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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection induces a state of oxidative stress more pronounced than that observed in many other inflammatory diseases. Here, we propose a temporal sequence of events in the HCV-infected cell whereby the primary alteration consists of a release of Ca(2+) from the endoplasmic reticulum, followed by uptake into mitochondria. This ensues successive mitochondrial dysfunction leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species and a progressive metabolic adaptive response. Evidence is provided for a positive feed-back mechanism between alterations of calcium and redox homeostasis. This likely involves deregulation of the mitochondrial permeability transition and induces progressive dysfunction of cellular bioenergetics. Pathogenetic implications of the model and new opportunities for therapeutic intervention are discussed. This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Bioenergetic dysfunction, adaptation and therapy.
Intermittent hypoxic exposure with exercise training is based on the assumption that brief exposure to hypoxia is sufficient to induce beneficial muscular adaptations mediated via hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIF). We previously demonstrated (Mounier et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc 38:1410-1417, 2006) that leukocytes respond to hypoxia with a marked inter-individual variability in HIF-1alpha mRNA. This study compared the effects of 3 weeks of intermittent hypoxic training on hif gene expression in both skeletal muscle and leukocytes. Male endurance athletes (n = 19) were divided into an Intermittent Hypoxic Exposure group (IHE) and a Normoxic Training group (NT) with each group following a similar 3-week exercise training program. After training, the amount of HIF-1alpha mRNA in muscle decreased only in IHE group (-24.7%, P < 0.05) whereas it remained unchanged in leukocytes in both groups. The levels of vEGF(121) and vEGF(165) mRNA in skeletal muscle increased significantly after training only in the NT group (+82.5%, P < 0.05 for vEGF(121); +41.2%, P < 0.05 for vEGF(165)). In leukocytes, only the IHE group showed a significant change in vEGF(165) (-28.2%, P < 0.05). The significant decrease in HIF-1alpha mRNA in skeletal muscle after hypoxic training suggests that transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulations of the hif-1alpha gene are different in muscle and leukocytes.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is defined as an injury of the external female genitalia for cultural or non-therapeutic reasons. FGM is mainly performed in sub-Saharan and Eastern Africa. The western health care systems are confronted with migrants from this cultural background. The aim is to offer information on how to approach this subject. The degree of FGM can vary from excision of the prepuce and clitoris to infibulation. Infections, urinary retention, pain, lesions of neighbouring organs, bleeding, psychological trauma and even death are possible acute complications. The different long-term complications include the risk of reduced fertility and difficulties during labour, which are key arguments against FGM in the migrant community. Paediatricians often have questions on how to approach the subject. With an open, neutral approach and basic knowledge, discussions with parents are constructive. Talking about the newborn, delivery or traditions may be a good starting point. Once they feel accepted, they speak surprisingly openly. FGM is performed out of love for their daughters. We have to be aware of their arguments and fears, but we should also stress the parents' responsibility in taking a health risk for their daughters. It is important to know the family's opinion on FGM. Some may need support, especially against community pressure. As FGM is often performed on newborns or at 4-9 years of age, paediatricians should have an active role in the prevention of FGM, especially as they have repeated close contact with those concerned and medical consequences are the main arguments against FGM.
This article presents a feasibility study with the objective of investigating the potential of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) to estimate the bone age and sex of deceased persons. To obtain virtual skeletons, the bodies of 22 deceased persons with known age at death were scanned by MDCT using a special protocol that consisted of high-resolution imaging of the skull, shoulder girdle (including the upper half of the humeri), the symphysis pubis and the upper halves of the femora. Bone and soft-tissue reconstructions were performed in two and three dimensions. The resulting data were investigated by three anthropologists with different professional experience. Sex was determined by investigating three-dimensional models of the skull and pelvis. As a basic orientation for the age estimation, the complex method according to Nemeskéri and co-workers was applied. The final estimation was effected using additional parameters like the state of dentition, degeneration of the spine, etc., which where chosen individually by the three observers according to their experience. The results of the study show that the estimation of sex and age is possible by the use of MDCT. Virtual skeletons present an ideal collection for anthropological studies, because they are obtained in a non-invasive way and can be investigated ad infinitum.
Western European landscapes have drastically changed since the 1950s, with agricultural intensifications and the spread of urban settlements considered the most important drivers of this land-use/land-cover change. Losses of habitat for fauna and flora have been a direct consequence of this development. In the present study, we relate butterfly occurrence to land-use/land-cover changes over five decades between 1951 and 2000. The study area covers the entire Swiss territory. The 10 explanatory variables originate from agricultural statistics and censuses. Both state as well as rate was used as explanatory variables. Species distribution data were obtained from natural history collections. We selected eight butterfly species: four species occur on wetlands and four occur on dry grasslands. We used cluster analysis to track land-use/land-cover changes and to group communes based on similar trajectories of change. Generalized linear models were applied to identify factors that were significantly correlated with the persistence or disappearance of butterfly species. Results showed that decreasing agricultural areas and densities of farms with more than 10 ha of cultivated land are significantly related with wetland species decline, and increasing densities of livestock seem to have favored disappearance of dry grassland species. Moreover, we show that species declines are not only dependent on land-use/land-cover states but also on the rates of change; that is, the higher the transformation rate from small to large farms, the higher the loss of dry grassland species. We suggest that more attention should be paid to the rates of landscape change as feasible drivers of species change and derive some management suggestions.
SUMMARY: In a randomly selected cohort of Swiss community-dwelling elderly women prospectively followed up for 2.8 +/- 0.6 years, clinical fractures were assessed twice yearly. Bone mineral density (BMD) measured at tibial diaphysis (T-DIA) and tibial epiphysis (T-EPI) using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was shown to be a valid alternative to lumbar spine or hip BMD in predicting fractures. INTRODUCTION: A study was carried out to determine whether BMD measurement at the distal tibia sites of T-EPI and T-DIA is predictive of clinical fracture risk. METHODS: In a predefined representative cohort of Swiss community-dwelling elderly women aged 70-80 years included in the prospective, multi-centre Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture risk (SEMOF) study, fracture risk profile was assessed and BMD measured at the lumbar spine (LS), hip (HIP) and tibia (T-DIA and T-EPI) using DXA. Thereafter, clinical fractures were reported in a bi-yearly questionnaire. RESULTS: During 1,786 women-years of follow-up, 68 clinical fragility fractures occurred in 61 women. Older age and previous fracture were identified as risk factors for the present fractures. A decrease of 1 standard deviation in BMD values yielded a 1.5-fold (HIP) to 1.8-fold (T-EPI) significant increase in clinical fragility fracture hazard ratio (adjusted for age and previous fracture). All measured sites had comparable performance for fracture prediction (area under the curve range from 0.63 [LS] to 0.68 [T-EPI]). CONCLUSION: Fracture risk prediction with BMD measurements at T-DIA and T-EPI is a valid alternative to BMD measurements at LS or HIP for patients in whom these sites cannot be accessed for clinical, technical or practical reasons.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the relationship between infections and functional impairment in nursing home residents. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study (follow-up period, 6 months). SETTING: Thirty-nine nursing homes in western Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1,324 residents aged 65 and older (mean age 85.7; 76.6% female) who agreed to participate, or their proxies, by oral informed consent. MEASUREMENTS: Functional status measured every 3 months. Two different outcomes were used: (a) functional decline defined as death or decreased function at follow-up and (b) functional status score using a standardized measure. RESULTS: At the end of follow-up, mortality was 14.6%, not different for those with and without infection (16.2% vs 13.1%, P=.11). During both 3-month periods, subjects with infection had higher odds of functional decline, even after adjustment for baseline characteristics and occurrence of a new illness (adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=1.6, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.2-2.2, P=.002, and AOR=1.5, 95% CI=1.1-2.0, P=.008, respectively). The odds of decline increased in a stepwise fashion in patients with zero, one, and two or more infections. The analyses predicting functional status score (restricted to subjects who survived) gave similar results. A survival analysis predicting time to first infection confirmed a stepwise greater likelihood of infection in subjects with moderate and severe impairment at baseline than in subjects with no or mild functional impairment at baseline. CONCLUSION: Infections appear to be both a cause and a consequence of functional impairment in nursing home residents. Further studies should be undertaken to investigate whether effective infection control programs can also contribute to preventing functional decline, an important component of these residents' quality of life.
Dietary supplement (DS) use increased rapidly over the last years. However evidence of benefits of many DS for healthy users are scarce and may not equate known risks of overdose, drug interaction and recently discovered negative long-term effects. Therefore this study aimed to investigate perceptions and motivations of DS users in Lausanne, Switzerland. Method A convenience sample was recruited at the entrance of local sales points. Data were collected in on-site semi-structured interviews to assess dietary supplementation habits. Results The 119 participants provided information on 147 users. Among 273 declared products, the majority were mixed products, containing minerals and vitamins (78), mineral products (69), and herbal products (28). 55% of DS users took more than one product simultaneously. Seventy five percent of participants indicated that DS use presents no risk or nearly no risk and about half (49%) of participants did not inform their physician about their consumption. Male participants reported to share this information with their physicians significantly less frequently than female participants (p = 0.008). About half of participants looked for information on potential risks of DS, men significantly more often than women (p=0.001). Discussion According to other studies in the US, our study shows that, in Lausanne (Switzerland), DS are commonly used as mixed products. Risk perception seems generally low among DS users. Implications Physicians should be trained to evaluate patientsʼ health behaviour and needs in order to provide good evidence based information or propose alternatives to DS use.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the mid-term biocompatibility of a new x-shaped implant made of zirconium in an animal model of glaucoma surgery. METHODS: Preoperatively, ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM), intraocular pressure (IOP) and outflow facility (OF) data were acquired. Upon surgery, one eye was chosen randomly to receive an implant, while the other received none. Ten rabbits went through a 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-month follow-up. IOP was measured regularly, UBM performed at 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery. At the end of the follow-up, OF was again measured. Histology sections were analyzed. RESULTS: For both groups IOP control was satisfactory, while OF initially increased at month 1 to resume preoperative values thereafter. Eyes with implants had larger filtration blebs which decreased faster than in eyes without the implant. Drainage vessel density, inflammatory cell number and fibrosis were higher in tissues near the implant. CONCLUSIONS: The zirconium implant initially promoted the positive effects of the surgery (IOP control, OF increase). Nevertheless, after several months, foreign body reactions and fibrosis had occurred on some implants that restrained the early benefit of such a procedure. Modifications of the zirconium implant geometry could enhance the overall success rate.
Ambient vertical flow in long-screen wells: a case study in the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France)
A tritium (H-3) profile was constructed in a long-screened well (LSW) of the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France), and the data were combined with temperature logs to gain insight into the potential effects of the ambient vertical flow (AVF) of water through the well on the natural aquifer stratification. AVF is commonly taken into account in wells located in fracture aquifers or intercepting two different aquifers with distinct hydraulic heads. However, due to the vertical hydraulic gradient of the flow lines intercepted by wells, AVF of groundwater is a common process within any type of aquifer. The detection of 3H in the deeper parts of the studied well ( approximate depth 50m), where H-3-free groundwater is expected, indicates that shallow young water is being transported downwards through the well itself. The temperature logs show a nearly zero gradient with depth, far below the mean geothermal gradient in sedimentary basins. The results show that the age distribution of groundwater samples might be biased in relation to the age distribution in the surroundings of the well. The use of environmental tracers to investigate aquifer properties, particularly in LSWs, is then limited by the effects of the AVF of water that naturally occurs through the well.
BACKGROUND: Prediction of clinical course and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is important. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether clinical scales (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS], Injury Severity Score [ISS], and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II [APACHE II]) or radiographic scales based on admission computed tomography (Marshall and Rotterdam) were associated with intensive care unit (ICU) physiology (intracranial pressure [ICP], brain tissue oxygen tension [PbtO2]), and clinical outcome after severe TBI. METHODS: One hundred one patients (median age, 41.0 years; interquartile range [26-55]) with severe TBI who had ICP and PbtO2 monitoring were identified. The relationship between admission GCS, ISS, APACHE II, Marshall and Rotterdam scores and ICP, PbtO2, and outcome was examined by using mixed-effects models and logistic regression. RESULTS: Median (25%-75% interquartile range) admission GCS and APACHE II without GCS scores were 3.0 (3-7) and 11.0 (8-13), respectively. Marshall and Rotterdam scores were 3.0 (3-5) and 4.0 (4-5). Mean ICP and PbtO2 during the patients' ICU course were 15.5 ± 10.7 mm Hg and 29.9 ± 10.8 mm Hg, respectively. Three-month mortality was 37.6%. Admission GCS was not associated with mortality. APACHE II (P = .003), APACHE-non-GCS (P = .004), Marshall (P < .001), and Rotterdam scores (P < .001) were associated with mortality. No relationship between GCS, ISS, Marshall, or Rotterdam scores and subsequent ICP or PbtO2 was observed. The APACHE II score was inversely associated with median PbtO2 (P = .03) and minimum PbtO2 (P = .008) and had a stronger correlation with amount of time of reduced PbtO2. CONCLUSION: Following severe TBI, factors associated with outcome may not always predict a patient's ICU course and, in particular, intracranial physiology.
Several authors have demonstrated an increased number of mitotic figures in breast cancer resection specimen when compared with biopsy material. This has been ascribed to a sampling artifact where biopsies are (i) either too small to allow formal mitotic figure counting or (ii) not necessarily taken form the proliferating tumor periphery. Herein, we propose a different explanation for this phenomenon. Biopsy and resection material of 52 invasive ductal carcinomas was studied. We counted mitotic figures in 10 representative high power fields and quantified MIB-1 immunohistochemistry by visual estimation, counting and image analysis. We found that mitotic figures were elevated by more than three-fold on average in resection specimen over biopsy material from the same tumors (20±6 vs 6±2 mitoses per 10 high power fields, P=0.008), and that this resulted in a relative diminution of post-metaphase figures (anaphase/telophase), which made up 7% of all mitotic figures in biopsies but only 3% in resection specimen (P<0.005). At the same time, the percentages of MIB-1 immunostained tumor cells among total tumor cells were comparable in biopsy and resection material, irrespective of the mode of MIB-1 quantification. Finally, we found no association between the size of the biopsy material and the relative increase of mitotic figures in resection specimen. We propose that the increase in mitotic figures in resection specimen and the significant shift towards metaphase figures is not due to a sampling artifact, but reflects ongoing cell cycle activity in the resected tumor tissue due to fixation delay. The dwindling energy supply will eventually arrest tumor cells in metaphase, where they are readily identified by the diagnostic pathologist. Taken together, we suggest that the rapidly fixed biopsy material better represents true tumor biology and should be privileged as predictive marker of putative response to cytotoxic chemotherapy.
BACKGROUND: Baseline physical activity data are needed to effectively plan programs and policies to prevent noncommunicable diseases, but for many African countries these data are lacking. PURPOSE: To describe and compare levels and patterns of physical activity among adults across 22 African countries. METHODS: Data from 57,038 individuals from 22 countries (11 national and 11 subnational samples) that participated in the STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (2003-2009) were analyzed in 2010. The validated Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) was used to assess days and duration of physical activity at work, for transport, and during leisure time in a typical week. RESULTS: Overall, 83.8% of men and 75.7% of women met WHO physical activity recommendations (at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week or equivalent). Country prevalence ranged from 46.8% (Mali) to 96.0% (Mozambique). Physical activity, both at work and for transport, including walking, had large contributions to overall physical activity, while physical activity during leisure time was rare in the analyzed countries. CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity levels varied greatly across African countries and population subgroups. Leisure time activity was consistently low. These data will be useful to inform policymakers and to guide interventions to promote physical activity.
Introduction : la Sclérose en plaques (SEP) est le prototype de désordre auto-immun du système nerveux central. Avec environ 110 malades par 100'000 habitants, la Suisse est considérée un pays à haute prévalence. Chez environ 80% des patients, la maladie débute par la forme récurrente- rémittente (RR), où des poussées aiguës s'intercalent avec des périodes de rémission. Cette phase se conclut dans son évolution naturelle généralement en une phase secondairement progressive, pendant laquelle le déficit progresse en l'absence de poussée. Sur le plan physiopathologique, deux phénomènes interagissent : l'atteinte inflammatoire démyélinisante et l'atteinte neurodégénerative. La première est { l'origine des poussées aiguës, la deuxième se manifeste cliniquement par la progression irréversible du déficit neurologique. En Suisse les immunomodulateurs ont été utilisés comme thérapies de fond pour la SEP à partir des années 1995. Leur effet sur le taux de poussées a été largement démontré, tandis que leur efficacité sur l'évolution de la maladie à long terme reste ouverte. Le moyen le plus répandu pour quantifier le niveau du handicap neurologique est la Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Cette échelle évalue les troubles neurologiques en les classifiant de 0 (examen normal) à 10 (décès) avec des marches de demi-points. Notre recherche à voulu identifier des facteurs cliniques précoces { valeur prédictif sur l'évolution du déficit neurologique permanent, ainsi qu'analyser le moment d'introduction du traitement pour extraire des informations utiles { la décision thérapeutique. Méthodes : Exploitation de la base de données iMed-CHUV comptant 1150 patients SEP (dont 622 SEP RR) pour analyser rétrospectivement, dans la SEP RR, l'influence de différentes variables cliniques précoces (taux de poussées pendant les premières deux années de maladie, intervalle entre les deux premières poussées, sévérité et site anatomique de la première poussée, déficit résiduel après la première poussée) et de deux caractéristiques liées { l'instauration du traitement immunosuppresseur de fond (âge et délai d'introduction) sur l'évolution du déficit neurologique vers un score EDSS ≥4.0. Les variables ont été testées avec la méthode d'estimation de taux de survie Kaplan-Meier. Résultats: 349 patients avec SEP RR possédaient les critères nécessaires pour faire partie de l'analyse, le suivi moyen étant de 8.26 ans (SD 4.77). Un taux de poussées élevé pendant les premiers 2 ans (>1 vs ≤1) et un long intervalle entre les 2 premiers épisodes (>36 vs >12-36 vs ≤12) étaient significativement associés au risque de progression du déficit neurologique vers un score EDSS de 4.0 ou plus (log Rank P=0.016 et P=0.008 respectivement). Par contre ni le site anatomique de la première poussée ni l'âge d'introduction du traitement immunomodulateur n'avaient d'influence significative sur la progression du déficit neurologique (log rank P=0.370 et P=0.945 respectivement). Etonnamment une introduction rapide du traitement était associée à une plus forte progression du déficit neurologique (log rank P=0.032), montrant qu'une partie des patients a une évolution bénigne même en l'absence de traitement. Conclusions : L'activité inflammatoire précoce, dont le niveau peut être estimé par indices précoces comme le taux de poussées et l'intervalle entre les deux premières poussées, mais non le site de primo-manifestation prédit la progression ultérieure du déficit neurologique. Ces indices doivent être utilisés en combinaison avec les informations fournies par l'IRM pour l'individuation et le traitement précoce des patients à risque, indépendamment de leur âge. En raison des effets indésirables et des coûts élevés, les thérapies doivent cibler de façon spécifique les classes à risque, et épargner les patients avec évolution lente.
Background and purpose: Decision making (DM) has been defined as the process through which a person forms preferences, selects and executes actions, and evaluates the outcome related to a selected choice. This ability represents an important factor for adequate behaviour in everyday life. DM impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS) has been previously reported. The purpose of the present study was to assess DM in patients with MS at the earliest clinically detectable time point of the disease. Methods: Patients with definite (n=109) or possible (clinically isolated syndrome, CIS; n=56) MS, a short disease duration (mean 2.3 years) and a minor neurological disability (mean EDSS 1.8) were compared to 50 healthy controls aged 18 to 60 years (mean age 32.2) using the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Subjects had to select a card from any of 4 decks (A/B [disadvantageous]; C/D [advantageous]). The game consisted of 100 trials then grouped in blocks of 20 cards for data analysis. Skill in DM was assessed by means of a learning index (LI) defined as the difference between the averaged last three block indexes and first two block indexes (LI=[(BI-3+BI-4+BI-5)/3-(BI-1+B2)/2]). Non parametric tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: LI was higher in the control group (0.24, SD 0.44) than in the MS group (0.21, SD 0.38), however without reaching statistical significance (p=0.7). Interesting differences were detected when MS patients were grouped according to phenotype. A trend to a difference between MS subgroups and controls was observed for LI (p=0.06), which became significant between MS subgroups (p=0.03). CIS patients who confirmed MS diagnosis by presenting a second relapse after study entry showed a dysfunction in the IGT in comparison to the other CIS (p=0.01) and definite MS (p=0.04) patients. In the opposite, CIS patients characterised by not entirely fulfilled McDonald criteria at inclusion and absence of relapse during the study showed an normal learning pattern on the IGT. Finally, comparing MS patients who developed relapses after study entry, those who remained clinically stable and controls, we observed impaired performances only in relapsing patients in comparison to stable patients (p=0.008) and controls (p=0.03). Discussion: These results raise the assumption of a sustained role for both MS relapsing activity and disease heterogeneity (i.e. infra-clinical severity or activity of MS) in the impaired process of decision making.