453 resultados para Politiques à enjeux élevés
Alors que les politiques environnementales se sont développées de manière exponentielle ces dernières décennies, les problèmes demeurent. C'est que l'adoption d'une règle ne constitue jamais une fin en soi. Encore faut-il, pour qu'elle produise ses effets, que les acteurs se l'approprient, la traduisent comme une prescription au niveau de l'action. Or ce processus d'appropriation, loin d'être automatique, est émaillé de rapports de force et d'arrangements, de stratégies complémentaires ou concurrentes. Tous les acteurs ne poursuivent dans ce cadre pas des objectifs de concrétisation, certains cherchant au contraire à contourner ou à instrumentaliser les règles, à atténuer leurs effets ou à favoriser des solutions sur mesure. Il y a, clairement, une distance de la règle à l'action. Le présent ouvrage met en lumière la dimension politique de ces processus à travers le développement du concept de stratégies d'activation du droit. Relevant autant de démarches de concrétisation que de logiques alternatives (passivité, détournement, contournement, innovation), elles sont placées au coeur de la réflexion. Au final, le propos souligne l'intérêt d'une approche moins managériale de la mise en oeuvre. Les stratégies d'activation contribuent à mettre en évidence un répertoire très fin de jeux d'acteurs, à systématiser une analyse actorielle souvent réduite au minimum en raison de la difficulté à en rendre compte. L'ouvrage apporte en ce sens une véritable plus-value à l'analyse des politiques publiques.
AIM: In the past few years, spectacular progress in neuroscience has led to the emergence of a new interdisciplinary field, the so-called "neurolaw" whose goal is to explore the effects of neuroscientific discoveries on legal proceedings and legal rules and standards. In the United States, a number of neuroscientific researches are designed specifically to explore legally relevant topics and a case-law has already been developed. In Europe, neuroscientific evidence is increasingly being used in criminal courtrooms, as part of psychiatric testimony, nourishing the debate about the legal implications of brain research in psychiatric-legal settings. Though largely debated, up to now the use of neuroscience in legal contexts had not specifically been regulated by any legislation. In 2011, with the new bioethics law, France has become the first country to admit by law the use of brain imaging in judicial expertise. According to the new law, brain imaging techniques can be used only for medical purposes, or scientific research, or in the context of judicial expertise. This study aims to give an overview of the current state of the neurolaw in the US and Europe, and to investigate the ethical issues raised by this new law and its potential impact on the rights and civil liberties of the offenders. METHOD: An overview of the emergence and development of "neurolaw" in the United States and Europe is given. Then, the new French law is examined in the light of the relevant debates in the French parliament. Consequently, we outline the current tendencies in Neurolaw literature to focus on assessments of responsibility, rather than dangerousness. This tendency is analysed notably in relation to the legal context relevant to criminal policies in France, where recent changes in the legislation and practice of forensic psychiatry show that dangerousness assessments have become paramount in the process of judicial decision. Finally, the potential interpretations of neuroscientific data introduced into psychiatric testimonies by judges are explored. RESULTS: The examination of parliamentary debates showed that the new French law allowing neuroimaging techniques in judicial expertise was introduced in the aim to provide a legal framework that would protect the subject against potential misuses of neuroscience. The underlying fear above all, was that this technology be used as a lie detector, or as a means to predict the subject's behaviour. However, the possibility of such misuse remains open. Contrary to the legislator's wish, the defendant is not fully guaranteed against uses of neuroimaging techniques in criminal courts that would go against their interests and rights. In fact, the examination of the recently adopted legislation in France shows that assessments of dangerousness and of risk of recidivism have become central elements of the criminal policy, which makes it possible, if not likely that neuroimaging techniques be used for the evaluation of the dangerousness of the defendant. This could entail risks for the latter, as judges could perceive neuroscientific data as hard evidence, more scientific and reliable than the soft data of traditional psychiatry. If such neuroscientific data are interpreted as signs of potential dangerousness of a subject rather than as signs of criminal responsibility, defendants may become subjected to longer penalties or measures aiming to ensure public safety in the detriment of their freedom. CONCLUSION: In the current context of accentuated societal need for security, the judge and the expert-psychiatrist are increasingly asked to evaluate the dangerousness of a subject, regardless of their responsibility. Influenced by this policy model, the judge might tend to use neuroscientific data introduced by an expert as signs of dangerousness. Such uses, especially when they subjugate an individual's interest to those of society, might entail serious threats to an individual's freedom and civil liberties.
Comment mener une recherche historique dans un monde mis en données?
Durant des années, les femmes ont été sous-représentées dans les études cliniques. Or, de nombreuses molécules n'ont pas le même effet chez les hommes et les femmes, en raison de différences pharmacodynamiques et pharmacocinétiques. Il en découle un manque d'informations sur les effets thérapeutiques ou indésirables des substances mais aussi, plus généralement, une moins bonne connaissance des pathologies chez les femmes et une prise en charge plus souvent sous-optimale.La sous-représentation est due à divers facteurs, allant de la perception des femmes au sein de la société à des enjeux éthiques vis-à-vis de la grossesse. L'importance d'inclure suffisamment de femmes comme sujets d'études nécessite ainsi une prise de conscience médicale et également sociale ; elle devra s'accompagner de changements entre autres politiques ou législatifs. For years, women were underrepresented in clinical studies. But the effect of many drugs differ among women and men, due to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences. As a result, there is a lack of information on therapeutic or adverse effets of drugs and, more generally, a lack of knowledge on diseases, leading more frequently to sub-optimal medical care in women. This underrepresentation is due to various factors, including the social role of women or ethical issues about pregnancy. The need for adequate representation of women in clinical studies is a social as well as medical concern, that implies political and legal changes.