36 resultados para Dolfin, Daniele, 1656-1729.
L'étude comparative de deux traductions de « Cendrillon ou la petite pantoufle de verre » de Charles Perrault montre comment le conte est réorienté vers la jeunesse en Angleterre à partir de projets très différents. « Cinderilla: or, The Little Glass Slipper », publié par Robert Samber dans Histories, or Tales of Past Times. With Morals en 1729, est considéré comme la première traduction du conte en langue anglaise. Plus près de nous, sa retraduction par l'écrivain britannique Angela Carter, « Cinderella: or, The Little Glass Slipper », parue dans The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault en 1977, donne une nouvelle actualité au conte de Perrault. La première traduction propose un quasi calque du conte qui illustre les conditions matérielles et l'interdiscours des traducteurs de Grub Street, au début du XVIIIe siècle, tandis que la deuxième adapte le conte pour les enfants dans une perspective féministe au XXe siècle. La traduction constitue en outre pour Carter la première étape d'une récriture intitulée « Ashputtle or The Mother's Ghost» (1987) qui témoigne de la continuité entre l'activité de traduction et la création littéraire. Mon analyse s'attache surtout à dégager les enjeux de la (re)traduction de Carter, qui se démarque délibérément de Samber pour renouveler le sens du conte de Perrault et de sa morale.
Lower limb lymphedema and neurological complications after lymphadenectomy for gynecological cancer.
OBJECTIVE: Lymphadenectomy is a frequent procedure for surgical staging of gynecological malignancies. Nevertheless, minor complications, such as lower limb lymphedema (LLL) and neurological complications (NCs), after pelvic and aorto-caval lymphadenectomy still remain underinvestigated. The present study considers short-term and long-term incidence and risk factors for LLL and NC in patients with gynecological cancer who underwent lymphadenectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 2 different institutions, University of Turin and University of Lausanne, a total of 152 patients who received lymphadenectomy for endometrial, cervical, or ovarian cancer were retrospectively identified. During the follow-up, data about LLL and NC were collected by means of a questionnaire. Short-term and long-term incidence of LLL and NC was evaluated, and risk factors, such as age, body mass index, type of cancer, surgical approach, number and extension of the removed lymph nodes, presence of lymph node metastasis, and adjuvant treatments, were analyzed. RESULTS: Short-term incidence of LLL and NC after lymphadenectomy was high (36%) and predictive of long-term persistence. Between the analyzed risk factors, number of removed lymph nodes and adjuvant radiotherapy were significantly associated with an increased incidence of minor complications (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Lower limb lymphedema and NC are more frequent than expected. They are related to the radicality of lymphadenectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy. They affect the quality of life of the patients treated for gynecological cancer and their perceptions of healing. Minor complications are commonly persistent and need a prompt diagnosis and a specialized management to improve their prognosis.
An international symposium for nanosafety was held recently at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Topics relating to understanding nanomaterial properties, tools, and infrastructure required for predicting hazardous outcomes, measuring nanomaterial exposure levels, systems approach for risk assessment and public's perception of nanotechnology were covered. The need for a multidisciplinary approach, across both natural and social sciences, for developing sustainable nanotechnology solutions was heavily emphasized. This commentary highlights the major issues discussed and the commitment of the nanosafety research community in Singapore to contribute collectively to realise the vision of sustainable nanotechnology.
Hyperpolarization by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a versatile technique to dramatically enhance the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal intensity of insensitive long-T1 nuclear spins such as (6) Li. The (6) Li longitudinal relaxation of lithium ions in aqueous solutions strongly depends on the concentration of paramagnetic species, even if they are present in minute amounts. We herein demonstrate that blood oxygenation can be readily detected by taking advantage of the (6) Li signal enhancement provided by dissolution DNP, together with the more than 10% decrease in (6) Li longitudinal relaxation as a consequence of the presence of paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.