36 resultados para Clovio, Giulio, 1498-1578.
Detailed large-scale information on mammal distribution has often been lacking, hindering conservation efforts. We used the information from the 2009 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a baseline for developing habitat suitability models for 5027 out of 5330 known terrestrial mammal species, based on their habitat relationships. We focused on the following environmental variables: land cover, elevation and hydrological features. Models were developed at 300 m resolution and limited to within species' known geographical ranges. A subset of the models was validated using points of known species occurrence. We conducted a global, fine-scale analysis of patterns of species richness. The richness of mammal species estimated by the overlap of their suitable habitat is on average one-third less than that estimated by the overlap of their geographical ranges. The highest absolute difference is found in tropical and subtropical regions in South America, Africa and Southeast Asia that are not covered by dense forest. The proportion of suitable habitat within mammal geographical ranges correlates with the IUCN Red List category to which they have been assigned, decreasing monotonically from Least Concern to Endangered. These results demonstrate the importance of fine-resolution distribution data for the development of global conservation strategies for mammals.
In ants, energy for flying is derived from carbohydrates (glycogen and free sugars). The amount of these substrates was compared in sexuals participating or not participating in mating flights. Results show that in participating females (Lasius niger, L. flavus, Myrmica scabrinodis, Formica rufa, F. polyctena, F. lugubris), the amount of carbohydrates, especially glycogen, was higher than in non-participating females (Cataglyphis cursor, Iridomyrmex humilis). Similarly, male C. cursor and I. humilis which fly, exhibit a much higher carbohydrate content than do the non-flying females of these species. Furthermore, the quantity of carbohydrates stored was generally higher in males than in females for each species. These results are discussed with regard to the loss of the nuptial flight by some species of ants.
The Mediterranean basin is considered a hotspot of biological diversity with a long history of modification of natural ecosystems by human activities, and is one of the regions that will face extensive changes in climate. For 181 terrestrial mammals (68% of all Mediterranean mammals), we used an ensemble forecasting approach to model the future (approx. 2100) potential distribution under climate change considering five climate change model outputs for two climate scenarios. Overall, a substantial number of Mediterranean mammals will be severely threatened by future climate change, particularly endemic species. Moreover, we found important changes in potential species richness owing to climate change, with some areas (e.g. montane region in central Italy) gaining species, while most of the region will be losing species (mainly Spain and North Africa). Existing protected areas (PAs) will probably be strongly influenced by climate change, with most PAs in Africa, the Middle East and Spain losing a substantial number of species, and those PAs gaining species (e.g. central Italy and southern France) will experience a substantial shift in species composition.
A partir d'une étude quantitative de grande envergure des communautés religieuses menées en Suisse, ce chapitre analyse les positions d'autorité selon le genre en s'intéressant aux différents facteurs qui favorisent l'implication des femmes aux postes à responsabilité et en comparant les spécificités des communautés pentecôtistes aux autres communautés religieuses. Si les femmes constituent la majorité des fidèles pentecôtistes et 35% des salariés à temp partiel, seules 4% des communautés sont dirigés par une femme. Parmi les facteurs qui permettent aux femmes d'accéder à des postes à responsabilités, le nombre de salariés apparaît déterminant, car il permet d'inclure les femmes dans l'équipe pastorale sans bouleverser le leadership. En revanche, les variables théologiques n'ont pas d'incidence significative, la revendication d'une théologie conservatrice pouvant aller de pair avec la présence de femmes dans la hiérarchie ecclésiale. Au-delà du décalage supposé entre théorie et pratique, ce chapitre invite à s'interroger sur l'utilisation en sociologie des religions d'arguments théologiques qui ne sont pas forcément pertinent du point de vue sociologique.
In elderly patients, a blunt trauma of the chest is associated with a significant risk of complications and mortality. The number of ribs fractures (≥ 4), the presence of bilateral rib fractures, of a pulmonary contusion, of existent comorbidities or acute extra-thoracic traumatic lesions, and lastly the severity of thoracic pain, are indeed important risk factors of complications and mortality. Their presence may require hospitalization of the patient. When complications do occur, they are represented by alveolar hypoventilation, pulmonary atelectasia and broncho-pulmonary infections. When hospitalization is required, it may allow for the specific treatment of thoracic pain, including locoregional anesthesia techniques.