69 resultados para 3-D INVERSION


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RESUME Les améliorations méthodologiques des dernières décennies ont permis une meilleure compréhension de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Il manque toutefois une méthode qui permette de suivre la progression du chyme le long du tube gastro-intestinal. Pour permettre l'étude de la motilité de tout le tractus digestif humain, une nouvelle technique, peu invasive, a été élaborée au Département de Physiologie, en collaboration avec l'EPFL. Appelée "Magnet Tracking", la technique est basée sur la détection du champ magnétique généré par des matériaux ferromagnétiques avalés. A cet usage, une pilule magnétique, une matrice de capteurs et un logiciel ont été développés. L'objet de ce travail est de démontrer la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinale chez l'Homme par cette méthode. L'aimant est un cylindre (ø 6x7 mm, 0.2 cm3) protégé par une gaine de silicone. Le système de mesure est constitué d'une matrice de 4x4 capteurs et d'un ordinateur portable. Les capteurs fonctionnent sur l'effet Hall. Grâce à l'interface informatique, l'évolution de la position de l'aimant est suivie en temps réel à travers tout le tractus digestif. Sa position est exprimée en fonction du temps ou reproduite en 3-D sous forme d'une trajectoire. Différents programmes ont été crées pour analyser la dynamique des mouvements de l'aimant et caractériser la motilité digestive. Dix jeunes volontaires en bonne santé ont participé à l'étude. L'aimant a été avalé après une nuit de jeûne et son séjour intra digestif suivi pendant 2 jours consécutifs. Le temps moyen de mesure était de 34 heures. Chaque sujet a été examiné une fois sauf un qui a répété sept fois l'expérience. Les sujets restaient en décubitus dorsal, tranquilles et pouvaient interrompre la mesure s'ils le désiraient. Ils sont restés à jeûne le premier jour. L'évacuation de l'aimant a été contrôlée chez tous les sujets. Tous les sujets ont bien supporté l'examen. Le marqueur a pu être détecté de l'oesophage au rectum. La trajectoire ainsi constituée représente une conformation de l'anatomie digestive : une bonne superposition de celle-ci à l'anatomie est obtenue à partir des images de radiologie conventionnelle (CT-scan, lavement à la gastrografine). Les mouvements de l'aimant ont été caractérisés selon leur périodicité, leur amplitude ou leur vitesse pour chaque segment du tractus digestif. Ces informations physiologiques sont bien corrélées à celles obtenues par des méthodes établies d'étude de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Ce travail démontre la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinal chez l'Homme par la méthode de Magnet Tracking. La technique fournit les données anatomiques et permet d'analyser en temps réel la dynamique des mouvements du tube digestif. Cette méthode peu invasive ouvre d'intéressantes perspectives pour l'étude de motilité dans des conditions physiologiques et pathologiques. Des expériences visant à valider cette approche en tant que méthode clinique sont en voie de réalisation dans plusieurs centres en Suisse et à l'étranger. SUMMARY Methodological improvements realised over the last decades have permitted a better understanding of gastrointestinal motility. Nevertheless, a method allowing a continuous following of lumina' contents is still lacking. In order to study the human digestive tract motility, a new minimally invasive technique was developed at the Department of Physiology in collaboration with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The method is based on the detection of magnetic field generated by swallowed ferromagnetic materials. The aim of our work was to demonstrate the feasibility of this new approach to study the human gastrointestinal motility. The magnet used was a cylinder (ø6x7mm, 0.2 cm3) coated with silicon. The magnet tracking system consisted of a 4x4 matrix of sensors based on the Hall effect Signals from the sensors were digitised and sent to a laptop computer for processing and storage. Specific software was conceived to analyse in real time the progression of the magnet through the gastrointestinal tube. Ten young and healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study. After a fasting period of 12 hours, they swallowed the magnet. The pill was then tracked for two consecutive days for 34 hours on average. Each subject was studied once except one who was studied seven times. Every subject laid on his back for the entire experiment but could interrupt it at anytime. Evacuation of the magnet was controlled in all subjects. The examination was well tolerated. The pill could be followed from the esophagus to the rectum. The trajectory of the magnet represented a "mould" of the anatomy of the digestive tube: a good superimposition with radiological anatomy (gastrografin contrast and CT) was obtained. Movements of the magnet were characterized by periodicity, velocity, and amplitude of displacements for every segment of the digestive tract. The physiological information corresponded well to data from current methods of studying gastrointestinal motility. This work demonstrates the feasibility of the new approach in studies of human gastrointestinal motility. The technique allows to correlate in real time the dynamics of digestive movements with the anatomical data. This minimally invasive method is ready for studies of human gastrointestinal motility under physiological as well as pathological conditions. Studies aiming at validation of this new approach as a clinically relevant tool are being realised in several centres in Switzerland and abroad. Abstract: A new minimally invasive technique allowing for anatomical mapping and motility studies along the entire human digestive system is presented. The technique is based on continuous tracking of a small magnet progressing through the digestive tract. The coordinates of the magnet are calculated from signals recorded by 16 magnetic field sensors located over the abdomen. The magnet position, orientation and trajectory are displayed in real time. Ten young healthy volunteers were followed during 34 h. The technique was well tolerated and no complication was encountered, The information obtained was 3-D con-figuration of the digestive tract and dynamics of the magnet displacement (velocity, transit time, length estimation, rhythms). In the same individual, repea-ted examination gave very reproducible results. The anatomical and physiological information obtained corresponded well to data from current methods and imaging. This simple, minimally invasive technique permits examination of the entire digestive tract and is suitable for both research and clinical studies. In combination with other methods, it may represent a useful tool for studies of Cl motility with respect to normal and pathological conditions.


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Insect eggs represent a threat for the plant as hatching larvae rapidly start with their feeding activity. Using a whole-genome microarray, we studied the expression profile of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) leaves after oviposition by two pierid butterflies. For Pieris brassicae, the deposition of egg batches changed the expression of hundreds of genes over a period of 3 d after oviposition. The transcript signature was similar to that observed during a hypersensitive response or in lesion-mimic mutants, including the induction of defense and stress-related genes and the repression of genes involved in growth and photosynthesis. Deposition of single eggs by Pieris rapae caused a similar although much weaker transcriptional response. Analysis of the jasmonic acid and salicylic acid mutants coi1-1 and sid2-1 indicated that the response to egg deposition is mostly independent of these signaling pathways. Histochemical analyses showed that egg deposition is causing a localized cell death, accompanied by the accumulation of callose, and the production of reactive oxygen species. In addition, activation of the pathogenesis-related1::beta-glucuronidase reporter gene correlated precisely with the site of egg deposition and was also triggered by crude egg extract. This study provides molecular evidence for the detection of egg deposition by Arabidopsis plants and suggests that oviposition causes a localized response with strong similarity to a hypersensitive response.


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Introduction: The beneficial effect of physical exercise on bone mineral density (BMD) is at least partly explained by the forces exerted directly on the bones. Male runners present generally higher BMD than sedentary individuals. We postulated that the proximal tibia BMD is related to the running distance as well as to the magnitude of the shocks (while running) in male runners. Methods: A prospective study (three yearly measurements) included 81 healthy male subjects: 16 sedentary lean subjects and three groups of runners (5-30 km/week, n=19; 30-50 km/week, n=29; 50-100 km/week, n=17). Several measurements were performed at the proximal tibia level: volumetric BMD (vBMD), cortical index (CI) i.e. an index of cortical bone thickness and peak accelerations (an index of shocks during heel strike) while running (measured by a 3-D accelerometer). A general linear model assessed the prediction of vBMD or CI by a) simple effects (running distance, peak accelerations, time) and b) interactions (for instance if vBMD prediction by peak acceleration depends on running distance). Results: CI and vBMD a) increase with running distance to reach a plateau over 30 km/wk, b) are positively associated with peak accelerations over 30 km/week. Discussion: Running may be associated with high peak accelerations in order to have beneficial effects on BMD. More important strains are needed to be associated with the same increase in BMD during running sessions of short duration than those of long duration. Conclusion: CI and vBMD are associated with the magnitude of the shocks during heel strike in runners. Key words: Bone mineral density, strains, physical exercise, running distance.


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Abstract : Understanding how biodiversity is distributed is central to any conservation effort and has traditionally been based on niche modeling and the causal relationship between spatial distribution of organisms and their environment. More recently, the study of species' evolutionary history and relatedness has permeated the fields of ecology and conservation and, coupled with spatial predictions, provides useful insights to the origin of current biodiversity patterns, community structuring and potential vulnerability to extinction. This thesis explores several key ecological questions by combining the fields of niche modeling and phylogenetics and using important components of southern African biodiversity. The aims of this thesis are to provide comparisons of biodiversity measures, to assess how climate change will affect evolutionary history loss, to ask whether there is a clear link between evolutionary history and morphology and to investigate the potential role of relatedness in macro-climatic niche structuring. The first part of my thesis provides a fine scale comparison and spatial overlap quantification of species richness and phylogenetic diversity predictions for one of the most diverse plant families in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), the Proteaceae. In several of the measures used, patterns do not match sufficiently to argue that species relatedness information is implicit in species richness patterns. The second part of my thesis predicts how climate change may affect threat and potential extinction of southern African animal and plant taxa. I compare present and future niche models to assess whether predicted species extinction will result in higher or lower V phylogenetic diversity survival than what would be experienced under random extinction processes. l find that predicted extinction will result in lower phylogenetic diversity survival but that this non-random pattern will be detected only after a substantial proportion of the taxa in each group has been lost. The third part of my thesis explores the relationship between phylogenetic and morphological distance in southern African bats to assess whether long evolutionary histories correspond to equally high levels of morphological variation, as predicted by a neutral model of character evolution. I find no such evidence; on the contrary weak negative trends are detected for this group, as well as in simulations of both neutral and convergent character evolution. Finally, I ask whether spatial and climatic niche occupancy in southern African bats is influenced by evolutionary history or not. I relate divergence time between species pairs to climatic niche and range overlap and find no evidence for clear phylogenetic structuring. I argue that this may be due to particularly high levels of micro-niche partitioning. Résumé : Comprendre la distribution de la biodiversité représente un enjeu majeur pour la conservation de la nature. Les analyses se basent le plus souvent sur la modélisation de la niche écologique à travers l'étude des relations causales entre la distribution spatiale des organismes et leur environnement. Depuis peu, l'étude de l'histoire évolutive des organismes est également utilisée dans les domaines de l'écologie et de la conservation. En combinaison avec la modélisation de la distribution spatiale des organismes, cette nouvelle approche fournit des informations pertinentes pour mieux comprendre l'origine des patterns de biodiversité actuels, de la structuration des communautés et des risques potentiels d'extinction. Cette thèse explore plusieurs grandes questions écologiques, en combinant les domaines de la modélisation de la niche et de la phylogénétique. Elle s'applique aux composants importants de la biodiversité de l'Afrique australe. Les objectifs de cette thèse ont été l) de comparer différentes mesures de la biodiversité, 2) d'évaluer l'impact des changements climatiques à venir sur la perte de diversité phylogénétique, 3) d'analyser le lien potentiel entre diversité phylogénétique et diversité morphologique et 4) d'étudier le rôle potentiel de la phylogénie sur la structuration des niches macro-climatiques des espèces. La première partie de cette thèse fournit une comparaison spatiale, et une quantification du chevauchement, entre des prévisions de richesse spécifique et des prédictions de la diversité phylogénétique pour l'une des familles de plantes les plus riches en espèces de la région floristique du Cap (CFR), les Proteaceae. Il résulte des analyses que plusieurs mesures de diversité phylogénétique montraient des distributions spatiales différentes de la richesse spécifique, habituellement utilisée pour édicter des mesures de conservation. La deuxième partie évalue les effets potentiels des changements climatiques attendus sur les taux d'extinction d'animaux et de plantes de l'Afrique australe. Pour cela, des modèles de distribution d'espèces actuels et futurs ont permis de déterminer si l'extinction des espèces se traduira par une plus grande ou une plus petite perte de diversité phylogénétique en comparaison à un processus d'extinction aléatoire. Les résultats ont effectivement montré que l'extinction des espèces liées aux changements climatiques pourrait entraîner une perte plus grande de diversité phylogénétique. Cependant, cette perte ne serait plus grande que celle liée à un processus d'extinction aléatoire qu'à partir d'une forte perte de taxons dans chaque groupe. La troisième partie de cette thèse explore la relation entre distances phylogénétiques et morphologiques d'espèces de chauves-souris de l'Afrique australe. ll s'agit plus précisément de déterminer si une longue histoire évolutive correspond également à des variations morphologiques plus grandes dans ce groupe. Cette relation est en fait prédite par un modèle neutre d'évolution de caractères. Aucune évidence de cette relation n'a émergé des analyses. Au contraire, des tendances négatives ont été détectées, ce qui représenterait la conséquence d'une évolution convergente entre clades et des niveaux élevés de cloisonnement pour chaque clade. Enfin, la dernière partie présente une étude sur la répartition de la niche climatique des chauves-souris de l'Afrique australe. Dans cette étude je rapporte temps de divergence évolutive (ou deux espèces ont divergé depuis un ancêtre commun) au niveau de chevauchement de leurs niches climatiques. Les résultats n'ont pas pu mettre en évidence de lien entre ces deux paramètres. Les résultats soutiennent plutôt l'idée que cela pourrait être I dû à des niveaux particulièrement élevés de répartition de la niche à échelle fine.


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In the assessment of medical malpractice imaging methods can be used for the documentation of crucial morphological findings which are indicative for or against an iatrogenically caused injury. The clarification of deaths in this context can be usefully supported by postmortem imaging (primarily native computed tomography, angiography, magnetic resonance imaging). Postmortem imaging offers significant additional information compared to an autopsy in the detection of iatrogenic air embolisms and documentation of misplaced medical aids before dissection with an inherent danger of relocation. Additional information is supplied by postmortem imaging in the search for sources of bleeding as well as the documentation of perfusion after cardiovascular surgery. Key criteria for the decision to perform postmortem imaging can be obtained from the necessary preliminary inspection of clinical documentation.


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BACKGROUND: APOBEC3G (apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G) has antiretroviral activity associated with the hypermutation of viral DNA through cytosine deamination. APOBEC3G has two cytosine deaminase (CDA) domains; the catalytically inactive amino-terminal domain of APOBEC3G (N-CDA) carries the Vif interaction domain. There is no 3-D structure of APOBEC3G solved by X-ray or nuclear magnetic resonance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We predicted the structure of human APOBEC3G based on the crystal structure of APOBEC2. To assess the model structure, we evaluated 48 mutants of APOBEC3G N-CDA that identify novel variants altering DeltaVif HIV-1 infectivity and packaging of APOBEC3G. Results indicated that the key residue D128 is exposed at the surface of the model, with a negative local electrostatic potential. Mutation D128K changes the sign of that local potential. In addition, two novel functionally relevant residues that result in defective APOBEC3G encapsidation, R122 and W127, cluster at the surface. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The structure model identifies a cluster of residues important for packaging of APOBEC3G into virions, and may serve to guide functional analysis of APOBEC3G.


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The methodology for generating a homology model of the T1 TCR-PbCS-K(d) class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I complex is presented. The resulting model provides a qualitative explanation of the effect of over 50 different mutations in the region of the complementarity determining region (CDR) loops of the T cell receptor (TCR), the peptide and the MHC's alpha(1)/alpha(2) helices. The peptide is modified by an azido benzoic acid photoreactive group, which is part of the epitope recognized by the TCR. The construction of the model makes use of closely related homologs (the A6 TCR-Tax-HLA A2 complex, the 2C TCR, the 14.3.d TCR Vbeta chain, the 1934.4 TCR Valpha chain, and the H-2 K(b)-ovalbumine peptide), ab initio sampling of CDR loops conformations and experimental data to select from the set of possibilities. The model shows a complex arrangement of the CDR3alpha, CDR1beta, CDR2beta and CDR3beta loops that leads to the highly specific recognition of the photoreactive group. The protocol can be applied systematically to a series of related sequences, permitting the analysis at the structural level of the large TCR repertoire specific for a given peptide-MHC complex.


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Abstract Accurate characterization of the spatial distribution of hydrological properties in heterogeneous aquifers at a range of scales is a key prerequisite for reliable modeling of subsurface contaminant transport, and is essential for designing effective and cost-efficient groundwater management and remediation strategies. To this end, high-resolution geophysical methods have shown significant potential to bridge a critical gap in subsurface resolution and coverage between traditional hydrological measurement techniques such as borehole log/core analyses and tracer or pumping tests. An important and still largely unresolved issue, however, is how to best quantitatively integrate geophysical data into a characterization study in order to estimate the spatial distribution of one or more pertinent hydrological parameters, thus improving hydrological predictions. Recognizing the importance of this issue, the aim of the research presented in this thesis was to first develop a strategy for the assimilation of several types of hydrogeophysical data having varying degrees of resolution, subsurface coverage, and sensitivity to the hydrologic parameter of interest. In this regard a novel simulated annealing (SA)-based conditional simulation approach was developed and then tested in its ability to generate realizations of porosity given crosshole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and neutron porosity log data. This was done successfully for both synthetic and field data sets. A subsequent issue that needed to be addressed involved assessing the potential benefits and implications of the resulting porosity realizations in terms of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. This was investigated synthetically assuming first that the relationship between porosity and hydraulic conductivity was well-defined. Then, the relationship was itself investigated in the context of a calibration procedure using hypothetical tracer test data. Essentially, the relationship best predicting the observed tracer test measurements was determined given the geophysically derived porosity structure. Both of these investigations showed that the SA-based approach, in general, allows much more reliable hydrological predictions than other more elementary techniques considered. Further, the developed calibration procedure was seen to be very effective, even at the scale of tomographic resolution, for predictions of transport. This also held true at locations within the aquifer where only geophysical data were available. This is significant because the acquisition of hydrological tracer test measurements is clearly more complicated and expensive than the acquisition of geophysical measurements. Although the above methodologies were tested using porosity logs and GPR data, the findings are expected to remain valid for a large number of pertinent combinations of geophysical and borehole log data of comparable resolution and sensitivity to the hydrological target parameter. Moreover, the obtained results allow us to have confidence for future developments in integration methodologies for geophysical and hydrological data to improve the 3-D estimation of hydrological properties.


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Abstract Telomeres, the natural ends of chromosomes, need to be protected from chromosome end fusions, aberrant homologous recombination and degradation. In humans, chromosome ends are specified through arrays of tandemly repeated 5'-TTAGGG-3' hexamers, ending in a 3' overhang. A complex formed by the six proteins TRF1, TRF2, hRap1, TIN2, TPP1 and POT1 specifically assocìates with and protects telomeres. Telomeres are maintained by semiconservative DNA replication and by a specialized reverse transcriptase, telomerase, that carries an RNA subunit which templates new telomeric repeat synthesis. The telomeric single stranded (ss) DNA binding protein POT1 protects the telomeric 3' overhang and modulates telomerase-mediated telomere elongation. It is possible that POT1 also influences DNA synthesis during semiconservative DNA replication, which is initiated by the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex. The heterotrimeric ss DNA-binding protein RPA plays essential roles during DNA replication. RPA binds to ss DNA with high affinity in order to stabilize ss DNA and facilitate nascent strand synthesis at the replication fork. Here we investigate how the two proteins RPA and POT1 contribute to telomere maintenance by regulating semi-conservative DNA replication and telomerase. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we show that RPA associates with telomeres during S-phase. Analysis of telomere structure in cells shRNA-depleted for RPA and POT1 reveals that loss of RPA and POT1 causes exposure of single-stranded DNA at telomeres, suggestive of incomplete DNA replication. Biochemical experiments using purified recombinant POT1 and RPA show that saturating telomeric oligonucleotides with POT1 or RPA reduces the primase activity of the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex and the overall activity of telomerase. POT1 and RPA also increase the primer extension by DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex and the processivity of telomerase under certain conditions, although POT1 increases the activities to a greater extent than RPA. We propose that POT1 is required for proper replication of the lagging strand of telomeres and that some phenotypes observed in POT1-depleted cells may stern from incomplete DNA replication rather than de-protection of the single-stranded overhang. Résumé Les télomères, les extrémités normales des chromosomes linéaires, doivent être protégés des fusions chromosomiques, d'événements de recombinaison homologue aberrants et de phénomènes de dégradation. Chez l'Homme, les extrémités des chromosomes sont constitués d'ADN double brin répétitif de séquence 5'-TTAGGG-3', d'une extension simple brin 3' sortante et d'un complexe protéique formé des six facteurs TRF1, TRF2, hRap1, TIN2, TPP1 et POT1 qui, s'associant à cette séquence, protègent l'ADN télomèrique. Les télomères sont maintenus par la télomérase, une transcriptase inverse capable d'allonger l'extension 3' sortante télomérique. POT1 lie l'ADN simple brin télomérique et module l'élongation des télomères par la télomérase. POT1 pourrait en théorie également influencer la réplication semi-conservative de l'ADN. L'ADN-polymérase Pal alpha-primase amorce et initie la synthèse d'ADN. Pendant la réplication, l'ADN simple brin est stabilisé par RPA, un complexe hétérotrimèrique qui lie l'ADN simple brin. RPA facilite la synthèse du brin naissant à la fourche de réplication. Ici nous avons étudié comment ces deux protéines qui lient l'ADN simple brin, RPA et POT1, régulent la réplication des télomères par la télomérase et la machinerie classique de réplication de l'ADN. Par immunoprécipitation de chromatine (ChIP), nous montrons que RPA est localisé aux télomères lors de la phase S du cycle cellulaire. De plus, l'analyse de la structure des télomeres indique que !a perte de RPA ou de POT1 conduit à l'apparition d'ADN simple brin télomérique, suggérant une réplication incomplète de l'ADN télomérique in vivo. Par une approche complémentaire biochimique utilisant les protéines POT1 et RPA recombinantes purifiées, nous montrons également que la liaison de POT1 ou de RPA à des oligonucléotides télomériques bloque l'activité primase du complexe polymérase alpha/primase et réduit l'activité télomérase sur ces substrats. En revanche, leur liaison augmente l'activité ADN-polymérase du complexe polymérase alpha/primase, ainsi que fa processivité de la télomérase dans certaines conditions, POT1 étant le plus efficace des deux facteurs. Nous proposons que POT1 est nécessaire à la réplication du brin retardé au niveau des télomères, ce qui suggère que certains phénotypes des cellules déplétés en POT1 puissent résulter d'une réplication incomplète de l'ADN télémétrique plutôt que d'une déprotection de l'extrémité sortante des télomères.


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Four monoclonal antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) have been selected from 32 hybrids that produce antibodies against this antigen, by the criteria of high affinity for CEA and low cross-reactivity with granulocyte glycoprotein(s). The specificity of tumor localization in vivo of the four MAb, and their F(ab')2 and Fab fragments was compared in nude mice bearing grafts of a serially transplanted, CEA-producing, human colon carcinoma. The distribution of radiolabeled MAb and their fragments after intravenous injection was analyzed by direct measurement of radioactivity in tumor and normal organs, as well as by whole-body scanning and by autoradiography of tumor sections. Paired labeling experiments, in which 131I-labeled antibody or fragments and 125I-labeled control IgG are injected simultaneously, were undertaken to determine the relative tumor uptakes of each labeled protein. The tumor antibody uptake divided by that of control IgG defines the specificity index of localization. Tumor antibody uptakes (as compared with the whole mouse), ranging between 7 and 15, and specificity indices ranging between 3.4 and 6.8, were obtained with the four intact MAb at day 4-5 after injection. With F(ab')2 fragments of the four MAb, at day 3, the tumor antibody uptakes ranged between 12 and 24 and the specificity indices between 5.3 and 8.2. With the Fab fragments prepared from the two most promising MAb, the antibody uptakes reached values of 34 and 82 at day 2-3 and the specificity indices were as high as 12 and 19. The scanning results paralleled those obtained by direct measurement of radioactivity. With intact MAb, tumor grafts of 0.5-1 g gave very contrasted positive scans 3 d after injection. Using MAb fragments, tumors of smaller size were detectable earlier. The best results were obtained with Fab fragments of MAb 35, which gave clear detections of tumors weighing only 0.1 g as early as 48 h after injection. Autoradiographs of tumor sections from mice injected with 125I-labeled MAb demonstrated that the radioactivity was localized in the tumor tissues and not in the stromal connective tissue of mouse origin. The highest radioactivity concentration was localized in areas known to contain CEA such as the pseudolumen of glands and the apical side of carcinoma cells. The penetration of radioactivity in the central part of tumor nodules and the pseudolumen appeared to be increased with the use of MAb fragments.


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The high complexity of cortical convolutions in humans is very challenging both for engineers to measure and compare it, and for biologists and physicians to understand it. In this paper, we propose a surface-based method for the quantification of cortical gyrification. Our method uses accurate 3-D cortical reconstruction and computes local measurements of gyrification at thousands of points over the whole cortical surface. The potential of our method to identify and localize precisely gyral abnormalities is illustrated by a clinical study on a group of children affected by 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, compared to control individuals.


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BACKGROUND: The use of robots for gait training in Parkinson disease (PD) is growing, but no evidence points to an advantage over the standard treadmill. METHODS: In this randomized, single-blind controlled trial, participants aged <75 years with early-stage PD (Hoehn-Yahr <3) were randomly allocated to 2 groups: either 30 minutes of gait training on a treadmill or in the Lokomat for 3 d/wk for 4 weeks. Patients were evaluated by a physical therapist blinded to allocation before and at the end of treatment and then at the 3- and 6-month follow-up. The primary outcome measure was the 6-minute walk test. RESULTS: Of 334 screened patients, the authors randomly allocated 30 to receive gait training with treadmill or the Lokomat. At baseline, the 2 groups did not differ. At the 6-month follow-up, both groups had improved significantly in the primary outcome measure (treadmill: mean = 490.95 m, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 448.56-533.34, P = .0006; Lokomat: 458.6 m, 95% CI = 417.23-499.96, P = .01), but no significant differences were found between the 2 groups (P = .53). DISCUSSION: Robotic gait training with the Lokomat is not superior to treadmill training in improving gait performance in patients with PD. Both approaches are safe, with results maintained for up to 6 months.


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Tripping is considered a major cause of fall in older people. Therefore, foot clearance (i.e., height of the foot above ground during swing phase) could be a key factor to better understand the complex relationship between gait and falls. This paper presents a new method to estimate clearance using a foot-worn and wireless inertial sensor system. The method relies on the computation of foot orientation and trajectory from sensors signal data fusion, combined with the temporal detection of toe-off and heel-strike events. Based on a kinematic model that automatically estimates sensor position relative to the foot, heel and toe trajectories are estimated. 2-D and 3-D models are presented with different solving approaches, and validated against an optical motion capture system on 12 healthy adults performing short walking trials at self-selected, slow, and fast speed. Parameters corresponding to local minimum and maximum of heel and toe clearance were extracted and showed accuracy ± precision of 4.1 ± 2.3 cm for maximal heel clearance and 1.3 ± 0.9 cm for minimal toe clearance compared to the reference. The system is lightweight, wireless, easy to wear and to use, and provide a new and useful tool for routine clinical assessment of gait outside a dedicated laboratory.


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To study human T cell migration to human skin in vivo, we grafted severe combined immunodeficient mice with 500-microm thick human skin. Two weeks after grafting, epidermal and dermal structures in the grafts were of human origin. When we intraperitoneally injected grafted mice with clones of the human HUT-78 T cell line derived from a patient with cutaneous T cell lymphoma and Sézary syndrome, we detected in the grafts the rare Vbeta23-Jbeta1.2 T cell receptor transcripts characteristic for the HUT-78 clones. These signals were found 2-6 d after cell injection in about 40% of the grafted and HUT-78 cell injected mice but not in grafts from mice that received no exogenous T cells. In contrast to HUT-78 cells, which only accumulate in low number, grafts topically challenged with nickel sufate in vaseline from mice that were injected with autologous nickel-reactive T cell lines led to massive accumulation of T cells within 3 d. Only scattered T cells accumulated in the skin when grafted mice received vaseline plus T cells, nickel sulfate alone, T cells alone, or nickel sulfate plus an allogeneic nickel-nonreactive T cell clone. When the T cell lines were labeled with the fluorochrome PKH-26 before cell injection, spots of fluorescent label in the size and shape of cells were found in the grafts challenged with nickel. Together, these results clearly demonstrate that human T cells can migrate to human skin in this chimeric human/mouse model.


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A novel laboratory technique is proposed to investigate wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale as a mechanism for seismic attenuation in partially saturated rocks. This technique combines measurements of seismic attenuation in the frequency range from 1 to 100?Hz with measurements of transient fluid pressure as a response of a step stress applied on top of the sample. We used a Berea sandstone sample partially saturated with water. The laboratory results suggest that wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale is dominant in partially saturated samples. A 3-D numerical model representing the sample was used to verify the experimental results. Biot's equations of consolidation were solved with the finite-element method. Wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale was the only attenuation mechanism accounted for in the numerical solution. The numerically calculated transient fluid pressure reproduced the laboratory data. Moreover, the numerically calculated attenuation, superposed to the frequency-independent matrix anelasticity, reproduced the attenuation measured in the laboratory in the partially saturated sample. This experimental?numerical fit demonstrates that wave-induced fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale and matrix anelasticity are the dominant mechanisms for seismic attenuation in partially saturated Berea sandstone.