126 resultados para Colony maintenance


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In altricial birds post-fledging survival is usually positively related to nestling body mass. A large number of studies have shown that the latest hatched chick is the more likely to die, even if food is abundant. Here we suggest that ectoparasites may be a key factor in the evolution and the maintenance of the establishment of weight hierarchies within broods. We prepose the hypothesis that weight hierarchies within broods may be adaptive if the chick in poor condition is the one with the least efficient immune system within a nest. In this case parasites would preferentially feed on such a "tasty chick", because it would allow high reproductive rates for the parasites, without negatively affecting the survival of the other nestlings. This could prevent entire nest failure of the brood or allow the other chicks to grow more efficiently. This hypothesis was investigated in a colony of house martins Delichon urbica. We predicted that immunocompetence was positively correlated with body condition, and that nestlings dying before hedging should have lower immune responses when challenged with an antigen. T-cell immune response to an experimentally injected antigen was strongly positively related to body condition. Non-surviving chicks had low body condition and a weak immune response. The implications of these results are discussed in the context of the adaptive significance of hatching asynchrony.


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OBJECTIVE: To report on B19 infection management and chemotherapy schedule consequences in five children treated for acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between May 2001 and February 2002, five patients between 4 and 12 years of age, receiving maintenance chemotherapy for ALL, presented with symptoms suggesting B19 infection (pallor, fatigue, petechiae and pancytopenia in four patients; generalized rash in two patients; acute hepatitis in one patient). Qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on peripheral blood was used for diagnosis and follow-up of infection; quantitative PCR was used for viral load measurement. Intravenous nonspecific high-dose immunoglobulin therapy was administered until PCR was negative. RESULTS: Qualitative B19 DNA was found in the peripheral blood of all patients, confirming the infection. Viral load at diagnosis ranged from 10 to 10 particles/mL blood. B19 DNA was detectable in four patients at 45, 21, 40, and 44 weeks, respectively. Chemotherapy was delayed in all patients. No clear benefit of intravenous immunoglobulin was noted. CONCLUSIONS: Infection with B19 is rarely reported in patients with ALL, but it should be suspected when unexplained pancytopenia occurs during chemotherapy. Persistent B19 infection remains a challenge in the management of patients receiving maintenance chemotherapy for ALL, as no specific therapy such as a specific immunoglobulin or vaccine exists. The role of viral load measurement needs to be established in terms of its use in follow-up and evaluation of the therapeutic response.


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Ant queens that attempt to disperse and found new colonies independently face high mortality risks. The exposure of queens to soil entomopathogens during claustral colony founding may be particularly harmful, as founding queens lack the protection conferred by mature colonies. Here, we tested the hypotheses that founding queens (I) detect and avoid nest sites that are contaminated by fungal pathogens, and (II) tend to associate with other queens to benefit from social immunity when nest sites are contaminated. Surprisingly, in nest choice assays, young Formica selysi BONDROIT, 1918 queens had an initial preference for nest sites contaminated by two common soil entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium brunneum. Founding queens showed a similar preference for the related but non-entomopathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. In contrast, founding queens had no significant preference for the more distantly related nonentomopathogenic fungus Petromyces alliaceus, nor for heat-killed spores of B. bassiana. Finally, founding queens did not increase the rate of queen association in presence of B. bassiana. The surprising preference of founding queens for nest sites contaminated by live entomopathogenic fungi suggests that parasites manipulate their hosts or that the presence of specific fungi is a cue associated with suitable nesting sites.


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An important activity of mucosal surfaces is the production of antibodies (Abs) referred to as secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) that serve as a first line of defense to repel pathogenic microorganisms and provide a finely tuned balance to guarantee controlled survival of essential commensal bacteria. By excluding bacteria from the epithelial cell, SIgA participates in the cross-talk between the host and its intestinal content, ensuring appropriate homeostasis under normal conditions. Besides the classical view of immune exclusion function, SIgA Abs exhibit the striking feature to adhere to gastrointestinal M cells residing in the follicle-associated epithelium in organized structures called Peyer's patches. Selective binding of SIgA results in transport across the microfold (M) cells, a process that facilitates the association of the Ab with dendritic cells (DCs) located in the underlying subepithelial dome region of Peyer's patches. Limited entry of free SIgA and SIgA-coated bacteria via this pathway is crucial to the modulation of local immune responses in an environment that limits the onset of pro-inflammatory circuits. Such a mechanism would ensure homeostasis by allowing antigen recognition under neutralized conditions and by avoiding tissue dissemination, two features that endow SIgA with non-inflammatory properties in the mucosal environment.


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St. John's wort, a popular over-the-counter drug for treatment of depression, might reduce concentrations of drugs such as cyclosporin and indinavir and lead to drug resistance and treatment failure. No studies as yet have examined its influence on methadone plasma levels. The trough methadone plasma levels were measured in four patients (2 males, median age: 31 years; range 19 - 40 years) in methadone maintenance treatment just before the introduction of St. John's wort (900 mg/d) and after a median period of 31-day treatment (range 14 - 47). The study was proposed to addict patients about to start an antidepressant therapy. Introduction of St. John's wort resulted in a strong reduction of (R,S)-methadone concentration-to-dose ratios in the four median patients included, with a median decrease to 47 % of the original concentration (range: 19 % - 60 % of the original concentration). Two patients reported symptoms that suggested a withdrawal syndrome. Thus, prescription of St. John's wort might decrease methadone blood levels and induce withdrawal symptoms which, if not correctly identified and handled (by changing the antidepressant or by increasing the methadone dose), might cause unnecessary discomfort to the patient, lead to resumption of illicit drug uses, or be a risk factor for discontinuation of the methadone or antidepressant treatment.


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The impact of social relationships on the maintenance of independence over periods of 12-18 months in a group of 306 octogenarians is assessed in this study. The study is based on the results of the Swilsoo (Swiss Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on the Oldest Old). Participants (80-84 years old at baseline) were interviewed five times between 1994 and 1999. Independence was defined as the capacity to perform without assistance eight activities of daily living. We distinguished in our analyses kinship and friendship networks and evaluated social relationships with the help of a series of variables serving as indicators of network composition and contact frequency. Logistic regression models were used to identify the short-term effects of social relationships on independence, after controlling for sociodemographic and health-related variables; independence at a given wave of interviews was interpreted in the light of social factors measured at the previous wave. Our analyses indicate that the existence of a close friend has a significant impact on the maintenance of independence (OR=1.58, p<0.05), which is not the case with the other variables concerning network composition. Kinship contacts were also observed to have a positive impact on independence (OR=1.12, p<0.01).


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The change over time in the fecundity and weight of queens was investigated in three monogynous, independent colony founding species,Lasius niger, Camponotus ligniperda andC. herculaneus, and two polygynous dependent colony founding species,Plagiolepis pygmaea andIridomyrmex humilis. Queens of the three species founding independently exhibited a similar pattern with a significant loss of weight between mating and the emergence of the first workers. In contrast, weights of queens of the species employing dependent colony founding remained more stable. Fecundity of queens founding independently increased slowly with time whereas fecundity of queens founding dependently reached the maximum level some weeks after the beginning of the first reproductive season. These results are discussed in relation to some differences in the life history (e.g., life-span) between queens utilizing independent and dependent colony founding.


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Giant congenital naevi are pigmented childhood lesions that frequently lead to melanoma, the most aggressive skin cancer. The mechanisms underlying this malignancy are largely unknown, and there are no effective therapies. Here we describe a mouse model for giant congenital naevi and show that naevi and melanoma prominently express Sox10, a transcription factor crucial for the formation of melanocytes from the neural crest. Strikingly, Sox10 haploinsufficiency counteracts Nras(Q61K)-driven congenital naevus and melanoma formation without affecting the physiological functions of neural crest derivatives in the skin. Moreover, Sox10 is also crucial for the maintenance of neoplastic cells in vivo. In human patients, virtually all congenital naevi and melanomas are SOX10 positive. Furthermore, SOX10 silencing in human melanoma cells suppresses neural crest stem cell properties, counteracts proliferation and cell survival, and completely abolishes in vivo tumour formation. Thus, SOX10 represents a promising target for the treatment of congenital naevi and melanoma in human patients.


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The role of ecology in the evolution and maintenance of arthropod sociality has received increasing research attention in recent years. In some organisms, such as halictine bees, polistine wasps, and social spiders, researchers are investigating the environmental factors that may contribute to high levels of variation in the degree of sociality exhibited both among and within species. Within lineages that include only eusocial members, such as ants and termites, studies focus more on identifying extrinsic factors that may contribute to the dramatic variation in colony size, number of queens, and division of labour that is evident across these species. In this review, I propose a comparative approach that seeks to identify environmental factors that may have a common influence across such divergent social arthropod groups. I suggest that seeking common biogeographic patterns in the distribution of social systems or key social traits may help us to identify ecological factors that play a common role in shaping the evolution of sociality across different organisms. I first review previous studies of social gradients that form along latitudinal and altitudinal axes. Within families and within species, many organisms show an increasing degree of sociality at lower latitudes and altitudes. In a smaller number of cases, organisms form larger groups or found nests cooperatively at higher latitudes and altitudes. I then describe several environmental factors that vary consistently along such gradients, including climate variables and abundance of predators, and outline their proposed role in the social systems of terrestrial arthropods. Finally, I map distributions of a social trait against several climatic factors in five case studies to demonstrate how future comparative studies could inform empirical research.


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Pathogens represent a threat to all organisms, which generates a coevolutionary arms race. Social insects provide an interesting system to study host-pathogen interactions, because their defences depend on both the individual and collective responses, and involve genetic, physiological, behavioral and organizational mechanisms. In this thesis, I studied the evolutionary ecology of the resistance of ant queens and workers to natural fungal pathogens. Mechanisms that increase within-colony genetic diversity, like polyandry and polygyny, decrease relatedness among colony mates, which reduces the strength of selection for the evolution and maintenance of altruistic behavior. A leading hypothesis posits that intracolonial genetic diversity is adaptive because it reduces the risk of pathogen transmission. In chapter 1, I examine individual resistance in ant workers of Formica selysi, a species that shows natural variation in colony queen number. I discuss how this variation might be beneficial to resist natural fungal pathogens in groups. Overall my results indicate that there is genetic variation for fungal resistance in workers, a requirement for the 'genetic diversity for pathogen resistance' hypothesis. However I was not able to detect direct evidence that group diversity improves the survival of focal ants or reduces pathogen transmission. Thus, although the coexistence of multiple queens increases the within-colony variance in worker resistance, it remains unclear whether it protects ant colonies from pathogens and whether it is comparable to polyandry in other social insects. Traditionally, it was thought that the immune system of invertebrates lacked memory and specificity. In chapter 2, I investigate individual immunity in ant queens and show that they may be able to adjust their pathogen defences in response to their current environment by means of immune priming, which bears similarities with the adaptive immunity of vertebrates. However, my results indicate that the expression of immune priming in ant queens may be influenced by factors like mating status, mating conditions or host species. In addition, I showed that mating increases pathogen resistance in çhe two ant species that I studied (F. selysi and Lasius niger). This raises the question of how ant queens invest heavily in both maintenance and reproduction, which I discuss in the context of the evolution of social organization. In chapter 3,1 investigate if transgenerational priming against a fungal pathogen protects the queen progeny. I failed to detect this effect, and discuss why the detection of transgenerational immune priming in ants is a difficult task. Overall, this thesis illustrates some of the individual and collective mechanisms that likely played a role in allowing ants to become one of the most diverse and ecologically successful groups of organisms. -- Les pathogènes représentent une menace pour tous les organismes, ce qui a engendré l'évolution d'une course aux armements. Les insectes sociaux sont un système intéressant permettant d'étudier les interactions hôtes-pathogènes, car leurs défenses dépendent de réponses aussi bien individuelles que collectives, et impliquent des mécanismes génétiques, physiologiques, comportementaux et organisationnels. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié l'écologie évolutive de la résistance des reines et des ouvrières de fourmis exposées à des champignons pathogènes. Les facteurs augmentant la diversité génétique à l'intérieur de la colonie, comme la polyandrie et la polygynie, diminuent la parenté, ce qui réduit la pression de sélection pour l'évolution et la maintenance des comportements altruistes. Une hypothèse dominante stipule que la diversité génétique à l'intérieur de la colonie est adaptative car elle réduit le risque de transmission des pathogènes. Dans le chapitre 1, nous examinons la résistance individuelle à des pathogènes fongiques chez les ouvrières de Formica selysi, une espèce présentant une variation naturelle dans le nombre de reines par colonie. Nous discutons aussi de la possibilité que ces variations individuelles augmentent la capacité du groupe à résister à des champignons pathogènes. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats indiquent une variation génétique dans la résistance aux champignons chez les ouvrières, un prérequis à l'hypothèse que la diversité génétique du groupe augmente la résistance aux pathogènes. Cependant, nous n'avons pas pu détecter une preuve directe que la diversité du groupe augmente la survie de fourmis focales ou réduise la transmission des pathogènes. Ainsi, bien que la coexistence de plusieurs reines augmente la variance dans la résistance des ouvrières à l'intérieur de la colonie, la question de savoir si cela protège les colonies de fourmis contre les pathogènes et si cela est comparable à la polyandrie chez d'autres insectes sociaux reste ouverte. Traditionnellement, il était admis que le système immunitaire des invertébrés ne possédait pas de mémoire et était non-spécifique. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l'immunité individuelle chez des reines de fourmis. Nous avons montré que les reines pourraient être capables d'ajuster leurs défenses contre les pathogènes en réponse à leur environnement, grâce à une pré-activation du système immunitaire (« immune priming ») ressemblant à l'immunité adaptative des vertébrés. Cependant, nos résultats indiquent que cette pré-activation du système immunitaire chez les reines dépend du fait d'être accouplée ou non, des conditions d'accouplement, ou de l'espèce. De plus, nous avons montré que l'accouplement augmente la résistance aux pathogènes chez les deux espèces que nous avons étudié (F. selysi et Lasius niger). Ceci pose la question de la capacité des reines à investir fortement aussi bien dans la maintenance que dans la reproduction, ce que nous discutons dans le contexte de l'évolution de l'organisation sociale. Dans le chapitre 3, nous étudions si la pré-activation trans-générationelle du système immunitaire [« trans-generational immune priming ») protège la progéniture de la reine contre un champignon pathogène. Nous n'avons par réussi à détecter cet effet, et discutons des raisons pour lesquelles la détection de la pré-activation trans-générationelle du système immunitaire chez les fourmis est une tâche difficile. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse illustre quelques-uns des mécanismes individuels et collectifs qui ont probablement contribué à la diversité et à l'important succès écologique des fourmis.


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Loss of IκB kinase (IKK) β-dependent NF-κB signaling in hematopoietic cells is associated with increased granulopoiesis. Here we identify a regulatory cytokine loop that causes neutrophilia in Ikkβ-deficient mice. TNF-α-dependent apoptosis of myeloid progenitor cells leads to the release of IL-1β, which promotes Th17 polarization of peripheral CD4(+) T cells. Although the elevation of IL-17 and the consecutive induction of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor compensate for the loss of myeloid progenitor cells, the facilitated induction of Th17 cells renders Ikkβ-deficient animals more susceptible to the development of experimental autoimmune encephalitis. These results unravel so far unanticipated direct and indirect functions for IKKβ in myeloid progenitor survival and maintenance of innate and Th17 immunity and raise concerns about long-term IKKβ inhibition in IL-17-mediated diseases.


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MsrR, a factor contributing to methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, belongs to the LytR-CpsA-Psr family of cell envelope-associated proteins. Deletion of msrR increased cell size and aggregation, and altered envelope properties, leading to a temporary reduction in cell surface hydrophobicity, diminished colony-spreading ability, and an increased susceptibility to Congo red. The reduced phosphorus content of purified cell walls of the msrR mutant suggested a reduction in wall teichoic acids, which may explain some of the observed phenotypes. Microarray analysis of the msrR deletion mutant revealed only minor changes in the global transcriptome, suggesting that MsrR has structural rather than regulatory functions. Importantly, virulence of the msrR mutant was decreased in a nematode-killing assay as well as in rat experimental endocarditis. MsrR is therefore likely to play a role in cell envelope maintenance, cell separation, and pathogenicity of S. aureus.


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Female mate choice influences the maintenance of genetic variation by altering the mating success of males with different genotypes. The evolution of preferences themselves, on the other hand, depends on genetic variation present in the population. Few models have tracked this feedback between a choice gene and its effects on genetic variation, in particular when genes that determine offspring viability and attractiveness have dominance effects. Here we build a population genetic model that allows comparing the evolution of various choice rules in a single framework. We first consider preferences for good genes and show that focused preferences for homozygotes evolve more easily than broad preferences, which allow heterozygous males high mating success too. This occurs despite better maintenance of genetic diversity in the latter scenario, and we discuss why empirical findings of superior mating success of heterozygous males consequently do not immediately lead to a better understanding of the lek paradox. Our results thus suggest that the mechanisms that help maintain genetic diversity also have a flipside of making female choice an inaccurate means of producing the desired kind of offspring. We then consider preferences for heterozygosity per se, and show that these evolve only under very special conditions. Choice for compatible genotypes can evolve but its selective advantage diminishes quickly due to frequency-dependent selection. Finally, we show that our model reproduces earlier results on selfing, when the female choice strategy produces assortative mating. Overall, our model indicates that various forms of heterozygote-favouring (or variable) female choice pose a problem for the theory of sexual ornamentation based on indirect benefits, rather than a solution.


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Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by biochemical and immunocytochemical methods for their development-dependent expression of several cytoskeletal proteins, including the heavy- and medium-sized neurofilament subunits (H-NF and M-NF, respectively); brain spectrin; synapsin I; beta-tubulin; and the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) 1, 2, and 5 and tau protein. It was found that with time in culture the levels of most of these cytoskeletal proteins increased greatly, with the exceptions of the particular beta-tubulin form studied, which remained unchanged, and MAP 5, which greatly decreased. Among the neurofilament proteins, expression of M-NF preceded that of H-NF, with the latter being detectable only after approximately 3 weeks in culture. Furthermore, MAP 2 and tau protein showed a development-dependent change in expression from the juvenile toward the adult form. The comparison of these developmental changes in cytoskeletal protein levels with those observed in rat brain tissue revealed that protein expression in aggregate cultures is nearly identical to that in vivo during maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Aggregate cultures deprived of glial cells, i.e., neuron-enriched cultures prepared by treating early cultures with the antimitotic drug cytosine arabinoside, exhibited pronounced deficits in M-NF, H-NF, MAP 2, MAP 1, synapsin I, and brain spectrin, with increased levels of a 145-kDa brain spectrin breakdown product. These adverse effects of glial cell deprivation could be reversed by the maintenance of neuron-enriched cultures at elevated concentrations of KCl (30 mM). This chronic treatment had to be started at an early developmental stage to be effective, a finding suggesting that sustained depolarization by KCl is able to enhance the developmental expression and maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton.