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Summary Acquisition of lineage-specific cell cycle duration is an important feature of metazoan development. In Caenorhabditis a/egans, differences in cell cycle duration are already apparent in two-cell stage embryos, when the larger anterior blastomere AB divides before the smaller posterior blastomere P1. This time difference is under the control of anterior-posterior (A-P) polarity cues set by the PAR proteins. The mechanism by which these cues regulate the cell cycle machinery differentially in AB and P1 are incompletely understood. Previous work established that retardation of P1 cell division is due in part to preferential activation of an ATL1/CHK-1 dependent checkpoint in P1 but how the remaining time difference is controlled was not known at the onset of my work. The principal line of work in this thesis established that differential timing relies also on a mechanism that promotes mitosis onset preferentially in AB. The polo-like kinase PLK-1, a positive regulator of mitotic entry, is distributed in an asymmetric manner in two-cell stage embryos, with more protein present in AB than in P1. We find that PLK-1 asymmetry is regulated by anterior-posterior (A-P) polarity cues through preferential protein retention in the embryo anterior. Importantly, mild inactivation of plk-1 by RNAi delays entry into mitosis in P1 but not in AB, in a manner that is independent of ATL-1/CHK-1. Together, these findings favor a model in which differential timing of mitotic entry in C. elegans embryos relies on two complementary mechanisms: ATL-1/CHK-1 dependent preferential retardation in P1 and PLK-1 dependent preferential promotion in AB, which together couple polarity cues and cell cycle progression during early development. Besides analyzing PLK-1 asymmetry and its role in differential timing of two-cells stage embryos, we also characterized t2190, a mutant that exhibits reduced differential timing between AB and P1. We found this mutant to be a new allele of par-1. Additionally, we analyzed the role of NMY-2 in regulating the asynchrony of two-cell stage embryos, which may be uncoupled from its role in A-P polarity establishment and carried out a preliminary analysis of the mechanism underlying CDC-25 asymmetry between AB and P,. Overall, our works bring new insights into the mechanism controlling cell cycle progression in early C. elegans embryos. As most of the players important in C. elegans are conserved in other organisms, analogous mechanisms may be utilized in polarized cells of other species. Résumé Au cours du développement, les processus de division cellulaire sont régulés dans l'espace et le temps afin d'aboutir à la formation d'un organisme fonctionnel. Chez les Métazoaires, l'un des mécanismes de contrôle s'effectue au niveau de la durée du cycle cellulaire, celle-ci étant specifiée selon la lignée cellulaire. L'embryon du nématode Caenorhabditis elegans apparaît comme un excellent modèle d'étude de la régulation temporelle du cycle cellulaire. En effet, suite à la première division du zygote, l'embryon est alors composé de deux cellules de taille et d'identité différentes, appelées blastomères AB et P1. Ces deux cellules vont ensuite se diviser de manière asynchrone, le grand blastomère antérieur AB se divisant plus rapidement que le petit blastomère postérieur P1. Cette asynchronie de division est sous le contrôle des protéines PAR qui sont impliquées dans l'établissement de l'axe antéro-postérieur de l'embryon. A ce jour, les mécanismes moléculaires gouvernant ce processus d'asynchronie ne sont que partiellement compris. Des études menées précédemment ont établit que le retard de division observé dans le petit blastomère postérieur P1 était dû, en partie, à l'activation préférentielle dans cette cellule de ATL-1/CHK-1, protéines contrôlant la réponse à des erreurs dans le processus de réplication de l'ADN. L'analyse des autres mécanismes responsables de la différence temporelle d'entrée en mitose des deux cellules a été entreprise au cours de cette thèse. Nous avons considéré la possibilité que l'asynchronie de division était du à l'entrée préférentielle en mitose du grand blastomère AB. Nous avons établi que la protéine kinase PLK-1 (polo-like kinase 1), impliquée dans la régulation positive de la mitose, était distribuée de manière asymétrique dans l'embryon deux cellules. PLK-1 est en effet enrichi dans le blastomère AB. Cette localisation asymétrique de PLK-1 est sous le contrôle des protéines PAR et semble établie via une rétention de PLK-1 dans la cellule AB. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que l'inactivation partielle de plk-7 par interférence à ARN (RNAi) conduit à un délai de l'entrée en mitose de la cellule P1 spécifiquement, indépendamment des protéines régulatrices ATL-1/CHK-1. En conclusion, nous proposons un modèle de régulation temporelle de l'entrée en mitose dans l'embryon deux cellules de C. elegans basé sur deux mécanismes complémentaires. Le premier implique l'activation préférentielle des protéines ATL-1/CHK-1, et conduit à un retard d'entrée en mitose spécifiquement dans la cellule P1. Le second est basé sur la localisation asymétrique de la protéine kinase PLK-1 dans la cellule AB et induit une entrée précoce en mitose de cette cellule. Par ailleurs, nous avons étudié un mutant appelé t2190 qui réduit la différence temporelle d'entrée en mitose entre les cellules AB et P1. Nous avons démontré que ce mutant correspondait à un nouvel allèle du Bene par-1. De plus, nous avons analysé le rôle de NMY-2, une protéine myosine qui agit comme moteur moléculaire sur les filaments d'active; dans la régulation de l'asynchronie de division des blastomères AB et P1, indépendamment de sa fonction dans l'établissement de l'axe antéro-postérieur. Par ailleurs, nous avons commencé l'étude du mécanisme moléculaire régulant la localisation asymétrique entre les cellules AB et P1 de la protéine phosphatase CDC25, qui est également un important régulateur de l'entrée en mitose. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse a permis une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes gouvernant la progression du cycle cellulaire dans l'embryon précoce de C. elegans. Etant donné que la plupart des protéines impliquées dans ces processus sont conservées chez d'autres organismes multicellulaires, il apparaît probable que les mécanismes moléculaires révélés dans cette étude soit aussi utilisés chez ceux-ci.
Aims: In perennial species, the allocation of resources to reproduction results in a reduction of allocation to vegetative growth and, therefore, impacts future reproductive success. As a consequence, variation in this trade-off is among the most important driving forces in the life-history evolution of perennial plants and can lead to locally adapted genotypes. In addition to genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity might also contribute to local adaptation of plants to local conditions by mediating changes in reproductive allocation. Knowledge on the importance of genetic and environmental effects on the trade-off between reproduction and vegetative growth is therefore essential to understand how plants may respond to environmental changes. Methods: We conducted a transplant experiment along an altitudinal gradient from 425 m to 1921 m in the front range of the Western Alps of Switzerland to assess the influence of both altitudinal origin of populations and altitude of growing site on growth, reproductive investment and local adaptation in Poa alpina. Important findings: In our study, the investment in reproduction increased with plant size. Plant growth and the relative importance of reproductive investment decreased in populations originating from higher altitudes compared to populations originating from lower altitudes. The changes in reproductive investment were mainly explained by differences in plant size. In contrast to genetic effects, phenotypic plasticity of all traits measured was low and not related to altitude. As a result, the population from the lowest altitude of origin performed best at all sites. Our results indicate that in P. alpina genetic differences in growth and reproductive investment are related to local conditions affecting growth, i.e. interspecific competition and soil moisture content.
To better understand the relationship between tumor-host interactions and the efficacy of chemotherapy, we have developed an analytical approach to quantify several biological processes observed in gene expression data sets. We tested the approach on tumor biopsies from individuals with estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer treated with chemotherapy. We report that increased stromal gene expression predicts resistance to preoperative chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (FEC) in subjects in the EORTC 10994/BIG 00-01 trial. The predictive value of the stromal signature was successfully validated in two independent cohorts of subjects who received chemotherapy but not in an untreated control group, indicating that the signature is predictive rather than prognostic. The genes in the signature are expressed in reactive stroma, according to reanalysis of data from microdissected breast tumor samples. These findings identify a previously undescribed resistance mechanism to FEC treatment and suggest that antistromal agents may offer new ways to overcome resistance to chemotherapy.
In solid organ transplantation, ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury during organ procurement, storage and reperfusion is an unavoidable detrimental event for the graft, as it amplifies graft inflammation and rejection. Intracellular mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways regulate inflammation and cell survival during IR injury. The four best-characterized MAPK subfamilies are the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular signal- regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2), p38 MAPK, and big MAPK-1 (BMK1/ERK5). Here, we review the role of MAPK activation during myocardial IR injury as it occurs during heart transplantation. Most of our current knowledge regarding MAPK activation and cardioprotection comes from studies of preconditioning and postconditioning in nontransplanted hearts. JNK and p38 MAPK activation contributes to myocardial IR injury after prolonged hypothermic storage. p38 MAPK inhibition improves cardiac function after cold storage, rewarming and reperfusion. Small-molecule p38 MAPK inhibitors have been tested clinically in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases, but not in transplanted patients, so far. Organ transplantation offers the opportunity of starting a preconditioning treatment before organ procurement or during cold storage, thus modulating early events in IR injury. Future studies will need to evaluate combined strategies including p38 MAPK and/or JNK inhibition, ERK1/2 activation, pre- or postconditioning protocols, new storage solutions, and gentle reperfusion.
AbstractMyotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), also known as Steinert's disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease. DM1 is characterized by myotonia, muscular weakness and atrophy, but it has a multisystemic phenotype. The genetic basis of the disease is the abnormal expansion of CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region of the DM protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. The size of the expansion correlates to the severity of the disease and the age of onset.Respiratory problems have long been recognized to be a major feature of the disease and are the main factor contributing to mortality ; however the mechanisms are only partly known. The aim of our study is to investigate whether respiratory failure results only from the involvement of the dystrophic process at the level of the respiratory muscles or comes also from abnormalities in the neuronal network that generates and controls the respiratory rhythm. The generation of valid transgenic mice displaying the human DM1 phenotype by the group of Dr. Gourdon provided us a useful tool to analyze the brain stem respiratory neurons, spinal phrenic motoneurons and phrenic nerves. We examined therefore these structures in transgenic mice carrying 350-500 CTGs and displaying a mild form of the disease (DM1 mice). The morphological and morphometric analysis of diaphragm muscle sections revealed a denervation of the end-plates (EPs), characterized by a decrease in size and shape complexity of EPs and a reduction in the density of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). Also a strong and significant reduction in the number of phrenic unmyelinated fibers was detected, but not in the myelinated fibers. In addition, no pathological changes were detected in the cervical motoneurons and medullary respiratory centers (Panaite et al., 2008). These results suggest that the breathing rhythm is probably not affected in mice expressing a mild form of DM1, but rather the transmission of action potentials at the level of diaphragm NMJs is deficient.Because size of the mutation increases over generations, new transgenic mice were obtained from the mice with 350-500 CTGs, resulting from a large increase of CTG repeat in successive generations, these mice carry more than 1300 CTGs (DMSXL) and display a severe DM1 phenotype (Gomes-Pereira et al., 2007). Before we study the mechanism underlying the respiratory failure in DMSXL mice, we analyzed the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in these mice by electrophysiological, histological and morphometric methods. Our results provide strong evidence that DMSXL mice have motor neuropathy (Panaite et al., 2010, submitted). Therefore the DMSXL mice expressing severe DM1 features represent for us a good tool to investigate, in the future, the physiological, structural and molecular alterations underlying respiratory failure in DM1. Understanding the mechanism of respiratory deficiency will help to better target the therapy of these problems in DM1 patients. In addition our results may, in the future, orientate pharmaceutical and clinical research towards possible development of therapy against respiratory deficits associated with the DM1.RésuméLa dystrophic myotonique type 1 (DM1), aussi dénommée maladie de Steinert, est une maladie héréditaire autosomique dominante. Elle est caractérisée par une myotonie, une faiblesse musculaire avec atrophie et se manifeste aussi par un phénotype multisystémique. La base génétique de la maladie est une expansion anormale de répétitions CTG dans une région non traduite en 3' du gène de la DM protéine kinase (DMPK) sur le chromosome 19. La taille de l'expansion est corrélée avec la sévérité et l'âge d'apparition de DM1.Bien que les problèmes respiratoires soient reconnus depuis longtemps comme une complication de la maladie et soient le principal facteur contribuant à la mortalité, les mécanismes en sont partiellement connus. Le but de notre étude est d'examiner si l'insuffisance respiratoire de la DM1 est dû au processus dystrophique au niveau des muscles respiratoires ou si elle est entraînée aussi par des anomalies dans le réseau neuronal qui génère et contrôle le rythme respiratoire. La production par le groupe du Dr. Gourdon de souris transgéniques de DM1, manifestant le phénotype de DM1 humaine, nous a fourni un outil pour analyser les nerfs phréniques, les neurones des centres respiratoires du tronc cérébral et les motoneurones phréniques. Par conséquence, nous avons examiné ces structures chez des souris transgéniques portant 350-500 CTG et affichant une forme légère de la maladie (souris DM1). L'analyse morphologique et morphométrique des sections du diaphragme a révélé une dénervation des plaques motrices et une diminution de la taille et de la complexité de la membrane postsynaptîque, ainsi qu'une réduction de la densité des récepteurs à l'acétylcholine. Nous avons aussi détecté une réduction significative du nombre de fibres nerveuses non myélinisées mais pas des fibres myélinisées. Par ailleurs, aucun changement pathologique n'a été détecté pour les neurones moteurs médullaires cervicaux et centres respiratoires du tronc cérébral (Panaite et al., 2008). Ces résultats suggèrent que le iythme respiratoire n'est probablement pas affecté chez les souris manifestant une forme légère du DM1, mais plutôt que la transmission des potentiels d'action au niveau des plaques motrices du diaphragme est déficiente.Comme la taille du mutation augmente au fil des générations, de nouvelles souris transgéniques ont été générés par le groupe Gourdon; ces souris ont plus de 1300 CTG (DMSXL) et manifestent un phénotype sévère du DM1 (Gomes-Pereira et al., 2007). Avant d'étudier le mécanisme sous-jacent de l'insuffisance respiratoire chez les souris DMSXL, nous avons analysé le système nerveux périphérique chez ces souris par des méthodes électrophysiologiques, histologiques et morphométriques. Nos résultats fournissent des preuves solides que les souris DMSXL manifestent une neuropathie motrice (Panaite et al., 2010, soumis). Par conséquent, les souris DMSXL représentent pour nous un bon outil pour étudier, à l'avenir, les modifications physiologiques, morphologiques et moléculaires qui sous-tendent l'insuffisance respiratoire du DM1. La connaissance du mécanisme de déficience respiratoire en DM1 aidera à mieux cibler le traitement de ces problèmes aux patients. De plus, nos résultats pourront, à l'avenir, orienter la recherche pharmaceutique et clinique vers le développement de thérapie contre le déficit respiratoire associé à DM1.
We previously showed in a 3D rat brain cell in vitro model for glutaric aciduria type-I that repeated application of 1mM 3-hydroxy-glutarate (3-OHGA) caused ammonium accumulation, morphologic alterations and induction of non-apoptotic cell death in developing brain cells. Here, we performed a dose-response study with lower concentrations of 3- OHGA.We exposed our cultures to 0.1, 0.33 and 1mM 3-OHGA every 12h over three days at two developmental stages (DIV5-8 and DIV11-14). Ammonium accumulation was observed at both stages starting from 0.1mM 3-OHGA, in parallel with a glutamine decrease. Morphological changes started at 0.33mM with loss of MBP expression and loss of astrocytic processes. Neurons were not substantially affected. At DIV8, release of LDH in the medium and cellular TUNEL staining increased from 0.1mM and 0.33mM 3-OHGA exposure, respectively. No increase in activated caspase-3 was observed. We confirmed ammonium accumulation and non-apoptotic cell death of brain cells in our in vitro model at lower 3-OHGA concentrations thus strongly suggesting that the observed effects are likely to take place in the brain of affected patients. The concomitant glutamine decrease suggests a defect in the astrocyte ammonium buffering system. Ammonium accumulation might be the cause of non-apoptotic cell death.
BACKGROUND: Minimal change disease (MCD) and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) are the most common causes of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS). We have evaluated the reliability of urinary neutrophil-gelatinase-associated lipocalin (uNGAL), urinary alpha1-microglobulin (uα1M) and urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (uβNAG) as markers for differentiating MCD from FSGS. We have also evaluated whether these proteins are associated to INS relapses or to glomerular filtration rate (GFR). METHODS: The patient cohort comprised 35 children with MCD and nine with FSGS; 19 healthy age-matched children were included in the study as controls. Of the 35 patients, 28 were in remission (21 MCD, 7 FSGS) and 16 were in relapse (14 MCD, 2 FSGS). The prognostic accuracies of these proteins were assessed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses. RESULTS: The level of uNGAL, indexed or not to urinary creatinine (uCreat), was significantly different between children with INS and healthy children (p = 0.02), between healthy children and those with FSGS (p = 0.007) and between children with MCD and those with FSGS (p = 0.01). It was not significantly correlated to proteinuria or GFR levels. The ROC curve analysis showed that a cut-off value of 17 ng/mg for the uNGAL/uCreat ratio could be used to distinguish MCD from FSGS with a sensitivity of 0.77 and specificity of 0.78. uβNAG was not significantly different in patients with MCD and those with FSGS (p = 0.86). Only uα1M, indexed or not to uCreat, was significantly (p < 0.001) higher for patients in relapse compared to those in remission. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that in our patient cohort uNGAL was a reliable biomarker for differentiating MCD from FSGS independently of proteinuria or GFR levels.
Background: The divergent glacial histories of southern and northern Europe affect present-day species diversity at coarse-grained scales in these two regions, but do these effects also penetrate to the more fine-grained scales of local communities?Methodology/Principal Findings: We carried out a cross-scale analysis to address this question for vascular plants in two mountain regions, the Alps in southern Europe and the Scandes in northern Europe, using environmentally paired vegetation plots in the two regions (n = 403 in each region) to quantify four diversity components: (i) total number of species occurring in a region (total gamma-diversity), (ii) number of species that could occur in a target plot after environmental filtering (habitat-specific gamma-diversity), (iii) pair-wise species compositional turnover between plots (plot-to-plot beta-diversity) and (iv) number of species present per plot (plot gamma-diversity). We found strong region effects on total gamma-diversity, habitat-specific gamma-diversity and plot-to-plot beta-diversity, with a greater diversity in the Alps even towards distances smaller than 50 m between plots. In contrast, there was a slightly greater plot alpha-diversity in the Scandes, but with a tendency towards contrasting region effects on high and low soil-acidity plots.Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that there are strong regional differences between coarse-grained (landscape- to regional-scale) diversity components of the flora in the Alps and the Scandes mountain ranges,but that these differences do not necessarily penetrate to the finest-grained (plot-scale) diversity component, at least not on acidic soils. Because different processes can lead to a similar pattern, we discuss the consistency of our results with Quaternary history and other divergent features between the two regions such as habitat connectivity, selection for vagility and environmental differences not accounted for in our analyses
Résumé La iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), une fois marqué au 123I ou au 125I, est un agent potentiel pour des thérapies par rayonnements Auger. Cependant, des limitations restreignent son incorporation dans l'ADN. Afin d'augmenter celle-ci, différents groupes ont étudié la fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), qui favorise l'incorporation d'analogue de la thymidine, sans toutefois parvenir à une toxicité associé plus importante. Dans notre approche, 3 lignées cellulaires de glioblastomes humains et une lignée de cancer ovarien ont été utilisées. Nous avons observé, 16 à 24 h après un court pré-traitement à la FdUrd, un fort pourcentage de cellules s'accumulant en phase S. Plus qu'une accumulation, c'était une synchronisation des cellules, celles-ci restant capables d'incorporer la radio-IdIrd et repartant dans le cycle cellulaire. De plus, ces cellules accumulées après un pré-traitement à la FdUrd étaient plus radio-sensibles. Après le même intervalle de 16 à 24 h suivant la FdUrd, les 4 lignées cellulaires ont incorporé des taux plus élevés de radio-IdUrd que sans ce prétraitement. Une corrélation temporelle entre l'accumulation des cellules en phase S et la forte incorporation de radio-IdUrd a ainsi été révélée 16 à 24 h après pré-traitement à la FdUrd. Les expériences de traitement par rayonnements Auger sur les cellules accumulées en phase S ont montré une augmentation significative de l'efficacité thérapeutique de 125I-IdUrd comparé aux cellules non prétraitées à la FdUrd. Une première estimation a permis de déterminer que 100 désintégrations de 125I par cellules étant nécessaires afin d'atteindre l'efficacité thérapeutique. De plus, p53 semble jouer un rôle dans l'induction directe de mort cellulaire après des traitements par rayonnements Auger, comme indiqué par les mesures par FACS d'apoptose et de nécrose 24 et 48 h après le traitement. Concernant les expériences in vivo, nous avons observé une incorporation marquée de la radio-IdUrd dans l'ADN après un pré-traitement à la FdUrd dans un model de carcinomatose ovarienne péritonéale. Une augmentation encore plus importante a été observée après injection intra-tumorale dans des transplants sous-cutanés de glioblastomes sur des souris nues. Ces modèles pourraient être utilisés pour de plus amples études de diffusion de radio-IdUrd et de thérapie par rayonnement Auger. En conclusion, ce travail montre une première application réussie de la FdUrd afin d'accroître l'efficacité de la radio-IdUrd par traitements aux rayonnements Auger. La synchronisation des cellules en phase S combinée avec la forte incorporation de radio-IdUrd dans l'ADN différées après un pré-traitement à la FdUrd ont montré le gain thérapeutique attendu in vitro. De plus, des études in vivo sont tout indiquées après les observations encourageantes d'incorporation de radio-IdUrd dans les models de transplants sous-cutanés de glioblastomes et de tumeurs péritonéales ovariennes. Summary Iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), labelled with 123I or 125I, could be a potential Auger radiation therapy agent. However, limitations restrict its DNA incorporation in proliferating cells. Therefore, fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), which favours incorporation of thymidine analogues, has been studied by different groups in order to increase radio-IdUrd DNA incorporation, however therapeutic efficacy increase could not be reached. In our approach, 3 human glioblastoma cell lines with different p53 expression and one ovarian cancer line were pre-treated with various FdUrd conditions. We observed a high percentage of cells accumulating in early S phase 16 to 24 h after a short and non-toxic FdUrd pre-treatment. More than an accumulation, this was a synchronization, cells remaining able to incorporate radio-IdUrd and re-entering the cell cycle. Furthermore, the S phase accumulated cells post FdUrd pre-treatment were more radiosensitive. After the same delay of 16 to 24 h post FdUrd pre-treatment, the 4 cell lines were incorporating higher rates of radio-IdUrd compared with untreated cells. A time correlation between S phase accumulation and high radio-IdUrd incorporation was therefore revealed 16 to 24 h post FdUrd pre-treatment. Auger radiation treatment experiments performed on S phase enriched cells showed a significant increase of killing efficacy of 125I-IdUrd compared with cells not pre-treated with FdUrd. A first estimation indicates further that about 100 125I decays were required to reach killing in the targeted cells. Moreover, p53 might play a role on the direct induction of cell death pathways after Auger radiation treatments, as indicated by differential apoptosis and necrosis induction measured by FACS 24 and 48 h after treatment initiation. Concerning in vivo results, we observed a marked DNA incorporation increase of radio-IdUrd after FdUrd pre-treatment in peritoneal carcinomatosis in SCID mice. Even higher incorporation increase was observed after intra-tumoural injection of radio-IdUrd in subcutaneous glioblastoma transplants in nude mice. These tumour models might be further useful for diffusion of radio-IdUrd and Auger radiation therapy studies. In conclusion, these data show a first successful application of thymidine synthesis inhibition able to increase the efficacy of radio-IdUrd Auger radiation treatment. The S phase synchronization combined with a high percentage DNA incorporation of radio-IdUrd delayed post FdUrd pre-treatment provided the expected therapeutic gain in vitro. Further in vivo studies are indicated after the observations of encouraging radio-IdUrd uptake experiments in glioblastoma subcutaneous xenografts and in an ovarian peritoneal carcinomatosis model.
BACKGROUND: Targeted delivery of anticancer chemotherapeutics such as mitoxantrone (MTX) can significantly intensify their cytotoxic effects selectively in solid tumors such as breast cancer. In the current study, folic acid (FA)-armed and MTX-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were engineered for targeted eradication of folate receptor (FR)-positive cancerous cells. Polyethylene glycol (PEG), FA and MTX were covalently conjugated onto the MNPs to engineer the PEGylated FA-MTX-MNPs. The internalization studies were performed using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled FA-decorated MNPs (FA-FITC-MNPs) in both FR-positive MCF-7 cells and FR-negative A549 cells by means of fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. The cellular and molecular impacts of FA-MTX-MNPs were examined using trypan blue cell viability and FITC-labeled annexin V apoptosis assays and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, DNA ladder and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays. RESULTS: The FR-positive MCF-7 cells showed significant internalization of the FA-FITC-MNPs, but not the FR-negative A549 cells. The FR-positive cells treated with the PEGylated FA-MTX-MNPs exhibited the IC50 values of 3 μg/mL and 1.7 μg/mL, 24 h and 48 h post-treatment, respectively. DAPI staining and DNA ladder assays revealed significant condensation of nucleus and fragmentation of genomic DNA in the FR-positive MCF-7 cells treated with the PEGylated FA-MTX-MNPs as compared to the FR-negative A549 cells. The FITC-labeled annexin V assay confirmed emergence of late apoptosis (>80%) in the FR-positive MCF-7 cells treated with the PEGylated FA-MTX-MNPs, but not in the FR-negative A549 cells. The qPCR analysis confirmed profound cytotoxic impacts via alterations of apoptosis-related genes induced by MTX-FA-MNPs in MCF-7 cells, but not in the A549 cells. CONCLUSION: Our findings evince that the engineered PEGylated FA-MTX-MNPs can be specifically taken up by the FR-positive malignant cells and effectively demolish them through up-regulation of Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) and Caspase 9 and down-regulation of AKt. Hence, the engineered nanosystem is proposed for simultaneous targeted imaging and therapy of various cancers overexpressing FRs.
BACKGROUND: Pneumonia is the biggest cause of deaths in young children in developing countries, but early diagnosis and intervention can effectively reduce mortality. We aimed to assess the diagnostic value of clinical signs and symptoms to identify radiological pneumonia in children younger than 5 years and to review the accuracy of WHO criteria for diagnosis of clinical pneumonia. METHODS: We searched Medline (PubMed), Embase (Ovid), the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and reference lists of relevant studies, without date restrictions, to identify articles assessing clinical predictors of radiological pneumonia in children. Selection was based on: design (diagnostic accuracy studies), target disease (pneumonia), participants (children aged <5 years), setting (ambulatory or hospital care), index test (clinical features), and reference standard (chest radiography). Quality assessment was based on the 2011 Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) criteria. For each index test, we calculated sensitivity and specificity and, when the tests were assessed in four or more studies, calculated pooled estimates with use of bivariate model and hierarchical summary receiver operation characteristics plots for meta-analysis. FINDINGS: We included 18 articles in our analysis. WHO-approved signs age-related fast breathing (six studies; pooled sensitivity 0·62, 95% CI 0·26-0·89; specificity 0·59, 0·29-0·84) and lower chest wall indrawing (four studies; 0·48, 0·16-0·82; 0·72, 0·47-0·89) showed poor diagnostic performance in the meta-analysis. Features with the highest pooled positive likelihood ratios were respiratory rate higher than 50 breaths per min (1·90, 1·45-2·48), grunting (1·78, 1·10-2·88), chest indrawing (1·76, 0·86-3·58), and nasal flaring (1·75, 1·20-2·56). Features with the lowest pooled negative likelihood ratio were cough (0·30, 0·09-0·96), history of fever (0·53, 0·41-0·69), and respiratory rate higher than 40 breaths per min (0·43, 0·23-0·83). INTERPRETATION: Not one clinical feature was sufficient to diagnose pneumonia definitively. Combination of clinical features in a decision tree might improve diagnostic performance, but the addition of new point-of-care tests for diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia would help to attain an acceptable level of accuracy. FUNDING: Swiss National Science Foundation.
Pulmonary fat embolism (PFE) is a common complication of blunt force traumas with bone fractures. Severe forms cause impedance to right ventricular (RV) ejection, with eventual right heart ischaemia and failure. In a prospective study, we have investigated 220 consecutive autopsy cases (73 females, 147 males, mean age 52.1 years, min 14 years, max 91 years). PFE was detected in 52 cases that were divided into three groups according to the degree of PFE (1-3). A fourth group of cases of violent death without PFE was used for comparison. In each case, histology (H&E, Masson) and immunohistochemistry (fibronectin and C5b-9) were performed on six cardiac samples (anterior, lateral and posterior wall of both ventricles). The degree of cardiac damage was registered in each sample and the mean degree of damage was calculated in each case at the RV and left ventricle (LV). Moreover, a parameter ∆ that is the difference between the mean damage at the RV and the LV was calculated in each case. The results were compared within each group and between the groups. In the present study, we could not detect prevalent RV damage in cases of high degree PFE as we did in our previous investigation. In the group PFE3 the difference of the degree of damage between the RV and LV was higher than the one observed in the groups PFE0-2 with the antibody anti-fibronectin. Prevalent right ventricular stress in cases of severe PFE may explain this observation.
Patients with cleft palate are prone to velopharyngeal insufficiency. In minor cases or when hypernasal speech does not resolve after velopharyngoplasty, an augmentation pharyngoplasty with autologous fat can be proposed. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the short-term (within 2 months) and long-term efficiency (during the 24 months following the procedure) of our procedure in the setting of velopharyngeal insufficiency related to a cleft palate. Twenty-two patients with cleft palate related velopharyngeal insufficiency were included in this retrospective study. All patients were operated following the same technique, in the same institution. The pre- and postoperative evaluations included a nasometry, a subjective evaluation using the Borel-Maisonny score, and a nasofibroscopy to assess the degree of velopharyngeal closure. Scores of Borel-Maisonny and nasometry were compared before, shortly after the procedure (within 2 months) and long term after the procedure (within 24 months). Forty-one procedures in 22 patients with a cleft palate performed in our institution between October 2004 and January 2012 were included in the study. Nine patients had a previous velopharyngoplasty with persistent rhinolalia despite intensive speech therapy. In 14 patients the procedure was repeated because of recurrent hypernasal speech after the first injection. The average number of procedures per patient was 1.8. Postoperative nasometry and Borel-Maisonny scores were statistically significantly improved and remained stable until the end of the follow-up (median 42 months postoperative) in most patients. Complications were rare and minor. Autologous fat injection is a simple procedure for treatment of minor velopharyngeal insufficiencies in patients with cleft palate, with good long-term results and few complications.