54 resultados para Adler, Laure


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Les fluides de coupe sont principalement utilisés pour leurs propriétés lubrifiantes et/ou pour leur qualité de refroidissement des pièces en métallurgie. Ils sont utilisés pour faciliter l'opération d'usinage et contribue à améliorer la durée de vie de l'outil utilisé. Ils permettent d'éloigner les copeaux de la zone de coupe, ce qui contribue à l'obtention d'un état de surface de qualité, et de refroidir le copeau et la pièce usinée afin de contribuer à la précision dimensionnelle de la pièce finie. Les usages des fluides de coupe sont en évolution depuis les années 2000. Il y a environ 15-30 ans, seules les huiles entières étaient utilisées. Aujourd'hui, l'utilisation des huiles varie selon le type d'application mais il est à noter toutefois que l'usage des huiles entières est en pleine décroissance depuis 2001, contrairement à celui des fluides aqueux (émulsions) en pleine expansion. Les fluides de coupe exposeraient selon l'étude SUMER plus de 1 million de travailleurs. Il existe deux grands secteurs principaux utilisateurs de ces fluides : le travail des métaux (qui expose selon l'INRS le plus grand nombre de salariés) et l'automobile (plus grand secteur utilisateur selon la CSNIL, Chambre Syndical Nationale de l'Industrie des Lubrifiants). De nombreux éléments existent autour de la prévention des risques liés à l'utilisation des fluides de coupe mais comme le rappelait l'INRS dans son rapport publié en 2002, la plupart des méthodes de prévention, collectives ou individuelles, bien que déjà connues, ne sont pas toujours appliquées, et notamment dans les petites entreprises. De plus les moyens de surveillance, bien que largement détaillés dans de nombreux guides, sont rarement mis en oeuvre. Néanmoins, des substances dangereuses peuvent se retrouver soit au sein de la formulation des fluides de coupe (comme certains additifs, biocides..), soit se former au cours du stockage (comme c'est le cas de pour la NDELA, N-nitroso diéthanolamine). Certaines substances ont déjà vu leur usage en tant que biocide être interdit en France, tel que le formaldéhyde ou encore l'acide borique. Des solutions de substitution existent déjà, telles que la micro-lubrification ou l'usinage à sec. Mais la mise en place ou la recherche de substituts s'accompagne souvent de difficultés en ce qui concerne l'adaptation du processus industriel. La mise en oeuvre des collaborations avec les fournisseurs doit donc être fortement encouragée. Enfin, il existe des zones d'ombre concernant les risques associés au développement microbiologique intervenant lors du vieillissement des fluides. L'utilisation grandissante de ces fluides de type aqueux est en lien avec ces problèmes de contamination microbienne des fluides ainsi que les pathologies respiratoires qui semblent y être associées. Cependant l'absence de référentiel exclut toute interprétation des résultats relatifs à ces agents microbiologiques retrouvés à la fois dans les fluides et les aérosols. Conclusions : En raison de la complexité de la formulation des fluides de coupe, il n'existe pas aujourd'hui de méthode de mesure fiable pour évaluer l'exposition à ces produits. Ainsi la mise en place d'une évaluation quantitative des risques sanitaires complète semble prématurée voire impossible. Il apparaît cependant nécessaire d'aller plus loin en matière de prévention : - une valeur limite pourrait être imposée concernant les quantités en amines secondaires précurseurs de nitrosamines, telle que développée dans le modèle allemand, le respect de cette réglementation allemande est déjà un argument mis en place par certains fournisseurs français ; - La micro-lubrification et la recherche de substitution doivent être encouragées ; - L'élaboration d'un référentiel microbiologique qui puisse tenir compte de la qualité des fluides et de la protection des travailleurs devrait être soutenue. [Auteurs]


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Background and Objectives: (i) to assess the prevalence of PTSD in a psychiatric emergency setting by means of a diagnostic instrument and to compare it with PTSD-prevalence of a clinically evaluated, historical sample; and (ii) to assess psychiatric residents' perception of the systematic use of this diagnostic instrument. Methods: A consecutive sample of patients (N = 403) evaluated for a psychiatric emergency was assessed with the module J (PTSD) of the MINI, the historical sample (N = 350), assessed by chart review, consisted of consecutive patients of the same setting evaluated one year prior to the study period. Residents' perceptions were assessed by means of a focus group. Results: While in only 0.57% of the historical sample (N = 350) a diagnosis of PTSD was recorded, 20.3% (N = 64) of the patients assessed with the diagnostic instrument (N = 316) qualified for a diagnosis of PTSD. Higher prevalence rates were observed in refugees and those without legal residency status (50%); patients from countries with a recent history of war (47.1%); those with four (44.4%) or three psychiatric co-morbidities (35.3%); migrants (29.8%) and patients without professional income (25%). Residents felt that the systematic use of the tool was not adequate in the psychiatric emergency setting for various reasons (e.g.: not suitable for a first or single consultation, negative impact on the clinical evaluation). Conclusions: The study confirms that PTSD is underdiagnosed in the psychiatric emergency setting. To improve the situation, targeted screening or educational and institutional strategies are needed.


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BACKGROUND: In Fabry nephropathy, alpha-galactosidase deficiency leads to accumulation of glycosphingolipids in all kidney cell types, proteinuria and progressive loss of kidney function. METHODS: An international working group of nephrologists from 11 Fabry centres identified adult Fabry patients, and pathologists scored histologic changes on renal biopsies. A standardized scoring system was developed with a modified Delphi technique assessing 59 Fabry nephropathy cases. Each case was scored independently of clinical information by at least three pathologists with an average final score reported. RESULTS: We assessed 35 males (mean age 36.4 years) and 24 females (43.9 years) who mostly had clinically mild Fabry nephropathy. The average serum creatinine was 1.3 mg/dl (114.9 micromol/l); estimated glomerular filtration rate was 81.7 ml/min/1.73 m(2) and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 1.08 g/g (122.0 mg/mmol). Males had greater podocyte vacuolization on light microscopy (mean score) and glycosphingolipid inclusions on semi-thin sections than females. Males also had significantly more proximal tubule, peritubular capillary and vascular intimal inclusions. Arteriolar hyalinosis was similar, but females had significantly more arterial hyalinosis. Chronic kidney disease stage correlated with arterial and glomerular sclerosis scores. Significant changes, including segmental and global sclerosis, and interstitial fibrosis were seen even in patients with stage 1-2 chronic kidney disease with minimal proteinuria. CONCLUSIONS: The development of a standardized scoring system of both disease-specific lesions, i.e. lipid deposition related, and general lesions of progression, i.e. fibrosis and sclerosis, showed a spectrum of histologic appearances even in early clinical stage of Fabry nephropathy. These findings support the role of kidney biopsy in the baseline evaluation of Fabry nephropathy, even with mild clinical disease. The scoring system will be useful for longitudinal assessment of prognosis and responses to therapy for Fabry nephropathy.


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Introduction: Recent data have suggested that a population of CD4+ CD25high T cells, phenotypically characterized by the expression of CD45RO and CD127, is significantly expanded in stable liver and kidney transplant recipients and represents alloreactive T cells. Induction therapies may have an impact on this alloreactive T cell population. In this study, we prospectively analyzed CD4+ CD25high CD45RO+ CD127high T cells after induction with either thymoglobulin or basiliximab. Patients & methods: A total of twenty-seven kidney transplant recipients were prospectively enrolled; 14 received thymoglobulin induction followed by a 4-day course of steroids with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil ("thymo group"), and 13 received basiliximab induction followed by standard triple immunosuppression (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone) ("BSX group"). Phenotypical analysis by flow cytometry of the expression of CD25, CD45RO and CD127 on peripheral CD4+ T cells was performed at 0, 3 and 6 months after transplantation. Twenty-four healthy subjects (HS) were studied as controls. Results: There were no differences in baseline characteristics between the groups; at 6 months, patient survival (100%), graft survival (100%), serum creatinine (thymo versus BSX group: 129 versus 125 μmol/l) and acute rejection (2/14 versus 2/13) were not significantly different. Thymo induction produced a strong CD4 T cell depletion. As compared to pre-transplantation values, an expansion of the alloreactive T cell population was observed at 3 months in both thymo (mean: from 6.38% to 14.72%) and BSX (from 8.01% to 18.42%) groups. At 6 months, the alloreactive T cell population remained significantly expanded in the thymo group (16.92 ± 2.87%) whereas it tended to decrease in the BSX group (10.22 ± 1.38%). Conclusion: Overall, our results indicate that the expansion of alloreactive T cells occurs rapidly after transplantation in patients receiving either thymo or BSX induction. Whether differences at later timepoints or whether different IS regimens may modify this alloreactive population remains to be studied.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an abundantly expressed proinflammatory cytokine playing a critical role in innate immunity and sepsis and other inflammatory diseases. We examined whether functional MIF gene polymorphisms (-794 CATT(5-8) microsatellite and -173 G/C SNP) were associated with the occurrence and outcome of meningococcal disease in children. The CATT(5) allele was associated with the probability of death predicted by the Pediatric Index of Mortality 2 (P=0.001), which increased in correlation with the CATT(5) copy number (P=0.04). The CATT(5) allele, but not the -173 G/C alleles, was also associated with the actual mortality from meningoccal sepsis [OR 2.72 (1.2-6.4), P=0.02]. A family-based association test (i.e., transmission disequilibrium test) performed in 240 trios with 1 afflicted offspring indicated that CATT(5) was a protective allele (P=0.02) for the occurrence of meningococcal disease. At baseline and after stimulation with Neisseria meningitidis in THP-1 monocytic cells or in a whole-blood assay, CATT(5) was found to be a low-expression MIF allele (P=0.005 and P=0.04 for transcriptional activity; P=0.09 and P=0.09 for MIF production). Taken together, these data suggest that polymorphisms of the MIF gene affecting MIF expression are associated with the occurrence, severity, and outcome of meningococcal disease in children.


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Objectives: Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) is an attractive method for assessing fracture risk because it is portable, inexpensive, without ionizing radiation, and available in areas of the world where DXA is not readily accessible or affordable. However, the diversity of QUS scanners and variability of fracture outcomes measured in different studies is an important obstacle to widespread utilisation of QUS for fracture risk assessment. We aimed in this review to assess the predictive power of heel QUS for fractures considering different characteristics of the association (QUS parameters and fracture outcomes measured, QUS devices, study populations, and independence from DXA-measured bone density).Materials/Methods : We conducted an inverse-variance randomeffects meta-analysis of prospective studies with heel QUS measures at baseline and fracture outcomes in their follow-up. Relative risks (RR) per standard deviation (SD) of different QUS parameters (broadband ultrasound attenuation [BUA], speed of sound &SOS;, stiffness index &SI;, and quantitative ultrasound index [QUI]) for various fracture outcomes (hip, vertebral, any clinical, any osteoporotic, and major osteoporotic fractures) were reported based on study questions.Results : 21 studies including 55,164 women and 13,742 men were included with a total follow-up of 279,124 person-years. All four QUS parameters were associated with risk of different fractures. For instance, RR of hip fracture for 1 SD decrease of BUA was 1.69 (95% CI 1.43-2.00), SOS was 1.96 (95% CI 1.64-2.34), SI was 2.26 (95%CI 1.71-2.99), and QUI was 1.99 (95% CI 1.49-2.67). Validated devices from different manufacturers predicted fracture risks with a similar performance (meta-regression p-values>0.05 for difference of devices). There was no sign of publication bias among the studies. QUS measures predicted fracture with a similar performance in men and women. Meta-analysis of studies with QUS measures adjusted for hip DXA showed a significant and independent association with fracture risk (RR/SD for BUA =1.34 [95%CI 1.22-1.49]).Conclusions : This study confirms that QUS of the heel using validated devices predicts risk of different fracture outcomes in elderly men and women. Further research and international collaborations are needed for standardisation of QUS parameters across various manufacturers and inclusion of QUS in fracture risk assessment tools. Disclosure of Interest : None declared.


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Introduction: Recent data have suggested that a population of CD4+ CD25high T cells, phenotypically characterized by the expression of CD45RO and CD127, is significantly expanded in stable liver and kidney transplant recipients and represents alloreactive T cells. We analyzed this putative new alloreactive cellular marker in various groups of kidney transplant recipients. Patients & methods: Flow cytometry was used to analyze the expression of CD25, CD45RO and CD127 on peripheral CD4+ T cells. Of 73 kidney transplant recipients, 59 had a stable graft function under standard immunosuppressive therapy (IS), 5 had biopsy-proven chronic humoral rejection (CHR), 8 were stable under minimal IS and one was an operationally "tolerant" patient who had discontinued IS for more than 3 years. Sixty-six healthy subjects (HS) were studied as controls. Results: Overall, the alloreactive T cell population was found to be significantly increased in the 73 kidney recipients (mean ± SE: 15.03 ± 1.04% of CD4+ CD25high T cells) compared to HS (5.93 ± 0.39%) (p<0.001). In the 5 patients with CHR, this population was highly expanded (31.33 ± 4.16%), whereas it was comparable to HS in the 8 stable recipients receiving minimal IS (6.12 ± 0.86%), in 4 patients who had been switched to sirolimus (4.21 ± 0.53%) as well as in the unique "tolerant" recipient (4.69%). Intermediate levels (15.84 ± 0.93%) were found in the 55 recipients with stable graft function on standard CNI-based IS. Regulatory T cells, defined as CD4+CD25high FoxP3+ CD127low, were found to be significantly reduced in all recipients except in those with minimal or no IS, and this reduction was particularly striking in recipients with CHR. Conclusion: After kidney transplantation, an alloreactive T cell population was found to be significantly expanded and it correlates with the clinical status of the recipients. Interestingly, in stable patients with minimal (or no) IS as well as in patients on sirolimus, alloreactive T cells were comparable the healthy controls. Measuring circulating CD4+CD25high CD45RO+ CD127high T cells may become a useful monitoring tool after transplantation.


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Tools to predict fracture risk are useful for selecting patients for pharmacological therapy in order to reduce fracture risk and redirect limited healthcare resources to those who are most likely to benefit. FRAX® is a World Health Organization fracture risk assessment algorithm for estimating the 10-year probability of hip fracture and major osteoporotic fracture. Effective application of FRAX® in clinical practice requires a thorough understanding of its limitations as well as its utility. For some patients, FRAX® may underestimate or overestimate fracture risk. In order to address some of the common issues encountered with the use of FRAX® for individual patients, the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) assigned task forces to review the medical evidence and make recommendations for optimal use of FRAX® in clinical practice. Among the issues addressed were the use of bone mineral density (BMD) measurements at skeletal sites other than the femoral neck, the use of technologies other than dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, the use of FRAX® without BMD input, the use of FRAX® to monitor treatment, and the addition of the rate of bone loss as a clinical risk factor for FRAX®. The evidence and recommendations were presented to a panel of experts at the Joint ISCD-IOF FRAX® Position Development Conference, resulting in the development of Joint ISCD-IOF Official Positions addressing FRAX®-related issues.