254 resultados para Biofilms and pathogenesis
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is not only an essential component of the viral replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention but also a key player in the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves and thereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNA sensing and innate immunity, mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) and TRIF, a phosphatase involved in growth factor signaling, T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP), and the E3 ubiquitin ligase component UV-damaged DNA-binding protein 1 (DDB1). Here we explored quantitative proteomics to identify novel cellular substrates of the NS3-4A protease. Cell lines inducibly expressing the NS3-4A protease were analyzed by stable isotopic labeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry. This approach identified the membrane-associated peroxidase GPx8 as a bona fide cellular substrate of the HCV NS3-4A protease. Cleavage by NS3-4A occurs at Cys 11, removing the cytosolic tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic HCV. Overexpression and RNA silencing studies revealed that GPx8 is involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or RNA replication. Conclusion: We provide proof-of-concept for the use of quantitative proteomics to identify cellular substrates of a viral protease and describe GPx8 as a novel proviral host factor targeted by the HCV NS3-4A protease. (Hepatology 2014;59:423-433).
Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease isnot only an essential component of the viral replication complexand a prime target for antiviral intervention but also a key playerin the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves andthereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNAsensing and innate immunity (MAVS and TRIF) as well as aphosphatase involved in growth factor signaling (TC-PTP). Theaim of this ongoing study is to identify novel cellular targets ofthe NS3-4A protease.Methods: Cell lines inducibly expressing the NS3-4A proteasewere established using a tetracycline-regulated geneexpression system. Cells were analyzed in basal as well asinterferon-α-stimulated states. Two-dimensional difference gelelectrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and stable isotopic labeling usingamino acids in cell culture (SILAC) proteomics analysescoupled with mass spectrometry were employed to search forcellular substrates of NS3-4A.Results: A number of candidate cellular targets have beenidentified by these proteomics approaches. These are currentlybeing validated by different experimental techniques. In parallel,we are in the process of further defining the determinants forsubstrate specificity of the NS3-4A protease.Conclusions: The identification of novel cellular targets of theHCV NS3-4A protase should yield new insights into thepathogenesis of hepatitis C and may reveal novel targets forantiviral intervention.
Invasive candidiasis is associated with high mortality rates, ranging from 35% to 60%, in the range reported for septic shock. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of invasive candidiasis differ according to the patient's immune status; the majority of cases in immunocompromised hosts are candidaemia, whereas non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis accounts for the majority of cases in critically ill patients. In contrast to candidaemia, non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis is difficult to prove, especially in critically ill patients. Up to 80% of these patients are colonized, but only 5-30% develop invasive infection. The differentiation of colonization and proven infection is challenging, and evolution from the former to the latter requires seven to 10 days. This continuum from colonization of mucosal surfaces to local invasion and then invasive infection makes it difficult to identify those critically ill patients likely to benefit most from antifungal prophylaxis or early empirical antifungal treatment. Early empirical treatment of non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis currently relies on the positive predictive value of risk assessment strategies, such as the colonization index, candida score, and predictive rules based on combinations of risk factors such as candida colonization, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and abdominal surgery. Although guidelines recently scored these strategies as being supported by limited evidence, they are widely used at bedside and have substantially decreased the incidence of invasive candidiasis.
HCV-infection induces a state of oxidative stress more pronounced than in many other inflammatory diseases. Here we propose a temporal sequence of events in the HCV-infected cell whereby the primary alteration consists in release of Ca2+ from the ER followed by uptake into mitochondria. This triggers successive mitochondrial dysfunctions leading to generation of ROS and to a progressive metabolic adaptive response. Pathogenetic implications of the model and new opportunities for therapeutic intervention are discussed.
The vigorous production of oxygenated fatty acids (oxylipins) is a characteristic response to pathogenesis and herbivory, and is often accompanied by the substantial release of small and reactive lipid-fragmentation products. Some oxylipins, most notably those of the jasmonate family, have key roles as potent regulators. Recent advances have been made in understanding oxylipin-regulated signal transduction in response to attack. Much jasmonate signaling takes place via a genetically defined signal network that is linked to the ethylene, auxin, and salicylic acid signal pathways, but a second aspect of jasmonate signaling is emerging. Some jasmonates and several newly discovered cyclopentenone lipids can activate or repress gene expression through the activities of a conserved electrophilic atom group.
RÉSUMÉ Introduction: l'histoire naturelle et la physiopathologie des infarctus de la moelle épinière restent largement inconnues. En effet, la plupart des études cliniques portent sur des patients qui ont souffert d'infarctus médullaire secondaire à des chirurgies aortiques ou des hypotensions prolongées. Méthode: ce travail analyse les données cliniques, le laboratoire, l'imagerie (IRM) et l'évolution de 27 patients souffrant d'infarctus de la moelle épinière admis dans le service de Neurologie du CHUV. Parmi ces patients, il y avait 11 hommes et 16 femmes (âge moyen de 56 ans, tranche d'âge de 19 à 80 ans). Résultats: dix patients (37%) souffraient d'infarctus de l'artère spinale antérieure, 4 (15%) d'infarctus unilatéraux antérieurs, 4 (15%) unilatéraux postérieurs, 3 (11%) d'infarctus centraux, 2 (7%) d'infarctus des artères spinales postérieures, 2 (7%) d'infarctus transverse tandis que 2 patients présentaient des tableaux cliniques inclassables. Vingt patients (74%) n'avaient pas d'étiologie identifiable. Les patients avec infarctus centraux ou transverses présentaient fréquemment (40%) des artériopathies périphériques et tous les infarctus transverses survenaient à la suite d'hypotensions artérielles prolongées. Le début de tous les autres types d'infarctus était associé à des facteurs mécaniques (p=0.02} et ces patients avaient fréquemment des pathologies du rachis (p=0.003) au niveau de la lésion médullaire. Dans ces cas, les données cliniques suggèrent une lésion d'une racine nerveuse au niveau de l'infarctus médullaire compromettant mécaniquement le flux de son artère radiculaire. L'évolution clinique était généralement favorable, seuls 13 patients (48%) présentaient une atteinte significative de la marche à la sortie de l'hôpital. Conclusion: ce travail montre qu'il existe 2 types principaux d'infarctus de la moelle épinière : d'une part les infarctus dans le territoire d'une artère radiculaire (infarctus de l'artère spinale antérieure, des artères spinales postérieures et infarctus unilatéraux) et d'autre part les hypoperfusions régionales globales de la moelle épinière (infarctus centraux et transverses). Chacune de ces 2 catégories d'infarctus ont des caractéristiques cliniques, radiologiques, physiopathologiques et pronostiques distinctes.
Résumé Etant une importante source d'énergie, les plantes sont constamment attaquées par des pathogènes. Ne pouvant se mouvoir, elles ont développé des systèmes de défense sophistiqués afin de lutter contre ces prédateurs. Parmi ces systèmes, les voies de signalisation mettant en jeu des éliciteurs endog8nes tels que les jasmonates permettent d'induire la production de protéines de défense telles que les protéines dites "liées à la pathogénèse". Les gènes codant pour ces protéines appartiennent à des familles multigéniques. Le premier but de cette thèse est d'évaluer le nombre de ces gènes dans le génome d'Arabidopsis thaliana et d'estimer la part de ce système de défense, dépendant de la voie de signalisation des jasmonates. Nous avons défini un cluster de seulement 1S gènes sur 266, "liés à la pathogénèse", exclusivement régulés par les jasmonates. De multiples membres des familles des lectines de type jacaline et des inhibiteurs de trypsines semblent dépendre du jasmonate. Présente dans tous les systèmes immunitaires des eucaryotes, la famille des défensines est une famille très intéressante. Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, 317 protéines similaires aux défensines ont été définies, cependant seulement 15 défensines (PDF) sont bien annotées. Ces 15 défensines sont séparées en deux groupes dont un semble avoir évolué plus récemment. Le second but de cette thèse est d'étudier ce groupe de défensines à l'aide de la bioinformatique et des techniques de biologie moléculaire (gêne rapporteur, PCR en temps réel). Nous avons montré que ce groupe contenait une défensine acide intéressante, PDF1.5, qui semblait avoir subi une sélection positive. Cette protéine n'avait encore jamais été étudiée. Contrairement à ce que nous pensions, nous avons établi que cette protéine pouvait avoir une activité biologique liée à la défense. Ce travail de thèse a permis de préciser le nombre de gènes "liées à la pathogénèse" induits par la voie des jasmonates et d'apporter des éléments de réponse sur la question de la redondance des gènes de défense. En conclusion, même si de nombreuses familles de gènes intervenant dans la défense sont bien définies chez Arabidopsis, il reste encore de nombreuses études à faire sur chacun de ces membres. Abstract Being an important source of energy, plants are constantly attacked by herbivores and pathogens. As sessile organisms, they have developed sophisticated defense responses to cope with attack. Among these responses, signalling pathways, using endogenous elicitors including jasmonates (JA), allow the plant to induce the production of defense proteins such as pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. The genes encoding these proteins belong to multigenic families. The first goal of this thesis was to evaluate the number of PR genes in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana and estimate how much of this plant defense system was dependent on the jasmonate signaling pathway in leaves. Surprisingly a cluster of only 1S genes out of 2ó6 PR genes was exclusively regulated by JA. Multiple members of the jacalin lectin and trypsin inhibitor gene families were shown to be regulated by JA. Present in all eukaryotic immune systems, defensins are an attractive PR family to study. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 317 defensin-related proteins have been found but just 1S defensins (i.e. PDF family) are well annotated. These defensins are split into 2 groups. One of these groups may have appeared and diversified recently. The second goal of this thesis was to study this defensin gene group combining bioinformatic, reporter gene and quantitative PCR techniques. We have shown that this group contains an interesting acidic defensin, PDF1.S, which seems to have undergone positive selection. No information was known on this protein. We have established that this protein may have a biological activity in plant defense. This thesis allowed us to define the number of PR genes induced by the jasmonate pathway and gave initial leads to explain the redundancy of the PR genes in the genome of Arabidopsis. In conclusion, even if many defense gene families are already defined in the Arabidopsis genome, much work remains to be done on individual members.
Background: Local antibiotics may significantly improve the treatmentoutcome in bone infection without systemic toxicity. For impregnationof polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), gentamicin, vancomycin and/orclindamycin are currently used. A new lipopeptid antibiotic,daptomycin, is a promising candidate for local treatment due to itsspectrum against staphylococci and enterococci (including multiresistantstrains), and concentration-dependent rapid bactericidalactivity. We investigated activity of antibiotic-loaded PMMA againstStaphylococcus epidermidis biofilms using an ultra-sensitive bacterialheat detection method (microcalorimetry).Methods: Staphylococcus epidermidis (strain RP62A, susceptibleto daptomycin, vancomycin and gentamicin) at concentration 106bacteria/ml was incubated with 2 g-PMMA block (Palacos, HeraeusMedical, Hanau, Germany) in 25 ml tryptic soy broth (TSB)supplemented with calcium. PMMA blocks were preloaded withdaptomycin, vancomycin and gentamicin each at 2 g/40 mg (= 100 mg/block) PMMA. After 72 h-incubation at 35 °C under static conditions,PMMA blocks were rinsed in phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) 5times and transferred in 4 ml-microcalorimetry ampoule filled with 1 mlTSB. Bacterial heat production, which is proportional to the quantityof biofilm on PMMA surface, was measured by isothermalmicrocalorimetry. The detection time was calculated as the time untilthe heat flow reached 20 microwatt.Results: Biomechanical properties did not differ between antibioticloadedand non-loaded PMMA blocks. The mean detection time (±standard deviation) of bacterial heat was 6.5 ± 0.4 h for PMMA withoutantibiotics (negative control), 13.5 ± 4.6 h for PMMA with daptomycin,14.0 ± 4.1 h for PMMA with vancomycin and 5.0 ± 0.4 h for PMMAwith gentamicin.Conclusion: Our data indicates that antibiotics at 2 g/40 mg PMMAdid not change the biomechanical properties of bone cement. Daptomycinand vancomycin were more active than gentamicin against S.epidermidis biofilms when all tested at 2 g/40 mg PMMA. In the nextstep, higher concentrations of daptomycin and their elution kineticneeds to be determined to optimize its antibiofilm activity before usingin the clinical setting.
The pancreatic beta cell presents functional abnormalities in the early stages of development of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The disappearance of the first phase of insulin secretion induced by a glucose load is a early marker of NIDDM. This abnormality could be secondary to the low expression of the pancreatic glucose transporter GLUT2. Together with the glucokinase enzyme, GLUT2 is responsible for proper beta cell sensing of the extracellular glucose levels. In NIDDM, the GLUT2 mRNA levels are low, a fact which suggests a transcriptional defect of the GLUT2 gene. The first phase of glucose-induced insulin secretion by the beta pancreatic cell can be partly restored by the administration of a peptide discovered by a molecular approach, the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). The gene encoding for the glucagon is expressed in a cell-specific manner in the A cells of the pancreatic islet and the L cells of the intestinal tract. The maturation process of the propeptide encoded by the glucagon gene is different in the two cells: the glucagon is the main hormone produced by the A cells whereas the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is the major peptide synthesized by the L cells of the intestine. GLP-1 is an incretin hormone and is at present the most potent insulinotropic peptide. The first results of the administration of GLP-1 to normal volunteers and diabetic patients are promising and may be a new therapeutic approach to treating diabetic patients.
Psoriasis is one of the most common human inflammatory skin diseases characterised by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of keratinocytes. The trigger of the typical epidermal changes seen in psoriasis was considered to be a dysregulated immune response with Th-1/Tc1 cells playing a central role. Recent studies have provided new insights into psoriasis pathogenesis in defining intraepidermal alpha(1)beta(1)+ T cells as key effectors driving keratinocyte changes. Critical roles for IFN-alpha secreted by plasmacytoid dendritic cells and the IL-23/Th-17 axis were postulated. Initially, these subsequent stages are at least partially driven by the endogenous antimicrobial peptide LL37 that converts inert self-DNA into a potent trigger of interferon production by binding and delivering the DNA into plasmacytoid dendritic cells to trigger toll-like receptor 9. As LL37 is expressed by keratinocytes upon various stimuli, keratinocytes might regain momentum as instigators of an aberrant immune response which then precedes the characteristic changes in the epidermis. Data from these new studies indicate a complex interplay between keratinocytes overexpressing antimicrobial peptides and immune cells driving epidermal hyperproliferation and aberrant keratinocyte differentiation in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is increasing worldwide and there is strong evidence that dietary factors play a role in its pathogenesis. The present review aims to provide a better understanding of how carbohydrates and other macronutrients may affect the disease. RECENT FINDINGS: The effects of carbohydrates on the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease differ depending upon the carbohydrate type; high-glycemic index foods are related to increased hepatic fat in both rodents and humans. Similarly, simple carbohydrates, such as fructose, stimulate hepatic de-novo lipogenesis and decrease lipid oxidation, thus leading to increased fat deposition. The underlying mechanisms may involve the activation of transcription factors. Fat intake broadly leads to hepatic fat deposition in rodents but few data are available on humans. Both carbohydrates and fat trigger inflammatory factors, which are closely related to metabolic disorders and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Lifestyle interventions appear to be the most appropriate first-line treatment for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. SUMMARY: There is strong evidence that the diet may affect the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Although simple carbohydrates are clearly shown to have deleterious effects in humans, the role of fat remains controversial. Further studies will be required to evaluate the effects of macronutrient composition on the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
The calcium-binding protein calretinin has emerged as a useful marker for the identification of mesotheliomas of the epithelioid and mixed types, but its putative role in tumor development has not been addressed previously. Although exposure to asbestos fibers is considered the main cause of mesothelioma, undoubtedly, not all mesothelioma patients have a history of asbestos exposure. The question as to whether the SV40 virus is involved as a possible co-factor is still highly debated. Here we show that increased expression of SV40 early gene products in the mesothelial cell line MeT-5A induces the expression of calretinin and that elevated calretinin levels strongly correlate with increased resistance to asbestos cytotoxicity. Calretinin alone mediates a significant part of this protective effect because cells stably transfected with calretinin cDNA were clearly more resistant to the toxic effects of crocidolite than mock-transfected control cells. Down-regulation of calretinin by antisense methods restored the sensitivity to asbestos toxicity to a large degree. The protective effect observed in clones with higher calretinin expression levels could be eliminated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors, implying an important role for the PI3K/AKT signaling (survival) pathway in mediating the protective effect. Up-regulation of calretinin, resulting from either asbestos exposure or SV40 oncoproteins, may be a common denominator that leads to increased resistance to asbestos cytotoxicity and thereby contributes to mesothelioma carcinogenesis.