432 resultados para Brain--Tumors


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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a protein capable of supporting the survival and fiber outgrowth of peripheral sensory neurons. It has been argued that histological detection of BDNF has proven difficult because of its low molecular weight and relatively low expression. In the present study we report that rapid removal of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) from the rat, followed by rapid freezing and appropriate fixation with cold acetone, preserves BDNF in situ without altering protein antigenicity. Under these conditions, specific BDNF-like immunoreactivity was detected in DRG both in vivo and in vitro. During DRG development in vivo, BDNF-like immunoreactivity (BDNF-LI) was observed only in a subset of sensory neurons. BDNF-LI was confined to small neurons, after neurons became morphologically distinct on the basis of size. BDNF-L immunoprecipitate was detected only in neuronal cells, and not in satellite or Schwann cells. While in vivo BDNF localization was restricted to small neurons, practically all neurons in DRG cell culture displayed BDNF-LI. Small or large primary afferent neurons exhibited a faint but clear BDNF-LI during the whole life span of cultures. Again, non-neuronal cells were devoid of BDNF-LI. In conclusion, in DRG in vivo, specific BDNF-LI was confined to small B sensory neurons. In contrast, all DRG sensory neurons displayed BDNF-LI in vitro. The finding that BDNF expressed in all DRG neurons in vitro but not in vivo suggests that BDNF expression may be modulated by environmental factors.


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In this work we present a method for the image analysisof Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of fetuses. Our goalis to segment the brain surface from multiple volumes(axial, coronal and sagittal acquisitions) of a fetus. Tothis end we propose a two-step approach: first, a FiniteGaussian Mixture Model (FGMM) will segment the image into3 classes: brain, non-brain and mixture voxels. Second, aMarkov Random Field scheme will be applied tore-distribute mixture voxels into either brain ornon-brain tissue. Our main contributions are an adaptedenergy computation and an extended neighborhood frommultiple volumes in the MRF step. Preliminary results onfour fetuses of different gestational ages will be shown.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship between hemoglobin (Hgb) and brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO(2)) after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to examine its impact on outcome. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of a prospective cohort of severe TBI patients whose PbtO(2) was monitored. The relationship between Hgb-categorized into four quartiles (≤9; 9-10; 10.1-11; >11 g/dl)-and PbtO(2) was analyzed using mixed-effects models. Anemia with compromised PbtO(2) was defined as episodes of Hgb ≤ 9 g/dl with simultaneous PbtO(2) < 20 mmHg. Outcome was assessed at 30 days using the Glasgow outcome score (GOS), dichotomized as favorable (GOS 4-5) vs. unfavorable (GOS 1-3). RESULTS: We analyzed 474 simultaneous Hgb and PbtO(2) samples from 80 patients (mean age 44 ± 20 years, median GCS 4 (3-7)). Using Hgb > 11 g/dl as the reference level, and controlling for important physiologic covariates (CPP, PaO(2), PaCO(2)), Hgb ≤ 9 g/dl was the only Hgb level that was associated with lower PbtO(2) (coefficient -6.53 (95 % CI -9.13; -3.94), p < 0.001). Anemia with simultaneous PbtO(2) < 20 mmHg, but not anemia alone, increased the risk of unfavorable outcome (odds ratio 6.24 (95 % CI 1.61; 24.22), p = 0.008), controlling for age, GCS, Marshall CT grade, and APACHE II score. CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of severe TBI patients whose PbtO(2) was monitored, a Hgb level no greater than 9 g/dl was associated with compromised PbtO(2). Anemia with simultaneous compromised PbtO(2), but not anemia alone, was a risk factor for unfavorable outcome, irrespective of injury severity.


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Nilotinib, a novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that inhibits BCR-ABL, the stem cell factor receptor (KIT), and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha (PDGFRα), is approved for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and those with CML that is imatinib-resistant or -intolerant. Due to its potent inhibition of KIT and PDGFRα--the two tyrosine kinases that are the central oncogenic mechanisms of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)--nilotinib also has been investigated for potential efficacy and safety in patients with GIST who have progressed on other approved treatments. Initial results have been encouraging, as nilotinib has demonstrated clinical efficacy and safety in a phase I trial as either a single agent or in combination with imatinib, as well as in heavily pretreated patients with GIST in a compassionate use program. In addition, the phase III trial of nilotinib versus best supportive care (with or without a TKI at the investigator's discretion) indicated that nilotinib may have efficacy in some third-line patients. Furthermore, the Evaluating Nilotinib Efficacy and Safety in Clinical Trials (ENEST g1 trial), a phase III randomized, open-label study comparing the safety and efficacy of imatinib versus nilotinib in the first-line treatment of patients with GIST, is currently under way. Other studies with nilotinib either have been initiated or are in development. Based on published and accruing clinical data, nilotinib shows potential as a new drug in the clinician's armamentarium for the management of GIST.


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This study investigated the spatial, spectral, temporal and functional proprieties of functional brain connections involved in the concurrent execution of unrelated visual perception and working memory tasks. Electroencephalography data was analysed using a novel data-driven approach assessing source coherence at the whole-brain level. Three connections in the beta-band (18-24 Hz) and one in the gamma-band (30-40 Hz) were modulated by dual-task performance. Beta-coherence increased within two dorsofrontal-occipital connections in dual-task conditions compared to the single-task condition, with the highest coherence seen during low working memory load trials. In contrast, beta-coherence in a prefrontal-occipital functional connection and gamma-coherence in an inferior frontal-occipitoparietal connection was not affected by the addition of the second task and only showed elevated coherence under high working memory load. Analysis of coherence as a function of time suggested that the dorsofrontal-occipital beta-connections were relevant to working memory maintenance, while the prefrontal-occipital beta-connection and the inferior frontal-occipitoparietal gamma-connection were involved in top-down control of concurrent visual processing. The fact that increased coherence in the gamma-connection, from low to high working memory load, was negatively correlated with faster reaction time on the perception task supports this interpretation. Together, these results demonstrate that dual-task demands trigger non-linear changes in functional interactions between frontal-executive and occipitoparietal-perceptual cortices.


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Optimal behavior relies on flexible adaptation to environmental requirements, notably based on the detection of errors. The impact of error detection on subsequent behavior typically manifests as a slowing down of RTs following errors. Precisely how errors impact the processing of subsequent stimuli and in turn shape behavior remains unresolved. To address these questions, we used an auditory spatial go/no-go task where continual feedback informed participants of whether they were too slow. We contrasted auditory-evoked potentials to left-lateralized go and right no-go stimuli as a function of performance on the preceding go stimuli, generating a 2 × 2 design with "preceding performance" (fast hit [FH], slow hit [SH]) and stimulus type (go, no-go) as within-subject factors. SH trials yielded SH trials on the following trials more often than did FHs, supporting our assumption that SHs engaged effects similar to errors. Electrophysiologically, auditory-evoked potentials modulated topographically as a function of preceding performance 80-110 msec poststimulus onset and then as a function of stimulus type at 110-140 msec, indicative of changes in the underlying brain networks. Source estimations revealed a stronger activity of prefrontal regions to stimuli after successful than error trials, followed by a stronger response of parietal areas to the no-go than go stimuli. We interpret these results in terms of a shift from a fast automatic to a slow controlled form of inhibitory control induced by the detection of errors, manifesting during low-level integration of task-relevant features of subsequent stimuli, which in turn influences response speed.


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Visual perception of body motion is vital for everyday activities such as social interaction, motor learning or car driving. Tumors to the left lateral cerebellum impair visual perception of body motion. However, compensatory potential after cerebellar damage and underlying neural mechanisms remain unknown. In the present study, visual sensitivity to point-light body motion was psychophysically assessed in patient SL with dysplastic gangliocytoma (Lhermitte-Duclos disease) to the left cerebellum before and after neurosurgery, and in a group of healthy matched controls. Brain activity during processing of body motion was assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Alterations in underlying cerebro-cerebellar circuitry were studied by psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis. Visual sensitivity to body motion in patient SL before neurosurgery was substantially lower than in controls, with significant improvement after neurosurgery. Functional MRI in patient SL revealed a similar pattern of cerebellar activation during biological motion processing as in healthy participants, but located more medially, in the left cerebellar lobules III and IX. As in normalcy, PPI analysis showed cerebellar communication with a region in the superior temporal sulcus, but located more anteriorly. The findings demonstrate a potential for recovery of visual body motion processing after cerebellar damage, likely mediated by topographic shifts within the corresponding cerebro-cerebellar circuitry induced by cerebellar reorganization. The outcome is of importance for further understanding of cerebellar plasticity and neural circuits underpinning visual social cognition.


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Rapport de synthèse : La présence de trois canaux d'eau, appelés aquaporines AQP1, AQP4 et AQP9, a été observée dans le cerveau sain ainsi que dans plusieurs modèles des pathologies cérébrales des rongeurs. Peu est connu sur la distribution des AQP dans le cerveau des primates. Cette connaissance sera utile pour des futurs essaies médicamenteux qui visent à prévenir la formation des oedèmes cérébraux. Nous avons étudié l'expression et la distribution cellulaire des AQP1, 4 et 9 dans le cerveau primate non-humain. La distribution des AQP4 dans le cerveau primate non-humain a été observée dans des astrocytes périvasculaires, comparable à l'observation faite dans le cerveau du rongeur. Contrairement à ce qui a été décrit chez le rongeur, l'AQPI chez le primate est exprimée dans les processus et dans les prolongations périvasculaires d'un sous-type d'astrocytes, qui est avant tout localisé dans la matière blanche et dans la glia limitans et qui est peut-être impliqué dans l'homéostasie de l'eau. L'AQPI a aussi été observée dans les neurones qui innervent des vaisseaux sanguins de la pie-mère, suggérant un rôle possible dans la régularisation de la vascularisation cérébrale. Comme décrit chez le rongeur, le mRNA et les protéines de l'AQP9 ont été détectés dans des astrocytes et dans des neurones catécholaminergiques. Chez le primate, des localisations supplémentaires ont été observées dans des populations de neurones placées dans certaines zones corticales. Cet article décrit une étude détaillée sur la distribution des AQP1, 4 et 9 dans le cerveau primate non-humain. Les observations faites s'additionnent aux data déjà publié sur le cerveau du rongeur. Ces importantes différences entre les espèces doivent être considérées dans l'évaluation des médicaments qui agiront potentiellement sur des AQP des primates non-humains avant d'entrer dans la phase des essais cliniques sur des humains.


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Recent findings in neuroscience suggest that adult brain structure changes in response to environmental alterations and skill learning. Whereas much is known about structural changes after intensive practice for several months, little is known about the effects of single practice sessions on macroscopic brain structure and about progressive (dynamic) morphological alterations relative to improved task proficiency during learning for several weeks. Using T1-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging in humans, we demonstrate significant gray matter volume increases in frontal and parietal brain areas following only two sessions of practice in a complex whole-body balancing task. Gray matter volume increase in the prefrontal cortex correlated positively with subject's performance improvements during a 6 week learning period. Furthermore, we found that microstructural changes of fractional anisotropy in corresponding white matter regions followed the same temporal dynamic in relation to task performance. The results make clear how marginal alterations in our ever changing environment affect adult brain structure and elucidate the interrelated reorganization in cortical areas and associated fiber connections in correlation with improvements in task performance.


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Expression based prediction of gene alterations identified WNT inhibitory factor I (WIF1) as a new candidate tumor suppressor gene involved in glioblastoma. WIF1 encodes a secreted WNT antagonist and it is strongly down-regulated in most glioblastoma as compared to normal brain both by genomic deletion and WIF1 promoter hypermethylation. WIF1 expression in glioblastoma cell lines inhibited cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo and strongly reduced migration capability. Interestingly, WIF1 expression induced a senescence-like phenotype characterized by the appearance of enlarged, flattened and multinucleated cells positive for the presence of senescence associated ß-galactosidase, a late marker of senescence. It is of note that WIF1 induced senescence, in glioma cell lines, is independent of either p53 or pRB, two pathways that have been widely associated with this process. The analysis of the signaling pathways downstream of WIF1 brought some interesting results. WIF1 expression inhibited the canonical pathway but alteration of this pathway alone couldn't explain all the WIFl-induced effects. Some WIF1-related changes were attributed to inhibition of the non-canonical pathway, as we could prove by downregulation of WNT5a, the main ligand of the non-canonical WNT pathway. For example, a drastic reduction of phosphorylation of both ERK and p38 was detected when either overexpressing WIF1 or downregulating WNT5a. Due to the complexity of the non-canonical pathway is difficult to define the precise mechanism of signal transduction. We have excluded the involvement of the WNT5a-JNK-APl pathway and preliminary results suggest the implication of the WNT-calcium signaling, but further evidence is needed. Moreover, from the analysis of the gene expression profile of WIF1 expressing cells we could select a very interesting candidate: MALATI, a non-coding RNA widely associated with migratory capability in many different types of tumors. We found MALATI to be overexpressed in glioblastoma specimens compared to normal brain and to be associated with total tumor volume. The downregulation of MALATI by RNAi (RNA interference] drastically impairs migration, thus it is a very interesting potential target in the context of invasive tumors such as glioblastoma. Résumé WIFl a été sélectionné en tant que putatif suppresseur de tumeurs dans le cadre des glioblastomes par une analyse qui a était conduit à partir des données d'expression de gènes provenant d'environ 80 glioblastomes. WIF1 code pour une protéine destinée à la sécrétion qui antagonise la voie de WNT et son expression est fortement sous-exprimé dans la plupart des glioblastome par rapport à tissu cérébral normal. Cette sous-expression est due à deux mécanismes différents: à la délétion de la partie génomique codant pour WIF1 et à l'hyper méthylation de son promoteur. La surexpression de WIF1 réduit la capacité de prolifération des cellules de glioblastome in vitro ainsi que in vivo et elle réduit aussi leur capacité migratoire. Il est intéressant de remarquer que l'espression de WIF1 induit un phénotype sénescent caractérisé par l'apparition de cellules aplaties, multi nucléées et positives pour l'activité de l'enzyme ß-galactosidase associée à la sénescence, un marqueur tardif de la sénescence. Il est à noter que le phénotype sénescent qui est induit par WIF1 est indépendant de p53 et pRB, deux voies qui ont été largement associées à ce processus. L'analyse des les voies de signalisation en aval de WIFl a apporté des résultats intéressants. L'expression de WIF1 inhibe la voie canonique de WNT, mais l'altération de cette voie seule ne pouvait pas expliquer tous les effets induits par WIF1. Nous avons pu prouver que certains changements sont liés à l'inhibition de la voie non-canonique qui est activée par WNT5cc. Par exemple, une réduction drastique de la phosphorylation de ERK et p38 à la fois a été détectée lorsque WIFl a été surexprimé ou WNT5a sous- exprimé. En raison de la complexité de la voie non-canonique, il est difficile de définir le mécanisme précis de la transduction du signal. Nous avons exclu l'implication de la voie JNK-WNT5a-APl et les résultats préliminaires suggèrent l'implication de la voie de signalisation appelée WNT-calcium. En plus, l'analyse du profil d'expression génique de cellules sur-exprimant WIF1 nous a permis d'identifier un candidat très intéressant: MALATI, un ARN non- codants largement associés à la capacité migratoire dans nombreux types de tumeurs. Nous avons trouvé que MALATI est surexprimé dans les échantillons de glioblastome par rapport à tissu cérébral normal et il est associé au volume total de la tumeur. La sous-expression de MALATI altère considérablement la migration des cellules tumorales. Donc, MALATI, est une cible potentielle très intéressante dans le cadre d'une tumeur invasive telle que le glioblastome.


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Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial malignant tumor in young children and arises at any site of the sympathetic nervous system. The disease exhibits a remarkable phenotypic diversity ranging from spontaneous regression to fatal disease. Poor outcome results from a rapidly progressive, metastatic and drug-resistant disease. Recent studies have suggested that solid tumors may arise from a minor population of cancer stem cells (CSCs) with stem cell markers and typical properties such as self-renewal ability, asymmetric division and drug resistance. In this model, CSCs possess the exclusive ability to initiate and maintain the tumor, and to produce distant metastases. Tumor cell subpopulations with stem-like phenotypes have indeed been identified in several cancer including leukemia, breast, brain and colon cancers. CSC hypothesis still needs to be validated in the other cancers including NB.NB originates from neural crest-derived malignant sympatho-adrenal cells. We have identified rare cells that express markers in conformity with neural crest stem cells and their derived lineages within primary NB tissue and cell lines, leading us to postulate the existence of CSCs in NB tumors.In the absence of specific markers to isolate CSCs, we adapted to NB tumor cells the sphere functional assay, based on the ability of stem cells to grow as spheres in non-adherent conditions. By serial passages of spheres from bone marrow NB metastases, a subset of cells was gradually selected and its specific gene expression profile identified by micro-array time-course analysis. The differentially expressed genes in spheres are enriched in genes implicated in development including CD133, ABC-transporters, WNT and NOTCH genes, identified in others solid cancers as CSCs markers, and other new markers, all referred by us as the Neurosphere Expression Profile (NEP). We confirmed the presence of a cell subpopulation expressing a combination of the NEP markers within a few primary NB samples.The tumorigenic potential of NB spheres was assayed by in vivo tumor growth analyses using orthotopic (adrenal glands) implantations of tumor cells into immune-compromised mice. Tumors derived from the sphere cells were significantly more frequent and were detected earlier compared to whole tumor cells. However, NB cells expressing the neurosphere-associated genes and isolated from the bulk tumors did not recapitulate the CSC-like phenotype in the orthotopic model. In addition, the NB sphere cells lost their higher tumorigenic potential when implanted in a subcutaneous heterotopic in vivo model.These results highlighted the complex behavior of CSC functions and led us to consider the stem-like NB cells as a dynamic and heterogeneous cell population influenced by microenvironment signals.Our approach identified for the first time candidate genes that may be associated with NB self-renewal and tumorigenicity and therefore would establish specific functional targets for more effective therapies in aggressive NB.


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Schizotypy refers to a set of personality traits thought to reflect the subclinical expression of the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia. Here, we review the cognitive and brain functional profile associated with high questionnaire scores in schizotypy. We discuss empirical evidence from the domains of perception, attention, memory, imagery and representation, language, and motor control. Perceptual deficits occur early and across various modalities. Whilst the neural mechanisms underlying visual impairments may be linked to magnocellular dysfunction, further effects may be seen downstream in higher cognitive functions. Cognitive deficits are observed in inhibitory control, selective and sustained attention, incidental learning and memory. In concordance with the cognitive nature of many of the aberrations of schizotypy, higher levels of schizotypy are associated with enhanced vividness and better performance on tasks of mental rotation. Language deficits seem most pronounced in higher-level processes. Finally, higher levels of schizotypy are associated with reduced performance on oculomotor tasks, resembling the impairments seen in schizophrenia. Some of these deficits are accompanied by reduced brain activation, akin to the pattern of hypoactivations in schizophrenia spectrum individuals. We conclude that schizotypy is a construct with apparent phenomenological overlap with schizophrenia and stable inter-individual differences that covary with performance on a wide range of perceptual, cognitive and motor tasks known to be impaired in schizophrenia. The importance of these findings lies not only in providing a fine-grained neurocognitive characterisation of a personality constellation known to be associated with real-life impairments, but also in generating hypotheses concerning the aetiology of schizophrenia.