126 resultados para Blanchard e Quah


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This book gives a general view of sequence analysis, the statistical study of successions of states or events. It includes innovative contributions on life course studies, transitions into and out of employment, contemporaneous and historical careers, and political trajectories. The approach presented in this book is now central to the life-course perspective and the study of social processes more generally. This volume promotes the dialogue between approaches to sequence analysis that developed separately, within traditions contrasted in space and disciplines. It includes the latest developments in sequential concepts, coding, atypical datasets and time patterns, optimal matching and alternative algorithms, survey optimization, and visualization. Field studies include original sequential material related to parenting in 19th-century Belgium, higher education and work in Finland and Italy, family formation before and after German reunification, French Jews persecuted in occupied France, long-term trends in electoral participation, and regime democratization. Overall the book reassesses the classical uses of sequences and it promotes new ways of collecting, formatting, representing and processing them. The introduction provides basic sequential concepts and tools, as well as a history of the method. Chapters are presented in a way that is both accessible to the beginner and informative to the expert.


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Cet article présente la situation des femmes au sein des hiérarchies professionnelles et examine les différentes mesures législatives qui visent à promouvoir une meilleure répartition sexuée de la « prise de décision » dans le champ économique en Europe. Il s'appuie à la fois sur les documents publiés par la Commission européenne, sur des initiatives adoptées dans certains États membres et sur des données issues de plusieurs recherches récentes sur les femmes cadres et dirigeantes d'entreprise en Europe.


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4e de couv.: Comment la France a-t-elle été colonisée par son Empire ? En traitant du fait national tel qu'il a été modelé par l'idéologie coloniale, ce livre renverse les perspectives. Pour légitimer leurs lointaines conquêtes, la monarchie, l'empire et la république ont conçu, organisé, relayé auprès des Français une culture coloniale. Le cinéma et le théâtre, le sport et l'école, la littérature et la presse, les arts, la publicité, la chanson, sans oublier l'armée, les comités coloniaux, les expositions se sont chargés de diffuser quêtes scientifiques, fascinations exotiques, fiertés patriotiques ainsi qu'intérêts économiques et politiques. A l'heure où la France éprouve la difficulté de rassembler dans un destin commun des mémoires divisées, ce sont les grandes lignes de ce "passé qui ne passe pas" et les méandres d'une utopie coloniale que ce recueil retrace, de la première abolition de l'esclavage aux présents débats sur la "repentance". Une somme.


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Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) represent a powerful model system with which to study glutamatergic synapse formation and remodeling. Several proteins have been implicated in these processes, including components of canonical Wingless (Drosophila Wnt1) signaling and the giant isoforms of the membrane-cytoskeleton linker Ankyrin 2, but possible interconnections and cooperation between these proteins were unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the heterotrimeric G protein Go functions as a transducer of Wingless-Frizzled 2 signaling in the synapse. We identify Ankyrin 2 as a target of Go signaling required for NMJ formation. Moreover, the Go-ankyrin interaction is conserved in the mammalian neurite outgrowth pathway. Without ankyrins, a major switch in the Go-induced neuronal cytoskeleton program is observed, from microtubule-dependent neurite outgrowth to actin-dependent lamellopodial induction. These findings describe a novel mechanism regulating the microtubule cytoskeleton in the nervous system. Our work in Drosophila and mammalian cells suggests that this mechanism might be generally applicable in nervous system development and function.


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Acute brain slices are slices of brain tissue that are kept vital in vitro for further recordings and analyses. This tool is of major importance in neurobiology and allows the study of brain cells such as microglia, astrocytes, neurons and their inter/intracellular communications via ion channels or transporters. In combination with light/fluorescence microscopies, acute brain slices enable the ex vivo analysis of specific cells or groups of cells inside the slice, e.g. astrocytes. To bridge ex vivo knowledge of a cell with its ultrastructure, we developed a correlative microscopy approach for acute brain slices. The workflow begins with sampling of the tissue and precise trimming of a region of interest, which contains GFP-tagged astrocytes that can be visualised by fluorescence microscopy of ultrathin sections. The astrocytes and their surroundings are then analysed by high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). An important aspect of this workflow is the modification of a commercial cryo-ultramicrotome to observe the fluorescent GFP signal during the trimming process. It ensured that sections contained at least one GFP astrocyte. After cryo-sectioning, a map of the GFP-expressing astrocytes is established and transferred to correlation software installed on a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope equipped with a STEM detector. Next, the areas displaying fluorescence are selected for high resolution STEM imaging. An overview area (e.g. a whole mesh of the grid) is imaged with an automated tiling and stitching process. In the final stitched image, the local organisation of the brain tissue can be surveyed or areas of interest can be magnified to observe fine details, e.g. vesicles or gold labels on specific proteins. The robustness of this workflow is contingent on the quality of sample preparation, based on Tokuyasu's protocol. This method results in a reasonable compromise between preservation of morphology and maintenance of antigenicity. Finally, an important feature of this approach is that the fluorescence of the GFP signal is preserved throughout the entire preparation process until the last step before electron microscopy.