392 resultados para intravenous mouse
The second scientific meeting of the European systems genetics network for the study of complex genetic human disease using genetic reference populations (SYSGENET) took place at the Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences in Bilbao, Spain, December 10-12, 2012. SYSGENET is funded by the European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technological Research (COST) and represents a network of scientists in Europe that use mouse genetic reference populations (GRPs) to identify complex genetic factors influencing disease phenotypes (Schughart, Mamm Genome 21:331-336, 2010). About 50 researchers working in the field of systems genetics attended the meeting, which consisted of 27 oral presentations, a poster session, and a management committee meeting. Participants exchanged results, set up future collaborations, and shared phenotyping and data analysis methodologies. This meeting was particularly instrumental for conveying the current status of the US, Israeli, and Australian Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse GRP. The CC is an open source project initiated nearly a decade ago by members of the Complex Trait Consortium to aid the mapping of multigenetic traits (Threadgill, Mamm Genome 13:175-178, 2002). In addition, representatives of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium were invited to exchange ongoing activities between the knockout and complex genetics communities and to discuss and explore potential fields for future interactions.
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are one of the most intensively studied groups of noncoding elements. Debate continues over what proportion of lncRNAs are functional or merely represent transcriptional noise. Although characterization of individual lncRNAs has identified approximately 200 functional loci across the Eukarya, general surveys have found only modest or no evidence of long-term evolutionary conservation. Although this lack of conservation suggests that most lncRNAs are nonfunctional, the possibility remains that some represent recent evolutionary innovations. We examine recent selection pressures acting on lncRNAs in mouse populations. We compare patterns of within-species nucleotide variation at approximately 10,000 lncRNA loci in a cohort of the wild house mouse, Mus musculus castaneus, with between-species nucleotide divergence from the rat (Rattus norvegicus). Loci under selective constraint are expected to show reduced nucleotide diversity and divergence. We find limited evidence of sequence conservation compared with putatively neutrally evolving ancestral repeats (ARs). Comparisons of sequence diversity and divergence between ARs, protein-coding (PC) exons and lncRNAs, and the associated flanking regions, show weak, but significantly lower levels of sequence diversity and divergence at lncRNAs compared with ARs. lncRNAs conserved deep in the vertebrate phylogeny show lower within-species sequence diversity than lncRNAs in general. A set of 74 functionally characterized lncRNAs show levels of diversity and divergence comparable to PC exons, suggesting that these lncRNAs are under substantial selective constraints. Our results suggest that, in mouse populations, most lncRNA loci evolve at rates similar to ARs, whereas older lncRNAs tend to show signals of selection similar to PC genes.
In rodents, sensory experience alters the whisker representation in layer IV of the barrel cortex (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1970). Excitatory and inhibitory interneurons, together with the astrocytic network, modify the functional representation in an integrated manner. Our group showed that continuous whisker stimulation induces structural and functional changes in the corresponding barrel. These modifications include the depression of neuronal responses and an insertion of new inhibitory synapses on dendritic spines (Knott et al., 2002; Genoud et al., 2006; Quairiaux et al., 2007). This form of cortical plasticity is controlled by several gene regulatory mechanisms including the activation of genetic programs controlling the expression of microRNAs (miRNAs). The transitory and localized expression of miRNAs in dendrites and their capacity to respond in an activity-dependent manner make them ideal candidates for the fine tuning of gene expression associated with neural plasticity. In a previous study of our group (Johnston- Wenger, 2010) using microarray analysis on laser-dissected barrels in order to compare the gene expression levels in stimulated and non-stimulated barrels after whisker stimulation, 261 genes were found significantly regulated, among these genes there were two miRNAs (miR- 132 and miR-137). In this study I tested the initial observation on the up-regulation of miR-132 and miR-137 after whisker stimulation and the possible involvement of two other miRNAs (miR-138 and miR-125b) that are known play a role in other form of synaptic plasticity. I used in situ hybridization (ISH) after unilateral stimulation of three whiskers (Cl-3) in the adult mouse. We found that sensory stimulation increases the expression, of miR-132 after 3hours of stimulation (p<0.01) and miR-137 (pO.Ol; 24 hrs of stim.), whereas it reduces the level of miR-125b (pO.Ol; 9 hrs of stim.). No significant difference was detected for miR-138. We further determined a correlation between the level of expression of the four selected miRNAs in the cortical barrels (measured by ISH) and in blood plasma (measured by qPCR). In addition to this quantitative comparison, we combined miRNAs ISH and immunolabeling for various neuronal markers that were chosen for the localization in both excitatory and inhibitory circuits as well as in astrocytes. Analysis of three-dimensional confocal acquisitions showed that stimulation alters significantly the degree of co-localization in the stimulated barrel of miR-132 with GAD65/67 and VGLUT2; miR-125b with GAD65/67 and parvalbumin; miR-138 with parvalbumin, VGLUT1 and PSD95; and miR-137 with VGLUT1 and astrocytic markers (GS; GFAP and SlOOß). To conclude, using increased neuronal activity in the whisker-to-barrel pathway; our results suggest that miRNAs can be regulated in an activity-dependent manner and they may regulate local mRNA translation to shape neuronal responses. These findings motivate further investigation of the different modes in which miRNAs may regulate cortical plasticity. -- Chez les rongeurs, l'expérience sensorielle modifie la représentation des vibrisses au niveau du cortex somatosensoriel primaire (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1970). Les interneurones excitateurs et inhibiteurs, en collaboration avec le réseau astrocytaire, modifient la représentation fonctionnelle d'une manière intégrée. Notre groupe a montré que la stimulation continue des vibrisses induit des changements structuraux et fonctionnels dans le tonneau correspondant. Ces modifications incluent la dépression des réponses neuronales et une insertion de nouvelles synapses inhibitrices sur les épines dendritiques (Knott et al., 2002 ; Genoud et al., 2006 ; Quairiaux et al., 2007). Cette forme de plasticité corticale est contrôlée par plusieurs mécanismes de régulation génique dont l'activation des programmes géniques contrôlant l'expression des microARNs (miARNs). Par leur expression transitoire et localisée dans les dendrites et leur capacité à réagir d'une manière dépendante de l'activité, les miARNs sont des candidats idéaux pour le réglage fin de l'expression des gènes associée à la plasticité neuronale. Afin de comparer le niveau d'expression des gènes dans les tonneaux stimulés et non-stimulés après stimulation des vibrisses, une étude antérieure dans notre groupe (Johnston-Wenger, 2010), utilisant l'analyse par microarray sur des tonneaux disséqués par laser, a montré l'altération significative de 261 gènes. Parmi ces gènes, il y avait deux miARNs (miR-132 et miR-137). Dans la présente étude, j'ai testé l'observation initiale sur la régulation de miR-132 et miR-137 après stimulation des vibrisses et la possible implication de deux autres miARNs (miR-138 et miR-125b) connus avoir jouer un rôle important dans d'autres formes de plasticité synaptique. J'ai utilisé l'hybridation in situ (ISH) après stimulation unilatérale de trois vibrisses (Cl-3) chez la souris adulte. J'ai trouvé que la stimulation sensorielle augmente l'expression, de miR-132 après 3 heures de stimulation (p < 0.01) et miR-137 (p < 0.01 ; 24 hrs de stim.), alors qu'elle réduit le niveau de miR-125b (p < 0.01; 9 hrs de stim.). Aucune différence significative n'a été détectée pour miR-138. J'ai aussi déterminé une corrélation entre le niveau d'expression des quatre miARNs sélectionnés dans les tonneaux (mesurés par ISH) et dans le plasma sanguin (mesuré par qPCR). En plus de cette comparaison quantitative, j'ai combiné le miR-ISH et l'immunomarquage pour divers marqueurs neuronaux qui ont été choisis pour étudier la localisation dans les circuits excitateurs et inhibiteurs, ainsi que dans les astrocytes. Les acquisitions tridimensionnelles montrent que la stimulation modifie considérablement le degré de co-localisation dans le tonneau stimulé de miR-132 avec GAD65/67 et VGLUT2; miR-125b avec GAD65/67 et parvalbumine; miR-138 avec parvalbumine, VGLUT1 et PSD95; et miR-137 avec VGLUT1 et les marqueurs astrocytaires (GS ; GFAP et SlOOß). En conclusion, à l'aide de l'activité neuronale accrue dans la voie de vibrisses-au-baril; les résultats suggèrent que les miARNs peuvent être régulé d'une manière dépendante de l'activité et peuvent résulter la stabilité des ARNm et la traduction pour façonner les réponses neuronales ultérieures. Ces résultats incitent d'investiguer davantage les voies importantes par lesquels les miARNs peuvent réguler la plasticité corticale.
AIMS: The aims of the study are to compare the outcome with and without major bleeding and to identify the independent correlates of major bleeding complications and mortality in patients described in the ATOLL study. METHODS: The ATOLL study included 910 patients randomly assigned to either 0.5 mg/kg intravenous enoxaparin or unfractionated heparin before primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Incidence of major bleeding and ischemic end points was assessed at 1 month, and mortality, at 1 and 6 months. Patients with and without major bleeding complication were compared. A multivariate model of bleeding complications at 1 month and mortality at 6 months was realized. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were performed. RESULTS: The most frequent bleeding site appears to be the gastrointestinal tract. Age >75 years, cardiac arrest, and the use of insulin or >1 heparin emerged as independent correlates of major bleeding at 1 month. Patients presenting with major bleeding had significantly higher rates of adverse ischemic complications. Mortality at 6 months was higher in bleeders. Major bleeding was found to be one of the independent correlates of 6-month mortality. The addition or mixing of several anticoagulant drugs was an independent factor of major bleeding despite the predominant use of radial access. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that major bleeding is independently associated with poor outcome, increasing ischemic events, and mortality in primary percutaneous coronary intervention performed mostly with radial access.
Diastrophic dysplasia (DTD) is a recessive chondrodysplasia caused by mutations in SLC26A2, a cell membrane sulfate-chloride antiporter. Sulfate uptake impairment results in low cytosolic sulfate, leading to cartilage proteoglycan (PG) undersulfation. In this work, we used the dtd mouse model to study the role of N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC), a well-known drug with antioxidant properties, as an intracellular sulfate source for macromolecular sulfation. Because of the important pre-natal phase of skeletal development and growth, we administered 30 g/l NAC in the drinking water to pregnant mice to explore a possible transplacental effect on the fetuses. When cartilage PG sulfation was evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography disaccharide analysis in dtd newborn mice, a marked increase in PG sulfation was observed in newborns from NAC-treated pregnancies when compared with the placebo group. Morphometric studies of the femur, tibia and ilium after skeletal staining with alcian blue and alizarin red indicated a partial rescue of abnormal bone morphology in dtd newborns from treated females, compared with pups from untreated females. The beneficial effect of increased macromolecular sulfation was confirmed by chondrocyte proliferation studies in cryosections of the tibial epiphysis by proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemistry: the percentage of proliferating cells, significantly reduced in the placebo group, reached normal values in dtd newborns from NAC-treated females. In conclusion, NAC is a useful source of sulfate for macromolecular sulfation in vivo when extracellular sulfate supply is reduced, confirming the potential of therapeutic approaches with thiol compounds to improve skeletal deformity and short stature in human DTD and related disorders.
Htr1a is one of the most widespread serotonin receptor across the brain, strongly expressed in CAI region of hippocampus. Our laboratory studies the phenotypic alteration in 5HTla- deficient mice (Htr1aK0), characterized an abnormal anxious-like behavior. Our aim is to evaluate the regulation of this cognitive process by understanding the circuitry involved. This phenotype sets up early during development and has durable effect in adulthood. Our laboratory showed that adult Htr1aK0 male mice displaying exuberant dendritic growth of oblique dendrites in a specific layer of a CAI pyramidal neurons, the stratum radiatum. Application of drugs in organotypic cultures and by in vivo injections revealed that GluN2B, a subunit of NMDA receptor highly expressed during development, is responsible for this dendritic exuberance. Immunohistochemistry highlighted in particular a synaptic enrichment of GluN2B in stratum radiatum of Htr1aK0 CAI pyramidal neurons at puberty. Finally, original analysis of Htr1aK0 mouse behavior showed a different response to anxiety between male and female. Htr1a activation down-regulates the CaMKII activity in the CAI pyramidal neurons. CaMKII directly favors the membrane conductance and stability of GluN2B at the synapse. In the context of the Htr1aK0 mouse, GluN2B is the final common pathway of our phenotype. This subunit is well known to regulate the threshold of LTD/LTP and the dendritogenesis during development. In my thesis, I establish a link between the gender differences in the morphology and the physiology in the Htr1aK0 mice during development to understand how these characteristics shape the circuit with prominent cognitive impacts in adulthood. My study highlighted that during development, Htr1aK0 male mice show a constant increase of the dendritic growth of oblique dendrites from early ages until adulthood associated with an increased physiological impact of altered GluN2A/GluN2B ratio. Whereas during puberty, synaptic contribution of GluN2B to NMDA response is higher in Htr1aK0 compared to WT male mice, this ratio comes back to normal values towards adulthood. However, this recovery of the ratio of GluN2A/GluN2B located at the synaptic level is concomitant with the lateral diffusion of excess GluN2B subunits, leading to extrasynaptic enrichment. The main impact was a lowering of the LTP threshold characterized by strong increased potentiation of synaptic strength after 5 Hz low frequency stimulation. Moreover, the extrasynaptic GluN2B overexpression leads to a shift of the maturation phase switch explaining the exuberant morphology. However, Htr1aK0 females characterized during the 3 first weeks of development by an increase of the dendritic growth of oblique dendrites showed starting at puberty that the dendrite arborization returns progressively to WT values. The physiological impact of GluN2B was investigated and directly linked to this morphology, since Htr1aK0 female mice does not show alteration of the synaptic strength during development. These observations show a compensation occurring in Htr1aK0 female, responsible for a rescue of the phenotype morphologically, physiologically and to be tested behaviorally. We highlighted then the biological processes underlying this compensation. During development, sexual hormones such as testosterone and estrogen are responsible to induce sexual differentiation of specific brain regions. I demonstrated that estrogen, but not testosterone, was able to reduce both in vitro and in vivo the dendritic arborization early during development, through activation of GPER-1, a G-coupled protein estrogen receptor, which phenocopy the activation of Htr1a by reducing GluN2B conductance and stability. I then identified a pathway, parallel to Htr1a, able to regulate GluN2B and responsible for the morphological and physiological phenotype in Htr1aK0 female mice. The specific rise of estrogen occurring at puberty in female is responsible for the compensation observed and induces a late rescue of the Htr1aK0 phenotype by activation GPER-1. -- Htr1a est un des récepteurs à la sérotonine les plus répandus dans le cerveau, fortement exprimé dans la région CAI de l'hippocampe. Notre laboratoire étudie les altérations phénotypiques de souris déficientes pour ce récepteur (Htr1aK0), caractérisées par un comportement avec des traits anxieux. Notre objectif est d'évaluer la régulation de ces processus cognitifs en comprenant les connexions nerveuses impliquées. Ce phénotype se met en place tôt au cours du développement et présente un effet durable à l'âge adulte. Notre laboratoire a montré que les souris Htr1aK0 mâles adultes se caractérisent par une croissance exubérante des dendrites obliques dans une couche spécifique des neurones pyramidaux du CAI, le stratum radiatum. L'application de drogues sur cultures organotypiques et par injections in vivo ont révélé que GluN2B, une sous-unité du récepteur NMDA fortement exprimée au cours du développement, est responsable de cette exubérance dendritique. Des expériences d'immunohistochimie ont notamment mis en évidence un enrichissement synaptique de GluN2B durant la puberté dans le stratum radiatum des neurones de la région CAI des souris Htr1aK0. Finalement, l'analyse originale du comportement des souris Htr1aK0 a montré une différence de réponse à l'anxiété entre mâles et femelles. L'activation de Htr1a diminue l'activité de la CaMKII dans les neurones pyramidaux du CAI. La CaMKII favorise directement la conductance et la stabilité de la sous-unité GluN2B à la synapse. Dans le contexte de la souris Htr1aK0, GluN2B est le « médiateur » de notre phénotype. Cette sous-unité est particulièrement connue pour réguler le seuil de LTD-LTP ainsi que la dendritogénèse durant le développement. Dans ma thèse, j'ai établi le lien entre les différences dépendant du genre dans la morphologie et physiologie des souris Htr1aK0 au cours du développement pour comprendre comment ces caractéristiques modulent le circuit accompagnés d'impacts cognitifs visibles à l'âge adulte. Mon étude a mis en évidence que durant le développement, les souris mâles Htr1aK0 montrent une constante augmentation de la croissance des dendrites obliques entre les premières semaines et l'âge adulte associée à une augmentation de l'impact physiologique du ratio GluN2A/GluN2B altéré. Alors que durant la puberté, la contribution synaptique de GluN2B à la réponse NMDA est plus haute chez la souris mâle Htr1aK0 que le WT, ce ratio revient à des valeurs normales à l'âge adulte. Cependant, cette récupération de l'expression du récepteur au niveau synaptique est concomitante avec la diffusion des sous-unités GluN2B excédantes, amenant alors à un enrichissement extrasynaptique. Le principal impact est une diminution du seuil de la LTP caractérisée par une forte potentiation de la plasticité après une stimulation basse fréquence à 5 Hz. De plus, la surexpression des GluN2B extrasynaptiques conduit à un décalage de la bascule à la phase de maturation, expliquant la morphologie dendritique exubérante. Cependant, les femelles Htr1aK0 initialement caractérisées pendant les 3 premières semaines du développement par une augmentation de la croissance des dendrites obliques montrent à partir de la puberté que cette arborisation dendritique retourne à des valeurs WT. L'impact physiologique de GLuN2B a été investigué et mis en lien avec cette morphologie, étant donné que les femelles Htr1aK0 ne montrent pas d'altération de la plasticité durant le développement. Ces observations montrent une compensation se produisant chez la femelle Htr1aK0, responsable d'une récupération du phénotype morphologique, physiologique et peut-être comportemental. Nous avons souligné les processus biologiques sous-jacent à cette compensation. Au cours du développement, les hormones sexuelles telles que la testostérone et l'estrogène sont responsables de la différentiation sexuelle de régions du cerveau spécifiques. J'ai démontré que l'estrogène, mais pas la testostérone, était capable de réduire in vitro et in vivo l'arborisation dendritique tôt dans le développement au travers de l'activation du récepteur GPER-1, un récepteur aux estrogènes couplés à un protéine G, qui phénocopie l'activation de Htr1a en réduisant la conductance et la stabilité de GluN2B à la membrane. J'ai identifié une voie de signalisation parallèle à celle de Htr1a, capable de réguler GluN2B et responsable du phénotype morphologique et physiologique de la souris femelle Htr1aK0. La montée spécifique d'estrogène se déroulant à la puberté chez la femelle est responsable de cette compensation et implique une récupération tardive du phénotype Htr1aK0 par l'activation de GPER-1.
Diurnal oscillations of gene expression are a hallmark of rhythmic physiology across most living organisms. Such oscillations are controlled by the interplay between the circadian clock and feeding rhythms. Although rhythmic mRNA accumulation has been extensively studied, comparatively less is known about their transcription and translation. Here, we quantified simultaneously temporal transcription, accumulation, and translation of mouse liver mRNAs under physiological light-dark conditions and ad libitum or night-restricted feeding in WT and brain and muscle Arnt-like 1 (Bmal1)-deficient animals. We found that rhythmic transcription predominantly drives rhythmic mRNA accumulation and translation for a majority of genes. Comparison of wild-type and Bmal1 KO mice shows that circadian clock and feeding rhythms have broad impact on rhythmic gene expression, Bmal1 deletion affecting surprisingly both transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. Translation efficiency is differentially regulated during the diurnal cycle for genes with 5'-Terminal Oligo Pyrimidine tract (5'-TOP) sequences and for genes involved in mitochondrial activity, many harboring a Translation Initiator of Short 5'-UTR (TISU) motif. The increased translation efficiency of 5'-TOP and TISU genes is mainly driven by feeding rhythms but Bmal1 deletion also affects amplitude and phase of translation, including TISU genes. Together this study emphasizes the complex interconnections between circadian and feeding rhythms at several steps ultimately determining rhythmic gene expression and translation.
BIGH3 is a secreted protein, part of the extracellular matrix where it interacts with collagen and integrins on the cell surface. BIGH3 can play opposing roles in cancer, acting as either tumor suppressor or promoter, and its mutations lead to different forms of corneal dystrophy. Although many studies have been carried out, little is known about the physiological role of BIGH3. Using the cre-loxP system, we generated a mouse model with disruption of the Bigh3 genomic locus. Bigh3 silencing did not result in any apparent phenotype modifications, the mice remained viable and fertile. We were able to determine the presence of BIGH3 in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In the absence of BIGH3, a transient decrease in the apoptotic process involved in retina maturation was observed, leading to a transient increase in the INL thickness at P15. This phenomenon was accompanied by an increased activity of the pro-survival ERK pathway.
In vivo (1)H MR spectroscopy allows the non invasive characterization of brain metabolites and it has been used for studying brain metabolic changes in a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases. The prion diseases form a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases, also described as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The mechanism by which prions elicit brain damage remains unclear and therefore different transgenic mouse models of prion disease were created. We performed an in vivo longitudinal (1)H MR spectroscopy study at 14.1 T with the aim to measure the neurochemical profile of Prnp -/- and PrPΔ32-121 mice in the hippocampus and cerebellum. Using high-field MR spectroscopy we were able to analyze in details the in vivo brain metabolites in Prnp -/- and PrPΔ32-121 mice. An increase of myo-inositol, glutamate and lactate concentrations with a decrease of N-acetylaspartate concentrations were observed providing additional information to the previous measurements.
L'ARN polymérase 3 transcrit un petit groupe de gènes fortement exprimés et impliqués dans plusieurs mécanismes moléculaires. Les ARNs de transfert ou ARNt représentent plus ou moins la moitié du transcriptome de l'ARN polymérase 3. Ils sont directement impliqués dans la traduction des protéines en agissant comme transporteurs d'acides aminés qui sont incorporés à la chaîne naissante de polypeptides. Chez des levures cultivées dans un milieu jusqu'à épuisement des nutriments, Maf1 réprime la transcription par l'ARN polymérase 3, favorisant ainsi l'économie énergétique cellulaire. Dans un modèle de cellules de mammifères, MAF1 réprime aussi la transcription de l'ARN polymérase 3 dans des conditions de stress, cependant il n'existe aucune donnée quant à son rôle chez un mammifère vivant. Pendant mon doctorat, j'ai utilisé une souris délétée pour le gène Maf1 afin de connaître les effets de ce gène chez un mammifère. Etonnamment, la souris Maf1-‐/-‐ est résistante à l'obésité même si celle-‐ci est nourrie avec une nourriture riche en matières grasses. Des études moléculaires et de métabolomiques ont montré qu'il existe des cycles futiles de production et dégradation des lipides et des ARNt, ce qui entraîne une augmentation de la dépense énergique et favorise la résistance à l'obésité. En plus de la caractérisation de la souris Maf1-‐/-‐, pendant ma thèse j'ai également développé une méthode afin de normaliser les données de ChIP-‐sequencing. Cette méthode est fondée sur l'utilisation d'un contrôle interne, représenté ici par l'ajout d'une quantité fixe de chromatine provenant d'un organisme différent de celui étudié. La méthode a amélioré considérablement la reproductibilité des valeurs entre réplicas biologiques. Elle a aussi révélé des différences entre échantillons issus de conditions différentes. Une occupation supérieure de l'ARN polymérase 3 sur les gènes Pol 3 chez les souris Maf1 KO entraîne une augmentation du niveau de précurseurs d'ARNt, ayant pour effet probable la saturation de la machinerie de maturation des ARNt. En effet, chez les souris Maf1 KO, le pourcentage d'ARNt modifiés est plus faible que chez les souris type sauvage. Ce déséquilibre entre le niveau de précurseurs et d'ARNt matures entraîne une diminution de la traduction protéique. Ces résultats ont permis d'identifier de nouvelles fonctions pour la protéine MAF1, comme étant une protéine régulatrice à la fois de la transcription mais aussi de la traduction et en étant un cible potentielle au traitement à l'obésité. -- RNA polymerase III (Pol 3) transcribes a small set of highly expressed genes involved in different molecular mechanisms. tRNAs account for almost half of the Pol 3 transcriptome and are involved in translation, bringing a new amino into the nascent polypeptide chain. In yeast, under nutrient deprivation, Maf1 acts for cell energetic economy by repressing Pol 3 transcription. In mammalian cells, MAF1 also represses Pol 3 activity under conditions of serum deprivation or DNA damages but nothing is known about its role in a mammalian organism. During my thesis studies, I used a Maf1 KO mouse model to characterize the effects of Maf1 deletion in a living animal. Surprisingly, the MAF1 KO mouse developed an unexpected phenotype, being resistant to high fat diet-‐induced obesity and displaying an extended lifespan. Molecular and metabolomics characterizations revealed futile cycles of lipids and tRNAs, which are produced and immediately degraded, which increases energy consumption in the Maf1 KO mouse and probably explains in part the protection to obesity. Additionally to the mouse characterization, I also developed a method to normalize ChIP-‐seq data, based on the addition of a foreign chromatin to be used as an internal control. The method improved reproducibility between replicates and revealed differences of Pol 3 occupancy between WT and Maf1 KO samples that were not seen without normalization to the internal control. I then established that increased Pol 3 occupancy in the Maf1 KO mouse liver was associated with increased levels of tRNA precursor but not of mature tRNAs, the effective molecules involved in translation. The overproduction of precursor tRNAs associated with the deletion of Maf1 apparently overwhelms the tRNA processing machinery as the Maf1 KO mice have lower levels of fully modified tRNAs. This maturation defect directly impacts on translation efficiency as polysomic fractions and newly synthetized protein levels were reduced in the liver of the Maf1 KO mouse. Altogether, these results indicate new functions for MAF1, a regulator of both transcription and translation as well as a potential target for obesity treatment.
Waddlia chondrophila, an obligate intracellular bacterium belonging to the Chlamydiales order, is considered as an emerging pathogen. Some clinical studies highlighted a possible role of W. chondrophila in bronchiolitis, pneumonia and miscarriage. This pathogenic potential is further supported by the ability of W. chondrophila to infect and replicate within human pneumocytes, macrophages and endometrial cells. Considering that W. chondrophila might be a causative agent of respiratory tract infection, we developed a mouse model of respiratory tract infection to get insight into the pathogenesis of W. chondrophila. Following intranasal inoculation of 2 x 108 W. chondrophila, mice lost up to 40% of their body weight, and succumbed rapidly from infection with a death rate reaching 50% at day 4 post-inoculation. Bacterial loads, estimated by qPCR, increased from day 0 to day 3 post-infection and decreased thereafter in surviving mice. Bacterial growth was confirmed by detecting dividing bacteria using electron microscopy, and living bacteria were isolated from lungs 14 days post-infection. Immunohistochemistry and histopathology of infected lungs revealed the presence of bacteria associated with pneumonia characterized by an important multifocal inflammation. The high inflammatory score in the lungs was associated with the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines in both serum and lungs at day 3 post-infection. This animal model supports the role of W. chondrophila as an agent of respiratory tract infection, and will help understanding the pathogenesis of this strict intracellular bacterium.
Glucose is the most important metabolic substrate of the retina and maintenance of normoglycemia is an essential challenge for diabetic patients. Chronic, exaggerated, glycemic excursions could lead to cardiovascular diseases, nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy. We recently showed that hypoglycemia induced retinal cell death in mouse via caspase 3 activation and glutathione (GSH) decrease. Ex vivo experiments in 661W photoreceptor cells confirmed the low-glucose induction of death via superoxide production and activation of caspase 3, which was concomitant with a decrease of GSH content. We evaluate herein retinal gene expression 4 h and 48 h after insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Microarray analysis demonstrated clusters of genes whose expression was modified by hypoglycemia and we discuss the potential implication of those genes in retinal cell death. In addition, we identify by gene set enrichment analysis, three important pathways, including lysosomal function, GSH metabolism and apoptotic pathways. Then we tested the effect of recurrent hypoglycemia (three successive 4h periods of hypoglycemia spaced by 48 h recovery) on retinal cell death. Interestingly, exposure to multiple hypoglycemic events prevented GSH decrease and retinal cell death, or adapted the retina to external stress by restoring GSH level comparable to control situation. We hypothesize that scavenger GSH is a key compound in this apoptotic process, and maintaining "normal" GSH level, as well as a strict glycemic control, represents a therapeutic challenge in order to avoid side effects of diabetes, especially diabetic retinopathy.
Mammalian physiology and behavior follow daily rhythms that are orchestrated by endogenous timekeepers known as circadian clocks. Rhythms in transcription are considered the main mechanism to engender rhythmic gene expression, but important roles for posttranscriptional mechanisms have recently emerged as well (reviewed in Lim and Allada (2013) [1]). We have recently reported on the use of ribosome profiling (RPF-seq), a method based on the high-throughput sequencing of ribosome protected mRNA fragments, to explore the temporal regulation of translation efficiency (Janich et al., 2015 [2]). Through the comparison of around-the-clock RPF-seq and matching RNA-seq data we were able to identify 150 genes, involved in ribosome biogenesis, iron metabolism and other pathways, whose rhythmicity is generated entirely at the level of protein synthesis. The temporal transcriptome and translatome data sets from this study have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus under the accession number GSE67305. Here we provide additional information on the experimental setup and on important optimization steps pertaining to the ribosome profiling technique in mouse liver and to data analysis.