33 resultados para 360103 Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
Cette thèse porte sur l'élaboration et la mise en pratique de politiques interculturelles dans le champ de la santé internationale, en se basant sur une ethnographie d'un programme de préven¬tion de la violence de genre dans le canton de Loreto, en Amazonie équatorienne, mis en place par la Croix-Rouge suisse et aujourd'hui géré de concert avec l'Etat équatorien et une organisation kichwa locale. Suivant une approche qui fait varier les échelles d'analyses pour articuler le niveau local, national et international, elle met en évidence les lieux d'intersection et les hiatus entre l'idéal d'interculturalité tel qu'il est conçu «par le haut» et les pratiques qui sont mises en oeuvre au quotidien par des professionnels de la santé et du développement métis équatoriens. Elle révèle ainsi qu'au-delà de l'idéal du respect des « différences culturelles autochtones » et de la symétrie entre les « cultures », les discours et les pratiques de ces professionnels consistent en une entreprise de normalisation et de moralisation des comportements des destinataires kichwa en matière de rapports de genre. Pour affiner ces analyses et dépasser une approche critique de la santé publique, cette thèse explore également les représentations et les pratiques des destinataires - femmes agents de santé et « bénéficiaires » kichwa du programme - en matière de violence et de rapports de genre. Elle montre ainsi que le transfert de normes et de valeurs via la santé publique fait l'objet de mul¬tiples processus d'appropriations, et explore les différentes d'interprétations, de négociations et d'instrumentalisations de la part des destinataires, tant au niveau individuel que collectif. -- Intercultural politics and the prevention of violence against kichwa women in the Ecuadorian Amazon This PhD thesis focuses on the development and application of intercultural policies in the field of international health. It is drawn on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted in canton Loreto, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, about a gender violence prevention program which was set up by the Swiss Red Cross and which is now managed in cooperation with the Ecuadorian State and a local kichwa organization. Following a multiple-scale analysis in order to articulate the local, national and international dynamics, it highlights the intersections and the gaps between, on the one hand, the the institutional prescriptions about the ideal of interculturality and on the other hand, the daily practices of Ecuadorian mestizo health and development profesionals. It reveals that beyond the ideal of respect for «indigenous cultural differences» and of symmetry between «cultures», the discourses and practices of these professionals consist of a normalizing and moralizing enter¬prise concerning the gendered and, more broadly, social behaviors of kichwa «beneficiaries». In order to refine the analysis and to go beyond a critical approach of public health, this thesis also explores the violence and gender relations representations and practices of kichwa women health workers and «beneficiaries», men and women. Thus it shows that the transfer of norms via public health is the subject of multiple processes of appropriation, interpretation, negotiation and instru¬mentalisation both on individual and collective levels by the «beneficiaries».
Postanoxic coma after cardiac arrest is one of the most serious acute cerebral conditions and a frequent cause of admission to critical care units. Given substantial improvement of outcome over the recent years, a reliable and timely assessment of clinical evolution and prognosis is essential in this context, but may be challenging. In addition to the classic neurologic examination, EEG is increasingly emerging as an important tool to assess cerebral functions noninvasively. Although targeted temperature management and related sedation may delay clinical assessment, EEG provides accurate prognostic information in the early phase of coma. Here, the most frequently encountered EEG patterns in postanoxic coma are summarized and their relations with outcome prediction are discussed. This article also addresses the influence of targeted temperature management on brain signals and the implication of the evolution of EEG patterns over time. Finally, the article ends with a view of the future prospects for EEG in postanoxic management and prognostication.
This articles describes three models which played a key role in the evolution of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and all the organizations which contribute to the staging of the Olympic Games and constitute the Olympic System, from its beginnings in 1894 to the present day. This evolution and the addition of many stakeholders has increased the complexity of the management of the Olympic System over the years from pure Olympic administration (when the IOC headquarters moved to Lausanne in 1915) to Olympic network governance which must take into consideration more than 24 types of stakeholders, including goverments and intergovernmental organizations.