440 resultados para Smoking prevention
Predictive value of readiness, importance, and confidence in ability to change drinking and smoking.
BACKGROUND: Visual analog scales (VAS) are sometimes used to assess change constructs that are often considered critical for change. Aims of Study: 1.) To determine the association of readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence in ability to change alcohol and tobacco use at baseline with the risk for drinking (more than 21 drinks per week/6 drinks or more on a single occasion more than once per month) and smoking (one or more cigarettes per day) six months later. 2.) To determine the association of readiness, importance and confidence with alcohol (number of drinks/week, number of binge drinking episodes/month) and tobacco (number of cigarettes/day) use at six months. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of data from a multi-substance brief intervention randomized trial. A sample of 461 Swiss young men was analyzed as a prospective cohort. Participants were assessed at baseline and six months later on alcohol and tobacco use, and at baseline on readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence in ability to change constructs, using visual analog scales ranging from 1-10 for drinking and smoking behaviors. Regression models controlling for receipt of brief intervention were employed for each change construct. The lowest level (1-4) of each scale was the reference group that was compared to the medium (5-7) and high (8-10) levels. RESULTS: Among the 377 subjects reporting unhealthy alcohol use at baseline, mean (SD) readiness, importance and confidence to change drinking scores were 3.9 (3.0), 2.7 (2.2) and 7.2 (3.0), respectively. At follow-up, 108 (29%) reported no unhealthy alcohol use. Readiness was not associated with being risk-free at follow-up, but high importance (OR 2.94; 1.15, 7.50) and high confidence (OR 2.88; 1.46, 5.68) were. Among the 255 smokers at baseline, mean readiness, importance and confidence to change smoking scores were 4.6 (2.6), 5.3 (2.6) and 5.9 (2.7), respectively. At follow-up, 13% (33) reported no longer smoking. Neither readiness nor importance was associated with being a non-smoker, whereas high confidence (OR 3.29; 1.12, 9.62) was. CONCLUSIONS: High confidence in ability to change was associated with favorable outcomes for both drinking and smoking, whereas high importance was associated only with a favorable drinking outcome. This study points to the value of confidence as an important predictor of successful change for both drinking and smoking, and shows the value of importance in predicting successful changes in alcohol use. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN78822107.
BACKGROUND: A possible strategy for increasing smoking cessation rates could be to provide smokers who have contact with healthcare systems with feedback on the biomedical or potential future effects of smoking, e.g. measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO), lung function, or genetic susceptibility to lung cancer. OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of biomedical risk assessment provided in addition to various levels of counselling, as a contributing aid to smoking cessation. SEARCH METHODS: For the most recent update, we searched the Cochrane Collaboration Tobacco Addiction Group Specialized Register in July 2012 for studies added since the last update in 2009. SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusion criteria were: a randomized controlled trial design; subjects participating in smoking cessation interventions; interventions based on a biomedical test to increase motivation to quit; control groups receiving all other components of intervention; an outcome of smoking cessation rate at least six months after the start of the intervention. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two assessors independently conducted data extraction on each paper, with disagreements resolved by consensus. Results were expressed as a relative risk (RR) for smoking cessation with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Where appropriate, a pooled effect was estimated using a Mantel-Haenszel fixed-effect method. MAIN RESULTS: We included 15 trials using a variety of biomedical tests. Two pairs of trials had sufficiently similar recruitment, setting and interventions to calculate a pooled effect; there was no evidence that carbon monoxide (CO) measurement in primary care (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.32) or spirometry in primary care (RR 1.18, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.81) increased cessation rates. We did not pool the other 11 trials due to the presence of substantial clinical heterogeneity. Of the remaining 11 trials, two trials detected statistically significant benefits: one trial in primary care detected a significant benefit of lung age feedback after spirometry (RR 2.12, 95% CI 1.24 to 3.62) and one trial that used ultrasonography of carotid and femoral arteries and photographs of plaques detected a benefit (RR 2.77, 95% CI 1.04 to 7.41) but enrolled a population of light smokers and was judged to be at unclear risk of bias in two domains. Nine further trials did not detect significant effects. One of these tested CO feedback alone and CO combined with genetic susceptibility as two different interventions; none of the three possible comparisons detected significant effects. One trial used CO measurement, one used ultrasonography of carotid arteries and two tested for genetic markers. The four remaining trials used a combination of CO and spirometry feedback in different settings. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is little evidence about the effects of most types of biomedical tests for risk assessment on smoking cessation. Of the fifteen included studies, only two detected a significant effect of the intervention. Spirometry combined with an interpretation of the results in terms of 'lung age' had a significant effect in a single good quality trial but the evidence is not optimal. A trial of carotid plaque screening using ultrasound also detected a significant effect, but a second larger study of a similar feedback mechanism did not detect evidence of an effect. Only two pairs of studies were similar enough in terms of recruitment, setting, and intervention to allow meta-analyses; neither of these found evidence of an effect. Mixed quality evidence does not support the hypothesis that other types of biomedical risk assessment increase smoking cessation in comparison to standard treatment. There is insufficient evidence with which to evaluate the hypothesis that multiple types of assessment are more effective than single forms of assessment.
SummaryThe alcohol use of adolescents and young adults is one of the world's most important and costliest health problems. Particularly, binge drinking (i.e. drinking an important amount of alcohol in one occasion) among young people increase the risk of detrimental consequences such as blackouts, injuries, at-risk sexual behaviors, involvement in violent acts, academic failure, and suicide attempts. In countries with mandatory conscription mechanisms, such as Switzerland, the army provides a unique opportunity to reach a large portion of this high risk population. We used this sample to evaluate the prevalence of binge drinking among young men, to test the efficacy of brief motivational interventions (BMI) as a primary and secondary preventive measure, and to examine the mechanisms underlying BMI in this age group.We showed that binge drinking among young French-speaking Swiss men is less of an exception than it is the norm. Of those using alcohol, 75.5% had a binge drinking episode at least monthly, and 69.3% of all consumption reported in a one-week diary was due to binge drinking days.We used two different inclusion modes to evaluate the success of alcohol BMI. In the first randomized controlled trial, inclusion relied on a random selection of conscripts. BMI efficacy was evaluated in a sample of conscripts who visited the army recruitment centre that is potentially generalizable to the entire population. In the second randomized controlled trial, we included subjects voluntarily participating in BMI. This venue might be more realistic for young adults; it is more akin to the MI spirit, in which it is crucial for individuals to control their own decisions.Regarding BMI efficacy as a secondary prevention measure (i.e. to help decrease alcohol use among at-risk drinkers, defined here as those having a binge drinking episode at least monthly), it was effective among randomly selected at-risk drinkers, whereas it was not effective among at-risk drinkers who voluntarily showed up. Individuals who showed interest in BMI had more severe patterns of alcohol use, which may have made change more difficult and calls for treatment that is more intensive. BMI demonstrated a 20% reduction in weekly alcohol use among randomly selected participants, indicating potential interest in BMI implementation within similar community settings.Regarding BMI efficacy as a primary prevention measure (i.e. to help maintain low levels of use among low-risk drinkers), it had significant protective effects among low-risk drinkers voluntarily showing up whereas it was not effective among low-risk drinkers randomly selected. This suggests that BMI might help young individuals keep their drinking at low levels, especially when they are interested in discussing their alcohol use. Therefore, BMI has potentially promising uses in primary prevention efforts. The content of these interventions for low-risk drinkers who do not seek BMI on their own should be further evaluated.BMI mechanisms were addressed since little is known about exactly which elements of it work, or which of the counselor and subject communication behaviors are most effective in triggering behavior changes. The causal chain hypothesis developed in the motivational interviewing (MI) theory was followed, and it was found that counselor behaviors consistent with the MI approach (MICO) were significantly more likely to be followed by participant language in favor of change (change talk, CT), while behaviors inconsistent with MI (MIIN) were significantly less likely to do so. Several CT dimensions measured during BMI (particularly Ability, Desire, and Need to change) were predictive of change in alcohol use. Our findings lend strong support for the use of MICO behaviors and the avoidance of MIIN behaviors in eliciting CT, and point out that particular attention should be paid to the utterances in several sub-dimensions of CT and to the strength of expression, since these are good indicators of potential actual behavior change in future.RésuméLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes ont été liées à des conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer la prévalence du binge drinking parmi les jeunes hommes, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire, et pour examiner les mécanismes sous-tendant ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. 75.5% des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois et 69.3% du total des boissons alcoolisées reportées comme consommation de la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre, nous avons utilisé deux modes d'inclusion. Dans une première étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des personnes sélectionnées au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des sujets se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'esprit motivationnel dans lequel il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions.En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel d'une implémentation de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif significatif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter cette consommation et aurait ainsi un potentiel intéressant comme mesure de prévention primaire. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné les mécanismes de l'IBM car son fonctionnement est encore peu expliqué et les comportements de l'intervenant et du sujet les plus à même de provoquer le changement ne sont pas bien définis. En suivant l'hypothèse d'une chaine causale développée dans la littérature de l'entretien motivationnel (EM), nous avons pu montrer qu'un discours en faveur du changement chez le sujet était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'EM et moins probable après des comportements à éviter dans l'EM ; et que plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la fréquence et à la force avec laquelle sont exprimées certaines dimensions de ce discours car ceux-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.Résumé vulgariséLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes augmentent fortement les risques de conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer l'importance du phénomène de binge drinking, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention de la consommation à risque d'alcool, et pour examiner comment fonctionne ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. Trois quart des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois. Presque 70% du total des boissons alcoolisées consommées durant la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Nous avons ensuite mené deux études pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre. Dans une première étude, nous avons sélectionné des personnes au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons inclus toutes les personnes se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'approche motivationnelle dans laquelle il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions. Dans les deux études, nous testions l'efficacité de l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire (voir ci-dessous).En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel de la mise en place de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter de cette consommation. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné le fonctionnement de l'IBM et cherché quels comportements de l'intervenant et du jeune homme pouvaient être les plus à même d'amener à un changement dans la consommation. Nous avons pu montrer que 1) un discours en faveur du changement chez le jeune homme était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'approche motivationnelle et moins probable après des comportements non-recommandés ; et 2) plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à certaines dimensions de ce discours car celles-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.
The Early Smoking Experience (ESE) questionnaire is the most widely used questionnaire to assess initial subjective experiences of cigarette smoking. However, its factor structure is not clearly defined and can be perceived from two main standpoints: valence, or positive and negative experiences, and sensitivity to nicotine. This article explores the ESE's factor structure and determines which standpoint was more relevant. It compares two groups of young Swiss men (German- and French-speaking). We examined baseline data on 3,368 tobacco users from a representative sample in the ongoing Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). ESE, continued tobacco use, weekly smoking and nicotine dependence were assessed. Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were performed. ESEM clearly distinguished positive experiences from negative experiences, but negative experiences were divided in experiences related to dizziness and experiences related to irritations. SEM underlined the reinforcing effects of positive experiences, but also of experiences related to dizziness on nicotine dependence and weekly smoking. The best ESE structure for predictive accuracy of experiences on smoking behavior was a compromise between the valence and sensitivity standpoints, which showed clinical relevance.
Impact of Smoking, Smoking Cessation, and Genetic Polymorphisms on CYP1A2 Activity and Inducibility.
Cytochrome P4501A2 (CYP1A2) is involved in the metabolism of several drugs and is induced by smoking. We aimed to determine the interindividual change in CYP1A2 activity after smoking cessation and to relate it to CYP1A2 genetic polymorphisms. CYP1A2 activity was determined from the paraxanthine:caffeine ratio in 194 smokers and in 118 of them who had abstained from smoking during a 4-week period. The participants were genotyped for CYP1A2*1F, *1D, and *1C polymorphisms. Smokers had 1.55-fold higher CYP1A2 activity than nonsmokers (P < 0.0001). The individual change in CYP1A2 activity after smoking cessation ranged from 1.0-fold (no change) to a 7.3-fold decrease in activity. In five participants with low initial CYP1A2 activity, an increase was observed after smoking cessation. Before smoking cessation, the following factors were found to influence CYP1A2 activity: CYP1A2*1F (P = 0.005), CYP1A2*1D (P = 0.014), the number of cigarettes/day (P = 0.012), the use of contraceptives (P < 0.001), and -163A/-2467T/-3860G haplotype (P = 0.002). After quitting smoking, only CYP1A2*1F (P = 0.017) and the use of contraceptives (P = 0.05) had an influence. No influence of CYP1A2 polymorphisms on the inducibility of CYP1A2 was observed.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the incremental cost effectiveness of the five first line pharmacological smoking cessation therapies in the Seychelles and other developing countries. DESIGN: A Markov chain cohort simulation. SUBJECTS: Two simulated cohorts of smokers: (1) a reference cohort given physician counselling only; (2) a treatment cohort given counselling plus cessation therapy. INTERVENTION: Addition of each of the five pharmacological cessation therapies to physician provided smoking cessation counselling. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cost per life-year saved (LYS) associated with the five pharmacotherapies. Effectiveness expressed as odds ratios for quitting associated with pharmacotherapies. Costs based on the additional physician time required and retail prices of the medications. RESULTS: Based on prices for currently available generic medications on the global market, the incremental cost per LYS for a 45 year old in the Seychelles was 599 US dollars for gum and 227 dollars for bupropion. Assuming US treatment prices as a conservative estimate, the incremental cost per LYS was significantly higher, though still favourable in comparison to other common medical interventions: 3712 dollars for nicotine gum, 1982 dollars for nicotine patch, 4597 dollars for nicotine spray, 4291 dollars for nicotine inhaler, and 1324 dollars for bupropion. Cost per LYS increased significantly upon application of higher discount rates, which may be used to reflect relatively high opportunity costs for health expenditures in developing countries with highly constrained resources and high overall mortality. CONCLUSION: Pharmacological cessation therapy can be highly cost effective as compared to other common medical interventions in low mortality, middle income countries, particularly if medications can be procured at low prices.
This article reviews the different steps taken during the past 20 years for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Seychelles. National surveys revealed high levels of several cardiovascular risk factors and prompted an organized response, starting with the creation of an NCD unit in the Ministry of Health. Information campaigns and nationwide activities raised awareness and rallied increasingly broad and high-level support. Significant policy was developed including comprehensive tobacco legislation and a School Nutrition Policy that bans soft drinks in schools. NCD guidelines were developed and specialized 'NCD nurses' were trained to complement doctors in district health centers. Decreasing smoking prevalence is evidence of success, but the raising so-called diabesity epidemic calls for an integrated multi-sector policy to mould an environment conducive to healthy behaviors. Essential components of these efforts include: effective surveillance mechanisms supplemented by focused research; generating broad interest and consensus; mobilizing leadership and commitment at all levels; involving local and international expertise; building on existing efforts; and seeking integrated, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector approaches.
BACKGROUND: A possible strategy for increasing smoking cessation rates could be to provide smokers who have contact with healthcare systems with feedback on the biomedical or potential future effects of smoking, e.g. measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO), lung function, or genetic susceptibility to lung cancer. We reviewed systematically data on smoking cessation rates from controlled trials that used biomedical risk assessment and feedback. OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of biomedical risk assessment provided in addition to various levels of counselling, as a contributing aid to smoking cessation. SEARCH STRATEGY: We systematically searched he Cochrane Collaboration Tobacco Addiction Group Specialized Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (1966 to 2004), and EMBASE (1980 to 2004). We combined methodological terms with terms related to smoking cessation counselling and biomedical measurements. SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusion criteria were: a randomized controlled trial design; subjects participating in smoking cessation interventions; interventions based on a biomedical test to increase motivation to quit; control groups receiving all other components of intervention; an outcome of smoking cessation rate at least six months after the start of the intervention. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two assessors independently conducted data extraction on each paper, with disagreements resolved by consensus. MAIN RESULTS: From 4049 retrieved references, we selected 170 for full text assessment. We retained eight trials for data extraction and analysis. One of the eight used CO alone and CO + Genetic Susceptibility as two different intervention groups, giving rise to three possible comparisons. Three of the trials isolated the effect of exhaled CO on smoking cessation rates resulting in the following odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI): 0.73 (0.38 to 1.39), 0.93 (0.62 to 1.41), and 1.18 (0.84 to 1.64). Combining CO measurement with genetic susceptibility gave an OR of 0.58 (0.29 to 1.19). Exhaled CO measurement and spirometry were used together in three trials, resulting in the following ORs (95% CI): 0.6 (0.25 to 1.46), 2.45 (0.73 to 8.25), and 3.50 (0.88 to 13.92). Spirometry results alone were used in one other trial with an OR of 1.21 (0.60 to 2.42).Two trials used other motivational feedback measures, with an OR of 0.80 (0.39 to 1.65) for genetic susceptibility to lung cancer alone, and 3.15 (1.06 to 9.31) for ultrasonography of carotid and femoral arteries performed in light smokers (average 10 to 12 cigarettes a day). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Due to the scarcity of evidence of sufficient quality, we can make no definitive statements about the effectiveness of biomedical risk assessment as an aid for smoking cessation. Current evidence of lower quality does not however support the hypothesis that biomedical risk assessment increases smoking cessation in comparison with standard treatment. Only two studies were similar enough in term of recruitment, setting, and intervention to allow pooling of data and meta-analysis.
Switzerland has adopted a prevention strategy including the promotion of non-sharing injection material and use of condoms. The access to sterile equipment has been made easier, but regional differences still exist. Studies conducted between 1989 and 1992 among drug users in different Swiss regions are reviewed in order to examine if progress in prevention occurred. Syringe sharing diminished everywhere, but rather high sharing rates persist where sterile material is less accessible. Condom use increased, but the situation is still unsatisfactory considering the high HIV prevalence among i.v. drug users. Where several surveys have been conducted consecutively, a stabilization of HIV prevalence was observed. This suggests a slowing down of the progression of the epidemic among drug users. These results, obtained in few years, are encouraging in the light of the pessimism which prevailed at the beginning of the epidemic about the ability of drug users to adopt preventive behaviour.
The serotonin-2A receptor (5-HT(2A)R) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and related inhibitory gating and behavioral inhibition deficits of schizophrenia patients. The hallucinogen psilocybin disrupts automatic forms of sensorimotor gating and response inhibition in humans, but it is unclear so far whether the 5-HT(2A)R or 5-HT(1A)R agonist properties of its bioactive metabolite psilocin account for these effects. Thus, we investigated whether psilocybin-induced deficits in automatic and controlled inhibition in healthy humans could be attenuated by the 5-HT(2A/2C)R antagonist ketanserin. A total of 16 healthy participants received placebo, ketanserin (40 mg p.o.), psilocybin (260 μg/kg p.o.), or psilocybin plus ketanserin in a double-blind, randomized, and counterbalanced order. Sensorimotor gating was measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle response. The effects on psychopathological core dimensions and behavioral inhibition were assessed by the altered states of consciousness questionnaire (5D-ASC), and the Color-Word Stroop Test. Psilocybin decreased PPI at short lead intervals (30 ms), increased all 5D-ASC scores, and selectively increased errors in the interference condition of the Stroop Test. Stroop interference and Stroop effect of the response latencies were increased under psilocybin as well. Psilocybin-induced alterations were attenuated by ketanserin pretreatment, whereas ketanserin alone had no significant effects. These findings suggest that the disrupting effects of psilocybin on automatic and controlled inhibition processes are attributable to 5-HT(2A)R stimulation. Sensorimotor gating and attentional control deficits of schizophrenia patients might be due to changes within the 5-HT(2A)R system.