432 resultados para Brain--Tumors
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36 amino acid peptide known to inhibit glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. NPY has recently been shown to be synthetized within rat islets of Langerhans and to be secreted in a differentiated rat insulin-secreting cell line, and as to this date the localization of NPY in human endocrine pancreas has not been reported. As NPY shares high amino acid sequence homology with peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP), the polyclonal antibodies raised against these peptides often cross-react with each other. To demonstrate the presence of NPY in the human endocrine pancreas, we used a highly specific monoclonal antibody raised against NPY and another against its C-flanking peptide (CPON). We studied three cases of hyperplasia of Langerhans islets and 11 cases of endocrine tumors of the pancreas. NPY and CPON were detected in all three cases of hyperplasia. For the 11 pancreatic tumors, five and nine of the tumors were positive for the antibodies NPY and CPON, respectively. The two negative tumors for CPON immunoreactivity were differentiated insulinomas, which showed no evidence of other hormonal secretion. In normal Langerhans islet, NPY and CPON immunoreactivities were colocalized in glucagon-producing cells (alpha-cells) and in a few insulin-secreting cell (beta-cells).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms frequently occur in subjects with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While there is evidence that both ADHD and ASD have differential structural correlates, no study to date has investigated these structural correlates within a framework that robustly accounts for the phenotypic overlap between the two disorders. The presence of ASD symptoms was measured by the parent-reported Children's Social and Behavioural Questionnaire (CSBQ) in ADHD subjects (n = 180), their unaffected siblings (n = 118) and healthy controls (n = 146). ADHD symptoms were assessed by a structured interview (K-SADS-PL) and the Conners' ADHD questionnaires. Whole brain T1-weighted MPRAGE images were acquired and the structural MRI correlates of ASD symptom scores were analysed by modelling ASD symptom scores against white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) volumes using mixed effects models which controlled for ADHD symptom levels. ASD symptoms were significantly elevated in ADHD subjects relative to both controls and unaffected siblings. ASD scores were predicted by the interaction between WM and GM volumes. Increasing ASD score was associated with greater GM volume. Equivocal results from previous structural studies in ADHD and ASD may be due to the fact that comorbidity has not been taken into account in studies to date. The current findings stress the need to account for issues of ASD comorbidity in ADHD.
RESUME L'hyperammonémie est particulièrement toxique pour le cerveau des jeunes patients et entraîne une atrophie corticale, un élargissement des ventricules et des défauts de myélinisation, responsables de retards mentaux et développementaux. Les traitements actuels se limitent à diminuer le plus rapidement possible le taux d'ammoniaque dans l'organisme. L'utilisation de traitements neuroprotecteurs pendant les crises d'hyperammonémie permettrait de contrecarrer les effets neurologiques de l'ammoniaque et de prévenir l'apparition des troubles neurologiques. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons testé trois stratégies de neuroprotection sur des cultures de cellules en agrégats issues du cortex d'embryons de rats et traitées à l'ammoniaque. - Nous avons tout d'abord testé si l'inhibition de protéines intracellulaires impliquées dans le déclenchement de la mort cellulaire pouvait protéger les cellules de la toxicité de l'ammoniaque. Nous avons montré que L'exposition à l'ammoniaque altérait la viabilité des neurones et des oligodendrocytes, et activait les caspases, la calpaïne et la kinase-5 dépendante des cyclines (cdk5) associée à son activateur p25. Alors que l'inhibition pharmacologique des caspases et de la calpaïne n'a pas permis de protéger les cellules cérébrales, un inhibiteur de la cdk5, appelé roscovitine, a réduit significativement la mort neuronale. L'inhibition de la cdk5 semble donc être une stratégie thérapeutique prometteuse pour prévenir 1es effets toxiques de 1'ammoniaque sur les neurones. - Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes neuroprotecteurs déclenchés par le cerveau en réponse à la toxicité de l'ammoniaque. Nous avons montré que l'ammoniaque induisait la synthèse du facteur neurotrophique ciliaire (CNTF) par les astrocytes, via l'activation de la protéine kinase (MIAPK) p38. D'autre part, l'ajout de CNTF a permis de protéger les oligodendrocytes mais pas les neurones des cultures exposées à l'ammoniaque, via les voies de signalisations JAK/STAT, SAPK/JNK et c-jun. - Dans une dernière partie, nous avons voulu contrecarrer, par l'ajout de créatine, le déficit énergétique cérébral induit par l'ammoniaque. La créatine a permis de protéger des cellules de type astrocytaire mais pas les cellules cérébrales en agrégats. Cette thèse amis en évidence que les stratégies de neuroprotection chez les patients hyperammonémiques nécessiteront de cibler plusieurs voies de signalisation afin de protéger tous les types cellulaires du cerveau. Summary : In pediatric patients, hyperammonemia is mainly caused by urea cycle disorders or other inborn errors of metabolism, and leads to neurological injury with cortical atrophy, ventricular enlargement and demyelination. Children rescued from neonatal hyperammonemia show significant risk of mental retardation and developmental disabilities. The mainstay of therapy is limited to ammonia lowering through dietary restriction and alternative pathway treatments. However, the possibility of using treatments in a neuroprotective goal may be useful to improve the neurological outcome of patients. Thus, the main objective of this work was to investigate intracellular and extracellular signaling pathways altered by ammonia tonicity, so as to identify new potential therapeutic targets. Experiments were conducted in reaggregated developing brain cell cultures exposed to ammonia, as a model for the developing CNS of hyperammonemic young patients. Theses strategies of neuroprotection were tested: - The first strategy consisted in inhibiting intracellular proteins triggering cell death. Our data indicated that ammonia exposure altered the viability of neurons and oligodendrocytes. Apoptosis and proteins involved in the trigger of apoptosis, such as caspases, calpain and cyclin-dependent kinase-5 (cdk5) with its activator p25, were activated by ammonia exposure. While caspases and calpain inhibitors exhibited no protective effects, roscovitine, a cdk5 inhibitor, reduced ammonia-induced neuronal death. This work revealed that inhibition of cdk5 seems a promising strategy to prevent the toxic effects of ammonia on neurons. - The second strategy consisted in mimicking, the endogenous protective mechanisms triggered by ammonia in the brain. Ammonia exposure caused an increase of the ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) expression, through the activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in astrocytes. Treatment of cultures exposed to ammonia with exogenous CNTF demonstrated strong protective effects on oligodendrocytes but not on neurons. These protective effects seemed to involve JAK/STAT, SAPK/JNK and c-jun proteins. - The third strategy consisted in preventing the ammonia-induced cerebral energy deficit with creatine. Creatine treatment protected the survival of astrocyte-like cells through MAPKs pathways. In contrast, it had no protective effects in reaggregated developing brain cell cultures exposed to ammonia. The present study suggests that neuroprotective strategies should optimally be directed at multiple targets to prevent ammonia-induced alterations of the different brain cell types.
The postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 is a major element of synapses. PSD-95 is involved in aging, Alzheimer's disease (AD) and numerous psychiatric disorders. However, contradictory data about PSD-95 expression in aging and AD have been reported. Indeed in AD versus control brains PSD-95 varies according to regions, increasing in the frontal cortex, at least in a primary stage, and decreasing in the temporal cortex. In contrast, in transgenic mouse models of aging and AD PSD-95 expression is decreased, in behaviorally aged impaired versus unimpaired rodents it can decrease or increase and finally, it is increased in rodents grown in enriched environments. Different factors explain these contradictory results in both animals and humans, among others concomitant psychiatric endophenotypes, such as depression. The possible involvement of PSD-95 in reactive and/or compensatory mechanisms during AD progression is underscored, at least before the occurrence of important synaptic elimination. Thus, in AD but not in AD transgenic mice, enhanced expression might precede the diminution commonly observed in advanced aging. A two-compartments cell model, separating events taking place in cell bodies and synapses, is presented. Overall these data suggest that AD research will progress by untangling pathological from protective events, a prerequisite for effective therapeutic strategies.
Background: The goal of the present study was to retrospectively analyze our series of parasagittal meningiomas, treated by either single or combined therapies (surgery and/or SRS and FSRT), in order to determine the factors that influence patient outcome. Methods: Between January 1999 and May 2007, 37 parasagittal meningiomas were treated in our center. We compared the outcome of the parasagittal meningiomas in relation to the treatment and adjuvant treatment given, their location along the SSS, their volume, their histological and resection grade as well as the patient's sex and age to understand which factors influenced their natural history. Findings: Median follow-up was 6.7 years (2.4-12 years). Tumor grades and Simpson resection grade were distributed evenly along the SSS. The actuarial overall tumor control rate was 65.9%. Regression analysis showed, that the tumor histological grade and the Simpson resection grade were two significant factors in determining the tumor control (p<0.002 and p<0.008). Location along the SSS showed a lower control rate in the posterior third (p<0.002). Sex, age and tumor volume, however, were not significant factors. Moreover, and unexpectedly, the In our series, the proportion of adjuvant treatment was much higher than in former described series (39% vs 7%) but with similar control rate and lower morbidity and mortality. Conclusions: In our series, histological grade and Simpson grade are independent factors for recurrence and tumor control. Interestingly, location in the posterior third of the SSS seems to be another independent factor for recurrence. In order to avoid major morbidities related to surgery we advocate earlier use of adjuvant therapies for higher histological grade tumors and for tumors located at the posterior portion of the SSS, but definitive conclusions might warrant a larger series.
Tumor-regressions following tumor-associated-antigen vaccination in animal models contrast with the limited clinical outcomes in cancer patients. Most animal studies however used subcutaneous-tumor-models and questions arise as whether these are relevant for tumors growing in mucosae; whether specific mucosal-homing instructions are required; and how this may be influenced by the tumor.
Optic pathway gliomas (OPG) are found in about 15% of patients with neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF-1). The natural history of OPG is not yet well documented. Treatment in cases with growing tumors is still controversial. Twenty-one patients with NF-1 and OPG, diagnosed over a 20-year period, and followed neuroradiologically and ophthalmologically for at least two years, were reevaluated. The diagnosis of OPG was made at a mean age of 7.1 years (range 0-14.5 years); six children were asymptomatic, 15 were symptomatic. The mean follow-up was 9.0 years (2.0-18.5 (years). In eight initially operated or biopsied patients (three optic nerve and five chiasmal gliomas) tumor regrowth was found in one patient without progression on subsequent follow-up. Improvement of visual acuity occurred in one child after operation of a large suprasellar tumor and deterioration in one patient after biopsy of a chiasmal glioma. The neuroradiological follow-up of the 13 not-operated and not-radiated patients (four optic nerve and nine chiasmal gliomas) was stable in 10, progressive in three, resulting in visual loss in one patient. In 11 children (52%) a second tumor outside the optic pathway was found at a mean age of 4.0 years after the diagnosis of an OPG. Until now they are mostly asymptomatic. Second site tumors were operated in two children because of rapid tumor growth, one child died of a brainstem tumor. OPG are a frequent complication in children with NF-1, appearing within the first decade.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The neuroprotective effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor activation was investigated in organotypic mouse hippocampal slice cultures exposed to the glutamate receptor agonist alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA). Exposure of 2-week-old slice cultures, derived from 7-day-old C57BL/6 mice, to 8 microm AMPA, for 24 h, induced degeneration of CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells, as measured by cellular uptake of propidium iodide (PI). A significant neuroprotection, with a reduction of PI uptake in CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell layers, was observed after incubation with a Y(2) receptor agonist [NPY(13-36), 300 nm]. This effect was sensitive to the presence of the selective Y(2) receptor antagonist (BIIE0246, 1 microm), but was not affected by addition of TrkB-Fc or by a neutralizing antibody against brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Moreover, addition of a Y(1) receptor antagonist (BIBP3226, 1 microm) or a NPY-neutralizing antibody helped to disclose a neuroprotective role of endogenous NPY in CA1 region. Cultures exposed to 8 microm AMPA for 24 h, displayed, as measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a significant increase in BDNF. In such cultures there was an up-regulation of neuronal TrkB immunoreactivity, as well as the presence of BDNF-immunoreactive microglial cells at sites of injury. Thus, an increase of AMPA-receptor mediated neurodegeneration, in the mouse hippocampus, was prevented by neuroprotective pathways activated by NPY receptors (Y(1) and Y(2)), which can be affected by BDNF released by microglia and neurons.