37 resultados para Deviation from the target capital structure
This work consists of three essays investigating the ability of structural macroeconomic models to price zero coupon U.S. government bonds. 1. A small scale 3 factor DSGE model implying constant term premium is able to provide reasonable a fit for the term structure only at the expense of the persistence parameters of the structural shocks. The test of the structural model against one that has constant but unrestricted prices of risk parameters shows that the exogenous prices of risk-model is only weakly preferred. We provide an MLE based variance-covariance matrix of the Metropolis Proposal Density that improves convergence speeds in MCMC chains. 2. Affine in observable macro-variables, prices of risk specification is excessively flexible and provides term-structure fit without significantly altering the structural parameters. The exogenous component of the SDF is separating the macro part of the model from the term structure and the good term structure fit has as a driving force an extremely volatile SDF and an implied average short rate that is inexplicable. We conclude that the no arbitrage restrictions do not suffice to temper the SDF, thus there is need for more restrictions. We introduce a penalty-function methodology that proves useful in showing that affine prices of risk specifications are able to reconcile stable macro-dynamics with good term structure fit and a plausible SDF. 3. The level factor is reproduced most importantly by the preference shock to which it is strongly and positively related but technology and monetary shocks, with negative loadings, are also contributing to its replication. The slope factor is only related to the monetary policy shocks and it is poorly explained. We find that there are gains in in- and out-of-sample forecast of consumption and inflation if term structure information is used in a time varying hybrid prices of risk setting. In-sample yield forecast are better in models with non-stationary shocks for the period 1982-1988. After this period, time varying market price of risk models provide better in-sample forecasts. For the period 2005-2008, out of sample forecast of consumption and inflation are better if term structure information is incorporated in the DSGE model but yields are better forecasted by a pure macro DSGE model.
The Austroalpine nappe systems in SE-Switzerland and N-Italy preserve remnants of the Adriatic rifted margin. Based on new maps and cross-sections, we suggest that the complex structure of the Campo, Grosina/Languard, and Bernina nappes is inherited largely from Jurassic rifting. We propose a classification of the Austroalpine domain into Upper, Middle and Lower Austroalpine nappes that is new because it is based primarily on the rift-related Jurassic structure and paleogeography of these nappes. Based on the Alpine structures and pre-Alpine, rift-related geometry of the Lower (Bernina) and Middle (Campo, Grosina/Languard) Austroalpine nappes, we restore these nappes to their original positions along the former margin, as a means of understanding the formation and emplacement of the nappes during initial reactivation of the Alpine Tethyan margin. The Campo and Grosina/Languard nappes can be interpreted as remnants of a former necking zone that comprised pre-rift upper and middle crust. These nappes were juxtaposed with the Mesozoic cover of the Bernina nappe during Jurassic rifting. We find evidence for low-angle detachment faults and extensional allochthons in the Bernina nappe similar to those previously described in the Err nappe and explain their role during subsequent reactivation. Our observations reveal a strong control of rift-related structures during the subsequent Alpine reactivation on all scales of the former distal margin. Two zones of intense deformation, referred to as the Albula-Zebru and Lunghin-Mortirolo movement zones, have been reactivated during Alpine deformation and cannot be described as simple monophase faults or shear zones. We propose a tectonic model for the Austroalpine nappe systems that link inherited, rift-related structures with present-day Alpine structures. In conclusion, we believe that apart from the direct regional implications, the results of this paper are of general interest in understanding the control of rift structures during reactivation of distal-rifted margins.
Abstract : Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are thought to play a major role in the tumor dissemination process as they degrade all components of the extracellular matrix. However, failure of clinical trials testing broad MMP inhibitors in cancer led to the consensus that a better understanding of the MMP biology was required. Using intravital multiphoton laser scanning microscopy, we developed an in vivo model to observe tumor dissemination and extracellular matrix remodeling in real time. We show that the matrix-modifying hormone relaxin increases tumor associated fibroblast interaction with collagen fibers by inducing integrin beta-1 expression. This causes changes in the collagen network that are mediated by MMP-8 and MT1-MMP. Also, we show that MMP-mediated collagen remodeling in vivo requires a direct contact between stationary tumor associated fibroblasts (TAFs) and collagen fibers. As MMPs are expressed in the tumor and stromal compartment of breast cancers we determined the importance of Membrane-type 1 MMP (MT1-MMP) from each compartment for cancer progression. We find that tumor-MT1-MMP promotes the invasion of the blood vasculature and blood-borne metastasis in vivo by enhancing tumor cell migration and endothelial basement membrane degradation. Interestingly, stromal-MT1-MMP cannot compensate for the lack of tumor-MT1-MMP but promotes peritumor collagen I remodeling. Thus, the function of MT1-MMP is context dependent and we identify the different but complementary roles of tumor and stromal MT1-MMP for tumor dissemination. Finally, we translate our preclinical findings in to human breast cancer samples. We show that tumor-MT1-MMP expression correlates with tumor invasion of the blood vasculature in ER-PR-HER2- breast cancers and that MT1-MMP expression increases with cancer progression. MT1-MMP could thus represent an interesting therapeutic target for the prevention of blood vasculature invasion in these tumors. Resumé : Les matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) semblent jouer un rôle majeur pour la dissémination tumorale en raison de leur capacité à dégrader l'ensemble des composants de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC). Néanmoins, les résultats décevants des études cliniques testant les inhibiteurs des MMP ont conduit à la notion qu'une compréhension plus précise de la biologie des MMP était requise. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons développé un modèle murin qui permet d'observer simultanément la dissémination tumorale ainsi que les modifications de la MEC en temps réel. Nous démontrons que le traitement de tumeurs par l'hormone relaxin augmente l'interaction des fibroblastes tumoraux avec les fibres de collagène via l'intégrine beta-1. Nous montrons que cette interaction favorise et est nécessaire à la dégradation des fibres de collagène par MMP-8 et MT1-MMP. Ensuite, étant donné que les MMPs sont exprimées dans les cellules tumorales et stromales des cancers du sein, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de la MMP membranaire type 1 (MT1-MMP) exprimée dans chacun de ces compartiments. Nous démontrons que MT1-MMP dérivant des cellules tumorales favorise leur invasion dans les vaisseaux sanguins par la dégradation de la membrane basale vasculaire. De manière inattendue, nous montrons que l'expression de MT1-MMP par le compartiment stromal ne peut compenser le manque de MT1-MMP dans le compartiment tumoral. Néanmoins, nos résultats prouvent que MT1-MMP dérivant du compartiment stromal est impliqué dans la dégradation de collagène peritumorale. La fonction de la protéine MT1-MMP varie donc selon le compartiment tumoral d'origine. Finalement, nous avons testé nos résultats pré cliniques chez l'humain. Dans des biopsies de cancer du sein nous montrons une corrélation entre l'expression de MT1-MMP dans les cellules tumorales et l'invasion de vaisseaux sanguins par des tumeurs ER-PR-HER2-. MT1-MMP pourrait donc être une cible intéressante pour la prévention de dissémination vasculaire de ces tumeurs
Congenital heart defect (CHD) has a major influence on affected individuals as well as on the supportive and associated environment such as the immediate family. Unfortunately, CHD is common worldwide with an incidence of approximately 1% and consequently is a major health concern. The Arab population has a high rate of consanguinity, fertility, birth, and annual population growth, in addition to a high incidence of diabetes mellitus and obesity. All these factors may lead to a higher incidence and prevalence of CHD within the Arab population than in the rest of the world, making CHD of even greater concern. Sadly, most Arab countries lack appropriate public health measures directed toward the control and prevention of congenital malformations and so the importance of CHD within the population remains unknown but is thought to be high. In approximately 85% of CHD patients, the multifactorial theory is considered as the pathologic basis. The genetic risk factors for CHD can be attributed to large chromosomal aberrations, copy number variations (CNV) of particular regions in the chromosome, and gene mutations in specific nuclear transcription pathways and in the genes that are involved in cardiac structure and development. The application of modern molecular biology techniques such as high-throughput nucleotide sequencing and chromosomal array and methylation array all have the potential to reveal more genetic defects linked to CHD. Exploring the genetic defects in CHD pathology will improve our knowledge and understanding about the diverse pathways involved and also about the progression of this disease. Ultimately, this will link to more efficient genetic diagnosis and development of novel preventive therapeutic strategies, as well as gene-targeted clinical management. This review summarizes our current understanding of the molecular basis of normal heart development and the pathophysiology of a wide range of CHD. The risk factors that might account for the high prevalence of CHD within the Arab population and the measures required to be undertaken for conducting research into CHD in Arab countries will also be discussed.
The fourth "Melanoma Bridge Meeting" took place in Naples, December 3-6th, 2014. The four topics discussed at this meeting were: Molecular and Immunological Advances, Combination Therapies, News in Immunotherapy, and Tumor Microenvironment and Biomarkers. Until recently systemic therapy for metastatic melanoma patients was ineffective, but recent advances in tumor biology and immunology have led to the development of new targeted and immunotherapeutic agents that prolong progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). New therapies, such as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway inhibitors as well as other signaling pathway inhibitors, are being tested in patients with metastatic melanoma either as monotherapy or in combination, and all have yielded promising results. These include inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases (BRAF, MEK, and VEGFR), the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) pathway [PI3K, AKT, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)], activators of apoptotic pathway, and the cell cycle inhibitors (CDK4/6). Various locoregional interventions including radiotherapy and surgery are still valid approaches in treatment of advanced melanoma that can be integrated with novel therapies. Intrinsic, adaptive and acquired resistance occur with targeted therapy such as BRAF inhibitors, where most responses are short-lived. Given that the reactivation of the MAPK pathway through several distinct mechanisms is responsible for the majority of acquired resistance, it is logical to combine BRAF inhibitors with inhibitors of targets downstream in the MAPK pathway. For example, combination of BRAF/MEK inhibitors (e.g., dabrafenib/trametinib) have been demonstrated to improve survival compared to monotherapy. Application of novel technologies such sequencing have proven useful as a tool for identification of MAPK pathway-alternative resistance mechanism and designing other combinatorial therapies such as those between BRAF and AKT inhibitors. Improved survival rates have also been observed with immune-targeted therapy for patients with metastatic melanoma. Immune-modulating antibodies came to the forefront with anti-CTLA-4, programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) and PD-1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) pathway blocking antibodies that result in durable responses in a subset of melanoma patients. Agents targeting other immune inhibitory (e.g., Tim-3) or immune stimulating (e.g., CD137) receptors and other approaches such as adoptive cell transfer demonstrate clinical benefit in patients with melanoma as well. These agents are being studied in combination with targeted therapies in attempt to produce longer-term responses than those more typically seen with targeted therapy. Other combinations with cytotoxic chemotherapy and inhibitors of angiogenesis are changing the evolving landscape of therapeutic options and are being evaluated to prevent or delay resistance and to further improve survival rates for this patient population. This meeting's specific focus was on advances in combination of targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Both combination targeted therapy approaches and different immunotherapies were discussed. Similarly to the previous meetings, the importance of biomarkers for clinical application as markers for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of treatment response was an integral part of the meeting. The overall emphasis on biomarkers supports novel concepts toward integrating biomarkers into contemporary clinical management of patients with melanoma across the entire spectrum of disease stage. Translation of the knowledge gained from the biology of tumor microenvironment across different tumors represents a bridge to impact on prognosis and response to therapy in melanoma.
Hemoglobin and its structures have been described since the 1990s to enhance a variety of biological activities of endotoxins (LPS) in a dose-dependent manner. To investigate the interaction processes in more detail, the system was extended by studying the interactions of newly designed peptides from the γ-chain of human hemoglobin with the adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA), a partial structure of lipid A lacking its 1-phosphate. It was found that some selected Hbg peptides, in particular two synthetic substructures designated Hbg32 and Hbg35, considerably increased the bioactivity of MPLA, which alone was only a weak activator of immune cells. These findings hold true for human mononuclar cells, monocytes and T lymphocytes. To understand the mechanisms of action in more detail, biophysical techniques were applied. These showed a peptide-induced change of the MPLA aggregate structure from multilamellar into a non-lamellar, probably inverted, cubic structure. Concomitantly, the peptides incorporated into the tightly packed MPLA aggregates into smaller units down to monomers. The fragmentation of the aggregates was an endothermic process, differing from a complex formation but rather typical for a catalytic reaction.