103 resultados para Ca-2 Release


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Astrocytes have traditionally been considered ancillary, satellite cells of the nervous system. However, it is a very recent acquisition that glial cells generate signaling loops which are integral to the brain circuitry and participate, interactively with neuronal networks, in the processing of information. Such a conceptual breakthrough makes this field of investigation one of the hottest in neuroscience, as it calls for a revision of past theories of brain function as well as for new strategies of experimental exploration of brain function. Glial cells are electrically not excitable, and it was only the use of optical recording techniques together with calcium sensitive dyes, that allowed the chemical excitability of glial cells to become apparent. Studies using these new techniques have shown for the first time that glial cells are activated by surrounding synaptic activity and translate neuronal signals into their own calcium code. Intracellular calcium concentration([Ca2+]i) elevations in glial cells have then shown to underlie spatial transfer of information in the glial network, accompanied by release of chemical transmitters (gliotransmitters) such as glutamate and back-signaling to neurons. As a consequence, optical imaging techniques applied to cell cultures or intact tissue have become a state-of-the-art technology for studying glial cell signaling. The molecular mechanisms leading to release of "gliotransmitters," especially glutamate, from glia are under debate. Accumulating evidence clearly indicates that astrocytes secrete numerous transmitters by Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis. This review will discuss the mechanisms underlying the release of chemical transmitters from astrocytes with a particular emphasis to the regulated exocytosis processes.


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Astrocytes establish rapid cell-to-cell communication through the release of chemical transmitters. The underlying mechanisms and functional significance of this release are, however, not well understood. Here we identify an astrocytic vesicular compartment that is competent for glutamate exocytosis. Using postembedding immunogold labeling of the rat hippocampus, we show that vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1/2) and the vesicular SNARE protein, cellubrevin, are both expressed in small vesicular organelles that resemble synaptic vesicles of glutamatergic terminals. Astrocytic vesicles, which are not as densely packed as their neuronal counterparts, can be observed in small groups at sites adjacent to neuronal structures bearing glutamate receptors. Fluorescently tagged VGLUT-containing vesicles were studied dynamically in living astrocytes by total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. After activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors, astrocytic vesicles underwent rapid (milliseconds) Ca(2+)- and SNARE-dependent exocytic fusion that was accompanied by glutamate release. These data document the existence of a Ca(2+)-dependent quantal glutamate release activity in glia that was previously considered to be specific to synapses.


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Circulating monocytes, as dendritic cell and macrophage precursors, exhibit several functions usually associated with antigen-presenting cells, such as phagocytosis and presence of endosomal/lysosomal degradative compartments particularly enriched in Lamp-1, MHC class II molecules, and other proteins related to antigen processing and MHC class II loading [MHC class II compartments (MIICs)]. Ultrastructural analysis of these organelles indicates that, differently from the multivesicular bodies present in dendritic cells, in monocytes the MIICs are characterized by a single perimetral membrane surrounding an electron-dense core. Analysis of their content reveals enrichment in myeloperoxidase, an enzyme classically associated with azurophilic granules in granulocytes and mast cell secretory lysosomes. Elevation in intracellular free calcium levels in monocytes induced secretion of beta-hexosaminidase, cathepsins, and myeloperoxidase in the extracellular milieu; surface up-regulation of MHC class II molecules; and appearance of lysosomal resident proteins. The Ca(2+)-regulated surface transport mechanism of MHC class II molecules observed in monocytes is different from the tubulovesicular organization of the multivesicular bodies previously reported in dendritic cells and macrophages. Hence, in monocytes, MHC class II-enriched organelles combine degradative functions typical of lysosomes and regulated secretion typical of secretory lysosomes. More important, Ca(2+)-mediated up-regulation of surface MHC class II molecules is accompanied by extracellular release of lysosomal resident enzymes.


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Astrocyte Ca(2+) signalling has been proposed to link neuronal information in different spatial-temporal dimensions to achieve a higher level of brain integration. However, some discrepancies in the results of recent studies challenge this view and highlight key insufficiencies in our current understanding. In parallel, new experimental approaches that enable the study of astrocyte physiology at higher spatial-temporal resolution in intact brain preparations are beginning to reveal an unexpected level of compartmentalization and sophistication in astrocytic Ca(2+) dynamics. This newly revealed complexity needs to be attentively considered in order to understand how astrocytes may contribute to brain information processing.


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Chemokines are small chemotactic molecules widely expressed throughout the central nervous system. A number of papers, during the past few years, have suggested that they have physiological functions in addition to their roles in neuroinflammatory diseases. In this context, the best evidence concerns the CXC-chemokine stromal cell-derived factor (SDF-1alpha or CXCL12) and its receptor CXCR4, whose signalling cascade is also implicated in the glutamate release process from astrocytes. Recently, astrocytic synaptic like microvesicles (SLMVs) that express vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) and are able to release glutamate by Ca(2+)-dependent regulated exocytosis, have been described both in tissue and in cultured astrocytes. Here, in order to elucidate whether SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 system can participate to the brain fast communication systems, we investigated whether the activation of CXCR4 receptor triggers glutamate exocytosis in astrocytes. By using total internal reflection (TIRF) microscopy and the membrane-fluorescent styryl dye FM4-64, we adapted an imaging methodology recently developed to measure exocytosis and recycling in synaptic terminals, and monitored the CXCR4-mediated exocytosis of SLMVs in astrocytes. We analyzed the co-localization of VGLUT with the FM dye at single-vesicle level, and observed the kinetics of the FM dye release during single fusion events. We found that the activation of CXCR4 receptors triggered a burst of exocytosis on a millisecond time scale that involved the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. These results support the idea that astrocytes can respond to external stimuli and communicate with the neighboring cells via fast release of glutamate.


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The neuronal-specific protein complexin I (CPX I) plays an important role in controlling the Ca(2+)-dependent neurotransmitter release. Since insulin exocytosis and neurotransmitter release rely on similar molecular mechanisms and that pancreatic beta-cells and neuronal cells share the expression of many restricted genes, we investigated the potential role of CPX I in insulin-secreting cells. We found that pancreatic islets and several insulin-secreting cell lines express high levels of CPX I. The beta-cell expression of CPX I is mediated by the presence of a neuron restrictive silencer element located within the regulatory region of the gene. This element bound the transcriptional repressor REST, which is found in most cell types with the exception of mature neuronal cells and beta-cells. Overexpression of CPX I or silencing of the CPX I gene (Cplx1) by RNA interference led to strong impairment in beta-cell secretion in response to nutrients such as glucose, leucine and KCl. This effect was detected both in the early and the sustained secretory phases but was much more pronounced in the early phase. We conclude that CPX I plays a critical role in beta-cells in the control of the stimulated-exocytosis of insulin.


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Glial cells are increasingly recognized as active players that profoundly influence neuronal synaptic transmission by specialized signaling pathways. In particular, astrocytes have been shown recently to release small molecules, such as the amino acids l-glutamate and d-serine as "gliotransmitters," which directly control the efficacy of adjacent synapses. However, it is still controversial whether gliotransmitters are released from a cytosolic pool or by Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis from secretory vesicles, i.e., by a mechanism similar to the release of synaptic vesicles in synapses. Here we report that rat cortical astrocytes contain storage vesicles that display morphological and biochemical features similar to neuronal synaptic vesicles. These vesicles share some, but not all, membrane proteins with synaptic vesicles, including the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) synaptobrevin 2, and contain both l-glutamate and d-serine. Furthermore, they show uptake of l-glutamate and d-serine that is driven by a proton electrochemical gradient. d-Serine uptake is associated with vesicle acidification and is dependent on chloride. Whereas l-serine is not transported, serine racemase, the synthesizing enzyme for d-serine, is anchored to the membrane of the vesicles, allowing local generation of d-serine. Finally, we reveal a previously unexpected mutual vesicular synergy between d-serine and l-glutamate filling in glia vesicles. We conclude that astrocytes contain vesicles capable of storing and releasing d-serine, l-glutamate, and most likely other neuromodulators in an activity-dependent manner.


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Sleep spindles are synchronized 11-15 Hz electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations predominant during nonrapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS). Rhythmic bursting in the reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt), arising from interplay between Ca(v)3.3-type Ca(2+) channels and Ca(2+)-dependent small-conductance-type 2 (SK2) K(+) channels, underlies spindle generation. Correlative evidence indicates that spindles contribute to memory consolidation and protection against environmental noise in human NREMS. Here, we describe a molecular mechanism through which spindle power is selectively extended and we probed the actions of intensified spindling in the naturally sleeping mouse. Using electrophysiological recordings in acute brain slices from SK2 channel-overexpressing (SK2-OE) mice, we found that nRt bursting was potentiated and thalamic circuit oscillations were prolonged. Moreover, nRt cells showed greater resilience to transit from burst to tonic discharge in response to gradual depolarization, mimicking transitions out of NREMS. Compared with wild-type littermates, chronic EEG recordings of SK2-OE mice contained less fragmented NREMS, while the NREMS EEG power spectrum was conserved. Furthermore, EEG spindle activity was prolonged at NREMS exit. Finally, when exposed to white noise, SK2-OE mice needed stronger stimuli to arouse. Increased nRt bursting thus strengthens spindles and improves sleep quality through mechanisms independent of EEG slow waves (<4 Hz), suggesting SK2 signaling as a new potential therapeutic target for sleep disorders and for neuropsychiatric diseases accompanied by weakened sleep spindles.


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Samoborska Gora Mts. is situated within the westernmost part of the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian zone of the Internal Dinarides. The Samoborska Gora Mts. predominantly consists of Permian unmetamorphosed siliciclastic sediments and evaporites, overlain by Lower Triassic sediments. Rude mineralisation is hosted by Permian siliciclastic sediments, below gypsum and anhydrite strata. The central part of the deposit consists of a 1.5 km long stratabound mineralisation, grading laterally into ferruginous sandstone and protruding vertically into a gypsum-anhydrite layer. Siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz veins are located below the stratabound mineralisation. The stratiform part of the deposit is situated above the stratabound and consists of haematite layer with barite concretions and veinlets. Late stage galena-barite veins overprint earlier types of mineralisation. The Rude ore deposit was generated by predominantly NaCl +/- CaCl(2)-H(2)O solutions. Detrital quartz from stratiform mineralisation contains fluid inclusions with salinities between 7 and 11 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 150 degrees C to 230 degrees C. Stratabound/siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz vein type mineralisation was derived from solutions with salinities between 5 and 19 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 60 degrees C and 160 degrees C, while late stage galenabarite veins were precipitated from solutions with salinities between 11 and 16 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 100 degrees C to 140 degrees C. Fluid inclusion bulk leachate chemistry recorded Na(+)> Mg(2+)>K(+)>Ca(2+)>Li(+) and Cl-> SO(4)(2-) ions. Sulphur isotope composition of barites and overlying gypsum stems from Permian seawater sulphate, supported by increased Br(-) content, which follows successively the seawater evaporation line. The sulphur isotopic composition of sulphides varies between -0.2 and + 12.5 parts per thousand , as a result of thermal reduction of Permian marine sulphate. Ore-forming fluids were produced by hydrothermal convective cells (reflux brine model), and were derived primarily from Permian seawater, modified by evaporation and interaction with Permian sedimentary rocks. Rude deposits in Samoborska Gora Mts. may be declared as a prototype of the Permian siderite-polysulphide-barite deposits (products of rifting along the passive Gondwana margin), in the Inner Dinarides, and their equivalents extending northeastward into the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian Zone and the Gemerides, and southeastward to the Hellenide-Albanides.


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Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epilepticseizure or a convulsive syncope. In some cases, this is the firstsymptom of an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA).Objective: This study was aimed to measure the proportion of adultnon traumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion.Methodology: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with anout-of-hospital non traumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients>18 years during a 24-months period. Among these calls, we collectedcases identified as OH-CA by paramedics.Results: During the 24-months period, the EMS dispatch centerreceived 561 calls for an out-of-hospital non traumatic convulsion in anadult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, onebystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known forepilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions wastherefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, theEMS dispatch center received 1035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore the rate of OH-CA presenting as aconvulsion represented 1.2% of all adult non traumatic OH-CA.Conclusion: Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for non traumatic adultconvulsions were confirmed OH-CA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusualpresentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even whena patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchersshould keep bystanders on line or call them back before paramedics'arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normalpattern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they shouldencourage when necessary bystander to initiate CPR. For dispatchers,a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficientinformation to rule-out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epilepticpatients should be monitored in the same way as non-epileptic patients.


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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by β cell dysfunction and loss. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the T-cell factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene, associated with T2D by genome-wide association studies, lead to impaired β cell function. While deletion of the homologous murine Tcf7l2 gene throughout the developing pancreas leads to impaired glucose tolerance, deletion in the β cell in adult mice reportedly has more modest effects. To inactivate Tcf7l2 highly selectively in β cells from the earliest expression of the Ins1 gene (∼E11.5) we have therefore used a Cre recombinase introduced at the Ins1 locus. Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre mice display impaired oral and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance by 8 and 16 weeks, respectively, and defective responses to the GLP-1 analogue liraglutide at 8 weeks. Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre islets displayed defective glucose- and GLP-1-stimulated insulin secretion and the expression of both the Ins2 (∼20%) and Glp1r (∼40%) genes were significantly reduced. Glucose- and GLP-1-induced intracellular free Ca(2+) increases, and connectivity between individual β cells, were both lowered by Tcf7l2 deletion in islets from mice maintained on a high (60%) fat diet. Finally, analysis by optical projection tomography revealed ∼30% decrease in β cell mass in pancreata from Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre mice. These data demonstrate that Tcf7l2 plays a cell autonomous role in the control of β cell function and mass, serving as an important regulator of gene expression and islet cell coordination. The possible relevance of these findings for the action of TCF7L2 polymorphisms associated with Type 2 diabetes in man is discussed.


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The SV channel encoded by the TPC1 gene represents a Ca(2+)- and voltage-dependent vacuolar cation channel. Point mutation D454N within TPC1, named fou2 for fatty acid oxygenation upregulated 2, results in increased synthesis of the stress hormone jasmonate. As wounding causes Ca2+ signals and cytosolic Ca2+ is required for SV channel function, we here studied the Ca(2+)-dependent properties of this major vacuolar cation channel with Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll vacuoles. In patch clamp measurements, wild-type and fou2 SV channels did not exhibit differences in cytosolic Ca2+ sensitivity and Ca2+ impermeability. K+ fluxes through wild-type TPC1 were reduced or even completely faded away when vacuolar Ca2+ reached the 0.1-mm level. The fou2 protein under these conditions, however, remained active. Thus, D454N seems to be part of a luminal Ca2+ recognition site. Thereby the SV channel mutant gains tolerance towards elevated luminal Ca2+. A three-fold higher vacuolar Ca/K ratio in the fou2 mutant relative to wild-type plants seems to indicate that fou2 can accumulate higher levels of vacuolar Ca(2+) before SV channel activity vanishes and K(+) homeostasis is impaired. In response to wounding fou2 plants might thus elicit strong vacuole-derived cytosolic Ca2+ signals resulting in overproduction of jasmonate.


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Synaptic-vesicle exocytosis is mediated by the vesicular Ca(2+) sensor synaptotagmin-1. Synaptotagmin-1 interacts with the SNARE protein syntaxin-1A and acidic phospholipids such as phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). However, it is unclear how these interactions contribute to triggering membrane fusion. Using PC12 cells from Rattus norvegicus and artificial supported bilayers, we show that synaptotagmin-1 interacts with the polybasic linker region of syntaxin-1A independent of Ca(2+) through PIP2. This interaction allows both Ca(2+)-binding sites of synaptotagmin-1 to bind to phosphatidylserine in the vesicle membrane upon Ca(2+) triggering. We determined the crystal structure of the C2B domain of synaptotagmin-1 bound to phosphoserine, allowing development of a high-resolution model of synaptotagmin bridging two different membranes. Our results suggest that PIP2 clusters organized by syntaxin-1 act as molecular beacons for vesicle docking, with the subsequent Ca(2+) influx bringing the vesicle membrane close enough for membrane fusion.


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Loss of T-tubules (TT), sarcolemmal invaginations of cardiomyocytes (CMs), was recently identified as a general heart failure (HF) hallmark. However, whether TT per se or the overall sarcolemma is altered during HF process is still unknown. In this study, we directly examined sarcolemmal surface topography and physical properties using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in living CMs from healthy and failing mice hearts. We confirmed the presence of highly organized crests and hollows along myofilaments in isolated healthy CMs. Sarcolemma topography was tightly correlated with elasticity, with crests stiffer than hollows and related to the presence of few packed subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SSM) as evidenced by electron microscopy. Three days after myocardial infarction (MI), CMs already exhibit an overall sarcolemma disorganization with general loss of crests topography thus becoming smooth and correlating with a decreased elasticity while interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM), myofilaments alignment and TT network were unaltered. End-stage post-ischemic condition (15days post-MI) exacerbates overall sarcolemma disorganization with, in addition to general loss of crest/hollow periodicity, a significant increase of cell surface stiffness. Strikingly, electron microscopy revealed the total depletion of SSM while some IFM heaps could be visualized beneath the membrane. Accordingly, mitochondrial Ca(2+) studies showed a heterogeneous pattern between SSM and IFM in healthy CMs which disappeared in HF. In vitro, formamide-induced sarcolemmal stress on healthy CMs phenocopied post-ischemic kinetics abnormalities and revealed initial SSM death and crest/hollow disorganization followed by IFM later disarray which moved toward the cell surface and structured heaps correlating with TT loss. This study demonstrates that the loss of crest/hollow organization of CM surface in HF occurs early and precedes disruption of the TT network. It also highlights a general stiffness increased of the CM surface most likely related to atypical IFM heaps while SSM died during HF process. Overall, these results indicate that initial sarcolemmal stress leading to SSM death could underlie subsequent TT disarray and HF setting.


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Lymphatic vasculature is increasingly recognized as an important factor both in the regulation of normal tissue homeostasis and immune response and in many diseases, such as inflammation, cancer, obesity, and hypertension. In the last few years, in addition to the central role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C/VEGF receptor-3 signaling in lymphangiogenesis, significant new insights were obtained about Notch, transforming growth factor β/bone morphogenetic protein, Ras, mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, and Ca(2+)/calcineurin signaling pathways in the control of growth and remodeling of lymphatic vessels. An emerging picture of lymphangiogenic signaling is complex and in many ways distinct from the regulation of angiogenesis. This complexity provides new challenges, but also new opportunities for selective therapeutic targeting of lymphatic vasculature.