462 resultados para Receptor de GABA-A
We previously reported that hepatitis B virus (HBV) e antigen (HBeAg) inhibits production of interleukin 6 by suppressing NF-κB activation. NF-κB is known to be activated through receptor-interacting serine/threonine protein kinase 2 (RIPK2), and we examined the mechanisms of interleukin 6 regulation by HBeAg. HBeAg inhibits RIPK2 expression and interacts with RIPK2, which may represent 2 mechanisms through which HBeAg blocks nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 ligand-induced NF-κB activation in HepG2 cells. Our findings identified novel molecular mechanisms whereby HBeAg modulates intracellular signaling pathways by targeting RIPK2, supporting the concept that HBeAg could impair both innate and adaptive immune responses to promote chronic HBV infection.
BACKGROUND: The alpha1-adrenergic receptors (alpha1-ARs) play a key role in cardiovascular homeostasis. However, the functional role of alpha1-AR subtypes in vivo is still unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular influences of alpha1b-AR. METHODS AND RESULTS: In transgenic mice lacking alpha1-AR (KO) and their wild-type controls (WT), we evaluated blood pressure profile and cardiovascular remodeling induced by the chronic administration (18 days via osmotic pumps) of norepinephrine, angiotensin II, and subpressor doses of phenylephrine. Our results indicate that norepinephrine induced an increase in blood pressure levels only in WT mice. In contrast, the hypertensive state induced by angiotensin II was comparable between WT and KO mice. Phenylephrine did not modify blood pressure levels in either WT or KO mice. The cardiac hypertrophy and eutrophic vascular remodeling evoked by norepinephrine was observed only in WT mice, and this effect was independent of the hypertensive state because it was similar to that observed during subpressor phenylephrine infusion. Finally, the cardiac hypertrophy induced by thoracic aortic constriction was comparable between WT and KO mice. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that the lack of alpha1b-AR protects from the chronic increase of arterial blood pressure induced by norepinephrine and concomitantly prevents cardiovascular remodeling evoked by adrenergic activation independently of blood pressure levels.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in hypertension, we investigated density and distribution of ETA and ETB receptors in hearts and kidneys of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt and 1 kidney -- 1 clip (1K1C) hypertensive rats. METHODS: Five groups of uninephrectomized Wistar rats were put on a low salt diet. Three groups of rats drank tap water and two groups received saline. One group of each regimen received DOCA subcutaneously and two corresponding groups without DOCA served as controls. The fifth group of rats had the renal artery clipped to induce 1K1C hypertension. At 6 weeks, mean arterial pressure (MAP) was recorded and membrane binding assays using 125I-ET-1 were carried out. RESULTS: MAP was increased from control 122 +/- 3 to 155 +/- 6 and 218 +/- 11 mmHg in DOCA-salt and 1K1C rats, respectively, and cardiac weight index was increased. ETA receptors were predominantly expressed in the heart, whereas ETB receptors were predominant in the kidney. In the kidneys, the density of the ETB receptor subtype was upregulated in DOCA-salt and 1K1C rats from 160 +/- 8 to 217 +/- 12 and 190 +/- 2 fmol/mg (P < 0.05), respectively, and ETA tended to be downregulated (P = 0.057). Plasma renin activity was decreased in DOCA-salt rats from 17 +/- 3 to 0.17 +/- 0.01 ng/ml per h and increased in 1K1C rats on low salt diet to 30 +/- 5 ng/ml per h. CONCLUSIONS: Since ETB is the predominant endothelin receptor in the kidneys, upregulation of the ETB receptor mediating vasodilation and downregulation of the ETA receptor mediating vasoconstriction would be compatible with a mainly renal counter-regulatory effect of endothelin-1 to hypertension. Both low and high renin models of hypertension may be affected.
Regulated by histone acetyltransferases and deacetylases (HDACs), histone acetylation is a key epigenetic mechanism controlling chromatin structure, DNA accessibility, and gene expression. HDAC inhibitors induce growth arrest, differentiation, and apoptosis of tumor cells and are used as anticancer agents. Here we describe the effects of HDAC inhibitors on microbial sensing by macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro and host defenses against infection in vivo. HDAC inhibitors down-regulated the expression of numerous host defense genes, including pattern recognition receptors, kinases, transcription regulators, cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, and costimulatory molecules as assessed by genome-wide microarray analyses or innate immune responses of macrophages and dendritic cells stimulated with Toll-like receptor agonists. HDAC inhibitors induced the expression of Mi-2β and enhanced the DNA-binding activity of the Mi-2/NuRD complex that acts as a transcriptional repressor of macrophage cytokine production. In vivo, HDAC inhibitors increased the susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections but conferred protection against toxic and septic shock. Thus, these data identify an essential role for HDAC inhibitors in the regulation of the expression of innate immune genes and host defenses against microbial pathogens.
Rapport de synthese :Comparaison des effets vasculaires et tubulaires rénaux de plusieurs antagonistes des récepteurs de |'angiotensine II en combinaison avec un diurétique thiazidique chez l'humainObjectif : Le but de ce travail était d'investiguer si les antagonistes des récepteurs AT1 de l'angiotensine II (ARA2) entraînent un blocage équivalent des récepteurs au niveau vasculaire et au niveau rénal, en particulier lorsque le système rénine- angiotensine est stimulé par l'administration d'un diurétique thiazidique. Méthode : trente volontaires masculins en bonne santé ont participé à cette étude randomisée, contrôlée, en simple insu. Nous avons mesuré les variations de pression artérielle, d'hémodynamique rénale ainsi que la réponse tubulaire rénale à une perfusion d'angiotensine II 3ng/kg/min administrée sur 1 heure. Ceci avant traitement puis après sept jours d'administration, 24 heures après la dernière dose de médicament. Nous avons comparé l'irbésartan 300 mg seul ou en association avec 12.5 ou 25 mg d'hydrochlorothiazide. (irbésartan 300/12.5 ; irbésartan 300/25). Nous avons également comparé les effets de l'irbésartan 300/25 au losartan 100 mg, au valsartan 160 mg ainsi qu'à l'olmésartan 20 mg, tous administrés avec 25 mg d'hydrochlorothiazide. Chaque participant a été randomisé pour recevoir 2 traitements de 7 jours espacés d'une période d'une semaine sans traitement. Résultats: La réponse de la pression artérielle à |'angiotensine II exogène était bloquée >90% avec l'irbésartan 300 mg seul ou en association avec le diurétique. Il en était de même avec l'olmésartan 20/25. Par contre le blocage n'était que de 60% environ dans les groupes valsartan 160/25 et losartan 100/25. Au niveau rénal, |'angiotensine II exogène réduisait le flux plasmatique rénal de 36% en pré- traitement. Dans les groupes recevant l'irbésartan 300 mg et l'olmésartan 20 mg associés à l'hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg, la vasoconstriction rénale était bloquée presque entièrement alors qu'el|e ne |'était que partiellement avec le valsartan 160/25 et le losartan 100/25 (34 et 45%, respectivement). En pré-traitement, au niveau tubulaire, l'angiotensine II exogène réduisait le volume urinaire de 84% et l'excrétion urinaire de sodium de 65 %. Les effets tubulaires n'étaient que partiellement bloqués par l'administration d'ARA2. Conclusion: Ces résultats démontrent que les ARA; aux doses maximales recommandées ne bloquent pas aussi efficacement les récepteurs ATI au niveau tubulaire qu'au niveau vasculaire. Cette observation pourrait constituer une justification à l'hypothèse selon laquelle des doses plus importantes d'ARA2 seraient nécessaires afin d'obtenir une meilleure protection d'organe. De plus, nos résultats confirment qu'i| y a d'importantes différences entre les ARA2, relatives à leur capacité d'induire un blocage prolongé sur 24 heures des récepteurs AT1 au niveau vasculaire et tubulaire.
Transfection of a human estrogen receptor cDNA expression vector (HEO) into cultured Xenopus kidney cells confers estrogen responsiveness to the recipient cells as demonstrated by the hormone dependent expression of co-transfected Xenopus vitellogenin-CAT chimeric genes. The estrogen stimulation of these vit-CAT genes is dependent upon the presence of the vitellogenin estrogen responsive element (ERE) in their 5' flanking region. Thus, functional human estrogen receptor (hER) can be synthesized in heterologous lower vertebrate cells and can act as a trans-acting regulatory factor that is necessary, together with estradiol, for the induction of the vit-CAT constructs in these cells. In addition, vitellogenin minigenes co-transfected with the HEO expression vector also respond to hormonal stimulation. Their induction is not higher than that of the vit-CAT chimeric genes. It suggests that in the Xenopus kidney cell line B 3.2, the structural parts of the vitellogenin minigenes do not play a role in the induction process. Furthermore, no stabilizing effect of estrogen on vitellogenin mRNA is observed in these cells. In contrast to the transfected genes, the endogenous chromosomal vitellogenin genes remain silent, demonstrating that in spite of the presence of the hER and the hormone, the conditions necessary for their activation are not fulfilled.
A novel member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family, designated TRAMP, has been identified. The structural organization of the 393 amino acid long human TRAMP is most homologous to TNF receptor 1. TRAMP is abundantly expressed on thymocytes and lymphocytes. Its extracellular domain is composed of four cysteine-rich domains, and the cytoplasmic region contains a death domain known to signal apoptosis. Overexpression of TRAMP leads to two major responses, NF-kappaB activation and apoptosis. TRAMP-induced cell death is inhibited by an inhibitor of ICE-like proteases, but not by Bcl-2. In addition, TRAMP does not appear to interact with any of the known apoptosis-inducing ligands of the TNF family.
The aim of this review is to summarize some of the main findings from our laboratory as well as from others concerning the biochemical, molecular, and functional properties of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor. Experimental and computational mutagenesis of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor have been instrumental in elucidating some of the molecular mechanisms underlying receptor activation and receptor coupling to Gq. The knockout mouse model lacking the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor has highlighted the potential implication of this receptor subtype in variety of functions including the regulation of blood pressure, glucose homeostasis, and the rewarding response to drugs of abuse.
BACKGROUND: Postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer have persistent, long-term risk of breast-cancer recurrence and death. Therefore, trials assessing endocrine therapies for this patient population need extended follow-up. We present an update of efficacy outcomes in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 study at 8·1 years median follow-up. METHODS: BIG 1-98 is a randomised, phase 3, double-blind trial of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer that compares 5 years of tamoxifen or letrozole monotherapy, or sequential treatment with 2 years of one of these drugs followed by 3 years of the other. Randomisation was done with permuted blocks, and stratified according to the two-arm or four-arm randomisation option, participating institution, and chemotherapy use. Patients, investigators, data managers, and medical reviewers were masked. The primary efficacy endpoint was disease-free survival (events were invasive breast cancer relapse, second primaries [contralateral breast and non-breast], or death without previous cancer event). Secondary endpoints were overall survival, distant recurrence-free interval (DRFI), and breast cancer-free interval (BCFI). The monotherapy comparison included patients randomly assigned to tamoxifen or letrozole for 5 years. In 2005, after a significant disease-free survival benefit was reported for letrozole as compared with tamoxifen, a protocol amendment facilitated the crossover to letrozole of patients who were still receiving tamoxifen alone; Cox models and Kaplan-Meier estimates with inverse probability of censoring weighting (IPCW) are used to account for selective crossover to letrozole of patients (n=619) in the tamoxifen arm. Comparison of sequential treatments to letrozole monotherapy included patients enrolled and randomly assigned to letrozole for 5 years, letrozole for 2 years followed by tamoxifen for 3 years, or tamoxifen for 2 years followed by letrozole for 3 years. Treatment has ended for all patients and detailed safety results for adverse events that occurred during the 5 years of treatment have been reported elsewhere. Follow-up is continuing for those enrolled in the four-arm option. BIG 1-98 is registered at clinicaltrials.govNCT00004205. FINDINGS: 8010 patients were included in the trial, with a median follow-up of 8·1 years (range 0-12·4). 2459 were randomly assigned to monotherapy with tamoxifen for 5 years and 2463 to monotherapy with letrozole for 5 years. In the four-arm option of the trial, 1546 were randomly assigned to letrozole for 5 years, 1548 to tamoxifen for 5 years, 1540 to letrozole for 2 years followed by tamoxifen for 3 years, and 1548 to tamoxifen for 2 years followed by letrozole for 3 years. At a median follow-up of 8·7 years from randomisation (range 0-12·4), letrozole monotherapy was significantly better than tamoxifen, whether by IPCW or intention-to-treat analysis (IPCW disease-free survival HR 0·82 [95% CI 0·74-0·92], overall survival HR 0·79 [0·69-0·90], DRFI HR 0·79 [0·68-0·92], BCFI HR 0·80 [0·70-0·92]; intention-to-treat disease-free survival HR 0·86 [0·78-0·96], overall survival HR 0·87 [0·77-0·999], DRFI HR 0·86 [0·74-0·998], BCFI HR 0·86 [0·76-0·98]). At a median follow-up of 8·0 years from randomisation (range 0-11·2) for the comparison of the sequential groups with letrozole monotherapy, there were no statistically significant differences in any of the four endpoints for either sequence. 8-year intention-to-treat estimates (each with SE ≤1·1%) for letrozole monotherapy, letrozole followed by tamoxifen, and tamoxifen followed by letrozole were 78·6%, 77·8%, 77·3% for disease-free survival; 87·5%, 87·7%, 85·9% for overall survival; 89·9%, 88·7%, 88·1% for DRFI; and 86·1%, 85·3%, 84·3% for BCFI. INTERPRETATION: For postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer, a reduction in breast cancer recurrence and mortality is obtained by letrozole monotherapy when compared with tamoxifen montherapy. Sequential treatments involving tamoxifen and letrozole do not improve outcome compared with letrozole monotherapy, but might be useful strategies when considering an individual patient's risk of recurrence and treatment tolerability. FUNDING: Novartis, United States National Cancer Institute, International Breast Cancer Study Group.
The TNF family ligand ectodysplasin A (EDA) and its receptor EDAR are required for proper development of skin appendages such as hair, teeth, and eccrine sweat glands. Loss of function mutations in the Eda gene cause X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED), a condition that can be ameliorated in mice and dogs by timely administration of recombinant EDA. In this study, several agonist anti-EDAR monoclonal antibodies were generated that cross-react with the extracellular domains of human, dog, rat, mouse, and chicken EDAR. Their half-life in adult mice was about 11 days. They induced tail hair and sweat gland formation when administered to newborn EDA-deficient Tabby mice, with an EC(50) of 0.1 to 0.7 mg/kg. Divalency was necessary and sufficient for this therapeutic activity. Only some antibodies were also agonists in an in vitro surrogate activity assay based on the activation of the apoptotic Fas pathway. Activity in this assay correlated with small dissociation constants. When administered in utero in mice or at birth in dogs, agonist antibodies reverted several ectodermal dysplasia features, including tooth morphology. These antibodies are therefore predicted to efficiently trigger EDAR signaling in many vertebrate species and will be particularly suited for long term treatments.
The antidiuretic effect of vasopressin is mediated by V2 receptors (V2R) that are located in kidney connecting tubules and collecting ducts. This study provides evidence that V2R signaling is negatively regulated by regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2), a member of the family of RGS proteins. This study demonstrates that (1) RGS2 expression in the kidney is restricted to the vasopressin-sensitive part of the nephron (thick ascending limb, connecting tubule, and collecting duct); (2) expression of RGS2 is rapidly upregulated by vasopressin; (3) the vasopressin-dependent accumulation of cAMP, the principal messenger of V2R signaling, is significantly higher in collecting ducts that are microdissected from the RGS2(-/-) mice compared with their wild-type littermates; and (4) analysis of urine output of mice that were exposed to water restriction followed by acute water loading revealed that RGS2(-/-) mice exhibit an increased renal responsiveness to vasopressin. It is proposed that RGS2 is involved in negative feedback regulation of V2R signaling.
Eukaryotic gene expression depends on a complex interplay between the transcriptional apparatus and chromatin structure. We report here a yeast model system for investigating the functional interaction between the human estrogen receptor (hER) and CTF1, a member of the CTF/NFI transcription factor family. We show that a CTF1-fusion protein and the hER transactivate a synthetic promoter in yeast in a synergistic manner. This interaction requires the proline-rich transactivation domain of CTF1. When the natural estrogen-dependent vitellogenin B1 promoter is tested in yeast, CTF1 and CTF1-fusion proteins are unable to activate transcription, and no synergy is observed between hER, which activates the B1 promoter, and these factors. Chromatin structure analysis on this promoter reveals positioned nucleosomes at -430 to -270 (+/-20 bp) and at -270 to - 100 (+/-20 bp) relative to the start site of transcription. The positions of the nucleosomes remain unchanged upon hormone-dependent transcriptional activation of the promoter, and the more proximal nucleosome appears to mask the CTF/NFI site located at - 101 to -114. We conclude that a functional interaction of hER with the estrogen response element located upstream of a basal promoter occurs in yeast despite the nucleosomal organization of this promoter, whereas the interaction of CTF1 with its target site is apparently precluded by a nucleosome.
In addition to their CD1d-restricted T cell receptor (TCR), natural killer T (NKT) cells express various receptors normally associated with NK cells thought to act, in part, as modulators of TCR signaling. Immunoreceptor-tyrosine activation (ITAM) and inhibition (ITIM) motifs associated with NK receptors may augment or attenuate perceived TCR signals respectively, potentially influencing NKT cell development and function. ITIM-containing Ly49 family receptors expressed by NKT cells are proposed to play a role in their development and function. We have produced mice transgenic for the ITAM-associated Ly49D and ITIM-containing Ly49A receptors and their common ligand H2-Dd to determine the importance of these signaling interplays in NKT cell development. Ly49D/H2-Dd transgenic mice had selectively and severely reduced numbers of thymic and peripheral NKT cells, whereas both ligand and Ly49D transgenics had normal numbers of NKT cells. CD1d tetramer staining revealed a blockade of NKT cell development at an early precursor stage. Coexpression of a Ly49A transgene partially rescued NKT cell development in Ly49D/H2-Dd transgenics, presumably due to attenuation of ITAM signaling. Thus, Ly49D-induced ITAM signaling is incompatible with the early development of cells expressing semi-invariant CD1d-restricted TCRs and appropriately harmonized ITIM-ITAM signaling is likely to play an important role in the developmental program of NKT cells.
Calcium has a pivotal role in biological functions, and serum calcium levels have been associated with numerous disorders of bone and mineral metabolism, as well as with cardiovascular mortality. Here we report results from a genome-wide association study of serum calcium, integrating data from four independent cohorts including a total of 12,865 individuals of European and Indian Asian descent. Our meta-analysis shows that serum calcium is associated with SNPs in or near the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene on 3q13. The top hit with a p-value of 6.3 x 10(-37) is rs1801725, a missense variant, explaining 1.26% of the variance in serum calcium. This SNP had the strongest association in individuals of European descent, while for individuals of Indian Asian descent the top hit was rs17251221 (p = 1.1 x 10(-21)), a SNP in strong linkage disequilibrium with rs1801725. The strongest locus in CASR was shown to replicate in an independent Icelandic cohort of 4,126 individuals (p = 1.02 x 10(-4)). This genome-wide meta-analysis shows that common CASR variants modulate serum calcium levels in the adult general population, which confirms previous results in some candidate gene studies of the CASR locus. This study highlights the key role of CASR in calcium regulation.