94 resultados para Íícone


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Purpose: To assess the phenotype of patients in a large 3 generation Swiss family with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) due to a novel nonsense mutation Glu20stop in RP2 gene and to correlate with the genotype. Methods: 6 affected patients (1 male, 5 females, age range: 23 - 73 years) were assessed with a complete ophthalmologic examination. All had fundus autofluorescence images, standardised electroretinography, Goldmann visual fields and Optical Coherence Tomography. In addition, medical records of 2 affected male patients were reviewed. Blood sample was taken for molecular analysis. Results: The male patients were severely affected at a young age with early macular involvement. The youngest 23 y old male had also high myopia and vision of less than 0.05 according to Snellen EDTRS chart bilaterally. All 5 female carriers had some degree of rod-cone dystrophy, but no macular involvement. The visual acuity was 1.0 in the younger carriers, while the 73 years old had VA of 0.5. Two females had mild myopia (range -0.75 to -2) and one had anisometropia of 3.5D, with the more severely affected eye being myopic. Three out of 5 female carriers had optic nerve drusen. Conclusions: We report a novel Glu20stop mutation in RP2 gene, which is a rare cause of XLRP. Our description of severe phenotype in male patients with high myopia and early macular atrophy confirms previous reports. Unlike previous reports, all our female carriers had RP, but not macular involvement or high myopia. The identifiable phenotype for RP2-XLRP aids in clinical diagnosis and targeted genetic screening.


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PURPOSE: We characterized the pupil responses that reflect rod, cone, and melanopsin function in a genetically homogeneous cohort of patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). METHODS: Nine patients with Gly56Arg mutation of the NR2E3 gene and 12 control subjects were studied. Pupil and subjective visual responses to red and blue light flashes over a 7 log-unit range of intensities were recorded under dark and light adaptation. The pupil responses were plotted against stimulus intensity to obtain red-light and blue-light response curves. RESULTS: In the dark-adapted blue-light stimulus condition, patients showed significantly higher threshold intensities for visual perception and for a pupil response compared to controls (P = 0.02 and P = 0.006, respectively). The rod-dependent, blue-light pupil responses decreased with disease progression. In contrast, the cone-dependent pupil responses (light-adapted red-light stimulus condition) did not differ between patients and controls. The difference in the retinal sensitivity to blue and red stimuli was the most sensitive parameter to detect photoreceptor dysfunction. Unexpectedly, the melanopsin-mediated pupil response was decreased in patients (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses of patients with NR2E3-associated adRP demonstrated reduced retinal sensitivity to dim blue light under dark adaptation, presumably reflecting decreased rod function. Rod-dependent pupil responses were quantifiable in all patients, including those with non-recordable scotopic electroretinogram, and correlated with the extent of clinical disease. Thus, the chromatic pupil light reflex can be used to monitor photoreceptor degeneration over a larger range of disease progression compared to standard electrophysiology.


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OBJECTIVE: To weight the rod-, cone-, and melanopsin-mediated activation of the retinal ganglion cells, which drive the pupil light reflex by varying the light stimulus wavelength, intensity, and duration. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-three subjects with normal eyes and 3 patients with neuroretinal visual loss. METHODS: A novel stimulus paradigm was developed using either a long wavelength (red) or short wavelength (blue) light given as a continuous Ganzfeld stimulus with stepwise increases over a 2 log-unit range. The pupillary movement before, during, and after the light stimulus was recorded in real time with an infrared illuminated video camera. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The percent pupil contraction of the transient and sustained pupil response to a low- (1 cd/m(2)), medium- (10 cd/m(2)), and high-intensity (100 cd/m(2)) red- and blue-light stimulus was calculated for 1 eye of each subject. From the 43 normal eyes, median and 25th, 75th, 5th, and 95th percentile values were obtained for each stimulus condition. RESULTS: In normal eyes at lower intensities, blue light evoked much greater pupil responses compared with red light when matched for photopic luminance. The transient pupil contraction was generally greater than the sustained contraction, and this disparity was greatest at the lowest light intensity and least apparent with bright (100 cd/m(2)) blue light. A patient with primarily rod dysfunction (nonrecordable scotopic electroretinogram) showed significantly reduced pupil responses to blue light at lower intensities. A patient with achromatopsia and an almost normal visual field showed selective reduction of the pupil response to red-light stimulation. A patient with ganglion cell dysfunction owing to anterior ischemic optic neuropathy demonstrated global loss of pupil responses to red and blue light in the affected eye. CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses that differ as a function of light intensity and wavelength support the hypothesis that selected stimulus conditions can produce pupil responses that reflect phototransduction primarily mediated by rods, cones, or melanopsin. Use of chromatic pupil responses may be a novel way to diagnose and monitor diseases affecting either the outer or inner retina.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Diabetic macular edema represents the main cause of visual loss in diabetic retinopathy. Besides inner blood retinal barrier breakdown, the role of the outer blood retinal barrier breakdown has been poorly analyzed. We characterized the structural and molecular alterations of the outer blood retinal barrier during the time course of diabetes, focusing on PKCζ, a critical protein for tight junction assembly, known to be overactivated by hyperglycemia. METHODS: Studies were conducted on a type2 diabetes Goto-Kakizaki rat model. PKCζ level and subcellular localization were assessed by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. Cell death was detected by TUNEL assays. PKCζ level on specific layers was assessed by laser microdissection followed by Western blotting. The functional role of PKCζ was then evaluated in vivo, using intraocular administration of its specific inhibitor. RESULTS: PKCζ was localized in tight junction protein complexes of the retinal pigment epithelium and in photoreceptors inner segments. Strikingly, in outer segment PKCζ staining was restricted to cone photoreceptors. Short-term hyperglycemia induced activation and delocalization of PKCζ from both retinal pigment epithelium junctions and cone outer segment. Outer blood retinal barrier disruption and photoreceptor cone degeneration characterized long-term hyperglycemia. In vivo, reduction of PKCζ overactivation using a specific inhibitor, restored its tight-junction localization and not only improved the outer blood retinal barrier, but also reduced photoreceptor cell-death. CONCLUSIONS: In the retina, hyperglycemia induced overactivation of PKCζ is associated with outer blood retinal barrier breakdown and photoreceptor degeneration. In vivo, short-term inhibition of PKCζ restores the outer barrier structure and reduces photoreceptor cell death, identifying PKCζ as a potential target for early and underestimated diabetes-induced retinal pathology.


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Des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés dans le domaine de l'intégration quantitative des données géophysique et hydrologique l'échelle locale. Cependant, l'extension à de plus grandes échelles des approches correspondantes constitue encore un défi majeur. Il est néanmoins extrêmement important de relever ce défi pour développer des modèles fiables de flux des eaux souterraines et de transport de contaminant. Pour résoudre ce problème, j'ai développé une technique d'intégration des données hydrogéophysiques basée sur une procédure bayésienne de simulation séquentielle en deux étapes. Cette procédure vise des problèmes à plus grande échelle. L'objectif est de simuler la distribution d'un paramètre hydraulique cible à partir, d'une part, de mesures d'un paramètre géophysique pertinent qui couvrent l'espace de manière exhaustive, mais avec une faible résolution (spatiale) et, d'autre part, de mesures locales de très haute résolution des mêmes paramètres géophysique et hydraulique. Pour cela, mon algorithme lie dans un premier temps les données géophysiques de faible et de haute résolution à travers une procédure de réduction déchelle. Les données géophysiques régionales réduites sont ensuite reliées au champ du paramètre hydraulique à haute résolution. J'illustre d'abord l'application de cette nouvelle approche dintégration des données à une base de données synthétiques réaliste. Celle-ci est constituée de mesures de conductivité hydraulique et électrique de haute résolution réalisées dans les mêmes forages ainsi que destimations des conductivités électriques obtenues à partir de mesures de tomographic de résistivité électrique (ERT) sur l'ensemble de l'espace. Ces dernières mesures ont une faible résolution spatiale. La viabilité globale de cette méthode est testée en effectuant les simulations de flux et de transport au travers du modèle original du champ de conductivité hydraulique ainsi que du modèle simulé. Les simulations sont alors comparées. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que la procédure dintégration des données proposée permet d'obtenir des estimations de la conductivité en adéquation avec la structure à grande échelle ainsi que des predictions fiables des caractéristiques de transports sur des distances de moyenne à grande échelle. Les résultats correspondant au scénario de terrain indiquent que l'approche d'intégration des données nouvellement mise au point est capable d'appréhender correctement les hétérogénéitées à petite échelle aussi bien que les tendances à gande échelle du champ hydraulique prévalent. Les résultats montrent également une flexibilté remarquable et une robustesse de cette nouvelle approche dintégration des données. De ce fait, elle est susceptible d'être appliquée à un large éventail de données géophysiques et hydrologiques, à toutes les gammes déchelles. Dans la deuxième partie de ma thèse, j'évalue en détail la viabilité du réechantillonnage geostatique séquentiel comme mécanisme de proposition pour les méthodes Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) appliquées à des probmes inverses géophysiques et hydrologiques de grande dimension . L'objectif est de permettre une quantification plus précise et plus réaliste des incertitudes associées aux modèles obtenus. En considérant une série dexemples de tomographic radar puits à puits, j'étudie deux classes de stratégies de rééchantillonnage spatial en considérant leur habilité à générer efficacement et précisément des réalisations de la distribution postérieure bayésienne. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, malgré sa popularité, le réechantillonnage séquentiel est plutôt inefficace à générer des échantillons postérieurs indépendants pour des études de cas synthétiques réalistes, notamment pour le cas assez communs et importants où il existe de fortes corrélations spatiales entre le modèle et les paramètres. Pour résoudre ce problème, j'ai développé un nouvelle approche de perturbation basée sur une déformation progressive. Cette approche est flexible en ce qui concerne le nombre de paramètres du modèle et lintensité de la perturbation. Par rapport au rééchantillonage séquentiel, cette nouvelle approche s'avère être très efficace pour diminuer le nombre requis d'itérations pour générer des échantillons indépendants à partir de la distribution postérieure bayésienne. - Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale. However, extending corresponding approaches beyond the local scale still represents a major challenge, yet is critically important for the development of reliable groundwater flow and contaminant transport models. To address this issue, I have developed a hydrogeophysical data integration technique based on a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation procedure that is specifically targeted towards larger-scale problems. The objective is to simulate the distribution of a target hydraulic parameter based on spatially exhaustive, but poorly resolved, measurements of a pertinent geophysical parameter and locally highly resolved, but spatially sparse, measurements of the considered geophysical and hydraulic parameters. To this end, my algorithm links the low- and high-resolution geophysical data via a downscaling procedure before relating the downscaled regional-scale geophysical data to the high-resolution hydraulic parameter field. I first illustrate the application of this novel data integration approach to a realistic synthetic database consisting of collocated high-resolution borehole measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities and spatially exhaustive, low-resolution electrical conductivity estimates obtained from electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The overall viability of this method is tested and verified by performing and comparing flow and transport simulations through the original and simulated hydraulic conductivity fields. The corresponding results indicate that the proposed data integration procedure does indeed allow for obtaining faithful estimates of the larger-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and reliable predictions of the transport characteristics over medium- to regional-scale distances. The approach is then applied to a corresponding field scenario consisting of collocated high- resolution measurements of the electrical conductivity, as measured using a cone penetrometer testing (CPT) system, and the hydraulic conductivity, as estimated from electromagnetic flowmeter and slug test measurements, in combination with spatially exhaustive low-resolution electrical conductivity estimates obtained from surface-based electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The corresponding results indicate that the newly developed data integration approach is indeed capable of adequately capturing both the small-scale heterogeneity as well as the larger-scale trend of the prevailing hydraulic conductivity field. The results also indicate that this novel data integration approach is remarkably flexible and robust and hence can be expected to be applicable to a wide range of geophysical and hydrological data at all scale ranges. In the second part of my thesis, I evaluate in detail the viability of sequential geostatistical resampling as a proposal mechanism for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods applied to high-dimensional geophysical and hydrological inverse problems in order to allow for a more accurate and realistic quantification of the uncertainty associated with the thus inferred models. Focusing on a series of pertinent crosshole georadar tomographic examples, I investigated two classes of geostatistical resampling strategies with regard to their ability to efficiently and accurately generate independent realizations from the Bayesian posterior distribution. The corresponding results indicate that, despite its popularity, sequential resampling is rather inefficient at drawing independent posterior samples for realistic synthetic case studies, notably for the practically common and important scenario of pronounced spatial correlation between model parameters. To address this issue, I have developed a new gradual-deformation-based perturbation approach, which is flexible with regard to the number of model parameters as well as the perturbation strength. Compared to sequential resampling, this newly proposed approach was proven to be highly effective in decreasing the number of iterations required for drawing independent samples from the Bayesian posterior distribution.


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Purpose: To assess the clinical phenotype in two consanguineous Tunisian families with non syndromic autosomic recessive retinitis Pigmentosa (arRP) caused by an USH2A mutation.Methods: All accessible members of family A and B were included and underwent full ophthalmic examination with best corrected Snellen visual acuity, kinetic visual field testing, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography and full field electroretinography. Haplotype analyses were used to test linkage in the families to 20 arRP loci, including ABCA4, LRAT, USH2A, RP29, CERKL, CNGA1, CNGB1, CRB1, EYS, RP28, MERTK, NR2E3, PDE6A, PDE6B, RGR, RHO, RLBP1, TULP1. In addition, index patients were sent to AsperOphthalmics for arRP mutation screening.Results: Twenty three patients from the two families were ascertained for the study. Eight of the 23 members were clinically affected with arRP without hearing loss. Age range at baseline was 35 to 63 years (mean age was 46.5 years). For all affected members, night blindness appeared during the second decade. Visual acuity at baseline ranged from 20/50 to 20/32. Kinetic visual field was severely constricted. Fundus examination revealed typical RP changes with bone spicule-shaped pigment deposits in the mid periphery along with atrophy of the retina, narrowing of the vessels and waxy optic discs. Tomograms showed a thinning and even loss the outer nuclear layer of the fovea. ERG was unrecordable in scotopic conditions and the cone responses were markedly hypovolted. Haplotype analysis did not reveal any homozygosity. Screening at AsperOphthalmis showed a compound heterozygous [p.A1953G]+[p.I5126T] in family A and [p.G713R]+[p.W4149R] in family B.Conclusions: For these families, changes were typical of those that have been described in patients with moderate to severe forms of non syndromic recessive RP. Our findings support the need to consider possible involvement of USH2A not only in patients with Usher syndrome but also in patients with non syndromc arRP. Despite consanguinity, the presence of non-homozygous mutants illustrates the complexity of molecular analysis.


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Collagen nerve guides are used clinically for peripheral nerve defects, but their use is generally limited to lesions up to 3 cm. In this study we combined collagen conduits with cells as an alternative strategy to support nerve regeneration over longer gaps. In vitro cell adherence to collagen conduits (NeuraGen(®) nerve guides) was assessed by scanning electron microscopy. For in vivo experiments, conduits were seeded with either Schwann cells (SC), SC-like differentiated bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (dMSC), SC-like differentiated adipose-derived stem cells (dASC) or left empty (control group), conduits were used to bridge a 1cm gap in the rat sciatic nerve and after 2-weeks immunohistochemical analysis was performed to assess axonal regeneration and SC infiltration. The regenerative cells showed good adherence to the collagen walls. Primary SC showed significant improvement in distal stump sprouting. No significant differences in proximal regeneration distances were noticed among experimental groups. dMSC and dASC-loaded conduits showed a diffuse sprouting pattern, while SC-loaded showed an enhanced cone pattern and a typical sprouting along the conduits walls, suggesting an increased affinity for the collagen type I fibrillar structure. NeuraGen(®) guides showed high affinity of regenerative cells and could be used as efficient vehicle for cell delivery. However, surface modifications (e.g. with extracellular matrix molecule peptides) of NeuraGen(®) guides could be used in future tissue-engineering applications to better exploit the cell potential.


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Purpose: Animal models are essential to study pathological mechanisms and to test new therapeutic strategies. Many mouse models mimic human rod loss but only a limited number simulate cone dystrophies. The importance of cone function for human vision highlights the need to engineer a model for cone degeneration. An approach of lentiviral-directed transgenesis was tested in mice to express a dominant mutant gene described in a human cone dystrophy.Methods: Lentiviral vectors (LV) encoding either hrGFPII or the human double mutant GUCY2DE837D/R838S cDNA under the control of a region of the pig arrestin-3 promoter (Arr3) were produced and used for lentiviral-derived transgenesis. PCR-genotyping determined the transgenic mouse ratio. The expression of GFP was then analyzed both in vivo and by immunohistochemistry in Arr3-GFPII mice. Functional analysis was performed by ERG at 5, 9, 16 and 24 weeks for Arr3-GUCY2DE837D/R838S mice. Mice were sacrificed at 10 months of age for both histological analysis and RNA extraction.Results: While all the newborns from the transgenesis using the LV-Arr3-GFPII were transgenic, one third of the newborns from the LV-Arr3-GUCY2DE837D/R838S transgenesis were positive. Expression of GFPII was demonstrated by in vivo imaging, while expression of the mutant GUCY2D transcript was detetected using RT-PCR. No severe alteration of the functional response was observed up to 24 weeks of age in the transgenic mice. No obvious modification of the retinal morphology was identified either.Conclusions: Lentiviral-directed transgenesis is a rapid and straightforward method to engineer transgenic mice. Protein expression can be specifically targeted to the retina and thus could help to study the effect of expression of dominant mutant proteins. In our case, Arr3-GUCY2DE837D/R838S mice have a less severe phenotype than that described for human patients. Further analyses are required to understand this difference but several modifications of the expression cassette might also help to increase the expression of the mutant protein and reinforce the phenotype. Interestingly, the same construct is less effective in mouse versus pig retina (see Arsenijevic et al. ARVO 2011 abstract).


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Purpose: To assess the clinical phenotype in two consanguineous Tunisian families with non syndromic autosomic recessive retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) caused by a PDE6A and PDE6B mutations.Methods: All accessible familiy members were included. Affected members from each family underwent full ophthalmic examination with best corrected Snellen visual acuity, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography and full field electroretinography. Haplotype analyses were used to test linkage in the family to 20 arRP loci, including ABCA4, LRAT, USH2A, RP29, CERKL, CNGA1, CNGB1, CRB1, EYS, RP28, MERTK, NR2E3, PDE6A, PDE6B, RGR, RHO, RLBP1, TULP1. All exons and intron-exon junctions of candidate genes not excluded by haplotype analysis were PCR amplified and directly sequenced.Results: Two family members were clinically affected with arRP in each pedigree. Age range at baseline was 43 to 54 years (mean age at baseline was 48 years). For all affected members, night blindness appeared since early childhood (at 4-5 years old) without nystagmus but with a severe progression and mild to severe loss of central vision at the second decade. Visual acuity at baseline ranged from 20/500 to 20/63. Kinetic visual field was severely constricted for one patient and unrealizable for the others. Funduscopic examination revealed bone spicule-shaped pigment deposits in the mid periphery along with atrophy of the retina, narrowing of the vessels and waxy optic discs. Tomograms showed macular atrophy in both cases of family A, and macular edema in the patients of family B. ERG showed a loss of both rod and cone responses. Haplotype analysis revealed homozygosity for microsatellites markers flanking PDE6A and PDE6B in family A and B, respectively. Sequencing of PDE6A in family A showed a homozygous R102S mutation. In family B, sequencing identified a D600N homozygous mutation. Both mutations cosegregated within each respective pedigree.Conclusions: For these families, affected members developed a severe form of non syndromic arRP. The two reported mutations have already been described. Our data further contribute to our understanding of genotype-phenotype correlations.


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The recent discovery of melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells that mediate the pupil light reflex has provided new insights into how the pupil responds to different properties of light. These ganglion cells are unique in their ability to transduce light into electrical energy. There are parallels between the electrophysiologic behavior of these cells in primates and the clinical pupil response to chromatic stimuli. Under photopic conditions, a red light stimulus produces a pupil constriction mediated predominantly by cone input via trans-synaptic activation of melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells, whereas a blue light stimulus at high intensity produces a steady-state pupil constriction mediated primarily by direct intrinsic photoactivation of the melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells. Preliminary data in humans suggest that under photopic conditions, cones primarily drive the transient phase of the pupil light reflex, whereas intrinsic activation of the melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells contributes heavily to sustained pupil constriction. The use of chromatic light stimuli to elicit transient and sustained pupil light reflexes may become a clinical pupil test that allows differentiation between disorders affecting photoreceptors and those affecting retinal ganglion cells.


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A dual-channel electrospray microchip has been developed for electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) where aqueous samples are mixed at the Taylor cone with an organic buffer. Due to the fast and effective mixing in the Taylor cone, the aqueous sample can be well ionized with a high ion intensity. The influence of geometric parameters such as the distance between the two microchannels at their junction at the tip of the emitter has been investigated together with chemical parameters such as the organic buffer composition.


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Jalili syndrome denotes a recessively inherited combination of an eye disease (cone-rod dystrophy) and a dental disorder (amelogenesis imperfecta), which is caused by mutations in the CNNM4 gene. Whereas the ophthalmic consequences of these mutations have been studied comprehensively, the dental phenotype has obtained less attention. A defective transport of magnesium ions by the photoreceptors of the retina is assumed to account for the progressive visual impairment. Since magnesium is also incorporated in the mineral of dental hard tissues, we hypothesized that magnesium concentrations in defective enamel resulting from mutations in CNNM4 would be abnormal, if a similar deficiency of magnesium transport also accounted for the amelogenesis imperfecta. Thus, a detailed analysis of the dental hard tissues was performed in two boys of Kosovan origin affected by Jalili syndrome. Retinal dystrophy of the patients was diagnosed by a comprehensive eye examination and full-field electroretinography. A mutational analysis revealed a c.1312 dupC homozygous mutation in CNNM4, a genetic defect which had already been identified in other Kosovan families and putatively results in loss-of-function of the protein. The evaluation of six primary teeth using light and scanning electron microscopy as well as energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed that dental enamel was thin and deficient in mineral, suggesting a hypoplastic/hypomineralized type of amelogenesis imperfecta. The reduced mineral density of enamel was accompanied by decreased amounts of calcium, but significantly elevated levels of magnesium. In dentin, however, a similar mineral deficiency was associated with reduced magnesium and normal calcium levels. It is concluded that the c.1312 dupC mutation of CNNM4 results in mineralization defects of both enamel and dentin, which are associated with significantly abnormal magnesium concentrations. Thus, we could not disprove the hypothesis that a disrupted magnesium transport is involved in the development of the dental abnormalities observed in Jalili syndrome.


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Like numerous torrents in mountainous regions, the Illgraben creek (canton of Wallis, SW Switzerland) produces almost every year several debris flows. The total area of the active catchment is only 4.7 km², but large events ranging from 50'000 to 400'000 m³ are common (Zimmermann 2000). Consequently, the pathway of the main channel often changes suddenly. One single event can for instance fill the whole river bed and dig new several-meters-deep channels somewhere else (Bardou et al. 2003). The quantification of both, the rhythm and the magnitude of these changes, is very important to assess the variability of the bed's cross section and long profile. These parameters are indispensable for numerical modelling, as they should be considered as initial conditions. To monitor the channel evolution an Optech ILRIS 3D terrestrial laser scanner (LIDAR) was used. LIDAR permits to make a complete high precision 3D model of the channel and its surroundings by scanning it from different view points. The 3D data are treated and interpreted with the software Polyworks from Innovmetric Software Inc. Sequential 3D models allow for the determination of the variation in the bed's cross section and long profile. These data will afterwards be used to quantify the erosion and the deposition in the torrent reaches. To complete the chronological evolution of the landforms, precise digital terrain models, obtained by high resolution photogrammetry based on old aerial photographs, will be used. A 500 m long section of the Illgraben channel was scanned on 18th of August 2005 and on 7th of April 2006. These two data sets permit identifying the changes of the channel that occurred during the winter season. An upcoming scanning campaign in September 2006 will allow for the determination of the changes during this summer. Preliminary results show huge variations in the pathway of the Illgraben channel, as well as important vertical and lateral erosion of the river bed. Here we present the results of a river bank on the left (north-western) flank of the channel (Figure 1). For the August 2005 model the scans from 3 viewpoints were superposed, whereas the April 2006 3D image was obtained by combining 5 separate scans. The bank was eroded. The bank got eroded essentially on its left part (up to 6.3 m), where it is hit by the river and the debris flows (Figures 2 and 3). A debris cone has also formed (Figure 3), which suggests that a part of the bank erosion is due to shallow landslides. They probably occur when the river erosion creates an undercut slope. These geometrical data allow for the monitoring of the alluvial dynamics (i.e. aggradation and degradation) on different time scales and the influence of debris flows occurrence on these changes. Finally, the resistance against erosion of the bed's cross section and long profile will be analysed to assess the variability of these two key parameters. This information may then be used in debris flow simulation.


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Purpose:We analyzed the transcriptional activity of disease-causing NR2E3 mutant proteins in a heterologous system. NR2E3 belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily of transcription factors, characterized by evolutionary-conserved DNA-binding (DBD) and ligand-binding (LBD) domains. NR2E3 acts in concert with the transcription factors CRX and NRL to repress cone-specific genes and activate rod-specific genes in rod photoreceptors. During development, NR2E3 is also required to suppress cone cell generation from retinal progenitor cells. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively inherited enhanced short wavelength sensitive (S-) cone syndrome (ESCS), the Goldman-Favre syndrome, and, more recently, with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). Methods:The different NR2E3 mutants were generated by QuickChangeR mutagenesis and analyzed by transfection in heterologous HEK293T cells. Results:In transactivation assays in HEK293T cells, the adRP-linked p.G56R mutant protein exhibited a more severe effect both in activation of a rhodopsin promoter reporter construct and in repression of M-opsin promoter reporter construct, than the ESCS-linked R76Q, R76W, G88V, R97H, R104Q, R104W mutants of the DBD. In contrast, the ESCS-linked p.R311Q mutant of the LBD behaved like the NR2E3 wild-type protein in these assays. By co-expressing the corepressors atrophin-1 and -2, a differential repression of the M-opsin promoter was observed in presence of the p.R311Q, p.R385P and p.M407K. Interestingly, corepressor expression also affected the activity of CRX, but not NRL, in both rhodopsin and M-opsin transactivation assays. Conclusions:Taken together, these in vitro results suggest a distinct disease mechanism for the adRP-linked mutation, but open the possibility of different mechanisms for the development of ESCS that is clinically characterized by important phenotypic variations.


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BACKGROUND: Retinal dystrophies (RD) are a group of hereditary diseases that lead to debilitating visual impairment and are usually transmitted as a Mendelian trait. Pathogenic mutations can occur in any of the 100 or more disease genes identified so far, making molecular diagnosis a rather laborious process. In this work we explored the use of whole exome sequencing (WES) as a tool for identification of RD mutations, with the aim of assessing its applicability in a diagnostic context. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We ascertained 12 Spanish families with seemingly recessive RD. All of the index patients underwent mutational pre-screening by chip-based sequence hybridization and resulted to be negative for known RD mutations. With the exception of one pedigree, to simulate a standard diagnostic scenario we processed by WES only the DNA from the index patient of each family, followed by in silico data analysis. We successfully identified causative mutations in patients from 10 different families, which were later verified by Sanger sequencing and co-segregation analyses. Specifically, we detected pathogenic DNA variants (∼50% novel mutations) in the genes RP1, USH2A, CNGB3, NMNAT1, CHM, and ABCA4, responsible for retinitis pigmentosa, Usher syndrome, achromatopsia, Leber congenital amaurosis, choroideremia, or recessive Stargardt/cone-rod dystrophy cases. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Despite the absence of genetic information from other family members that could help excluding nonpathogenic DNA variants, we could detect causative mutations in a variety of genes known to represent a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes in 83% of the patients analyzed. Considering the constant drop in costs for human exome sequencing and the relative simplicity of the analyses made, this technique could represent a valuable tool for molecular diagnostics or genetic research, even in cases for which no genotypes from family members are available.