359 resultados para Large Granular Lymphocytes


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To determine the feasibility of data transfer, an interlaboratory comparison was conducted on colon carcinoma cell line (DLD-1) proteins resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis either on small (6 x 7 cm) or large (16x18 cm) gels. The gels were silver-stained and scanned by laser densitometry, and the image obtained was analyzed using Melanie software. The number of spots detected was 1337+/-161 vs. 2382+/-176 for small vs. large format gels, respectively. After gel calibration using landmarks determined using pl and Mr markers, large- and small-format gels were matched and 712+/-36 proteins were found on both types of gels. Having performed accurate gel matching it was possible to acquire additional information after accessing a 2-D PAGE reference database (http://www.expasy.ch/ cgibin/map2/def?DLD1_HUMAN). Thus, the difference in gel size is not an obstacle for data transfer. This will facilitate exchanges between laboratories or consultation concerning existing databases.


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Menopause timing has a substantial impact on infertility and risk of disease, including breast cancer, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We report a dual strategy in ∼70,000 women to identify common and low-frequency protein-coding variation associated with age at natural menopause (ANM). We identified 44 regions with common variants, including two regions harboring additional rare missense alleles of large effect. We found enrichment of signals in or near genes involved in delayed puberty, highlighting the first molecular links between the onset and end of reproductive lifespan. Pathway analyses identified major association with DNA damage response (DDR) genes, including the first common coding variant in BRCA1 associated with any complex trait. Mendelian randomization analyses supported a causal effect of later ANM on breast cancer risk (∼6% increase in risk per year; P = 3 × 10(-14)), likely mediated by prolonged sex hormone exposure rather than DDR mechanisms.


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What drove the transition from small-scale human societies centred on kinship and personal exchange, to large-scale societies comprising cooperation and division of labour among untold numbers of unrelated individuals? We propose that the unique human capacity to negotiate institutional rules that coordinate social actions was a key driver of this transition. By creating institutions, humans have been able to move from the default 'Hobbesian' rules of the 'game of life', determined by physical/environmental constraints, into self-created rules of social organization where cooperation can be individually advantageous even in large groups of unrelated individuals. Examples include rules of food sharing in hunter-gatherers, rules for the usage of irrigation systems in agriculturalists, property rights and systems for sharing reputation between mediaeval traders. Successful institutions create rules of interaction that are self-enforcing, providing direct benefits both to individuals that follow them, and to individuals that sanction rule breakers. Forming institutions requires shared intentionality, language and other cognitive abilities largely absent in other primates. We explain how cooperative breeding likely selected for these abilities early in the Homo lineage. This allowed anatomically modern humans to create institutions that transformed the self-reliance of our primate ancestors into the division of labour of large-scale human social organization.


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Background Biological rhythmicity has been extensively studied in animals for many decades. Although temporal patterns of physical activity have been identified in humans, no large-scale, multi-national study has been published, and no comparison has been attempted of the ubiquity of activity rhythms at different time scales (such as daily, weekly, monthly, and annual). Methods Using individually worn actigraphy devices, physical activity of 2,328 individuals from five different countries (adults of African descent from Ghana, South Africa, Jamaica, Seychelles, and the United States) was measured for seven consecutive days at different times of the year. Results Analysis for rhythmic patterns identified daily rhythmicity of physical activity in all five of the represented nationalities. Weekly rhythmicity was found in some, but not all, of the nationalities. No significant evidence of lunar rhythmicity or seasonal rhythmicity was found in any of the groups. Conclusions These findings extend previous small-scale observations of daily rhythmicity to a large cohort of individuals from around the world. The findings also confirm the existence of modest weekly rhythmicity but not lunar or seasonal rhythmicity in human activity. These differences in rhythm strength have implications for the management of health hazards of rhythm misalignment. Key Messages Analysis of the pattern of physical activity of 2,328 individuals from five countries revealed strong daily rhythmicity in all five countries, moderate weekly rhythmicity in some countries, and no lunar rhythmicity or seasonal rhythmicity in any of the countries.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to test the diagnostic value of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) beta-amyloid (Aβ1-42), phosphorylated tau, and total tau (tau) to discriminate Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia from other forms of dementia. METHODS: A total of 675 CSF samples collected at eight memory clinics were obtained from healthy controls, AD dementia, subjective memory impairment, mild cognitive impairment, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia (LBD), fronto-temporal dementia (FTD), depression, or other neurological diseases. RESULTS: CSF Aβ1-42 showed the best diagnostic accuracy among the CSF biomarkers. At a sensitivity of 85%, the specificity to differentiate AD dementia against other diagnoses ranged from 42% (for LBD, 95% confidence interval or CI = 32-62) to 77% (for FTD, 95% CI = 62-90). DISCUSSION: CSF Aβ1-42 discriminates AD dementia from FTD, but shows significant overlap with other non-AD forms of dementia, possibly reflecting the underlying mixed pathologies.


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The paracaspase MALT1 has a central role in the activation of lymphocytes and other immune cells including myeloid cells, mast cells and NK cells. MALT1 activity is required not only for the immune response, but also for the development of natural Treg cells that keep the immune response in check. Exaggerated MALT1 activity has been associated with the development of lymphoid malignancies, and recently developed MALT1 inhibitors show promising anti-tumor effects in xenograft models of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. In this review, we provide an overview of the present understanding of MALT1's function, and discuss possibilities for its therapeutic targeting based on recently developed inhibitors and animal models.


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NLRC5 is a transcriptional regulator of MHC class I (MHCI), which maintains high MHCI expression particularly in T cells. Recent evidence highlights an important NK-T-cell crosstalk, raising the question on whether NLRC5 specifically modulates this interaction. Here we show that NK cells from Nlrc5-deficient mice exhibit moderate alterations in inhibitory receptor expression and responsiveness. Interestingly, NLRC5 expression in T cells is required to protect them from NK-cell-mediated elimination upon inflammation. Using T-cell-specific Nlrc5-deficient mice, we show that NK cells surprisingly break tolerance even towards 'self' Nlrc5-deficient T cells under inflammatory conditions. Furthermore, during chronic LCMV infection, the total CD8(+) T-cell population is severely decreased in these mice, a phenotype reverted by NK-cell depletion. These findings strongly suggest that endogenous T cells with low MHCI expression become NK-cell targets, having thus important implications for T-cell responses in naturally or therapeutically induced inflammatory conditions.


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BACKGROUND: ALK-negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implant (i-ALCL) has been recently recognized as a distinct entity. Among 43 830 lymphomas registered in the French Lymphopath network since 2010, 300 breast lymphomas comprising 25 peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL) were reviewed. Among PTCL, ALK-negative ALCL was the most frequent and all of them were associated with breast implants. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Since 2010, all i-ALCL cases were collected from different institutions through Lymphopath. Immuno-morphologic features, molecular data and clinical outcome of 19 i-ALCLs have been retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 61 years and the median length between breast implant and i-ALCL was 9 years. Most implants were silicone-filled and textured. Implant removal was performed in 17 out of 19 patients with additional treatment based on mostly CHOP or CHOP-like chemotherapy regimens (n = 10/19) or irradiation (n = 1/19). CHOP alone or ABVD following radiation without implant removal have been given in two patients. The two clinical presentations, i.e. effusion and less frequently tumor mass correlated with distinct histopathologic features: in situ i-ALCL (anaplastic cell proliferation confined to the fibrous capsule) and infiltrative i-ALCL (pleomorphic cells massively infiltrating adjacent tissue with eosinophils and sometimes Reed-Sternberg-like cells mimicking Hodgkin lymphoma). Malignant cells were CD30-positive, showed a variable staining for EMA and were ALK negative. Most cases had a cytotoxic T-cell immunophenotype with variable T-cell antigen loss and pSTAT3 nuclear expression. T-cell receptor genes were clonally rearranged in 13 out of 13 tested cases. After 18 months of median follow-up, the 2-year overall survival for in situ and infiltrative i-ALCL was 100% and 52.5%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In situ i-ALCLs have an indolent clinical course and generally remain free of disease after implant removal. However, infiltrative i-ALCLs could have a more aggressive clinical course that might require additional therapy to implant removal.


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Chez les patients cancéreux, les cellules malignes sont souvent reconnues et détruites par les cellules T cytotoxiques du patient. C'est pourquoi, depuis plusieurs années, des recherches visent à produire des vaccins sensibilisant les cellules de l'immunité adaptative, afin de prévenir certains cancers. Bien que les vaccins ciblant les cellules T CD8+ (cytotoxiques) ont une efficacité in-vitro élevée, un vaccin pouvant cibler les cellules T CD8+ et CD4+ aurait une plus grande efficacité (1-3). En effet, les cellules T helper (CD4+) favorisent la production et la maintenance des cellules T CD8+ mémoires à longue durée de vie. Il existe un grand nombre de sous-types de cellules T CD4+ et leur action envers les cellules cancéreuses est différente. Par exemple, les lymphocytes Treg ont une activité pro-tumorale importante (4) et les lymphocytes Th1 ont une activité anti-tumorale (5). Cependant, le taux naturel des différents sous-types de cellules T CD4+ spécifiques aux antigènes tumoraux est variable. De plus, une certaine flexibilité des différents sous-types de cellules T CD4+ a été récemment démontrée (6). Celle-ci pourrait être ciblée par des protocoles de vaccination avec des antigènes tumoraux administrés conjointement à des adjuvants définis. Pour cela, il faut approfondir les connaissances sur le rôle des cellules T CD4+ spécifiques aux antigènes dans l'immunité anti-tumorale et connaître précisément la proportion des sous-types de cellules T CD4+ activées avant et après la vaccination. L'analyse des cellules T, par la cytométrie de flux, est très souvent limité par le besoin d'un nombre très élevé de cellules pour l'analyse de l'expression protéique. Or dans l'analyse des cellules T CD4+ spécifiques aux antigènes tumoraux cette technique n'est souvent pas applicable, car ces cellules sont présentes en très faible quantité dans le sang et dans les tissus tumoraux. C'est pourquoi, une approche basée sur l'analyse de la cellule T individuelle a été mise en place afin d'étudier l'expression du profil génétique des cellules T CD8+ et CD4+. (7,8) Méthode : Ce nouveau protocole (« single cell ») a été élaboré à partir d'une modification du protocole PCR-RT, qui permet la détection spécifique de l'ADN complémentaire (ADNc) après la transcription globale de l'ARN messager (ARNm) exprimé par une cellule T individuelle. Dans ce travail, nous optimisons cette nouvelle technique d'analyse pour les cellules T CD4+, en sélectionnant les meilleures amorces. Tout d'abord, des clones à profils fonctionnels connus sont générés par cytométrie de flux à partir de cellules T CD4+ d'un donneur sain. Pour cette étape d'optimisation des amorces, la spécificité des cellules T CD4+ n'est pas prise en considération. Il est, donc, possible d'étudier et de trier ces clones par cytométrie de flux. Ensuite, grâce au protocole « single cell », nous testons par PCR les amorces des différents facteurs spécifiques de chaque sous-type des T CD4+ sur des aliquotes issus d'une cellule provenant des clones générés. Nous sélectionnons les amorces dont la sensibilité, la spécificité ainsi que les valeurs prédictives positives et négatives des tests sont les meilleures. (9) Conclusion : Durant ce travail nous avons généré de l'ADNc de cellules T individuelles et sélectionné douze paires d'amorces pour l'identification des sous-types de cellules T CD4+ par la technique d'analyse PCR « single cell ». Les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Th2 : IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, CRTh2, GATA3 ; les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Th1 : TNFα, IL-2 ; les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Treg : FOXP3, IL-2RA ; les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Th17 : RORC, CCR6 et un facteur spécifique aux cellules naïves : CCR7. Ces amorces peuvent être utilisées dans le futur en combinaison avec des cellules antigènes-spécifiques triées par marquage des multimères pMHCII. Cette méthode permettra de comprendre le rôle ainsi que l'amplitude et la diversité fonctionnelle de la réponse de la cellule T CD4+ antigène-spécifique dans les cancers et dans d'autres maladies. Cela afin d'affiner les recherches en immunothérapie oncologique. (8)


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The Argentina National Road 7 that crosses the Andes Cordillera within the Mendoza province to connect Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires is particularly affected by natural hazards requiring risk management. Integrated in a research plan that intends to produce landslide susceptibility maps, we aimed in this study to detect large slope movements by applying a satellite radar interferometric analysis using Envisat data, acquired between 2005 and 2010. We were finally able to identify two large slope deformations in sandstone and clay deposits along gentle shores of the Potrerillos dam reservoir, with cumulated displacements higher than 25mm in 5years and towards the reservoir. There is also a body of evidences that these large slope deformations are actually influenced by the seasonal reservoir level variations. This study shows that very detailed information, such as surface displacements and above all water level variation, can be extracted from spaceborne remote sensing techniques; nevertheless, the limitations of InSAR for the present dataset are discussed here. Such analysis can then lead to further field investigations to understand more precisely the destabilising processes acting on these slope deformations.