61 resultados para Africa Paradis
Cette thèse analyse la défense du paradis fiscal suisse dans les négociations internationales de l'entre-deux-guerres. Pour ce faire, elle s'appuie sur un très large panel de sources inédites, tirées des archives publiques suisses, britanniques, françaises, allemandes et belges, ainsi que sur une série d'archives du monde économique et d'organisations internationales. Ce travail tente, sur cette base, de retracer l'évolution des pourparlers fiscaux et d'identifier comment les dirigeants suisses sont parvenus à écarter en leur sein les premières pressions internationales qui surviennent après la Grande Guerre à l'encontre des pratiques fiscales helvétiques. Sur fond de fuites massives d'avoirs européens en direction du refuge suisse, ces démarches étrangères à l'encontre du secret bancaire sont menées aussi bien au niveau multilatéral, au sein des débats fiscaux de la Société des Nations, que sur le plan bilatéral, à l'intérieur des négociations interétatiques pour la conclusion de conventions de double imposition et d'assistance fiscale. Pourtant, les tentatives de la part des gouvernements européens d'amorcer une coopération contre l'évasion fiscale avec leur homologue suisse échouent constamment durant l'entre-deux-guerres : non seulement aucune mesure de collaboration internationale n'est adoptée par la Confédération, mais les dirigeants helvétiques parviennent encore à obtenir dans les négociations des avantages fiscaux pour les capitaux qui sont exportés depuis la Suisse ou qui transitent par son entremise. En clair, bien loin d'être amoindrie, la compétitivité fiscale du centre économique suisse sort renforcée des discussions internationales de l'entre-deux-guerres. La thèse avance à la fois des facteurs endogènes et exogènes à la politique suisse pour expliquer cette réussite a priori surprenante dans un contexte de crise financière et monétaire aiguë. A l'intérieur de la Confédération, la grande cohésion des élites suisses facilite la défense extérieure de la compétitivité fiscale. En raison de l'anémie de l'administration fiscale fédérale, du conservatisme du gouvernement ou encore de l'interpénétration du patronat industriel et bancaire helvétique, les décideurs s'accordent presque unanimement sur le primat à une protection rigoureuse du secret bancaire. En outre, corollaire de l'afflux de capitaux en Suisse, la place financière helvétique dispose de différentes armes économiques qu'elle peut faire valoir pour défendre ses intérêts face aux gouvernements étrangers. Mais c'est surtout la conjonction de trois facteurs exogènes au contexte suisse qui a favorisé la position helvétique au sein des négociations fiscales internationales. Premièrement, après la guerre, le climat anti-fiscal qui prédomine au sein d'une large frange des élites occidentales incite les gouvernements étrangers à faire preuve d'une grande tolérance à l'égard du havre fiscal suisse. Deuxièmement, en raison de leur sous-développement, les administrations fiscales européennes n'ont pas un pouvoir suffisant pour contrecarrer la politique suisse. Troisièmement, les milieux industriels et financiers étrangers tendent à appuyer les stratégies de défense du paradis fiscal suisse, soit parce qu'ils usent eux-mêmes de ses services, soit parce que, avec la pression à la baisse qu'il engendre sur les systèmes fiscaux des autres pays, l'îlot libéral helvétique participe au démantèlement de la fiscalité progressive que ces milieux appellent de leur voeu.
No study to date has focused specifically on the reasons for and against disclosure of HIV-positive status among sub-Saharan migrant women. Thirty HIV-positive women from 11 sub-Saharan countries living in French-speaking Switzerland participated in semi-structured individual interviews. The reasons women reported for disclosure or nondisclosure of their HIV serostatus were classified into three categories: social, medical, and ethical. The women identified the stigma associated with HIV as a major social reason for nondisclosure. However, this study identifies new trends related to disclosure for medical and ethical reasons. Being undetectable played an important role in the life of sub-Saharan migrant women, and analysis revealed their medical reasons for both disclosure and nondisclosure. Disclosure to new sexual partners occurred when women had a more positive perception about HIV and when they believed themselves to be in a long-term relationship. Women reported nondisclosure to family members when they did not need help outside the support provided by the medical and social fields. The results on ethical reasons suggested that challenging stigma was a reason for disclosure. Since the women' perceptions on HIV changed when they came to see it as a chronic disease, disclosure occurred in an attempt to normalize life with HIV in their communities in migration and to challenge racism and discrimination. Our findings can help health providers better understand the communication needs of sub-Saharan migrant women with respect to HIV/AIDS and sexuality and offer them adequate disclosure advice that takes into account migration and gender issues.
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Scale (HVIC) and the Auckland Individualism and Collectivism Scale (AICS). The sample consisted of 1,403 working individuals from Switzerland (N = 585) and from South Africa (N = 818). Principal component factor analyses indicated that a two-factor structure replicated well across the two countries for both scales. In addition, the HVIC four-factor structure replicated well across countries, whereas the responsibility dimension of individualism of the AICS replicated poorly. Confirmatory factor analyses provided satisfactory support to the original theoretical models for both the HVIC and the AICS. Equivalence measurement indices indicated that the cross-cultural replicability properties of both instruments are generally acceptable. However, canonical correlations and correlations between the HVIC and AICS dimensions confirm that these two instruments differ in their underlying meaning of the individualism and collectivism constructs, suggesting that these two instruments assess individualism and collectivism differently.
BACKGROUND: The provision of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in resource-limited settings follows a public health approach, which is characterised by a limited number of regimens and the standardisation of clinical and laboratory monitoring. In industrialized countries doctors prescribe from the full range of available antiretroviral drugs, supported by resistance testing and frequent laboratory monitoring. We compared virologic response, changes to first-line regimens, and mortality in HIV-infected patients starting HAART in South Africa and Switzerland. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We analysed data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and two HAART programmes in townships of Cape Town, South Africa. We included treatment-naïve patients aged 16 y or older who had started treatment with at least three drugs since 2001, and excluded intravenous drug users. Data from a total of 2,348 patients from South Africa and 1,016 patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study were analysed. Median baseline CD4+ T cell counts were 80 cells/mul in South Africa and 204 cells/mul in Switzerland. In South Africa, patients started with one of four first-line regimens, which was subsequently changed in 514 patients (22%). In Switzerland, 36 first-line regimens were used initially, and these were changed in 539 patients (53%). In most patients HIV-1 RNA was suppressed to 500 copies/ml or less within one year: 96% (95% confidence interval [CI] 95%-97%) in South Africa and 96% (94%-97%) in Switzerland, and 26% (22%-29%) and 27% (24%-31%), respectively, developed viral rebound within two years. Mortality was higher in South Africa than in Switzerland during the first months of HAART: adjusted hazard ratios were 5.90 (95% CI 1.81-19.2) during months 1-3 and 1.77 (0.90-3.50) during months 4-24. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to the highly individualised approach in Switzerland, programmatic HAART in South Africa resulted in similar virologic outcomes, with relatively few changes to initial regimens. Further innovation and resources are required in South Africa to both achieve more timely access to HAART and improve the prognosis of patients who start HAART with advanced disease.
Waddlia chondrophila is a strict intracellular microorganism belonging to the order Chlamydiales that has been isolated twice from aborted bovine fetuses, once in USA and once in Germany. This bacterium is now considered as an abortigenic agent in cattle. However, no information is available regarding the presence of this bacterium in Africa. Given the low sensitivity of cell culture to recover such an obligate intracellular bacterium, molecular-based diagnostic approaches are warranted. This report describes the development of a quantitative SYBR Green real-time PCR assay targeting the recA gene of W. chondrophila. Analytical sensitivity was 10 copies of control plasmid DNA per reaction. No cross-amplification was observed when testing pathogens that can cause abortion in cattle. The PCR exhibited a good intra-run and inter-run reproducibility. This real-time PCR was then applied to 150 vaginal swabs taken from Tunisian cows that have aborted. Twelve samples revealed to be Waddlia positive, suggesting a possible role of this bacterium in this setting. This new real-time PCR assay represents a diagnostic tool that may be used to further study the prevalence of Waddlia infection.
BACKGROUND: South Africa (SA) is experiencing a rapid epidemiologic transition as a consequence of political, economic and social changes. In this study we described, based on hospital data, the mortality patterns of Non communicable Diseases (NCD), Communicable Diseases (CD), the NCD/CD ratios, and the trends of deaths. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of all deaths occurring in several public hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province of SA between 2002 and 2006. Causes of deaths were coded according to the ICD 10 Edition. RESULTS: A total of 107380 admissions responded to the inclusion criteria between 2002 and 2006. The crude death rate was 4.3% (n=4566) with a mean age of 46±21 years and a sex ratio of 3.1 men (n=3453): 1 woman (n=1113). Out of all deaths, there were 62.9% NCD (n=2872) vs. 37.1% CD (n=1694) with NCD/CD ratio of 1.7. The ratio NCD/CD deaths in men was 1.3 (n=1951/1502) vs. NCD/CD deaths in women of 1.9 (n=735/378). The peak of deaths was observed in winter season. The majority of NCD deaths were at age of 30-64 years, whereas the highest rate of CD deaths was at age< 30 years. The trend of deaths including the majority of NCD, increased from 2002 to 2006. There was a tendency of increase in tuberculosis deaths, but a tendency of decrease in HIV/AIDS deaths was from 2002 to 2006. CONCLUSION: Non-communicable diseases are the leading causes of deaths in rural Eastern Cape province of SA facing Post-epidemiologic transition stages. We recommend overarching priority actions for the response to the Non-communicable Diseases: policy change, prevention, treatment, international cooperation, research, monitoring, accountability, and re-orientation of health systems.