42 resultados para Conservation plan
INTRODUCTION: Mass casualty incidents involving victims with severe burns pose difficult and unique problems for both rescue teams and hospitals. This paper presents an analysis of the published reports with the aim of proposing a rational model for burn rescue and hospital referral for Switzerland. METHODS: Literature review including systematic searches of PubMed/Medline, reference textbooks and journals as well as landmark articles. RESULTS: Since hospitals have limited surge capacities in the event of burn disasters, a special approach to both prehospital and hospital management of these victims is required. Specialized rescue and care can be adequately met and at all levels of needs by deploying mobile burn teams to the scene. These burn teams can bring needed skills and enhance the efficiency of the classical disaster response teams. Burn teams assist with both primary and secondary triage, contribute to initial patient management and offer advice to non-specialized designated hospitals that provide acute care for burn patients with Total Burn Surface Area (TBSA) <20-30%. The main components required for successful deployments of mobile burn teams include socio-economic feasibility, streamlined logistical implementation as well as partnership coordination with other agencies including subsidiary military resources. CONCLUSIONS: Disaster preparedness plans involving burn specialists dispatched from a referral burn center can upgrade and significantly improve prehospital rescue outcome, initial resuscitation care and help prevent an overload to hospital surge capacities in case of multiple burn victims. This is the rationale behind the ongoing development and implementation of the Swiss burn plan.
BACKGROUND: Genes involved in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis have been identified primarily by mutant screens, followed by identification of the mutated genes (forward genetics). In addition, a number of AM-related genes has been identified by their AM-related expression patterns, and their function has subsequently been elucidated by knock-down or knock-out approaches (reverse genetics). However, genes that are members of functionally redundant gene families, or genes that have a vital function and therefore result in lethal mutant phenotypes, are difficult to identify. If such genes are constitutively expressed and therefore escape differential expression analyses, they remain elusive. The goal of this study was to systematically search for AM-related genes with a bioinformatics strategy that is insensitive to these problems. The central element of our approach is based on the fact that many AM-related genes are conserved only among AM-competent species. RESULTS: Our approach involves genome-wide comparisons at the proteome level of AM-competent host species with non-mycorrhizal species. Using a clustering method we first established orthologous/paralogous relationships and subsequently identified protein clusters that contain members only of the AM-competent species. Proteins of these clusters were then analyzed in an extended set of 16 plant species and ranked based on their relatedness among AM-competent monocot and dicot species, relative to non-mycorrhizal species. In addition, we combined the information on the protein-coding sequence with gene expression data and with promoter analysis. As a result we present a list of yet uncharacterized proteins that show a strongly AM-related pattern of sequence conservation, indicating that the respective genes may have been under selection for a function in AM. Among the top candidates are three genes that encode a small family of similar receptor-like kinases that are related to the S-locus receptor kinases involved in sporophytic self-incompatibility. CONCLUSIONS: We present a new systematic strategy of gene discovery based on conservation of the protein-coding sequence that complements classical forward and reverse genetics. This strategy can be applied to diverse other biological phenomena if species with established genome sequences fall into distinguished groups that differ in a defined functional trait of interest.
Alternative land uses make different contributions to the conservation of biodiversity and have different implementation and management costs. Conservation planning analyses to date have generally assumed that land is either protected or unprotected, and that the unprotected portion does not contribute to conservation goals. We develop and apply a new planning approach that explicitly accounts for the contribution of a diverse range of land uses to achieving conservation goals. Using East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) as a case study, we prioritize investments in alternative conservation strategies and account for the relative contribution of land uses ranging from production forest to well-managed protected areas. We employ data on the distribution of mammals and assign species-specific conservation targets to achieve equitable protection by accounting for life history characteristics and home range sizes. The relative sensitivity of each species to forest degradation determines the contribution of each land use to achieving targets. We compare the cost effectiveness of our approach to a plan that considers only the contribution of protected areas to biodiversity conservation, and to a plan that assumes that the cost of conservation is represented by only the opportunity costs of conservation to the timber industry. Our preliminary results will require further development and substantial stakeholder engagement prior to implementation; nonetheless we reveal that, by accounting for the contribution of unprotected land, we can obtain more refined estimates of the costs of conservation. Using traditional planning approaches would overestimate the cost of achieving the conservation targets by an order of magnitude. Our approach reveals not only where to invest, but which strategies to invest in, in order to effectively and efficiently conserve biodiversity.
PURPOSE: Recent work practices in the conservation and restoration involve the use of cyclododecane (CDD, CAS 294-62-2) to protect fragile artifacts during their handling or transportation. Little is known about its toxicity, and no previous exposure has been reported. A short field investigation was conducted to characterize the exposure conditions to both CDD vapors and aerosols.METHODS: Measurements were conducted in the laboratory of conservation and restoration of the archeological service in Bern (Switzerland). Three indoor and four outdoor typical work situations, either during brush or spray gun applications, were investigated. Measurements were performed on charcoal adsorbent tube and analyzed by a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector.RESULTS: Measurements have been conducted during both brush and spray gun applications. Indoor exposures were of 0.75-15.5 mg/m(3), while outdoors exposures were 19.5-53.9 mg/m(3). Exposures appear to be extremely localized due to both physicochemical properties and application methods of the CDD. Vapor exposure increases dramatically with the confinement of the workplace.CONCLUSION: Preventive measures should be undertaken to limit as much as possible these exposures. Field work in confined areas (ditches, underground) is of particular concern. CDD-coated artifacts or materials should be stored in ventilated areas to avoid delayed exposures. [Authors]
The traditionally coercive and state-controlled governance of protected areas for nature conservation in developing countries has in many cases undergone change in the context of widespread decentralization and liberalization. This article examines an emerging "mixed" (coercive, community- and market-oriented) conservation approach in managed-resource protected areas and its effects on state power through a case study on forest protection in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. The findings suggest that imperfect decentralization and partial liberalization resulted in changed forms, rather than uniform loss, of state power. A forest co-management program paradoxically strengthened local capacity and influence of the Forest Department, which generally maintained its territorial and knowledge-based control over forests and timber management. Furthermore, deregulation and reregulation enabled the state to withdraw from uneconomic activities but also implied reduced place-based control of non-timber forest products. Generally, the new policies and programs contributed to the separation of livelihoods and forests in Madhya Pradesh. The article concludes that regulatory, community- and market-based initiatives would need to be better coordinated to lead to more effective nature conservation and positive livelihood outcomes.
La présente recherche décrit, dans un premier temps, le système actuel d'information au public que connaît la Suisse dans le cadre des enlèvements d'enfants, plus couramment appelé plan « Alerte enlèvement ». Ensuite, il s'agira de comparer le dispositif helvétique à celui connu dans différents pays occidentaux, à savoir la France, la Belgique, l'Angleterre, le Canada et les Etats-Unis, précurseurs en la matière. Enfin, nous tenterons de proposer diverses pistes de réflexions dans le but de rendre cet outil de recherche plus performant encore.
The first breeding records of the Bee-eater in canton de Vaud was recorded in a temporarily disused gravel-pit in the Venoge valley (W Switzerland). In 1996 the reproduction of a single pair failed after the eclosion of the chicks during a long period of uninterrupted rain. In 1997, probably the same pair returned and raised 3 fledglings. In 1998, 4 pairs bred raising 20 feldglings. The site is particularly rich with insects and birds: 12 bird species of the red data list breed in the site and surrounding area. However, it is threatened by state project: the gravel-pit is planned to be filled in the coming years. Its future management in relation to the preservation of the Bee-eater and the other bird species on the red data list is presented and discussed.
Résumée Le théâtre romain d'Aventicum s'inscrit entre la petite ville moderne d'Avenches et le village de Donatyre, au pied d'une colline en pente douce délimitant au sud-est la plaine de la Broye. Il se situe à l'ouest des quartiers urbains antiques, construits selon un plan orthogonal, et s'intègre à une zone comptant divers temples et édifices publics. Dès l'hiver 1889/1890, l'Association Pro Aventico nouvellement fondée lança les premières fouilles archéologiques. Jusqu'en 1914, on dégagea les parties originales de la maçonnerie tout en assurant la restauration de l'édifice. En 1926/1927 et de 1939 à 1942 auront lieu d'autres fouilles de grande envergure, accompagnées de mesures de conservation. En 2001, la Fondation Pro Aventico lança un projet visant à étudier l'histoire de la construction ainsi que l'architecture du monument, alors connues en partie seulement. Sur la base de vestiges attestant la présence d'édifices antérieurs au théâtre, on définira pour la construction de ce dernier un terminus post quem entre 100 et 120 ap. J.-C. Comme l'indique l'étude du plan au sol, ce projet nécessita une importante planification. L'édifice lui-même se constitue d'une zone en demi-cercle réservée au public, dont les substructions indiquent qu'elle était partiellement isolée des autres. La cavea, subdivisée en trois secteurs concentriques, se termine par le bâtiment des halles et par les aditus; on relèvera que les rangées supérieures réservées aux spectateurs s'étendaient sans doute au-delà des halles et jusqu'à la façade. Les aditus permettaient d'accéder à la zone de l'orchestra et de la scène, dominée par une plate-forme de plan rectangulaire et bordée d'une proédrie. On disposait de deux voies d'accès différentes: l'une à l'avant, par les arcades des halles, et l'une à l'arrière, pratiquée dans le mur en demi-cercle; apparemment, on ne pouvait pénétrer que dans la partie centrale de ce dernier. On ne parvient à restituer que partiellement les voies de circulation dans les substructions de la cavea, en raison de leur piètre état de conservation. On a par contre pu repérer le deambulatorium, à la périphérie, ainsi que cinq vomitoria sur la première praecinctio et six vomitoria sur la seconde praecinctio. On peut admettre, sans toutefois disposer d'arguments à toute épreuve, que la troisième rangée, en haut, était accessible par des cages d'escaliers conduisant à la summa cavea. Ces hypothèses, fondées essentiellement sur le plan au sol de l'édifice et touchant aux voies de circulation, sont corroborées par une restitution des gradins des parties en élévation, aujourd'hui disparus. Quelques éléments architecturaux fournissent des arguments décisifs pour cette restitution, comme par exemple un bloc de gradin qui permet de conclure à un pendage de la cavea de 26.5°. On peut par ailleurs démontrer que le module architectural défini sur la base du plan au sol fut également appliqué lors de la planification de l'élévation. Grâce à des fragments de corniche, à deux chapiteaux de pilastre ornés de feuilles d'acanthe, à une base de pilastre engagée in situ dans la maçonnerie restaurée, et en tenant compte du module architectural, on peut proposer une reconstitution approximative de la composition de la façade de l'enceinte en demi-cercle. Si les structures architecturales révèlent que le théâtre fut planifié et édifié selon un seul et unique concept, on observe cependant quelques transformations et modifications au cours du temps. D'une part, on décèle en divers endroits des traces de réparation et de consolidation, visant sans doute à stabiliser un bâtiment ayant visiblement subi des dégâts. Par ailleurs, on a également entrepris des modifications structurelles ou fonctionnelles, comme l'édification ultérieure du postscaenium le long du mur de scène extérieur. Dans un contexte identique, on relèvera également deux murs flanquant les basiliques, qu'on suppose être en relation avec l'agrandissement du complexe architectural du temple du Cigognier et du théâtre, augmenté des deux temples édifiés au milieu du 2e s. ap. J.-C. au lieu-dit Au Lavoëx. L'excavation, au cours du dernier tiers du IIIe siècle ap. J.-C., d'un fossé de près de 6 m de large pour 1.5 m de profondeur tout autour de l'édifice fit du théâtre un véritable lieu fortifié. Au-dessus du fossé, on a pu relever une séquence stratigraphique témoignant d'une activité d'habitation à proximité du théâtre pour la période allant du IVe au VIIe siècle ap. J.-C. Il s'agit de l'un des rares cas où l'on peut, à Avenches, évoquer la présence d'un habitat de la période du Haut Moyen Age.
Valid individualized case conceptualization methodologies, such as plan analysis, are rarely used for the psychotherapeutic treatment conceptualization and planning of bipolar affective disorder (BD), even if data do exist showing that psychotherapy interventions might be enhanced by applying such analyses for treatment planning for several groups of patients. We applied plan analysis as a research tool (Caspar, 1995) to N=30 inpatients presenting BD, who were interviewed twice. Our study aimed at producing a prototypical plan structure encompassing the most relevant data from the 30 individual case conceptualizations. Special focus was given to links with emotions and coping plans. Inter-rater reliability of these plan analyses was considered sufficient. Results suggest the presence of two subtypes based on plananalytic principles: emotion control and relationship control, along with a mixed form. These subtypes are discussed with regard to inherent plananalytic conflicts, specific emotions and coping plans, as well as symptom level and type. Finally, conclusions are drawn for enhancing psychotherapeutic practice with BD patients, based on the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship.