403 resultados para novel antibiotics
The HIV vaccine strategy that, to date, generated immune protection consisted of a prime-boost regimen using a canarypox vector and an HIV envelope protein with alum, as shown in the RV144 trial. Since the efficacy was weak, and previous HIV vaccine trials designed to generate antibody responses failed, we hypothesized that generation of T cell responses would result in improved protection. Thus, we tested the immunogenicity of a similar envelope-based vaccine using a mouse model, with two modifications: a clade C CN54gp140 HIV envelope protein was adjuvanted by the TLR9 agonist IC31®, and the viral vector was the vaccinia strain NYVAC-CN54 expressing HIV envelope gp120. The use of IC31® facilitated immunoglobulin isotype switching, leading to the production of Env-specific IgG2a, as compared to protein with alum alone. Boosting with NYVAC-CN54 resulted in the generation of more robust Th1 T cell responses. Moreover, gp140 prime with IC31® and alum followed by NYVAC-CN54 boost resulted in the formation and persistence of central and effector memory populations in the spleen and an effector memory population in the gut. Our data suggest that this regimen is promising and could improve the protection rate by eliciting strong and long-lasting humoral and cellular immune responses.
PURPOSE: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP; MIM 268000) is a hereditary disease characterized by poor night vision and progressive loss of photoreceptors, eventually leading to blindness. This degenerative process primarily affects peripheral vision due to the loss of rods. Autosomal recessive RP (arRP) is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. It has been associated with mutations in different genes, including CRB1 (crumbs homolog 1). The aim of this study was to determine the causative gene in a Tunisian patient with arRP born to non-consanguineous parents. METHODS: Four accessible family members were included. They underwent full ophthalmic examination with best-corrected Snellen visual acuity, fundus photography and fluorescein angiography. Haplotype analysis was used to evaluate homozygosity in the family to 20 arRP loci. All exons and intron-exon junctions of candidate genes not excluded by haplotype analysis were PCR amplified and directly sequenced. RESULTS: The proband was a 43-year-old female patient. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/63 (right eye) and 20/80 (left eye). Visual loss began during the third decade. Funduscopic examination and fluorescein angiography revealed typical advanced RP changes with bone spicule-like pigment deposits in the posterior pole and the midperiphery along with retinal atrophy, narrowing of the vessels, and waxy optic discs. Haplotype analysis revealed homozygosity with microsatellite markers D1S412 and D1S413 on chromosome 1q31.3. These markers flanked CRB1. Our results excluded linkage of all the other arRP loci/genes tested. Sequencing of the 12 coding exons and splice sites of CRB1 disclosed a homozygous missense mutation in exon 7 at nucleotide c. 2291G>A, resulting in an arginine to histidine substitution (p.R764H). CONCLUSIONS: R764H is a novel mutation associated with CRB1-related arRP. Previously, an R764C mutation was reported. Extending the mutation spectrum of CRB1 with additional families is important for genotype-phenotype correlations and characterization of the scope of mutation.
Tenascin-C (TNC) expression is known to correlate with malignancy in glioblastoma (GBM), a highly invasive and aggressive brain tumor that shows limited response to conventional therapies. In these malignant gliomas as well as in GBM cell lines, we found Notch2 protein to be strongly expressed. In a GBM tumor tissue microarray, RBPJk protein, a Notch2 cofactor for transcription, was found to be significantly coexpressed with TNC. We show that the TNC gene is transactivated by Notch2 in an RBPJk-dependent manner mediated by an RBPJk binding element in the TNC promoter. The transactivation is abrogated by a Notch2 mutation, which we detected in the glioma cell line Hs683 that does not express TNC. This L1711M mutation resides in the RAM domain, the site of interaction between Notch2 and RBPJk. In addition, transfection of constructs encoding activated Notch2 or Notch1 increased endogenous TNC expression identifying TNC as a novel Notch target gene. Overexpression of a dominant negative form of the transcriptional coactivator MAML1 or knocking down RBPJk in LN319 cells led to a dramatic decrease in TNC protein levels accompanied by a significant reduction of cell migration. Because addition of purified TNC stimulated glioma cell migration, this represents a mechanism for the invasive properties of glioma cells controlled by Notch signaling and defines a novel oncogenic pathway in gliomagenesis that may be targeted for therapeutic intervention in GBM patients.
Current therapeutic strategies against glioblastoma (GBM) have failed to prevent disease progression and recurrence effectively. The part played by molecular imaging (MI) in the development of novel therapies has gained increasing traction in recent years. For the first time, using expertise from an integrated multidisciplinary group of authors, herein we present a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art GBM imaging and explore how advances facilitate the emergence of new treatment options. We propose a novel next-generation treatment paradigm based on the targeting of multiple hallmarks of cancer evolution that will heavily rely on MI.
There is increasing evidence that the microcirculation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. Changes in retinal vascular caliber reflect early microvascular disease and predict incident cardiovascular events. We performed a genome-wide association study to identify genetic variants associated with retinal vascular caliber. We analyzed data from four population-based discovery cohorts with 15,358 unrelated Caucasian individuals, who are members of the Cohort for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium, and replicated findings in four independent Caucasian cohorts (n = 6,652). All participants had retinal photography and retinal arteriolar and venular caliber measured from computer software. In the discovery cohorts, 179 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) spread across five loci were significantly associated (p<5.0×10(-8)) with retinal venular caliber, but none showed association with arteriolar caliber. Collectively, these five loci explain 1.0%-3.2% of the variation in retinal venular caliber. Four out of these five loci were confirmed in independent replication samples. In the combined analyses, the top SNPs at each locus were: rs2287921 (19q13; p = 1.61×10(-25), within the RASIP1 locus), rs225717 (6q24; p = 1.25×10(-16), adjacent to the VTA1 and NMBR loci), rs10774625 (12q24; p = 2.15×10(-13), in the region of ATXN2,SH2B3 and PTPN11 loci), and rs17421627 (5q14; p = 7.32×10(-16), adjacent to the MEF2C locus). In two independent samples, locus 12q24 was also associated with coronary heart disease and hypertension. Our population-based genome-wide association study demonstrates four novel loci associated with retinal venular caliber, an endophenotype of the microcirculation associated with clinical cardiovascular disease. These data provide further insights into the contribution and biological mechanisms of microcirculatory changes that underlie cardiovascular disease.
Summary Prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide at alarming rates, probably secondarily to that of obesity. As type 2 diabetes is characterized by blood hyperglycemia, controlling glucose entry into tissues from the bloodstream is key to maintain glycemia within acceptable ranges. In this context, several glucose transporter isoforms have been cloned recently and some of them have appeared to play important regulatory roles. Better characterizing two of them (GLUT8 and GLUT9) was the purpose of my work. The first part of my work was focused on GLUT8, which is mainly expressed in the brain and is able to transport glucose with high affinity. GLUT8 is retained intracellularly at basal state depending on an N-terminal dileucine motif, thus implying that cell surface expression may be induced by extracellular triggers. In this regard, I was interested in better defining GLUT8 subcellular localization at basal state and in finding signals promoting its translocation, using an adenoviral vector expressing a myc epitope-tagged version of the transporter, thus allowing expression and detection of cell-surface GLUT8 in primary hippocampal neurons and PC 12 cells. This tool enabled me to found out that GLUT8 resides in a unique compartment different from lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, endosomes and the Golgi. In addition, absence of GLUT8 translocation following pharmacological activation of several signalling pathways suggests that GLUT8 does not ever translocate to the cell surface, but would rather fulfill its role in its unique intracellular compartment. The second part of my work was focused on GLUT9, which -contrarily to GLUT8 - is unable to transport glucose, but retains the ability to bind glucose-derived cross-linker molecules, thereby suggesting that it may be a glucose sensor rather than a true glucose transporter. The aim of the project was thus to define if GLUT9 triggers intracellular signals when activated. Therefore, adenoviral vectors expressing GLUTS were used to infect both ßpancreatic and liver-derived cell lines, as GLUTS is endogenously expressed in the liver. Comparison of gene expression between cells infected with the GLUTS-expressing adenovirus and cells infected with a GFP-expressing control adenovirus ended up in the identification of the transcription factor HNF4α as being upregulated in aGLUT9-dependent manner. Résumé La prévalence du diabète de type 2 augmente de façon alarmante dans le monde entier, probablement secondairement à celle de l'obésité. Le diabète de type 2 étant caractérisé par une glycémie sanguine élevée, l'entrée du glucose dans les tissus depuis la circulation sanguine constitue un point de contrôle important pour maintenir la glycémie à des valeurs acceptables. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs isoformes de transporteurs au glucose ont été clonées récemment et certaines d'entre elles sont apparues comme jouant d'importants rôles régulateurs. Mieux caractériser deux d'entre elles (GLUT8 et GLUT9) était le but de mon travail. La première partie de mon travail a été centrée sur GLUT8, qui est exprimé principalement dans le cerveau et qui peut transporter le glucose avec une haute affinité. GLUT8 est retenu intracellulairement à l'état basal de façon dépendante d'un motif dileucine N-terminal, ce qui implique que son expression à la surface cellulaire pourrait être induite par des stimuli extracellulaires. Dans cette optique, je me suis intéressé à mieux définir la localisation subcellulaire de GLUT8 à l'état basal et à trouver des signaux activant sa translocation, en utilisant comme outil un vecteur adénoviral exprimant une version marquée (tag myc) du transporteur, me permettant ainsi d'exprimer et de détecter GLUT8 à la surface cellulaire dans des neurones hippocampiques primaires et des cellules PC12. Cet outil m'a permis de montrer que GLUT8 réside dans un compartiment unique différent des lysosomes, du réticulum endoplasmique, des endosomes, ainsi que du Golgi. De plus, l'absence de translocation de GLUT8 à la suite de l'activation pharmacologique de plusieurs voies de signalisation suggère que GLUT8 ne transloque jamais à la membrane plasmique, mais jouerait plutôt un rôle au sein même de son compartiment intracellulaire unique. La seconde partie de mon travail a été centrée sur GLUT9, lequel -contrairement à GLUT8 -est incapable de transporter le glucose, mais conserve la capacité de se lier à des molécules dérivées du glucose, suggérant que ce pourrait être un senseur de glucose plutôt qu'un vrai transporteur. Le but du projet a donc été de définir si GLUT9 active des signaux intracellulaires quand il est lui-même activé. Pour ce faire, des vecteurs adénoviraux exprimant GLUT9 ont été utilisés pour infecter des lignées cellulaires dérivées de cellules ßpancréatiques et d'hépatocytes, GLUT9 étant exprimé de façon endogène dans le foie. La comparaison de l'expression des gènes entre des cellules infectées avec l'adénovirus exprimant GLUT9 et un adénovirus contrôle exprimant la GFP a permis d'identifier le facteur de transcription HNF4α comme étant régulé de façon GLUT9-dépendante. Résumé tout public Il existe deux types bien distincts de diabète. Le diabète de type 1 constitue environ 10 des cas de diabète et se déclare généralement à l'enfance. Il est caractérisé par une incapacité du pancréas à sécréter une hormone, l'insuline, qui régule la concentration sanguine du glucose (glycémie). Il en résulte une hyperglycémie sévère qui, si le patient n'est pas traité à l'insuline, conduit à de graves dommages à divers organes, ce qui peut mener à la cécité, à la perte des membres inférieurs, ainsi qu'à l'insuffisance rénale. Le diabète de type 2 se déclare plus tard dans la vie. Il n'est pas causé par une déficience en insuline, mais plutôt par une incapacité de l'insuline à agir sur ses tissus cibles. Le nombre de cas de diabète de type 2 augmente de façon dramatique, probablement à la suite de l'augmentation des cas d'obésité, le surpoids chronique étant le principal facteur de risque de diabète. Chez l'individu sain, le glucose sanguin est transporté dans différents organes (foie, muscles, tissu adipeux,...) où il est utilisé comme source d'énergie. Chez le patient diabétique, le captage de glucose est altéré, expliquant ainsi l'hyperglycémie. Il est ainsi crucial d'étudier les mécanismes permettant ce captage. Ainsi, des protéines permettant l'entrée de glucose dans la cellule depuis le milieu extracellulaire ont été découvertes depuis une vingtaine d'années. La plupart d'entre elles appartiennent à une sous-famille de protéines nommée GLUT (pour "GLUcose Transporters") dont cinq membres ont été caractérisés et nommés selon l'ordre de leur découverte (GLUT1-5). Néanmoins, la suppression de ces protéines chez la souris par des techniques moléculaires n'affecte pas totalement le captage de glucose, suggérant ainsi que des transporteurs de glucose encore inconnus pourraient exister. De telles protéines ont été isolées ces dernières années et nommées selon l'ordre de leur découverte (GLUT6-14). Durant mon travail de thèse, je me suis intéressé à deux d'entre elles, GLUT8 et GLUT9, qui ont été découvertes précédemment dans le laboratoire. GLUT8 est exprimé principalement dans le cerveau. La protéine n'est pas exprimée à la surface de la cellule, mais est retenue à l'intérieur. Des mécanismes complexes doivent donc exister pour déplacer le transporteur à la surface cellulaire, afin qu'il puisse permettre l'entrée du glucose dans la cellule. Mon travail a consisté d'une part à définir où se trouve le transporteur à l'intérieur de la cellule, et d'autre part à comprendre les mécanismes capables de déplacer GLUT8 vers la surface cellulaire, en utilisant des neurones exprimant une version marquée du transporteur, permettant ainsi sa détection par des méthodes biochimiques. Cela m'a permis de montrer que GLUT8 est localisé dans une partie de la cellule encore non décrite à ce jour et qu'il n'est jamais déplacé à la surface cellulaire, ce qui suggère que le transporteur doit jouer un rôle à l'intérieur de la cellule et non à sa surface. GLUT9 est exprimé dans le foie et dans les reins. Il ressemble beaucoup à GLUT8, mais ne transporte pas le glucose, ce qui suggère que ce pourrait être un récepteur au glucose plutôt qu'un transporteur à proprement parler. Le but de mon travail a été de tester cette hypothèse, en comparant des cellules du foie exprimant GLUT9 avec d'autres n'exprimant pas la protéine. Par des méthodes d'analyses moléculaires, j'ai pu montrer que la présence de GLUT9 dans les cellules du foie augmente l'expression de HNF4α, une protéine connue pour réguler la sécrétion d'insuline dans le pancréas ainsi que la production de glucose dans le foie. Des expériences complémentaires seront nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre par quels mécanismes GLUT9 influence l'expression de HNF4α dans le foie, ainsi que de définir l'importance de GLUT9 dans la régulation de la glycémie chez l'animal entier.
Malaria, a disease of worldwide significance, is responsible for over one million deaths annually. The liver-stage of Plasmodium's life cycle is the first, obligatory, but clinically silent step in malaria infection. The P. falciparum type II fatty acid biosynthesis pathway (PfFAS-II) has been found to be essential for complete liver-stage development and has been regarded as a potential antimalarial target for the development of drugs for malaria prophylaxis and liver-stage eradication. In this paper, new coumarin-based triclosan analogues are reported and their biological profile is explored in terms of inhibitory potency against enzymes of the PfFAS-II pathway. Among the tested compounds, 7 and 8 showed the highest inhibitory potency against Pf enoyl-ACP-reductase (PfFabI), followed by 15 and 3. Finally, we determined the crystal structures of compounds 7 and 11 in complex with PfFabI to identify their mode of binding and to confirm outcomes of docking simulations.
Azole resistance in Candida albicans can be mediated by the upregulation of the ATP binding cassette transporter genes CDR1 and CDR2. Both genes are regulated by a cis-acting element called the drug-responsive element (DRE), with the consensus sequence 5'-CGGAWATCGGATATTTTTTT-3', and the transcription factor Tac1p. In order to analyze in detail the DRE sequence necessary for the regulation of CDR1 and CDR2 and properties of TAC1 alleles, a one-hybrid system was designed. This system is based on a P((CDR2))-HIS3 reporter system in which complementation of histidine auxotrophy can be monitored by activation of the reporter system by CDR2-inducing drugs such as estradiol. Our results show that most of the modifications within the DRE, but especially at the level of CGG triplets, strongly reduce CDR2 expression. The CDR2 DRE was replaced by putative DREs deduced from promoters of coregulated genes (CDR1, RTA3, and IFU5). Surprisingly, even if Tac1p was able to bind these putative DREs, as shown by chromatin immunoprecipitation, those from RTA3 and IFU5 did not functionally replace the CDR2 DRE. The one-hybrid system was also used for the identification of gain-of-function (GOF) mutations either in TAC1 alleles from clinical C. albicans isolates or inserted in TAC1 wild-type alleles by random mutagenesis. In all, 17 different GOF mutations were identified at 13 distinct positions. Five of them (G980E, N972D, A736V, T225A, and N977D) have already been described in clinical isolates, and four others (G980W, A736T, N972S, and N972I) occurred at already-described positions, thus suggesting that GOF mutations can occur in a limited number of positions in Tac1p. In conclusion, the one-hybrid system developed here is rapid and powerful and can be used for characterization of cis- and trans-acting elements in C. albicans.
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells that is insufficient to maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Autoimmune destruction of β cells results in type 1 diabetes mellitus, whereas conditions that reduce insulin sensitivity and negatively affect β-cell activities result in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Without proper management, patients with diabetes mellitus develop serious complications that reduce their quality of life and life expectancy. Biomarkers for early detection of the disease and identification of individuals at risk of developing complications would greatly improve the care of these patients. Small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) control gene expression and participate in many physiopathological processes. Hundreds of miRNAs are actively or passively released in the circulation and can be used to evaluate health status and disease progression. Both type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with distinct modifications in the profile of miRNAs in the blood, which are sometimes detectable several years before the disease manifests. Moreover, circulating levels of certain miRNAs seem to be predictive of long-term complications. Technical and scientific obstacles still exist that need to be overcome, but circulating miRNAs might soon become part of the diagnostic arsenal to identify individuals at risk of developing diabetes mellitus and its devastating complications.
BACKGROUND: Colonic endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is challenging as a result of the limited ability of conventional endoscopic instruments to achieve traction and exposure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of colonic ESD in a porcine model using a novel endoscopic surgical platform, the Anubiscope (Karl Storz, Tüttlingen, Germany), equipped with two working channels for surgical instruments with four degrees of freedom offering surgical triangulation. METHODS: Nine ESDs were performed by a surgeon without any ESD experience in three swine, at 25, 15, and 10 cm above the anal verge with the Anubiscope. Sixteen ESDs were performed by an experienced endoscopist in five swine using conventional endoscopic instruments. Major ESD steps included the following for both groups: scoring the area, submucosal injection of glycerol, precut, and submucosal dissection. Outcomes measured were as follows: dissection time and speed, specimen size, en bloc dissection, and complications. RESULTS: No perforations occurred in the Anubis group, while there were eight perforations (50 %) in the conventional group (p = 0.02). Complete and en bloc dissections were achieved in all cases in the Anubis group. Mean dissection time for completed cases was statistically significantly shorter in the Anubis group (32.3 ± 16.1 vs. 55.87 ± 7.66 min; p = 0.0019). Mean specimen size was higher in the conventional group (1321 ± 230 vs. 927.77 ± 229.96 mm(2); p = 0.003), but mean dissection speed was similar (35.95 ± 18.93 vs. 23.98 ± 5.02 mm(2)/min in the Anubis and conventional groups, respectively; p = 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: Colonic ESDs were feasible in pig models with the Anubiscope. This surgical endoscopic platform is promising for endoluminal surgical procedures such as ESD, as it is user-friendly, effective, and safe.
Calcineurin signaling plays diverse roles in fungi in regulating stress responses, morphogenesis and pathogenesis. Although calcineurin signaling is conserved among fungi, recent studies indicate important divergences in calcineurin-dependent cellular functions among different human fungal pathogens. Fungal pathogens utilize the calcineurin pathway to effectively survive the host environment and cause life-threatening infections. The immunosuppressive calcineurin inhibitors (FK506 and cyclosporine A) are active against fungi, making targeting calcineurin a promising antifungal drug development strategy. Here we summarize current knowledge on calcineurin in yeasts and filamentous fungi, and review the importance of understanding fungal-specific attributes of calcineurin to decipher fungal pathogenesis and develop novel antifungal therapeutic approaches.