Numerous acute and chronic neuromuscular disorders may induce an acute ventilatory failure. The latter is sometimes triggered by a complication like a bronchial aspiration, a pneumonia, or an atelectasis. The acute ventilatory failure often develops insidiously and may be missed until the terminal event. Four different clinical presentations are depicted in this review: slowly progressive (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), rapidly progressive (Guillain-Barré syndrome), chronic with exacerbations (myasthenia gravis), and a form consecutive to critical care (critical care polyneuropathy and myopathy). For each type of ventilatory failure, the review discusses the preventive surveillance, the treatment of acute respiratory failure, and the long-term management.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for the treatment of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) in a cohort of long-lasting aviremic HIV+ patients. METHODS: Seventeen aviremic HIV+ patients with HAND were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study to receive either oral rivastigmine (up to 12 mg/day for 20 weeks) followed by placebo (20 weeks) or placebo followed by rivastigmine. Efficacy endpoints were improvement on rivastigmine in the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog) and individual neuropsychological scores of information processing speed, attention/working memory, executive functioning, and motor skills. Measures of safety included frequency and nature of adverse events and abnormalities on laboratory tests and on plasma concentrations of antiretroviral drugs. Analyses of variance with repeated measures were computed to look for treatment effects. RESULTS: There was no change on the primary outcome ADAS-Cog on drug. For secondary outcomes, processing speed improved on rivastigmine (Trail Making Test A: F(1,13) = 5.57, p = 0.03). One measure of executive functioning just failed to reach significance (CANTAB Spatial Working Memory [strategy]: F(1,13) = 3.94, p = 0.069). No other change was observed. Adverse events were frequent, but not different from those observed in other populations treated with rivastigmine. No safety issues were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine in aviremic HIV+ patients with HAND seemed to improve psychomotor speed. A larger trial with the better tolerated transdermal form of rivastigmine is warranted. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that rivastigmine is ineffective for improving ADAS-Cog scores, but is effective in improving some secondary outcome measures in aviremic HIV+ patients with HAND.
Amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptides play a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and exert various toxic effects on neurons; however, relatively little is known about their influence on glial cells. Astrocytes play a pivotal role in brain homeostasis, contributing to the regulation of local energy metabolism and oxidative stress defense, two aspects of importance for neuronal viability and function. In the present study, we explored the effects of Abeta peptides on glucose metabolism in cultured astrocytes. Following Abeta(25-35) exposure, we observed an increase in glucose uptake and its various metabolic fates, i.e., glycolysis (coupled to lactate release), tricarboxylic acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, and incorporation into glycogen. Abeta increased hydrogen peroxide production as well as glutathione release into the extracellular space without affecting intracellular glutathione content. A causal link between the effects of Abeta on glucose metabolism and its aggregation and internalization into astrocytes through binding to members of the class A scavenger receptor family could be demonstrated. Using astrocyte-neuron cocultures, we observed that the overall modifications of astrocyte metabolism induced by Abeta impair neuronal viability. The effects of the Abeta(25-35) fragment were reproduced by Abeta(1-42) but not by Abeta(1-40). Finally, the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) pathway appears to be crucial in these events since both the changes in glucose utilization and the decrease in neuronal viability are prevented by LY294002, a PI3-kinase inhibitor. This set of observations indicates that Abeta aggregation and internalization into astrocytes profoundly alter their metabolic phenotype with deleterious consequences for neuronal viability.
Artificial radionuclides ((137)Cs, (90)Sr, Pu, and (241)Am) are present in soils because of Nuclear Weapon Tests and accidents in nuclear facilities. Their distribution in soil depth varies according to soil characteristics, their own chemical properties, and their deposition history. For this project, we studied the atmospheric deposition of (137)Cs, (90)Sr, Pu, (241)Am, (210)Pb, and stable Pb. We compared the distribution of these elements in soil profiles from different soil types from an alpine Valley (Val Piora, Switzerland) with the distribution of selected major and trace elements in the same soils. Our goals were to explain the distribution of the radioisotopes as a function of soil parameters and to identify stable elements with analogous behaviors. We found that Pu and (241)Am are relatively immobile and accumulate in the topsoil. In all soils, (90)Sr is more mobile and shows some accumulations at depth into Fe-Al rich horizons. This behavior is also observed for Cu and Zn, indicating that these elements may be used as chemical analogues for the migration of (90)Sr into the soil.
BACKGROUND: In 2005, findings of the first "cost of disorders of the brain in Europe" study of the European Brain Council (EBC) showed that these costs cause a substantial economic burden to the Swiss society. In 2010 an improved update with a broader range of disorders has been analysed. This report shows the new findings for Switzerland and discusses changes. METHODS: Data are derived from the EBC 2010 census study that estimates 12-month prevalence of 12 groups of disorders of the brain and calculates costs (direct health-care costs, direct non-medical costs and indirect costs) by combining top-down and bottom up cost approaches using existing data. RESULTS: The most frequent disorder was headache (2.3 million). Anxiety disorders were found in 1 million persons and sleep disorders in 700,000 persons. Annual costs for all assessed disorders total to 14.5 billion Euro corresponding to about 1,900 EUR per inhabitant per year. Mood, psychotic disorders and dementias (appr. 2 billion EUR each) were most costly. Costs per person were highest for neurological/neurosurgery-relevant disorders, e.g. neuromuscular disorders, brain tumour and multiple sclerosis (38,000 to 24,000 EUR). CONCLUSION: The estimates of the EBC 2010 study for Switzerland provide a basis for health care planning. Increase in size and costs compared to 2005 are mostly due to the inclusion of new disorders (e.g., sleep disorders), or the re-definition of others (e.g., headache) and to an increase in younger cohorts. We suggest coordinated research and preventive measures coordinated between governmental bodies, private health-care and pharmaceutical companies.
MCT2 is the major neuronal monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) that allows the supply of alternative energy substrates such as lactate to neurons. Recent evidence obtained by electron microscopy has demonstrated that MCT2, like alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors, is localized in dendritic spines of glutamatergic synapses. Using immunofluorescence, we show in this study that MCT2 colocalizes extensively with GluR2/3 subunits of AMPA receptors in neurons from various mouse brain regions as well as in cultured neurons. It also colocalizes with GluR2/3-interacting proteins, such as C-kinase-interacting protein 1, glutamate receptor-interacting protein 1 and clathrin adaptor protein. Coimmunoprecipitation of MCT2 with GluR2/3 and C-kinase-interacting protein 1 suggests their close interaction within spines. Parallel changes in the localization of both MCT2 and GluR2/3 subunits at and beneath the plasma membrane upon various stimulation paradigms were unraveled using an original immunocytochemical and transfection approach combined with three-dimensional image reconstruction. Cell culture incubation with AMPA or insulin triggered a marked intracellular accumulation of both MCT2 and GluR2/3, whereas both tumor necrosis factor alpha and glycine (with glutamate) increased their cell surface immunolabeling. Similar results were obtained using Western blots performed on membrane or cytoplasm-enriched cell fractions. Finally, an enhanced lactate flux into neurons was demonstrated after MCT2 translocation on the cell surface. These observations provide unequivocal evidence that MCT2 is linked to AMPA receptor GluR2/3 subunits and undergoes a similar translocation process in neurons upon activation. MCT2 emerges as a novel component of the synaptic machinery putatively linking neuroenergetics to synaptic transmission.
The mechanisms that guide progenitor cell fate and differentiation in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) are poorly understood. Gain-of-function experiments suggest that Notch signaling is involved in the early stages of mammalian neurogenesis. On the basis of the expression of Notch1 by putative progenitor cells of the vertebrate CNS, we have addressed directly the role of Notch1 in the development of the mammalian brain. Using conditional gene ablation, we show that loss of Notch1 results in premature onset of neurogenesis by neuroepithelial cells of the midbrain-hindbrain region of the neural tube. Notch1-deficient cells do not complete differentiation but are eliminated by apoptosis, resulting in a reduced number of neurons in the adult cerebellum. We have also analyzed the effects of Notch1 ablation on gliogenesis in vivo. Our results show that Notch1 is required for both neuron and glia formation and modulates the onset of neurogenesis within the cerebellar neuroepithelium.
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has almost abolished HIV-related mortality and serious opportunistic diseases; among them, AIDS-related dementia. However, minor forms of cognitive dysfunction, have not disappeared, and even increased in frequency. Ageing of HIV+ patients, insufficient penetration of anti-viral drugs into the brain with continuous low-grade viral production and inflammation may play a role. Minor cognitive dysfunction in HIV infection shares some clinical and pathophysiological features with neuro-degenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimers disease. It can thus be postulated that, such in Alzheimer disease, anti-cholinesterase drugs might also be efficacious in AIDS-related minor cognitive dysfunction. This hypothesis has not been tested yet however A clinical trial using ravistigmine is starting this spring in patients with HIV-associated cognitive dysfunction in Geneva and Lausanne.
Dyskinesias are infrequent presentations in acute stroke (1%). They can be found more frequently as delayed presentations after a stroke, but the prevalence is not available from the literature. The full spectrum of hyper- and hypo-akinetic syndromes has been described, but three main pictures are rather specific of an acute stroke: limb shaking, hemichorea-hemiballism and unilateral asterixis. Besides limb shaking, that seems to reflect a transient diffuse ischemia of the frontosubcortical motor pathway, lesions are described at all levels of the frontosubcortical motor circuit including the sensorimotor frontoparietal cortex, the striatum, the pallidum, the thalamic nuclei, the subthalamic nucleus, the substantia nigra, the cerebellum, the brainstem and their interconnecting pathways, as ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes. The preferentially late development of dyskinesia could reflect the return to a more ancestral motor control level, the most functional possible with the remaining configuration of structures, elaborated by brain plasticity after stroke.
The coexistence of diabetes and eating disorder (ED) is more prevalent than we think; indeed it seems to occur in 10 to 20% of cases. Therefore ED deserve attention to be detected and treated in order to permit a decreased in morbidity and better outcomes in body weight loss. The association of type 2 diabetes and ED is frequently seen in younger, overweighed or obese patients suffering of at least one psychiatric co-morbidities and frequently in a difficult psychosocial setting. To succeed in ED treatment, a multidisciplinary and specialised team in eating disorder is requested, however these patients are highly fragile and complex and therapeutic failure has to be feared.
OBJECTIVES: EEG and serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) are used for outcome prognostication in patients with postanoxic coma; however, it is unclear if EEG abnormalities reflect transient neuronal dysfunction or neuronal death. To assess this question, EEG abnormalities were correlated with NSE. Moreover, NSE cutoff values and hypothermic EEG features related with poor outcome were explored.¦METHODS: In a prospective cohort of 61 adults treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after cardiac arrest (CA), multichannel EEG recorded during TH was assessed for background reactivity and continuity, presence of epileptiform transients, and correlated with serum NSE collected at 24-48 hours after CA. Demographic, clinical, and functional outcome data (at 3 months) were collected and integrated in the analyses.¦RESULTS: In-hospital mortality was 41%, and 82% of survivors had good neurologic outcome at 3 months. Serum NSE and EEG findings were strongly correlated (Spearman rho = 0.45; p < 0.001). Median NSE peak values were higher in patients with unreactive EEG background (p < 0.001) and discontinuous patterns (p = 0.001). While all subjects with nonreactive EEG died, 5 survivors (3 with good outcome) had NSE levels >33 μg/L.¦CONCLUSION: The correlation between EEG during TH and serum NSE levels supports the hypothesis that early EEG alterations reflect permanent neuronal damage. Furthermore, this study confirms that absent EEG background reactivity and presence of epileptiform transients are robust predictors of poor outcome after CA, and that survival with good neurologic recovery is possible despite serum NSE levels> 33 μg/L. This underscores the importance of multimodal assessments in this setting.
Immigration, intégration, précarité, échec scolaire, ignorance du français, délinquance sont des thèmes qui animent régulièrement les débats publics, médiatiques et politiques. Bien que les migrations ont toujours fait partie de l'histoire humaine, elles sont souvent décrites comme un trouble aux identités nationales, elles-mêmes mises à mal par la mondialisation. Cependant, les mécanismes sous-tendant les difficultés rencontrées par certains enfants de migrants demeurent bien moins débattus et considérés que leurs conséquences bruyantes et visibles. Après une réflexion sur l'impact de la migration elle-même sur le sujet et un bref aperçu de l'ethnopsychiatrie, nous allons décrire les difficultés que peut rencontrer l'enfant de migrants, leurs origines et leurs conséquences. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite à la manière dont notre société, nos institutions en tiennent compte ou pas. Nous terminerons notre propos par la mise en relief des besoins thérapeutiques et éducatifs spéciaux de ces enfants et la manière dont ceux-ci sont comblés (ou non). Immigration, social integration, precariousness, language barrier, delinquency are constantly stimulating public, political and media debate. Migrations always were part of the human history but they are often described like a disorder of the national identities, themselves put at evil by globalization. However, the origin of the difficulties that certain children of migrants encounter is often overlooked. Only their disturbing implications are frequently studied. After a brief comment on the impact of the migration and the ethnopsychiatry, we will outline the difficulties sometimes faced by the children of migrants, their origins and consequences. Then we will describe how the society and the institutions take them in account (or not). We finally will delineate the specific needs of those children and how they are meeting (or not).
Cet article aborde l'entretien motivationnel (EM), considéré comme un style thérapeutique centré sur le client et directif, visant à développer la motivation au changement par l'exploration et la résolution de l'ambivalence (Miller, W.R., Rollnick, S., 2002. Motivational interviewing: preparing people for change. The Guilford Press, New York, p. 25). Après une brève présentation théorique de ce style thérapeutique, nous présentons un survol des principaux résultats empiriques relatifs à la question de son efficacité dans la prise en charge des troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Malgré un corpus important de travaux qui mettent en évidence les effets de l'EM, la question des « ingrédients actifs » reste encore relativement peu explorée. Quelques hypothèses permettant de mieux comprendre le succès de l'EM sont évoquées.
BACKGROUND: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a proinflammatory cytokine produced by many tissues including pancreatic beta-cells. METHODS: This study investigates the impact of MIF on islet transplantation using MIF knock-out (MIFko) mice. RESULTS: Early islet function, assessed with a syngeneic marginal islet mass transplant model, was enhanced when using MIFko islets (P<0.05 compared with wild-type [WT] controls). This result was supported by increased in vitro resistance of MIFko islets to apoptosis (terminal deoxynucleotide tranferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay), and by improved glucose metabolism (lower blood glucose levels, reduced glucose areas under curve and higher insulin release during intraperitoneal glucose challenges, and in vitro in the absence of MIF, P<0.01). The beneficial impact of MIFko islets was insufficient to delay allogeneic islet rejection. However, the rejection of WT islet allografts was marginally delayed in MIFko recipients by 6 days when compared with WT recipient (P<0.05). This effect is supported by the lower activity of MIF-deficient macrophages, assessed in vitro and in vivo by cotransplantation of islet/macrophages. Leukocyte infiltration of the graft and donor-specific lymphocyte activity (mixed lymphocyte reaction, interferon gamma ELISPOT) were similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that targeting MIF has the potential to improve early function after syngeneic islet transplantation, but has only a marginal impact on allogeneic rejection.