414 resultados para RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of discontinuation and nonpublication of surgical versus medical randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and to explore risk factors for discontinuation and nonpublication of surgical RCTs. BACKGROUND: Trial discontinuation has significant scientific, ethical, and economic implications. To date, the prevalence of discontinuation of surgical RCTs is unknown. METHODS: All RCT protocols approved between 2000 and 2003 by 6 ethics committees in Canada, Germany, and Switzerland were screened. Baseline characteristics were collected and, if published, full reports retrieved. Risk factors for early discontinuation for slow recruitment and nonpublication were explored using multivariable logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: In total, 863 RCT protocols involving adult patients were identified, 127 in surgery (15%) and 736 in medicine (85%). Surgical trials were discontinued for any reason more often than medical trials [43% vs 27%, risk difference 16% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 5%-26%); P = 0.001] and more often discontinued for slow recruitment [18% vs 11%, risk difference 8% (95% CI: 0.1%-16%); P = 0.020]. The percentage of trials not published as full journal article was similar in surgical and medical trials (44% vs 40%, risk difference 4% (95% CI: -5% to 14%); P = 0.373). Discontinuation of surgical trials was a strong risk factor for nonpublication (odds ratio = 4.18, 95% CI: 1.45-12.06; P = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Discontinuation and nonpublication rates were substantial in surgical RCTs and trial discontinuation was strongly associated with nonpublication. These findings need to be taken into account when interpreting surgical literature. Surgical trialists should consider feasibility studies before embarking on full-scale trials.
INTRODUCTION: Apical surgery is an important treatment option for teeth with post-treatment periodontitis. Although apical surgery involves root-end resection, no morphometric data are yet available about root-end resection and its impact on the root-to-crown ratio (RCR). The present study assessed the length of apicectomy and calculated the loss of root length and changes of RCR after apical surgery. METHODS: In a prospective clinical study, cone-beam computed tomography scans were taken preoperatively and postoperatively. From these images, the crown and root lengths of 61 roots (54 teeth in 47 patients) were measured before and after apical surgery. Data were collected relative to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) as well as to the crestal bone level (CBL). One observer took all measurements twice (to calculate the intraobserver variability), and the means were used for further analysis. The following parameters were assessed for all treated teeth as well as for specific tooth groups: length of root-end resection and percentage change of root length, preoperative and postoperative RCRs, and percentage change of RCR after apical surgery. RESULTS: The mean length of root-end resection was 3.58 ± 1.43 mm (relative to the CBL). This amounted to a loss of 33.2% of clinical and 26% of anatomic root length. There was an overall significant difference between the tooth groups (P < .05). There was also a statistically significant difference comparing mandibular and maxillary teeth (P < .05), but not for incisors/canines versus premolars/molars (P = .125). The mean preoperative and postoperative RCRs (relative to CEJ) were 1.83 and 1.35, respectively (P < .001). With regard to the CBL reference, the mean preoperative and postoperative RCRs were 1.08 and 0.71 (CBL), respectively (P < .001). The calculated changes of RCR after apical surgery were 24.8% relative to CEJ and 33.3% relative to CBL (P < .001). Across the different tooth groups, the mean RCR was not significantly different (P = .244 for CEJ and 0.114 for CBL). CONCLUSIONS: This CBCT-based study demonstrated that the RCR is significantly changed after root-end resection in apical surgery irrespective of the clinical (CBL) or anatomic (CEJ) reference levels. The lowest, and thus clinically most critical, postoperative RCR was observed in maxillary incisors. Future clinical studies need to show the impact of resection length and RCR changes on the outcome of apical surgery.
OPINION STATEMENT: Therapeutic options for early stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) include both surgery and radiotherapy as single treatment modality. Retrospective data reporting on locoregional control and survival rates in early stage OPSCC have shown equivalent efficacy, although no prospective randomized trials are available to confirm these results. Given the assumed comparable oncologic results in both groups, complication rates and functional outcomes associated with each modality play a major role when making treatment decisions. Radiotherapy is used preferentially in many centers because few trials have reported higher complication rates in surgical patients. However, these adverse effects were mainly due to traditional invasive open surgical approaches used for access to the oropharynx. In order to decrease the morbidity of these techniques, transoral surgical (TOS) approaches have been developed progressively. They include transoral laser microsurgery (TLM), transoral robotic surgery (TORS), and conventional transoral techniques. Meta-analysis comparing these new approaches with radiotherapy showed equivalent efficacy in terms of oncologic results. Furthermore, studies reporting on functional outcomes in patients undergoing TOS for OPSCC did not show major long-term functional impairment following treatment. Given the abovementioned statements, it is our practice to treat early stage OPSCC as follows: whenever a single modality treatment seems feasible (T1-2 and N0-1), we advocate TOS resection of the primary tumor associated with selective neck dissection, as indicated. In our opinion, the advantage of this approach relies on the possibility to stratify the risk of disease progression based on the pathological features of the tumor. Depending on the results, adjuvant radiation treatment or chemoradiotherapy can be chosen for high-risk patients. For tumors without adverse features, no adjuvant treatment is given. This approach also allows prevention of potential radiation-induced late complications while keeping radiotherapy as an option for any second primary lesions whenever needed. Definitive radiotherapy is generally reserved for selected patients with specific anatomical location associated with poor functional outcome following surgery, such as tumor of the soft palate, or for patients with severe comorbidities that do not allow surgical treatment.
BACKGROUND: The objective measurement of dominant/nondominant arm use proportion in daily life may provide relevant information on healthy and pathologic arm behavior. This prospective case-control study explored the potential of such measurements as indicators of upper limb functional recovery after rotator cuff surgery. METHODS: Data on dominant/nondominant arm usage were acquired with body-worn sensors for 7 hours. The postsurgical arm usage of 21 patients was collected at 3, 6, and 12 months after rotator cuff surgery in the sitting, walking, and standing postures and compared with a reference established with 41 healthy subjects. The results were calculated for the dominant and nondominant surgical side subgroups at all stages. The correlations with clinical scores were calculated. RESULTS: Healthy right-handed and left-handed dominant arm usage was 60.2% (±6.3%) and 53.4% (±6.6%), respectively. Differences in use of the dominant side were significant between the right- and left-handed subgroups for sitting (P = .014) and standing (P = .009) but not for walking (P = .328). The patient group showed a significant underuse of 10.7% (±8.9%) at 3 months after surgery (P < .001). The patients recovered normal arm usage within 12 months, regardless of surgical side. The arm underuse measurement was weakly related to function and pain scores. CONCLUSION: This study provided new information on arm recovery after rotator cuff surgery using an innovative measurement method. It highlighted that objective arm underuse measurement is a valuable indicator of upper limb postsurgical outcome that captures a complementary feature to clinical scores.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology, the surgical treatment, the microbiology, the antibiotic prophylaxis and the outcome of patients with the most severe type of open fractures. METHODS: Retrospective chart reviews of patients with Gustilo type III open fracture admitted to an university hospital in Switzerland between January 2007 and December 2011. The patient's and fracture's characteristics, surgery, antibiotic prophylaxis, and microbiology findings at the initial and at the revision surgery were described. RESULTS: Thirty patients were included (83% male, mean age 41 years). More than half of the patients had polytrauma. In all patients, debridement and stabilization surgery (70% using external fixation) were performed at admission. Soft tissue reconstruction was performed in 87% and in 23% immediate bone graft was performed. Antibiotic prophylaxis were given in all patients for a median duration of 9 days (60% received amoxicillin/clavulanic acid). Positive bacterial culture was found in 53% of the patients at initial surgery and in 88% at revision surgery. At initial and revision surgery, 47% and 88% of the pathogens were amoxicillin/clavulanic acid-resistant. Treatment outcome was favorable in 24 of 30 patients (80%) and in six cases (20%) an amputation had to be performed. None of the patients had chronic bone infection. CONCLUSIONS: Positive cultures were found often in open fractures. Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid which is often mentioned in many guidelines as prophylaxis in open fractures does not cover the most common isolated organisms. The combination of surgery and antibiotic prophylaxis leads to good outcome in Gustilo type III fracture.
Introduction: B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a biomarker of myocardial stress. In children, the value of preoperative BNP on postoperative outcome is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive value of preoperative NT-proBNP on postoperative outcome in children after congenital heart surgery. Results: Ninety-seven patients were included in the study with a median age of 3.3 years [0.7-5.2]. Preoperative median NT-proBNP was 412 pg/ml [164-1309]. NT-proBNP was above the P95 reference value for age in 56 patients (58%). Preoperative NT-proBNP was significantly higher in patients who had mechanical ventilation duration of more than 2 days (1156 pg/ml [281-1951] vs. 267 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.003) and who stayed more than 6 days in the pediatric intensive care unit (727 pg/ml [203-1951] vs. 256 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.007). However, preoperative NT-proBNP was not significantly higher in patients with an increased inotropic score, a prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time or an increased surgical risk category. Conclusions: An elevated preoperative NT-proBNP reflects hemodynamic status and cardiac dysfunction, and therefore is a valuable adjunct in predicting a complicated postoperative course. ___________________________________ Introduction: Le peptide natriurétique type B (BNP) est un marqueur reflétant le stress myocardique. Dans la population pédiatrique, la signification des valeurs préopératoire de BNP, en particulier sur l'évolution postopératoire, n'est pas clairement établie. Le but de l'étude est de déterminer la valeur prédictive de la partie NT sérique du BNP (NT-proBNP) sur l'évolution post opératoire d'enfants porteur d'une cardiopathie congénitale et ayant eu une chirurgie cardiaque. Résultats: Nonante-sept enfants ont été inclus dans l'étude, avec un âge médian de 3.3 ans [0.7-5.2]. La valeur médiane du NT-proBNP préopératoire était de 412 pg/ml [164-1309]. Le NT-proBNP préopératoire était supérieur au P95 des valeurs de référence pour l'âge chez 56 patients (58%). Le NT-proBNP préopératoire était significativement plus élevé chez les patients ayant eu plus de deux jours de ventilation mécanique dans la période postopératoire (1156 pg/ml [281-1951] vs. 267 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.003) et ayant été hospitalisés plus de 6 jours dans l'unité de soins intensifs pédiatrique (727 pg/ml [203-1951] vs. 256 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.007). Par contre, le NT-proBNP préopératoire n'était pas significativement plus élevé chez les patients ayant eu un score d'inotrope élevé pendant leur hospitalisation aux soins intensifs, un temps de circulation extracorporelle prolongé ou ayant subi une chirurgie avec un risque chirurgical élevé. Conclusions: Un NT-proBNP sérique élevé en préopératoire reflète l'importance du stress myocardique induit par l'hémodynamique et la dysfonction myocardique, il est un marqueur qui permet d'améliorer l'identification des patients à risque d'avoir une évolution post opératoire compliquée.
Extensive defects of the pelvis and genitoperineal region are a reconstructive challenge. We discuss a consecutive series of 25 reconstructions with the pedicled anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap including muscle part of the vastus lateralis (VL) in 23 patients from October 1999 to September 2012.Only surface defects larger than 100 cm and reconstructions by composite ALT + VL were included in this retrospective analysis. Of the 23 patients, 19 underwent oncologic resection, whereas 4 cases presented Fournier gangrene. Three patients did not reach 6 months of follow-up and were excluded from further data analysis. Among the remaining 20 patients (22 reconstructions), average follow-up period was 14 months (range, 10-18 months). Patient's average age was 60 years. Average size of the defect was 182 cm.Postoperative complications included 1 (4.5%) flap necrosis out of 22 raised flaps, 1 partial flap necrosis after venous congestion, and 2 cases where a complementary reconstructive procedure was performed due to remaining defect or partial flap failure. In 6 cases, peripheral wound dehiscence (27%) was treated by debridement followed by split-thickness skin graft or advancement local flaps. Defect size was significantly related to postoperative complications and increased hospital stay, especially in those patients who underwent preoperative radiotherapy. At the end of the follow-up period, a long-term and satisfactory coverage was obtained in all patients without functional deficits.This consecutive series of composite ALT + VL flap shows that, in case of extended defects, the flap provides an excellent and adjustable muscle mass, is reliable with minimal donor-site morbidity, and can even be designed as a sensate flap.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the long-term outcome of functional endoscopic sinus surgery for Samter's triad patients using an objective visual analogue scale and nasal endoscopy. METHOD: Using a retrospective database, 33 Samter's triad patients who underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery were evaluated pre- and post-operatively between 1987 and 2007 in Hospital of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. RESULTS: A total of 33 patients participated in the study, and the mean follow-up period was 11.6 years (range 1.2-20 years). Patients were divided into two groups based on visual analogue scale scores of the five parameters with the greatest difference in intensity of symptoms between the beginning and end of follow up. Group 1 included patients with a mean visual analogue scale score of 6 and below at the end of follow up and group 2 included patients with a mean visual analogue scale score of more than 6. The only statistically significant difference noted between the two groups was the endonasal findings: stage III-IV polyposis was present in 1 out of 24 patients (4 per cent) in group 1 and in 5 out of 9 patients (56 per cent) in group 2. CONCLUSION: The results of our study indicate that functional endoscopic sinus surgery helps stabilise disease progression. Stage III-IV polyposis had a significant adverse effect on long-term outcome.
BACKGROUND: The impact of early treatment with immunomodulators (IM) and/or TNF antagonists on bowel damage in Crohn's disease (CD) patients is unknown. AIM: To assess whether 'early treatment' with IM and/or TNF antagonists, defined as treatment within a 2-year period from the date of CD diagnosis, was associated with development of lesser number of disease complications when compared to 'late treatment', which was defined as treatment initiation after >2 years from the time of CD diagnosis. METHODS: Data from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study were analysed. The following outcomes were assessed using Cox proportional hazard modelling: bowel strictures, perianal fistulas, internal fistulas, intestinal surgery, perianal surgery and any of the aforementioned complications. RESULTS: The 'early treatment' group of 292 CD patients was compared to the 'late treatment' group of 248 CD patients. We found that 'early treatment' with IM or TNF antagonists alone was associated with reduced risk of bowel strictures [hazard ratio (HR) 0.496, P = 0.004 for IM; HR 0.276, P = 0.018 for TNF antagonists]. Furthermore, 'early treatment' with IM was associated with reduced risk of undergoing intestinal surgery (HR 0.322, P = 0.005), and perianal surgery (HR 0.361, P = 0.042), as well as developing any complication (HR 0.567, P = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with immunomodulators or TNF antagonists within the first 2 years of CD diagnosis was associated with reduced risk of developing bowel strictures, when compared to initiating these drugs >2 years after diagnosis. Furthermore, early immunomodulators treatment was associated with reduced risk of intestinal surgery, perianal surgery and any complication.
AIM: According to the French GRECCAR III randomized trial, full mechanical bowel preparation (MBP) for rectal surgery decreases the rate of postoperative morbidity, in particular postoperative infectious complications, but MBP is not well tolerated by the patient. The aim of the present study was to determine whether a preoperative rectal enema (RE) might be an alternative to MBP. METHODS: An analysis was performed of 96 matched cohort patients undergoing rectal resection with primary anastomosis and protective ileostomy at two different university teaching hospitals, whose rectal cancer management was comparable except for the choice of preoperative bowel preparation (MBP or RE). Prospective databases were retrospectively analysed. RESULTS: Patients were well matched for age, gender, body mass index and Charlson index. The surgical approach and cancer characteristics (level above anal verge, stage and use of neoadjuvant therapy) were comparable between the two groups. Anastomotic leakage occurred in 10% of patients having MBP and in 8% having RE (P = 1.00). Pelvic abscess formation (6% vs 2%, P = 0.63) and wound infection (8% vs 15%, P = 0.55) were also comparable. Extra-abdominal infection (13% vs 13%, P = 1.00) and non-infectious abdominal complications such as ileus and bleeding (27% and 31%, P = 0.83) were not significantly different. Overall morbidity was comparable in the two groups (50% vs 54%, P = 0.83). CONCLUSION: A simple RE before rectal surgery seems not to be associated with more postoperative infectious complications nor a higher overall morbidity than MBP.
BACKGROUND: To study the 'metabolic profile' of different surgical procedures and correlate it with pertinent surgical details and postoperative complications. METHODS: We conducted a prospective pilot study of 70 patients, ten for each of the seven following groups: (1) laparoscopic cholecystectomy, (2) incisional hernia repair, (3) laparoscopic and (4) open colon surgery, (5) upper gastrointestinal, (6) hepatic, and (7) pancreatic resections. Biochemical assessment included white blood cell count (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), glucose, triglycerides (TG), albumin (Alb), and pre-albumin (Pre-Alb), from the day before surgery until 5 days thereafter. Biological markers were compared for major versus minor surgery groups, which were defined on a clinical basis. Univariable analysis was used to identify risk factors for postoperative complications and p < 0.05 was the significance threshold. RESULTS: Common findings in all surgery groups were the acute inflammatory response (↑: WBC, CRP, ↓: TG, Alb, pre-Alb). Using cut-off values of 240 min operative (OR) time and 300 ml estimated blood loss (EBL), laparoscopic cholecystectomy, incisional hernia repair, and laparoscopic colectomy could be distinguished from open colectomy, upper gastrointestinal, liver, and pancreas resections. In a biochemical level, increased CRP and reduced postoperative Alb levels were highly discriminative of all types of 'major surgery.' Significant risk factors for postoperative complications were age, male gender, malignancy, longer OR time, higher blood loss, high CRP, and low Alb levels. CONCLUSIONS: Biochemically, CRP and Alb levels can help quantify the magnitude of the surgical trauma, which is correlated with adverse outcomes.