487 resultados para Patient Questionnaires


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Ophthalmologists typically acquire different image modalities to diagnose eye pathologies. They comprise, e.g., Fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Yet, these images are often complementary and do express the same pathologies in a different way. Some pathologies are only visible in a particular modality. Thus, it is beneficial for the ophthalmologist to have these modalities fused into a single patient-specific model. The goal of this paper is a fusion of Fundus photography with segmented MRI volumes. This adds information to MRI that was not visible before like vessels and the macula. This paper contributions include automatic detection of the optic disc, the fovea, the optic axis, and an automatic segmentation of the vitreous humor of the eye.


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Introduction. Quantification of daily upper-limb activity is a key determinant in evaluation of shoulder surgery. For a number of shoulder diseases, problem in performing daily activities have been expressed in terms of upper-limb usage and non-usage. Many instruments measure upper-limb movement but do not focus on the differentiations between the use of left or right shoulder. Several methods have been used to measure it using only accelerometers, pressure sensors or video-based analysis. However, there is no standard or widely used objective measure for upper-limb movement. We report here on an objective method to measure the movement of upper-limb and we examined the use of 3D accelerometers and 3D gyroscopes for that purpose. Methods. We studied 8 subjects with unilateral pathological shoulder (8 rotator cuff disease: 53 years old ± 8) and compared them to 18 control subjects (10 right handed, 8 left handed: 32 years old ± 8, younger than the patient group to be almost sure they don_t have any unrecognized shoulder pathology). The Simple Shoulder Test (SST) and Disabilities of the Arm and Shoulder Score (DASH) questionnaires were completed by each subject. Two modules with 3 miniature capacitive gyroscopes and 3 miniature accelerometers were fixed by a patch on the dorsal side of the distal humerus, and one module with 3 gyroscopes and 3 accelerometers were fixed on the thorax. The subject wore the system during one day (8 hours), at home or wherever he/she went. We used a technique based on the 3D acceleration and the 3D angular velocities from the modules attached on the humerus. Results. As expected, we observed that for the stand and sit postures the right side is more used than the left side for a healthy right-handed person(idem on the left side for a healthy left-handed person). Subjects used their dominant upper-limb 18% more than the non-dominant upper-limb. The measurements on patients in daily life have shown that the patient has used more his non affected and non dominant side during daily activity if the dominant side = affected shoulder. If the dominant side affected shoulder, the difference can be showed only during walking period. Discussion-Conclusion. The technique developed and used allowed the quantification of the difference between dominant and non dominant side, affected and unaffected upper-limb activity. These results were encouraging for future evaluation of patients with shoulder injuries, before and after surgery. The feasibility and patient acceptability of the method using body fixed sensors for ambulatory evaluation of upper limbs kinematics was shown.


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BACKGROUND: Caring for individuals with schizophrenia can create distress for caregivers which can, in turn, have a harmful impact on patient progress. There could be a better understanding of the connections between caregivers' representations of schizophrenia and coping styles. This study aims at exploring those connections. METHODS: This correlational descriptive study was conducted with 92 caregivers of individuals suffering from schizophrenia. The participants completed three questionnaires translated and validated in French: (a) a socio-demographic questionnaire, (b) the Illness Perception Questionnaire for Schizophrenia and (c) the Family Coping Questionnaire. RESULTS: Our results show that illness representations are slightly correlated with coping styles. More specifically, emotional representations are correlated to an emotion-focused coping style centred on coercion, avoidance and resignation. CONCLUSION: Our results are coherent with the Commonsense Model of Self-Regulation of Health and Illness and should enable to develop new interventions for caregivers.


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Fondement L'appréciation objective du résultat des actes chirurgicaux fait partie de la démarche d'évaluation des pratiques professionnelles, notamment en chirurgie orthopédique pour le résultat des prothèses articulaires. Dans cette optique, les questionnaires « auto-administrés » par les patients offrent une solution séduisante, mais peu utilisée en France. Le questionnaire anglais Oxford Hip Score en 12 questions (OHS-12) a été sélectionné pour cette étude en raison de sa facilité d'utilisation. Hypothèse Le but de ce travail était de valider la traduction française du score d'autoévaluation Oxford-12 et d'en confronter les résultats à ceux des scores fonctionnels de références, de Harris (HHS) et de Merle d'Aubigné (PMA). Matériel et méthode À partir d'une série clinique de 242 patients candidats à une arthroplastie de hanche, une validation de la traduction en langue française de ce questionnaire a été réalisée, ainsi qu'une évaluation de sa cohérence par confrontation des données obtenues en préopératoire avec celles provenant des deux scores cliniques de référence. Résultats La traduction a été validée selon le processus de traduction inverse du français à l'anglais avec correction de toute déviation ou contresens après comparaison systématisée avec le questionnaire original anglais. La moyenne du score global OHS-12 était de 43,8 points (22 à 60 points) avec une bonne distribution de la valeur globale des trois scores comparés. La corrélation était excellente entre OHS et HHS, mais une corrélation de niveau identique entre OHS et PMA n'a été obtenue que pour l'association des paramètres douleur et fonction, après exclusion du critère mobilité relativement surreprésenté dans le score PMA. Discussion et conclusion Le recours à des questionnaires subjectifs qui apportent une appréciation personnelle du résultat de l'arthroplastie par le patient est facilement applicable à grande échelle. Ce travail permet de mettre à la disposition des chirurgiens orthopédistes français une version traduite et validée d'un score d'autoévaluation fiable et internationalement reconnu. Les résultats obtenus nous incitent à privilégier l'utilisation de ce questionnaire en complément des scores et méthodes d'évaluation classiques.


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Polymorbidity affects an increasing number of patients of all ages as demonstrated by a recent epidemiological study and represents a real challenge for the organization of health care. Appropriate management of polymorbid patients requires an interdisciplinary approach associating generalist and specialist physicians, but also nurses, other health professionals and social workers. An improvement in transition care between the community and the hospital is necessary in both directions. Prioritizing the treatment objectives is essential to allow patient adherence and avoid cumulative drug interactions and adverse effects. Those objectives are difficult to attain in the context of our present health care organization. This paper attempts to identify the difficulties involved in caring for polymorbid patients and propose ways to improve it.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyse the long-term mortality and morbidity of a group of patients undergoing thrombolysis during the acute phase of myocardial infarction and to determine the factors influencing the prognosis. One hundred and seventy five patients (149 mean and 26 women, mean age: 54 years) were included in a randomized study, comparing the efficacy of 2 thrombolytic substances administered during the acute phase of myocardial infarction. A standard questionnaire was sent to the various attending physicians to follow-up of these 175 patients. RESULTS: The hospital mortality was 5% (9 patients) and 14 patients (9%) died after a mean follow-up of 4.3 +/- 2.1 years. The 5-year actuarial survival was 81%. Fourteen patients (8%) were lost to follow-up and 49 patients (32%) underwent surgical or percutaneous revascularization during follow-up. Revascularized patients had a significantly better survival than non-revascularized patients. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction of patients who died was lower (48% versus 71%) than that of survivors. Patients with an ejection fraction < 40% also had a significantly lower survival (p = 0.01). Patency of the vessel after thrombolysis was associated with a slightly better survival; this difference was not significant. The ejection fraction at 6 month was also significantly higher (60 +/- 10% versus 49 +/- 11%) for patients with a patent artery. Three risk factors for death or reinfarction were identified: age > 65 years at the time of infarction, disease in more than one coronary vessel and absence of angina pectoris before infarction. The probability of a coronary accident varied from 2 to 88% according to the number of risk factors present. At the time of follow-up, 60% of patients presented hypercholesterolaemia versus only 7% before infarction 73% of patients received anticoagulant or antiaggregant treatment and 81% of patients were asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: The mortality and the acute and long-term morbidity of myocardial infarction remain high, as only 34% of our patients did not develop any events during follow-up, despite serious medical management and follow-up. The ejection fraction has an important prognostic value. Patient management should take the abovementioned risk factors into account.


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BACKGROUND: Myocarditis and pericarditis are rare complications of rickettsiosis, usually associated with Rickettsia rickettsii and R. conorii. African tick-bite fever (ATBF) is generally considered as a benign disease and no cases of myocardial involvement due to Rickettsia africae, the agent of ATBF, have yet been described. CASE PRESENTATION: The patient, that travelled in an endemic area, presented typical inoculation eschars, and a seroconversion against R. africae, was admitted for chest pains and increased cardiac enzymes in the context of an acute myocarditis. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that ATBF, that usually presents a benign course, may be complicated by an acute myocarditis.


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Summary Background: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is an effective and minimally invasive treatment for angina pectoris, but its impact on patient's quality of life has not been extensively studied with specific questionnaires. Methods: Over a 6 month period, ail patients suffering from angina, planned for elective PTCA, and available for a 6 months follow-up, were included in the study. The specific "Seattle Angina Questionnaire" (SAQ) was administered the day before and 6 months after PTCA. The decision to implant a coronary stent was left to the cardiologist in charge of the procedure. Results: 112 patients were initially included (39 PTCA and 62 PTCA with stent im-plantation). There was no difference in gender, age, angina severity and type of coronary lesion between the two groups. Follow-up at 6 months was available for 101 patients (90%). Quality of life was dramatically improved in 4 of 5 SAQ dimensions (physical limitation, angina stability, angina frequency, disease perception, p <0.001). Only treatment satisfaction was worse at follow-up then before the procedure (p = 0.03), in particular satisfaction with received explanations, belief that everything possible was donc to treat angina, and global satisfaction. A stent implantation had no impact on these results. Conclusions: PTCA for ischaemic cardiac disease improved not only physical abilities, but also quality of life dramatically. Dissatisfaction with treatment could be corrected with better information during follow-up. SAQ is easy to use and could be selected as a monitoring instrument. Résumé Contexte: Le traitement de l'angine de poitrine par angioplastie coronaire transluminale per-cutanée (PTCA) est efficace et peu invasif, mais son impact sur la qualité de vie des patients a été relativement peu étudié avec des questionnaires spécifiques. Méthode: Durant 6 mois, tous les patients souffrant d'une angine de poitrine pour qui une PTCA élective était envisagée, et qui étaient disponibles pour un suivi à 6 mois ont été inclus dans l'étude. Le questionnaire spécifique «Seattle Angina Questionnaire» (SAQ) a été utilisé le jour avant et 6 mois après la procédure. La décision d'implanter un stent était laissée au cardiologue au moment de la procédure. Résultats: 112 patients ont été initialement inclus. Trente-neuf d'entre eux ont été traités avec une PTCA, et 62 avec une PTCA et l'implantation de stent. Il n'y avait pas de différence de sexe, d'âge, de sévérité de l'angine de poitrine, et de type de lésion coronaire entre les deux groupes. Un suivi à 6 mois a été possible pour 101 patients (90% de la cohorte initiale). La qualité de vie a été améliorée de façon spectaculaire dans 4 des 5 dimensions du SAQ (limites physiques, stabilité de l'angor, fréquence de l'angor, perception de l'angor, p <0,001). Seule, la satisfaction avec le traitement était pire lors du suivi qu'avant l'intervention (p = 0,03), en particulier la satisfaction avec les explications reçues, la conviction que tous les moyens avaient été utilisés pour le traitement, et la satisfaction globale. L'implantation d'un stent n'a eu aucun impact sur ces résultats.


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Purpose: Diagnostic radiology involving ionizing radiation often leads to crucial information but also involves risk. Estimated cancer risks associated with CT range between 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10 000, depending on age and exposure settings. The aim of this contribution is to provide radiologists a way to inform a patient about these risks on a collective and individual base. Materials and methods: After a brief review of the effects of ionizing radiations, conversion from dose indicators into effective dose will be presented for radiography, fluoroscopy and CT. The Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) concept will be then introduced to enable the reader to compare the level of exposure of various examinations. Finally, the limit of effective dose will be explained and risk projections after various radiological procedures for adults and children will be presented. Results: From an individual standpoint the benefit of a well justified and optimized CT examination clearly outweigh its risk of inducing a fatal cancer. The uncertainties associated with the effective dose concept should be kept in mind in order to avoid cancer risk projections after an examination on an individual basis. Conclusion: Risk factors or effective dose are not the simplest tools to communicate when dealing with radiological risks. Thus, a set of categories should be preferred as proposed in the ICRP (International Commission on Radiation Protection) report 99.


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BACKGROUND: We report a patient with a highly unusual presentation of a mitochondrial disorder. HISTORY AND SIGNS: An 8-year old girl presented with muscular cramps as well as height and weight deceleration. Investigations revealed lactic acidosis, electrolytic imbalance and urinary loss of glucose and electrolytes secondary to proximal renal tubulopathy consistent with Fanconi syndrome (FS). Ophthalmic examination revealed asymptomatic retinitis pigmentosa (RP) with no other ocular manifestations. A mitochondriopathy was suspected and genetic analysis performed. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Southern blotting documented a heteroplasmic mutation of mtDNA with deletion/duplication. Three discrete mitochondrial genomes were detected: normal; deletion of 6.7 kb and a deletion/duplication consisting of 1 normal and 1 deleted genome. The relative proportions varied considerably between tissues. CONCLUSIONS: The association of FS and RP combines features of Kearns-Sayre syndrome and Pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome, without being typical of either. This highly unusual clinical presentation emphasises the need for systemic investigation of patients with FS and further underlines the importance of mtDNA analysis in patients with unexpected associations of affected tissues.