46 resultados para Birkhoff Coordinates


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Due to the advances in sensor networks and remote sensing technologies, the acquisition and storage rates of meteorological and climatological data increases every day and ask for novel and efficient processing algorithms. A fundamental problem of data analysis and modeling is the spatial prediction of meteorological variables in complex orography, which serves among others to extended climatological analyses, for the assimilation of data into numerical weather prediction models, for preparing inputs to hydrological models and for real time monitoring and short-term forecasting of weather.In this thesis, a new framework for spatial estimation is proposed by taking advantage of a class of algorithms emerging from the statistical learning theory. Nonparametric kernel-based methods for nonlinear data classification, regression and target detection, known as support vector machines (SVM), are adapted for mapping of meteorological variables in complex orography.With the advent of high resolution digital elevation models, the field of spatial prediction met new horizons. In fact, by exploiting image processing tools along with physical heuristics, an incredible number of terrain features which account for the topographic conditions at multiple spatial scales can be extracted. Such features are highly relevant for the mapping of meteorological variables because they control a considerable part of the spatial variability of meteorological fields in the complex Alpine orography. For instance, patterns of orographic rainfall, wind speed and cold air pools are known to be correlated with particular terrain forms, e.g. convex/concave surfaces and upwind sides of mountain slopes.Kernel-based methods are employed to learn the nonlinear statistical dependence which links the multidimensional space of geographical and topographic explanatory variables to the variable of interest, that is the wind speed as measured at the weather stations or the occurrence of orographic rainfall patterns as extracted from sequences of radar images. Compared to low dimensional models integrating only the geographical coordinates, the proposed framework opens a way to regionalize meteorological variables which are multidimensional in nature and rarely show spatial auto-correlation in the original space making the use of classical geostatistics tangled.The challenges which are explored during the thesis are manifolds. First, the complexity of models is optimized to impose appropriate smoothness properties and reduce the impact of noisy measurements. Secondly, a multiple kernel extension of SVM is considered to select the multiscale features which explain most of the spatial variability of wind speed. Then, SVM target detection methods are implemented to describe the orographic conditions which cause persistent and stationary rainfall patterns. Finally, the optimal splitting of the data is studied to estimate realistic performances and confidence intervals characterizing the uncertainty of predictions.The resulting maps of average wind speeds find applications within renewable resources assessment and opens a route to decrease the temporal scale of analysis to meet hydrological requirements. Furthermore, the maps depicting the susceptibility to orographic rainfall enhancement can be used to improve current radar-based quantitative precipitation estimation and forecasting systems and to generate stochastic ensembles of precipitation fields conditioned upon the orography.


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Background: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a central regulator of cell growth, is found in two structurally and functionally distinct multiprotein complexes called mTOR complex (mTORC)1 and mTORC2. The specific roles of each of these branches of mTOR signaling have not been dissected in the adult heart. In the present study, we aimed to bring new insights into the function of cardiac mTORC1-mediated signaling in physiological as well as pathological situations.Methods: We generated mice homozygous for loxP-flanked raptor and positive for the tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase (MerCreMer) under control of the α- myosin heavy chain promoter. The raptor gene encodes an essential component of mTORC1. Gene ablation was induced at the age of 10-12 weeks, and two weeks later the raptor cardiac-knockout (raptor-cKO) mice started voluntary cagewheel exercise or were subjected to transverse aortic constriction (TAC) to induce pressure overload.Results: In sedentary raptor-cKO mice, ejection fractions gradually decreased, resulting in significantly reduced values at 38 days (P < 0.001). Raptor-cKO mice started to die during the fifth week after the last tamoxifen injection. At that time, the mortality rate was 36% in sedentary (n = 11) and 64% in exercising (n = 14) mice. TAC-induced pressure overload resulted in severe cardiac dysfunction already at earlier timepoints. Thus, at 7-9 days after surgery, ejection fraction and fractional shortening values were 22.3% vs 43.5% and 10.2% vs 21.5% in raptor-cKO vs wild-type mice, respectively. This was accompanied by significant reductions of ventricular wall and septal thickness as well as an increase in left ventricular internal diameter. Moreover, ventricular weight to tibial length ratios were increased in wild-type, but not in the raptor-cKO TAC mice. Together, this shows that raptor-cKO mice rapidly developed dilated cardiomyopathy without going through a phase of adaptive hypertrophy. Expression of ANP and β-MHC was induced in all raptor-cKO mice irrespective of the cardiac load conditions. Consistent with reduced mTORC1 activity, phosphorylation of ribosomal S6 kinase and 4E-BP1 was blunted, indicating reduced protein synthesis. Moreover, expression of multiple genes involved in the regulation of energy metabolism was altered, and followed by a shift from fatty acid to glucose oxidation.Conclusion: Our study suggests that mTORC1 coordinates protein and energy metabolic pathways in the heart. Moreover, we demonstrate that raptor is essential for the cardiac adaptation to increased workload and importantly, also for normal physiological cardiac function.


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A clear and rigorous definition of muscle moment-arms in the context of musculoskeletal systems modelling is presented, using classical mechanics and screw theory. The definition provides an alternative to the tendon excursion method, which can lead to incorrect moment-arms if used inappropriately due to its dependency on the choice of joint coordinates. The definition of moment-arms, and the presented construction method, apply to musculoskeletal models in which the bones are modelled as rigid bodies, the joints are modelled as ideal mechanical joints and the muscles are modelled as massless, frictionless cables wrapping over the bony protrusions, approximated using geometric surfaces. In this context, the definition is independent of any coordinate choice. It is then used to solve a muscle-force estimation problem for a simple 2D conceptual model and compared with an incorrect application of the tendon excursion method. The relative errors between the two solutions vary between 0% and 100%.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to develop models based on kernel regression and probability estimation in order to predict and map IRC in Switzerland by taking into account all of the following: architectural factors, spatial relationships between the measurements, as well as geological information. METHODS: We looked at about 240,000 IRC measurements carried out in about 150,000 houses. As predictor variables we included: building type, foundation type, year of construction, detector type, geographical coordinates, altitude, temperature and lithology into the kernel estimation models. We developed predictive maps as well as a map of the local probability to exceed 300 Bq/m(3). Additionally, we developed a map of a confidence index in order to estimate the reliability of the probability map. RESULTS: Our models were able to explain 28% of the variations of IRC data. All variables added information to the model. The model estimation revealed a bandwidth for each variable, making it possible to characterize the influence of each variable on the IRC estimation. Furthermore, we assessed the mapping characteristics of kernel estimation overall as well as by municipality. Overall, our model reproduces spatial IRC patterns which were already obtained earlier. On the municipal level, we could show that our model accounts well for IRC trends within municipal boundaries. Finally, we found that different building characteristics result in different IRC maps. Maps corresponding to detached houses with concrete foundations indicate systematically smaller IRC than maps corresponding to farms with earth foundation. CONCLUSIONS: IRC mapping based on kernel estimation is a powerful tool to predict and analyze IRC on a large-scale as well as on a local level. This approach enables to develop tailor-made maps for different architectural elements and measurement conditions and to account at the same time for geological information and spatial relations between IRC measurements.


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Successful pregnancy depends on well coordinated developmental events involving both maternal and embryonic components. Although a host of signaling pathways participate in implantation, decidualization, and placentation, whether there is a common molecular link that coordinates these processes remains unknown. By exploiting genetic, molecular, pharmacological, and physiological approaches, we show here that the nuclear transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) delta plays a central role at various stages of pregnancy, whereas maternal PPARdelta is critical to implantation and decidualization, and embryonic PPARdelta is vital for placentation. Using trophoblast stem cells, we further elucidate that a reciprocal relationship between PPARdelta-AKT and leukemia inhibitory factor-STAT3 signaling pathways serves as a cell lineage sensor to direct trophoblast cell fates during placentation. This novel finding of stage-specific integration of maternal and embryonic PPARdelta signaling provides evidence that PPARdelta is a molecular link that coordinates implantation, decidualization, and placentation crucial to pregnancy success. This study is clinically relevant because deferral of on time implantation leads to spontaneous pregnancy loss, and defective trophoblast invasion is one cause of preeclampsia in humans.


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A conditional heat-sensitive mutation in the cdc14 gene of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe results in failure to form a septum. Cells become highly elongated and multinucleate as growth and nuclear division continue in the absence of cell division. This article describes the cloning of the cdc14 gene and the identification of its product, a protein of 240 amino acids, p28cdc14. A null allele of the cdc14 gene shows that the gene is essential for septum formation and completion of the cell-division cycle. Overexpression of the gene product, p28cdc14, causes cell-cycle arrest in late G2 before mitosis. Cells leaking past the block activate p34cdc2 kinase and show condensed chromosomes, but the normal rearrangements of the microtubules and microfilaments that are associated with the transition from interphase to mitosis do not occur. Overexpression of p28cdc14 in mutants, in which the timing of mitosis is altered, suggests that these effects may be mediated upstream of the mitotic inhibitor wee1. These data are consistent with the idea that p28cdc14 may play a role in both the initiation of mitosis and septum formation and, by doing so, be part of the mechanism that coordinates these two cell-cycle events.


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The NS5A protein of HCV is an essential component of the viral RNA replication machinery and may also function in modulation of the host cell environment. The exact function of NS5A in these processes remains unknown. NS5A is a large hydrophilic phosphoprotein protein consisting of three domains. The amino-terminal domain, designated domain I, coordinates a single zinc atom that is required for virus replication. We have determined the X-ray crystallographic structure of the domain I region of NS5A, and the structure sheds some light on the previously reported RNA binding activity observed for NS5A and suggests that the protein functions as a dimer. Here we describe the bacterial expression, purification, crystallization, and structural determination of the amino-terminal domain I of NS5A. The methods described herein should be of use for the generation of domain I for biochemical studies as well as future crystallization studies as antiviral compounds directed against this region of NS5A become available.


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This paper presents the general regression neural networks (GRNN) as a nonlinear regression method for the interpolation of monthly wind speeds in complex Alpine orography. GRNN is trained using data coming from Swiss meteorological networks to learn the statistical relationship between topographic features and wind speed. The terrain convexity, slope and exposure are considered by extracting features from the digital elevation model at different spatial scales using specialised convolution filters. A database of gridded monthly wind speeds is then constructed by applying GRNN in prediction mode during the period 1968-2008. This study demonstrates that using topographic features as inputs in GRNN significantly reduces cross-validation errors with respect to low-dimensional models integrating only geographical coordinates and terrain height for the interpolation of wind speed. The spatial predictability of wind speed is found to be lower in summer than in winter due to more complex and weaker wind-topography relationships. The relevance of these relationships is studied using an adaptive version of the GRNN algorithm which allows to select the useful terrain features by eliminating the noisy ones. This research provides a framework for extending the low-dimensional interpolation models to high-dimensional spaces by integrating additional features accounting for the topographic conditions at multiple spatial scales. Copyright (c) 2012 Royal Meteorological Society.


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To elucidate the structural basis of T cell recognition of hapten-modified antigenic peptides, we studied the interaction of the T1 T cell antigen receptor (TCR) with its ligand, the H-2Kd-bound Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI) containing photoreactive 4-azidobenzoic acid (ABA) on P. berghei circumsporozoite Lys259. The photoaffinity-labeled TCR residue(s) were mapped as Tyr48 and/or Tyr50 of complementary determining region 2beta (CDR2beta). Other TCR-ligand contacts were identified by mutational analysis. Molecular modeling, based on crystallographic coordinates of closely related TCR and major histocompatibility complex I molecules, indicated that ABA binds strongly and specifically in a cavity between CDR3alpha and CDR2beta. We conclude that TCR expressing selective Vbeta and CDR3alpha sequences form a binding domain between CDR3alpha and CDR2beta that can accommodate nonpeptidic moieties conjugated at the C-terminal portion of peptides binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) encoded proteins.


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L'expérience LHCb sera installée sur le futur accélérateur LHC du CERN. LHCb est un spectromètre à un bras consacré aux mesures de précision de la violation CP et à l'étude des désintégrations rares des particules qui contiennent un quark b. Actuellement LHCb se trouve dans la phase finale de recherche et développement et de conception. La construction a déjà commencé pour l'aimant et les calorimètres. Dans le Modèle Standard, la violation CP est causée par une phase complexe dans la matrice 3x3 CKM (Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa) de mélange des quarks. L'expérience LHCb compte utiliser les mesons B pour tester l'unitarité de cette matrice, en mesurant de diverses manières indépendantes tous les angles et côtés du "triangle d'unitarité". Cela permettra de surdéterminer le modèle et, peut-être, de mettre en évidence des incohérences qui seraient le signal de l'existence d'une physique au-delà du Modèle Standard. La reconstruction du vertex de désintégration des particules est une condition fondamentale pour l'expérience LHCb. La présence d'un vertex secondaire déplacé est une signature de la désintégration de particules avec un quark b. Cette signature est utilisée dans le trigger topologique du LHCb. Le Vertex Locator (VeLo) doit fournir des mesures précises de coordonnées de passage des traces près de la région d'interaction. Ces points sont ensuite utilisés pour reconstruire les trajectoires des particules et l'identification des vertices secondaires et la mesure des temps de vie des hadrons avec quark b. L'électronique du VeLo est une partie essentielle du système d'acquisition de données et doit se conformer aux spécifications de l'électronique de LHCb. La conception des circuits doit maximiser le rapport signal/bruit pour obtenir la meilleure performance de reconstruction des traces dans le détecteur. L'électronique, conçue en parallèle avec le développement du détecteur de silicium, a parcouru plusieurs phases de "prototyping" décrites dans cette thèse.<br/><br/>The LHCb experiment is being built at the future LHC accelerator at CERN. It is a forward single-arm spectrometer dedicated to precision measurements of CP violation and rare decays in the b quark sector. Presently it is finishing its R&D and final design stage. The construction already started for the magnet and calorimeters. In the Standard Model, CP violation arises via the complex phase of the 3 x 3 CKM (Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa) quark mixing matrix. The LHCb experiment will test the unitarity of this matrix by measuring in several theoretically unrelated ways all angles and sides of the so-called "unitary triangle". This will allow to over-constrain the model and - hopefully - to exhibit inconsistencies which will be a signal of physics beyond the Standard Model. The Vertex reconstruction is a fundamental requirement for the LHCb experiment. Displaced secondary vertices are a distinctive feature of b-hadron decays. This signature is used in the LHCb topology trigger. The Vertex Locator (VeLo) has to provide precise measurements of track coordinates close to the interaction region. These are used to reconstruct production and decay vertices of beauty-hadrons and to provide accurate measurements of their decay lifetimes. The Vertex Locator electronics is an essential part of the data acquisition system and must conform to the overall LHCb electronics specification. The design of the electronics must maximise the signal to noise ratio in order to achieve the best tracking reconstruction performance in the detector. The electronics is being designed in parallel with the silicon detector development and went trough several prototyping phases, which are described in this thesis.


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Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a well-established method for geophysical characterization and has shown potential for monitoring geologic CO2 sequestration, due to its sensitivity to electrical resistivity contrasts generated by liquid/gas saturation variability. In contrast to deterministic inversion approaches, probabilistic inversion provides the full posterior probability density function of the saturation field and accounts for the uncertainties inherent in the petrophysical parameters relating the resistivity to saturation. In this study, the data are from benchtop ERT experiments conducted during gas injection into a quasi-2D brine-saturated sand chamber with a packing that mimics a simple anticlinal geological reservoir. The saturation fields are estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion of the measured data and compared to independent saturation measurements from light transmission through the chamber. Different model parameterizations are evaluated in terms of the recovered saturation and petrophysical parameter values. The saturation field is parameterized (1) in Cartesian coordinates, (2) by means of its discrete cosine transform coefficients, and (3) by fixed saturation values in structural elements whose shape and location is assumed known or represented by an arbitrary Gaussian Bell structure. Results show that the estimated saturation fields are in overall agreement with saturations measured by light transmission, but differ strongly in terms of parameter estimates, parameter uncertainties and computational intensity. Discretization in the frequency domain (as in the discrete cosine transform parameterization) provides more accurate models at a lower computational cost compared to spatially discretized (Cartesian) models. A priori knowledge about the expected geologic structures allows for non-discretized model descriptions with markedly reduced degrees of freedom. Constraining the solutions to the known injected gas volume improved estimates of saturation and parameter values of the petrophysical relationship. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reggies/flotillins are implicated in trafficking of membrane proteins to their target sites and in the regulation of the Rab11a-dependent targeted recycling of E-cadherin to adherens junctions (AJs). Here we demonstrate a function of reggies in focal adhesion (FA) formation and α5- and β1-integrin recycling to FAs. Downregulation of reggie-1 in HeLa and A431 cells by siRNA and shRNA increased the number of FAs, impaired their distribution and modified FA turnover. This was coupled to enhanced focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and Rac1 signaling and gain in plasma membrane motility. Wild type and constitutively-active (CA) Rab11a rescued the phenotype (normal number of FAs) whereas dominant-negative (DN) Rab11a mimicked the loss-of-reggie phenotype in control cells. That reggie-1 affects integrin trafficking emerged from the faster loss of internalized antibody-labeled β1-integrin in reggie-deficient cells. Moreover, live imaging using TIRF microscopy revealed vesicles containing reggie-1 and α5- or β1-integrin, trafficking close to the substrate-near membrane and making kiss-and-run contacts with FAs. Thus, reggie-1 in interaction with Rab11a controls Rac1 and FAK activation and coordinates the targeted recycling of α5- and β1-integrins to FAs to regulate FA formation and membrane dynamics.


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OBJECTIVE: Body mass index (BMI) may cluster in space among adults and be spatially dependent. Whether and how BMI clusters evolve over time in a population is currently unknown. We aimed to determine the spatial dependence of BMI and its 5-year evolution in a Swiss general adult urban population, taking into account the neighbourhood-level and individual-level characteristics. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Swiss general urban population. PARTICIPANTS: 6481 georeferenced individuals from the CoLaus cohort at baseline (age range 35-74 years, period=2003-2006) and 4460 at follow-up (period=2009-2012). OUTCOME MEASURES: Body weight and height were measured by trained healthcare professionals with participants standing without shoes in light indoor clothing. BMI was calculated as weight (kg) divided by height squared (m(2)). Participants were geocoded using their postal address (geographic coordinates of the place of residence). Getis-Ord Gi statistic was used to measure the spatial dependence of BMI values at baseline and its evolution at follow-up. RESULTS: BMI was not randomly distributed across the city. At baseline and at follow-up, significant clusters of high versus low BMIs were identified and remained stable during the two periods. These clusters were meaningfully attenuated after adjustment for neighbourhood-level income but not individual-level characteristics. Similar results were observed among participants who showed a significant weight gain. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report longitudinal changes in BMI clusters in adults from a general population. Spatial clusters of high BMI persisted over a 5-year period and were mainly influenced by neighbourhood-level income.


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Objectives: To correlate the chronic stimulated electrode position on postoperative MRI with the clinical response obtained in PD patients. Material and Method: We retrospectively reviewed 14 consecutive parkinsonian patients who were selected for STN-DBS surgery. Coordinates were determined on an IR T2 MRI coronal section per pendicular to AC-PC plane 3 mm posterior to midcommissural point (MCP) and 12 mm lateral to the midline the inferior aspect of subthalamic region. A CRW stereotactic frame was used for the surgical procedure. A 3D IR T2 MRI was performed postoperatively to determine the location of the stimulated contact in each patient. The clinical results were assessed independently by the neurological team. Results: All but 2 patients had monopolar stimulation. The mean coordinates of the stimulated contacts were: AP ^ ÿ4:23G1:4, Lat ^ 1:12G0:15, Vert ^ ÿ4:1 G2:7 to the MCP. With a mean follow-up of 8 months, all stimulated patients had a significant clinical improvement (preop/postop «ON» UPDRS: 25:8G7:0= 23:3 G8:6; preop/postop «OFF» UPDRS: 50:2G11:4=26:0 G7:8), 60% of them without any antiparkinsonian drug. Conclusion: According to the stereotactic atlas of Schaltenbrand and Warren and the 3D shape of the STN, our results show that our targetting is accurate and almost all the stimulated contacts are comprised in the STN volume. This indicates that MRI is a safe, precise and reproducible procedure for targetting the STN. The location of the stimulated contact within the STN volume is a good predictor of the clinical results.


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Chlamydiales possess a minimal but functional peptidoglycan precursor biosynthetic and remodeling pathway involved in the assembly of the division septum by an atypical cytokinetic machine and cryptic or modified peptidoglycan-like structure (PGLS). How this reduced cytokinetic machine collectively coordinates the invagination of the envelope has not yet been explored in Chlamydiales. In other Gram-negative bacteria, peptidoglycan provides anchor points that connect the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan during constriction using the Pal-Tol complex. Purifying PGLS and associated proteins from the chlamydial pathogen Waddlia chondrophila, we unearthed the Pal protein as a peptidoglycan-binding protein that localizes to the chlamydial division septum along with other components of the Pal-Tol complex. Together, our PGLS characterization and peptidoglycan-binding assays support the notion that diaminopimelic acid is an important determinant recruiting Pal to the division plane to coordinate the invagination of all envelope layers with the conserved Pal-Tol complex, even during osmotically protected intracellular growth.