103 resultados para Forward error correcting code


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Recent progress in medicine allow to provide treatment, to cure or to extend the lifespan of people that would have not survived before. Doctors and healthcare providers have become indispensable actors in Western societies. This is particularly true for children's health issues. With the new information technologies, knowledge is now available to everyone, which enables patients to dialog on an equal footing with the physician. Nowadays, therapeutic choices are discussed and negotiated. The new tensions caused by this relationship between therapist and patient have created the need for new regulations. The Swiss Confederation has modified its Civil Code with the objective of a better protection of vulnerable individuals. This article summarizes the consequences of the new regulations with regard to the care and treatment provided to children.


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In the assessment of medical malpractice imaging methods can be used for the documentation of crucial morphological findings which are indicative for or against an iatrogenically caused injury. The clarification of deaths in this context can be usefully supported by postmortem imaging (primarily native computed tomography, angiography, magnetic resonance imaging). Postmortem imaging offers significant additional information compared to an autopsy in the detection of iatrogenic air embolisms and documentation of misplaced medical aids before dissection with an inherent danger of relocation. Additional information is supplied by postmortem imaging in the search for sources of bleeding as well as the documentation of perfusion after cardiovascular surgery. Key criteria for the decision to perform postmortem imaging can be obtained from the necessary preliminary inspection of clinical documentation.


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Many complex systems may be described by not one but a number of complex networks mapped on each other in a multi-layer structure. Because of the interactions and dependencies between these layers, the state of a single layer does not necessarily reflect well the state of the entire system. In this paper we study the robustness of five examples of two-layer complex systems: three real-life data sets in the fields of communication (the Internet), transportation (the European railway system), and biology (the human brain), and two models based on random graphs. In order to cover the whole range of features specific to these systems, we focus on two extreme policies of system's response to failures, no rerouting and full rerouting. Our main finding is that multi-layer systems are much more vulnerable to errors and intentional attacks than they appear from a single layer perspective.


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Le législateur du Code civil a introduit le terme « proche » dans de nombreuses dispositions, mais n'en propose aucune définition, ce qui laisse une grande marge de manoeuvre pour son interprétation et son application. La signification et la portée du terme ne seront ainsi pas les mêmes selon le domaine juridique et la situation de fait analysés. Face à cette grande diversité d'usage du terme, l'auteure de la contribution propose de l'appréhender selon les domaines et les buts dans lesquels il est utilisé par le législateur afin de réussir à tracer les contours des différents cercles de proches envisageables.


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The new text of the Swiss penal code, which entered into effect at the beginning of 2007, has many incidences on the practice of the psychiatrists realizing expertises in the penal field or engaged in the application of legal measures imposing a treatment. The most notable consequences of this text are, on the one hand, a new definition of the concept of penal irresponsibility which is not necessarily any more related to a psychiatric diagnosis and, on the other hand, a new definition of legal constraints that justice can take to prevent new punishable acts and which appreciably modifies the place of the psychiatrists in the questions binding psychiatric care and social control.


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Medical errors compromise patient safety in ambulatory practice. These errors must be faced in a framework that reduces to a minimum their consequences for the patients. This approach relies on the implementation of a new culture without stigmatization and where errors are disclosed to the patients; this culture implies the build up of a system for reporting errors associated to an in-depth analysis of the system, looking for root causes and insufficient barriers with the aim to fix them. A useful education tool is the "critical situations" meeting during which physicians are encouraged to openly present adverse events and "near misses". Their analysis, with supportive attitude towards involved staff members, allows to reveal systems failures within the institution or the private practice.


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Aim of the present article was to perform three-dimensional (3D) single photon emission tomography-based dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan. A custom MATLAB-based code was used to elaborate 3D images and to compare average 3D doses to lesions and to organs at risk (OARs) with those obtained with planar (2D) dosimetry. Our 3D dosimetry procedure was validated through preliminary phantom studies using a body phantom consisting of a lung insert and six spheres with various sizes. In phantom study, the accuracy of dose determination of our imaging protocol decreased when the object volume decreased below 5 mL, approximately. The poorest results were obtained for the 2.58 mL and 1.30 mL spheres where the dose error evaluated on corrected images with regard to the theoretical dose value was -12.97% and -18.69%, respectively. Our 3D dosimetry protocol was subsequently applied on four patients before RIT with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan for a total of 5 lesions and 4 OARs (2 livers, 2 spleens). In patient study, without the implementation of volume recovery technique, tumor absorbed doses calculated with the voxel-based approach were systematically lower than those calculated with the planar protocol, with average underestimation of -39% (range from -13.1% to -62.7%). After volume recovery, dose differences reduce significantly, with average deviation of -14.2% (range from -38.7.4% to +3.4%, 1 overestimation, 4 underestimations). Organ dosimetry in one case overestimated, in the other underestimated the dose delivered to liver and spleen. However, both for 2D and 3D approach, absorbed doses to organs per unit administered activity are comparable with most recent literature findings.


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