49 resultados para Critical to Satisfaction


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Crohn's disease commonly affects women of childbearing age. Available data on Crohn's disease and pregnancy show that women with Crohn's disease can expect to conceive successfully, carry to term and deliver a healthy baby. Control of disease activity before conception and during pregnancy is critical, to optimize both maternal and fetal health. Generally speaking, pharmacological therapy for Crohn's disease during pregnancy is similar to pharmacological therapy for non-pregnant patients. Patients maintained in remission by way of pharmacological therapy should continue it throughout their pregnancy. Most drugs, including sulfasalazine, mesalazine, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressors such as azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine, are safe, whereas methotrexate is contraindicated.


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With the current limited availability of organs for transplantation, it is important to consider marginal donor candidates, including survivors of potentially curable malignancies such as lymphoma. The absence of refractory/recurrent residual disease at the time of brain death can be difficult to establish. Therefore, it is critical to have objective data to decide whether to proceed or not with organ procurement and transplantation. We report a unique situation in which (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) was used to rule out Hodgkin's lymphoma recurrence in a 33-year-old, heart-beating, brain-dead, potential donor with a past history of Hodgkin's disease and a persistent mediastinal mass. PET showed no significant uptake in the mass, allowing organ donation and transplantation to occur. We present a new means of evaluating potential brain-dead donors with a past history of some lymphoma, whereby PET may help transplant physicians by optimizing donation safety while rationalizing the inclusion of marginal donors.


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In locally advanced cervical cancer, (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography - computed tomography (PET/CT) has become important in the initial evaluation of disease extent. It is superior to other imaging modalities for lymph node status and distant metastasis. PET-defined cervical tumor volume predicts progression-free and overall survival. Higher FDG uptake in both primary and regional lymph nodes is strongly predictive of worse outcome. FDG-PET is useful for assessing treatment response 3 months after completing concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) and predicting long-term survival, and in suspected disease recurrence. In the era of image-guided adaptive radiotherapy, accurately defining disease areas is critical to avoid irradiating normal tissue. Based on additional information provided by FDG-PET, radiation treatment volumes can be modified and higher doses to FDG-positive lymph nodes safely delivered. FDG-PET/CT has been used for image-guided brachytherapy of FDG-avid tumor volume, while respecting low doses to bladder and rectum. Despite survival improvements due to CRT in cervical cancer, disease recurrences continue to be a major problem. Biological rationale exists for combining novel non-cytotoxic agents with CRT, and drugs targeting specific molecular pathways are under clinical development. The integration of these targeted therapies in clinical trials, and the need for accurate predictors of radio-curability is essential. New molecular imaging tracers may help identifying more aggressive tumors. (64)Cu-labeled diacetyl-di(N(4)-methylthiosemicarbazone) is taken up by hypoxic tissues, which may be valuable for prognostication and radiation treatment planning. PET/CT imaging with novel radiopharmaceuticals could further impact cervical cancer treatment as surrogate markers of drug activity at the tumor microenvironment level. The present article reviews the current and emerging role of PET/CT in the management of cervical cancer.


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DNA methylation regulates many processes, including gene expression, by superimposing secondary information on DNA sequences. The conserved CcrM enzyme, which methylates adenines in GANTC sequences, is essential to the viability of several Alphaproteobacteria. In this study, we find that Caulobacter crescentus cells lacking the CcrM enzyme accumulate low levels of the two conserved FtsZ and MipZ proteins, leading to a severe defect in cell division. This defect can be compensated by the expression of the ftsZ gene from an inducible promoter or by spontaneous suppressor mutations that promote FtsZ accumulation. We show that CcrM promotes the transcription of the ftsZ and mipZ genes and that the ftsZ and mipZ promoter regions contain a conserved CGACTC motif that is critical to their activities and to their regulation by CcrM. In addition, our results suggest that the ftsZ promoter has the lowest activity when the CGACTC motif is non-methylated, an intermediate activity when it is hemi-methylated and the highest activity when it is fully methylated. The regulation of ftsZ expression by DNA methylation may explain why CcrM is essential in a subset of Alphaproteobacteria.


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SummaryMulticellular organisms have evolved an immune system in order to cope with the constant threats they are facing. Foreign pathogens or endogenous danger signals released by injured or dying host cells can be readily detected through a set of germline- encoded pattern-recognition receptors. The NOD-like receptors are a cytoplasmic family of pattern-recognition receptors that have recently attracted considerable attention due to their ability to form inflammasomes, which are molecular complexes responsible for the activation of caspase-1 and the subsequent processing of the pro¬inflammatory cytokines IL-IB and 11-18 into their mature, bioactive form.In this study, we describe a novel pro-inflammatory signaling pathway, whereby the endoplasmic reticulum promotes inflammation through activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. This was shown to be independent of the classical endoplasmic reticulum stress response pathway constituted by the effectors IREla, PERK and ATF6a. In keeping with other known NLRP3 activators, generation of reactive oxygen species and potassium efflux were required. We also provide evidence that calcium signaling is critical to this pathway, and possibly integrates signaling triggered by various NLRP3 inflammasome activators. Moreover, the mitochondrial channel VDAC1 was instrumental in mediating this response. We thus propose that the endoplasmic reticulum acts as an integrator of stress and is able to activate the mitochondria in a calcium-dependent manner in order to promote NLRP3 inflammasome activation in response to a wide range of activators.Given the role played by inflammation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, we decided to investigate a possible role for the NLRP3 inflammasome in the progression of the disease. Using an ApoE mouse model, we find that deficiency in the NLRP3 inflammasome components NLRP3, ASC or Caspase-1 does not impair atherosclerosis progression, nor does it impact plaque stability. While previous studies have clearly shown a role for the interleukin-1 family of ligands in atherosclerosis, our results suggest that its contribution might be more complex than previously appreciated, and further research is thus warranted in this field.RésuméLes organismes multicellulaires ont développé un système immunitaire pour faire face aux menaces qui les entourent. Des pathogènes étrangers ou des signaux de danger relâchés par des cellules de l'hôte en détresse peuvent être rapidement détectés via un assemblage de récepteurs spécifiques qui sont présents dès la naissance. Certains membres de la famille de récepteurs NOD ont récemment attiré beaucoup d'attention au vu de leur capacité à former des inflammasomes, complexes moléculaires responsables de l'activation de la easpase-1 et de la maturation des cytokines pro-inflammatoires IL- 1β et IL-18 en leur forme bioactive.Dans cette étude, nous décrivons une nouvelle voie de signalisation pro-inflammatoire, par laquelle le réticulum endoplasmique induit l'inflammation via l'activation de l'inflammasome NLRP3. Cette voie est indépendante de la voie classique de réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique, qui comprend les effecteurs IRE1, PERK et ATF6. Comme pour d'autres activateurs de NLRP3, la génération de radicaux libres d'oxygène ainsi que Γ efflux de potassium sont requis. Nous montrons également que le calcium joue un rôle critique dans cette voie, et intègre possiblement la signalisation provoquée par divers activateurs de l'inflammasome NLRP3. De plus, le canal mitochondrial VDAC1 est essentiel dans cette réponse. Nous proposons donc que le réticulum endoplasmique agit comme un intégrateur de stress, activant la mitochondrie d'une façon calcium-dépendante pour promouvoir l'activation de l'inflammasome NLRP3 en réponse à divers activateurs.Au vu du rôle joué par l'inflammation dans la pathogenèse de l'athérosclérose, nous avons étudié un possible rôle pour l'inflammasome NLRP3 dans la progression de la maladie. Dans un modèle de souris ApoE, l'absence des composants de l'inflammasome NLRP3 que sont NLRP3, ASC et Caspase-1 n'influence pas la progression des plaques ni leur stabilité. Alors que d'autres études ont démontré un rôle pour les membres de la famille de l'interleukine-1 dans l'athérosclérose, nos résultats suggèrent que leur contribution pourrait être plus complexe que précédemment apprécié, et d'autres recherches dans ce domaine sont donc nécessaires.


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A criminal investigation requires to search and to interpret vestiges of a criminal act that happened in a past time. The forensic investigator arises in this context as a critical reader of the investigation scene, in search of physical traces that should enable her to tell a story of the offence/crime which allegedly occurred. The challenge of any investigator is to detect and recognise relevant physical traces in order to provide forensic clues for investigation and intelligence purposes. Inspired by this obser- vation, the current research focuses on the following questions : What is a relevant physical trace? And, how does the forensic investigator know she is facing one ? The interest of such questions is to provide a definition of a dimension often used in forensic science but never studied in its implications and operations. This doctoral research investigates scientific paths that are not often explored in forensic science, by using semiotic and sociological tools combined with statistical data analysis. The results are shown following a semiotic path, strongly influenced by Peir- ce's studies, and a second track, called empirical, where investigations data were analysed and forensic investigators interviewed about their work practices in the field. By the semiotic track, a macroscopic view is given of a signification process running from the discove- red physical trace at the scene to what is evaluated as being relevant for the investigator. The physical trace is perceived in the form of several signs, whose meaning is culturally codified. The reasoning should consist of three main steps : 1- What kind of source does the discovered physical trace refer to ? 2- What cause/activity is at the origin of this source in the specific context of the case ? 3- What story can be told from these observations ? The stage 3 requires to reason in creating hypotheses that should explain the presence of the discovered trace coming from an activity ; the specific activity that is related to the investigated case. To validate this assumption, it would depend on their ability to respond to a rule of relevancy. The last step is the symbolisation of the relevancy. The rule would consist of two points : the recognition of the factual/circumstantial relevancy (Is the link between the trace and the case recognised with the formulated hypothesis ? ) and appropriate relevancy (What investment is required to collect and analyse the discovered trace considering the expected outcome at the investigation/intelligence level?). This process of meaning is based on observations and a conjectural reasoning subject to many influences. In this study, relevancy in forensic science is presented as a conventional dimension that is symbolised and conditioned by the context, the forensic investigator's practice and her workplace environment (culture of the place). In short, the current research states relevancy results of the interactions between parameters from situational, structural (or organisational) and individual orders. The detection, collection and analysis of relevant physical traces at scenes depends on the knowledge and culture mastered by the forensic investigator. In the study of the relation relevant trace-forensic investigator, this research introduces the KEE model as a conceptual map that illustrates three major areas of forensic knowledge and culture acquisition, involved in the research and evaluation of the relevant physical trace. Through the analysis of the investigation data and interviews, the relationship between those three parameters and the relevancy was highlighted. K, for knowing, embodies a rela- tionship to the immediate knowledge allowing to give an overview of the reality at a specific moment ; an important point since relevancy is signified in a context. E, for education, is considered through its relationship with relevancy via a culture that tends to become institutionalised ; it represents the theoretical knowledge. As for the parameter E, for experience, it exists in its relation to relevancy in the adjustments of the strategies of intervention (i.e a practical knowledge) of each practitioner having modulated her work in the light of success and setbacks case after case. The two E parameters constitute the library resources for the semiotic recognition process and the K parameter ensures the contextualisation required to set up the reasoning and to formulate explanatory hypotheses for the discovered physical traces, questioned in their relevancy. This research demonstrates that the relevancy is not absolute. It is temporal and contextual; it is a conventional and relative dimension that must be discussed. This is where the whole issue of the meaning of what is relevant to each stakeholder of the investigation process rests. By proposing a step by step approach to the meaning process from the physical trace to the forensic clue, this study aims to provide a more advanced understanding of the reasoning and its operation, in order to streng- then forensic investigators' training. This doctoral research presents a set of tools critical to both pedagogical and practical aspects for crime scene management while identifying key-influences with individual, structural and situational dimensions. - Une enquête criminelle consiste à rechercher et à faire parler les vestiges d'un acte incriminé passé. L'investigateur forensique se pose dans ce cadre comme un lecteur critique des lieux à la recherche de traces devant lui permettre de former son récit, soit l'histoire du délit/crime censé s'être produit. Le challenge de tout investigateur est de pouvoir détecter et reconnaître les traces dites pertinentes pour fournir des indices forensiques à buts d'enquête et de renseignement. Inspirée par un tel constat, la présente recherche pose au coeur de ses réflexions les questions suivantes : Qu'est-ce qu'une trace pertinente ? Et, comment fait le forensicien pour déterminer qu'il y fait face ? L'intérêt de tels questionnements se comprend dans la volonté de définir une dimension souvent utili- sée en science forensique, mais encore jamais étudiée dans ses implications et fonctionnements. Cette recherche se lance dans des voies d'étude encore peu explorées en usant d'outils sémiotiques et des pratiques d'enquêtes sociologiques combinés à des traitements statistiques de données. Les résultats sont représentés en suivant une piste sémiotique fortement influencée par les écrits de Peirce et une seconde piste dite empirique où des données d'interventions ont été analysées et des investigateurs forensiques interviewés sur leurs pratiques de travail sur le terrain. Par la piste sémiotique, une vision macroscopique du processus de signification de la trace en élément pertinent est représentée. La trace est perçue sous la forme de plusieurs signes dont la signification est codifiée culturellement. Le raisonnement se formaliserait en trois principales étapes : 1- Quel type de source évoque la trace détectée? 2- Quelle cause/activité est à l'origine de cette source dans le contexte précis du cas ? 3- Quelle histoire peut être racontée à partir de ces observations ? Cette dernière étape consiste à raisonner en créant des hypothèses devant expliquer la présence de la trace détectée suite à une activité posée comme étant en lien avec le cas investigué. Pour valider ces hypothèses, cela dépendrait de leur capacité à répondre à une règle, celle de la pertinence. Cette dernière étape consiste en la symbolisation de la pertinence. La règle se composerait de deux points : la reconnaissance de la pertinence factuelle (le lien entre la trace et le cas est-il reconnu dans l'hypothèse fournie?) et la pertinence appropriée (quel est l'investissement à fournir dans la collecte et l'exploitation de la trace pour le bénéfice attendu au niveau de l'investigation/renseignement?). Tout ce processus de signification se base sur des observations et un raisonnement conjectural soumis à de nombreuses influences. Dans cette étude, la pertinence en science forensique se formalise sous les traits d'une dimension conventionnelle, symbolisée, conditionnée par le contexte, la pratique de l'investigateur forensique et la culture du milieu ; en somme cette recherche avance que la pertinence est le fruit d'une interaction entre des paramètres d'ordre situationnel, structurel (ou organisationnel) et individuel. Garantir la détection, la collecte et l'exploitation des traces pertinentes sur les lieux dépend de la connaissance et d'une culture maîtrisées par le forensicien. Dans l'étude du rapport trace pertinente-investigateur forensique, la présente recherche pose le modèle SFE comme une carte conceptuelle illustrant trois grands axes d'acquisition de la connaissance et de la culture forensiques intervenant dans la recherche et l'évaluation de la trace pertinente. Par l'analyse des données d'in- terventions et des entretiens, le rapport entre ces trois paramètres et la pertinence a été mis en évidence. S, pour savoir, incarne un rapport à la connaissance immédiate pour se faire une représentation d'une réalité à un instant donné, un point important pour une pertinence qui se comprend dans un contexte. F, pour formation, se conçoit dans son rapport à la pertinence via cette culture qui tend à s'institutionnaliser (soit une connaissance théorique). Quant au paramètre E, pour expérience, il se comprend dans son rapport à la pertinence dans cet ajustement des stratégies d'intervention (soit une connaissance pratique) de chaque praticien ayant modulé leur travail au regard des succès et échecs enregistrés cas après cas. F et E formeraient la bibliothèque de ressources permettant le processus de reconnaissance sémiotique et S assurerait la contextualisation nécessaire pour poser le raisonnement et formuler les hypothèses explicatives pour les traces détectées et questionnées dans leur pertinence. Ce travail démontre que la pertinence n'est pas absolue. Elle est temporelle et contextuelle, c'est une dimension conventionnelle relative et interprétée qui se doit d'être discutée. C'est là que repose toute la problématique de la signification de ce qui est pertinent pour chaque participant du processus d'investigation. En proposant une lecture par étapes du processus de signification depuis la trace à l'indice, l'étude vise à offrir une compréhension plus poussée du raisonnement et de son fonctionnement pour renforcer la formation des intervenants forensiques. Cette recherche présente ainsi un ensemble d'outils critiques à portée tant pédagogiques que pratiques pour la gestion des lieux tout en identifiant des influences-clé jouées par des dimensions individuelles, structurelles et situationnelles.


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Cytotoxic T cells that are present in tumors and capable of recognizing tumor epitopes are nevertheless generally impotent in eliciting tumor rejection. Thus, identifying the immune escape mechanisms responsible for inducing tumor-specific CD8(+) T-cell dysfunction may reveal effective strategies for immune therapy. The inhibitory receptors PD-1 and Tim-3 are known to negatively regulate CD8(+) T-cell responses directed against the well-characterized tumor antigen NY-ESO-1. Here, we report that the upregulation of the inhibitory molecule BTLA also plays a critical role in restricting NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T-cell expansion and function in melanoma. BTLA-expressing PD-1(+)Tim-3(-) CD8(+) T cells represented the largest subset of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells in patients with melanoma. These cells were partially dysfunctional, producing less IFN-γ than BTLA(-) T cells but more IFN-γ, TNF, and interleukin-2 than the highly dysfunctional subset expressing all three receptors. Expression of BTLA did not increase with higher T-cell dysfunction or upon cognate antigen stimulation, as it does with PD-1, suggesting that BTLA upregulation occurs independently of functional exhaustion driven by high antigen load. Added with PD-1 and Tim-3 blockades, BTLA blockade enhanced the expansion, proliferation, and cytokine production of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells. Collectively, our findings indicate that targeting BTLA along with the PD-1 and Tim-3 pathways is critical to reverse an important mechanism of immune escape in patients with advanced melanoma.


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La paracentèse abdominale est un geste fréquemment réalisé en pratique clinique. Il est indispensable de procéder à ce geste dans un but diagnostique en cas d'ascite nouvellement mise en évidence. Chez un patient connu pour une ascite, chaque détérioration clinique ou des paramètres biologiques nécessite une nouvelle paracentèse. Ce geste peut être également réalisé dans un but thérapeutique en cas d'ascite réfractaire, d'inconfort abdominal ou de dyspnée. Comme pour toute procédure invasive, il convient d'en connaître les indications et contre-indications, le matériel nécessaire ainsi que les complications et leur traitement. Abdominal paracentesis is frequently performed in the clinical setting. Every newly developed ascites need to be investigated by abdominal paracentesis. Any clinical or biological deterioration in patients with chronic ascites also requires a new paracentesis. Therapeutically abdominal paracentesis is performed for refractory or symptomatic ascites. As other invasive procedures, it is critical to master its indications, contra-indications and complications. The aim of this article is to review the basics of abdominal paracentesis in order to help physicians to carry out this technical skill


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Epiphyseal fractures of the distal humerus and their treatment are common, source of many complications that may be immediate but also delayed. If the families accept the possibility of trauma to their child as part of his leisure activities or sports at times intense, they are much more intolerant if their child does not return after injury and repair, optimal function and physical performance unchanged. This intolerance, faced with the trauma but not its consequences, requires us to be particularly careful in the information given to the patient but also in monitoring the first few weeks. The treatment of epiphyseal fractures remains difficult and must be performed by trained teams, aware of the subtleties of pathology. It is essential to organize close monitoring and critical to be able to correct errors or secondary displacement in the first 15 days.


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Diabetes is a recognized risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and heart failure. Diabetic cardiovascular dysfunction also underscores the development of diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Despite the broad availability of antidiabetic therapy, glycemic control still remains a major challenge in the management of diabetic patients. Hyperglycemia triggers formation of advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs), activates protein kinase C, enhances polyol pathway, glucose autoxidation, which coupled with elevated levels of free fatty acids, and leptin have been implicated in increased generation of superoxide anion by mitochondria, NADPH oxidases and xanthine oxidoreductase in diabetic vasculature and myocardium. Superoxide anion interacts with nitric oxide forming the potent toxin peroxynitrite via diffusion limited reaction, which in concert with other oxidants triggers activation of stress kinases, endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1-dependent cell death, dysregulates autophagy/mitophagy, inactivates key proteins involved in myocardial calcium handling/contractility and antioxidant defense, activates matrix metalloproteinases and redox-dependent pro-inflammatory transcription factors (e.g. nuclear factor kappaB) promoting inflammation, AGEs formation, eventually culminating in myocardial dysfunction, remodeling and heart failure. Understanding the complex interplay of oxidative/nitrosative stress with pro-inflammatory, metabolic and cell death pathways is critical to devise novel targeted therapies for diabetic cardiomyopathy, which will be overviewed in this brief synopsis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Autophagy and protein quality control in cardiometabolic diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies show that up to 10% of individuals aged 65 years and older suffer from dementia, most commonly from dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT) (1). Clinicopathological studies are critical to our understanding of this disease and improving the accuracy of clinical diagnoses. OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to examine the validity of clinical diagnoses of DAT, to determine the prevalence of different forms of dementia in this sample, and to investigate the relationship between age at death and polymorbidity. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Clinical data were available from 221 patients who had been examined at the Basel Memory Clinic between 1986 and 1996. From this population, 34% (75 patients) were autopsied in the Department of Pathology, University Hospital Basel, and neuropathological examinations were additionally performed on 62 (83%) of these patients. Clinical and neuropathological data were retrospectively compared. RESULTS: 67.8% of the neuropathologically examined patients received a definitive diagnosis of AD (Alzheimer's disease), vascular dementia (VaD) or mixed dementia (AD and VaD). AD alone or with other histopathological hallmarks of dementia was the most prevalent neuropathological diagnosis (63%). VaD was deemed the only cause of dementia in only 4.8% of patients. The sensitivity for DAT was 75.9%, the specificity 60.6%. Increasing age was associated with an increasing number of clinical and neuropathological diagnoses. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity and specificity of the clinical diagnoses of DAT found in our study are similar to previous reports (2-5). Older patients had more etiologies of their dementia than younger patients. This study reaffirms the need for internationally accepted criteria for clinical and neuropathological diagnoses, as well as further clinical-neuropathological investigations to further refine the clinical diagnostic process.


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The decision-making process regarding drug dose, regularly used in everyday medical practice, is critical to patients' health and recovery. It is a challenging process, especially for a drug with narrow therapeutic ranges, in which a medical doctor decides the quantity (dose amount) and frequency (dose interval) on the basis of a set of available patient features and doctor's clinical experience (a priori adaptation). Computer support in drug dose administration makes the prescription procedure faster, more accurate, objective, and less expensive, with a tendency to reduce the number of invasive procedures. This paper presents an advanced integrated Drug Administration Decision Support System (DADSS) to help clinicians/patients with the dose computing. Based on a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, enhanced with the random sample consensus technique, this system is able to predict the drug concentration values and computes the ideal dose amount and dose interval for a new patient. With an extension to combine the SVM method and the explicit analytical model, the advanced integrated DADSS system is able to compute drug concentration-to-time curves for a patient under different conditions. A feedback loop is enabled to update the curve with a new measured concentration value to make it more personalized (a posteriori adaptation).


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Résumé: Les gouvernements des pays occidentaux ont dépensé des sommes importantes pour faciliter l'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'enseignement espérant trouver une solution économique à l'épineuse équation que l'on pourrait résumer par la célèbre formule " faire plus et mieux avec moins ". Cependant force est de constater que, malgré ces efforts et la très nette amélioration de la qualité de service des infrastructures, cet objectif est loin d'être atteint. Si nous pensons qu'il est illusoire d'attendre et d'espérer que la technologie peut et va, à elle seule, résoudre les problèmes de qualité de l'enseignement, nous croyons néanmoins qu'elle peut contribuer à améliorer les conditions d'apprentissage et participer de la réflexion pédagogique que tout enseignant devrait conduire avant de dispenser ses enseignements. Dans cette optique, et convaincu que la formation à distance offre des avantages non négligeables à condition de penser " autrement " l'enseignement, nous nous sommes intéressé à la problématique du développement de ce type d'applications qui se situent à la frontière entre les sciences didactiques, les sciences cognitives, et l'informatique. Ainsi, et afin de proposer une solution réaliste et simple permettant de faciliter le développement, la mise-à-jour, l'insertion et la pérennisation des applications de formation à distance, nous nous sommes impliqué dans des projets concrets. Au fil de notre expérience de terrain nous avons fait le constat que (i)la qualité des modules de formation flexible et à distance reste encore très décevante, entre autres parce que la valeur ajoutée que peut apporter l'utilisation des technologies n'est, à notre avis, pas suffisamment exploitée et que (ii)pour réussir tout projet doit, outre le fait d'apporter une réponse utile à un besoin réel, être conduit efficacement avec le soutien d'un " champion ". Dans l'idée de proposer une démarche de gestion de projet adaptée aux besoins de la formation flexible et à distance, nous nous sommes tout d'abord penché sur les caractéristiques de ce type de projet. Nous avons ensuite analysé les méthodologies de projet existantes dans l'espoir de pouvoir utiliser l'une, l'autre ou un panachage adéquat de celles qui seraient les plus proches de nos besoins. Nous avons ensuite, de manière empirique et par itérations successives, défini une démarche pragmatique de gestion de projet et contribué à l'élaboration de fiches d'aide à la décision facilitant sa mise en oeuvre. Nous décrivons certains de ses acteurs en insistant particulièrement sur l'ingénieur pédagogique que nous considérons comme l'un des facteurs clé de succès de notre démarche et dont la vocation est de l'orchestrer. Enfin, nous avons validé a posteriori notre démarche en revenant sur le déroulement de quatre projets de FFD auxquels nous avons participé et qui sont représentatifs des projets que l'on peut rencontrer dans le milieu universitaire. En conclusion nous pensons que la mise en oeuvre de notre démarche, accompagnée de la mise à disposition de fiches d'aide à la décision informatisées, constitue un atout important et devrait permettre notamment de mesurer plus aisément les impacts réels des technologies (i) sur l'évolution de la pratique des enseignants, (ii) sur l'organisation et (iii) sur la qualité de l'enseignement. Notre démarche peut aussi servir de tremplin à la mise en place d'une démarche qualité propre à la FFD. D'autres recherches liées à la réelle flexibilisation des apprentissages et aux apports des technologies pour les apprenants pourront alors être conduites sur la base de métriques qui restent à définir. Abstract: Western countries have spent substantial amount of monies to facilitate the integration of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into Education hoping to find a solution to the touchy equation that can be summarized by the famous statement "do more and better with less". Despite these efforts, and notwithstanding the real improvements due to the undeniable betterment of the infrastructure and of the quality of service, this goal is far from reached. Although we think it illusive to expect technology, all by itself, to solve our economical and educational problems, we firmly take the view that it can greatly contribute not only to ameliorate learning conditions but participate to rethinking the pedagogical approach as well. Every member of our community could hence take advantage of this opportunity to reflect upon his or her strategy. In this framework, and convinced that integrating ICT into education opens a number of very interesting avenues provided we think teaching "out of the box", we got ourself interested in courseware development positioned at the intersection of didactics and pedagogical sciences, cognitive sciences and computing. Hence, and hoping to bring a realistic and simple solution that could help develop, update, integrate and sustain courseware we got involved in concrete projects. As ze gained field experience we noticed that (i)The quality of courseware is still disappointing, amongst others, because the added value that the technology can bring is not made the most of, as it could or should be and (ii)A project requires, besides bringing a useful answer to a real problem, to be efficiently managed and be "championed". Having in mind to propose a pragmatic and practical project management approach we first looked into open and distance learning characteristics. We then analyzed existing methodologies in the hope of being able to utilize one or the other or a combination to best fit our needs. In an empiric manner and proceeding by successive iterations and refinements, we defined a simple methodology and contributed to build descriptive "cards" attached to each of its phases to help decision making. We describe the different actors involved in the process insisting specifically on the pedagogical engineer, viewed as an orchestra conductor, whom we consider to be critical to ensure the success of our approach. Last but not least, we have validated a posteriori our methodology by reviewing four of the projects we participated to and that we think emblematic of the university reality. We believe that the implementation of our methodology, along with the availability of computerized cards to help project managers to take decisions, could constitute a great asset and contribute to measure the technologies' real impacts on (i) the evolution of teaching practices (ii) the organization and (iii) the quality of pedagogical approaches. Our methodology could hence be of use to help put in place an open and distance learning quality assessment. Research on the impact of technologies to learning adaptability and flexibilization could rely on adequate metrics.


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It has been convincingly argued that computer simulation modeling differs from traditional science. If we understand simulation modeling as a new way of doing science, the manner in which scientists learn about the world through models must also be considered differently. This article examines how researchers learn about environmental processes through computer simulation modeling. Suggesting a conceptual framework anchored in a performative philosophical approach, we examine two modeling projects undertaken by research teams in England, both aiming to inform flood risk management. One of the modeling teams operated in the research wing of a consultancy firm, the other were university scientists taking part in an interdisciplinary project experimenting with public engagement. We found that in the first context the use of standardized software was critical to the process of improvisation, the obstacles emerging in the process concerned data and were resolved through exploiting affordances for generating, organizing, and combining scientific information in new ways. In the second context, an environmental competency group, obstacles were related to the computer program and affordances emerged in the combination of experience-based knowledge with the scientists' skill enabling a reconfiguration of the mathematical structure of the model, allowing the group to learn about local flooding.


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Cell-type-specific gene silencing is critical to understand cell functions in normal and pathological conditions, in particular in the brain where strong cellular heterogeneity exists. Molecular engineering of lentiviral vectors has been widely used to express genes of interest specifically in neurons or astrocytes. However, we show that these strategies are not suitable for astrocyte-specific gene silencing due to the processing of small hairpin RNA (shRNA) in a cell. Here we develop an indirect method based on a tetracycline-regulated system to fully restrict shRNA expression to astrocytes. The combination of Mokola-G envelope pseudotyping, glutamine synthetase promoter and two distinct microRNA target sequences provides a powerful tool for efficient and cell-type-specific gene silencing in the central nervous system. We anticipate our vector will be a potent and versatile system to improve the targeting of cell populations for fundamental as well as therapeutic applications.