370 resultados para indoor radon monitoring
Nicotine in a smoky indoor air environment can be determined using graphitized carbon black as a solid sorbent in quartz tubes. The temperature stability, high purity, and heat absorption characteristics of the sorbent, as well as the permeability of the quartz tubes to microwaves, enable the thermal desorption by means of microwaves after active sampling. Permeation and dynamic dilution procedures for the generation of nicotine in the vapor phase at low and high concentrations are used to evaluate the performances of the sampler. Tube preparation is described and the microwave desorption temperature is measured. Breakthrough volume is determined to allow sampling at 0.1-1 L/min for definite periods of time. The procedure is tested for the determination of gas and paticulate phase nicotine in sidestream smoke produced in an experimental chamber.
In October 2011 the Task Force Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of the Association for Neuropsychopharmacology and Pharmacopsychiatry (AGNP) published an update (Pharmacopsychiatry 2011, 44: 195-235) of the first version of the consensus paper on therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) published in 2004. This article summarizes the essential statements to make them accessible to a wider readership in German speaking countries.
Five selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been introduced recently: citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and sertraline. Although no therapeutic window has been defined for SSRIs, in contrast to tricyclic antidepressants, analytical methods for therapeutic drug monitoring of SSRIs are useful in several instances. SSRIs differ widely in their chemical structure and in their metabolism. The fact that some of them have N-demethylated metabolites, which are also SSRIs, requires that methods be available which allow therapeutic drug monitoring of the parent compounds and of these active metabolites. most procedures are based on prepurification of the SSRIs by liquid-liquid extraction before they are submitted to separation by chromatographic procedures (high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, thin layer chromatography) and detection by various detectors (UV, fluorescence, electrochemical detector, nitrogen-phosphorus detector, mass spectrometry). This literature review shows that most methods allow quantitative determination of SSRIs in plasma, in the lower ng/ml range, and that they are, therefore, suitable for therapeutic drug monitoring purposes of this category of drugs.
We present a viscometric affinity biosensor that can potentially allow continuous multi-analyte monitoring in biological fluids like blood or plasma. The sensing principle is based on the detection of viscosity changes of a polymeric solution which has a selective affinity for the analyte of interest. The chemico-mechanical sensor incorporates an actuating piezoelectric diaphragm, a sensing piezoelectric diaphragm and a flow-resisting microchannel for viscosity detection. A free-standing Anodic Alumina Oxide (AAO) porous nano-membrane is used as selective interface. A glucose-sensitive sensor was fabricated and extensively assessed in buffer solution. The sensor reversibility, stability and sensitivity were excellent during at least 65 hours. Results showed also a good degree of stability for a long term measurement (25 days). The sensor behaviour was furthermore tested in fetal bovine serum (FBS). The obtained results for glucose sensing are very promising, indicating that the developed sensor is a candidate for continuous monitoring in biological fluids. Sensitive solutions for ionized calcium and pH are currently under development and should allow multi-analyte sensing in the near future.
The laboratory tests currently available to the clinician for day-to-day management of HIV infection are generally limited to the measurement of the viral load and of the CD4 cell count. More recently, analysis of drug resistance and of plasma drug levels have been added to the monitoring armamentarium. There are, however, numerous other techniques currently available to researchers that may in the future be incorporated into clinical routine. These include the analysis of human and viral genetic determinants of disease evolution, detailed analyses of immune recovery and reserve, pharmacogenetic determinants of treatment response, and toxicity. These approaches may in the future provide highly individualized disease management.
Forensic intelligence is a distinct dimension of forensic science. Forensic intelligence processes have mostly been developed to address either a specific type of trace or a specific problem. Even though these empirical developments have led to successes, they are trace-specific in nature and contribute to the generation of silos which hamper the establishment of a more general and transversal model. Forensic intelligence has shown some important perspectives but more general developments are required to address persistent challenges. This will ensure the progress of the discipline as well as its widespread implementation in the future. This paper demonstrates that the description of forensic intelligence processes, their architectures, and the methods for building them can, at a certain level, be abstracted from the type of traces considered. A comparative analysis is made between two forensic intelligence approaches developed independently in Australia and in Europe regarding the monitoring of apparently very different kind of problems: illicit drugs and false identity documents. An inductive effort is pursued to identify similarities and to outline a general model. Besides breaking barriers between apparently separate fields of study in forensic science and intelligence, this transversal model would assist in defining forensic intelligence, its role and place in policing, and in identifying its contributions and limitations. The model will facilitate the paradigm shift from the current case-by-case reactive attitude towards a proactive approach by serving as a guideline for the use of forensic case data in an intelligence-led perspective. A follow-up article will specifically address issues related to comparison processes, decision points and organisational issues regarding forensic intelligence (part II).
Background: As imatinib pharmacokinetics are highly variable, plasma levels differ largely between patients under the same dosage. Retrospective studies in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients showed significant correlations between low levels and suboptimal response, and between high levels and poor tolerability. Monitoring of plasma levels is thus increasingly advised, targeting trough concentrations of 1000 μg/L and above. Objectives: Our study was launched to assess the clinical usefulness of systematic imatinib TDM in CML patients. The present preliminary evaluation questions the appropriateness of dosage adjustment following plasma level measurement to reach the recommended trough level, while allowing an interval of 4-24 h after last drug intake for blood sampling. Methods: Initial blood samples from the first 9 patients in the intervention arm were obtained 4-25 h after last dose. Trough levels in 7 patients were predicted to be significantly away from the target (6 <750 μg/L, and 1 >1500 μg/L with poor tolerance), based on a Bayesian approach using a population pharmacokinetic model. Individual dosage adjustments were taken up in 5 patients, who had a control measurement 1-4 weeks after dosage change. Predicted trough levels were confronted to anterior model-based extrapolations. Results: Before dosage adjustment, observed concentrations extrapolated at trough ranged from 359 to 1832 μg/L (median 710; mean 804, CV 53%) in the 9 patients. After dosage adjustment they were expected to target between 720 and 1090 μg/L (median 878; mean 872, CV 13%). Observed levels of the 5 recheck measurements extrapolated at trough actually ranged from 710 to 1069 μg/L (median 1015; mean 950, CV 16%) and had absolute differences of 21 to 241 μg/L to the model-based predictions (median 175; mean 157, CV 52%). Differences between observed and predicted trough levels were larger when intervals between last drug intake and sampling were very short (~4 h). Conclusion: These preliminary results suggest that TDM of imatinib using a Bayesian interpretation is able to bring trough levels closer to 1000 μg/L (with CV decreasing from 53% to 16%). While this may simplify blood collection in daily practice, as samples do not have to be drawn exactly at trough, the largest possible interval to last drug intake yet remains preferable. This encourages the evaluation of the clinical benefit of a routine TDM intervention in CML patients, which the randomized Swiss I-COME study aims to.
[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Méthode. 3. Prévention. 4. Thérapies. 5. Réduction des risques. 6. Formation. 7. Coordination nationale. 8. Migration et santé. 9. Epidémiologie. 10. Recherche. 11. Evaluation. 12. Annexes.
Steep mountain catchments typically experience large sediment pulses from hillslopes which are stored in headwater channels and remobilized by debris-flows or bedload transport. Event-based sediment budget monitoring in the active Manival debris-flow torrent in the French Alps during a two-year period gave insights into the catchment-scale sediment routing during moderate rainfall intensities which occur several times each year. The monitoring was based on intensive topographic resurveys of low- and high-order channels using different techniques (cross-section surveys with total station and high-resolution channel surveys with terrestrial and airborne laser scanning). Data on sediment output volumes from the main channel were obtained by a sediment trap. Two debris-flows were observed, as well as several bedload transport flow events. Sediment budget analysis of the two debris-flows revealed that most of the debris-flow volumes were supplied by channel scouring (more than 92%). Bedload transport during autumn contributed to the sediment recharge of high-order channels by the deposition of large gravel wedges. This process is recognized as being fundamental for debris-flow occurrence during the subsequent spring and summer. A time shift of scour-and-fill sequences was observed between low- and high-order channels, revealing the discontinuous sediment transfer in the catchment during common flow events. A conceptual model of sediment routing for different event magnitude is proposed.
Proteins can switch between different conformations in response to stimuli, such as pH or temperature variations, or to the binding of ligands. Such plasticity and its kinetics can have a crucial functional role, and their characterization has taken center stage in protein research. As an example, Topoisomerases are particularly interesting enzymes capable of managing tangled and supercoiled double-stranded DNA, thus facilitating many physiological processes. In this work, we describe the use of a cantilever-based nanomotion sensor to characterize the dynamics of human topoisomerase II (Topo II) enzymes and their response to different kinds of ligands, such as ATP, which enhance the conformational dynamics. The sensitivity and time resolution of this sensor allow determining quantitatively the correlation between the ATP concentration and the rate of Topo II conformational changes. Furthermore, we show how to rationalize the experimental results in a comprehensive model that takes into account both the physics of the cantilever and the dynamics of the ATPase cycle of the enzyme, shedding light on the kinetics of the process. Finally, we study the effect of aclarubicin, an anticancer drug, demonstrating that it affects directly the Topo II molecule inhibiting its conformational changes. These results pave the way to a new way of studying the intrinsic dynamics of proteins and of protein complexes allowing new applications ranging from fundamental proteomics to drug discovery and development and possibly to clinical practice.
Cell death is essential for a plethora of physiological processes, and its deregulation characterizes numerous human diseases. Thus, the in-depth investigation of cell death and its mechanisms constitutes a formidable challenge for fundamental and applied biomedical research, and has tremendous implications for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to standardize the experimental procedures that identify dying and dead cells in cell cultures and/or in tissues, from model organisms and/or humans, in healthy and/or pathological scenarios. Thus far, dozens of methods have been proposed to quantify cell death-related parameters. However, no guidelines exist regarding their use and interpretation, and nobody has thoroughly annotated the experimental settings for which each of these techniques is most appropriate. Here, we provide a nonexhaustive comparison of methods to detect cell death with apoptotic or nonapoptotic morphologies, their advantages and pitfalls. These guidelines are intended for investigators who study cell death, as well as for reviewers who need to constructively critique scientific reports that deal with cellular demise. Given the difficulties in determining the exact number of cells that have passed the point-of-no-return of the signaling cascades leading to cell death, we emphasize the importance of performing multiple, methodologically unrelated assays to quantify dying and dead cells.
Dans le cadre de la planification de l'entraînement d'un athlète, l'affûtage précompétitif consiste à réduire les charges d'entraînement et éliminer le stress des séances précédentes afin d'optimiser les performances futures. Il existe des outils pour analyser les changements physiologiques qui se manifestent dans l'organisme des sportifs pendant cette période et qui sont responsables du gain de performance. L'analyse des indices corporels par bioimpédancemétrie pourrait constituer un outil simple et non invasif pour monitorer les performances et l'entraînement des sportifs d'élites. Méthodologie : Treize nageurs élites ont été analysés sur trois affûtages (T1, N=7 ; T2, N=6 et T3, N=8) qui précèdent trois objectifs nationaux majeurs. Un bioimpédancemètre multifréquence, le Z-Métrix, a été utilisé pour mesurer les indices avant et après l'affûtage. Sur le même principe, les performances des sujets ont été comparées entre la compétition qui suit l'affûtage et une compétition précédente sans affûtage. Pour compléter l'analyse, la charge d'entraînement pendant l'affûtage a été quantifiée puis comparée à la charge qui précède. L'évolution des indices corporels pourra donc être mise en relation avec les différences de performance et la variation de la charge d'entraînement.
Au printemps 2012, des employés administratifs, ayant récemment emménagé dans un nouveau bâtiment à hautes performances énergétiques, se plaignent de problèmes de santé et de gênes compatibles avec un syndrome du bâtiment malsain. L'employeur a entendu les plaintes des collaborateurs, et choisit une intervention unique, consistant à poser des ouvrants afin de fournir une ventilation naturelle. Parallèlement, il commande à des spécialistes MSST une étude sur l'impact de la mesure sur les plaintes exprimées par les employés. La littérature recommande quant à elle de prendre en charge ce type de problématique de façon itérative, et en abordant de multiples aspects (qualité de l'air, psycho-sociaux, organisationnels). Au vu des nombreuses plaintes de la population, et de la disponibilité de ces données, une analyse détaillée, de cohorte, est proposée dans ce travail de master, dont les objectifs seront de caractériser les plaintes des collaborateurs travaillant dans le bâtiment administratif, de diagnostiquer le type de problématique présent, de déterminer si l'on observe une atténuation des symptômes dans ce bâtiment suite à l'intervention unique de pose des ouvrants, et d'isoler si possible d'autres déterminants d'une évolution favorable ou défavorable de la symptomatologie en présence d'une intervention unique. Une étude de cohorte est menée sur les données récoltées par un questionnaire, basé sur le questionnaire MM40, en mars 2012 (T0) et mars 2013 (T1). La population est décrite, puis des analyses descriptives et par régression logistique sont réalisées. La participation a été importante. Entre T0 et T1, après la pose des ouvrants, le nombre de plaintes et symptômes a diminué, mais la prévalence des plaintes reste importante (odeurs, ventilation, bruit, etc.). Les plaintes et les symptômes mis en évidence sont retrouvés dans la littérature, et sont peu spécifiques à la problématique de ce bâtiment, situé en Suisse. De nouvelles pistes d'intervention sont proposées au vu des résultats trouvés.
A variety of technologies have been developed to assist decision-making during the management of patients with acute brain injury who require intensive care. A large body of research has been generated describing these various technologies. The Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) in collaboration with the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), the Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), and the Latin America Brain Injury Consortium (LABIC) organized an international, multidisciplinary consensus conference to perform a systematic review of the published literature to help develop evidence-based practice recommendations on bedside physiologic monitoring. This supplement contains a Consensus Summary Statement with recommendations and individual topic reviews on physiologic processes important in the care of acute brain injury. In this article we provide the evidentiary tables for select topics including systemic hemodynamics, intracranial pressure, brain and systemic oxygenation, EEG, brain metabolism, biomarkers, processes of care and monitoring in emerging economies to provide the clinician ready access to evidence that supports recommendations about neuromonitoring.