile mice failed to induce apoptosis in liver endothelial cells. Thus, VEGF is essential for growth and survival in early postnatal life. However, in the fully developed animal, VEGF is likely to be involved primarily in active angiogenesis processes such as corpus luteum development.
Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) is a potent amplifier of pro-inflammatory innate immune reactions. While TREM-1-amplified responses likely aid an improved detection and elimination of pathogens, excessive production of cytokines and oxygen radicals can also severely harm the host. Studies addressing the pathogenic role of TREM-1 during endotoxin-induced shock or microbial sepsis have so far mostly relied on the administration of TREM-1 fusion proteins or peptides representing part of the extracellular domain of TREM-1. However, binding of these agents to the yet unidentified TREM-1 ligand could also impact signaling through alternative receptors. More importantly, controversial results have been obtained regarding the requirement of TREM-1 for microbial control. To unambiguously investigate the role of TREM-1 in homeostasis and disease, we have generated mice deficient in Trem1. Trem1(-/-) mice are viable, fertile and show no altered hematopoietic compartment. In CD4(+) T cell- and dextran sodium sulfate-induced models of colitis, Trem1(-/-) mice displayed significantly attenuated disease that was associated with reduced inflammatory infiltrates and diminished expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Trem1(-/-) mice also exhibited reduced neutrophilic infiltration and decreased lesion size upon infection with Leishmania major. Furthermore, reduced morbidity was observed for influenza virus-infected Trem1(-/-) mice. Importantly, while immune-associated pathologies were significantly reduced, Trem1(-/-) mice were equally capable of controlling infections with L. major, influenza virus, but also Legionella pneumophila as Trem1(+/+) controls. Our results not only demonstrate an unanticipated pathogenic impact of TREM-1 during a viral and parasitic infection, but also indicate that therapeutic blocking of TREM-1 in distinct inflammatory disorders holds considerable promise by blunting excessive inflammation while preserving the capacity for microbial control.
Intraocular inflammation has been recognized as a major factor leading to blindness. Because tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) enhances intraocular cytotoxic events, systemic anti-TNF therapies have been introduced in the treatment of severe intraocular inflammation, but frequent re-injections are needed and are associated with severe side effects. We have devised a local intraocular nonviral gene therapy to deliver effective and sustained anti-TNF therapy in inflamed eyes. In this study, we show that transfection of the ciliary muscle by plasmids encoding for three different variants of the p55 TNF-alpha soluble receptor, using electrotransfer, resulted in sustained intraocular secretion of the encoded proteins, without any detection in the serum. In the eye, even the shorter monomeric variant resulted in efficient neutralization of TNF-alpha in a rat experimental model of endotoxin-induced uveitis, as long as 3 months after transfection. A subsequent downregulation of interleukin (IL)-6 and iNOS and upregulation of IL-10 expression was observed together with a decreased rolling of inflammatory cells in anterior segment vessels and reduced infiltration within the ocular tissues. Our results indicate that using a nonviral gene therapy strategy, the local self-production of monomeric TNF-alpha soluble receptors induces a local immunomodulation enabling the control of intraocular inflammation.
The nuclear factor I (NFI) family consists of sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins that activate both transcription and adenovirus DNA replication. We have characterized three new members of the NFI family that belong to the Xenopus laevis NFI-X subtype and differ in their C-termini. We show that these polypeptides can activate transcription in HeLa and Drosophila Schneider line 2 cells, using an activation domain that is subdivided into adjacent variable and subtype-specific domains each having independent activation properties in chimeric proteins. Together, these two domains constitute the full NFI-X transactivation potential. In addition, we find that the X. laevis NFI-X proteins are capable of activating adenovirus DNA replication through their conserved N-terminal DNA-binding domains. Surprisingly, their in vitro DNA-binding activities are specifically inhibited by a novel repressor domain contained within the C-terminal part, while the dimerization and replication functions per se are not affected. However, inhibition of DNA-binding activity in vitro is relieved within the cell, as transcriptional activation occurs irrespective of the presence of the repressor domain. Moreover, the region comprising the repressor domain participates in transactivation. Mechanisms that may allow the relief of DNA-binding inhibition in vivo and trigger transcriptional activation are discussed.
Recently, corticosteroid hormone-induced factor (CHIF) and the gamma-subunit, two members of the FXYD family of small proteins, have been identified as regulators of renal Na,K-ATPase. In this study, we have investigated the tissue distribution and the structural and functional properties of FXYD7, another family member which has not yet been characterized. Expressed exclusively in the brain, FXYD7 is a type I membrane protein bearing N-terminal, post-translationally added modifications on threonine residues, most probably O-glycosylations that are important for protein stabilization. Expressed in Xenopus oocytes, FXYD7 can interact with Na,K-ATPase alpha 1-beta 1, alpha 2-beta 1 and alpha 3-beta 1 but not with alpha-beta 2 isozymes, whereas, in brain, it is only associated with alpha 1-beta isozymes. FXYD7 decreases the apparent K(+) affinity of alpha 1-beta 1 and alpha 2-beta 1, but not of alpha 3-beta1 isozymes. These data suggest that FXYD7 is a novel, tissue- and isoform-specific Na,K-ATPase regulator which could play an important role in neuronal excitability.
Whereas interactions between the TCRalpha beta and self MHC:peptide complexes are clearly required for positive selection of mature CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells during intrathymic development, the role of self or foreign ligands in maintaining the peripheral T cell repertoire is still controversial. In this report we have utilized keratin 14-beta2-microglobulin (K14-beta2m)-transgenic mice expressing beta2m-associated ligands exclusively on thymic cortical epithelial cells to address the possible influence of TCR:ligand interactions in peripheral CD8(+) T cell homeostasis. Our data indicate that CD8(+) T cells in peripheral lymphoid tissues are present in normal numbers in the absence of self MHC class I:peptide ligands. Surprisingly, however, steady state homeostasis of CD8(+) T cells in the intestinal epithelium is severely affected by the absence of beta2m-associated ligands. Indeed TCRalpha beta(+) IEL subsets expressing CD8alpha beta or CD8alpha alpha are both dramatically reduced in K14-beta2m mice, suggesting that the development, survival or expansion of CD8(+) IEL depends upon interaction of the TCR with MHC class I:peptide or other beta2m-associated ligands elsewhere than on thymic cortical epithelium. Collectively, our data reveal an unexpected difference in the regulation of CD8(+) T cell homeostasis by beta2m-associated ligands in the intestine as compared to peripheral lymphoid organs.
BACKGROUND: Within the frame of a twinning programme with Nicaragua, The La Mascota project, we evaluated in our study the contribution of cytogenetic characterization of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) as prognostic factor compared to clinical, morphological, and immunohistochemical parameters. METHODS: All patients with ALL treated at the only cancer pediatric hospital in Nicaragua during 2006 were studied prospectively. Diagnostic immunophenotyping was performed locally and bone marrow or blood samples were sent to the cytogenetic laboratory of Zurich for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis and G-banding. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients with ALL were evaluated. Their mean age at diagnosis was 7.3 years, 31.8% were >or=10 years. Thirty-four patients (51.5%) presented with hyperleucocytosis >or=50 x 10(9)/L, 45 (68.2%) had hepatosplenomegaly. Immunophenotypically 63/66 patients (95%) had a B-precursor, 2 (3%) a T- and 1 (1.5%) a B-mature ALL. FISH analysis demonstrated a TEL/AML1 fusion in 9/66 (14%), BCR/ABL fusion in 1 (1.5%), MLL rearrangement in 2 (3.1%), iAMP21 in 2 (3.1%), MYC rearrangement in 1 (1.5%), and high-hyperdiploidy in 16 (24%). All patients but two with TEL/AML1 fusion and high-hyperdiploidy were clinically and hematologically in the standard risk group whereas those with poor cytogenetic factors had clinical high-risk features and were treated intensively. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to Europe, the ALL population in Nicaragua is older, has a higher proportion of poor prognostic clinical and hematological features and receives more intensive treatment, while patients with TEL/AML1 translocations and high-hyperdiploidy are clinically in the standard risk group. Cytogenetics did not contribute as an additional prognostic factor in this setting.