46 resultados para Age, 14C calibrated, CALIB 5 (Stuiver et al., 1998)


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L'Évangile du Sauveur 45-59 rapporte une interprétation peu connue de la prière de Jésus au Mont des Oliviers, comme prière d'intercession pour le peuple d'Israël. Cette interprètation est connue d'Origène, Jérôme et Epiphane. Cet article souhaite montrer que la prise en compte d'une telle tradition permet de reprendre sur une base nouvelle la question de la signification des prières et supplications, avec grand cri et larmes d'He 5,7. En amont de ces deux passages se tient en effet le topos d'une intense prière de supplication, efficace et faisant place aux motions. Evoquée par Justin Martyr et Origène comme d'origine hébraïque, cette prière reçoit dans le cadre du judaïsme hellénistique une tournure caractéristique, quand elle y est associée à la terminologie grecque du suppliant : elle témoigne alors d'un point de contact entre cultures juive et hellénistique. La conclusion souligne que l'Evangile du Sauveur est vecteur à la fois de la mémoire et de l'oubli culturels de la prière de supplication évoquée en He 5,7.


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Native plants and animals are a natural heritage threatened by one of the six greatest extinction events in Earth's history. Humans, through habitat transformation, exploitation, and species introductions, are driving this extinction event. To turn this tide, Speziale et al. (2014) suggest reducing human dependence on non-native species by increasing the use, harvest, planting, and raising of native species, thereby increasing their cultural and economic value. The search for new or under-appreciated uses of native species is laudable, especially if it helps protect them and contributes to local cultural diversity. Such efforts are arguably an inherent trait of human curiosity and entrepreneurship and are a central platform of popular movements such as slow foods and native gardening. However, Speziale et al.'s hypothesis - that using native species can protect them - is less simple than they suggest. We refute the idea of nativism that underpins Speziale et al.'s proposal and makes it poorly defensible and considered the unaddressed consequences of the proposal for people and for conservation.


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Colouration may either reflect a discrete polymorphism potentially related to life-history strategies, a continuous signal related to individual quality or a combination of both. Recently, Vercken et al. [J. Evol. Biol. (2007) 221] proposed three discrete ventral colour morphs in female common lizards, Lacerta vivipara, and suggested that they reflect alternative reproductive strategies. Here, we provide a quantitative assessment of the phenotypic distribution and determinants of the proposed colour polymorphism. Based on reflectance spectra, we found no evidence for three distinct visual colour classes, but observed continuous variation in colour from pale yellow to orange. Based on a 2-year experiment, we also provide evidence for reversible colour plasticity in response to a manipulation of the adult population sex ratio; yet, a significant portion of the colour variation was invariant throughout an adult female's life. Our results are thus in agreement with continuous colour variation in adults determined by environmental factors and potentially also by genetic factors.