95 resultados para 13-TY-V2
Damage-inducible defenses in plants are controlled in part by jasmonates, fatty acid-derived regulators that start to accumulate within 30 s of wounding a leaf. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we sought to identify the 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOXs) that initiate wound-induced jasmonate synthesis within a 190-s timeframe in Arabidopsis thaliana in 19 single, double, triple and quadruple mutant combinations derived from the four 13-LOX genes in this plant. All four 13-LOXs were found to contribute to jasmonate synthesis in wounded leaves: among them LOX6 showed a unique behavior. The relative contribution of LOX6 to jasmonate synthesis increased with distance from a leaf tip wound, and LOX6 was the only 13-LOX necessary for the initiation of early jasmonate synthesis in leaves distal to the wounded leaf. Herbivory assays that compared Spodoptera littoralis feeding on the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A lox6A quadruple mutant and the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A triple mutant revealed a role for LOX6 in defense of the shoot apical meristem. Consistent with this, we found that LOX6 promoter activity was strong in the apical region of rosettes. The LOX6 promoter was active in and near developing xylem cells and in expression domains we term subtrichomal mounds.
We evaluated the accuracy of skinfold thicknesses, BMI and waist circumference for the prediction of percentage body fat (PBF) in a representative sample of 372 Swiss children aged 6-13 years. PBF was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. On the basis of a preliminary bootstrap selection of predictors, seven regression models were evaluated. All models included sex, age and pubertal stage plus one of the following predictors: (1) log-transformed triceps skinfold (logTSF); (2) logTSF and waist circumference; (3) log-transformed sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds (logSF2); (4) log-transformed sum of triceps, biceps, subscapular and supra-iliac skinfolds (logSF4); (5) BMI; (6) waist circumference; (7) BMI and waist circumference. The adjusted determination coefficient (R² adj) and the root mean squared error (RMSE; kg) were calculated for each model. LogSF4 (R² adj 0.85; RMSE 2.35) and logSF2 (R² adj 0.82; RMSE 2.54) were similarly accurate at predicting PBF and superior to logTSF (R² adj 0.75; RMSE 3.02), logTSF combined with waist circumference (R² adj 0.78; RMSE 2.85), BMI (R² adj 0.62; RMSE 3.73), waist circumference (R² adj 0.58; RMSE 3.89), and BMI combined with waist circumference (R² adj 0.63; RMSE 3.66) (P < 0.001 for all values of R² adj). The finding that logSF4 was only modestly superior to logSF2 and that logTSF was better than BMI and waist circumference at predicting PBF has important implications for paediatric epidemiological studies aimed at disentangling the effect of body fat on health outcomes.
L'analyse globale (tab. 1) révèle qu'à quelques rares exceptions, la biodiversité s'est notablement appauvrie entre 1900 et 1990. Durant les vingt dernières années, le recul des effectifs de nombreuses espèces et l'érosion de la surface de certains habitats ont pu être ralentis. Dans de rares cas une évolution positive a même été constatée. Ces développements, encourageants en soi, ne se sont toutefois opérés qu'à partir d'un très faible niveau de biodiversité. Sur le Plateau suisse notamment, son état est très préoccupant.Dans l'ensemble, il n'a pas été possible d'enrayer le déclin de la biodiversité; nous n'avons pas encore touché le fond. Selon nos prévisions pour 2020 une tendance générale à la hausse, voire un véritable inversement de tendance, n'est pas possible dans les conditions actuelles (lois, instruments et mesures, respectivement mise en oeuvre de ces outils). La persistance de cet appauvrissement est notamment imputable à l'intensification de l'exploitation agricole des régions de montagne, à l'extension du milieu urbain et à l'accroissement des activités de tourisme et de loisir. A cela s'ajoutent de nouveaux facteurs de menace, tels que l'expansion des espèces invasives et les répercussions directes et indirectes des changements climatiques qui augmenteront encore la pression sur les espèces et les écosystèmes déjà menacés.
La nomenclature des diagnostics est celle de la Classification internationale des maladies (9e révision), utilisée par la Statistique médicale VESKA depuis 1980. Les trois premiers chiffres du code ont été utilisés; seul le premier diagnostic a été retenu.
Purpose Carbon-13 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-MRS) is challenging because of the inherent low sensitivity of 13C detection and the need for radiofrequency transmission at the 1H frequency while receiving the 13C signal, the latter requiring electrical decoupling of the 13C and 1H radiofrequency channels. In this study, we added traps to the 13C coil to construct a quadrature-13C/quadrature-1H surface coil, with sufficient isolation between channels to allow simultaneous operation at both frequencies without compromise in coil performance. Methods Isolation between channels was evaluated on the bench by measuring all coupling parameters. The quadrature mode of the quadrature-13C coil was assessed using in vitro 23Na gradient echo images. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was measured on the glycogen and glucose resonances by 13C-MRS in vitro, compared with that obtained with a linear-13C/quadrature-1H coil, and validated by 13C-MRS in vivo in the human calf at 7T. Results Isolation between channels was better than â^'30 dB. The 23Na gradient echo images indicate a region where the field is strongly circularly polarized. The quadrature coil provided an SNR enhancement over a linear coil of 1.4, in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion It is feasible to construct a double-quadrature 13C-1H surface coil for proton decoupled sensitivity enhanced 13C-NMR spectroscopy in humans at 7T. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Pollution of air, water and soil by industrial chemicals presents a potential health risk to humans. Such chemicals can enter the human body by three routes, namely by inhalation, dermal absorption, and ingestion and in special cases by injection (needle sticks, bites, cuts, etc.). In the workplace, pulmonary and dermal absorption are the main routes of entry, but poor personal hygiene and work habits can result in ingestion that contributes to the dose. Air monitoring provides reliable information on inhalation exposure, and patches can be used to estimate dermal exposure. Local adverse effects, such as skin and eye irritation, or nose and lung irritation, are closely related to the external exposure. Systemic adverse effects, on the other hand, are related to the absorbed amount (dose), or to the level of the pollutant or its metabolite in the target organ. Human biological monitoring is becoming a powerful tool for scientists and policy makers to assess and manage the risk of exposure to chemicals both in the general population and at the workpalce. This chapter will focus on the occupational environment keeping in mind that biological monitoring in humans is a very actual issue in public health politics, in environmental medicine, and in science in general.
The antidiuretic effect of vasopressin is mediated by V2 receptors (V2R) that are located in kidney connecting tubules and collecting ducts. This study provides evidence that V2R signaling is negatively regulated by regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2), a member of the family of RGS proteins. This study demonstrates that (1) RGS2 expression in the kidney is restricted to the vasopressin-sensitive part of the nephron (thick ascending limb, connecting tubule, and collecting duct); (2) expression of RGS2 is rapidly upregulated by vasopressin; (3) the vasopressin-dependent accumulation of cAMP, the principal messenger of V2R signaling, is significantly higher in collecting ducts that are microdissected from the RGS2(-/-) mice compared with their wild-type littermates; and (4) analysis of urine output of mice that were exposed to water restriction followed by acute water loading revealed that RGS2(-/-) mice exhibit an increased renal responsiveness to vasopressin. It is proposed that RGS2 is involved in negative feedback regulation of V2R signaling.
Systemic mastocytoses represent neoplastic proliferations of mast cells. In about 20% of cases systemic mastocytoses are accompanied by clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders, most commonly myeloid neoplasms. A case of systemic mastocytosis carrying the characteristic mutation at codon 816 (D816V) in the KIT gene of mast cells, with two concurrent accompanying clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders, chronic myeloproliferative disease, unclassifiable and precursor B lymphoblastic leukaemia is documented. Both accompanying clonal haematopoietic non-mast cell-lineage disorders carried the wild-type KIT gene, but had a novel t(13;13)(q12;q22) involving the FLT3 locus at 13q12. The chronic myeloproliferative disease, unclassifiable and the precursor B lymphoblastic leukaemia were cured by syngenous stem cell transplantation, but the systemic mastocytosis persisted for more than 10 years. The additional impact of molecular techniques on the correct diagnosis in haematological malignancies is highlighted, and evidence is provided that, apart from internal tandem duplications and mutations, FLT3 can be activated by translocations.