414 resultados para Outcome measurement
[Table des matières] 1. Patients et méthodes. 1.1. Enquête dans la population générale : population, modalités d'envoi, taux de réponse. 1.2. Questionnaire SF-36 et questionnaire Medical Outcome Study (MOS) : PF physical functioning = activité physique (fonctionnement) ; RP role physical = limitations (du rôle) liées à la santé physique ; BP bodily pain = douleur physique ; GH General Health = santé générale ; VT vitality = vitalité (énergie/fatigue) ; SF social functioning = fonctionnement ou bien-être social ; RE role éemotional = limitations (du rôle) liées à la santé mentale ; MH mental health = santé mentale ; CF cognitive functioning = fonctionnement cognitif (dimension absente du SF-36 classique) ; HT eported health transition = modification perçue de l'état de santé ("dimension" annexe, = item 2 ou Q2). 1.3. Analyse : calcul des scores du SF-36 et du SF-36 + CF, cohérence des réponses, fiabilité de l'instrument, validité. 1.4. Analyse statistique. 2. Résultats commentés de l'enquête dans la population générale. 2.1. Fréquence des non-réponses par item et par question. 2.2. Cohérence des réponses. 2.3. Scores d'état de santé par dimension : description et comparaison avec une population américaine, comparaison des scores vaudois et genevois. 2.4. Existe-t-il une concentration des bons et des mauvais scores chez les mêmes répondants ? 2.5. Fiabilité. 2.6. Validité : validité convergente et discriminante, analyse factorielle, validation en fonction de variables externes. 3. Discussion. 3.1. Evaluation du questionnaire. 3.2. Mesure de la qualité de vie liée à l'état de santé perçu dans la population générale. 3.3. Adjonction de la dimension "fonctionnement cognitif". 3.4. Conclusions et recommandations.
Increased blood glucose variability during therapeutic hypothermia and outcome after cardiac arrest.
BACKGROUND: The activity of the renin-angiotensin system is usually evaluated as plasma renin activity (PRA, ngAI/ml per h) but the reproducibility of this enzymatic assay is notoriously scarce. We compared the inter and intralaboratory reproducibilities of PRA with those of a new automated chemiluminescent assay, which allows the direct quantification of immunoreactive renin [chemiluminescent immunoreactive renin (CLIR), microU/ml]. METHODS: Aliquots from six pool plasmas of patients with very low to very high PRA levels were measured in 12 centres with both the enzymatic and the direct assays. The same methods were applied to three control plasma preparations with known renin content. RESULTS: In pool plasmas, mean PRA values ranged from 0.14 +/- 0.08 to 18.9 +/- 4.1 ngAI/ml per h, whereas those of CLIR ranged from 4.2 +/- 1.7 to 436 +/- 47 microU/ml. In control plasmas, mean values of PRA and of CLIR were always within the expected range. Overall, there was a significant correlation between the two methods (r = 0.73, P < 0.01). Similar correlations were found in plasmas subdivided in those with low, intermediate and high PRA. However, the coefficients of variation among laboratories found for PRA were always higher than those of CLIR, ranging from 59.4 to 17.1% for PRA, and from 41.0 to 10.7% for CLIR (P < 0.01). Also, the mean intralaboratory variability was higher for PRA than for CLIR, being respectively, 8.5 and 4.5% (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The measurement of renin with the chemiluminescent method is a reliable alternative to PRA, having the advantage of a superior inter and intralaboratory reproducibility.
Objective: To compare effects of a non-renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blocker, using a CCB, or a RAS blocker, using an ARB regimen on the arterial stiffness reduction in postmenopausal hypertensive women. Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 125 hypertensive women (age: 61.4_6 yrs; 98% Caucasian; BW: 71.9_14 kg; BMI: 27.3_5 kg/m2; SBP/ DBP: 158_11/92_9 mmHg) were randomized between ARB (valsartan 320mg_HCTZ) and CCB (amlodipine 10mg _ HCTZ). The primary outcome was carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) changes after 38 weeks of treatment. Results: There were no significant differences in baseline demographic data between the two groups. Both treatments effectively lowered BP at the end of the study with similar (p>0.05) reductions in the valsartan (_22.9/_10.9 mmHg) and amlodipine based (_25.2/_11.7 mmHg) treatment groups. Despite a lower (p<0.05 for DBP) central SBP/DBP in the CCB group (_19.2/_10.3 mmHg) compared to the valsartan group (_15.7/_7.6 mmHg) at week 38, a similar reduction in carotid-femoral PWV (_1.7 vs _1.9 m/sec; p>0.05) was observed between both groups. The numerically larger BP reduction observed in the CCB group was associated with a much higher incidence of peripheral edema (77% vs 14%) than the valsartan group. Conclusion: In summary, BP lowering in postmenopausal women led to a reduction in arterial stiffness assessed by PWV measurement. Both regimens reduced PWV at 38 weeks of treatment to a similar degree, despite differences in BP lowering suggesting that the effect of RAS blockade to influence PWV may partly be independent of BP.
When health status is an ordered response variable, Allison and Foster (2004)postulate that a distribution Q exhibits more inequality than a distribution P if Q is obtained from P via a sequence of median preserving spreads. This paper introduces a parametric family of inequality indices which are founded on the Allison and Foster ordering. [Authors]
High systemic levels of IP-10 at onset of combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C mirror intrahepatic mRNA levels and predict a slower first phase decline in HCV RNA as well as poor outcome. Recently several genome wide association studies have revealed that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome19 within proximity of IL28B predict spontaneous clearance of HCV infection and as therapeutic outcome among patients infected with HCV genotype 1, with three such SNPs being highly predictive: rs12979860, rs12980275, and rs8099917. In the present study, we correlated genetic variations in these SNPs from 253 Caucasian patients with pretreatment plasma levels of IP-10 and HCV RNA throughout therapy within a phase III treatment trial (HCV-DITTO). The favorable genetic variations in all three SNPs (CC, AA, and TT respectively) was significantly associated with lower baseline IP-10 (CC vs. CT/TT at rs12979860: median 189 vs. 258 pg/mL, P=0.02, AA vs. AG/GG at rs12980275: median 189 vs. 258 pg/mL, P=0.01, TT vs. TG/GG at rs8099917: median 224 vs. 288 pg/mL, P=0.04), were significantly less common among HCV genotype 1 infected patients than genotype 2/3 (P<0.0001, P<0.0001, and P=0.01 respectively) and had significantly higher baseline viral load than carriers of the SNP genotypes (6.3 vs. 5.9 log 10 IU/mL, P=0.0012, 6.3 vs. 6.0 log 10 IU/mL, P=0.026, and 6.3 vs. 5.8 log 10 IU/mL, P=0.0003 respectively). Among HCV genotype 1 infected homozygous or heterogeneous carriers of the favorable C, A, and T genotypes, lower baseline IP-10 was significantly associated with greater decline in HCV-RNA day 0-4, which translated into increased rates of achieving SVR among homozygous patients with baseline IP-10 below 150 pg/mL (85%, 75%, and 75% respectively). In a multivariate analysis among genotype 1 infected patients, both baseline IP-10 and the SNPs were significant independent predictors of SVR. Conclusion: Baseline plasma IP-10 is significantly associated with IL28B variations, and augments the predictiveness of the first phase decline in HCV RNA and final treatment outcome.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the early effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (TA) on cystoid macular edema associated with retinal vein occlusion and diabetic retinopathy. DESIGN: Prospective, interventional, small case series. PARTICIPANTS: Four patients with cystoid macular edema resulting from retinal vein occlusion or diabetic retinopathy of more than 4 months' duration and evaluated as suitable for treatment with intravitreous injection of TA. METHODS: After ophthalmic examination, including visual acuity assessment, intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) analysis, the patients received a single intravitreal injection of 4 mg TA. After the injection, consecutive visual acuity assessment, IOP measurement, and OCT analysis were performed after 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 week, and 2 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Optical coherence tomography assessment of macular thickness. RESULTS: Macular thickness and edema initially were reduced as early as 1 hour after TA injection. A further continuous decrease was observed during the 2 weeks after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This rapid effect of intravitreal TA is interpreted to indicate that nongenomic effects on retinal or retinal pigment epithelial cell membranes, or both, may be responsible for this phenomenon. Identifications of these mechanisms may help design alternative, more specific drugs for the treatment of macular edema.
OBJECTIVE: To emphasize that complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a disabling disorder with the implication of aberrant inflammation, vasomotor dysfunction, and maladaptive neuroplasticity, might be treated with a high dose of intravenous immunoglobulin infusions (IVIG). METHODS: We describe a patient who presented with CRPS in the acute phase of the disease. RESULTS: The CRPS developed secondary to sciatic compression in a young patient and was treated within 10 days by high-dose IVIG (2 g/kg). It resolved completely within days after infusions. DISCUSSION: This observational study emphasizes that high-dose IVIG may be a treatment option in the acute phase of CRPS.
Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) has been described to be useful during central corpectomy for compressive cervical myelopathy. This study aimed at documenting the utility of IOUS in oblique cervical corpectomy (OCC). Prospective data from 24 patients undergoing OCC for cervical spondylotic myelopathy and ossified posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) were collected. Patients had a preoperative cervical spine magnetic resonance (MR) image, IOUS and a postoperative cervical CT scan. Retrospective data from 16 historical controls that underwent OCC without IOUS were analysed to compare the incidence of residual compression between the two groups. IOUS identified the vertebral artery in all cases, detected residual cord compression in six (27%) and missed compression in two cases (9%). In another two cases with OPLL, IOUS was sub-optimal due to shadowing. IOUS measurement of the corpectomy width correlated well with these measurements on the postoperative CT. The extent of cord expansion noted on IOUS after decompression showed no correlation with immediate or 6-month postoperative neurological recovery. No significant difference in residual compression was noted in the retrospective and prospective groups of the study. Craniocaudal spinal cord motion was noted after the completion of the corpectomy. IOUS is an inexpensive and simple real-time imaging modality that may be used during OCC for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. It is helpful in identifying the vertebral artery and determining the trajectory of approach, however, it has limited utility in patients with OPLL due to artifacts from residual ossification.
INTRODUCTION: Patients with arterial disease receiving antiplatelet agents may develop venous thromboembolism (VTE) and need anticoagulant therapy, although concomitant use of these drugs may increase bleeding risk. We analyzed RIETE data and compared clinical outcomes depending on decision to discontinue or maintain antiplatelet therapy at VTE diagnosis. METHODS: Consecutive patients with acute VTE were enrolled in RIETE. Only patients receiving antiplatelet therapy at baseline were included in this analysis. Primary outcomes were: rate of subsequent ischemic events, major bleeding or death during anticoagulation course. RESULTS: 1178 patients who received antiplatelet drugs at VTE diagnosis were included. Antiplatelet therapy was discontinued in 62% of patients. During anticoagulation course, patients also receiving antiplatelet therapy had higher rates of lower limb amputations (2.28 vs. 0.21 events per 100 patients-years; p<0.01), any ischemic events (5.7 vs. 2.28 events per 100 patients-years; p<0.05) or death (23.6 vs. 13.9 deaths per 100 patients-years; p<0.01). No differences in the rate of major bleeding or recurrent VTE were revealed. In matched analysis, patients on antiplatelet therapy were found to have a significantly higher rate of limb amputations (odds ratio: 15.3; 95% CI: 1.02-229) and an increased number of composite outcomes including all-cause deaths, arterial and VTE events (odds ratio: 1.46; CI: 1.03-2.06), with no differences in major bleeding rate. CONCLUSION: Concomitant anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy in patients with VTE and arterial disease is not associated with increased risk for bleeding, recurrent VTE or death. The worse outcome observed in patients who continued antiplatelet therapy requires further investigations.
The aim of the study is to present the application of a headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) method for the determination of the carbon monoxide (CO) blood concentration and to compare it with carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) saturation. In postmortem cases, the HbCO measured by spectrophotometry frequently leads to inaccurate results due to inadequate samples or analyses. The true role of CO intoxication in the death of a person could be misclassified. The estimation of HbCO from HS-GC-MS CO measurements provides helpful information by determining the total CO levels (CO linked to hemoglobin (HbCO) and CO dissociated from hemoglobin). The CO concentrations were converted in HbCO saturation levels to define cutoff blood CO values. CO limits were defined as less than 1 μmol/mL for living persons, less than 1.5 μmol/mL for dead persons without CO exposure, and greater than 3 μmol/mL for dead persons with clear CO poisoning.
OBJECTIVES: The diagnosis of pheochromocytoma relies on the measurement of plasma free metanephrines assay whose reliability has been considerably improved by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). Here we report an analytical interference occurring between 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine (HMMA), a metabolite of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy"), and normetanephrine (NMN) since they share a common pharmacophore resulting in the same product ion after fragmentation. DESIGN AND METHODS: Synthetic HMMA was spiked into plasma samples containing various concentrations of NMN and the intensity of the interference was determined by UPLC-MS/MS before and after improvement of the analytical method. RESULTS: Using a careful adjustment of chromatographic conditions including the change of the UPLC analytical column, we were able to distinguish both compounds. HMMA interference for NMN determination should be seriously considered since MDMA activates the sympathetic nervous system and if confounded with NMN may lead to false-positive tests when performing a differential diagnostic of pheochromocytoma.
Late-onset cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease commonly occurs after discontinuation of antiviral prophylaxis. We determined the utility of testing CD8+ T-cell response against CMV as a predictor of late-onset CMV disease after a standard course of antiviral prophylaxis. Transplant patients at high-risk for CMV disease were enrolled. CD8+ T-cell-mediated immunity (CMI) was tested using the QuantiFERON-CMV assay at baseline, 1, 2 and 3 months posttransplant by measurement of interferon-gamma response to whole blood stimulation with a 21-peptide pool. The primary outcome was the ability of CMI testing to predict CMV disease in the first 6 months posttransplant. There were 108 evaluable patients (D+/R+ n = 39; D-/R+ n = 34; D+/R- n = 35) of whom 18 (16.7%) developed symptomatic CMV disease. At the end of prophylaxis, CMI was detectable in 38/108 (35.2%) patients (cutoff 0.1 IU/mL interferon-gamma). CMV disease occurred in 2/38 (5.3%) patients with a detectable interferon-gamma response versus 16/70 (22.9%) patients with a negative response; p = 0.038. In the subgroup of D+/R- patients, CMV disease occurred in 1/10 (10.0%) patients with a detectable interferon-gamma response (cutoff 0.1 IU/mL) versus 10/25 (40.0%) patients with a negative CMI, p = 0.12. Monitoring of CMI may be useful for predicting late-onset CMV disease.